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"Thread";"Main loop";"Database polling update";"Protocol manager update";"IrrDriver update";"EndSccene";"ProfilerDraw";"GUIEngine";"renderPlayerView() for kart 0";"drawAll() for kart 0";"- MLAA";"- Motion blur";"- Tonemap";"- Bloom";"- Godrays";"- DoF";"- Particles";"- Transparent Pass";"- Lensflare/godray";"- Glow";"- Skybox";"- Fog";"- Solid Pass 2";"- SSAO";"- Light";"- Solid Pass 1";"- RSM";"- Shadow";"- Draw Call Generation";"- Draw Command upload";"- Animations/Buffer upload";"- Sync Stall";"Compute camera matrix";"Update Light Info";"Music/input/GUI";"Update race";"World::update()";"World::update (projectiles)";"World::update (weather)";"World::update (camera)";"World::update (AI)";"Physics";"World::update (sub-updates)";
"Thread";"Main loop";"Database polling update";"Protocol manager update";"IrrDriver update";"EndSccene";"ProfilerDraw";"GUIEngine";"renderPlayerView() for kart 0";"drawAll() for kart 0";"- MLAA";"- Motion blur";"- Tonemap";"- Bloom";"- Godrays";"- DoF";"- Particles";"- Transparent Pass";"- Lensflare/godray";"- Glow";"- Skybox";"- Fog";"- Solid Pass 2";"- SSAO";"- Light";"- Solid Pass 1";"- RSM";"- Shadow";"- Draw Call Generation";"- Draw Command upload";"- Animations/Buffer upload";"- Sync Stall";"Compute camera matrix";"Update Light Info";"Music/input/GUI";"Update race";"World::update()";"World::update (projectiles)";"World::update (weather)";"World::update (camera)";"World::update (AI)";"Physics";"World::update (sub-updates)";
std::thread valueChangerThread([&]() {
WaitForSingleObject(handle, INFINITE);
vm::write32(m_label_addr + offset, value);
void D3D12GSRender::semaphorePGRAPHBackendRelease(u32 offset, u32 value)
ID3D12Fence *fence;
m_device->CreateFence(0, D3D12_FENCE_FLAG_NONE, IID_PPV_ARGS(&fence))
HANDLE handle = CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
fence->SetEventOnCompletion(1, handle);
m_commandQueueGraphic->Signal(fence, 1);
> rpcs3-x64-dbg.exe!vm::ps3::write32(unsigned int addr, be_t<unsigned int,unsigned int> value) Ligne 176 C++
rpcs3-x64-dbg.exe!vm::ps3::write32(unsigned int addr, unsigned int value) Ligne 197 C++
rpcs3-x64-dbg.exe!D3D12GSRender::semaphorePGRAPHBackendRelease::__l2::<lambda>() Ligne 1190 C++
E 'BreakPoints.dat' is broken (version=0xea70, break_count=0x0, marked_count=0x90a8cde0, length=0x6)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00024740]} sys_fs error: sys_fs_open('/app_home/fwArgs.txt'): failed to open file (flags=0, mode=0)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00034ae4]} cellGcmSys error: cellGcmSetTileInfo: bad compression mode! (9)
E {RSXThread} Exception: Access violation reading location 0x0
From 9f0d585d2f60a35313e705e15757fce7221cfdc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vlj <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2015 01:19:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix build errors
rpcs3/Emu/RSX/D3D12/D3D12Buffer.cpp | 4 ++--
rpcs3/Emu/SysCalls/Modules/cellSync.cpp | 2 +-
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
* Wrapper for a worker thread that executes lambda functions
* in the order they were submitted during its lifetime.
* Used mostly to release data that are not needed anymore.
struct GarbageCollectionThread
std::mutex m_mutex;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::queue<std::function<void()> > m_queue;
[000000f0] 43 ff e8 08: ila $8, 0x3ffd0
[000000f4] 12 7f f3 99: hbrr 0x6500, 0x90
[000000f8] 42 81 01 8c: ila $12, 0x10203
[000000fc] 3f e0 03 50: shlqbyi $80, $6, 0x0
[00000100] 1c 08 04 12: ai $18, $8, 0x20
[00000104] 32 87 80 09: fsmbi $9, 0xf00
[00000108] 43 38 f0 0f: ila $15, 0x271e0
[0000010c] 3f e0 01 d3: shlqbyi $83, $3, 0x0
[00000110] 04 00 02 52: ori $82, $4, 0x0
L0: ; | ....
push rbx ; 53 |
push rbp ; 55 |
movaps oword ptr [rsp-24], xmm6 ; 0F297424E8 |
xor eax, eax ; 33C0 | xor pos, pos ....W
; [000000f0] 43 ff e8 08: ila $8, 0x3ffd0
movdqa xmm0, oword ptr [r8] ; 66410F6F00 | movdqa reg_0, [imm] ..r. w
movdqa oword ptr [rcx+544], xmm0 ; 660F7F8120020000 | movdqa [cpu+544], reg_0 r... r