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Created April 25, 2016 06:07
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# Refactoring Directives to 1.5 Components
Below you will find guide on how to refactor your directives to components:
**Step 1 - Rename your files suffix:**
Components should have the suffix `.component.ts` while directives have the `.dir.ts suffix`.
`<file_name>.drv.ts` ==> `<file_name>.component.ts`
Note: all related files should be renamed as well (jade, less, spec etc.).
**Step 2 - Change the module initialization:**
In the relevant module change the initialization from directive to component.
`angular.module('app').directive(“dirName”, Directive)` ==> `angular.module('app').component(“componentName”, Component)`
**Step 3 - Change directive declaration to component declaration:**
In the directive file change the declaration from directive to component. Here is an example of a directive which was refactored to component:
export default function SchedulingDrv(TemplateBasePath) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: SchedulingController,
controllerAs: 'scg',
bindToController: true,
scope: {
getIsEditMode: '&editMode',
getStartDate: '&startDate',
getEndDate: '&endDate',
getDisabled: '&disabled',
onChange: '&',
getMaxDate: '&',
disabledMsg$: '@disabledMsg',
getHideContinuesPicker: '&hideContinuesPicker'
templateUrl: TemplateBasePath + 'modules/amplify/common/scheduling/ob-scheduling.html'
export default const SchedulingComponent = {
templateUrl: [
'TemplateBasePath', TemplateBasePath =>
controller: SchedulingController,
controllerAs: 'scg',
bindings: <{[binding: string]: string}>{
isEditMode: '<editMode',
startDate: '<',
endDate: '<',
isDisabled: '<disabled',
onChange: '&',
maxDate: '<',
disabledMsg$: '@disabledMsg',
hideContinuesPicker: '<'
Note: that the controller (which is a class) **must** be placed above the component declaration because it is not hoisted.
**Step 4 - Replace linking function with @onInit function:**
If your component uses the linking function you should replace it with the `@onInirt` function, which should be created on the component controller.
export default function SchedulingDrv(TemplateBasePath) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: SchedulingController,
controllerAs: 'scg',
link: function() {
class SchedulingController {
@onInit() {
**Step 5 - Replace `$` with @ngChanges:**
If your directives watches for changes in it's attributes then you should replace the `$scope.$watch` with `@ngChanges` function.
this.$scope.$watch(() => {
return this.getStartDate();
}, (newVal: Moment, oldVal: Moment) => {
if (newVal && oldVal && !newVal.isSame(oldVal, 'd')) {
$onChanges(changesObj) {
if(changesObj.startDate) {
let {previousValue, currentValue} = changesObj.startDate;
if (currentValue && previousValue && !currentValue.isSame(previousValue, 'd')) {
**Step 5 - Replace `$scope.$on('destroy')` with @onDestroy:**
If you have a some logic that should be executed on the destruction event you then should use the `@onDestroy` function instead of using the `$scope.$on('destroy')` .
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