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Created May 27, 2022 17:53
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Hacky R2 write IOPs benchmark
// "aws-sdk": "^2.1100.0",
import pkg from 'aws-sdk'
const { S3 } = pkg
import { performance } from 'perf_hooks'
import { globalAgent } from 'http'
import { globalAgent as globalAgentSecure } from 'https'
globalAgent.maxSockets = 300
globalAgentSecure.maxSockets = 300
const creds = {
endpoint: 'https://<ACCOUNT>',
credentials: {
accessKeyId: '',
secretAccessKey: '',
const client = new S3({
region: 'us-east-1',
retryDelayOptions: {
customBackoff: (): number => -1,
function sync<T>(r: AWS.Request<T, AWS.AWSError>): Promise<T> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
r.send((err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const bucket = 'bench'
try {
await sync(client.deleteBucket({
Bucket: bucket
} catch (e) {
if ((e as Error).name === 'BucketNotEmpty') {
while ((e as Error).name === 'BucketNotEmpty') {
const existingObjects = await sync(client.listObjectsV2({
Bucket: bucket,
MaxKeys: 63,
const toDelete = existingObjects.Contents?.map((o) => { return { Key: o.Key! }}) ?? []
await sync(client.deleteObjects({
Bucket: bucket,
Delete: {
Objects: toDelete,
try {
await sync(client.deleteBucket({
Bucket: bucket
e = undefined
} catch (e2) {
e = e2
if (e !== undefined) {
throw e
} else if ((e as Error).name === 'NoSuchBucket') {
} else {
throw e
await sync(client.createBucket({
Bucket: bucket,
console.log(`testing bucket '${bucket}'`)
while (true) {
const ops = []
const start =
const num_loops = 1000
for (let i = 0; i < num_loops; i++) {
const key = `key${(i % 5000).toString().padStart(5, '0')}`
Bucket: bucket,
Key: key,
Body: '',
const results = await Promise.allSettled(ops)
const failed = results.filter((r) => r.status === 'rejected') as PromiseRejectedResult[]
const success = results.filter((r) => r.status === 'fulfilled')
if (failed.length > 0) {
console.error('failed', failed.length, failed[0].reason)
const end =
console.log(ops.length, 'concurrent ops took', end - start, 'milliseconds, or', success.length / ((end - start) / 1000), '(', failed.length, 'failures)')
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