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Created August 14, 2014 02:55
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It is the Wisp of the Druid cards. 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apply to Circle of Healing. The main problem with this card is that it is symmetrical. In the three phases of the game, Circle of Healing is either a win-more, lose-more, or do-nothing card. 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A 1/1 should never trade evenly and is a horrendous draw late game. You can try to use it to active Rogue combos, but even then, it's pretty bad.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 53766, "Secret": ""}, "NAX4_01H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX4_01H", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "45", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1027, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "瘟疫使者诺斯", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "瘟疫使者诺斯", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX4_01H", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "3", "Cost": "0", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_308": {"image_golden": "g-Soulfire", "ac": 243729, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_308", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 242473}", "id": 187, "extra_cn": "是把别人的灵魂点燃?还是用自己的灵魂把别人点燃?这似乎是有很大区别的。", "arena_win": 440421, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "灵魂之火", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "灵魂之火", "id_178": "5060900", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "看着手牌的质量来决定是否使用,不过不用担心被拉卡差", "CardID": "EX1_308", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$4点伤害,随机弃一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Soulfire", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "0", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 903191, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_277": {"image_golden": "g-Arcane+Missiles", "ac": 1173892, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_277", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 1171190}", "id": 132, "extra_cn": "既然你想要做一个超级厉害的法师,就必须得把奥术飞弹控制得好一些。", "arena_win": 3597169, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "奥术飞弹", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "奥术飞弹", "id_178": "9876359", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "开局可以反先手,能够把精灵龙打死,但比较看运气", "CardID": "EX1_277", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "1", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$3点伤害,随机分配给敌方角色。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Arcane Missiles", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Warren Mahy", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Arcane Missles gives you a good deal on three damage but is unwieldy. That it can't really be relied on to kill an early 3/2 holds back Arcane Missiles; that said, if it hits once a Fireblast can finish off a target. All in all, Arcane Missiles just a good spell among great ones.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 6249919, "Secret": ""}, "NAX2_03H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX2_03H", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1012, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "火焰之雨", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "火焰之雨", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX2_03H", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n你的对手每有一张手牌,便发射一枚飞弹。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_578": {"image_golden": "g-Savagery", "ac": 16493, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_578", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 16419}", "id": 271, "extra_cn": "确实有些德鲁伊野性十足,但仍有些喜欢在恬静的时刻品上一壶好茶。", "arena_win": 47490, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "野蛮之击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "野蛮之击", "id_178": "8583254", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要有显著效果还得靠着爪击的combo", "CardID": "EX1_578", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对一个随从造成等同于你的英雄攻击力的伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Savagery", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dave Rapoza", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Savagery is too conditional to be good. While it may synergize well with Bite, this would require picking two less-than-great spells and hoping that you draw both.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 94935, "Secret": ""}, "NAX8_02H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX8_02H", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 984, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "收割", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "收割", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX8_02H", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n抽一张牌。获得一个法力水晶。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, 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", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2058371, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_004": {"image_golden": "g-Young+Priestess", "ac": 319768, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_004", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 12333, \"3\": 24325, \"2\": 38106, \"5\": 16659, \"4\": 59160, \"7\": 32006, \"6\": 44170, \"9\": 23110, \"8\": 68903}", "id": 105, "extra_cn": "她已经等不及想要学习2级的真言术:韧了。", "arena_win": 1057546, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "年轻的女祭司", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "年轻的女祭司", "id_178": "2886863", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "适合在嘲讽后边恶心对手,有心想组动物园可以拿上一两个;但很容易被针对", "CardID": "EX1_004", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在你的回合结束时,使另一个随机友方随从获得+1生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Young Priestess", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Vance Kovacs", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Young Priestess is similar to Pint-Sized Summoner in that, even though they’re not awful, they’re probably not worth a rare slot in your deck. We should note that it is often a mistake to run out your Young Priestess into an empty board. Many of the common minions lost points for being fragile 2/1s and the same applies here. Young Priestess is more powerful with more minions on the board where you can guarantee at least one activation.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 1968716, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_001": {"image_golden": "g-Lightwarden", "ac": 91444, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_001", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 1167, \"3\": 2241, \"2\": 13363, \"5\": 956, \"4\": 8493, \"7\": 1463, \"6\": 4784, \"9\": 53373, \"8\": 5372}", "id": 302, "extra_cn": "她善于从别人的希望之中获取力量。", "arena_win": 277035, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "圣光护卫者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "圣光护卫者", "id_178": "6741458", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "牧师之外,都很难有她拿走的理由,和北郡是个前期压场的combo", "CardID": "EX1_001", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 1, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当一个角色获得治疗时,便获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Lightwarden", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Erik Ko", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Lightwarden obviously goes up in value in a Priest deck. For the other eight classes, however, she is too low impact and will never trigger.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 538280, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_161": {"image_golden": "g-Naturalize", "ac": 284197, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_161", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 283515}", "id": 256, "extra_cn": "又一位战死沙场的将士。", "arena_win": 913355, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "自然平衡", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "自然平衡", "id_178": "6179870", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要是换掉大螺丝之类的大怪物就是赚,要不然…", "CardID": "EX1_161", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "消灭一个随从,你的对手抽两张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Naturalize", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Leo Che", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Letting your opponent draw two cards is not very good. If you are absolutely forced to pick a Naturalize, save it for a Ragnaros -- or similar Legendary -- that will 100% kill you if unanswered.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1706587, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_008": {"image_golden": "g-Argent+Squire", "ac": 968389, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_008", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 29572, \"3\": 105841, \"2\": 129109, \"5\": 36581, \"4\": 203615, \"7\": 51561, \"6\": 140265, \"9\": 55301, \"8\": 214784}", "id": 340, "extra_cn": "“在此我严正宣誓:追随圣光,净化黑暗,只吃煎饼。”——银色黎明之誓", "arena_win": 3333202, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "银色侍从", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "银色侍从", "id_178": "4081479", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "唯二推荐的1费卡之一,1费带圣盾这么一个非常烦人的技能", "CardID": "EX1_008", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "1", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "圣盾", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Argent Squire", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Zoltan & Gabor", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Argent Squire is a bit of a paradox because she is great in Constructed, but not so much in Arena. Argent Squire is basically an Elven Archer with her one free damage on hold. If you see her late, and you've already picked up many buffing minions, then her value goes up because there aren't many targets better than her. This is why she is so great for Constructed, because you can count on always having something to buff her. All in all, she has upside but is not an early pick by any stretch.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 5989156, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_009": {"image_golden": "g-Angry+Chicken", "ac": 10695, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_009", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 432, \"3\": 330, \"2\": 351, \"5\": 2282, \"4\": 2654, \"7\": 392, \"6\": 1991, \"9\": 1463, \"8\": 677}", "id": 149, "extra_cn": "没有什么野兽比一只彻底发疯的小鸡更加吓人(或者更加可笑)的了。", "arena_win": 27513, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "愤怒的小鸡", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "愤怒的小鸡", "id_178": "6089675", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "“没有什么比一只彻底发疯的小鸡更加吓人(或者更加可笑)的了。”", "CardID": "EX1_009", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "激怒:+5攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Angry Chicken", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "1", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Mike Sass", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "It's not going to work.In all seriousness, though, Angry Chicken combined with some buffs such as Blessing of Kings could provide an average result, but setting up that combo for just an average result is just plain too much work.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 58292, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_360": {"image_golden": "g-Humility", "ac": 299862, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_360", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 298941}", "id": 143, "extra_cn": "这张牌真是会让人的心情很糟糕,就像潮湿阴冷的天气。", "arena_win": 950601, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "谦逊", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "谦逊", "id_178": "5080723", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "算是一张硬解,但是很亏卡,慎重考虑", "CardID": "EX1_360", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从的攻击力变为1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Humility", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Daren Bader", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Aldor Peacekeeper scored highly with a very similar ability. This effect is great as a Battlecry but generally doesn't represent enough value on a card on its own.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1752969, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_169": {"image_golden": "g-Young+Dragonhawk", "ac": 35537, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_169", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 748, \"3\": 2656, \"2\": 3932, \"5\": 9152, \"4\": 6350, \"7\": 3832, \"6\": 4138, \"9\": 1467, \"8\": 3146}", "id": 208, "extra_cn": "无论是战士还是诗人,都能从美丽的龙鹰身上获取战斗或是写作的灵感。", "arena_win": 95320, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "幼龙鹰", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "幼龙鹰", "id_178": "5169777", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "如果你手上有足够多加buff的法术/随从,才考虑这货吧", "CardID": "CS2_169", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 1, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "1", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "风怒", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Young Dragonhawk", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Greg Hildebrandt", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Young Dragonhawk has all the downsides of a one Health minion and doesn't even trade as well as a 2/1. There is a dream of buffing this Windfury minion but it doesn't make up for the major downsides of this card.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 197674, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_168": {"image_golden": "g-Murloc+Raider", "ac": 47213, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_168", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 1373, \"3\": 4455, \"2\": 5321, \"5\": 2517, \"4\": 6497, \"7\": 7319, \"6\": 6847, \"9\": 3009, \"8\": 9788}", "id": 11, "extra_cn": "姆啦啦咯哈姆噶啊啊嘎,姆啦嘎嘎咯,啵啦啦嗯嘞噶哈,姆啦嗝,咯啦哈哈吧啦咯。加尔鲁什咯嘛啦喝,嘛啦咯呵!", "arena_win": 136099, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "鱼人袭击者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "鱼人袭击者", "id_178": "7665237", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "没有最坏打算不要选这个吧", "CardID": "CS2_168", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "14", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Murloc Raider", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Scott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "The bottom of the one mana 2/1 barrel. The other 2/1s with situational abilities ranked very low: Murloc Raider has no ability and no place in anybody's deck.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 270887, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_004": {"image_golden": "g-Power+Word+Shield", "ac": 519862, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_004", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 518388}", "id": 222, "extra_cn": "额外的保护自然不错,但是这护盾阻碍了视野。", "arena_win": 1081488, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "真言术:盾", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "真言术:盾", "id_178": "3812777", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "加血量上限还能抓牌,你还想要求什么?", "CardID": "CS2_004", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从获得+2生命值。\\n抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Power Word: Shield", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jessica Jung", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Draw a card! Power Word: Shield is very low impact on your deck and is arguably better in Arena than Constructed because Arena decks have many more targets. Just like Temple Enforcer, Power Word: Shield synergizes very well with the otherwise weak Hero Power and can turn any old minion into a threat. Power Word: Shield remains good in the late game when you have mana to spare and it really helps smooth out your draws -- or use all your mana -- early. As a brief aside, you should always mulligan a Power Word: Shield unless you have a minion guaranteed to survive.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2101058, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_005": {"image_golden": "g-Claw", "ac": 739870, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_005", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 735828}", "id": 329, "extra_cn": "谁去谁留,都由爪子决定。", "arena_win": 1969475, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "爪击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "爪击", "id_178": "6963290", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "前期可以有效进行反压制", "CardID": "CS2_005", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使你的英雄获得2点护甲值,并在本回合中获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Claw", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dany Orizio", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Back to the good early game removal! Claw actually gives you a great deal with its damage-to-mana ratio and is on theme if you are going for a Tempo strategy. Claw suffers the same drawback as Bite, but the actual impact is lessened since this is an early game spell.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3606968, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_003": {"image_golden": "g-Mind+Vision", "ac": 239741, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_003", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 239232}", "id": 59, "extra_cn": "你刚才做的事情我都看见了。", "arena_win": 541012, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "心灵视界", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "心灵视界", "id_178": "7835897", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "一换一,而且随机性太强,万一换了个毒药?但是有时会有奇效", "CardID": "CS2_003", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "随机复制你的对手手牌中的一张牌,将其置入你的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mind Vision", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Michael Komarck", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Mind Vision is similar to Mass Dispel: it isn't the worst but it doesn't really do much. If your only other picks are bad then you can take a Mind Vision with no consequences. If you do end up playing it, save your Mind Vision for a later turn when it is more likely to hit something sweet that they couldn't play yet and never play this before your opponent coins.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1112786, "Secret": ""}, "NAX5_02": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX5_02", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1025, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "爆发", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "爆发", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX5_02", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n对位于最左边的敌方随从造成2点伤害。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_509": {"image_golden": "g-Murloc+Tidecaller", "ac": 24994, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_509", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 1063, \"3\": 2553, \"2\": 2468, \"5\": 1607, \"4\": 3129, \"7\": 4989, \"6\": 3193, \"9\": 1200, \"8\": 4711}", "id": 38, "extra_cn": "每当他和他的家人团聚时,这个家伙会变得特别厉害。", "arena_win": 72122, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "鱼人招潮者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "鱼人招潮者", "id_178": "6936872", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "JJC的随机性导致极不利于组成鱼人套", "CardID": "EX1_509", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "14", "description_cn": "每当有玩家召唤一个鱼人时,便获得+1攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Murloc Tidecaller", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jaemin Kim", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Murloc Tidecaller is good in a Murloc deck. The problem is, you're not going to have a Murloc deck in Arena. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 142583, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_508": {"image_golden": "g-Grimscale+Oracle", "ac": 13302, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_508", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 355, \"3\": 1020, \"2\": 1170, \"5\": 942, \"4\": 1217, \"7\": 5099, \"6\": 1081, \"9\": 629, \"8\": 1729}", "id": 304, "extra_cn": "这些算是有头脑的鱼人。但仍然有些名不副实。", "arena_win": 26318, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "暗鳞先知", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暗鳞先知", "id_178": "5417329", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "想想看,在JJC组鱼人套是怀揣着多大的勇气?", "CardID": "EX1_508", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "14", "description_cn": "所有其他鱼人获得+1攻击力。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Grimscale Oracle", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Phil Saunders", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "You aren't going to have a Murloc deck in Arena and picking this hoping you will is far too risky. This usually turns out to be a Wisp that costs one mana.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 60610, "Secret": ""}, "NAX8_03t": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX8_03t", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 988, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "鬼灵学徒", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "鬼灵学徒", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX8_03t", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "在你的回合开始时,对你的英雄造成1点伤害。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "NAX12_03": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX12_03", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1061, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "巨颚", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "巨颚", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX12_03", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "1", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "每当一个具有<b>亡语</b>的随从死亡时,获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "7", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "FP1_011": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 17139, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_011", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 17139}", "id": 1133, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 45796, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "结网蛛", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "结网蛛", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "重点在于,你有可能拿到暴龙王!也有可能再拿一只结网蛛……", "CardID": "FP1_011", "Elite": null, "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>亡语:</b>随机将一张野兽牌置入你的手牌。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 82569, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_045": {"image_golden": "g-Rockbiter+Weapon", "ac": 808694, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_045", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 806308}", "id": 49, "extra_cn": "如果你的敌人是石头做的,那就再好不过了。", "arena_win": 2165452, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "石化武器", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "石化武器", "id_178": "9082493", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "最强1费伤害性卡牌,还能用在英雄自己身上", "CardID": "CS2_045", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在本回合中,使一个友方角色获得+3攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Rockbiter Weapon", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Rockbiter Weapon deals more damage than we would expect of a one mana spell. The extra point of damage compared to an Arcane Shot comes at the cost of being vulnerable to Taunts. That said, Rockbiter Weapon combines better with Windfury than Arcane Shot might.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3826168, "Secret": ""}, "NAX11_03": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX11_03", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "2", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1076, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "辐射泥浆怪", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "辐射泥浆怪", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX11_03", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_136": {"image_golden": "g-Redemption", "ac": 309100, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_136", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 307422}", "id": 331, "extra_cn": "救赎并非是从罪恶中得以解脱,而是对生活的彻底肯定,包括其中的痛苦、折磨和荒诞。", "arena_win": 970945, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "救赎", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "救赎", "id_178": "6446545", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "能配合亡语圣盾的随从就是大赚,根据自己随从的特点选择", "CardID": "EX1_136", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当一个你的随从死亡时,使其回到战场,并具有1点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Redemption", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ittoku Seta", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Redemption shines if your deck is loaded with Divine Shields but returning a minion with only one Health makes it far too vulnerable. Before the secrets nerf, it was a lot more viable, but now that you can't control it to revive the exact minion you want, it's become a bottom tier pick.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1770601, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_132": {"image_golden": "g-Eye+for+an+Eye", "ac": 22067, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_132", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 21824}", "id": 167, "extra_cn": "有时正义的表现形式就是这么简单:紧握的拳头打在瘫软的脸上。", "arena_win": 51135, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "以眼还眼", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "以眼还眼", "id_178": "8461727", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "甚少能起有效的作用", "CardID": "EX1_132", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当你的英雄受到伤害时,对敌方英雄造成等量伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Eye for an Eye", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "James Ryman", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "In back to back weeks we've had Sinister Strike, Mind Blast, and now Eye for an Eye. This card doesn't do anything and now that it only triggers on your opponent's turn it does even less.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 112969, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_130": {"image_golden": "g-Noble+Sacrifice", "ac": 631689, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_130", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 628209}", "id": 335, "extra_cn": "我们永远不会忘记你,“守护者!”", "arena_win": 1860045, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "崇高牺牲", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "崇高牺牲", "id_178": "4770698", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "圣骑最值得拿的奥秘。对方必吃一个2/1嘲讽。但是不能多拿", "CardID": "EX1_130", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当一个敌人攻击时,召唤一个2/1的防御者,并使其成为攻击的目标。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Noble Sacrifice", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Zoltan & Gabor", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Noble Sacrifice has the potential to take out a 3/2 for only a single mana, but most times it won't. Even if you get it out early, which is the only time it is actually relevant, it can be easily played around by your opponent sequencing their attacks differently. Most secrets are best when the at least require a change in which cards are played.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3351494, "Secret": "1"}, "CS2_037": {"image_golden": "g-Frost+Shock", "ac": 50022, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "4", "image": "CS2_037", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 49869}", "id": 241, "extra_cn": "年轻的萨满们可能没听说过《你与冰霜震击》这本书。", "arena_win": 151147, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "冰霜震击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冰霜震击", "id_178": "2629759", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "基本不推荐,低伤害单点控制实在不友好", "CardID": "CS2_037", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对一个敌方角色造成$1点伤害,并使其冻结。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Frost Shock", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "1", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Frost Shock also does not meet the damage requirements for one mana and simply freezing a minion is not enough to make up the difference since two damage in the early game is key to removing 3/2s.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 290890, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_031": {"image_golden": "g-Ice+Lance", "ac": 259564, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_031", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 258334}", "id": 369, "extra_cn": "这个把戏的重点是别把冰枪弄断。否则,“冰渣术”可就没这么厉害了。", "arena_win": 734789, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "冰枪术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冰枪术", "id_178": "3202211", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "在JJC很难能组一套有效的冰法,不推荐", "CardID": "CS2_031", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个角色冻结,如果它已经被冻结,则改为对其造成$4点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ice Lance", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "1", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Ice Lance is an even worse version of Frost Nova. The two of them can work well together, but that would require you to play two bad cards and 2-for-1 yourself for only four damage. Ice Lance does go up in value if you have many Water Elementals and Frost Elementals, but it should still not be a high pick.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1383520, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_251": {"image_golden": "g-Forked+Lightning", "ac": 723900, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_251", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 721978}", "id": 257, "extra_cn": "配上勺状闪电和刀状闪电,你就集齐整套闪电餐具了。", "arena_win": 2008199, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "叉状闪电", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "叉状闪电", "id_178": "1599775", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "效果不错的小型AOE,最适合在中期使用,前期使用会拖累自己的节奏", "CardID": "EX1_251", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "1", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对两个随机敌方随从造成$2点伤害,过载:(2)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Forked Lightning", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ralph Horsley", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Forked Lightning is much better in Arena than in Constructed. The main reason for this is the fact that it is less likely to be stranded in your hand since everybody will be playing minions. When you are able to cast Forked Lightning reliably, it is quite good at four damage split for three mana. The chances to 2-for-1 off Forked Lightning also go up in Arena given the number of 3/2s which get played. The damage being split is also a benefit should you have a Spell Power totem out effectively giving you plus two damage.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3572543, "Secret": ""}, "NAX8_03": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX8_03", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1121, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "冷酷学徒", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冷酷学徒", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX8_03", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>亡语:</b>为你的对手召唤一个鬼灵学徒。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", 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"faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_379": {"image_golden": "g-Repentance", "ac": 67786, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_379", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 67407}", "id": 92, "extra_cn": "忏悔总会在湮灭前一刻到来。多么奥妙。", "arena_win": 195253, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "忏悔", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "忏悔", "id_178": "4962729", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "前期太亏,中后期又显得略无力", "CardID": "EX1_379", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当你的对手召唤一个随从,使该随从的生命值降为1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Repentance", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Gonzalo Ordonez", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Equality scored highly because it hit everything. Given that Repentance only hits one target and can be effectively played around means that it is not really worth a card. Another strike against Repentance is that, similar to Humility, your opponent needs to play into it. It's a Hunter's Mark that you can't control and costs 1 more mana.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 387112, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_371": {"image_golden": "g-Hand+of+Protection", "ac": 267709, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_371", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 265991}", "id": 18, "extra_cn": "这个法术的名字已经被修改了太多次,导致连圣骑士们都不知道它应该叫什么了。", "arena_win": 805075, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "保护之手", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "保护之手", "id_178": "8313977", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "标准的“一张牌换一张牌”,没有随从卡手是硬伤", "CardID": "EX1_371", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从获得圣盾。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Hand of Protection", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Clint Langley", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Divine Shield is usually good for a card worth of value. Hand of Protection being only one mana for the effect is fairly low impact on your deck. There is also potential here for a big tempo swing: killing a minion for one mana and an attack is a big play. That it requires a minion, and therefore does nothing if you are behind, does bring it down on the rankings.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1505568, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_171": {"image_golden": "g-Stonetusk+Boar", "ac": 128215, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_171", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 2964, \"3\": 10187, \"2\": 13719, \"5\": 37603, \"4\": 16461, \"7\": 7857, \"6\": 15351, \"9\": 6028, \"8\": 17645}", "id": 169, "extra_cn": "决斗的时候离它们远点儿。", "arena_win": 407430, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "石牙野猪", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "石牙野猪", "id_178": "9348301", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要是碰到对方上了这个,要么是丧心病狂的快攻套路;要么就是无奈之举了", "CardID": "CS2_171", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "2", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "冲锋", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Stonetusk Boar", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Howard Lyon", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Even with Charge this minion is too small to be worth a card and a pick. Most of the time, it's an Elven Archer that doesn't leave a 1/1 body.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 774699, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_073": {"image_golden": "g-Cold+Blood", "ac": 400159, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_073", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "1", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 398760}", "id": 175, "extra_cn": "静如冰封,动如激瀑。", "arena_win": 1079062, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "冷血", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冷血", "id_178": "1821712", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "关键时候不要贪图连击多出的两点攻击,该用就用", "CardID": "CS2_073", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从获得+2攻击力;连击:改为获得+4攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Cold Blood", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1974319, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_075": {"image_golden": "g-Sinister+Strike", "ac": 38772, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_075", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 38675}", "id": 337, "extra_cn": "尽管这个技能的名字已被改变,但这并不意味着它就不再“邪恶”。", "arena_win": 92352, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "影袭", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "影袭", "id_178": "2257715", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "真心不实用", "CardID": "CS2_075", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对敌方英雄造成$3点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Sinister Strike", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Frank Cho", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 193081, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_074": {"image_golden": "g-Deadly+Poison", "ac": 613819, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_074", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 611754}", "id": 240, "extra_cn": "潜行者们都小心翼翼地保守着制毒的秘密,唯恐法师们把毒药用在他们的法术之中。毒性箭?剧毒之雨?毒元素?听上去就很可怕。", "arena_win": 1513141, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "致命药膏", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "致命药膏", "id_178": "336917", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不会卡手,还可以搭配连击", "CardID": "CS2_074", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使你的武器获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Deadly Poison", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Trevor Jacobs", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2695101, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_087": {"image_golden": "g-Blessing+of+Might", "ac": 520433, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_087", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 518096}", "id": 196, "extra_cn": "“沐浴于力量之中,我无人可挡。”——刚升职的托德·玛寇", "arena_win": 1483522, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "力量祝福", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "力量祝福", "id_178": "8222736", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "用途在于以小换大", "CardID": "CS2_087", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从获得+3攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Blessing of Might", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Zoltan Boros", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Blessing of Might giving three Attack for one mana is a good deal. That said, Blessing of Might will usually require you to 2-for-1 yourself as you will want to trade up with a smaller minion most of the time. Blessing of Might is not as card efficient as it is mana efficient, but sometimes you will just needed it get rid of a larger threat.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2728595, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_002t": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_002t", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "1", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 980, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "鬼灵蜘蛛", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "鬼灵蜘蛛", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "FP1_002t", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "1", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "CS2_108": {"image_golden": "g-Execute", "ac": 218484, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_108", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 218502}", "id": 342, "extra_cn": "这没什么,他罪有应得。", "arena_win": 526459, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "斩杀", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "斩杀", "id_178": "4784592", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "通常是亏牌的除去技。配合猛击/监工非常好。", "CardID": "CS2_108", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "消灭一个受过伤害的敌方随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Execute", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dany Orizio", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1019310, "Secret": ""}, "CS1_130": {"image_golden": "g-Holy+Smite", "ac": 346811, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "5", "image": "CS1_130", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 345504}", "id": 31, "extra_cn": "这和多么虔诚没有关系,每个人都需要时不时有人鞭策一下。", "arena_win": 816835, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "神圣惩击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "神圣惩击", "id_178": "7233721", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "大部分低费随从的噩梦", "CardID": "CS1_130", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Holy Smite", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Steve Ellis", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Holy Smite is simple and effective. Holy Smite shines in the early game and can help out later without messing up your curve. All in all this is a low impact card that is never an awful pick.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1605599, "Secret": ""}, "secret_HERO_04": {"image_golden": "secret_HERO_04", "ac": 0, "CardSet": "0", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "secret_HERO_04", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": null, "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 962, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "圣骑士奥秘", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "圣骑士奥秘", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "secret_HERO_04", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": null, "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": null, "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": null, "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": null, "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_410": {"image_golden": "g-Shield+Slam", "ac": 18211, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_410", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 18210}", "id": 22, "extra_cn": "“什么是更好的武器?是敌人预料之中的利斧,还是敌人意想不到的钝刀?”——《战士的艺术》,第9章", "arena_win": 50571, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "盾牌猛击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "盾牌猛击", "id_178": "8465901", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "combo要求比较高,一旦形成配合收益很大", "CardID": "EX1_410", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你每有1点护甲值,便对一个随从造成1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Shield Slam", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 102139, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_029": {"image_golden": "g-Leper+Gnome", "ac": 949002, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_029", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 36989, \"3\": 102641, \"2\": 103292, \"5\": 69236, \"4\": 157564, \"7\": 67581, \"6\": 126285, \"9\": 53604, \"8\": 226665}", "id": 307, "extra_cn": "他真的很想和你做朋友,但由于总是被排斥,他开始变得很沮丧。", "arena_win": 2935542, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "麻疯侏儒", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "麻疯侏儒", "id_178": "8508663", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "除非你是纯打脸流,不推荐", "CardID": "EX1_029", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "亡语:对敌方英雄造成2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Leper Gnome", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Glenn Rane", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "While Leper Gnome is present in many constructed aggro decks, he does not pull his weight in Arena. A dedicated aggro deck is hard to build in Arena; however, if you manage to pull it off and see Leper Gnome as a later pick, then his potential goes up.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5493718, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_027": {"image_golden": "g-Mirror+Image", "ac": 750750, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_027", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 748868}", "id": 232, "extra_cn": "哦,嘿,这是个镜像!!像镜个是这,嘿,哦", "arena_win": 2547405, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "镜像", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "镜像", "id_178": "4144614", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "没有好的选择时可以带一张,不要多带", "CardID": "CS2_027", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "召唤两个0/2,并具有嘲讽的随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mirror Image", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jim Nelson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Mirror Image at one mana is fairly low impact on your deck. The downside, of course, to costing one is that Mirror Image's effect is marginal. It may be good when pumping and defending a Mana Wyrm, but the average case just doesn't do enough work.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4473063, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_146": {"image_golden": "g-Southsea+Deckhand", "ac": 223782, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_146", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 20859, \"3\": 112756, \"2\": 21525, \"5\": 5359, \"4\": 45192, \"7\": 2142, \"6\": 5966, \"9\": 2072, \"8\": 7268}", "id": 310, "extra_cn": "海盗们都非常热衷于这项新的时尚活动:“趴甲板”。", "arena_win": 763985, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "南海船工", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "南海船工", "id_178": "4287923", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "除了盗贼,对于其他职业就是难堪大用(CC人气主播猪哥最爱!)", "CardID": "CS2_146", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 1, \"3\": 3, \"2\": 1, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 1, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "23", "description_cn": "当你装备一把武器时,该随从获得冲锋。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Southsea Deckhand", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Brereton", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Southsea Deckhand is a one mana 2/1 with an even more situational Battlecry than Voodoo Doctor. Southsea Deckhand goes up if you are playing a weapon class, but if you aren't do not touch this card.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 1389093, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_243": {"image_golden": "g-Dust+Devil", "ac": 25910, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "7", "image": "EX1_243", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 25811}", "id": 281, "extra_cn": "西部荒野满是尘魔。还有秃鹰。还有失控的傀儡。还有海盗。为什么谁都喜欢住在这地方?", "arena_win": 60003, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "尘魔", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "尘魔", "id_178": "5451201", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "让玩家很无力的随从,特别是面对法爷", "CardID": "EX1_243", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "1", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "1", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "风怒,过载:(2)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Dust Devil", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "There may come a time in the game when going all in is correct: but turn one is not that turn. Dust Devil is also guilty of being a one Health minion; therefore, 3/9 hero powers kill it instantly. This rating is unbiased and unrelated to past events.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 130071, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_245": {"image_golden": "g-Earth+Shock", "ac": 635843, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_245", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 634847}", "id": 110, "extra_cn": "大地震击?确切地说,就是“艾泽拉斯震击”吗?", "arena_win": 1871709, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "大地震击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "大地震击", "id_178": "7701363", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "很少能换回一张牌。对付血色十字军和暮光幼龙有奇效,对付麦田也不错", "CardID": "EX1_245", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "沉默一个随从,然后对其造成$1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Earth Shock", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "1", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Kevin Chin", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "One damage for one mana and a card is not a very good deal: see Smite or Arcane Shot. While Silencing a minion is good -- why hello Twilight Drake -- it is not worth a card on its own. The Silence effect does keep Earth Shock out of the bottom tier but just barely.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3344298, "Secret": ""}, "CS1_042": {"image_golden": "g-Goldshire+Footman", "ac": 103468, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS1_042", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 3158, \"3\": 8225, \"2\": 12803, \"5\": 4912, \"4\": 16597, \"7\": 8426, \"6\": 16291, \"9\": 8623, \"8\": 24060}", "id": 213, "extra_cn": "如果闪金镇都是由1/2的步兵把守的话,那它早在多年以前就被毁了。", "arena_win": 307851, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "闪金镇步兵", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "闪金镇步兵", "id_178": "1486896", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "聊胜于无的前期压场,仅仅是抢个先手权而已", "CardID": "CS1_042", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Goldshire Footman", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Donato Giancola", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "One less Attack for one less mana on your Frostwolf Grunt is not a good deal. This card is not going to have enough impact on any game to be worth the pick.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 607405, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_012": {"image_golden": "g-Mana+Wyrm", "ac": 1292803, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_012", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 1289271}", "id": 135, "extra_cn": "这些法力浮龙以奥术能量为食。所以尽管这些捣蛋鬼不会成为真正的威胁,你也不应该让它们接近任何法术力源。", "arena_win": 4170214, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "法力浮龙", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "法力浮龙", "id_178": "3559466", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "取决于你牌套里已有法术牌的数量", "CardID": "NEW1_012", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你施放一个法术时,便获得+1攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mana Wyrm", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Blizzard Cinematics", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "We've already spoken a lot about Mage's great spells, so why not a minion that benefits from you using them. Mana Wyrm does exactly that and is an exceptionally powerful tempo threat in the early game. As with any one drop, Mana Wyrm is much worse as a draw late in the game. In a class with such great early game removal, however, the upside of an early Mana Wyrm getting online is very high. ", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 7072411, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_017": {"image_golden": "g-Hungry+Crab", "ac": 26591, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_017", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 831, \"3\": 3541, \"2\": 3318, \"5\": 2904, \"4\": 2683, \"7\": 2389, \"6\": 2757, \"9\": 1967, \"8\": 6108}", "id": 288, "extra_cn": "又是鱼人。开饭了。", "arena_win": 81563, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "1", "CardName": "鱼人杀手蟹", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "鱼人杀手蟹", "id_178": "6434446", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "什么?难得一组史诗结果出这个?你逗我", "CardID": "NEW1_017", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "战吼:消灭一个鱼人,并获得+2/+2。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Hungry Crab", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jaemin Kim", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Hungry Crab will be hilarious when he appears in a Youtube video because he happened to get played against the person who miraculously drafted the perfect Murloc Deck. Picking a 1/2 probably isn't worth taking the risk though.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 159413, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_189": {"image_golden": "g-Elven+Archer", "ac": 363390, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_189", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 13588, \"3\": 39156, \"2\": 48484, \"5\": 19000, \"4\": 65707, \"7\": 23415, \"6\": 51570, \"9\": 25264, \"8\": 76020}", "id": 73, "extra_cn": "媚眼如丝,轻盈如燕,致命如箭。", "arena_win": 1286222, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "精灵弓箭手", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "精灵弓箭手", "id_178": "8712151", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "1费的怪物又不适合在1费时候出,不推荐(不过盗贼可以配合触发连击)", "CardID": "CS2_189", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 1, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:造成1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Elven Archer", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "造成1点伤害。", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Steve Prescott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Elven Archer's Battlecry can often be that one point of damage that can finish a target off. However, it's a touch awkward because it isn't a great first turn play, nor is it a great finishing play in the late game. She's best used when combined with other plays to fill that missing one mana you'd otherwise pass on. As with most cards in this category, there are better options floating around. On the flip side though, think of Elven Archer as the Paladin hero power plus the Mage hero power. What value!", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 2328535, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_188": {"image_golden": "g-Abusive+Sergeant", "ac": 997877, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_188", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 36369, \"3\": 95948, \"2\": 152535, \"5\": 44207, \"4\": 200598, \"7\": 59603, \"6\": 134638, \"9\": 60902, \"8\": 209323}", "id": 78, "extra_cn": "“把我加入你的套牌,白痴!”", "arena_win": 3409152, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "叫嚣的中士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "叫嚣的中士", "id_178": "7302048", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "可用来一小换大", "CardID": "CS2_188", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:本回合中,使一个友方随从获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Abusive Sergeant", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "获得+2攻击力。", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Luca Zontini", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Abusive Sergeant is the first of a series of one mana 2/1s that will leave us unimpressed. These minions will all live or die based on their abilities because a one Health minion is fragile. Abusive Sergeant is one of the better ones because two damage for one mana is good and he pays off right away. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 6168170, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_063": {"image_golden": "g-Corruption", "ac": 39224, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_063", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 39074}", "id": 83, "extra_cn": "心灵的腐蚀来自于最初的一些小偷小摸,而在你意识到它之前...嘭!一切化为乌有!", "arena_win": 76886, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "腐蚀术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "腐蚀术", "id_178": "6391228", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "如果你认为自己解场能力有点差,带一张来提防对方的大boss吧", "CardID": "CS2_063", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "选择一个敌方随从,在你的回合开始时,消灭该随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Corruption", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Wayne Reynolds", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 182294, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_065": {"image_golden": "g-Voidwalker", "ac": 199209, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "9", "image": "CS2_065", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 198350}", "id": 54, "extra_cn": "虽然他也拥有蓝色的,胖胖的身材,但他和某部动画片里的主角没关系。", "arena_win": 380255, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "虚空行者", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "虚空行者", "id_178": "3106227", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "开局压场利器", "CardID": "CS2_065", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "2", "Race": "15", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Voidwalker", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Robb Shoberg", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 794594, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_238": {"image_golden": "g-Lightning+Bolt", "ac": 837543, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_238", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 835145}", "id": 280, "extra_cn": "闪电箭!闪电箭!闪电箭!", "arena_win": 2197732, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "闪电箭", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "闪电箭", "id_178": "3280618", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "负面的过载数相比于优质有效的解场能力根本微不足道", "CardID": "EX1_238", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "1", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$3点伤害,过载:(1)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Lightning Bolt", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Mike \"Daarken\" Lim", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Speaking of one mana three damage spells, here is Lightning Bolt. While it costs two mana total, being only one upfront allows you to sneak it in with another play and gain a tempo edge. Even at a rate of two mana for three damage, Lightning Bolt is still fairly costed.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3873102, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_409": {"image_golden": "g-Upgrade", "ac": 73465, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_409", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 73434}", "id": 36, "extra_cn": "50点DKP玩一下,值!", "arena_win": 197637, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "升级!", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "升级!", "id_178": "6618501", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "如果你已经选择了奥金斧而且不止一张,不要犹豫了", "CardID": "EX1_409", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "如果你有一把武器,使它获得+1/+1。否则,装备一把1/3的武器。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Upgrade!", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Cavotta", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 391391, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_235": {"image_golden": "g-Northshire+Cleric", "ac": 453597, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_235", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 452529}", "id": 244, "extra_cn": "她们帮助被压迫和沮丧的人们。她们也卖饼干。", "arena_win": 1031921, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "北郡牧师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "北郡牧师", "id_178": "4346880", "HealTarget": "1", "recommend": "等到需要治疗随从的时候再让碧池上场或许更好", "CardID": "CS2_235", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当一个随从获得治疗时,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Northshire Cleric", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Terese Nielsen", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Northshire Cleric is another one drop that is good for similar reasons to Lightwarden. An early Northshire Cleric can put you far ahead if unanswered while still being a valuable draw late. With an early game Northshire Cleric, however, you should be careful because you certainly do not want to have it eaten immediately by an opposing 3/2: this is a major waste of potential. It can often be better to wait a couple turns until you can protect it with a Taunt or play it and draw on the same turn.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 2024643, "Secret": ""}, "CS1_129": {"image_golden": "g-Inner+Fire", "ac": 227167, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS1_129", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 226670}", "id": 313, "extra_cn": "增强你的士兵才是上策,去贫瘠之地谈判只是无奈之举。", "arena_win": 508722, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "心灵之火", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "心灵之火", "id_178": "946598", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "在combo甚少的竞技场,把它用在些血厚攻渣的随从上效果杠杠的", "CardID": "CS1_129", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从的攻击力等同于其生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Inner Fire", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Steve Prescott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "... But imagine if __________! Insert any of many situations there and Inner Fire is probably great. In every other scenario, however, Inner Fire is too conditional and not doing enough work for us: we expect more from our cards.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1075489, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_302": {"image_golden": "g-Mortal+Coil", "ac": 199051, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_302", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 197995}", "id": 284, "extra_cn": "很久以前,术士们发现只要在普通的法术中加入一点令人作呕的颜色,就能在伤害敌人的同时使其恐惧。真是一举两得。", "arena_win": 393354, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "死亡缠绕", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "死亡缠绕", "id_178": "3791570", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "术士的伤害输出是不够的,可以抓一张", "CardID": "EX1_302", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对一个随从造成$1点伤害,如果死亡缠绕将其杀死,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mortal Coil", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Gaser", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 814655, "Secret": ""}, "DS1_175": {"image_golden": "g-Timber+Wolf", "ac": 210504, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "DS1_175", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 209834}", "id": 75, "extra_cn": "其他野兽最喜欢和森林狼一起外出打猎了。", "arena_win": 543778, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "森林狼", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "森林狼", "id_178": "8469073", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "几乎是为职业而存在的一张牌!专属中的专属", "CardID": "DS1_175", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "你的其他野兽获得+1攻击力。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Timber Wolf", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Malcolm Davis", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1040214, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_080": {"image_golden": "g-Secretkeeper", "ac": 73448, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_080", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 744, \"3\": 1594, \"2\": 1782, \"5\": 11401, \"4\": 22079, \"7\": 787, \"6\": 2576, \"9\": 1245, \"8\": 30772}", "id": 148, "extra_cn": "她答应你不会告诉任何人昨晚你和那个人做了什么事情。", "arena_win": 249783, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "奥秘守护者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "奥秘守护者", "id_178": "8496450", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "猎人法师骑士之外无用", "CardID": "EX1_080", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 2, \"4\": 2, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 2}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当有一张奥秘牌被使用时,便获得+1/+1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Secretkeeper", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Gonzalo Ordonez", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Secrets, for the classes that even have access to them, are very situational and often not very high picks. Secretkeeper isn't very good on her own so the argument becomes is doing two bad things to make an ok thing a good plan? The answer is no since a card that can do good things without help is way more consistent. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 461621, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_019t": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_019t", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "2", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1062, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "树人", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "树人", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "FP1_019t", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_363": {"image_golden": "g-Blessing+of+Wisdom", "ac": 504016, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_363", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 502459}", "id": 312, "extra_cn": "显然是智慧让他认清了这样一条真理:作为一个随从,每回合都要攻击才能体现其价值。", "arena_win": 1615767, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "智慧祝福", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "智慧祝福", "id_178": "422508", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "有随从在场至少不亏卡,有时加在对方随从上会有奇效", "CardID": "EX1_363", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "选择一个随从,每当它进行攻击时,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Blessing of Wisdom", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Brian 'Chippy' Dugan", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Blessing of Wisdom may not be the fastest card draw engine of all time, but after your second attack you have to be feeling great. The best part about Blessing of Wisdom is that it can, if needed, just cycle for one mana. While the best case scenario is to be able to cash in for multiple turns, the fact that it replaces itself instantly at very low cost is important. Finally, Blessing of Wisdom has the hidden upside of giving your target Taunt.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 2922243, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_400": {"image_golden": "g-Whirlwind", "ac": 120245, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_400", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 120242}", "id": 62, "extra_cn": "分辨资深战士和新手战士的最好办法:新手在用旋风斩时会喊“哇哇哇”。", "arena_win": 303670, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "旋风斩", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "旋风斩", "id_178": "6154765", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "弱点在于伤敌一千要自损八百", "CardID": "EX1_400", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对所有随从造成$1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Whirlwind", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jonboy Meyers", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "1", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 611201, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_405": {"image_golden": "g-Shieldbearer", "ac": 180846, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_405", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 5116, \"3\": 11684, \"2\": 29820, \"5\": 7306, \"4\": 25480, \"7\": 22946, \"6\": 23664, \"9\": 22997, \"8\": 31492}", "id": 318, "extra_cn": "你知道这个游戏里的盾牌都有多大吗?那可绝对不是轻松的差事。", "arena_win": 517309, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "持盾卫士", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "持盾卫士", "id_178": "9343158", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "攻血严重不平衡,前期稍微压场,没有其他buff加成的话,就是单纯的一个靶子", "CardID": "EX1_405", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Shieldbearer", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Carl Critchlow", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Shieldbearer! Last and definitely least of the bad Taunts! Shieldbearer has no Attack, the best case scenario is that he eats some damage and you 0-for-1 yourself while your opponent casts relevant spells.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1035201, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_025": {"image_golden": "g-Bloodsail+Corsair", "ac": 85914, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_025", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 4541, \"3\": 8586, \"2\": 9189, \"5\": 4483, \"4\": 16551, \"7\": 3398, \"6\": 14390, \"9\": 4697, \"8\": 19815}", "id": 178, "extra_cn": "每个海盗都用相同的四个数字来打开自动黄金分配装置。这些数字被称为“海盗密码”。", "arena_win": 294215, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "1", "CardName": "血帆海盗", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "血帆海盗", "id_178": "7492860", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "稀有里你最不想抽到的随从之一", "CardID": "NEW1_025", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "23", "description_cn": "战吼:使对手的武器失去1点耐久度。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Bloodsail Corsair", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Randy Gallegos", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Bloodsail Corsair has a low impact statline and a marginal ability. It may not be fair to expect too much from a one drop, but at the same time there are better options out there than Bloodsail Corsair.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 544391, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_011": {"image_golden": "g-Voodoo+Doctor", "ac": 198885, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_011", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 6113, \"3\": 17593, \"2\": 25724, \"5\": 6998, \"4\": 30257, \"7\": 18238, \"6\": 32398, \"9\": 15478, \"8\": 45403}", "id": 112, "extra_cn": "别以为带上大坏蛋面具,再把两根筷子插在嘴里,你就是巫医了,伙计。", "arena_win": 661463, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "2", "CardName": "巫医", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "巫医", "id_178": "7555831", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "后期如同鸡肋,就算是小伙伴流也不建议带", "CardID": "EX1_011", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:恢复2点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Voodoo Doctor", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "恢复2点生命值。", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Karl Richardson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "One Health is a strike against this minion and healing for two literally does nothing on turn one when you actually want to be playing your Voodoo Doctor. The heal makes him a bit better of a draw late game, but the sadness you will feel getting a 2/1 on turn ten overshadows this minuscule upside.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 1236509, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_010": {"image_golden": "g-Worgen+Infiltrator", "ac": 948510, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_010", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 31811, \"3\": 93524, \"2\": 116530, \"5\": 45255, \"4\": 169196, \"7\": 44909, \"6\": 147766, \"9\": 60131, \"8\": 234945}", "id": 355, "extra_cn": "他们原本都是人类,他们更知道怎样悄无声息地进入某些人类的居所中。", "arena_win": 3307415, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "狼人渗透者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "狼人渗透者", "id_178": "3632874", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "唯二推荐的1费卡之一,前期破潜行的招数少,能够换3/2", "CardID": "EX1_010", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "潜行", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Worgen Infiltrator", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "1", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "1", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "1", "description_en": "Stealth is an interesting ability: especially in Arena. Stealth is similar to Charge in that this minion will almost always trade with what you want, but it is Charge on lay away. Regardless of how Stealth compares to Charge, Worgen Infiltrator is a good one drop because his two Attack allows him to trade with early game minions and his ability protects him from hero power pings. Sure Worgen Infiltrator will never live to attack twice, but a minion you can play on turn one and get value out of later is worthwhile: especially since one mana spells are so rarely playable.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 5932404, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_013": {"image_golden": "g-Wild+Growth", "ac": 438241, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_013", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 435919}", "id": 115, "extra_cn": "使用法力水晶增长装置增加你的法力值,只要399!", "arena_win": 1265316, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "野性成长", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "野性成长", "id_178": "2858558", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要么开局使用后手变先手;要么10费后当摸一张牌", "CardID": "CS2_013", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "获得一个空的法力水晶。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Wild Growth", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "James Ryman", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "The main reason why we don't like Wild Growth is that a minion is almost always better. It has a cool effect, but it is not usually worth a card. The only times where it truly excels are those that are hard to get consistently: either coined out on turn one, or if your curve ended up being very high. In the end game, if you haven't found a space for your Wild Growth yet, it is probably better to hold it until ten mana so you can draw a card off it. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2346583, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_278": {"image_golden": "g-Shiv", "ac": 355106, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_278", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 353596}", "id": 283, "extra_cn": "潜行者们都是用毒的大师。", "arena_win": 980617, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "毒刃", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "毒刃", "id_178": "7862023", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "补刀+抓牌,对于非常需要手牌支持的盗贼来说很重要", "CardID": "EX1_278", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$1点伤害,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Shiv", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Garner", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1784111, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_003": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_003", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1053, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "1", "score": "2", "CardName": "分裂软泥怪", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "分裂软泥怪", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "效果还可以,但是是紫卡品质啊!不值", "CardID": "FP1_003", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": null, "Race": null, 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null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 458515, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_611": {"image_golden": "g-Freezing+Trap", "ac": 157407, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_611", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 157159}", "id": 82, "extra_cn": "“呃,好冷。”——当你中了冰冻陷阱或是听到一个冷笑话时,通常都是这个反应。", "arena_win": 435760, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "冰冻陷阱", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冰冻陷阱", "id_178": "298020", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不能解场,算是把战场暂时性地搁置了;拖缓对手节奏;和T7一样配合触发鹰角弓技能", "CardID": "EX1_611", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当一个敌方随从进攻时,将其移回其拥有者的手中,并使其法力值消耗增加(2)点。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Freezing Trap", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Gaser", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 816317, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_610": {"image_golden": "g-Explosive+Trap", "ac": 334103, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_610", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 332490}", "id": 274, "extra_cn": "普通陷阱捉到的是猎物;爆炸陷阱捉到的是烤熟的食物!", "arena_win": 734482, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "爆炸陷阱", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "爆炸陷阱", "id_178": "6445888", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "猎人里强力奥秘之一,用来清场,保证优势", "CardID": "EX1_610", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当你的英雄受到攻击,对所有敌人造成$2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Explosive Trap", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Brandon Kitkouski", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1390606, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_616": {"image_golden": "g-Mana+Wraith", "ac": 258231, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "7", "image": "EX1_616", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 9207, \"3\": 17672, \"2\": 31639, \"5\": 10692, \"4\": 48684, \"7\": 7446, \"6\": 40458, \"9\": 19221, \"8\": 73203}", "id": 202, "extra_cn": "它们在晚上出没,吸食残余的法力水晶。“嗯...”它们发出这样的声音。", "arena_win": 949527, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "法力怨魂", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "法力怨魂", "id_178": "4276807", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "无差别debuff,更多的作用是前期能够打乱对方的节奏", "CardID": "EX1_616", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "召唤所有随从的法力值消耗增加(1)点。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Mana Wraith", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Luca Zontini", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Mana Wraith is a bit small for what we want out of our two drops. The ability is interesting in that it is symmetrical. Mana Wraith is best in the early game where you can get out to an early lead, but quickly becomes irrelevant in the late game: either your opponent will have extra mana in the late game, or will be able to deal with a late 2/2.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1692689, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_619": {"image_golden": "g-Equality", "ac": 474701, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "5", "image": "EX1_619", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 472469}", "id": 45, "extra_cn": "正因为我们都是独一无二的,所以我们都是平等的。", "arena_win": 1539306, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "生而平等", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "生而平等", "id_178": "1673713", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "圣骑士中期能逆转,很大一部分在于有这张来解对方的硬骨头", "CardID": "EX1_619", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "将所有随从的生命值变为1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Equality", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Michal Ivan", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Equality does a lot of damage. While Equality will never kill anything on it's own, Paladin decks are usually built in such a way to maximize on many smaller minions; therefore, you should be able to clean up after casting this spell. Another synergy which Equality has in Paladin decks -- beyond the Hero Power 1/1s -- is that it leaves minions with Divine Shield relatively unaffected.Concerning the Equality/Wild Pyromancer synergy: This is the trademark scenario where Equality shines. When you are building your deck you should be careful not to over-value this because it has the potential to work out. That said, if you already have one piece or the half shoots up.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2759343, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_059": {"image_golden": "g-Crazed+Alchemist", "ac": 713676, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "2", "image": "EX1_059", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 28173, \"3\": 55725, \"2\": 82680, \"5\": 30830, \"4\": 126625, \"7\": 24500, \"6\": 104153, \"9\": 57000, \"8\": 202437}", "id": 108, "extra_cn": "“你一定会喜欢我的新配方的!”他总是这么说...特别是当你对你现在的触手数量不满意的时候。", "arena_win": 2488826, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "6", "CardName": "疯狂的炼金师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "疯狂的炼金师", "id_178": "2751054", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "黑科技。活用起来很有意义,对于玩家要求蛮高", "CardID": "EX1_059", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个随从的攻击力和生命值互换。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Crazed Alchemist", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "将一个随从的攻击力和生命值互换。", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Tom Fleming", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Crazed Alchemist fails the Vanilla Test as a two mana 2/2 and his ability doesn't do much to help him out. You may be able to think of scenarios or combos that completely break this card -- killing totems or Lightwells for example -- but the average case is far closer to the disappointing end of the spectrum.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4509183, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_058": {"image_golden": "g-Sunfury+Protector", "ac": 921428, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_058", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 35777, \"3\": 70574, \"2\": 107209, \"5\": 37916, \"4\": 165552, \"7\": 37261, \"6\": 142253, \"9\": 66990, \"8\": 255973}", "id": 201, "extra_cn": "她拿着一面盾牌,但也只有这样,她才能把它给别人,然后躲在后面。", "arena_win": 3119156, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "日怒保卫者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "日怒保卫者", "id_178": "9256639", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "标准身材,战吼实用度高", "CardID": "EX1_058", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使邻近的随从获得嘲讽。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Sunfury Protector", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "James Ryman", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Sunfury Protector is as bit awkward in that he is a cheap minion that you don't necessarily want to play early. Taunt on its own is not the most exciting of abilities, especially in the early game when minions are just trading off regardless. However, Sunfury Protector gains extra value in the late game where a Taunt can be more valuable and that’s an important factor for an early drop. All in all, Sunfury Protector may not be the most powerful minion on the list, but just being a two mana 2/3 isn't that bad in a worst case scenario.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 5669176, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_533": {"image_golden": "g-Misdirection", "ac": 72650, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_533", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 72468}", "id": 350, "extra_cn": "有时候,这就和贴上假胡子,然后指着别人一样简单。", "arena_win": 200759, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "误导", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "误导", "id_178": "1235158", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "主要是配合猎人的鹰角弓", "CardID": "EX1_533", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当一个角色攻击你的英雄时,改为该角色攻击另一个随机角色。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Misdirection", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Daren Bader", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 393933, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_531": {"image_golden": "g-Scavenging+Hyena", "ac": 226219, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_531", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 225463}", "id": 344, "extra_cn": "土狼偏爱科多兽和风蛇的骨头,但是其实他们什么都吃。甚至是孢子甘蓝。", "arena_win": 578657, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "食腐土狼", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "食腐土狼", "id_178": "1071276", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "很多时候,还没到它触发技能就死了,所以上场需谨慎", "CardID": "EX1_531", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "每当一个友方野兽死亡时,便获得+2/+1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Scavenging Hyena", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jim Nelson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 1092691, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_124": {"image_golden": "g-Eviscerate", "ac": 709790, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_124", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "1", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 707372}", "id": 303, "extra_cn": "对你的对手使用刺骨可麻烦了:从皮革上把血渍去除要花很长时间。", "arena_win": 1604552, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "刺骨", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "刺骨", "id_178": "7392942", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "性价比极高,用途多多", "CardID": "EX1_124", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$2点伤害;连击:改为造成$4点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Eviscerate", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ariel Olivetti", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2838890, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_126": {"image_golden": "g-Betrayal", "ac": 322561, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_126", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 321429}", "id": 235, "extra_cn": "每个人都有背叛的价码。拿侏儒打比方的话,长毛绒玩具和一小点儿巧克力就能让他们就范。", "arena_win": 1005044, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "背叛", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "背叛", "id_178": "5152966", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "黑科技;有的时候是神卡,有的时候一点用都没有;拿一张挺不错的", "CardID": "EX1_126", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个敌方随从对其相邻的随从造成等同于其攻击力的伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Betrayal", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Lucas Graciano", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1830803, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_121": {"image_golden": "g-Frostwolf+Grunt", "ac": 234062, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_121", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 6117, \"3\": 16271, \"2\": 32900, \"5\": 8185, \"4\": 41943, \"7\": 13948, \"6\": 35956, \"9\": 19594, \"8\": 58233}", "id": 317, "extra_cn": "他的祖祖辈辈都是步兵,这已经不仅仅是一份工作而已了。", "arena_win": 759550, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "霜狼步兵", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "霜狼步兵", "id_178": "6411584", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不大及格的身材,但能换掉对方比较优质的初期随从", "CardID": "CS2_121", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Frostwolf Grunt", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Richie Marella", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Taunt is a great ability to have in Arena, but it doesn't do much for the 2/2 Frostwolf Grunt who gets outclassed by the other early game options. There are better two drops for you than this guy.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1429829, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_120": {"image_golden": "g-River+Crocolisk", "ac": 1063198, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_120", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 31433, \"3\": 76994, \"2\": 137896, \"5\": 83858, \"4\": 180670, \"7\": 38066, \"6\": 161368, \"9\": 87053, \"8\": 266141}", "id": 176, "extra_cn": "“左撇子”爱德华·史密斯曾经试着从一条淡水鳄的嘴里把行李夺回来。", "arena_win": 3666763, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "淡水鳄", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "淡水鳄", "id_178": "8195960", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "标准身材标准白板,靠后考虑入手", "CardID": "CS2_120", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "River Crocolisk", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Daren Bader", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "River Crocolisk is the Bloodfen Raptor of the 2/3s. No text, no conditional upside, just a decent early minion if you have no better options. Concerning 3/2s versus 2/3s: Generally, a statline skewed towards Health is preferable. In the case of two drops, however, this is reversed. A 3/2 is better than a 2/3 because it can pressure faster in the early game and is more impactful in the late game. The ability to trade with 3/3s is also more important the ability to survive against 2/1s, especially since so many hero powers can directly protect you against 2/1s. The catch-22 of all small minions is that, while you need them early, you never really want to draw them past turn five. In those scenarios where you get stuck with a late game two drop, you'd rather it have a better chance to trade up since most minions will be able to deal three damage.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 6572971, "Secret": ""}, "NAX6_02": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX6_02", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1151, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "死灵光环", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "死灵光环", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX6_02", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n对敌方英雄造成3点伤害。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "NEW1_036": {"image_golden": "g-Commanding+Shout", "ac": 48685, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_036", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 48691}", "id": 126, "extra_cn": "“大声吼出来!把你的怒气吼出来!”——对训练中的战士的建议", "arena_win": 139406, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "命令怒吼", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "命令怒吼", "id_178": "8882871", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "大部分情况下用处不明显", "CardID": "NEW1_036", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在本回合中,你的随从的生命值无法被降到1点以下。抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Commanding Shout", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Wayne Reynolds", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 274019, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_362": {"image_golden": "g-Argent+Protector", "ac": 1202747, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "5", "image": "EX1_362", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 1198505}", "id": 27, "extra_cn": "”我没说你能够躲过火球。我是说有了这盾,你就不需要躲了。“", "arena_win": 2958925, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "银色保卫者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "银色保卫者", "id_178": "8756825", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "卡差稳赚,加上自身身材不错", "CardID": "EX1_362", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个其他友方随从获得圣盾。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Argent Protector", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "给予圣盾。", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Doug Alexander", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Argent Protector has a respectable body on his own and Divine Shield is great early. Argent Protector does suffer if you do not have other minions out to be sure, but given that you are playing Paladin this is far less likely to happen. The only catch on Argent Protector is that he is not really a two drop, when building your curve you should look at him as a turn 3-5 play so you can maximize his Battlecry.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5194019, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_009": {"image_golden": "g-Mark+of+the+Wild", "ac": 653186, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_009", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 651364}", "id": 154, "extra_cn": "这种爪子形状的印记如果纹在身上,人们一定知道你是德鲁伊玩家。", "arena_win": 1739262, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "野性印记", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "野性印记", "id_178": "5479953", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "非常优质的buff加成法术", "CardID": "CS2_009", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从获得嘲讽和+2/+2。(+2攻击力/+2生命值)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mark of the Wild", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Brad Vancata", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Mark of the Wild isn't awful, it’s just awfully risky. Taunt and +2/+2 is good, but having Mark of the Wild stranded in your hand because you have no minion to buff is horrible. Another point to consider is that if/when you lose the minion you buffed with Mark of the Wild, your opponent got two cards of value out of you. If you are playing this card, be sure to cast it on a minion that can attack this turn so that you are guaranteed at least something out of it.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3226277, "Secret": ""}, "NAX5_03": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX5_03", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1047, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "心智末日", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "心智末日", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX5_03", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "每个玩家各抽两张牌,获得一个法力水晶。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_506": {"image_golden": "g-Murloc+Tidehunter", "ac": 581345, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_506", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 15326, \"3\": 47527, \"2\": 85696, \"5\": 20945, \"4\": 105643, \"7\": 40820, \"6\": 87093, \"9\": 38355, \"8\": 139251}", "id": 81, "extra_cn": "“死亡之潮升涌而起!”", "arena_win": 2048966, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "鱼人猎潮者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "鱼人猎潮者", "id_178": "331564", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "主要配合速攻的飞刀流", "CardID": "EX1_506", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "14", "description_cn": "战吼:召唤一个1/1的鱼人斥候。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Murloc Tidehunter", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Scott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "While Murloc Tidehunter does give you two creatures with an acceptable 3/2 stat total for two mana, both the minions only one Health, which leaves them both vulnerable to hero powers. This card may seem like he is comparable to some of the other 3/2s but there are far better options out there.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3670442, "Secret": ""}, "DS1_233": {"image_golden": "g-Mind+Blast", "ac": 47867, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "9", "image": "DS1_233", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 47755}", "id": 124, "extra_cn": "这个法术直接震爆你的心灵。", "arena_win": 83289, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "心灵震爆", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "心灵震爆", "id_178": "1978783", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "几乎没用,除非你能保证抓到4张以上", "CardID": "DS1_233", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对敌方英雄造成$5点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mind Blast", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dave Allsop", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "See the Sinister Strike. Mind Blast will either kill your opponent or do nothing; and if it does kill your opponent, you were probably winning anyways.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 199161, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_603": {"image_golden": "g-Cruel+Taskmaster", "ac": 261419, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_603", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 261120}", "id": 200, "extra_cn": "“这个周末你们必须来加班。”——严酷的监工", "arena_win": 581473, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "严酷的监工", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "严酷的监工", "id_178": "8817017", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "加强版火枪手,配合暴怒狼人更能打出成吨的伤害", "CardID": "EX1_603", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:对一个随从造成1点伤害,并使其获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Cruel Taskmaster", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "造成1点伤害并使其获得+2攻击力。", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Phroilan Gardner", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1110296, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_608": {"image_golden": "g-Sorcerer's+Apprentice", "ac": 1374077, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_608", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 1372276}", "id": 129, "extra_cn": "学徒们就是用来到处使唤的。“给我做点魔法面包,再来杯咖啡!我要魔法咖啡!”", "arena_win": 4206198, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "巫师学徒", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "巫师学徒", "id_178": "5502258", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "属性很不错,特效也不错,取决于你牌套里已有法术牌的数量", "CardID": "EX1_608", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你的法术的法力值消耗减少(1)点。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Sorcerer's Apprentice", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Sorcereer's Apprentice is exactly what a Mage deck wants to do: contest the board early and cast great spells. We've said a lot in the past about two mana 3/2s and especially those with upside, Sorcereer's Apprentice is just another one of those and a great one at that. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 7192243, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_609": {"image_golden": "g-Snipe", "ac": 119302, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_609", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 118698}", "id": 212, "extra_cn": "伟大的狙击手总是能够正中目标。就像吃下一整块猪肋排。嗯,味道好极了。", "arena_win": 299226, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "狙击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "狙击", "id_178": "8253047", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "猎人里强力奥秘之一,但是无法控制", "CardID": "EX1_609", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当你的对手打出一张随从牌时,对该随从造成$4点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Snipe", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Lorenzo Minaca", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 594739, "Secret": "1"}, "NAX12_02": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX12_02", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1155, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "残杀", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "残杀", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX12_02", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n将所有随从的生命值变为1。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_049": {"image_golden": "g-Youthful+Brewmaster", "ac": 1685415, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_049", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 57585, \"3\": 143761, \"2\": 228470, \"5\": 58222, \"4\": 310260, \"7\": 59535, \"6\": 263138, \"9\": 133277, \"8\": 426296}", "id": 130, "extra_cn": "他对酿酒的热忱并不意味着他有出色的酿酒技术。别碰魔古烈酒!", "arena_win": 5464542, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "年轻的酒仙", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "年轻的酒仙", "id_178": "6034952", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "移除debuff,再次冲锋,重新触发战吼,配合度高,实用性强", "CardID": "EX1_049", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个友方随从从战场上移回你的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Youthful Brewmaster", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "将一个随从移回你的手牌。", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Wei Wang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Youthful Brewmaster is an interesting minion because his Battlecry can be either good or bad. The trick with Youthful Brewmaster is that you are ultimately able to chose when to cast it and you can usually do so in an advantageous spot. One such advantageous usage of this effect is to bounce a damaged minion and recast it to effectively heal it to full health: this can, however, set you back in terms of tempo advantage. Perhaps the most important point, however, is that on turn two, when you want to cast him, there will be no target and a vanilla 3/2 for two is fine...", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 9949558, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_045": {"image_golden": "g-Ancient+Watcher", "ac": 143243, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_045", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 4812, \"3\": 7229, \"2\": 15688, \"5\": 5430, \"4\": 21109, \"7\": 8968, \"6\": 37523, \"9\": 15912, \"8\": 26280}", "id": 367, "extra_cn": "为什么在你走动的时候,会感觉它的眼珠也在跟着你动?", "arena_win": 402661, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "上古看守者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "上古看守者", "id_178": "251638", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "搭配起日怒可以成为前中期令对手头疼的组合", "CardID": "EX1_045", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "无法攻击。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ancient Watcher", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Richard Wright", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Ancient Watcher has potential and is beginning to see play in Constructed decks. He is, however, unreliable when it comes to Arena because you will not be able to reliably make him relevant with either a Silence ability, a creature that gives Taunt, or Shadowflame.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 810957, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_017": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 51051, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_017", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 1316, \"3\": 4178, \"2\": 7281, \"5\": 1874, \"4\": 7628, \"7\": 2139, \"6\": 8180, \"9\": 5232, \"8\": 13223}", "id": 989, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 173823, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "尼鲁巴蛛网领主", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "尼鲁巴蛛网领主", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "在现阶段牌库里,战吼效果的随从是大量的;恶心对方的同时,小心也恶心到了自己", "CardID": "FP1_017", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, 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"NAX11_02", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n对所有随从造成1点伤害。每造成一个随从死亡,便召唤一个泥浆怪。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_131": {"image_golden": "g-Defias+Ringleader", "ac": 612127, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_131", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "1", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 610078}", "id": 109, "extra_cn": "他在数年前偷走了地契,所以理论上说这片地盘确实是他的。他还喜欢用“白痴”称呼别人,显得自己很有势力。", "arena_win": 1550009, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "迪菲亚头目", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "迪菲亚头目", "id_178": "2453024", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "后手盗贼恐怖之源(硬币跳俩强盗),但是不推荐超过2张,可能会卡手", "CardID": "EX1_131", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "连击:召唤一个2/1的迪菲亚强盗。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Defias Ringleader", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Efrem Palacios", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2737138, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_066": {"image_golden": "g-Acidic+Swamp+Ooze", "ac": 2228781, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_066", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 77197, \"3\": 185335, \"2\": 297682, \"5\": 93484, \"4\": 395091, \"7\": 85199, \"6\": 343764, \"9\": 173489, \"8\": 572690}", "id": 214, "extra_cn": "软泥怪喜欢弗拉曼柯舞。别问为什么。", "arena_win": 7377917, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "酸性沼泽软泥怪", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "酸性沼泽软泥怪", "id_178": "7489536", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "针对性很强,一旦能发动技能就非常赚,但是不建议多带", "CardID": "EX1_066", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:摧毁你的对手的武器。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Acidic Swamp Ooze", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Chris Rahn", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "We said in reference to Shattered Sun Cleric that a 3/2 for two mana is right about what we want; therefore, if Acidic Swamp Ooze had no additional text he'd be playable in most decks. Instead, Acidic Swamp Ooze gives us a big potential upside trading card for card as soon as he's played. Granted, he is blank against some heroes, but according to the Vanilla Test we're fine with that. When he isn't blank, however, the value train starts chugging along. Trading for a card from the opponent immediately is a powerful effect, that he hits weapons is even better. Killing a weapon is arguably even better than killing a minion because weapons have potential to do more damage than minions in the long run: a 2/3 weapon will kill more than a 2/3 minion. That Acidic Swamp Ooze is fine when he's blank and amazing when he has text makes him worthy of spot five.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 13261702, "Secret": ""}, "NAX13_03": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX13_03", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1122, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "增压", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "增压", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX13_03", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "使你的所有随从获得+2生命值。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "CS2_039": {"image_golden": "g-Windfury", "ac": 174899, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_039", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 174534}", "id": 55, "extra_cn": "比起“地怒”或是“火怒”,萨满们更喜欢使用“风怒”,因为它更轻巧,更飘逸。", "arena_win": 536523, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "风怒", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "风怒", "id_178": "7248044", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "用处还是有蛮多的,但在甚少能打出combo的JJC,还是不大建议抓上", "CardID": "CS2_039", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从获得风怒。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Windfury", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Justin Sweet", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Windfury looks like a 2-for-1 since it will give your biggest minion two attacks. What you need to remember, however, is that you are spending a card on this effect and possibly two if your minion does not survive combat. While Windfury does work well as a finisher, that does not really make up for the conditional nature of it.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1017952, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_038": {"image_golden": "g-Ancestral+Spirit", "ac": 124598, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_038", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 124219}", "id": 84, "extra_cn": "只是伤到些皮毛而已。", "arena_win": 413608, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "先祖之魂", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "先祖之魂", "id_178": "938796", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "需要很巧妙的配合才能赚回本。不过配合圣盾仆从很好。", "CardID": "CS2_038", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "选择一个随从,当该随从被消灭时,它将返回战场。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ancestral Spirit", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Zoltan & Gabor", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Ancestral Spirit is pretty good for two mana and can do quite a bit of damage depending on what minion you have out. Deathrattles are an obvious synergy here, but be careful since Deathrattles are already good Silence targets and Ancestral Spirit is putting all your eggs in a Silencable basket. That said, Ancestral Spirit is at its best when you can cast it and trade your minion on the same turn: look for this instead of risking getting blown out.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 761669, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_554": {"image_golden": "g-Snake+Trap", "ac": 53527, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_554", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 53342}", "id": 136, "extra_cn": "蛇。为什么是蛇?", "arena_win": 174294, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "毒蛇陷阱", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "毒蛇陷阱", "id_178": "2724438", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "绝配是和秃鹰,但问题是对方会不会让你这么赚?", "CardID": "EX1_554", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当你的随从受到攻击时,召唤3条1/1的蛇。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Snake Trap", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Bernie Kang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 321214, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_557": {"image_golden": "g-Nat+Pagle", "ac": 21217, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_557", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 848, \"3\": 1722, \"2\": 3109, \"5\": 1228, \"4\": 3110, \"7\": 905, \"6\": 3149, \"9\": 2016, \"8\": 5031}", "id": 230, "extra_cn": "纳特·帕格是艾泽拉斯最棒的钓手!他发明了自动鱼竿3000型,伸缩鱼竿3000型,以及电气自动诱捕器2099型(仍在测试中)。", "arena_win": 69279, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "纳特·帕格", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "纳特·帕格", "id_178": "6124690", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "极具嘲讽的随从。能够钓到一张就赚了。第二张?对方会配合你么?钓鱼王会配合你么?", "CardID": "EX1_557", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在你的回合开始时,你有50%的几率额外抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Nat Pagle", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Steve Prescott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Nat Pagle is another minion that is much discussed in Constructed topics. Nat Pagle shines in metagames which are less minion dependant and have more decks playing for the late game. The Arena metagame, however, is not one of these and most decks will have enough low cost minions to handle an 0/4 even in the early turns. He may virtually gain you life, but that and the chance at drawing extra cards is often not worth a Legendary slot. One good thing to say about Nat Pagle is that he will often force a minion based response. Given his four Health, Nat will be able to survive most of the cheap early game removal: Lightning Bolt, Frostbolt, Fiery War Axe, etc.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 131435, "Secret": ""}, "NAX8_02": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX8_02", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1083, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "收割", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "收割", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX8_02", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n抽一张牌。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, 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"最大用处在于中期用在对方的四五六费随从上,拖缓对方的节奏", "CardID": "EX1_581", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "将一个敌方随从移回你的对手的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Sap", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Scott Altmann", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1471895, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_076": {"image_golden": "g-Pint-Sized+Summoner", "ac": 594491, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_076", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 20526, \"3\": 43402, \"2\": 65393, \"5\": 23422, \"4\": 102331, \"7\": 24327, \"6\": 90372, \"9\": 38640, \"8\": 185731}", "id": 190, "extra_cn": "大个子召唤师就是由她召唤出来的。", "arena_win": 2096475, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "小个子召唤师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "小个子召唤师", "id_178": "6561449", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "非常嘲讽的一个随从,因为如果对手不能解掉,那么你就能早一回合出那些大家伙", "CardID": "EX1_076", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你每个回合使用的第一张随从牌的法力值消耗减少(1)点。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Pint-Sized Summoner", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ron Spears", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Pint-Sized Summoner is interesting in many of the same ways as Mana Wraith: both can give you momentum, but they are small enough that they can be easily dealt with. The upside on Pint-Sized Summoner is quite good where we can dream of ramping into a turn three Chillwind Yeti with no coin. Her worst case scenario of getting killed early isn't even that bad, but we are looking for more from our rare picks.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 3785475, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_089": {"image_golden": "g-Holy+Light", "ac": 102219, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_089", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 101921}", "id": 265, "extra_cn": "如果你经常暴露于圣光之下,你应该考虑随身带着防晒霜。", "arena_win": 289432, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "圣光术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "圣光术", "id_178": "2182814", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "在竞技场用处不大", "CardID": "CS2_089", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "恢复#6点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Holy Light", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Zoltan & Gabor", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Holy Light is very similar to the Druid card Healing Touch. The problem with both of these cards is that healing doesn't really do much. Healing a minion is not enough to justify a pick because you may as well pick another minion card: which is less conditional plan overall. Targeting yourself with a Holy Light is also not the best plan: there is a difference between winning and not losing.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 571085, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_172": {"image_golden": "g-Bloodfen+Raptor", "ac": 1051338, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_172", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 32337, \"3\": 80314, \"2\": 136351, \"5\": 75642, \"4\": 181797, \"7\": 38720, \"6\": 160535, \"9\": 80096, \"8\": 265760}", "id": 225, "extra_cn": "“去杀30条迅猛龙。”——赫米特·奈辛瓦里", "arena_win": 3636299, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "血沼迅猛龙", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "血沼迅猛龙", "id_178": "19078", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "标准身材标准白板,靠后考虑入手", "CardID": "CS2_172", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "2", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Bloodfen Raptor", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Brereton", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "... Case and point, Bloodfen Raptor! This guy is a two mana 3/2 and is a strong pick even without text. Bloodfen Raptor is everything you want from an early drop in that he can easily trade up, apply pressure on an empty board, and is still relevant in the late game. While not the flashiest minion, Bloodfen Raptor is always a solid pick.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 6504369, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_173": {"image_golden": "g-Bluegill+Warrior", "ac": 724820, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_173", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 21926, \"3\": 60865, \"2\": 95845, \"5\": 37366, \"4\": 130667, \"7\": 43996, \"6\": 102382, \"9\": 54269, \"8\": 175636}", "id": 309, "extra_cn": "他只是想要一个拥抱。一个黏黏的...滑滑的...拥抱。", "arena_win": 2556220, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "蓝腮战士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "蓝腮战士", "id_178": "6095260", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "补刀用,以及丧心病狂打脸用", "CardID": "CS2_173", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "2", "Race": "14", "description_cn": "冲锋", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Bluegill Warrior", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jakub Kasper", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Bluegill Warrior and the next card on the list are similar in that they are essentially burn spells. Two mana for two damage is a fair deal, not great but fair, and low cost makes this minion easy to fit in. Bluegill Warrior does gain value in the meta for being able to trade up for a 3/2.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4582148, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_100": {"image_golden": "g-Lorewalker+Cho", "ac": 3325, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_100", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 223, \"3\": 229, \"2\": 392, \"5\": 244, \"4\": 509, \"7\": 369, \"6\": 448, \"9\": 342, \"8\": 560}", "id": 223, "extra_cn": "游学者周卓整理并分享有关潘达利亚大陆的轶事,但他最喜欢的故事,是乔伊和菲比一起外出旅行发生的事情。", "arena_win": 8633, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "游学者周卓", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "游学者周卓", "id_178": "3471", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "传说出周卓着实让玩家哭笑不得,偶然有奇效,但是实在苛刻", "CardID": "EX1_100", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当一个玩家施放一个法术时,复制该法术,将其置入另一个玩家的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Lorewalker Cho", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Mark Zug", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "In Arena, most players will favour minions and have a lower concentration of super powerful spells. Lorewalker Cho, therefore, will have a harder time stealing you a card. Even if your opponent does have a collection of great spells, an 0/4 is far from the hardest minion to deal with.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 18450, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_106": {"image_golden": "g-Fiery+War+Axe", "ac": 326339, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_106", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 326099}", "id": 246, "extra_cn": "在安宁祥和的年代,人们用另一个不太流行的名字称呼这把武器,寒冰静谧战斧。", "arena_win": 663609, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "炽炎战斧", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "炽炎战斧", "id_178": "8234214", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "前期用来建议场上优势的利器!", "CardID": "CS2_106", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Fiery War Axe", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "2", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "2", "ArtistName": "Lucas Graciano", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "7", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1258799, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_105": {"image_golden": "g-Heroic+Strike", "ac": 152897, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_105", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 152253}", "id": 147, "extra_cn": "真英雄,必英勇,赶快使用英勇打击,做真英雄!", "arena_win": 356462, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "英勇打击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "英勇打击", "id_178": "2002005", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要是能配合战士的武器,很凶很暴力", "CardID": "CS2_105", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在本回合中,使你的英雄获得+4攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Heroic Strike", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jonboy Meyers", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 708032, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_104": {"image_golden": "g-Rampage", "ac": 90975, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_104", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 90878}", "id": 74, "extra_cn": "随从很愤怒。随从很厉害!", "arena_win": 211846, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "狂暴", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "狂暴", "id_178": "4734575", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "容易卡手,一旦能用上,效果显著", "CardID": "CS2_104", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个受过伤害的随从获得+3/+3。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Rampage", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jonboy Meyers", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 443243, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_037": {"image_golden": "g-Master+Swordsmith", "ac": 447829, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_037", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 20790, \"3\": 33013, \"2\": 66034, \"5\": 20051, \"4\": 95937, \"7\": 25932, \"6\": 58973, \"9\": 28936, \"8\": 97503}", "id": 161, "extra_cn": "他正在打造一把称为“连枷斧”的武器,但是其他铸剑师都表示那是不可能做到的。", "arena_win": 1466953, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "铸剑师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "铸剑师", "id_178": "1880669", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要是和年轻女祭司做朋友,效果会非常乐观", "CardID": "NEW1_037", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在你的回合结束时,随机使另一个友方随从获得+1攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Master Swordsmith", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "E.M. 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However, Master Swordsmith gets very sad and lonely when there are no other minions to buff M.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 2742607, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_160": {"image_golden": "g-Power+of+the+Wild", "ac": 801883, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_160", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 799409}", "id": 334, "extra_cn": "在灰谷的树林中,猎豹的毛皮漆黑油亮,数量众多。那为什么这地方要叫灰谷,而不是黑谷呢?", "arena_win": 2035932, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "野性之力", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "野性之力", "id_178": "9683107", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "打法丰富多样,就算是232的猎豹也是很不错的身材", "CardID": "EX1_160", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抉择:使你的随从获得+1/+1;或者召唤一个3/2的猎豹。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Power of the Wild", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Steve Tappin", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Power of the Wild is another solid all-around card. In the early game, Power of the Wild is quite respectable as a Bloodfen Raptor. The hidden value comes in the late game where a 3/2 may be outclassed; at that point, Power of the Wild gives your whole team an edge to break through with the +1/+1 buff to every friendly minion.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3721058, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_162": {"image_golden": "g-Dire+Wolf+Alpha", "ac": 1272777, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_162", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 35343, \"3\": 101429, \"2\": 216615, \"5\": 93138, \"4\": 243848, \"7\": 74884, \"6\": 162866, \"9\": 76413, \"8\": 265044}", "id": 362, "extra_cn": "这支球队没有后卫。", "arena_win": 4330464, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "恐狼前锋", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "恐狼前锋", "id_178": "6208607", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "标准后入式随从,动物园套牌大杀器", "CardID": "EX1_162", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 1, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "相邻的随从获得+1攻击力。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Dire Wolf Alpha", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "John Dickenson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Dire Wolf Alpha is a bit small for two mana but makes up for that with a respectable upside. Dire Wolf Alpha obviously works best with a Taunt who can protect him. His ability is more intimidating than his statline so your opponent will be able to deal with him fairly easily if he is not well supported. This is not a good standalone minion on turn two.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 7793872, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_203": {"image_golden": "g-Ironbeak+Owl", "ac": 1084908, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "7", "image": "CS2_203", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 36458, \"3\": 80856, \"2\": 131411, \"5\": 76193, \"4\": 191634, \"7\": 53627, \"6\": 162651, \"9\": 83756, \"8\": 266141}", "id": 381, "extra_cn": "它们挥动翅膀的时候悄无声息,但是它们的嘶鸣却是...任何悄无声息的反义词都可以形容。", "arena_win": 3473211, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "4", "CardName": "铁喙猫头鹰", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "铁喙猫头鹰", "id_178": "42673", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "沉默是个非常好的技能,但2/1身材很容易被解", "CardID": "CS2_203", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "战吼:沉默一个随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ironbeak Owl", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "沉默一个随从。", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Trevor Jacobs", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Ironbeak Owl edges out some of the other 2/1s because of its immediate and respectable ability. Silence alone isn't really worth a card, however, and against many heroes that's all you can expect from Ironbeak Owl.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 6533320, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_055": {"image_golden": "g-Mana+Addict", "ac": 167476, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_055", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 3693, \"3\": 20715, \"2\": 16166, \"5\": 5111, \"4\": 19170, \"7\": 5537, \"6\": 20709, \"9\": 10054, \"8\": 65894}", "id": 183, "extra_cn": "她很想戒掉这嗜好,但是每当她感到压力很大的时候,她总是会吸上几口。", "arena_win": 558494, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "魔瘾者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "魔瘾者", "id_178": "5087120", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要触发效果就得先在场一回合,但孱弱的身材往往让她自带嘲讽", "CardID": "EX1_055", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 1, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 1, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在本回合中,每当你施放一个法术,便获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mana Addict", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Hideaki Takamura", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Mana Addict would be sweet without the this turn text. One Attack is not enough to make an impact and most Arena decks value minions over spells. Therefore, your Mana Addict will most likely be dealt with for little cost before it can trigger and become a threat.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 1041370, "Secret": ""}, "NAX1h_04": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX1h_04", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1086, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "飞掠召唤", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "飞掠召唤", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX1h_04", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n召唤一个4/4的蛛魔。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "NAX1h_03": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX1h_03", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "4", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 970, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "蛛魔", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "蛛魔", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX1h_03", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "4", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "None", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_096": {"image_golden": "g-Loot+Hoarder", "ac": 2162929, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_096", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 77880, \"3\": 200791, \"2\": 287763, \"5\": 91393, \"4\": 377145, \"7\": 78187, \"6\": 329398, \"9\": 155332, \"8\": 558187}", "id": 252, "extra_cn": "全都点需求。", "arena_win": 7061444, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "战利品贮藏者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "战利品贮藏者", "id_178": "8516303", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不卡手不亏卡,就算被沉默也是赚的,因为你赚了一次沉默", "CardID": "EX1_096", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "亡语:抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Loot Hoarder", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jim Nelson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "The male twin of Novice Engineer! Except that Novice Engineer has fallen quite a bit lately. Previously Novice Engineer took this 16th spot above Loot Hoarder, but after the nerfs, Loot Hoarder takes a significant lead in the placings. At 2/1 stats, Loot Hoarder some decent impact on the board, but is still vulnerable to many hero powers. The one advantage Novice Engineer has over Loot Hoarder is that Loot Hoarder is a worse draw late game when you just want to cash in your card right away.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 12581189, "Secret": ""}, "secret_HERO_05": {"image_golden": "secret_HERO_05", "ac": 0, "CardSet": "0", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "secret_HERO_05", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": null, "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 963, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "猎人奥秘", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "猎人奥秘", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "secret_HERO_05", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": null, "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": null, "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": null, "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": null, "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "CS2_024": {"image_golden": "g-Frostbolt", "ac": 2015727, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_024", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 2010849}", "id": 243, "extra_cn": "在你用这张牌的时候,你可以随意喊出一些咒语,比如“冻住!”“冻结!”或者“结冰,结冰吧,宝贝儿!”", "arena_win": 5255633, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "寒冰箭", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "寒冰箭", "id_178": "8965951", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "可解场可打脸,前期优秀的法伤牌!", "CardID": "CS2_024", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对一个角色造成3点伤害,并使其冻结。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Frostbolt", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Steve Ellis", "Freeze": "1", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Frost Bolt is the next entry in the list of Mage's efficient removal. Much like Fireball and Pyroblast, Frost Bolt is a spell that is good regardless of your style of deck or game state. Early game as a control deck, Frost Bolt will relieve some pressure, or put you ahead in tempo as the beatdown. In the mid to late game, Frost Bolt is still a good deal when combined with a Fireblast for four damage to kill a minion or act as reach.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 8900689, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_025": {"image_golden": "g-Arcane+Explosion", "ac": 475130, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_025", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 473328}", "id": 349, "extra_cn": "魔爆术曾是让法师们区别于艾泽拉斯其他职业的技能之一。", "arena_win": 1563465, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "魔爆术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "魔爆术", "id_178": "1217577", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "配合狗头人等法伤随从在前中期打出质量较高的AOE", "CardID": "CS2_025", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对所有敌方随从造成$1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Arcane Explosion", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Howard Lyon", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Arcane Explosion is similar to Mirror Image in that it just doesn't do very much. Mages have no trouble dealing one damage and has good enough board clears that you should probably not have to spend a pick on this. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2800979, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_142": {"image_golden": "g-Kobold+Geomancer", "ac": 917413, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_142", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 11345, \"3\": 82795, \"2\": 120709, \"5\": 12515, \"4\": 125399, \"7\": 26132, \"6\": 150700, \"9\": 52533, \"8\": 333188}", "id": 15, "extra_cn": "在过去,狗头人是这片土地上最好的蜡烛交易商,直到它们被逼太甚...", "arena_win": 3188776, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "狗头人地卜师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "狗头人地卜师", "id_178": "9594812", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "法伤流,考虑卡组已有法术伤害牌再入手", "CardID": "CS2_142", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "1", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 1, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "法术伤害+1", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Kobold Geomancer", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Gabor Szikszai", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Kobold Geomancer as a two mana 2/2 -- with no real text -- is not what we want to be doing with the numerous better options out there for two mana.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 5749604, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_565": {"image_golden": "g-Flametongue+Rotem", "ac": 816581, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "EX1_565", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 814653}", "id": 368, "extra_cn": "图腾制造师喜欢用最稀有的木材来打造图腾。甚至有传言说,这些图腾是由埃隆巴克保护者身上的树皮做的。", "arena_win": 2277351, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "火舌图腾", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "火舌图腾", "id_178": "2673564", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "摆放很讲究,三思而后行;一旦被沉默就完全废掉了", "CardID": "EX1_565", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": "", "Race": "21", "description_cn": "相邻的随从获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Flametongue Totem", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jonathan Ryder", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Flametongue Totem is the type of card which can quickly swing a game in your favor. While plus two Attack on any minion is a big buff, the best part about Flametongue Totem is that it can turn your Hero Power totems into legitimate minions which can trade in combat. Beyond being a non-Hero Power totem, Flametongue as a couple similarities with Mana Tide Totem. Flametongue Totem is similar to Mana Tide in that it is not a card you want to play on curve. Both of these cards are best when they can be protected and left alone to do work and accrue value.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4010907, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_247": {"image_golden": "g-Stormforged+Axe", "ac": 866206, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_247", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 863530}", "id": 285, "extra_cn": "哟,真是把不错的斧子。", "arena_win": 2391290, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "雷铸战斧", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "雷铸战斧", "id_178": "4290839", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "前期反压制最有效的工具", "CardID": "EX1_247", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "1", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "过载:(1)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Stormforged Axe", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "3", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "3", "ArtistName": "Nathan Bowden", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "7", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Stormforged Axe is almost a 3-for-1 over the course of the early and mid game. Arena curves are full of two mana minions and 3/2s since early game board control is paramount. Overload still makes Stormforged Axe hard to curve out with, but like Feral Spirit it does not completely lock you out as it will leave you with Hero Power mana if nothing else. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4209614, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_596": {"image_golden": "g-Demonfire", "ac": 140044, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_596", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 139145}", "id": 290, "extra_cn": "恶魔之火和普通火焰没什么区别,除了它从来不会熄灭...救命!", "arena_win": 276805, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "恶魔之火", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "恶魔之火", "id_178": "5551277", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "伤害一般,一般是更好的选择是为友方恶魔强化", "CardID": "EX1_596", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对一个随从造成$2点伤害,如果该随从是友方恶魔,则改为使其获得+2/+2。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Demonfire", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ben Wootten", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 590761, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_016": {"image_golden": "g-Captains+Parrot", "ac": 0, "CardSet": "4", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_016", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{}", "id": 186, "extra_cn": "海盗和鹦鹉形影不离,就像兔妖和胡萝卜。", "arena_win": 2, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "0", "CardName": "船长的鹦鹉", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "船长的鹦鹉", "id_178": "4858122", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "憋屈的身材搭配不可思议的稀有度。还好的是,它不会出现在JJC。如果你能看到这行字,嗯!你一定使用了黑科技!", "CardID": "NEW1_016", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "战吼:随机从你的牌库中将一张海盗牌置入你的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Captain's Parrot", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Daren Bader", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 4, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_019": {"image_golden": "g-Knife+Juggler", "ac": 1343345, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_019", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 50156, \"3\": 117237, \"2\": 177937, \"5\": 70211, \"4\": 249206, \"7\": 61993, \"6\": 175701, \"9\": 79546, \"8\": 357611}", "id": 365, "extra_cn": "更具野心的飞刀杂耍者会晋升为“炸弹杂耍者”。只是现在还没有谁能够坚持到被做成卡牌。", "arena_win": 4734837, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "飞刀杂耍者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "飞刀杂耍者", "id_178": "6766745", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "速攻快节奏必备", "CardID": "NEW1_019", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 1, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 1, \"7\": 1, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你召唤一个随从时,对一个随机敌方角色造成1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Knife Juggler", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Cavotta", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "The joke has been made before that Knife Juggler has Taunt and this is certainly a case of a joke finding its roots in fact. Knife Juggler passes the Vanilla Test and has a game-swinging ability. The joke about Taunt is relevant because while Knife Juggler's ability doesn't have a big or immediate impact, it gains consistent advantage over time and can quickly put a game out of your opponent's reach. There is no other two drop that will escalate out of control as quickly as Knife Juggler.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 8338899, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_018": {"image_golden": "g-Bloodsail+Raider", "ac": 1027921, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_018", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 80772, \"3\": 169429, \"2\": 153419, \"5\": 32125, \"4\": 270703, \"7\": 16840, \"6\": 96202, \"9\": 47116, \"8\": 159688}", "id": 70, "extra_cn": "“我一个星期只出去打劫七天。”", "arena_win": 3641305, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "血帆袭击者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "血帆袭击者", "id_178": "9745418", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "有武器的职业就可以考虑,大不了白板", "CardID": "NEW1_018", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 1, \"3\": 2, \"2\": 1, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 1, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "23", "description_cn": "战吼:获得等同于你的武器攻击力的攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Bloodsail Raider", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jim Nelson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Bloodsail Raider is fine on the Vanilla Test: not good like a 3/2 would be, but playable. If you are a weapon hero she moves up; if not, a respectable early creature isn't the worst.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 6394397, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_341": {"image_golden": "g-Lightwell", "ac": 96880, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_341", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 96768}", "id": 87, "extra_cn": "以前有很多牧师都不明白,究竟是因为队友看不见光明之泉呢,还是他们故意不想点它呢?", "arena_win": 228867, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "光明之泉", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "光明之泉", "id_178": "2759868", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "用起来效果不如理想,而且非常怕沉默", "CardID": "EX1_341", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在你的回合开始时,随机为一个受到伤害的友方角色恢复3点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Lightwell", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Darrell Riche", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Lightwell has a decent effect but it doesn't build your board and it is very slow. Most of the early game consists of trading off lower Health minions and Lightwell does not help there because most minions don't survive many attacks. It is also worth noting that the rest of the Priest Rares are powerful enough to really push this one down.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 496310, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_522": {"image_golden": "g-Patient+Assassin", "ac": 62380, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_522", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 62057}", "id": 374, "extra_cn": "其实他的耐性并不好。只是等待他的目标靠近需要花点时间。", "arena_win": 207907, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "耐心的刺客", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "耐心的刺客", "id_178": "7564273", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "能有效解决那些难以解决的大怪兽,关键在能不能够站得住一回合", "CardID": "EX1_522", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "潜行,消灭任何受到该随从伤害的随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Patient Assassin", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "1", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ben Olson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 381600, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_114": {"image_golden": "g-Cleave", "ac": 215572, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_114", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 215439}", "id": 34, "extra_cn": "嘿,你们俩...你们能不能站在一起?就一会儿...", "arena_win": 513856, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "顺劈斩", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "顺劈斩", "id_178": "3293401", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "前期能够解场,以便确立优势", "CardID": "CS2_114", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对两个随机敌方随从造成$2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Cleave", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Phroilan Gardner", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 997691, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_233": {"image_golden": "g-Blade+Flurry", "ac": 170917, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_233", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 170694}", "id": 209, "extra_cn": "“注意看好,并不是把匕首飞快地挥来挥去就行了,比那要复杂得多。”——潜行者训练师,肖", "arena_win": 570665, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "剑刃乱舞", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "剑刃乱舞", "id_178": "1237913", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "已经抓了两把武器的可以考虑", "CardID": "CS2_233", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "摧毁你的武器,对所有敌方角色造成等同于其攻击力的伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Blade Flurry", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Hideaki Takamura", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1033175, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_234": {"image_golden": "g-Shadow+Word+Pain", "ac": 555922, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_234", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 554437}", "id": 328, "extra_cn": "许多寺僧学徒都会施放:“暗言术:怒”,这个法术是它的进阶法术。", "arena_win": 1111964, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "暗言术:痛", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暗言术:痛", "id_178": "8187541", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "最好还是用在那些低攻高血或者高费的随从上", "CardID": "CS2_234", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "消灭一个攻击力小于或等于3的随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Shadow Word: Pain", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Shadow Word: Pain kill little things for cheaper! Despite being less mana efficient that its big brother, Shadow Word: Pain is a respectable tempo play in the early game. You should once again be careful not to over draft Shadow Word: Pains -- not for lack of targets but -- because it will get worse as the game progresses.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 2187345, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_237": {"image_golden": "g-Starving+Buzzard", "ac": 313879, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_237", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 312840}", "id": 338, "extra_cn": "如果你喂饱了它,它就名不副实了。", "arena_win": 757692, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "饥饿的秃鹫", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "饥饿的秃鹫", "id_178": "3650042", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "谨慎上秃鹫,没什么情况绝对不上", "CardID": "CS2_237", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "每当你召唤一个野兽,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Starving Buzzard", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Bernie Kang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 1419819, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_236": {"image_golden": "g-Divine+Spirit", "ac": 256310, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_236", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 255654}", "id": 363, "extra_cn": "加倍的付出会得到加倍的收获!", "arena_win": 557348, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "神圣之灵", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "神圣之灵", "id_178": "9198384", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "看看牌套里有没有大家伙吧,有就给它翻个倍", "CardID": "CS2_236", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从的生命值翻倍。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Divine Spirit", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jim Pavelec", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Divine Spirit gives a lot of heal potential to one of your minions but that's about it. This effect is not really worth a card but does have some use in a Priest deck.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 1170642, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_392": {"image_golden": "g-Battle+Rage", "ac": 160216, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_392", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 159770}", "id": 297, "extra_cn": "“你不会喜欢我生气的样子。”", "arena_win": 429488, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "战斗怒火", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "战斗怒火", "id_178": "4809515", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "基本可以达到一费换一张牌的程度", "CardID": "EX1_392", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每有一个受到伤害的友方角色,便抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Battle Rage", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 822784, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_306": {"image_golden": "g-Succubus", "ac": 59393, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_306", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 59197}", "id": 103, "extra_cn": "术士们的假期都很香艳。", "arena_win": 113402, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "魅魔", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "魅魔", "id_178": "3721707", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "怎么计算都觉得太亏了", "CardID": "EX1_306", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "2", "Race": "15", "description_cn": "战吼:随机弃一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Succubus", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Dixon", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 257962, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_082": {"image_golden": "g-Mad+Bomber", "ac": 1927666, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_082", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 70493, \"3\": 162353, \"2\": 245879, \"5\": 75223, \"4\": 339612, \"7\": 68390, \"6\": 296490, \"9\": 154999, \"8\": 510688}", "id": 319, "extra_cn": "其实他也不算是很疯狂,他只是应该在携带炸药的时候更加小心一点而已。", "arena_win": 6639320, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "疯狂投弹者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "疯狂投弹者", "id_178": "1944890", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "在对方仆从多、血量少的时候使用,如果你是脸帝,别想了,选他把!", "CardID": "EX1_082", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:造成3点伤害,随机分配于其他角色身上。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mad Bomber", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Mike Sass", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Mad Bomber may have a random element, but is still quite good as a 3/2 for two mana. The aspect of Mad Bomber which you can control, however, is what type of a board you play him into. On turn two, the three damage will hit heroes in the vast majority of games so it is fairly irrelevant. Later in the game where the Battlecry is perhaps more detrimental, you can play your attacks to minimize the chance that he hurts your board: popping your own Divine Shields, trading off one Health minions, and so on. All in all, Mad Bomber's effect is random so it's as likely to hit your opponent as it is to hit you: the cheap 3/2 however is consistent. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 11689746, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_402": {"image_golden": "g-Armorsmith", "ac": 82245, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_402", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 82280}", "id": 259, "extra_cn": "她接受公会修理资金!", "arena_win": 211082, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "铸甲师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "铸甲师", "id_178": "8645067", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "身材不错,需要一些配合打出额外的护甲", "CardID": "EX1_402", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当一个友方随从受到伤害,便获得1点护甲值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Armorsmith", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Greg Hildebrandt", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 421681, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_029": {"image_golden": "g-Millhouse+Manastorm", "ac": 7131, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_029", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 237, \"3\": 615, \"2\": 804, \"5\": 433, \"4\": 996, \"7\": 525, \"6\": 960, \"9\": 634, \"8\": 1902}", "id": 296, "extra_cn": "“我要把你们烤熟了,宝贝儿们!”", "arena_win": 25460, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "米尔豪斯·法力风暴", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "米尔豪斯·法力风暴", "id_178": "9766544", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "祈祷对方没有精神控制变娃变羊吧!", "CardID": "NEW1_029", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:下个回合敌方法术的法力值消耗为(0)点。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Millhouse Manastorm", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jim Nelson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "In any game, giving your opponent options is generally a bad play because they will pick whichever is most favourable for them. Millhouse Manastorm takes this idea and sprints in the other direction: your opponent will have no choices because they can do everything. There a potential upside in Millhouse Manastorm in that -- like Nat Pagle -- he dodges most of the popular removal with his four Health. That said, with a Millhouse Manastorm out mana efficiency is no longer a concern for your opponent.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 46556, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_154": {"image_golden": "g-Wrath", "ac": 1107470, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_154", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 1103188}", "id": 2, "extra_cn": "棘齿城酒馆里的人们纷纷表示,这张牌太强了,应该是传说级别的。", "arena_win": 2529976, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "愤怒", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "愤怒", "id_178": "3892866", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "怎么抉择,你都不亏", "CardID": "EX1_154", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抉择:对一个随从造成$3点伤害;或者造成$1点伤害并抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Wrath", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Wrath is a great early game removal spell. Like many of the cards discussed above, Wrath presents two excellent options. You can either kill a decent sized minion or a weaker one with your cantrip.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4577261, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_020": {"image_golden": "g-Wild+Pyromancer", "ac": 814187, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_020", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 29348, \"3\": 60938, \"2\": 83700, \"5\": 23055, \"4\": 169139, \"7\": 18676, \"6\": 109306, \"9\": 73716, \"8\": 243675}", "id": 206, "extra_cn": "爆炸吧,宝贝儿!炸得越烂越好!让那些统治者去死吧!", "arena_win": 2941817, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "狂野炎术师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "狂野炎术师", "id_178": "473096", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "有时候有奇效,尤其面对小伙伴流", "CardID": "NEW1_020", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你施放一个法术时,对所有随从造成1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Wild Pyromancer", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Wild Pyromancer is a two mana 3/2 so we already have a winner. His ability may seem like a drawback but you are in full control of its activation. If you choose never to trigger his ability, getting a Bloodfen Raptor is perfectly fine. There is, of course, the potential to be able to turn his ability into an upside for you.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 5208044, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_021": {"image_golden": "g-Doomsayer", "ac": 84560, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_021", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 2774, \"3\": 8586, \"2\": 9141, \"5\": 4255, \"4\": 8927, \"7\": 3106, \"6\": 8944, \"9\": 9272, \"8\": 29224}", "id": 188, "extra_cn": "他的预言几乎都是准确的。他确信,大约会是在《大地的裂变》。", "arena_win": 264889, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "末日预言者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "末日预言者", "id_178": "6258365", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "一个让人非常矛盾的随从:你希望他能够利益最大化;但也必须考虑对方是否能够一回合解决掉他", "CardID": "NEW1_021", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在你的回合开始时,消灭所有随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Doomsayer", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Doomsayer is very powerful in the right type of dedicated control deck. That said, those control decks which play mostly spells are very hard to get in Arena. Doomsayer also has all the problems of the Build Around Me cards from the Rares article.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 509756, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_023": {"image_golden": "g-Faerie+Dragon", "ac": 2612324, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_023", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 96084, \"3\": 226786, \"2\": 339101, \"5\": 110837, \"4\": 450712, \"7\": 104339, \"6\": 391686, \"9\": 198058, \"8\": 686749}", "id": 14, "extra_cn": "可爱至极,免疫魔法,不会在毯子上撒尿。真是完美的宠物!", "arena_win": 8135949, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "精灵龙", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "精灵龙", "id_178": "3384746", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "二费随从最强没有之一,后期怕AOE", "CardID": "NEW1_023", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "24", "description_cn": "无法成为法术或者英雄技能的目标。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Faerie Dragon", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Samwise Didier", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "We have already seen two mana 3/2s with upside and Faerie Dragon is another one of them. Faerie Dragon's effect differs from the others we've seen in that it does not interact with other minions; rather, it prevents interaction. Faerie Dragon has a subtly powerful ability in that it prevents any type of 1-for-1 removal, and therefore, will most often trade on your terms. This is especially important in the early game when both players are trying to contest board control.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 14656327, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_393": {"image_golden": "g-Amani+Berserker", "ac": 1995158, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_393", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 84041, \"3\": 153875, \"2\": 237103, \"5\": 65358, \"4\": 321009, \"7\": 71660, \"6\": 280127, \"9\": 136144, \"8\": 644964}", "id": 89, "extra_cn": "如果阿曼尼狂战士问你:“你刚才看着我?!”正确的答案应该是:“没有,伙计。”", "arena_win": 6744440, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "阿曼尼狂战士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "阿曼尼狂战士", "id_178": "8483814", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "标准身材,很克制一些1攻单位,法师战士手下威武无双", "CardID": "EX1_393", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 2, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 2}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "激怒:+3攻击力", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Amani Berserker", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "1", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Brian 'Chippy' Dugan", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "While we'd rather a 3/2 for our two mana, a 2/3 with upside is fine. Amani Berserker is a respectable two drop and will trade with most of the things you need to kill early game. Of course it's better than the basic Crocolisk 2/3 since it has that Enrage upside, but it just turns out that there aren't that many situations when you're not a specialized class that you'll be able to enrage Amani Berserker without it dying. As with any Enrage minion, though, he goes up in Mage and Warrior decks that can get him online.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 11877936, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_391": {"image_golden": "g-Slam", "ac": 199643, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_391", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 199498}", "id": 360, "extra_cn": "“咚次哒次,咚次哒次”:如果你听到食人魔这样的“歌声”,那已经太晚了。", "arena_win": 481959, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "猛击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "猛击", "id_178": "2433", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "控制住场面最重要", "CardID": "EX1_391", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对一个随从造成$2点伤害,如果它依然存活,则抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Slam", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "E.M. Gist", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "2", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 923950, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_012": {"image_golden": "g-Bloodmage+Thalnos", "ac": 33930, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "4", "image": "EX1_012", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 547, \"3\": 3770, \"2\": 5171, \"5\": 830, \"4\": 4138, \"7\": 1010, \"6\": 5294, \"9\": 1818, \"8\": 11128}", "id": 254, "extra_cn": "他负责每年一度的血色修道院献血运动!", "arena_win": 123647, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "血法师萨尔诺斯", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "血法师萨尔诺斯", "id_178": "7890858", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "非常实用的传说,足够让对手头疼,前提是你有很多法术伤害", "CardID": "EX1_012", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "1", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "法术伤害+1,亡语:抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Bloodmage Thalnos", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Bloodmage Thalnos is an interesting legendary because he is decidedly low impact, especially compared to many of the choices you'll be offered in the Legendary slot. He looks a bit strange next to some of the other Legendaries because he doesn't have the flashy effects of his colleagues. That said, Thalnos is a respectable pick and very low impact on your deck: you will always get a card back from him and can get a bit extra value from your other spells. Being a cheap Spell Power bonus also gives him the advantage of being castable along with a spell in the same turn; for example, waiting and adding two mana to the cost of your Swipe can be well worth it. Thalnos is a respectable pick at the end of the day if you need a solid role-player and can afford to take a lower-powered but more consistent Legendary.Note that you can't control the number of spells you draft or even rely on getting a lot of spells if you draft Bloodmage Thalnos early on. Without spells, Bloodmage Thalnos becomes a much worse Loot Hoarder.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 224246, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_015": {"image_golden": "g-Novice+Engineer", "ac": 909830, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_015", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 28651, \"3\": 81350, \"2\": 129040, \"5\": 34867, \"4\": 153005, \"7\": 31144, \"6\": 139902, \"9\": 62076, \"8\": 247430}", "id": 32, "extra_cn": "“班里的一半学生无法毕业...因为他们会被变成小鸡。”——工匠大师欧沃斯巴克,授课于齿轮101班", "arena_win": 3048288, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "工程师学徒", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "工程师学徒", "id_178": "5508872", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "211身材并不友好,但优质的战吼还是足以让人流连", "CardID": "EX1_015", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Novice Engineer", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "2", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Karl Richardson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "2", "description_en": "Originally, Novice Engineer was up at #16. Though not nearly as good as it was in constructed, it was still a fairly sturdy body you could put on the field and get card advantage with at the same time. But now that Novice Engineer has been nerfed, it's now far too vulnerable to hero powers that do one damage and in arena, where you can't base your entire strategy on drawing cards, she's more often not a great choice.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 5546961, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_011": {"image_golden": "g-Savage+Roar", "ac": 588777, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_011", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 587620}", "id": 354, "extra_cn": "显然这对火元素和水元素也有作用。难道这说明元素也是长耳朵的吗?", "arena_win": 1669872, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "野蛮咆哮", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "野蛮咆哮", "id_178": "1442453", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "虽不如构筑那般十分给力的打出足够多的伤害,但也用途多多", "CardID": "CS2_011", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在本回合中,使你的所有角色获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Savage Roar", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Grace Liu", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Savage Roar has very high upside but is only good when you have a board presence. Savage Roar does very little for you if you are behind and that is where you really need the help. Savage Roar would be much better from behind if it buffed Health as well so you didn't have to trade off your minions.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3123820, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_575": {"image_golden": "g-Mana+Tide+Totem", "ac": 295393, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_575", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 294966}", "id": 292, "extra_cn": "据说,有些萨满能够以很快的速度连着说十遍“疼痛的图腾”。", "arena_win": 1012687, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "法力之潮图腾", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "法力之潮图腾", "id_178": "7127330", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要是能够拿到两张以上,那就赚翻了", "CardID": "EX1_575", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": "", "Race": "21", "description_cn": "在你的回合结束时,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mana Tide Totem", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Scott Altmann", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "In the worst case scenario, Mana Tide Totem cycles for three mana: in the best case scenario, Mana Tide Totem hides all game and buries your opponent. An important point that must be emphasized here is that this is a three mana spell but not a three drop. The ideal position for a Mana Tide Totem is when the board is near parity and you have at least one Taunt out. If you have other plays, there is no shame in being greedy and trying to maximize your value.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1810175, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_009": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 19560, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_009", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 778, \"3\": 1643, \"2\": 2642, \"5\": 983, \"4\": 3051, \"7\": 937, \"6\": 2670, \"9\": 2119, \"8\": 4737}", "id": 1119, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 64791, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "死亡领主", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "死亡领主", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "真的,蛮没用的,即使屁股再大", "CardID": "FP1_009", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>嘲讽,亡语:</b>你的对手将一个随从从其牌库置入战场。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 117655, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_005": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_005", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1065, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "纳克萨玛斯之影", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "纳克萨玛斯之影", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "一旦成长起来,将后患无穷;但劣势在于,它需要两个回合以上的成长", "CardID": "FP1_005", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>潜行。</b>在你的回合开始时,获得+1/+1。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "1", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_613": {"image_golden": "g-Edwin+Vancleef", "ac": 16716, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_613", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "1", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 16640}", "id": 125, "extra_cn": "他领导石匠协会重建了暴风城,而当贵族们拒绝支付工钱的时候,他将领导迪菲亚兄弟会,嗯,拆掉暴风城。", "arena_win": 58688, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "艾德温·范克里夫", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "艾德温·范克里夫", "id_178": "8949646", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "很容易在中期就能成为一名大BOSS,要求玩家技术比较高", "CardID": "EX1_613", "Elite": "1", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "连击:在本回合中,使用此牌前每打出一张其他牌,便获得+2/+2。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Edwin VanCleef", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jesper Ejsing", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 106856, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_612": {"image_golden": "g-Kirin+Tor+Mage", "ac": 525814, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "2", "image": "EX1_612", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 524901}", "id": 327, "extra_cn": "肯瑞托的法师们居住在飘浮之城达拉然。怎样让达拉然飘起来?只要用魔法把氢气球变成透明的就行了。", "arena_win": 1941484, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "肯瑞托法师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "肯瑞托法师", "id_178": "1126330", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "你很难奢求她能够发动战吼效果,把她当成白板吧;当然,能够发动战吼那就赚翻了", "CardID": "EX1_612", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:在本回合中,你使用的下一个奥秘的法力值消耗为(0)点。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Kirin Tor Mage", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Concept Art House", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "A three mana 4/3? Sign me up. The Mage Secrets do not rank exceptionally high on this list so you may not have them to combo with your Kirin Tor Mage, but who cares. If your plan is to beat down there are few better plays than this on turns two or three and if you are playing control it will trade up in most cases. We should note, however, that if you are on a control plan it is probably better to hang on to your Kirin Tor Mage so that it doesn't trade for a two mana 3/2. If you are looking for a best case scenario with Kirin Tor Mage, a game can quickly spiral out of control for your opponent if you are even slightly ahead and you Kirin Tor into a Counterspell.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3308873, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_617": {"image_golden": "g-Deadly+Shot", "ac": 298063, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "8", "image": "EX1_617", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 296682}", "id": 262, "extra_cn": "在莫克纳萨村,瞄得准并不是什么值得称道的本事。最重要的是,能不能给猎物致命的一击。", "arena_win": 727936, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "致命射击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "致命射击", "id_178": "9951059", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "千万不要试着测验你的人品,通常会让你生不如死", "CardID": "EX1_617", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "随机消灭一个敌方随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Deadly Shot", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Steve Prescott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1360664, "Secret": ""}, "NAX12_04e": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX12_04e", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 967, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "激怒", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "激怒", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX12_04e", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "在本回合中,获得+6攻击力。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "None", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_050": {"image_golden": "g-Coldlight+Oracle", "ac": 120752, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_050", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 6191, \"3\": 15720, \"2\": 12109, \"5\": 7146, \"4\": 17247, \"7\": 6215, \"6\": 17320, \"9\": 5734, \"8\": 32499}", "id": 141, "extra_cn": "他们能够预见未来。在未来的时间里,双方玩家都将抽更多的牌。真准!", "arena_win": 380391, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "寒光智者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "寒光智者", "id_178": "9626635", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "助人自助,共筑和谐酒馆", "CardID": "EX1_050", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "14", "description_cn": "战吼:每个玩家抽两张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Coldlight Oracle", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Steve Prescott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Coldlight Oracle seems like he should be good ? the effect is symmetrical, but you get a 2/2 out of the deal. The problem is that your opponent will get to use his new cards first and with more mana. A little 2/2 will not be enough to make up this deficit. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 726443, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_057": {"image_golden": "g-Shadow+Bolt", "ac": 207028, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_057", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 205399}", "id": 5, "extra_cn": "这是支箭矢,由暗影交织而成。你还想知道什么?", "arena_win": 373697, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "暗影箭", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暗影箭", "id_178": "5467358", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "用过都说好,但只能打在随从身上,建议两张左右就足够了", "CardID": "CS2_057", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对一个随从造成$4点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Shadow Bolt", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dave Allsop", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 791133, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_053": {"image_golden": "g-Far+Sight", "ac": 22567, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "CS2_053", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 22540}", "id": 301, "extra_cn": "德雷克塔尔失明了,但他依然能够看见很多东西。你懂得我的意思吗?你懂得用心灵去观察吗?", "arena_win": 76458, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "视界术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "视界术", "id_178": "4917567", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "卡牌质量其实不错的,但摸到3费以下的就算亏了;而且配不起史诗的稀有度", "CardID": "CS2_053", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抽一张牌,该牌的法力值消耗减少(3)点。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Far Sight", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Lars Grant-West", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "There are two problems with this spell: firstly, your Arena decks will be more minion focused; secondly, you can just play another card and it'll be more reliable than Far Sight.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 141315, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_196": {"image_golden": "g-Razorfen+Hunter", "ac": 984607, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_196", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 34621, \"3\": 79111, \"2\": 127258, \"5\": 49643, \"4\": 177455, \"7\": 41401, \"6\": 169039, \"9\": 70472, \"8\": 234555}", "id": 184, "extra_cn": "有人曾经把塔丝克惹毛过一次。就一次。", "arena_win": 3431057, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "4", "CardName": "剃刀猎手", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "剃刀猎手", "id_178": "2148314", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不算十分优质", "CardID": "CS2_196", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:召唤一个1/1的野猪。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Razorfen Hunter", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Clint Langley", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Razorfen Hunter provides 3/4 worth of total stats for three mana: which is respectable. Unfortunately, a 1/1 is very fragile -- can die to Hero Powers -- and a 2/3 on its own is also fairly low impact.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 6139948, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_536": {"image_golden": "g-Eaglehorn+Bow", "ac": 162514, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_536", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 162013}", "id": 199, "extra_cn": "第一课:把尖的那头对准别人。", "arena_win": 467863, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "鹰角弓", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "鹰角弓", "id_178": "9970388", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "非常实用的武器,要是奥秘足够多,多少对手都会死于你的这张弓上", "CardID": "EX1_536", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当有一张你的奥秘牌被揭示时,便获得+1耐久度。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Eaglehorn Bow", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "2", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "2", "ArtistName": "Cyril Van Der Haegen", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "7", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 860136, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_538": {"image_golden": "g-Unleash+the+Hounds", "ac": 396232, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_538", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 394674}", "id": 245, "extra_cn": "在你使用这张牌的时候,一定要喊出它的名字。", "arena_win": 850807, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "关门放狗", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "关门放狗", "id_178": "8720527", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "搭配秃鹫补充手牌;或者搭配森林狼抢血解场", "CardID": "EX1_538", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, 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"Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 334144}", "id": 121, "extra_cn": "转瞬即逝的寒光闪过,漫天飞舞的血花绽放。", "arena_win": 1001327, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "刀扇", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "刀扇", "id_178": "6978100", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "如果牌套比较缺抓牌的可以考虑,或者配合法强随从", "CardID": "EX1_129", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对所有敌方随从造成$1点伤害,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Fan of Knives", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Andrew Robinson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1805080, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_122": {"image_golden": "g-Raid+Leader", "ac": 406885, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_122", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 10849, \"3\": 27125, \"2\": 93343, \"5\": 23583, \"4\": 91846, \"7\": 28991, \"6\": 45350, \"9\": 20134, \"8\": 64941}", "id": 234, "extra_cn": "“谁再敢OT的,扣掉50DKP!”", "arena_win": 1304664, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "团队领袖", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "团队领袖", "id_178": "779873", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "优势如虎添翼,劣势有心无力", "CardID": "CS2_122", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你的其他随从获得+1攻击力。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Raid Leader", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Phill Gonzales", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Raid Leader is an example of a card that fails the Vanilla Test and doesn't have a strong enough ability to compensate. The main problem with Raid Leader's ability is that it is not a persistent buff like Shattered Sun Cleric. You will be able to attack once for a little extra, but on your next turn your opponent should have no trouble clearing out a 2/2. ", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 2464612, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_125": {"image_golden": "g-Ironfur+Grizzly", "ac": 1018035, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_125", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 35028, \"3\": 79064, \"2\": 116339, \"5\": 74916, \"4\": 174781, \"7\": 39248, \"6\": 166825, \"9\": 81420, \"8\": 249477}", "id": 151, "extra_cn": "“瘦死的棕熊比兽人大。”", "arena_win": 3394379, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "铁鬃灰熊", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "铁鬃灰熊", "id_178": "7218433", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "人称“贴吧熊”。三攻击注定能换掉大多数3费内的随从,只能说还不错", "CardID": "CS2_125", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "2", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ironfur Grizzly", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Lars Grant-West", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Another three mana 3/3 to consider. The upside on Ironfur Grizzly is good, although not as good as Earthen Ring Farseer or Raging Worgen. Ironfur Grizzly loses some value in the meta since he will often trade down for a 3/2, but being able to get them away from your more expensive minions later can be worth it.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 6189281, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_124": {"image_golden": "g-Wolfrider", "ac": 972711, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_124", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 41866, \"3\": 92167, \"2\": 111674, \"5\": 55191, \"4\": 175382, \"7\": 50986, \"6\": 145263, \"9\": 67194, \"8\": 231668}", "id": 238, "extra_cn": "兽人劫掠者们以狼作为坐骑是因为它们能够适应艰苦的环境,而且它们特别温顺,很会讨兽人喜欢。", "arena_win": 3299180, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "狼骑兵", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "狼骑兵", "id_178": "3734952", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "解场用,或者也可以非常无脑地往对方脸上砸", "CardID": "CS2_124", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冲锋", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Wolfrider", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dany Orizio", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Wolfrider is another acceptable deal at three damage for three mana. The increased cost and damage, however, hurts Wolfrider in the early game and meta because he will overkill the 3/2s you want to get out of the way.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 5978551, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_127": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 180577, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_127", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 4914, \"3\": 10949, \"2\": 20740, \"5\": 24263, \"4\": 27500, \"7\": 9024, \"6\": 25979, \"9\": 20360, \"8\": 35759}", "id": 171, "extra_cn": "尽管他表现得像个领导者,但实际上银背母猩猩才是真正管事的人。", "arena_win": 524944, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "银背族长", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "银背族长", "id_178": "8706508", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "三费一攻实在不友好", "CardID": "CS2_127", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "2", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Silverback Patriarch", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ittoku Seta", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "The streak of sub-optimal Taunts continues with Silverback Patriarch! Everything that was true of Mogu'shan Warden applies here except you are getting -3 Health for only one less mana.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 1043585, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_007t": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_007t", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "4", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1118, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "蛛魔", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "蛛魔", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "FP1_007t", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "4", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "3", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "NAX9_02H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX9_02H", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1103, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "女公爵布劳缪克丝", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "女公爵布劳缪克丝", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX9_02H", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "使你的英雄获得<b>免疫</b>。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_006": {"image_golden": "g-Alarm-o-Bot", "ac": 62950, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_006", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 2788, \"3\": 3430, \"2\": 5652, \"5\": 2917, \"4\": 8763, \"7\": 3311, \"6\": 19072, \"9\": 4813, \"8\": 11702}", "id": 90, "extra_cn": "警报。警报。警报。", "arena_win": 159999, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "报警机器人", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "报警机器人", "id_178": "6885598", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "大怪多的话可以一战。温馨提示:交换后的随从没有战吼效果", "CardID": "EX1_006", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 4, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在你的回合开始时,随机将你的手牌中的一张随从牌与该随从交换。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Alarm-o-Bot", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Sean O’Daniels", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Alarm-o-Bot is like the unfortunate step-sibling of Mind Control Tech. It has a very high variance ability but lacks the relevant body. Furthermore, with the current trend of Arena, most decks are running a fairly low curve. In an average deck, therefore, you probably won't be getting much ahead off his ability. ", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 341717, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_007": {"image_golden": "g-Acolyte+of+Pain", "ac": 1864424, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_007", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 86889, \"3\": 144181, \"2\": 224573, \"5\": 57142, \"4\": 306822, \"7\": 48626, \"6\": 266000, \"9\": 126036, \"8\": 600811}", "id": 339, "extra_cn": "在他年轻的时候,他经受的是“快乐寺僧”的训练,但是训练成果并不如他想象的那么好。", "arena_win": 6364463, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "苦痛侍僧", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "苦痛侍僧", "id_178": "5873184", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "再不济也就相当于战利品贮藏者,拉卡差利器,相当于自带嘲讽", "CardID": "EX1_007", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 1, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当该随从受到伤害时,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Acolyte of Pain", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dave Kendall", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "On average, Acolyte of Pain will draw more cards than a Novice Engineer. That said, it needs to be considered that he costs more and is harder to cash in. He doesn't net you a card immediately after he's played and is an excellent Silence target. Acolyte of Pain should ideally be played early game where he can hope to draw two cards. The catch, however, is that spending three mana on a one Attack minion is not what you want to be doing early game. Acolyte of Pain sits in an awkward spot, therefore, where you will need him to draw you into a strong late game since he will set you behind. It should also be mentioned that he is harder to activate than in Constructed: unless, of course, you are playing Mage.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 11342004, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_005": {"image_golden": "g-Big+Game+Hunter", "ac": 707299, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_005", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 27255, \"3\": 84464, \"2\": 85904, \"5\": 37607, \"4\": 86204, \"7\": 24835, \"6\": 90464, \"9\": 58609, \"8\": 210376}", "id": 1, "extra_cn": "魔暴龙之类的猎物已经让他提不起兴趣了。很快,他就会提着一把生锈的“科罗尔之刃”去猎杀奥妮克希亚了。", "arena_win": 2546825, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "7", "CardName": "王牌猎人", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "王牌猎人", "id_178": "9168341", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "套牌里有了他,心里就会安定一些,建议最多带一张", "CardID": "EX1_005", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:消灭一个攻击力大于或等于7的随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Big Game Hunter", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "消灭一个攻击力大于或等于7的随从。", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Chris Seaman", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Big Game Hunter probably won't trigger often and if you see him early probably isn't worth hanging on to. So ability aside, is a 4/2 for three worth it? Absolutely. Big Game Hunter, when he does have text, only gets better later in the game because as a late draw it may be worth holding on to. Another benefit that Big Game Hunter gains in the late game is that his high Attack means that he'll still be relevant as the game goes longer: both as a clock and in trading.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 4570396, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_031": {"image_golden": "g-Animal+Companion", "ac": 392500, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_031", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 391253}", "id": 173, "extra_cn": "你可以召唤米莎,雷欧克或是霍弗!霍弗又没用,又爱惹麻烦!", "arena_win": 808959, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "动物伙伴", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "动物伙伴", "id_178": "3399089", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "三张有两张是大作用,米莎更是炉石最强3费随从!建议你使用前先洗把手", "CardID": "NEW1_031", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "随机召唤一个野兽伙伴。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Animal Companion", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Wei Wang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 1500263, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_366": {"image_golden": "g-Sword+of+Justice", "ac": 280339, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_366", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 279280}", "id": 25, "extra_cn": "我封你为“牛腰肉爵士”!", "arena_win": 981157, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "公正之剑", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "公正之剑", "id_178": "8216322", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "圣骑士看家本领,中场建立优势;除了害怕软泥怪,要不然足够让对手头疼万分", "CardID": "EX1_366", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你召唤一个随从,使它获得+1/+1,这把武器失去1点耐久度。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Sword of Justice", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "5", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "5", "ArtistName": "Efrem Palacios", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "7", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "If you are patient, Sword of Justice is +5/+5 to your team for three mana: that is a good deal. When you factor in the synergy with the Paladin Hero Power, you have a bomb of a weapon, Another upside to this card is that the bonuses are spread out. If you were getting the effect on only one minion it would a riskier play. The final benefit of Sword of Justice is that it still does have the versatility to attack if you need it to. All in all, Sword of Justice is a great weapon with amazing synergies with this class.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1743988, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_007": {"image_golden": "g-Healing+Touch", "ac": 135224, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_007", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 134474}", "id": 79, "extra_cn": "见效快,疗效好,无毒副作用。", "arena_win": 385146, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "治疗之触", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "治疗之触", "id_178": "9575503", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "一般不推荐单纯恢复生命值的牌", "CardID": "CS2_007", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "恢复#8点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Healing Touch", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Cyril Van Der Haegen", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Healing as a bonus upside on Ancient of Lore is something that we happily anticipate. Healing Touch, however, is completely different. We liked the ancient because in addition to the healing, it also gives you a body to help stabilize the board; Healing Touch just puts you down a card.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 760912, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_507": {"image_golden": "g-Murloc+Warleader", "ac": 44834, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_507", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 1131, \"3\": 6768, \"2\": 6060, \"5\": 2071, \"4\": 4233, \"7\": 5267, \"6\": 4461, \"9\": 3101, \"8\": 11608}", "id": 152, "extra_cn": "鱼人们老是发出一样的声音,难道不觉得厌烦吗?不!姆格拉咕嗯噜咕噜咕噜咕噜咕噜!", "arena_win": 158466, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "鱼人领军", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "鱼人领军", "id_178": "6944138", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "其实身材还算可以,单抓也不会亏太多,但是能有更好选择就别选它吧!", "CardID": "EX1_507", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "14", "description_cn": "所有其他鱼人获得+2/+1。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Murloc Warleader", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Tim McBurnie", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "The same applies to Murloc Warleader as did Southsea Captain. He ranks lower because, while his buff is greater, the Murlocs are generally worse than the Pirates in arena. Another strike against Murloc Warleader is that his effect will also buff your opponent's Murlocs: this is not the case for Southsea Captain. The same conclusion applies here, a three mana 3/3 is decent if not exciting: although this one carries a minor risk.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 285540, "Secret": ""}, "NAX2_05H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX2_05H", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "4", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 973, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "膜拜者", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "膜拜者", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX2_05H", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "你的英雄在你的回合获得+3攻击力。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, 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"Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "如果其他天启骑士死亡,获得+6攻击力。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "7", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_556": {"image_golden": "g-Harvest+Golem", "ac": 2882433, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_556", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 113063, \"3\": 259305, \"2\": 370036, \"5\": 119167, \"4\": 498705, \"7\": 111512, \"6\": 446133, \"9\": 219545, \"8\": 736201}", "id": 220, "extra_cn": "“温度过高。系统失灵。二号仓粮食堵塞。正在关闭。”", "arena_win": 8980124, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "麦田傀儡", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "麦田傀儡", "id_178": "3317042", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "神卡,一旦在场对手就总要付出比较多的代价", "CardID": "EX1_556", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "亡语:召唤一个2/1的损坏的傀儡。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Harvest Golem", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Brian Despain", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "A 2/3 for three mana is a low score on the Vanilla Test so we expect some help: his upside delivers and makes him quite good. Harvest Golem is not quite as good as the past two minions, in that he will not always guarantee a 2-for-1, but he will usually cost more mana to deal with than the three you used to cast him. In fact, if you look at Harvest Golem as providing 4/4 worth of total stats, he's a very good deal even if they are split up. Harvest Golem comes in third because he has the very real potential to be a 2-for-1; even when he isn't getting full value, he is a sticky minion to get rid of for sure.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 15996329, "Secret": ""}, "tt_010": {"image_golden": "g-Spellbender", "ac": 111827, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "2", "image": "tt_010", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 111834}", "id": 293, "extra_cn": "虽然干扰敌人的闪电箭非常有意思,但是扰咒师更喜欢干扰对手使用野性印记。那种感觉会更卑鄙。至于血精灵...呃,他们只是稍微有点卑鄙而已。", "arena_win": 442331, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "扰咒术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "扰咒术", "id_178": "7835440", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不论是三张职业史诗里,还是法师职业的奥秘里,这张都是最没用的", "CardID": "tt_010", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当一个敌方法术以一个随从为目标时,召唤一个1/3的随从并使其成为新的目标。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Spellbender", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Gonzalo Ordonez", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Spellbender is similar to Counterspell but is better in one case and worse in another. Spellbender has all the same meta-benefits as Counterspell while being better against buffs and worse against board clears. Spellbender ranks lower than Counterspell because buff spells are played less frequently and board clears are premium spells in most decks. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 762861, "Secret": "1"}, "NAX8_04": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX8_04", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1094, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "冷酷战士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冷酷战士", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX8_04", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>亡语:</b>为你的对手召唤一个鬼灵战士。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, 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"岩肤石像鬼", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "如果被加上了嘲讽的buff,也是蛮让对手头疼的", "CardID": "FP1_027", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 1, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "1", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "在你的回合开始时,为该随从恢复所有生命值。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "1", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 159966, "Secret": null}, "FP1_023": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_023", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", 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\"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 1, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "法术伤害+1", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Dalaran Mage", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jim Nelson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "A three mana 1/4 does not attack well enough and Spellpower is not very relevant in Arena: there are better options for your three drop slots.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2057045, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_170": {"image_golden": "g-Emperor+Cobra", "ac": 693781, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_170", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 30799, \"3\": 52542, \"2\": 73222, \"5\": 48874, \"4\": 123545, \"7\": 22249, \"6\": 106878, \"9\": 48508, \"8\": 185831}", "id": 289, "extra_cn": "索拉查盆地栖息着很多非常恐怖的生物。如果你一定要去那里,带上杀虫剂,还要穿上板甲。", "arena_win": 2435331, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "帝王眼镜蛇", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "帝王眼镜蛇", "id_178": "5184119", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "适合先手铺场压制,后手略尴尬", "CardID": "EX1_170", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "消灭任何受到该随从伤害的随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Emperor Cobra", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Lars Grant-West", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "It is hard to get screwed out of at least a 1-for-1 with your Emperor Cobra. If you play him early, his ability may not be super relevant. Emperor Cobra, however, is in a cool slot for a cheap minion in that he is never a dead draw. The common problem with your two and three drops is that they are miserable draws in the late game: Emperor Cobra is almost never irrelevant and there is value in that.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4394246, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_295": {"image_golden": "g-Ice+Block", "ac": 125399, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_295", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 124934}", "id": 378, "extra_cn": "法师们都很奇怪,为什么把一样东西塞进冰箱需要三个步骤?", "arena_win": 454806, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "寒冰屏障", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "寒冰屏障", "id_178": "1776889", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "如果你有足够多的火球和炎爆,那么这张奥秘往往是你逆转的关键", "CardID": "EX1_295", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当你的英雄将要承受致命伤害时,防止这些伤害,并使其在本回合中获得免疫。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ice Block", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Carl Frank", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Ice Block may appear good because it has a one of a kind effect. That said, the effect isn't very good. Looking at the card from both winning and losing perspectives: it literally does nothing if you're winning; and when you're losing, it doesn't do anything to get you back in the game except stall. Stalling may seem like a beneficial ability, but Ice Block does not effect the board in any way that will let you benefit from your bought time. Ice Block only can really benefit you if you top deck the perfect answer because anything else you could have just played in place of the Ice Block. There is an argument that if your opponent overextends and leaves themselves open to dying on the counterattack, Ice Block has value there. This is not a valid argument, however, because we should assume that your opponent will not make such a mistake since they can see the Secret on board.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 812393, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_294": {"image_golden": "g-Mirror+Entity", "ac": 923657, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_294", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 923004}", "id": 123, "extra_cn": "“你先上。”——“巨兽”克鲁什格尔对他的宠物野猪说道。", "arena_win": 2963826, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "镜像实体", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "镜像实体", "id_178": "4972492", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "适合在中期博取对方会上优质随从,以企图压你的场", "CardID": "EX1_294", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当你的对手打出一张随从牌时,召唤一个该随从的复制。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mirror Entity", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raven Mimura", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Mirror Entity is a Secret that is very easy to play around. The best case scenario would occur when your opponent wastes time determining which Secret you have and then plays a weak minion into it: this is more common in Arena since the average minion value will be lower than Constructed. The worst case scenario occurs when you are behind on board and your draw of Mirror Entity does nothing because your opponent is far ahead regardless.Note: With Mirror Entity more than most Secrets, we are assuming your opponent does not make a huge blunder and play a Ragnaros into a Secret.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5159985, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_103": {"image_golden": "g-Coldlight+Seer", "ac": 21870, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_103", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 928, \"3\": 1900, \"2\": 2123, \"5\": 1157, \"4\": 2998, \"7\": 4101, \"6\": 3142, \"9\": 1198, \"8\": 4240}", "id": 120, "extra_cn": "寒光鱼人终年居住于无底海源最黑暗的洞穴之中。所以,是的,你到哪儿都别想摆脱鱼人。", "arena_win": 63031, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "1", "CardName": "寒光先知", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "寒光先知", "id_178": "6180894", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "你要是诚心组鱼人套,看到它你绝对两眼发光", "CardID": "EX1_103", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "14", "description_cn": "战吼:使所有其他鱼人获得+2生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Coldlight Seer", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Arthur Gimaldinov", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Coldlight Seer will not have enough murlocs to buff in your Arena deck and a three mana 2/3 fails the Vanilla Test. His body isn't the worst, so he ranks above some of the other minions to come, but he is certainly not exciting.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 124671, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_102": {"image_golden": "g-Demolisher", "ac": 824246, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "8", "image": "EX1_102", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 34692, \"3\": 65087, \"2\": 90126, \"5\": 35096, \"4\": 148326, \"7\": 32170, \"6\": 123198, \"9\": 61006, \"8\": 232571}", "id": 88, "extra_cn": "攻城这件事一点儿也不好玩,而且通常还不怎么奏效,因为现在人人都有飞行坐骑。", "arena_win": 2730740, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "攻城车", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "攻城车", "id_178": "4983068", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "人称“小螺丝”。适合先手压制,让对手头疼去吧", "CardID": "EX1_102", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在你的回合开始时,对一个随机敌人造成2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Demolisher", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Demolisher is an annoying minion. Demolisher has a lot of Health for a three drop, but the ability is the most frustrating of all. As somebody playing against Demolisher, you more or less have to kill it in case it randomly hits the one minion you want to keep alive. And as the player with Demolisher, you can feel bad as it consistently fails to hit what you want. Another point to consider is that Demolisher will eat hits from two different 3/2s if that's all you have and thus forcing a big waste of damage. Demolisher isn't the greatest minion around, but feel free to go for it if you want to roll the dice. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5040345, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_103": {"image_golden": "g-Charge", "ac": 56020, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_103", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 55852}", "id": 306, "extra_cn": "“伙计们!伙计们!你们稳着点儿!”——某些不属于战士的随从。", "arena_win": 128731, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "冲锋", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冲锋", "id_178": "4667425", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "比较亏牌,但拿了熔岩巨人后可以拿来残血状况下低费冲锋10血", "CardID": "CS2_103", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个友方随从获得+2攻击力和冲锋。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Charge", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 276824, "Secret": ""}, "NAX9_04": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX9_04", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1105, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "瑟里耶克爵士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "瑟里耶克爵士", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX9_04", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "使你的英雄获得<b>免疫</b>。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "NAX9_05": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX9_05", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1050, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "符文剑", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "符文剑", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX9_05", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, 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"NAX9_02", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "使你的英雄获得<b>免疫</b>。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "NAX9_03": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX9_03", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1107, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "库尔塔兹领主", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "库尔塔兹领主", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX9_03", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "使你的英雄获得<b>免疫</b>。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_339": {"image_golden": "g-Thoughtsteal", "ac": 503950, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_339", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 503245}", "id": 272, "extra_cn": "“人类喜欢说‘对牛弹琴’来形容白费功夫,哼,我们喜欢说‘对兽人使用思维窃取’!”——牛头人长者", "arena_win": 1024540, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "思维窃取", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "思维窃取", "id_178": "5332736", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "牧师之所以恶心人就是因为他会偷牌", "CardID": "EX1_339", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "复制对手的牌库中的两张牌,并将其置入你的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Thoughtsteal", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Garner", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Thoughtsteal is very much like Arcane Intellect: it is a powerful effect but not for every deck. The obvious difference is that Thoughtsteal is taking from your opponent's deck. That said, this is far less of a drawback than in Constructed. In Arena your decks will be much less specialized than their Constructed counterparts; therefore, your Thoughtsteal is more likely to hit useful cards.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2033688, "Secret": ""}, "secret_HERO_08": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "0", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "secret_HERO_08", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": null, "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 964, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "法师奥秘", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "法师奥秘", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "secret_HERO_08", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": null, "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": null, "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": null, "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": null, "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_412": {"image_golden": "g-Raging+Worgen", "ac": 1986979, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_412", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 97378, \"3\": 159103, \"2\": 214423, \"5\": 61305, \"4\": 323528, \"7\": 69327, \"6\": 276879, \"9\": 129971, \"8\": 651417}", "id": 172, "extra_cn": "如果他现在还是很愤怒,那就等到他平静下来。", "arena_win": 6486850, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "暴怒的狼人", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暴怒的狼人", "id_178": "7379122", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "先手不虚2攻以下的任何随从,能破圣盾,后手容易被换", "CardID": "EX1_412", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 1, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "激怒:+1攻击力并具有风怒", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Raging Worgen", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "1", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dany Orizio", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Similar to Earthen Ring Farseer, Raging Worgen is fine as a three mana 3/3 and has a bonus upside. In Warrior or Mage decks he can get very out of hand; but even leaving that aside, Raging Worgen's Enrage makes him awkward to deal with. Raging Worgen tends to warp board states around himself as the threat of his Enrage coming online is quite scary. He warps the board in the sense that he requires a very specific response and demands a new game plan from your opponent. If your Raging Worgen does survive to attack, it can often 2-for-1 by taking out a 2/x and then something larger.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 11631504, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_382": {"image_golden": "g-Aldor+Peacekeeper", "ac": 576044, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_382", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 573877}", "id": 373, "extra_cn": "奥尔多痛恨两样东西:占星者和湿鳞蜥蜴的眼睛。", "arena_win": 1859003, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "奥尔多卫士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "奥尔多卫士", "id_178": "9033448", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "优质的解场能力,不错的身材", "CardID": "EX1_382", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个敌方随从的攻击力变为1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Aldor Peacekeeper", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "将攻击力变为1。", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dany Orizio", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "In addition to neutralizing any offensive threat from your opponent, Aldor Peacekeeper ranks highly by virtue of being one of the best in slot three drops. Aldor Peacekeeper also maintains relevance throughout the game. In the development stages of the game, when minions are trading left and right, he shrinks a guy while being a respectable 3/3 himself. In the later stages of the game, where early minions struggle more, he can still make any Boulderfist Ogre etc. look far less threatening.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3216108, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_020": {"image_golden": "g-Scarlet+Crusader", "ac": 1980838, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_020", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 74074, \"3\": 179381, \"2\": 245439, \"5\": 72536, \"4\": 379575, \"7\": 81389, \"6\": 308163, \"9\": 138471, \"8\": 495153}", "id": 98, "extra_cn": "他们的狂热使衣衫上的猩红色更加刺眼。", "arena_win": 6542767, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "血色十字军战士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "血色十字军战士", "id_178": "2039376", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "理由?圣盾就是理由。不过面对萨满时需要谨慎,很容易被大地震击教做人", "CardID": "EX1_020", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "1", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "圣盾", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Scarlet Crusader", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Gonzalo Ordonez", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "A three mana 3/1 is normally unplayable: not only does it have the downside of only a single Health, it is not strong enough for three mana. Luckily for Scarlet Crusader, Divine Shield is a very powerful defensive ability. With three attack and -- essentially -- two lives, Scarlet Crusader is often able to trade for at least one card of your opponent's. Even in one of the worst case scenarios where she dies to two hero powers, she got you a better deal on mana and tempo. Also note that she's particularly weak to Shadow Word: Pain and Earth Shock.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 11645493, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_021": {"image_golden": "g-Thrallmar+Farseer", "ac": 381961, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_021", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 15503, \"3\": 31266, \"2\": 55481, \"5\": 10429, \"4\": 83247, \"7\": 19187, \"6\": 64301, \"9\": 28481, \"8\": 73278}", "id": 298, "extra_cn": "他受命驻扎在地狱火半岛,但他很希望能够被调配到奥格瑞玛附近,或者随便什么地方,只要那里的土地不要老是着火就行。", "arena_win": 1246958, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "萨尔玛先知", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "萨尔玛先知", "id_178": "7205526", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "如果已经拿了加buff的牌,这张牌可以考虑", "CardID": "EX1_021", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "1", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "风怒", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Thrallmar Farseer", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Efrem Palacios", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "For three mana a 2/3 is too small. Windfury is deceptive because while it seems powerful, it doesn't help the fact that your opponent will likely kill this minion on their turn before you can benefit from it. The end result is that you over pay for a minion whose ability you never use.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 2336140, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_026": {"image_golden": "g-Frost+Nova", "ac": 149162, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_026", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 148586}", "id": 23, "extra_cn": "嘿,伙计,这会冻死你的。我是说真的。", "arena_win": 485816, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "冰霜新星", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冰霜新星", "id_178": "3282149", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "单纯地减缓对方的进攻节奏,并不能带来场面上数量差别的优势", "CardID": "CS2_026", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冻结所有敌方随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Frost Nova", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Josh Tallman", "Freeze": "1", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Frost Nova is similar to Ice Block in that it buys you time but does not do anything to get you back from behind. Frost Nova is a card that is occasionally played in Constructed. Those decks that play it, however, are more control based and run Doomsayer as a key piece in what makes Frost Nova good. There is also no case in which Frost Nova will get back a card back worth of value: casting it will always be an 0-for-1 for you.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 900742, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_023": {"image_golden": "g-Arcane+Intellect", "ac": 1378211, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_023", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 1375089}", "id": 264, "extra_cn": "使用这张牌能让你变得更聪明。面对现实吧:变聪明些对我们大家来说都是好事。", "arena_win": 4358413, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "奥术智慧", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "奥术智慧", "id_178": "6554133", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "抽2张牌虽然很棒,但是费用也很高,尽量在后期用它", "CardID": "CS2_023", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抽两张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Arcane Intellect", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dave Berggren", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Arcane Intellect is a straight up 2-for-1 and a very powerful spell. While Arcane Intellect is not great in aggro decks, it is amazing in control decks and is really the only thing that they want to do. When an aggro deck is losing steam -- post Flamestrike perhaps -- against a control Mage, an Arcane Intellect will often just put the game away completely by drawing into more answers. It also bears mentioning that in the late game, an Arcane Intellect can be cast along with a cheap spell you may draw.On aggro vs. control: In Arena it is harder to draft a deck that commits to one of these roles as easily as a Constructed one might. That said, it is usually possible to hedge towards one or the other and that's how you should determine whether or not Arcane Intellect is for you.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 7433304, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_141": {"image_golden": "g-Ironforge+Rifleman", "ac": 393064, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "8", "image": "CS2_141", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 14902, \"3\": 34396, \"2\": 50500, \"5\": 14731, \"4\": 77576, \"7\": 18190, \"6\": 62010, \"9\": 31201, \"8\": 89095}", "id": 192, "extra_cn": "“准备!瞄准!干杯!”", "arena_win": 1360735, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "2", "CardName": "铁炉堡火枪手", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "铁炉堡火枪手", "id_178": "8436937", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "和弓箭手一样的战吼效果,身材却好不了多少,你惭愧不?", "CardID": "CS2_141", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:造成1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ironforge Rifleman", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "造成1点伤害。", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Tooth", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Ironforge Rifleman falls way short of expectations as a three mana 2/2. We would expect, therefore, to get a nice bonus in the text box and one damage does not cut it.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 2486095, "Secret": ""}, "NAXM_002": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAXM_002", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1158, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "骷髅铁匠", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "骷髅铁匠", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAXM_002", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>亡语:</b>摧毁对手的武器。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_248": {"image_golden": "g-Feral+Spirit", "ac": 441385, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_248", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 440248}", "id": 67, "extra_cn": "幽灵狼只是普通的狼而已,它们擅长发出瘆人的寒光。", "arena_win": 1424882, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "野性狼魂", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "野性狼魂", "id_178": "8629421", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "虽然代价是有点高,但是迫使地方硬解还是不亏的", "CardID": "EX1_248", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "1", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "召唤2个2/3并具有嘲讽的幽灵狼。过载:(2)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Feral Spirit", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Clint Langley", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Feral Spirit provides four Attack and six Health for five total mana but is castable on turn three. The stats alone here speak for themselves. In terms of playing with Feral Spirit, resist the urge to coin them out on turn two. Overloading two mana out of your three will make for an awkward turn and may well set you back the tempo you just gained. Playing them on turn three also is quite good because it sets up a totem on turn four if you have nothing else.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2482300, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_241": {"image_golden": "g-Lava+Burst", "ac": 271903, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_241", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 270816}", "id": 185, "extra_cn": "这滋味就像岩浆在你嘴里翻江倒海!", "arena_win": 899465, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "熔岩爆裂", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "熔岩爆裂", "id_178": "6221148", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不错的法伤牌,得要观察好自己的费用数以及场上情况来使用", "CardID": "EX1_241", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "1", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$5点伤害,过载:(2)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Lava Burst", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Scott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Paying five mana for your five damage Lava Burst is not the greatest rate. That said, sometimes you just need a big minion dead and Lava Burst will do that for you. It is also worth noting that Lava Burst can act as reach if needed. Overall not a flashy or efficient card, but one that is required.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1606895, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_246": {"image_golden": "g-Hex", "ac": 1003995, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_246", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 1001367}", "id": 305, "extra_cn": "如果你对一个鱼人使用妖术...其实结果也没什么变化,对不对?", "arena_win": 2474803, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "妖术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "妖术", "id_178": "6207375", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "才三费,而且是个没有攻击力的青蛙,多多益善", "CardID": "EX1_246", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从变形成为一个0/1并具有嘲讽的青蛙。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Hex", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Steve Hui", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Hex is cheap and kills anything no questions asked. In fact, Hex does one better than killing things because it doesn't trigger Deathrattle. Basically the only thing that can go wrong with a Hex in your hand would be you playing it an having the Taunt frog mess up your attacks. Don't do that and you should be fine.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4354933, "Secret": ""}, "tt_004": {"image_golden": "g-Flesheating+Ghoul", "ac": 1088606, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "tt_004", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 38790, \"3\": 86501, \"2\": 163197, \"5\": 47324, \"4\": 230019, \"7\": 52496, \"6\": 147897, \"9\": 71253, \"8\": 248667}", "id": 37, "extra_cn": "诟病食尸鬼吃“腐肉”其实对它们并不公平,它们只是没有别的可吃了而已。", "arena_win": 3690976, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "腐肉食尸鬼", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "腐肉食尸鬼", "id_178": "2859758", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "准备和对方交换随从前放上食尸鬼效果最好", "CardID": "tt_004", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 2, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 2, \"7\": 2, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当一个随从死亡时,获得+1攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Flesheating Ghoul", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Flesheating Ghoul fails the Vanilla Test, but as mentioned above, minions die quite often in Hearthstone. The turn after you play your Flesheating Ghoul, it changes how your opponent will play their combat. When you get a chance to attack, Flesheating Ghoul will usually be bigger than a 2/3 and will usually trade up.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 6704045, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_259": {"image_golden": "g-Lightning+Storm", "ac": 491888, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_259", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 490299}", "id": 168, "extra_cn": "恐怕打伞是没有用的。", "arena_win": 1559692, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "闪电风暴", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "闪电风暴", "id_178": "6634540", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "只要能使到场面占优,哪怕下回合过载,主动权还是在我方", "CardID": "EX1_259", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "1", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对所有敌方随从造成$2到$3点伤害,过载:(2)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Lightning Storm", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Christopher Moeller", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Lightning Storm has two great things going for it. Firstly, it's damage to cost ratio is better than average for a four mana spell and on par for what we'd expect from a five mana spell. While Overload makes this spell difficult to compare to Consecration -- our benchmark board clear -- it does contribute to the second point which makes this spell great. The fact that the mana cost is split allows you to both cast your Lightning Storm earlier or cast it and a minion in the same turn for an even more back breaking turn. Bonus point! Lightning Storm is a board clear and most of those so far have ranked very highly.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2714586, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_258": {"image_golden": "g-Unbound+Elemental", "ac": 686779, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_258", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 685172}", "id": 6, "extra_cn": "无拘无束的它喜欢在灯红酒绿的城里度过每个夜晚。", "arena_win": 1928605, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "无羁元素", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "无羁元素", "id_178": "8968365", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "如果已经抓了足够多的过载,这张是个好选择", "CardID": "EX1_258", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你使用一张具有过载的牌,便获得+1/+1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Unbound Elemental", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Gaser", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Unbound Elemental is pretty solid at three mana and a 2/4 is a great early game body for clearing out 3/2s. Unbound Elemental also has a pseudo-Taunt type effect on the board as he is threatening enough to force unfavorable attacks out of your opponents. Unbound Elemental is good on its own and great with a single Overload spell. Any triggers beyond the first push this minion into game stealing range. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3417570, "Secret": ""}, "NAX9_04H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX9_04H", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 969, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "瑟里耶克爵士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "瑟里耶克爵士", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX9_04H", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "使你的英雄获得<b>免疫</b>。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_590": {"image_golden": "g-Blood+Knight", "ac": 685821, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_590", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 23728, \"3\": 88043, \"2\": 77013, \"5\": 34076, \"4\": 102928, \"7\": 28196, \"6\": 71953, \"9\": 61899, \"8\": 196054}", "id": 50, "extra_cn": "血骑士从太阳井中获得他们的神圣能量,所以你别把那里当成是洗太阳浴的地方。", "arena_win": 2398068, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "血骑士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "血骑士", "id_178": "8630093", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "圣盾是能够在JJC里帮助玩家建立优势的技能,而血骑士能够完美破圣盾", "CardID": "EX1_590", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:所有随从失去圣盾。每有一个随从失去圣盾,便获得+3/+3。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Blood Knight", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Trent Kaniuga", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Blood Knight has a reasonable floor and a high ceiling. A three mana 3/3 is not great but reasonable, if he can eat even one Divine Shield, however, he becomes insanely cost effective. If we take the average case as stealing between zero and one shield -- skewing towards one because he will occasionally hit more -- Blood Knight is definitely a strong minion. This is all disregarding whether Blood Knight is hitting your own Divine Shield or your opponents. We're going off this assumption because hitting an opponent's minion is obviously a plus: if your own shields aren't worth +3/+3, which they often will be, you can simply trade them off before casting your Blood Knight. Blood Knight's ability, therefore, is almost strictly an upside.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4337797, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_594": {"image_golden": "g-Vaporize", "ac": 173800, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_594", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 173528}", "id": 320, "extra_cn": "是不是因为死亡之翼的对手使用这张牌击败了他,所以他一怒之下引发了大灾变?我们不得而知。", "arena_win": 617510, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "蒸发", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "蒸发", "id_178": "1541670", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "实用性太弱了,现如今都是先用小伙伴测验奥秘的", "CardID": "EX1_594", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当一个随从攻击你的英雄,将其消灭。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Vaporize", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Vaporize is a Counterspell for minions. It will always kill a minion, but will rarely kill what you want unless your opponent makes a grevious error. Vaporize will be a 1-for-1, but not always a mana efficient one. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1108587, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_349": {"image_golden": "g-Divine+Favor", "ac": 269536, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_349", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 268519}", "id": 159, "extra_cn": "这可是神的恩赐,就好像有人在关键时刻向你伸出援手。", "arena_win": 896638, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "神恩术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "神恩术", "id_178": "7302973", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "看自身的法力曲线来衡量,在快攻牌组里非常有效", "CardID": "EX1_349", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抽若干数量的牌,直到你的手牌数量等同于你的对手的手牌数量。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Divine Favor", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Lucas Graciano", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Divine Favor is best in very low curve decks. For the most part, your Arena deck will not be built in a way to properly capitalize on this and Divine Favor runs a high risk of being stranded in your hand.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1642604, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_181": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 877796, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_181", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 37674, \"3\": 64316, \"2\": 111596, \"5\": 29397, \"4\": 142646, \"7\": 24448, \"6\": 126118, \"9\": 125882, \"8\": 213111}", "id": 248, "extra_cn": "他说这是在一次惨烈的战斗中留下的伤疤,但我们觉得,他只是刮胡子的时候弄伤了自己。", "arena_win": 2986297, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "7", "CardName": "负伤剑圣", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "负伤剑圣", "id_178": "3325268", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "就算不是牧师等可以加血的英雄,出场343身材也很诱人", "CardID": "CS2_181", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 1, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:对自身造成4点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Injured Blademaster", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Samwise Didier", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Injured Blademaster may seem tricky, but the fact of the matter is that a vanilla 4/3 for three is pretty sweet! He has a bit of added value for some classes, especially Priests, but this is a quality minion that any deck would be happy to have. Injured Blademaster can also synergize well with another good Common creatures, Earthen Ring Farseer. A metagame consideration for Injured Blademaster makes him a little less exciting due to the popularity of 3/2s, but that doesn't drag him down too far. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 5399899, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_061": {"image_golden": "g-Drain+Life", "ac": 122814, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_061", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 122159}", "id": 376, "extra_cn": "“我只是减少了你一年的寿命而已。”", "arena_win": 233718, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "吸取生命", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "吸取生命", "id_178": "4940428", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "相比恶魔之火而言比较劣势", "CardID": "CS2_061", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$2点伤害,为你的英雄恢复#2点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Drain Life", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Don Hazeltine", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 515372, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_289": {"image_golden": "g-Ice+Barrier", "ac": 210732, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_289", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 209795}", "id": 236, "extra_cn": "这只是这个技能的第一级,第二级会是...巧克力牛奶护体。", "arena_win": 655190, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "寒冰护体", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "寒冰护体", "id_178": "4551640", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "注意这里指的是物理攻击,要是对方来个法术伤害一样GG", "CardID": "EX1_289", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当你的英雄受到攻击时,获得8点护甲值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ice Barrier", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Garner", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Despite how Ice Barrier is worded, it is a heal spell. In the past we have not liked spells that heal yourself only because they do not effect the board: this is still the case here. You could gain some marginal value off the fact that your opponent may play around a better Secret, but this is not enough to save this card. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1229612, "Secret": "1"}, "EX1_287": {"image_golden": "g-Counterspell", "ac": 417373, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_287", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 417117}", "id": 85, "extra_cn": "一个会法术反制的法师和一个不会法术反制的法师之间有什么区别?那个不会的法师被炎爆术炸了一脸。", "arena_win": 1562062, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "法术反制", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "法术反制", "id_178": "8605410", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "偶有机会可以反制对方的关键法术,不过很难不亏", "CardID": "EX1_287", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "奥秘:当你的对手施放法术时,反制该法术。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Counterspell", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jason Chan", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Counterspell is simply a 1-for-1. There are both upsides and downsides to playing Secrets, but Counterspell is at least guaranteed to get a spell of some nature. Part of the value of a Secret is that it will change your opponent's plays: maybe they will play a worse minion to dodge Mirror Entity, or change attack plans for Vaporize. The attached downside is that an on board trick like this can be played around. Once your opponent determines your Secret is a Counterspell, they can either play a worse spell into it or stop casting spells all-together. Even in the second case there where your Counterspell is never triggered, keeping spells in your opponent's hand should help give you an edge. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2703261, "Secret": "1"}, "CS2_117": {"image_golden": "g-Earthen+Ring+Farseer", "ac": 2108707, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_117", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 77350, \"3\": 192182, \"2\": 266989, \"5\": 72867, \"4\": 373289, \"7\": 89518, \"6\": 352024, \"9\": 154222, \"8\": 527260}", "id": 308, "extra_cn": "他确实能看得很远,他才不像那些肮脏的海盗们需要用望远镜。", "arena_win": 6883038, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "大地之环先知", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "大地之环先知", "id_178": "7883351", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "出色的身材,配上丰富多样的战吼打法,你值得拥有", "CardID": "CS2_117", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:恢复3点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Earthen Ring Farseer", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "恢复3点生命值。", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Three mana for a 3/3 is fine on the Vanilla Test even if it's a touch on the small side. Being able to heal a minion that already attacked is good value on an already acceptable statline. This may not be the flashiest Battlecry, see Dark Iron Dwarf, but Earthen Ring Farseer effectively grants +0/+3 to a minion if you are set up to properly capitalize on this ability. Earthen Ring Farseer does rank lower than Dark Iron Dwarf though because Attack is more useful than Health in the majority of cases.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 12275338, "Secret": ""}, "NAX9_03H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX9_03H", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1039, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "库尔塔兹领主", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "库尔塔兹领主", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX9_03H", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "使你的英雄获得<b>免疫</b>。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_118": {"image_golden": "g-Magma+Rager", "ac": 15225, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_118", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 615, \"3\": 1076, \"2\": 1670, \"5\": 737, \"4\": 2518, \"7\": 1999, \"6\": 1945, \"9\": 1583, \"8\": 3025}", "id": 215, "extra_cn": "尽管现在每个人都能单刷熔火之心了,但他依然觉得自己很厉害。", "arena_win": 37204, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "岩浆暴怒者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "岩浆暴怒者", "id_178": "1330785", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "一身岩浆被法爷的火冲完克,暴雪爸爸你在刷新我的三观", "CardID": "CS2_118", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Magma Rager", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Gaser", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "If he had Charge this guy would be great! But he doesn't so he isn't. It doesn't matter how high your attack, one Health is unacceptable. When you're playing arena, there's way too many times when you'll trade horribly against hero powers that do one damage.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 81277, "Secret": ""}, "NAX7_04": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX7_04", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1130, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "符文巨剑", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "符文巨剑", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX7_04", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "对英雄造成双倍伤害。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "7", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_622": {"image_golden": "g-Shadow+Word+Death", "ac": 508957, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_622", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 507600}", "id": 348, "extra_cn": "如果你的法术没有命中,那么你的目标身上会留下一道闪电箭形状的伤疤。", "arena_win": 1113461, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "暗言术:灭", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暗言术:灭", "id_178": "1665585", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "任对手上哪些大boss,对你来说就是三费的事", "CardID": "EX1_622", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "消灭一个攻击力大于或等于5的随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Shadow Word: Death", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Shadow Word: Death kills big things for cheap! It is conditional removal yes, but Shadow Word: Death efficiently hits the large minions you were going to struggle to kill in combat and is a quick answer to most Legendaries. Be careful when drafting, however, because you do not want more than two incase you run out of targets.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 2179989, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_625": {"image_golden": "g-Shadowform", "ac": 44205, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_625", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 44012}", "id": 91, "extra_cn": "当一道光亮照射在暗影牧师身上...他们的影子会投射在哪里?", "arena_win": 122548, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "暗影形态", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暗影形态", "id_178": "6112729", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "初学者不推荐,而且转成暗牧卡牌选择策略上会有较大的出入", "CardID": "EX1_625", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你的英雄技能变为“造成2点伤害”,如果已经处于暗影形态下:改为“造成3点伤害”。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Shadowform", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Shadowform has the ability to turn one of the least impactful Hero Powers into a game changer. That said, if Shadowform appears late then it can be awkward because you most likely will have been building a deck built around the heal. If you do pick Shadowform, however, it is probably worth holding until turn five so you can shoot something the turn you play it and keep developing your board in the early game: we do this because you will take a tempo hit when you", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 245551, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_597": {"image_golden": "g-Imp+Master", "ac": 808930, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_597", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 28489, \"3\": 57521, \"2\": 110228, \"5\": 28642, \"4\": 145456, \"7\": 36013, \"6\": 135209, \"9\": 70782, \"8\": 194617}", "id": 216, "extra_cn": "如果她能让这些小鬼不再咬她的话,她会更加享受这份工作的。", "arena_win": 2895900, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "小鬼召唤师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "小鬼召唤师", "id_178": "616329", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "由于配合度问题,没有像构筑那么全面", "CardID": "EX1_597", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 1, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 1, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在你的回合结束时,对该随从造成1点伤害,并召唤一个1/1的小鬼。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Imp Master", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Mark Gibbons", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Imp Master is a subtle kind of threat. She will come down early and start pumping out minions: they may only be 1/1s, but they add up. Imp Master is likely to be ignored because 1/1s don't appear threatening, but they do have utility in terms of buff targets etc. Another upside is that smaller dispersed minions are better on defense because they can soak up extra attacks if your opponent over-evaluates the threat they pose.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5158020, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_304": {"image_golden": "g-Void+Terror", "ac": 48424, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_304", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 48163}", "id": 47, "extra_cn": "如果你把这张牌放到你的套牌中,你就会失去其他随从对你的信任。", "arena_win": 103100, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "4", "CardName": "虚空恐魔", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "虚空恐魔", "id_178": "1853550", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "需要的配合度要高,如果有很多力量的代价可以考虑加在某随从身上然后被虚空吃掉", "CardID": "EX1_304", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "15", "description_cn": "战吼:消灭该随从两侧的随从,并获得他们的攻击力和生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Void Terror", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 232718, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_301": {"image_golden": "g-Felguard", "ac": 16661, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_301", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 16600}", "id": 324, "extra_cn": "没错,他会为你而战,但并非心甘情愿。", "arena_win": 37842, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "1", "CardName": "恶魔卫士", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "恶魔卫士", "id_178": "1071877", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "前期副作用很大,后期鸡肋,不推荐", "CardID": "EX1_301", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "2", "Race": "15", "description_cn": "嘲讽,战吼:摧毁你的一个法力水晶。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Felguard", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "John 'JP' Polidora", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 83675, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_089": {"image_golden": "g-Arcane+Golem", "ac": 474464, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "2", "image": "EX1_089", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 25376, \"3\": 58173, \"2\": 45356, \"5\": 39545, \"4\": 77714, \"7\": 26644, \"6\": 59866, \"9\": 20782, \"8\": 119872}", "id": 279, "extra_cn": "如果家里有一台奥术傀儡的话,一定能够使房间蓬荜生辉,格调提高,而且,它们还能成为不错的谈资。", "arena_win": 1653454, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "奥术傀儡", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "奥术傀儡", "id_178": "9581352", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要么是补刀解决战斗用;要么是对手9费过后上场。不然白送对手水晶上限是很亏的", "CardID": "EX1_089", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冲锋,战吼:使你的对手获得一个法力水晶。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Arcane Golem", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Velvet Engine", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Arcane Golem is another risky play. He may be an efficient removal spell in terms of mana spent, but you should be sure that your target is really worth killing because you will be at a disadvantage until turn ten. To be fair, Arcane Golem gets better as the game proceeds and his drawback becomes less relevant. He may not be a high pick, but be careful about the timing of playing him if you have him in your deck.Aside: Arcane Golem is great in a blitz-aggro style deck. Those decks are rare in Arena but if you're positioned well for it he's going to gain value for sure.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2992159, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_084": {"image_golden": "g-Warsong+Commander", "ac": 208509, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_084", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 208086}", "id": 102, "extra_cn": "战歌氏族中闹剧不断,什么三教九流的人都能当上他们的指挥官。", "arena_win": 500005, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "战歌指挥官", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "战歌指挥官", "id_178": "4144889", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "一般到中期才会发挥其巨大作用;配合激怒的狼人或者狂战士简直爽快", "CardID": "EX1_084", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你召唤一个攻击力小于或等于3的随从,使该随从获得冲锋。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Warsong Commander", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Wei Wang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 969879, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_085": {"image_golden": "g-Mind+Control+Tech", "ac": 1169652, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_085", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 51015, \"3\": 90166, \"2\": 136627, \"5\": 47901, \"4\": 201192, \"7\": 34582, \"6\": 182486, \"9\": 90646, \"8\": 332238}", "id": 28, "extra_cn": "精神控制技术正在日益改善,但这并不能说明什么。", "arena_win": 4114934, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "精神控制技师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "精神控制技师", "id_178": "8215589", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "拉场上随从差的牌,但比较看脸,要是面对小伙伴流如骑士,拉回来个打手绝对让你捶胸", "CardID": "EX1_085", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:如果你的对手拥有4个或者更多随从,随机控制其中一个。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mind Control Tech", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Leo Che", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Mind Control Tech is a Vanilla Test passer at 3/3 for 3 and he would get played without any ability at all. Regardless of the variance and conditional nature of his ability, it is still purely upside on an otherwise playable minion. Looking at Mind Control Tech's ability directly, it is obviously quite powerful and that’s why he is so high on this list. It could be argued that Mind Control Tech should not be this high because his ability has a steep requirement attached to it. This is a flawed argument because you get to choose when to play him. If you aren't under any pressure, you can always hold off on Mind Control Tech and let your opponent build up their board. If you are under pressure or the correct play is just to make a 3/3, he is able to do that as well.The trap that players often fall into when evaluating swingy cards like Mind Control Tech is to focus too much on the best or worst case scenario. If you have saved your Mind Control Tech for a time when his ability can trigger, then he will -- on average -- steal something at least respectable: gaining yourself an effective 2-for-1 on the spot. Another thing to consider is that most opponents won't be playing absolutely junk minions. You could argue that the true worst case scenario occurs when you hold him in your hand all game and never even get the 3/3 out of him; however, that is probably more of a play error by trying to be too greedy.Note: Mind Control Tech goes down in value if you are building a Mage deck and already have access to Flamestrikes.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 7368480, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_083": {"image_golden": "g-Tinkmaster+Overspark", "ac": 12794, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_083", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 471, \"3\": 891, \"2\": 1831, \"5\": 802, \"4\": 2392, \"7\": 683, \"6\": 1794, \"9\": 956, \"8\": 2709}", "id": 273, "extra_cn": "在09年度的铁炉堡松鼠大暴走事件之后,工匠大师欧沃斯巴克差点丢掉了他的工匠执照。", "arena_win": 41572, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "4", "CardName": "工匠大师欧沃斯巴克", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "工匠大师欧沃斯巴克", "id_178": "1017805", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "除了你得祈祷变对方的,你还得祈祷变成11小鸡鸡!工匠大师从此沦落为逗比", "CardID": "EX1_083", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使另一个随机随从变形成为一个5/5的恐龙或一个1/1的松鼠。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Tinkmaster Overspark", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "随机将一个随从变形成为5/5或者1/1。", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Tom Baxa", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Tinkmaster Overspark has gotten a lot of press lately because of his controversial nature in Constructed. The randomness is a factor in both game modes, but in Constructed he sees more play because there is a higher density of threats that are better than a 5/5 Devilsaur. In Arena -- where our prime threats are Yetis -- the potential for disaster when gambling on your Tinkmaster Overspark is much higher because it is possible to end up buffing an opponent's minion. The reality of the situation is that in Arena there are just far to few good targets for Tinkmaster Overspark and gambling on him is too high variance for a deck which wants to play for the long run. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 79165, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_155": {"image_golden": "g-Mark+of+Nature", "ac": 469610, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_155", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 468025}", "id": 379, "extra_cn": "只有德鲁伊们称之为“自然印记”。其他人都喜欢说“加个状态”。", "arena_win": 1271479, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "自然印记", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "自然印记", "id_178": "3090513", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "我们认为不如野性印记好用", "CardID": "EX1_155", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抉择:使一个随从获得+4攻击力;或者+4生命值并具有嘲讽。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mark of Nature", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Clint Langley", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Mark of Nature is Mark of the Wild but with a worse upside and a higher cost.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2412567, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_027": {"image_golden": "g-Southsea+Captain", "ac": 38964, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_027", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 2080, \"3\": 10035, \"2\": 5199, \"5\": 1367, \"4\": 5598, \"7\": 991, \"6\": 3346, \"9\": 2182, \"8\": 8067}", "id": 194, "extra_cn": "当他掠夺到足够的财宝之后,他一定要去订做一顶帅气的船长帽子。他是帽子控。", "arena_win": 153522, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "南海船长", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "南海船长", "id_178": "1435496", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "史诗里很鸡肋的一张卡", "CardID": "NEW1_027", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "23", "description_cn": "你的其他海盗获得+1/+1。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Southsea Captain", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ken Steacy", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Southsea Captain can only really be considered a three mana 3/3. He may have some incidental upside, but most of the other pirates aren't high picks themselves so it won't be very common. All in all, a three mana 3/3 is a fine curve filler but not great for an Epic pick.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 265888, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_019": {"image_golden": "g-Shattered+Sun+Cleric", "ac": 1845055, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "5", "image": "EX1_019", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 67551, \"3\": 164211, \"2\": 238185, \"5\": 68461, \"4\": 342072, \"7\": 80308, \"6\": 285352, \"9\": 139229, \"8\": 454294}", "id": 203, "extra_cn": "他们会随身带着一瓶太阳井能量饮料!", "arena_win": 6153661, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "7", "CardName": "破碎残阳祭司", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "破碎残阳祭司", "id_178": "3612347", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "性价比不错,但不推荐两张以上", "CardID": "EX1_019", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个友方随从获得+1/+1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Shattered Sun Cleric", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "使一个友方随从获得+1/+1。", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Doug Alexander", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Dark Iron Dwarf is so good that even his little sister Shattered Sun Cleric is a top five minion. The Vanilla Test says that we should expect a bit more from a three mana 3/2 -- a statline more on par for a two drop -- and Shattered Sun Cleric delivers big time. It is possible to think of this card as a three mana 4/3 since that is what she brings to the board; however, that would be selling her short. Not only does the +1/+1 have an immediate impact, since the buffed minion can usually attack that turn, but those extra stats will most often make a now outclassed minion relevant once again. This is the true benefit of Shattered Sun Cleric, in addition to being respectably sized herself, she gives extra value to a card that was perhaps no longer relevant: +1/+1 is huge early and helps smaller cards that are drawn late.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 10992879, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_390": {"image_golden": "g-Tauren+Warrior", "ac": 494135, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_390", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 21410, \"3\": 33226, \"2\": 52382, \"5\": 16261, \"4\": 77150, \"7\": 22126, \"6\": 71804, \"9\": 39293, \"8\": 159551}", "id": 333, "extra_cn": "牛头人战士:莫高雷勇士,野猪人杀手,雷霆崖电梯发明者。", "arena_win": 1535739, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "牛头人战士", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "牛头人战士", "id_178": "6403132", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "相比阿曼尼狂战士以及暴怒浪人,牛头人还是稍显逊色", "CardID": "EX1_390", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 1, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽,激怒:+3攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Tauren Warrior", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "1", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Paul Warzecha", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "While the concept of Tauren Warrior is cool, it does not salvage this three mana 2/3. The dream scenario is that he will kill some other 2 drop and then trade up as a 5/1, but this is too much of a longshot with all of the 3/2s floating around: not to mention any competent opponent will never play into this. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2929374, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_014": {"image_golden": "g-King+Mukla", "ac": 18809, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_014", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 777, \"3\": 2352, \"2\": 2044, \"5\": 2311, \"4\": 2522, \"7\": 1410, \"6\": 2318, \"9\": 1295, \"8\": 3739}", "id": 166, "extra_cn": "穆克拉在哈圭罗岛上徘徊,寻找他的真爱。", "arena_win": 65318, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "穆克拉", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "穆克拉", "id_178": "5364493", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "炉石有很多娱乐向的传说牌,大猩猩绝对是其代言人。温馨提示:香蕉的作用是让一名随从+1/+1", "CardID": "EX1_014", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "战吼:使你的对手获得2个香蕉。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "King Mukla", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Imaginary FS", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "King Mukla is undercosted for sure, but he does have a very real downside. King Mukla fits best in the style of old school Board Control Warlock decks which could count on consistently having a solid board presence. Those highly focused decks are much harder to come by in Arena so you will most likely feel the wrath of a couple of Bananas if you have a King Mukla in your deck. Another point to consider is that King Mukla gets much worse if you aren't casting him on curve because now his size is less relevant and the Bananas become more cast-able. ", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 120631, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_017": {"image_golden": "g-Jungle+Panther", "ac": 1294487, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_017", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 46168, \"3\": 116546, \"2\": 148672, \"5\": 91225, \"4\": 224721, \"7\": 49475, \"6\": 206907, \"9\": 88310, \"8\": 318874}", "id": 351, "extra_cn": "荆棘谷是一个很适合观光的地方,但你绝对不会想住在那儿。", "arena_win": 4269622, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "丛林猎豹", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "丛林猎豹", "id_178": "2998393", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "能解场能抢血,但没有哪张AOE是猎豹不怕的", "CardID": "EX1_017", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "2", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "潜行", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Jungle Panther", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "3", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "1", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jaemin Kim", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "3", "description_en": "Much like the Worgen Infiltrator above, Jungle Panther will usually trade up and kill something that costs more mana to play. Jungle Panther also shares relatively low Health with Worgen Infiltrator so it usually will not survive its attack. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 7776165, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_012": {"image_golden": "g-Swipe", "ac": 1289191, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_012", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 1284728}", "id": 325, "extra_cn": "当一只熊向后仰身张开它的前臂时,他就要横扫!...或者拥抱你了。", "arena_win": 2751378, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "横扫", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "横扫", "id_178": "6715797", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "小德的看家本领,有就必选", "CardID": "CS2_012", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对一个敌人造成$4点伤害,并对所有其他敌人造成$1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Swipe", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Sean O’Daniels", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "When considering removal cards, Swipe is one of the best around. Starfall is already top tier removal because it can be either a board clear or single target. Swipe is both at once! There is not much left to say beyond the fact that Swipe is versatile, cheap, and a good draw at any point in the game. It also bears mentioning that in discussions of which card will 30 of go 12-0 in Arena Swipe is often mentioned.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4941179, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_275": {"image_golden": "g-Cone+of+Cold", "ac": 630351, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_275", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 628486}", "id": 138, "extra_cn": "冰锥术在大约90年前开始流行起来,而在那之前,肯瑞托的法师们习惯用的是冰块术。", "arena_win": 2068685, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "冰锥术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冰锥术", "id_178": "4387482", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "至少比冰霜新星来得强", "CardID": "EX1_275", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冻结一个随从和其相邻的随从,并对它们造成$1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Cone of Cold", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Concept Art House", "Freeze": "1", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Cone of Cold is where we become skeptical of how much Freeze is worth on a card. Before considering the Freeze, Cone of Cold is three split damage for four mana: this is hardly a good deal. In this case, Freezing up to three targets has to make up two to three mana worth of effect and it just doesn't quite get there. Frost Nova Freezes their entire team for two mana and we haven't even gotten to it yet.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3667187, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_274": {"image_golden": "g-Ethereal+Arcanist", "ac": 195668, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_274", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 195211}", "id": 275, "extra_cn": "虚灵们浑身捆绑着布条,不仅是因为布料柔软舒适,更是为了让他们的外表更能为其他种族接受。", "arena_win": 662614, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "虚灵奥术师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "虚灵奥术师", "id_178": "1544660", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "看看你之前选了多少奥秘再考虑他吧", "CardID": "EX1_274", "Elite": "0", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "如果在回合结束时你控制任何奥秘,该随从便获得+2/+2。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ethereal Arcanist", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Michael Komarck", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Ethereal Arcanist is too small for a four drop and is fairly conditional. The main downside is that he is very dependent on the Secret count of your deck. The best realistic case for Ethereal Arcanist is a silenceable 5/5 which is hardly better than just a Chillwind Yeti: there are most likely more consistently good rares available.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 1206102, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_570": {"image_golden": "g-Bite", "ac": 170561, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "2", "image": "EX1_570", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 169603}", "id": 179, "extra_cn": "一般说来,你不把嘴里的肉嚼完,是不舍得变回人形态的。", "arena_win": 517285, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "撕咬", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "撕咬", "id_178": "9876553", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "就用法灵活度而言,相比于爪击略显逊色,但还算过得去,常用来脸解随从", "CardID": "EX1_570", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使你的英雄获得4点护甲值,并在本回合中获得+4攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Bite", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Tom Baxa", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Bite is not a very effective removal spell; we'd much rather be getting Starfalls. Four mana for four damage is not the greatest and having to use your hero attack is certainly a drawback because it means you cannot use it to attack another target this turn.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 981909, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_057": {"image_golden": "g-Ancient+Brewmaster", "ac": 1263105, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_057", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 45025, \"3\": 114264, \"2\": 184186, \"5\": 42274, \"4\": 215219, \"7\": 39096, \"6\": 206615, \"9\": 101523, \"8\": 310172}", "id": 300, "extra_cn": "大部分熊猫人都喜欢去他的酒坊喝酒,然后在好几天以后才能记起回家的路。", "arena_win": 4124948, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "年迈的酒仙", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "年迈的酒仙", "id_178": "433604", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "战吼效果妙用无穷,就算裸上也不吃亏", "CardID": "EX1_057", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个友方随从从战场上移回你的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ancient Brewmaster", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "将一个随从移回你的手牌。", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Bernie Kang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Ancient Brewmaster is similar to the Youthful Brewmaster and at first glance, seems to have pretty great stats for a four creature sitting at 5/4 stats. However, Ancient Brewmaster falls behind youthful counterpart in that he is less likely to come into an empty board. His Battlecry, therefore, will require some effort to work to your advantage. When you can get his Battlecry to work to your benefit, he's amazing, but otherwise he's a bit inconsistent. At the end of the day, Ancient Brewmaster is fine on the Vanilla test: he's just a bit unruly.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 7571716, "Secret": ""}, "NAX10_03H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX10_03H", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1110, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "仇恨打击", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "仇恨打击", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX10_03H", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n消灭一个随从。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "CS2_197": {"image_golden": "g-Ogre+Magi", "ac": 1004899, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_197", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 20298, \"3\": 93681, \"2\": 150094, \"5\": 20957, \"4\": 130483, \"7\": 27021, \"6\": 162674, \"9\": 70134, \"8\": 327579}", "id": 86, "extra_cn": "教授食人魔如何施法是个值得商榷的决定。", "arena_win": 3490570, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "食人魔法师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "食人魔法师", "id_178": "1707974", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "标准身材(别看他们胖),但是考虑到大多数职业4费选择较多,不是特别推荐", "CardID": "CS2_197", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "1", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 1, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 1, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "法术伤害+1", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ogre Magi", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "James Ryman", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Ogre Magi is a decent size for four. His text box is effectively blank, however, and the allowance for four drops in any deck is small and the pool is packed with better options. Ogre Magi is also more fragile with regards to meta considerations because most of the good removal options deal four damage: Truesilver Champion, Soulfire, Eviscerate, and Swipe.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 6258992, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_313": {"image_golden": "g-Pit+Lord", "ac": 14576, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_313", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 14497}", "id": 7, "extra_cn": "或许玛诺洛斯、玛瑟里顿和布鲁塔卢斯都已经死了,但其实深渊领主还有很多很多。", "arena_win": 38049, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "深渊领主", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "深渊领主", "id_178": "6396944", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "对于自身的伤害高到令玩家望而却步", "CardID": "EX1_313", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "2", "Race": "15", "description_cn": "战吼:对你的英雄造成5点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Pit 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\"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你的随从牌法力值消耗减少(2)点,但消耗不能少于(1)点。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Summoning Portal", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Tyler Walpole", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 398407, "Secret": ""}, "DS1_183": {"image_golden": "g-Multi-Shot", "ac": 264648, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "DS1_183", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 263218}", "id": 4, "extra_cn": "看见没,我完全可以“一心两用”。", "arena_win": 653809, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "多重射击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "多重射击", "id_178": "7381346", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "非常好用的法术!", "CardID": "DS1_183", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对两个随机敌方随从造成$3点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Multi-Shot", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Benjamin Zhang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1237734, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_093": {"image_golden": "g-Consecration", "ac": 1360841, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_093", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 1356334}", "id": 60, "extra_cn": "神圣的能量从圣洁的大地涌出。但是,味道也有点熏人。", "arena_win": 3154166, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "奉献", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "奉献", "id_178": "7971673", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "圣骑士唯一一张AOE,而且还能对玩家血量进行一定压制", "CardID": "CS2_093", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对所有敌人造成$2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Consecration", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Vance Kovacs", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Many of the board clear spells which we have looked at have been referred to as like Consecration but. This should be a good indicator of just how powerful Consecration actually is. As we've said before, board clear spells are crucial and Consecration is arguably one of the best. There are no replacements available to this effect so grab them when you can.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5535610, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_092": {"image_golden": "g-Blessing+of+Kings", "ac": 999923, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_092", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 996571}", "id": 321, "extra_cn": "你知道世界上有多少所谓的“王者”被暗杀了吗?你确定还想要王者祝福吗?", "arena_win": 2670387, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "王者祝福", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "王者祝福", "id_178": "4367269", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "小跟班瞬间变成硬骨头的强有力途径", "CardID": "CS2_092", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从获得+4/+4。(+4攻击力/+4生命值)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Blessing of Kings", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Lucas Graciano", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Blessing of Kings is what everyone wishes Blessed Champion could have been. Not only is Blessing of Kings cheaper, it asks less of the minion you are targeting and helps protect it as well. There is some risk involved in using Blessing of Kings since it opens you up for a 2-for-1 if your opponent has a removal spell. That said, getting in an attack for an extra four damage helps take the sting out of this. Whatever minion you choose to target with your Blessing of Kings will be a must-kill for your opponent. Try not to cast it on what is already your biggest minion so you can diversify your threats.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4733220, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_094": {"image_golden": "g-Hammer+of+Wrath", "ac": 979107, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_094", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 975813}", "id": 353, "extra_cn": "一个称职的圣骑士身上会携带很多工具。愤怒之锤、复仇之钳、正义之锯,等等。", "arena_win": 2629359, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "愤怒之锤", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "愤怒之锤", "id_178": "9101181", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "4费单点控制,费用较高,建议不要多抓", "CardID": "CS2_094", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$3点伤害,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Hammer of Wrath", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Efrem Palacios", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Hammer of Wrath may not be the most efficient removal spell, but drawing a card is always sweet. Four mana is right about where you want this card to be: it will stabilize after the first few turns of combat and refill your hand as you go later. Hammer of Wrath is also never a dead draw in the late game because it can replace itself and leave six mana left over to cast whatever you draw next.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4652604, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_097": {"image_golden": "g-Truesilver+Champion", "ac": 1417507, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_097", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 1413097}", "id": 170, "extra_cn": "它能用来切片,也能切块。你还可以用它来开罐头。(但你不会这么做的。)", "arena_win": 3203206, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "真银圣剑", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "真银圣剑", "id_178": "4017053", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "有了它,你可以比较从容地来解对方的随从,从而建立优势", "CardID": "CS2_097", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你的英雄进攻时,为其恢复2点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Truesilver Champion", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "2", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "2", "ArtistName": "Ryan Sook", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "7", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Sign me up for eight damage at four mana. On its own that level of efficiency is enough, that Truesilver Champion helps mitigate the only real downside of being a weapon by healing is only icing on the cake. It is very hard to be behind after using your two swings of a Truesilver Champion.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5605714, "Secret": ""}, "NAX10_03": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX10_03", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1084, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "仇恨打击", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "仇恨打击", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX10_03", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n消灭一个随从。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_048": {"image_golden": "g-Spellbreaker", "ac": 2071758, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_048", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 80435, \"3\": 183361, \"2\": 276703, \"5\": 85412, \"4\": 359000, \"7\": 76205, \"6\": 322739, \"9\": 164365, \"8\": 518041}", "id": 247, "extra_cn": "破法者能够轻易地破除施法者制造的法术,整个过程就像大夫看门诊一样,毫无痛苦。", "arena_win": 6851818, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "破法者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "破法者", "id_178": "6780033", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "身材可接受,贵在有沉默", "CardID": "EX1_048", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:沉默一个随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Spellbreaker", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "沉默一个随从。", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Cavotta", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Spellbreaker may not be as big as some of the four drops near the top of the list, but he still packs a punch with four attack. His three Health -- and the popularity of 3/2 minions -- are a bit of a weakness but we will usually at least trade with whatever he attacks. The true power of this minion, however, is his Silence ability. Silence is a Swiss army knife of an ability and can deal with almost anything that is giving you trouble. Spellbreaker's body may be a little underwhelming, but being able to answer a huge spectrum of threats more than makes up for it. Note that I used to rank this #1, but that was way back when Twilight Drake was absolutely monstrous. After much more play after the Twilight Drake nerf, I've found that Silence is generally useful, but just not -THAT- great. It's still good, don't get me wrong, just not amazing.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 12366632, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_043": {"image_golden": "g-Twilight+Drake", "ac": 680308, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_043", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "1", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 25809, \"3\": 45610, \"2\": 88036, \"5\": 26153, \"4\": 112014, \"7\": 32479, \"6\": 112766, \"9\": 62144, \"8\": 173278}", "id": 294, "extra_cn": "暮光幼龙以神秘能量为食,还吃玉米卷。", "arena_win": 2374503, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "6", "CardName": "暮光幼龙", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暮光幼龙", "id_178": "4860175", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "抓它,意味着出牌风格要隐忍;看到对方前期在憋牌,很有可能会在四费的时候直接上暮光龙", "CardID": "EX1_043", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 1, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "24", "description_cn": "战吼:你每有一张手牌,便获得+1生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Twilight Drake", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jaemin Kim", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "1", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Twilight Drake is similar to Chillwind Yeti. A big four drop with four Attack and ? potentially ? high health. Twilight Drake is often worse than Chillwind Yeti but there are few cards that aren't; and to be fair, a turn three or four Twilight Drake can potentially be bigger. Twilight Drake also gets a bad reputation for being weak to Silences. I would argue that this isn't as big of a drawback as it initially seems because a silenced Twilight Drake is still a 4/1 that will kill whatever attacks into it after already soaking up a powerful effect. The major downside to Twilight Drake, Earth Shock excluded, is that it is a very bad top deck late in the game. At the end of the day, however, a timely Twilight Drake will usually be the biggest threat on the board. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4282501, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_046": {"image_golden": "g-Datk+Iron+Dwarf", "ac": 2461607, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_046", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 99352, \"3\": 236026, \"2\": 351997, \"5\": 103062, \"4\": 424594, \"7\": 93503, \"6\": 373339, \"9\": 182593, \"8\": 590594}", "id": 269, "extra_cn": "黑铁矿脉的守护者。也许那是最令人头疼的矿脉,因为你必须在某个特殊的地方才能熔炼它。", "arena_win": 8056459, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "黑铁矮人", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "黑铁矮人", "id_178": "3280902", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "能够以小换大,而且就算裸上了也不会吃亏", "CardID": "EX1_046", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:在本回合中,使一个随从获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Dark Iron Dwarf", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "使其获得+2攻击力。", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Scott Hampton", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Before the patch, Dark Iron Dwarf took the #1 spot; however, his recent nerf made him relinquish that spot. This constructed staple tops the list because he has much of what we will be looking for when ranking other cards on the list. He can reliably be cast every game at four mana. And four mana is perfect for an important card like Dark Iron Dwarf because you will never have lost by turn four; therefore, you will always get to benefit from his powerful effect. More expensive cards can be more powerful than this four drop, but if you are behind then they are required to do much more work for you. On the other hand, a four mana creature will almost always come into a fairly even board.The Battlecry on this minion is also insane and immediate. If you are behind or at parity, the turn you play him, one of your minions will trade up. An important aspect of his +2 bonus to consider is how it is positioned in the metagame. This effect is the perfect size to have your 3/2s trade with Chillwind Yetis and Sen'jin Shieldmastas, the other two most common four drops in the game. If you’re already ahead, he will help you slam the door even faster. Giving a minion a temporary +2 Attack is huge bonus -- especially in the early game -- so the Vanilla Test would suggest that this minions stat line should be smaller than average for a four mana minion. What we get, however, is one of the largest four drops around. Dark Iron Dwarf has everything we want in an Arena minion: he is well costed; he has an immediate impact on the board; and his Health and Attack are better than they have any right to be.It's important to note that the new changes to Dark Iron Dwarf weren't all for the worse. Now if you play Dark Iron Dwarf onto an empty field, he won't permanently buff one of your opponent's creature. So while his upside has decreased, his downside has decreased as well.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 14262081, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_016": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_016", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1115, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "1", "score": "0", "CardName": "哀嚎的灵魂", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "哀嚎的灵魂", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "FP1_016", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>战吼:沉默</b>你的其他随从。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "1", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_019": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 36685, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_019", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 36685}", "id": 995, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 111147, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "6", "CardName": "剧毒之种", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "剧毒之种", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "重点在玩家用了半个硬解之后要怎么解决对方的树人", "CardID": "FP1_019", "Elite": null, "Class": "2", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "消灭所有随从,并召唤等量的2/2树人代替他们。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "1", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 211814, "Secret": null}, "NAX6_03": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX6_03", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1116, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "死亡之花", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "死亡之花", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX6_03", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "对一个随从造成$5点伤害。召唤一个孢子。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "CS2_033": {"image_golden": "g-Water+Elemental", "ac": 2046740, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_033", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 2042941}", "id": 80, "extra_cn": "千万别在晚会上召唤水元素。它会把一切都搞砸的。", "arena_win": 5291620, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "水元素", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "水元素", "id_178": "305348", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "法爷专用版雪人,属性除了会吃牧师的痛之外很完美。对付带武器职业有奇效", "CardID": "CS2_033", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冻结任何受到水元素伤害的角色。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Water Elemental", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "John Avon", "Freeze": "1", "hpline": "6", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "In a game where you expect a large Flamestrike as a finisher, Water Elemental is the perfect minion to stall and allow you to get there. Just as a baseline, 3/6 for four is a good place to be for a minion in a control deck. A 3/6 can 2-for-1 on its own and kill the early drops your opponent needs to get an edge early. In the lategame, Water Elemental still gains value if taken out by a larger minion since it will lock it down for a turn. Later in this post we're going to look down on cards that only Freeze targets, but on Water Elemental's great body it is definite upside. This is one of the game's most solid four drops -- yes, right up there with the Yeti -- and the only thing he is truly weak to is Shadow Word: Pain.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 8960094, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_026": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 43909, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_026", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 43909}", "id": 1129, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 126506, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "阿努巴尔伏击者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "阿努巴尔伏击者", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "想一想,能够完整吃掉凯恩血蹄的以后不仅仅是老虎,还有一只大蜘蛛", "CardID": "FP1_026", "Elite": null, "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>亡语:</b>将一个随机友方随从移回你的手牌。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 221887, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_022": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 5841, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_022", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 5841}", "id": 1141, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 11975, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "空灵召唤者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "空灵召唤者", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "拿它的原因:1. 足够多的恶魔;2. 恶魔们都在手上;3. 没有其他更好的选择", "CardID": "FP1_022", "Elite": null, "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>亡语:</b>随机将一个恶魔从你的手牌置入战场。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 23782, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_021": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_021", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1074, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "死亡之咬", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "死亡之咬", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不俗的攻击力,还能配合战士职业的属性(激怒、受伤、职业随从等等)", "CardID": "FP1_021", "Elite": null, "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>亡语:</b>对所有随从造成1点伤害。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "7", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_587": {"image_golden": "g-Windspeaker", "ac": 470476, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_587", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 469063}", "id": 258, "extra_cn": "患有口臭的风语者...还有什么比这更糟糕的吗?", "arena_win": 1424222, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "7", "CardName": "风语者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "风语者", "id_178": "8350209", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要是场上已经有了些魁梧的家伙,就能取得优势", "CardID": "EX1_587", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个友方随从获得风怒。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Windspeaker", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "使一个随从获得风怒。", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Vance Kovacs", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "We'll touch on Windfury in a minute, but first here is the version stapled to a minion. Windspeaker is ranked as an average card because, while his Battlecry doesn't make up the mana cost increase, he is still reasonably sized as a 3/3. You should not overvalue this card on the back of his Battlecry, but at least Windspeaker is relevant in combat.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2585854, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_584": {"image_golden": "g-Ancient+Mage", "ac": 230659, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_584", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 4454, \"3\": 17504, \"2\": 30043, \"5\": 4160, \"4\": 27368, \"7\": 5052, \"6\": 33410, \"9\": 11651, \"8\": 96076}", "id": 315, "extra_cn": "有时候他会很健忘,甚至迷迷糊糊地走进别人的游戏中去。", "arena_win": 781449, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "年迈的法师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "年迈的法师", "id_178": "9667952", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "如果你在前面拿了很多法伤牌,这是你可以考虑的对象,有时会有些意外的效果", "CardID": "EX1_584", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 1, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 2, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 2}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使相邻的随从获得法术伤害+1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ancient Mage", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Howard Lyon", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Ancient Mage needs some help as a four mana 2/5 and he doesn't really get it. Usually, getting bonus Spell Power is not really good enough to make up for the undersized body. And like Defender of Argus, you can't always even guarantee two buff targets. The curse of the four drops(there are so m any good four drops!) also comes back to slam the door on this poor Mage.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1445557, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_179": {"image_golden": "g-Sen'jin+Shieldmasta", "ac": 2820667, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_179", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 112399, \"3\": 252593, \"2\": 383656, \"5\": 118973, \"4\": 470083, \"7\": 100001, \"6\": 429171, \"9\": 226566, \"8\": 718548}", "id": 217, "extra_cn": "如果你喜欢巨魔和沙尘的话,森金村还是个不错的地方。", "arena_win": 8859151, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "森金持盾卫士", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "森金持盾卫士", "id_178": "8956921", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "全中立最强嘲讽随从,几乎没有弱点,除了怕暗言术痛", "CardID": "CS2_179", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Sen'jin Shieldmasta", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Brian Despain", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Sen'jin Shieldmasta is a fair size for the cost: same total stats as Dark Iron Dwarf and only a point smaller than the yeti. The obvious reason why he ranks so highly is the Taunt ability. Sen'jin Shieldmasta will usually be the biggest minion around on turn four and does lots of work to stabilize the board. This is the root of why Sen'jin ranks so highly. If you're behind after three turns he'll stabilize you; and if you are ahead, he enables you to continue to dictate combat. While it would certainly be a mistake to take Senjin over the Yeti just for the Taunt ability, he's still pretty good.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 15768900, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_029": {"image_golden": "g-Fireball", "ac": 2252069, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "CS2_029", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 2247505}", "id": 65, "extra_cn": "这个法术会让东西烧起来。如果你是在寻找能把东西烤熟,或者只是加热的法术,你就找错对象了。", "arena_win": 5567818, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "火球术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "火球术", "id_178": "3981902", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "法爷之所以被叫法爷,就是因为只要你血量被压到十血左右,对于法爷来说你已经跟一个死人没什么区别了", "CardID": "CS2_029", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$6点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Fireball", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ralph Horsley", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Removal is great. Cheap removal is better. Cheap and efficient removal like Fireball is perfect. Six damage for four mana is a deal so good that only Mage -- the class built around efficient spells -- can get it. If you still aren't sold on Fireball, think about the fact that the same effect comes on a Legendary minion which still has a downside. Fireball is great in every stage of the game and it is probably impossible to have too many of them: it'll kill whatever's killing you; it'll give your minions the edge on board; or it will kill your opponent if they are low enough Health. It also bears mentioning that screenshots of great Mage decks often feature multiples of Fireball.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 9387459, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_166": {"image_golden": "g-Keeper+of+the+Grove", "ac": 531193, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_166", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 529239}", "id": 133, "extra_cn": "这些家伙不知道从哪儿冒出来,然后就自说自话地开始守护你的丛林了。", "arena_win": 1597501, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "丛林守护者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "丛林守护者", "id_178": "859287", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "无论是哪个都是不俗的效果", "CardID": "EX1_166", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抉择:造成2点伤害;或者沉默一个随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Keeper of the Grove", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Gabor Szikszai", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Keeper of the Grove packs a lot of value into a four mana package. Neither of his effects is particularly game-breaking, but both are good in that they maintain their effectiveness throughout the entire game. Two damage is always good because it can kill something early or finish off a minion later on. If ever there is a spot where two damage is not enough, the Silence effect is powerful at removing effects on minions too large to trade with or hidden behind Taunts. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2848277, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_334": {"image_golden": "g-Shadow+Madness", "ac": 216704, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_334", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 216232}", "id": 26, "extra_cn": "随你如何让它恢复理智,这个过程本身仍是件卑劣的事。", "arena_win": 588055, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "暗影狂乱", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暗影狂乱", "id_178": "6805086", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "最好是能让原本是对面的随从进行互换", "CardID": "EX1_334", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "直到回合结束,获得一个攻击力小于或等于3的敌方随从的控制权。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Shadow Madness", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Mark Gibbons", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Shadow Madness is an amazing early game Tempo play. For the low cost of four mana you can kill almost any two early game minions you want. If you were able to assemble any semblance of a board presence in the opening turns then a Shadow Madness will put you miles ahead. Perhaps the only thing holding this card back is the fact that it loses some value in the late game. That said, it is still most likely a 1-for-1 as there will most likely be a smaller minion you can run into something bigger to enable a more favorable trade. Monk comment: Casting this on Harvest Golem or Loot Hoarder is amazing.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1140305, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_335": {"image_golden": "g-Lightspawn", "ac": 380740, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_335", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 379792}", "id": 69, "extra_cn": "光耀孕育之子嗣,吾等子嗣之光耀。", "arena_win": 825276, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "光耀之子", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "光耀之子", "id_178": "706566", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "在竞技场里的表现不尽人意,面对沉默也太脆弱了。", "CardID": "EX1_335", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "该随从的攻击力等同于其生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Lightspawn", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Daarken", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Lightspawn can be a huge threat if unanswered. Landing on turn three or four as a 5/5 demands immediate attention because it can be healed back up to full strength if it survives your opponent's turn. Despite being weak to Silences, Lightspawn is a solid minion and synergizes well with your Hero Power and the two premium commons which we just went over.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1650107, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_093": {"image_golden": "g-Defender+of+Argus", "ac": 1526304, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_093", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 64558, \"3\": 132373, \"2\": 197865, \"5\": 66250, \"4\": 253475, \"7\": 58525, \"6\": 223346, \"9\": 112160, \"8\": 413775}", "id": 191, "extra_cn": "你肯定没想到阿古斯会需要如此坚实的防御。但它确实需要。", "arena_win": 5190657, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "阿古斯防御者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "阿古斯防御者", "id_178": "140789", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "攻击力削了一点后,和昔日的破碎残阳祭司一样,拿一张赚了,拿两张以上就得谨慎思考了。", "CardID": "EX1_093", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使相邻的随从获得+1/+1和嘲讽。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Defender of Argus", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Defender of Argus was great and has dropped since the nerf. At a four mana 3/3, there was less pressure on him to make up for being small for his cost: buffing one minion and giving it Taunt made him worth the four mana. Now as a 2/3, however, he is far less relevant on his own and to be worth four mana you will really want to be hitting two minions with his Battlecry. That said, he's obviously great when you do get the double buff, but it is harder to get your full value than before. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 9314849, "Secret": ""}, "NAX15_03t": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX15_03t", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "5", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1125, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "冰冠守护者", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "冰冠守护者", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX15_03t", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "5", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>嘲讽</b>", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "NAX15_03n": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX15_03n", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "3", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1174, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "冰冠守护者", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "冰冠守护者", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX15_03n", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "3", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>嘲讽</b>", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_025": {"image_golden": "g-Dragonling+Mechanic", "ac": 867851, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_025", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 30595, \"3\": 76221, \"2\": 144120, \"5\": 31471, \"4\": 137092, \"7\": 34121, \"6\": 143689, \"9\": 67904, \"8\": 201690}", "id": 266, "extra_cn": "她依然在想办法为咬咬先生装上火箭发射器。", "arena_win": 2907372, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "4", "CardName": "机械幼龙技工", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "机械幼龙技工", "id_178": "2578153", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "总身材45,但招唤出来的2/1小龙对方比较容易解", "CardID": "EX1_025", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:召唤一个2/1的机械幼龙。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Dragonling Mechanic", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Warren Mahy", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Falling to victim to the same curse as Razorfen Hunter is Dragonling Mechanic. While splitting stats into two minions is often good, it is really more of a downside if one of said minions has only one Health. Dragonling Mechanic would be better with a smaller pet -- to make herself bigger -- and isn't great on her own at four mana.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 5313795, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_023": {"image_golden": "g-Silvermoon+Guardian", "ac": 1103650, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_023", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 39691, \"3\": 98327, \"2\": 157187, \"5\": 39789, \"4\": 194831, \"7\": 41090, \"6\": 177157, \"9\": 86214, \"8\": 265982}", "id": 9, "extra_cn": "当他们首次试图在天灾军团的围攻下守住银月城时,事情进行得并不顺利...", "arena_win": 3691786, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "银月城卫兵", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "银月城卫兵", "id_178": "9489593", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "身材略尴尬,贵在圣盾,运气好的话能够一换二", "CardID": "EX1_023", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "1", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "圣盾", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Silvermoon Guardian", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Phroilan Gardner", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "We've already said that Divine Shield is a great ability. At 3/3, however, Silvermoon Guardian isn't set up to take advantage of it quite as well as a Scarlet Crusader because his stat line is more balanced: a 4/2 would have been preferable since his ability will help keep him alive. That said, he will usually trade effectively but isn't the best four drop around. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 6692466, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_022": {"image_golden": "g-Polymorph", "ac": 1818292, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_022", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 1814861}", "id": 251, "extra_cn": "你能想象一个嗜血的兽人发出咩咩的叫声吗?", "arena_win": 5063919, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "变形术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "变形术", "id_178": "5242999", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "硬解,不怕对方亡语,推荐先抓两张再说", "CardID": "CS2_022", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从变形成为1/1的绵羊。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Polymorph", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Vance Kovacs", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Polymorph is unconditional removal: if you need something gone, Polymorph can do it. This is a crucial element for any deck because there are some threats that just need answering. Polymorph also gains an edge over damage based removal because it avoids triggering Deathrattles. Finally, Polymorph synergizes particularly well with Mage because the sheep dies to a Fireblast. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 8665439, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_147": {"image_golden": "g-Gnomish+Inventor", "ac": 2011045, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_147", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 77826, \"3\": 195112, \"2\": 286056, \"5\": 79725, \"4\": 331555, \"7\": 54919, \"6\": 317778, \"9\": 151118, \"8\": 512043}", "id": 174, "extra_cn": "她从来不知道她想发明的是什么,她只知道要发明很棒的东西!", "arena_win": 6724531, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "侏儒发明家", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "侏儒发明家", "id_178": "1785610", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "2/4的身材很奇特,可以吃大多数2费,而且能抓牌", "CardID": "CS2_147", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Gnomish Inventor", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Court Jones", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Gnomish Inventor is an interesting case because a four mana 2/4 is unexciting, but the words draw a card are all any TCG player wants to see. The trade off that is made when casting a Gnomish Inventor is that of tempo for card advantage. The relatively small size of this minion will often put you behind on the board, but the ability favors you moving into the late game. Gnomish Inventor ultimately ranks highly because, despite its poor score on the Vanilla Test, 2 Attack will often kill something when it is on the board. It will often kill a lingering minion if played on turn four; and later in the game, there is a higher chance that you can play the card you drew with your leftover mana.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 11931447, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_031": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 343, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_031", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "7", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 12, \"3\": 22, \"2\": 85, \"5\": 23, \"4\": 39, \"7\": 25, \"6\": 46, \"9\": 22, \"8\": 69}", "id": 1059, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 960, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "6", "CardName": "瑞文戴尔男爵", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "瑞文戴尔男爵", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "如果已经拿到了足够多的亡语,瑞文戴尔或许能发动奇效", "CardID": "FP1_031", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "1", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "你的随从的<b>亡语</b>效果将触发两次。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "5", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 1891, "Secret": null}, "EX1_591": {"image_golden": "g-Auchenai+Soulpriest", "ac": 253980, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_591", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 253043}", "id": 358, "extra_cn": "奥金尼的人们知道末日即将来临,只是不确定它到来的时间。", "arena_win": 662393, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "奥金尼灵魂祭司", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "奥金尼灵魂祭司", "id_178": "4642182", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "身材好,而且技能极其出色", "CardID": "EX1_591", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你的恢复生命值的牌和技能改为造成等量的伤害。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Auchenai Soulpriest", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Doug Alexander", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Auchenai Soulpriest is similar to Shadowform but has slightly different benefits and drawbacks. Auchenai Soulpriest -- being a minion and not a spell -- means that for better or worse the Shadowform effect is less permanent. On the one hand, this means that you can trade off when you want to regain healing power; but on the other hand, you can build around having a two damage Hero Power less reliably. In terms of Auchenai Soulpriest in its own right, four mana is right about the perfect cost for it. Coming down on turn four as a 3/5 is reasonably powerful and waiting until turn six to have a mini Fire Elemental is also a good play. The Auchenai Soulpriest/Circle of Healing Synergy: This is a common strategy for Constructed decks which will not work here. The main reason is that Constructed Priests often play control and are minion-light. In Arena, however, we are going to be much more dependent on minions and cannot be affording to be hitting our own team for four. Furthermore, Circle of Healing is not the kind of card we ever want without the Auchenai Soulpriest.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1285824, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_595": {"image_golden": "g-Cult+Master", "ac": 1831374, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_595", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 66429, \"3\": 163579, \"2\": 305921, \"5\": 85010, \"4\": 366507, \"7\": 61265, \"6\": 255117, \"9\": 109882, \"8\": 414197}", "id": 189, "extra_cn": "也许她是个邪恶的教派领袖,但是每个星期她都会和她的父母通电话。", "arena_win": 6415156, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "诅咒教派领袖", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "诅咒教派领袖", "id_178": "3455333", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "铺场后优势或均势上有逆天效果,但自身非常脆弱,十分怕AOE", "CardID": "EX1_595", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 1, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 1, \"7\": 1, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你的其他随从死亡时,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Cult Master", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Minions die in Hearthstone, and they die a lot. Cult Master, therefore, will reliably draw you one card to replace itself and come out even in terms of card advantage. Even if you only draw one card off Cult Master, the threat of drawing additional cards is real enough that your opponent will usually kill it on their next turn. Two Health on a four drop is fragile, but the four Attack means that Cult Master will more often than not bring down whatever fights it. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 11443566, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_011": {"image_golden": "g-Korkron+Elite", "ac": 271007, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_011", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 270709}", "id": 39, "extra_cn": "库卡隆就是加尔鲁什·地狱咆哮的精英部队。这么说吧,你最好不要穿着蓝色的战袍出现在这些壮汉面前。", "arena_win": 571488, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "库卡隆精英卫士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "库卡隆精英卫士", "id_178": "4719087", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "几乎不会亏,有时还能一换二", "CardID": "NEW1_011", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冲锋", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Kor'kron Elite", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 1095705, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_062": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "4", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_062", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{}", "id": 42, "extra_cn": "他是鱼人中的传奇。“姆咯啦咯咯啦呵嘎哈咯!”他们都这么说他。", "arena_win": 178, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "老瞎眼", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "老瞎眼", "id_178": "527961", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "且不论JJC能不能出老瞎眼,就算能,组个像样的鱼人套实在太难", "CardID": "EX1_062", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "14", "description_cn": "冲锋,在战场上每有一个其他鱼人便获得+1攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Old Murk-Eye", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Scott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 322, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_014": {"image_golden": "g-Master+of+Disguise", "ac": 105310, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_014", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 104786}", "id": 195, "extra_cn": "实际上“她”是一个男性牛头人。你以为随便哪个人都配得上“伪装大师”的名号吗?", "arena_win": 342779, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "6", "CardName": "伪装大师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "伪装大师", "id_178": "9308169", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "身材及格,潜行效果偶有亮点", "CardID": "NEW1_014", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个友方随从获得潜行。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Master of Disguise", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "使一个友方随从获得潜行。", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ron Spencer", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 628898, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_345": {"image_golden": "g-Mindgames", "ac": 48940, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_345", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 48841}", "id": 267, "extra_cn": "有时候你会觉得,一切不过是场游戏。", "arena_win": 121008, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "控心术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "控心术", "id_178": "8979719", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "除了要看自己的脸还得看对方选了些什么随从,太过随机", "CardID": "EX1_345", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "随机复制对手的牌库中的一张随从牌,并将其置入战场。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mindgames", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Zoltan & Gabor", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Assuming your opponent built a deck with a halfway reasonable curve, you're going to be losing out on mana with your Mindgames. Sure the blowout potential is there -- as with many Priest cards -- but why not just put another good minion in your own deck?", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 257778, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_131": {"image_golden": "g-Stormwind+Knight", "ac": 1117538, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_131", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 41114, \"3\": 104651, \"2\": 167243, \"5\": 41543, \"4\": 182816, \"7\": 38808, \"6\": 175129, \"9\": 100444, \"8\": 262244}", "id": 97, "extra_cn": "对于“死亡之翼毁城事件”,他仍然耿耿于怀。", "arena_win": 3951193, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "暴风城骑士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暴风城骑士", "id_178": "4894912", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "适合换对方的一些低费随从", "CardID": "CS2_131", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冲锋", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Stormwind Knight", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ladronn", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Stormwind Knight is an interesting minion in that he has an immediate impact to justify his mana cost: it just isn't the a huge impact. That said, Stormwind Knight's high Health means that he will usually live through his first attack to damage or trade with something else later. Not a massive game changer, but he can play a role.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 7025126, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_182": {"image_golden": "g-Chillwind+Yeti", "ac": 3091821, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_182", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 124571, \"3\": 278576, \"2\": 417466, \"5\": 132131, \"4\": 513601, \"7\": 103437, \"6\": 478958, \"9\": 242630, \"8\": 792127}", "id": 68, "extra_cn": "他梦想着有一天能够下山开一间拉面店。但他没有那个勇气。", "arena_win": 9550136, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "冰风雪人", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冰风雪人", "id_178": "3510116", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "4费最强白板,就算法爷的烈焰风暴也还能活着", "CardID": "CS2_182", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Chillwind Yeti", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Mauro Cascioli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "He're he is, the crusher of the Vanilla Test. Chillwind Yeti takes our optimistic expectation and gives us a little bonus. Given his size, we would expect Chillwind Yeti to have some sort of drawback. That his text box is empty, therefore, is a blessing. In almost any game between turns three and six, Chillwind Yeti will be the biggest threat on the board; furthermore, that his stats are skewed towards Health means that he will trade for two early/mid game cards in the vast majority of games. Last but not least, the four mana cost -- just like Dark Iron Dwarf -- means that you will be able to play this powerhouse minion in any game you draw him. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 16944198, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_062": {"image_golden": "g-Hellfire", "ac": 160928, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_062", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 160335}", "id": 137, "extra_cn": "鸟尽弓藏,兔死狗烹,术士才不需要什么忠心耿耿的随从。", "arena_win": 331123, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "地狱烈焰", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "地狱烈焰", "id_178": "3314554", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "无差别全场AOE对于现流行的速攻术来说太伤", "CardID": "CS2_062", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对所有角色造成$3点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Hellfire", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Brian 'Chippy' Dugan", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 697787, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_116": {"image_golden": "g-Leeroy+Jenkins", "ac": 92746, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_116", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 4388, \"3\": 13237, \"2\": 12658, \"5\": 8192, \"4\": 13176, \"7\": 4986, \"6\": 10703, \"9\": 3985, \"8\": 21085}", "id": 295, "extra_cn": "至少他还有愤怒的小鸡。", "arena_win": 321972, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "10", "CardName": "火车王里诺艾", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "火车王里诺艾", "id_178": "2561745", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "一个字,快!速攻流必备", "CardID": "EX1_116", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "6", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冲锋,战吼:为你的对手召唤2只1/1的雏龙。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Leeroy Jenkins", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "6", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Gabe from Penny Arcade", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Awesome sound effects aside, there are few Arena decks that can truly benefit from a Leeroy Jenkins. Fireball may be a good spell, but Fireball with a downside is much less exciting as a Legendary pick. Leeroy Jenkins is also an example of a card that is only good when closing out the game: he does very little for you in scenarios where you find yourself behind and need to be extra efficient to catch up.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 593869, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_119": {"image_golden": "g-Oasis+Snapjaw", "ac": 508956, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_119", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 15041, \"3\": 32448, \"2\": 69304, \"5\": 69802, \"4\": 65374, \"7\": 10585, \"6\": 82684, \"9\": 79918, \"8\": 83455}", "id": 237, "extra_cn": "它的梦想是能够像它的偶像那样飞行和吐息火焰,但这样的梦想永远无法实现。", "arena_win": 1738496, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "绿洲钳嘴龟", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "绿洲钳嘴龟", "id_178": "1296706", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "猎人或者牧师可以考虑,其他职业就算了", "CardID": "CS2_119", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 1, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 1, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Oasis Snapjaw", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Daren Bader", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "But nine combined Attack and Health points for four mana is what we get for Chillwind Yeti! True, but Oasis Snapjaw does not split it up very effectively. This split is considered less effective because, while he takes more attacks to kill, it is far less likely that he will kill anything himself when attacked. One good thing that can be said for Oasis Snapjaw is that he will clean up many 3/2s if given time.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 3178125, "Secret": ""}, "DS1_070": {"image_golden": "g-Houndmaster", "ac": 275551, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "DS1_070", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 274499}", "id": 278, "extra_cn": "“是谁把狗放出来的?”他问。其实,这只是他的口头禅。", "arena_win": 668191, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "7", "CardName": "驯兽师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "驯兽师", "id_178": "4458527", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要能发动战吼,就足够让对手难以解决", "CardID": "DS1_070", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个友方野兽获得+2/+2并获得嘲讽。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Houndmaster", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "使一只野兽获得+2/+2并具有嘲讽。", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Brereton", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1257484, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_626": {"image_golden": "g-Mass+Dispel", "ac": 42411, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_626", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 42310}", "id": 24, "extra_cn": "它驱散了增益、力量、希望和梦想。", "arena_win": 109216, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "群体驱散", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "群体驱散", "id_178": "9732123", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "在职业稀有卡里面算是性价比不高的一张", "CardID": "EX1_626", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "沉默所有敌方随从,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mass Dispel", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "1", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Sean O'Daniels", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Mass Dispel is a bit of a weird one, but it says draw a card so it can't be all bad. If you can afford to spend four mana to cast it, Mass Dispel will never be bad but it certainly isn't exciting or mana efficient. All in all, there are worse things to have in your deck but also much better ones.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 230563, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_158": {"image_golden": "g-Soul+of+the+Forest", "ac": 156670, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_158", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 156330}", "id": 77, "extra_cn": "“重新造林”计划突然听起来像是个恐怖的阴谋。", "arena_win": 450530, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "丛林之魂", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "丛林之魂", "id_178": "8387284", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "很容易就会卡在手里直到GG", "CardID": "EX1_158", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使你的所有随从获得“亡语:召唤一个2/2的树人。”", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Soul of the Forest", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Markus Erdt", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Soul of the Forest is similar to Savage Roar in that it requires a board presence. What puts it lower on the scale is the fact that it requires your minions to die to be effective. Usually you don't want your minions dying.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 889158, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_022": {"image_golden": "g-Dread+Corsair", "ac": 370351, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_022", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 51848, \"3\": 96095, \"2\": 51522, \"5\": 10110, \"4\": 130044, \"7\": 1829, \"6\": 10281, \"9\": 4784, \"8\": 12687}", "id": 160, "extra_cn": "“呀”在海盗的行话中代表“你好啊,有钱人。”", "arena_win": 1240369, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "恐怖海盗", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "恐怖海盗", "id_178": "9163300", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "骑抓2真银,贼抓1武器,战萨2武器之后再考虑拿上", "CardID": "NEW1_022", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 2, \"3\": 2, \"2\": 2, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 2, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "23", "description_cn": "嘲讽,你的武器每有1点攻击力,该牌的法力值消耗便减少(1)点。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Dread Corsair", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Trent Kaniuga", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Granted, a 3/3 Taunt is better than a 2/2 Taunt: just not for four mana. It's true that he may not always cost four, but his ability is too inconsistent outside of a Rogue deck. If he is therefore mostly being cast at four where Sen'jin Shieldmasta laughs at him as the other four mana Taunt minion. This isn't to say that he's awful -- he is big enough to trade in the early game -- but there are usually better options.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 2265691, "Secret": ""}, "NAXM_001": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAXM_001", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 971, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "死灵骑士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "死灵骑士", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAXM_001", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>亡语:</b>消灭与该随从相邻的随从。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_303": {"image_golden": "g-Shadowflame", "ac": 77652, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_303", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 77146}", "id": 114, "extra_cn": "始于一个强大的随从,终于一场华丽的浩劫。多么有趣!", "arena_win": 180518, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "暗影烈焰", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暗影烈焰", "id_178": "365883", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "往往有奇效,可以考虑", "CardID": "EX1_303", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "消灭一个友方随从,对所有敌方随从造成等同于其攻击力的伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Shadowflame", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dave Kendall", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 385731, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_408": {"image_golden": "g-Mortal+Strike", "ac": 88847, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_408", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 88753}", "id": 153, "extra_cn": "“如果你只有一个技能可以用,就用致死打击。”——《战士信条》,第6行", "arena_win": 232315, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "致死打击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "致死打击", "id_178": "3476863", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "战士唯一的打脸法术", "CardID": "EX1_408", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$4点伤害;如果你的英雄的生命值小于或等于12点,则改为造成$6点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mortal Strike", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Zoltan & Gabor", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 457521, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_026": {"image_golden": "g-Violet+Teacher", "ac": 1145508, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_026", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 34904, \"3\": 100453, \"2\": 145961, \"5\": 37620, \"4\": 164661, \"7\": 27148, \"6\": 181131, \"9\": 81005, \"8\": 370085}", "id": 377, "extra_cn": "要是你不专心听讲,你就会被变成一只猪,然后你的名字就会被写在黑板上。", "arena_win": 4122286, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "紫罗兰教师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "紫罗兰教师", "id_178": "8810290", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "在AOE不大稳定的竞技场,她和她的学徒会让对手感到头疼", "CardID": "NEW1_026", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 1, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你施放一个法术时,召唤一个1/1的紫罗兰学徒。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Violet Teacher", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "James Ryman", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Violet Teacher has stats right about where we want them for a four drop. The ability is pure upside; whether or not it triggers is just gravy. Where Violet Teacher falls behind is that it is in the dreaded four drop slot. The curse of four drops is that there are many good ones ? Violet Teacher is fine in a vacuum but can't really compete with a Dark Iron Dwarf.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 7248880, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_396": {"image_golden": "g-Mogu'shan+Warden", "ac": 275367, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_396", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 9155, \"3\": 18273, \"2\": 43262, \"5\": 10141, \"4\": 37416, \"7\": 12535, \"6\": 36854, \"9\": 59575, \"8\": 47607}", "id": 96, "extra_cn": "这些家伙们每天做的就是谈论雷神。真无聊!", "arena_win": 844143, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "魔古山守望者", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "魔古山守望者", "id_178": "3024209", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "一攻太孱弱,不能打出什么combo最好不选", "CardID": "EX1_396", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "1", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mogu'shan Warden", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "1", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Cole Eastburn", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": "Eight total Attack and Health is about where a four drop wants to be, but it does not want to be split one and seven. Taunt helps make this imbalance in Attack and Health more reasonable, but Mogu'shan Warden will never trade with the minions that attack it and will only ever stall for a turn. The problem with stalling is that you just spent your mana for the turn doing nothing while your opponent gets to play more minions for his next attack.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1633947, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_398": {"image_golden": "g-Arathi+Weaponsmith", "ac": 301267, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_398", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 300836}", "id": 218, "extra_cn": "拳套武器限时特惠,第二把半价!", "arena_win": 644546, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "阿拉希武器匠", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "阿拉希武器匠", "id_178": "2256072", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "附送一把22武器,很实用", "CardID": "EX1_398", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:装备一把2/2的武器。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Arathi Weaponsmith", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "4", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Samwise Didier", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "4", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1217407, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_150": {"image_golden": "g-Stormpike+Commando", "ac": 840469, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_150", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 32332, \"3\": 67539, \"2\": 113963, \"5\": 32291, \"4\": 156965, \"7\": 28055, \"6\": 118799, \"9\": 62981, \"8\": 225713}", "id": 99, "extra_cn": "雷矛特种兵都是爆破专家。他们还会烘焙简易的蛋糕。", "arena_win": 3034947, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "雷矛特种兵", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "雷矛特种兵", "id_178": "119854", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "优点是2点伤害的战吼,缺点是上他等于是送死", "CardID": "CS2_150", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:造成2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Stormpike Commando", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "造成2点伤害。", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Kev Walker", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Stormpike Commando is very similar to the Stormwind Knight. The reason why he ranks lower is because he is higher variance and costs more. With the higher health, Stormwind Knight is more likely to stick around; on the other hand, if Stormpike Commando gets to attack, his high Attack will allow him to trade up. The higher cost, however, is key to all this because the bar for a five mana minion is higher than that of a four drop.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 5392500, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_151": {"image_golden": "g-Silver+Hand+Knight", "ac": 2335689, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_151", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 90810, \"3\": 193618, \"2\": 312271, \"5\": 88241, \"4\": 426556, \"7\": 77701, \"6\": 349453, \"9\": 176714, \"8\": 613594}", "id": 177, "extra_cn": "做一名骑士很威风,但是做骑士的侍从感觉就差一点了。", "arena_win": 7682512, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "白银之手骑士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "白银之手骑士", "id_178": "6418516", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "无论是骑士本身还是去他房间的侍从都不容易被针对", "CardID": "CS2_151", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:召唤一个2/2的侍从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Silver Hand Knight", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Starbuck", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "We said that calling a Shattered Sun Cleric a 4/3 for three is a mistake, but Silver Hand Knight can justifiably be considered a 6/6 for five: which makes him one of the biggest five drops. Of course he isn't literally a 6/6, but the splitting of his Attack and Health has an upside and downside that more or less negate each other. The upside for two minions is that it's harder to get killed by a single removal spell and they can attack separate targets. The downside, however, is that they are less scary to attack into and are more susceptible to multi-target removal like Cleave or Forked Lightning. The last strike against Silver Hand Knight is that he costs five. He is a strong enough to warrant that cost for sure, but by turn five it is more likely that you will find yourself behind if he was your first big play. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 13630586, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_008": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 102036, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_008", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "6", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 3743, \"3\": 8633, \"2\": 15516, \"5\": 4460, \"4\": 16255, \"7\": 4118, \"6\": 14539, \"9\": 8830, \"8\": 25942}", "id": 1078, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 299080, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "10", "CardName": "鬼灵骑士", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "鬼灵骑士", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "0分到10分的卡牌评价,我愿意毫不吝啬地给这张牌5000分", "CardID": "FP1_008", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "4", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "无法成为法术或英雄技能的目标。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "1", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 539588, "Secret": null}, "EX1_355": {"image_golden": "g-Blessed+Champion", "ac": 68289, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_355", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 68034}", "id": 134, "extra_cn": "”攻击翻倍,快乐加倍!“", "arena_win": 199518, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "受祝福的勇士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "受祝福的勇士", "id_178": "2242990", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "全方位不如王者祝福,而且这还是张稀有", "CardID": "EX1_355", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使一个随从的攻击力翻倍。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Blessed Champion", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Tyler Walpole", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Blessed Champion is quite all in for five mana. Unless you have a particularly large minion out already, the five mana investment is most likely not worth the bonus. In those cases where you do have a large minion, it is more likely that you would like to protect it instead of investing a card to make it an even larger target.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 393813, "Secret": ""}, "CS1_112": {"image_golden": "g-Holy+Nova", "ac": 626693, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "5", "image": "CS1_112", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 625097}", "id": 356, "extra_cn": "没有得到圣光眷顾的人切忌使用这个法术,它滋润善者,惩罚恶徒。", "arena_win": 1195193, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "神圣新星", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "神圣新星", "id_178": "6518195", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "牧师唯一的AOE,而且还能恢复生命值", "CardID": "CS1_112", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对所有敌方角色造成$2点伤害,为所有友方角色恢复#2点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Holy Nova", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Luca Zontini", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Holy Nova may not be the most efficient board clear spell but it certainly gets the job done. Holy Nova suffers slightly from the Holy Fire dilemma of being over priced because of a heal effect, but healing your board is much better than healing your Hero. Despite costing a bit extra, Holy Nova is much the same as many other sweepers: you'll never be sad to see it and it will usually at least 2-for-1.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2330867, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_095": {"image_golden": "g-Gadgetzan+Auctioneer", "ac": 843364, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_095", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 22718, \"3\": 107976, \"2\": 103629, \"5\": 26002, \"4\": 102866, \"7\": 15605, \"6\": 116545, \"9\": 52598, \"8\": 293948}", "id": 277, "extra_cn": "他曾经经营过黑市的拍卖行,但是那里的暴力冲突太多了,他只好被迫离开。", "arena_win": 2951945, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "加基森拍卖师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "加基森拍卖师", "id_178": "8131094", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "自身效果很优质,但费用比较高;拿他前需要考虑已有套牌里有多少张法术", "CardID": "EX1_095", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 2, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 1, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你施放一个法术时,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Gadgetzan Auctioneer", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Dixon", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Gadgetzan Auctioneer is similar to Azure Drake but asks more of you. The five mana means that you will rarely activate him on the turn you play it and he will be a target on your opponent's next turn. That said, if you already drafted a good number of spells then he goes up significantly as the ability to cash in for multiple cards is a considerable upside.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5316228, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_537": {"image_golden": "g-Explosive+Shot", "ac": 131396, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "EX1_537", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 130696}", "id": 156, "extra_cn": "拉动保险销,数到5,再开火。然后躲起来。", "arena_win": 392360, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "爆炸射击", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "爆炸射击", "id_178": "3221612", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "瞄好了目标才发动,需要计算如何利益最大化", "CardID": "EX1_537", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对一个随从造成$5点伤害,并对其相邻的随从造成$2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Explosive Shot", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Tom Baxa", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 727621, "Secret": ""}, "NAX14_03": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX14_03", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "10", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1095, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "被冰封的勇士", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "被冰封的勇士", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX14_03", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "被永久冻结。相邻的随从免疫冰霜吐息。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_310": {"image_golden": "g-Doomguard", "ac": 82961, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_310", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 82855}", "id": 229, "extra_cn": "召唤末日守卫有很大的风险。总得有人付出生命的代价。", "arena_win": 199436, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "末日守卫", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "末日守卫", "id_178": "6952419", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "丢两张牌代价太大", "CardID": "EX1_310", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "2", "Race": "15", "description_cn": "冲锋,战吼:随机弃两张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Doomguard", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Lucas Graciano", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 406755, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_165": {"image_golden": "g-Druid+of+the+Claw", "ac": 1226535, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_165", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 1222240}", "id": 111, "extra_cn": "是猎豹还是熊?!是猎豹还是熊?!真是艰难的抉择!", "arena_win": 2662058, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "利爪德鲁伊", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "利爪德鲁伊", "id_178": "307801", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "非常优秀的随从,进可攻退可防", "CardID": "EX1_165", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抉择:冲锋;或者+2生命值并具有嘲讽。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Druid of the Claw", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "James Brady", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Druid of the Claw will be a bear most of the time, but just having the option of getting the 4/4 charge is good. Just looking at the bear form, Druid of the Claw is still very good. He is big enough to survive a Chillwind Yeti hit and can but an immediate end to any early game aggression.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4796664, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_164": {"image_golden": "g-Nourish", "ac": 325331, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_164", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 324016}", "id": 72, "extra_cn": "德鲁伊能够从很多地方获得精神上的滋养:自然的伟力;鸟儿的鸣唱;蛋糕的美味。", "arena_win": 1053721, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "滋养", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "滋养", "id_178": "2406442", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "德鲁伊进一步扩大优势的保障,但前提你得处于优势", "CardID": "EX1_164", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抉择:获得两个法力水晶;或者抽三张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Nourish", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Terese Nielsen", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Nourish is effectively only a five mana draw three, but drawing extra cards can be game-winning if you can cast Nourish safely. This is by no means an auto-include, but if your deck is already shaping up to go late then this should go up in your estimation; Nourish lives in the middle ground between Arcane Intellect and Sprint. The problem with Nourish in non-late game decks is that it is five mana and does not impact the board. The reason why the gain two mana crystals option is rarely used is because most decks won't benefit from jumping from six mana to eight since the top of your curve should be sparse.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1939566, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_226": {"image_golden": "g-Frostwolf+Warlord", "ac": 1516253, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_226", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 45961, \"3\": 105892, \"2\": 292152, \"5\": 60143, \"4\": 342600, \"7\": 60998, \"6\": 182082, \"9\": 90008, \"8\": 331123}", "id": 100, "extra_cn": "为了争夺奥克兰特山谷的控制权,霜狼氏族和雷矛探险队打得不可开交。任何前来企图进行和平谈判的斡旋者都会被处死。", "arena_win": 5138209, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "霜狼督军", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "霜狼督军", "id_178": "6776379", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "适合在自己场上有小伙伴的情况下充当大怪兽", "CardID": "CS2_226", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 1, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 1, \"7\": 1, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:战场上每有一个其他友方随从,便获得+1/+1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Frostwolf Warlord", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "James Ryman", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Frostwolf Warlord is another minion with Big. A 4/4 for five is almost good, but a 5/5 or 6/6 is much better: that is more likely where your Frostwolf Warlord will be when you cast him. Frostwolf Warlord may not have the immediate impact that we want from our more expensive minions, but his size warps the game plan of the opponent by making this minion a must kill. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 9220599, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_227": {"image_golden": "g-Venture+Co+Mercenary", "ac": 2068342, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_227", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 81584, \"3\": 172859, \"2\": 266062, \"5\": 78371, \"4\": 366054, \"7\": 63159, \"6\": 298254, \"9\": 158962, \"8\": 576867}", "id": 165, "extra_cn": "有钱能使鬼推磨。", "arena_win": 6757177, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "风险投资公司雇佣兵", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "风险投资公司雇佣兵", "id_178": "6694270", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "低风险高投资,不怕沉默,单卡为王", "CardID": "CS2_227", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "7", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你的随从牌的法力值消耗增加(3)点。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Venture Co. Mercenary", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "7", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "John \"JP\" Polidora", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "6", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Here is where we see the dark side of the Vanilla Test: a five mana 7/6 should be too good to be true and it is. The drawback on Venture Co. Mercenary is a very real problem. That said, he's big enough to consistently trade with two smaller minions or one far more expensive than himself: he is scary enough on the board that your opponent will have to deal with him. All in all, Venture Co. Mercenary makes up for his downside in getting you ahead in either cards or mana efficiency. You may take a tempo hit the turn after you play this fatty, but if you can get more than one attack out of a seven attack minion you're in a good spot regardless. Venture Co's biggest weakness is against Paladin, whose Aldor Peacekeepers can really ruin your day. Fortunately, Aldor Peacekeeper is a rare card that you won't see too much of in arena.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 12210044, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_221": {"image_golden": "g-Spiteful+Smith", "ac": 1400309, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_221", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 97405, \"3\": 229505, \"2\": 205314, \"5\": 48025, \"4\": 332127, \"7\": 18569, \"6\": 142459, \"9\": 73740, \"8\": 250649}", "id": 336, "extra_cn": "她会为你代工一把好武器,但是你必须给她5个铁锭,3个土之微粒,以及她上一个顾客的头皮。", "arena_win": 4823359, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "恶毒铁匠", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "恶毒铁匠", "id_178": "8403689", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "配合有武器的职业很不错;自身有个大屁股,就算裸上也还可以", "CardID": "CS2_221", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 1, \"3\": 2, \"2\": 1, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 1, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "激怒:你的武器获得+2攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Spiteful Smith", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "1", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Justin Sweet", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "6", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Spiteful Smith as a five mana 4/6 passes the Vanilla test, but the stat distribution isn't the best. He is a card that would be playable by any hero but certainly unexciting. He goes up of course for weapon heroes, but for the limited top end slots in a deck there are better options. Out of all the cards that get better with weapons, he is the best card if you don't draw said weapons.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 8536084, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_365": {"image_golden": "g-Holy+Wrath", "ac": 75171, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "5", "image": "EX1_365", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 75093}", "id": 231, "extra_cn": "来个熔核巨人吧!!", "arena_win": 259829, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "神圣愤怒", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "神圣愤怒", "id_178": "9920186", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "如果你的法力曲线偏高,可以考虑这张黑科技;大多数情况下不推荐", "CardID": "EX1_365", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抽一张牌,并造成等同于其法力值消耗的伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Holy Wrath", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Justin Sweet", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Holy Wrath is a tricky spell. You never know exactly how much damage you're going to get but it does draw you a card. In an average Arena deck, Holy Wrath will usually hit for about three damage which is not great for the mana cost. Three damage and drawing a card could be worth five mana, but the variance is the factor which most holds back this spell.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 472731, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_112": {"image_golden": "g-Arcanite+Reaper", "ac": 296725, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_112", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 296325}", "id": 131, "extra_cn": "“那个消失了的潜行者再也不曾出现过...”", "arena_win": 631588, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "奥金斧", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "奥金斧", "id_178": "7417368", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "法有炎爆术,战有奥金斧,而且还只是张普通卡,但是注意拿多了会卡手", "CardID": "CS2_112", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Arcanite Reaper", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "2", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "2", "ArtistName": "Stefan Kopinski", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "7", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1212596, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_407": {"image_golden": "g-Brawl", "ac": 52567, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_407", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 52531}", "id": 219, "extra_cn": "你知道搏击俱乐部的第一守则吗?", "arena_win": 149945, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "绝命乱斗", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "绝命乱斗", "id_178": "9825954", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "面对铺了一地随从的对手,最希望能抽到的牌就是它", "CardID": "EX1_407", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "随机选择一个随从,消灭除了该随从外的所有其他随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Brawl", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Wayne Reynolds", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 296922, "Secret": ""}, "NAX4_03H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX4_03H", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "5", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1080, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "骷髅", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "骷髅", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX4_03H", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", 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"1", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 545593, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_320": {"image_golden": "g-Bane+of+Doom", "ac": 29936, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_320", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 29842}", "id": 330, "extra_cn": "福无双至,祸不单行。", "arena_win": 73703, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "末日灾祸", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "末日灾祸", "id_178": "7865634", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "伤害实在太低,而且随机性强", "CardID": "EX1_320", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对一个角色造成$2点伤害,如果末日灾祸杀死该角色,随机召唤一个恶魔。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Bane of Doom", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 155781, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_046": {"image_golden": "g-Bloodlust", "ac": 474454, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_046", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 472680}", "id": 33, "extra_cn": "呜啊哇哇哇哇哇!", "arena_win": 1524068, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "嗜血", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "嗜血", "id_178": "8015979", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "一来实在是高费用;二来你能用上嗜血的时候要么是有心无力,要么已经是优势的情况,因为对方不会让萨满留太多随从在场上的", "CardID": "CS2_046", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在本回合中,使你的随从获得+3攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Bloodlust", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Luca Zontini", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "This is perhaps an unlikely ranking given how easily Bloodlust lends itself to all in strategies. In a regular game, however, Bloodlust can still be a profitable play and easily build a 2-for-1 if you have any totems out. Bloodlust also keeps your lower curve minions relevant later in the game as it will allow them to trade up or burst through if you have your opponent close to dead. In any case, you should only be looking for a single Bloodlust in your deck given its conditional nature and steep mana cost.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2777305, "Secret": ""}, "NAX13_04H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX13_04H", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "7", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 998, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "费尔根", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "费尔根", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX13_04H", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "4", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "5", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "PRO_001": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "11", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "PRO_001", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{}", "id": 382, "extra_cn": "他正在物色一名鼓手。目前的候选人包括:工程师学徒,森金持盾卫士,还有炎魔之王拉格纳罗斯。", "arena_win": 8, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "精英牛头人酋长", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "精英牛头人酋长", "id_178": "3211487", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "尚且不知竞技场选牌有没有,但实际用途不大,炫酷才是王道!", "CardID": "PRO_001", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:让两位玩家都具有摇滚的能力!(双方各获得一张强力和弦牌)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Elite Tauren Chieftain", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Samwise Didier", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 15, "Secret": ""}, "NAX14_04": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX14_04", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1002, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "极寒之击", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "极寒之击", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX14_04", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "对敌方英雄造成$8点伤害,并使其<b>冻结</b>。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_250": {"image_golden": "g-Earth+Elemental", "ac": 249665, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_250", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 249019}", "id": 144, "extra_cn": "硬如磐石,坚不可破。", "arena_win": 880207, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "土元素", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "土元素", "id_178": "4302672", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "速攻流?看我大土元素教你做人", "CardID": "EX1_250", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "1", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "7", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽,过载:(3)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Earth Elemental", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "7", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Scott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Earth Elemental has the stats for which nobody should mind paying eight mana. Overload makes this card tricky to play, but Earth Elemental is big enough to dominate the board whenever you can fit him into your curve. If you draft an Earth Elemental early, you should consider lowering six drops on your pick order. That said, premium sixes -- Fire Elemental for example -- are always worth picking up.Earth Elemental is another card which is better in Arena than Constructed. Not only is his archenemies Black Knight and Big Game Hunter are far less common; Arena curves tend to be looser than their Constructed counterparts allowing an Overload 3 fit in more neatly.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1531863, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_558": {"image_golden": "g-Harrison+Jones", "ac": 22693, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_558", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 856, \"3\": 1744, \"2\": 3363, \"5\": 1173, \"4\": 3477, \"7\": 752, \"6\": 3424, \"9\": 1933, \"8\": 5953}", "id": 93, "extra_cn": "“这东西应该陈列在探险者大厅里!”", "arena_win": 82335, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "哈里森·琼斯", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "哈里森·琼斯", "id_178": "1750165", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "效果针对性太强,用得好就是黑科技;用不好还不如一滩软泥", "CardID": "EX1_558", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:摧毁对手的武器,并抽数量等同于其耐久度的牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Harrison Jones", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Dixon", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Harrison Jones is an interesting case because he is either amazing or blank. The average case scenario, despite the two options being so far apart, is that Harrison Jones will most often just be a five mana 5/4 with no text. The average is very skewed towards the worst case scenario for Harrison Jones; however, you're not risking much when the worst case scenario for a minion with gamebreaking potential upside is a vanilla 5/4.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 148959, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_007": {"image_golden": "g-Starfall", "ac": 443334, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_007", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 441426}", "id": 13, "extra_cn": "天塌下来了吗?是的。一点一点塌下来了。", "arena_win": 1350867, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "星辰坠落", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "星辰坠落", "id_178": "7700871", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "较为出色的职业法术但是费用较高", "CardID": "NEW1_007", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抉择:对一个随从造成$5点伤害;或者对所有敌方随从造成$2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Starfall", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Richard Wright", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Removal is a necessary component of all Arena decks. The good Arena decks are going to be those which have a good combination of board clears and single target removal. Starfall is both. Granted, you are overpaying for each half, but this is more than worth it for the versatility.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 2462488, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_076": {"image_golden": "g-Assassinate", "ac": 483169, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_076", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 481450}", "id": 140, "extra_cn": "要是你不想被人暗杀,躲到贫瘠之地,然后隐姓埋名。祝你好运!", "arena_win": 1411726, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "刺杀", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "刺杀", "id_178": "9226204", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "简单的,才是最有效的!但不建议带多", "CardID": "CS2_076", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "消灭一个敌方随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Assassinate", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Glenn Rane", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2511246, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_080": {"image_golden": "g-Assassin's+Blade", "ac": 400354, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_080", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 399136}", "id": 106, "extra_cn": "只有真正的刺客才配拥有。如假包换。", "arena_win": 1248629, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "刺客之刃", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "刺客之刃", "id_178": "2709466", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "拿一把效果显著,拿两把以上可能卡手", "CardID": "CS2_080", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Assassin's Blade", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "4", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "4", "ArtistName": "Brian Huang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "7", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2264642, "Secret": ""}, "CS1_069": {"image_golden": "g-Fen+Creeper", "ac": 1459325, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS1_069", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 53298, \"3\": 110797, \"2\": 198557, \"5\": 52130, \"4\": 257188, \"7\": 45336, \"6\": 215410, \"9\": 129615, \"8\": 393012}", "id": 239, "extra_cn": "它以前被称作沼泽兽,但这个名字会让人迷惑,因为它根本不是野兽。", "arena_win": 4986558, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "沼泽爬行者", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "沼泽爬行者", "id_178": "6440318", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "性价比不如塔斯订购,但是也不错", "CardID": "CS1_069", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Fen Creeper", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Monica Langlois", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "6", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Fen Creeper is a pretty solid Taunt. He does essentially what Sen'jin Shieldmasta does just for a slightly more inefficient cost.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 8914707, "Secret": ""}, "NAX9_06": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX9_06", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1067, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "邪恶之影", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "邪恶之影", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX9_06", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n抽两张牌。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "NAX9_07": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX9_07", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1147, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "骑士印记", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "骑士印记", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX9_07", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "使你的随从和武器获得+1/+1。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "5", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "NEW1_041": {"image_golden": "g-Stampeding+Kodo", "ac": 1636992, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_041", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 70785, \"3\": 131436, \"2\": 199905, \"5\": 84465, \"4\": 272555, \"7\": 50574, \"6\": 242741, \"9\": 121740, \"8\": 459725}", "id": 113, "extra_cn": "这只科多兽太大了,以至于他经常会踩到一些小动物。", "arena_win": 5804852, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "狂奔科多兽", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "狂奔科多兽", "id_178": "4173891", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "就算在构筑里也是很热门的卡;由守专攻,巩固优势,有奇效", "CardID": "NEW1_041", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "战吼:随机消灭一个攻击力小于或等于2的敌方随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Stampeding Kodo", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Daren Bader", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Stampeding Kodo is a stop sign. Killing a small minion as he comes down and dominating the board as a 3/5 puts an instant end to any and all aggro shenanigans. It should be mentioned that Stampeding Kodo is not a good fit in an aggro deck. This fact, however, doesn't drag him down because he is a perfect fit in Midrange and Control decks. He is so good in these archetypes that he is well worth picking early and hedging towards them. Most arena decks tend to end up being more focused on the midrange regardless.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 10204404, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_097": {"image_golden": "g-Abomination", "ac": 772343, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_097", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 41177, \"3\": 59163, \"2\": 65816, \"5\": 36759, \"4\": 132165, \"7\": 21457, \"6\": 123318, \"9\": 65496, \"8\": 224581}", "id": 347, "extra_cn": "憎恶喜欢享用新鲜的肉,以及在海滩上漫步。", "arena_win": 2506165, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "憎恶", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "憎恶", "id_178": "3270233", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "如果牌套AOE不足,这是一个好选择", "CardID": "EX1_097", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽,亡语:对所有角色造成2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Abomination", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Abomination is a ticking time-bomb. It is near unavoidable that Abomination will bring things down with it when he dies. The trick to Abomination is that he has Taunt. His Taunt takes away your opponent's options for attack while freeing up your minions to set up for the eventual sweep that will occur due to the Deathrattle. It is important to note, however, that Abomination can be fairly awkward in a dedicated Aggro deck where his Deathrattle can be far worse for you.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4666733, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_028": {"image_golden": "g-Stranglethorn+Tiger", "ac": 2157034, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_028", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 83960, \"3\": 186683, \"2\": 279559, \"5\": 125185, \"4\": 370763, \"7\": 67755, \"6\": 313631, \"9\": 163031, \"8\": 560760}", "id": 21, "extra_cn": "这些美丽的大猫是荆棘谷一道亮丽的风景!", "arena_win": 7201343, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "荆棘谷猛虎", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "荆棘谷猛虎", "id_178": "652783", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "几乎能保证有5点输出,能够完克凯恩血蹄以及他儿子你敢信?", "CardID": "EX1_028", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "2", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "潜行", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Stranglethorn Tiger", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "1", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Stranglethorn Tiger, on the other hand, is a minion with Stealth and a very respectable amount of Health. Five mana is rather expensive and worth noting; that said, it is a fair price for a 5/5 which gets to attack first on its own terms. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 12777869, "Secret": ""}, "NAX13_05H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX13_05H", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "4", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 992, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "斯塔拉格", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "斯塔拉格", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX13_05H", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "7", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "5", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_564": {"image_golden": "g-Faceless+Manipulator", "ac": 852885, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "9", "image": "EX1_564", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 32912, \"3\": 96285, \"2\": 101505, \"5\": 46827, \"4\": 98550, \"7\": 34066, \"6\": 103623, \"9\": 79838, \"8\": 257243}", "id": 345, "extra_cn": "作为尤格萨隆的仆从,无面者们以人们的恐惧为食,而现在他们的菜谱中包括你对“不小心把好牌分解掉”的担心和忧虑。", "arena_win": 2838169, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "无面操纵者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "无面操纵者", "id_178": "3322759", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "很容易卡手,但基本不亏,尤其牌套里已经有些大怪兽", "CardID": "EX1_564", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:选择一个随从,成为它的复制。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Faceless Manipulator", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "成为一个随从的复制。", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Faceless Manipulator will always be -- at least tied for -- the best minion on the board. This is a great effect to have because if you're behind on board, your best minion is now the same as theirs; and if you're ahead on board, you have now doubled your best threat. We should also note that Faceless Manipulator scores bonus points for also copying buffs applied to his target. Copying buffs is relevant for Arena because much of the early game is about building up your minions. When Faceless Manipulator comes down on turn five, therefore, he will be able to copy whatever has been built up by numerous cards and Battlecry effects all on his own.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5230328, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_567": {"image_golden": "g-Doomhammer", "ac": 162085, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_567", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 161567}", "id": 95, "extra_cn": "奥格瑞姆·毁灭之锤将他的传奇武器赠与了萨尔。他的名字只是纯属巧合。", "arena_win": 578172, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "毁灭之锤", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "毁灭之锤", "id_178": "8026921", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "萨尔你的毁灭锤这么凶残暴力你家里人知道么?", "CardID": "EX1_567", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "1", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "1", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "风怒,过载:(2)", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Doomhammer", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "8", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "8", "ArtistName": "John \"JP\" Polidora", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "7", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Weapons are good because they are like mulitple removal spells in one: Doomhammer is great because it has many charges. What keeps Doomhammer out of the Best tier is the fact that late game weapons are less useful than those lower on the curve. If you find yourself behind on turn five when you cast Doomhammer, Windfury and the eight Durability may leave your life total in a dangerous position. If the board is near parity, however, a midgame Doomhammer can run away with a game very quickly.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1033207, "Secret": ""}, "NAX8_05t": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX8_05t", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1159, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "鬼灵骑兵", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "鬼灵骑兵", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX8_05t", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "0", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "在你的回合开始时,对你的英雄造成1点伤害。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_030": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 3781, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_030", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 133, \"3\": 347, \"2\": 594, \"5\": 226, \"4\": 565, \"7\": 130, \"6\": 508, \"9\": 302, \"8\": 976}", "id": 1124, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 14515, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "1", "score": "6", "CardName": "洛欧塞布", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "洛欧塞布", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "能够拖缓对手一回合的节奏;缺点在于比较不稳定", "CardID": "FP1_030", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>战吼:</b>下个回合敌方法术的法力值消耗增加(5)点。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 25360, "Secret": ""}, "DS1_055": {"image_golden": "g-Darkscale+Healer", "ac": 877798, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "5", "image": "DS1_055", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 29962, \"3\": 62779, \"2\": 126766, \"5\": 25218, \"4\": 156753, \"7\": 30969, \"6\": 135747, \"9\": 80160, \"8\": 228069}", "id": 19, "extra_cn": "她只是在闲暇时间做一些治疗工作。这其实只不过是一个业余爱好罢了。", "arena_win": 3146499, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "4", "CardName": "暗鳞治愈者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暗鳞治愈者", "id_178": "5976712", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "战吼效果凑合,身材还可以", "CardID": "DS1_055", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 1, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:为所有友方角色恢复2点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Darkscale Healer", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Jesper Ejsing", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "A five mana 4/5 falls below expectation for the Vanilla Test: just a +1 Attack would have made the difference. The effect brings it up slightly -- and a situation can be crafted to maximize its effect -- but ultimately there are better options than this.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5593634, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_593": {"image_golden": "g-Nightblade", "ac": 333609, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_593", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 16206, \"3\": 37395, \"2\": 38400, \"5\": 22483, \"4\": 52191, \"7\": 16498, \"6\": 39171, \"9\": 19676, \"8\": 91010}", "id": 380, "extra_cn": "你的脸可能是你最不希望被刀子碰到的地方,但却是潜行者们最喜欢下手的地方。", "arena_win": 1108053, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "夜刃刺客", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "夜刃刺客", "id_178": "2304352", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "灵活度不高,身材也不及画风那样达标", "CardID": "EX1_593", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:对敌方英雄造成3点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Nightblade", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Nightblade as a five mana 4/4 needs a bit of help from the text box to be playable. It unfortunately doesn't get there as direct hero damage effectively does nothing unless you are already killing them: at which point three damage is irrelevant.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2055330, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_187": {"image_golden": "g-Booty+Bay+Bodyguard", "ac": 240500, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_187", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 8834, \"3\": 16346, \"2\": 32695, \"5\": 9796, \"4\": 41355, \"7\": 9848, \"6\": 32280, \"9\": 22780, \"8\": 66321}", "id": 261, "extra_cn": "你可以雇佣他们为你效命...直到有人出更高的价钱来让他们对付你。", "arena_win": 743604, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "藏宝海湾保镖", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "藏宝海湾保镖", "id_178": "653492", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "作为一名拥有嘲讽的随从,554的身材实在不推荐入手", "CardID": "CS2_187", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Booty Bay Bodyguard", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Matt Cavotta", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Booty Bay Bodyguard is another Taunt minion with his Attack and Health in the wrong order: see Lord of the Arena above. I would much rather get him without Taunt for cheaper. Again, note that this is ranked quite a bit low than his brother, Lord of the Arena, simply because of the plethora of five mana creature you can draft compared to six mana creatures.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 1433734, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_284": {"image_golden": "g-Azure+Drake", "ac": 1850241, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_284", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 70141, \"3\": 160485, \"2\": 235730, \"5\": 70757, \"4\": 293446, \"7\": 52447, \"6\": 281285, \"9\": 132040, \"8\": 549369}", "id": 316, "extra_cn": "它们本来应该是宝蓝色或是蔚蓝色,但这几个颜色显得有点太耀眼了。", "arena_win": 6383156, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "碧蓝幼龙", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "碧蓝幼龙", "id_178": "5516571", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "漂亮的身材加上能抓牌,就算没有法伤牌也赚", "CardID": "EX1_284", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "1", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 1, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 1, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "2", "Race": "24", "description_cn": "法术伤害+1,战吼:抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Azure Drake", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ben Zhang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Azure Drake is incredible. Even disregarding the bonus to Spell Power, Azure Drake is disgustingly efficient. The common cantrip minions usually spark some form debate in terms of whether or not they are true 2-for-1s: the debate is rooted in the fact that the body of these minions are underwhelming and arguably not worth the cost on their own. There can be no questions about the body attached to Azure Drake. Dark Iron Dwarf came in second place for the common minions and Azure Drake falls into much the same category. Sure, he costs an extra mana, but the upside is so much better that we can forgive this minor shortcoming. Then when you bring the more situational upside of bonus Spell Power, this card just gets bumped over the top.In reference to the mana cost, Azure Drake is quite acceptable at five. We mentioned in the last article that the premium slot for high-impact minions was four, but five is still very playable and is a slot far less contested.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 11202162, "Secret": ""}, "DS1_178": {"image_golden": "g-Tundra+Rhino", "ac": 194001, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "DS1_178", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 193497}", "id": 66, "extra_cn": "人们经常无法分清苔原犀牛和科多兽。这是一头苔原犀牛,对不对?", "arena_win": 530856, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "5", "CardName": "苔原犀牛", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "苔原犀牛", "id_178": "6039774", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "身材不如人意,但是依旧保持着还能够冲锋(还带自家野兽一起冲锋)的效果", "CardID": "DS1_178", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "你的野兽获得冲锋。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Tundra Rhino", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Lars Grant-West", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1006415, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_399": {"image_golden": "g-Gurubashi+Berserker", "ac": 937895, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_399", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 41883, \"3\": 41203, \"2\": 88604, \"5\": 18325, \"4\": 113549, \"7\": 20374, \"6\": 90214, \"9\": 121163, \"8\": 399605}", "id": 128, "extra_cn": "如果那些伤痛没能让你死掉,它们就会让你更强大。", "arena_win": 3124798, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "古拉巴什狂暴者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "古拉巴什狂暴者", "id_178": "6496787", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "可配合的连击不少,但被克制的手段也很多(尤其是被科多兽一脚踩死)", "CardID": "EX1_399", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 1, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 1, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "2", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当该随从受到伤害时,获得+3攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Gurubashi Berserker", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "2", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Gurubashi Berserker shines in Mage and Priest decks: Mages can ping him and Priests can re-heal any damage he takes. This five drop has a high ceiling of potential but most heroes would be better off with something that starts from a higher -- more consistent -- floor.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5711985, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_024": {"image_golden": "g-Captain+Greenskin", "ac": 9683, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_024", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 1733, \"3\": 2865, \"2\": 978, \"5\": 429, \"4\": 3383, \"7\": 15, \"6\": 91, \"9\": 37, \"8\": 116}", "id": 268, "extra_cn": "要不是因为那些调皮捣蛋的小家伙们,他差点就把那艘超级战舰开进暴风城港口了!", "arena_win": 35000, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "4", "CardName": "绿皮船长", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "绿皮船长", "id_178": "1412855", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "能有其他更好的传说就别拿他,但如已经拿了武器的值得考虑", "CardID": "NEW1_024", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 1, \"3\": 1, \"2\": 1, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 1, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "23", "description_cn": "战吼:使你的武器获得+1/+1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Captain Greenskin", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Scott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "5", "description_en": "Captain Greenskin is somewhat like Harrison Jones; except his upside is less dramatic, and he is even more situational. On second thought, Captain Greenskin is not very much like Harrison and is completely blank in four out of nine decks. If you can literally do no better than a vanilla 5/4 for your Legendary pick then take him, but this should be quite the let down.The exception is if you are a Rogue or a Warrior with many Fiery War Axes. Paladins, and sometimes Hunters can also benefit!", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 63131, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_067": {"image_golden": "g-Argent+Commander", "ac": 1870291, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_067", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 83252, \"3\": 164526, \"2\": 227213, \"5\": 85606, \"4\": 317228, \"7\": 63242, \"6\": 271647, \"9\": 134331, \"8\": 517684}", "id": 43, "extra_cn": "银色指挥官总是机警地注意着天灾军团的动向,同时阻止任何想在咖啡店里插队买咖啡的人。", "arena_win": 6465099, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "银色指挥官", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "银色指挥官", "id_178": "1578652", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "用法丰富多样,基本能换两张卡牌,满分!", "CardID": "EX1_067", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "1", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冲锋,圣盾。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Argent Commander", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "James Ryman", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Argent Commander, while not being a 2-for-1 in the simple sense that Azure Drake was, is still one hell of a curve topper. Argent Commander will kill something in 95% of the games you play him. The efficiency of this card is amazing. Starting with Charge, we already like Argent Commander because we are getting instant value for our expensive minion ? something we discussed last time in reference to Stormwind Champion. The Divine Shield ability synergizes well with Charge by making Argent Commander more than just a four damage burn spell if he wants to go after a big target. Finally, his healthy four Attack make it such that he represents a decent clock on his own; therefore, he will often trade with another minion so he's no longer a threat. Of course he will most likely trade for a smaller minion once the Divine Shield is down but at that point, how much more could you ask of him?", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 11350469, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_155": {"image_golden": "g-Archmage", "ac": 981664, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_155", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 24960, \"3\": 72170, \"2\": 125961, \"5\": 17863, \"4\": 147014, \"7\": 17079, \"6\": 138875, \"9\": 75028, \"8\": 362571}", "id": 164, "extra_cn": "只要你能消灭任何质疑你的头衔的人,你就能获得“大法师”的头衔。", "arena_win": 3562555, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "大法师", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "大法师", "id_178": "1743271", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "费用太高无法配合法术,但屁股够大(血量够厚)", "CardID": "CS2_155", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "1", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "法术伤害+1", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Archmage", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Steve Ellis", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Speaking of minions that cost too much and don't have a good enough ability: here is Archmage. Arena is mostly focused around minions: +1 Spell Damage is therefore marginal; and a 4/7 is not competitive enough for your six mana", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 6292425, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_577": {"image_golden": "g-The+Beast", "ac": 18111, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_577", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 851, \"3\": 1208, \"2\": 2494, \"5\": 1919, \"4\": 2539, \"7\": 773, \"6\": 2528, \"9\": 1566, \"8\": 4204}", "id": 371, "extra_cn": "他住在黑石山。他吃侏儒。基本上就是这样。", "arena_win": 58469, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "比斯巨兽", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "比斯巨兽", "id_178": "6444729", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "看起来很美好、但其实没有赚到什么卡差的橙卡", "CardID": "EX1_577", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "9", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "亡语:为你的对手召唤1个3/3的芬克·恩霍尔。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "The Beast", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "9", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Glenn Rane", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "The Beast is another expensive minion without an immediate impact. He may be threatening on turn six, but he does very little despite his size and has a downside that encourages your opponent to kill him quickly. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 111618, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_571": {"image_golden": "g-Force+of+Nature", "ac": 157687, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_571", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 157349}", "id": 359, "extra_cn": "“我想我可以在这片树荫下打个盹儿。等等...啊啊啊啊啊!”——不幸的侏儒布林克菲兹", "arena_win": 553122, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "自然之力", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "自然之力", "id_178": "7519314", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "一般是配合咆哮;如果是需要清场,难免太过奢侈了", "CardID": "EX1_571", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "召唤三个2/2并具有冲锋的树人,在回合结束时,消灭这些树人。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Force of Nature", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Trevor Jacobs", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Force of Nature is similar to a Fireball. True, it costs more for a six damage removal spell, but in exchange for that we get the bonus of flexibility. Still, six mana is not prohibitively expensive. If you truly need to kill a large target, paying an extra two mana won't feel so bad. Beyond the bonus of flexibility, having the damage coming from minions has the benefit of allowing your Treants to receive buffs, with the Force of Nature-Savage Roar combo being the most notable.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 994348, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_614": {"image_golden": "g-Illidan+Stormrage", "ac": 45136, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_614", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 1694, \"3\": 4319, \"2\": 6727, \"5\": 2315, \"4\": 7331, \"7\": 1972, \"6\": 6582, \"9\": 3707, \"8\": 10337}", "id": 8, "extra_cn": "伊利丹的哥哥玛法里奥把他关在海加尔山下长达一万年。怒风两兄弟真是不明白“家和万事兴”的道理。", "arena_win": 157574, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "伊利丹·怒风", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "伊利丹·怒风", "id_178": "1382094", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "最主要的缺点在于无论是本体还是召唤兽在高费回合中比较好解", "CardID": "EX1_614", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "7", "DevState": "", "Race": "15", "description_cn": "每当你使用一张牌时,召唤一个2/1的埃辛诺斯烈焰。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Illidan Stormrage", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "7", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Illidan Stormrage asks the least possible of your deck. Illidan may very well be the antithesis of a Build Around Me Rare in that he fits well into any deck. Even without the easy to trigger ability, a 7/5 for six is very aggressive if not a touch fragile for the cost. The best part about Illidan, however, is that he doesn't really get worse if you hang on to him. If the board is not clear enough for you to run out your Illidan, there is no shame in hanging on until you can cast him and another spell in a single turn: thus guaranteeing yourself at least one activation.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 289564, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_534": {"image_golden": "g-Savannah+Highmane", "ac": 174161, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_534", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 173495}", "id": 282, "extra_cn": "在偌大丛林的生存游戏中,即使是狮子也会被成群的土狼拖垮。", "arena_win": 497427, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "长鬃草原狮", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "长鬃草原狮", "id_178": "8704958", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "足够让对手难以招架的野兽", "CardID": "EX1_534", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "6", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "亡语:召唤两个2/2的土狼。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Savannah Highmane", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "6", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Milivoj Ceran", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 910733, "Secret": ""}, "NAX4_05": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX4_05", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 968, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "瘟疫", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "瘟疫", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX4_05", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "消灭所有不是骷髅的随从。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "None", "Cost": "6", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "CS2_162": {"image_golden": "g-Lord+of+the+Arena", "ac": 404728, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_162", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 16935, \"3\": 29426, \"2\": 53600, \"5\": 15311, \"4\": 72128, \"7\": 12845, \"6\": 57567, \"9\": 35080, \"8\": 110976}", "id": 270, "extra_cn": "他曾经是一个2100分段的竞技场高端玩家。但那已经是几年前的事情了,而且没人能阻止他继续吹嘘这件事。", "arena_win": 1315723, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "竞技场主宰", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "竞技场主宰", "id_178": "2939783", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "高费低血带嘲讽实在鸡肋", "CardID": "CS2_162", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "6", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Lord of the Arena", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "6", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "E.M. Gist", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Lord of the Arena is a touch awkward because he has Taunt and relatively low Health for his cost. The idea, of course, is that he would Taunt and trade for something bigger than himself. Most minions would rather have a higher Health than Attack, and this is especially true of Taunt minions. With the effectiveness being shown by aggressive builds, however, it's far more likely he just eats two mediocre creatures: assuming you make it to six mana in a decent spot. Note that this is ranked quite a bit higher than his brother, Booty Bay Bodyguard, simply because of the lack of six mana creature you can draft compared to five mana creatures.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 2467702, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_173": {"image_golden": "g-Starfire", "ac": 881895, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_173", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 878139}", "id": 145, "extra_cn": "平衡对德鲁伊来说很重要。这张卡牌现在就很平衡了。", "arena_win": 2317223, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "星火术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "星火术", "id_178": "2107199", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "非常给力的法术伤害,但需要注意自己的法力曲线", "CardID": "EX1_173", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$5点伤害,抽一张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Starfire", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Starfire is another great removal spell. In keeping with the Druid theme, Starfire is a bit too expensive for straight damage but makes up for the cost with an upside. Because Starfire will draw you a card, it is near impossible not to 2-for-1 with this spell. Starfire is also better in Arena compared to Constructed because your card draw options are more limited and this can help by giving you a more robust hand.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4184789, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_213": {"image_golden": "g-Reckless+Rocketeer", "ac": 632937, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_213", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "2", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 30935, \"3\": 68500, \"2\": 76768, \"5\": 37305, \"4\": 110636, \"7\": 27719, \"6\": 82491, \"9\": 36330, \"8\": 159402}", "id": 118, "extra_cn": "一个疯狂的火箭兵加上一个装满炸药的火箭。完美的组合。", "arena_win": 2186775, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "鲁莽火箭兵", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "鲁莽火箭兵", "id_178": "7598941", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "你可以把他当成一张6费5血的法术牌", "CardID": "CS2_213", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冲锋", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Reckless Rocketeer", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "1", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "John \"JP\" Polidora", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "2", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Reckless Rocketeer, like Bluegill Warrior and Wolfrider, is a standard charging creature. However, unlike the other two, he's extremely inefficient when used to trade minions. Usually, she's best used as a burn spell that leaves a body on the board, but even in that case, she's not amazing. The most unfortunate aspect of Reckless Rocketeer is that she is severely overpriced. You do not get a good deal on this minion and the two Health is just bizarre.", "faction_info": "阵营: 部落", "arena_cout": 3971959, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_010": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 3403, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_010", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "8", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 123, \"3\": 273, \"2\": 478, \"5\": 237, \"4\": 500, \"7\": 106, \"6\": 465, \"9\": 475, \"8\": 746}", "id": 1024, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 12729, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "5", "CardName": "迈克斯纳", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "迈克斯纳", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "说实话,如果能够解决两个以上随从,也就是赚了", "CardID": "FP1_010", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 1}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "2", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "消灭任何受到该随从伤害的随从。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "5", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 22629, "Secret": null}, "CS2_042": {"image_golden": "g-Fire+Elemental", "ac": 1158813, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "CS2_042", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 1156265}", "id": 57, "extra_cn": "他从来不洗澡。嗯...", "arena_win": 2650343, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "10", "CardName": "火元素", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "火元素", "id_178": "259349", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不厉害,我们怎么都会叫它作“爸爸”?", "CardID": "CS2_042", "Elite": "", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "6", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:造成3点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Fire Elemental", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "6", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "造成3点伤害。", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ralph Horsley", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Fire Elemental is often considered one of the best cards in Hearthstone. A six mana 6/5 is good enough to be played. The fact that Fire Elemental's Battlecry kill most minions, however, is enough to push it into absurd levels of good. Fire Elemental is the type of card that immediately helps stabilize if you are behind and wins in a hurry if you are at parity.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4593254, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_384": {"image_golden": "g-Avenging+Wrath", "ac": 207065, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "5", "image": "EX1_384", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 206063}", "id": 299, "extra_cn": "打!打!打!打!打!打!打!打!", "arena_win": 731589, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "复仇之怒", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "复仇之怒", "id_178": "3780633", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "检验炉石对于你是否是一款声控游戏的强有力工具", "CardID": "EX1_384", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "1", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$8点伤害,随机分配给敌方角色。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Avenging Wrath", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Garner", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Avenging Wrath is Mage-level efficient at eight damage for six mana. You could argue that there is a downside in that the damage is split randomly. Since this is a mid to late game play, however, you should have minions able to attack and either craft a favorable board position or clean up after the hammers have been pitched. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1299971, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_033": {"image_golden": "g-Windfury+Harpy", "ac": 408744, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_033", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 17466, \"3\": 32299, \"2\": 60902, \"5\": 12449, \"4\": 79550, \"7\": 11886, \"6\": 60907, \"9\": 33026, \"8\": 99391}", "id": 249, "extra_cn": "鹰身人的声音非常...“令人不悦”。这是最好听的说法。", "arena_win": 1352124, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "风怒鹰身人", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "风怒鹰身人", "id_178": "1693214", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "神级技能但是高费用而且身材不足,如果下回合她还在场那就赚大了", "CardID": "EX1_033", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "1", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "风怒", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Windfury Harpy", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Luke \"Mr. Jack\" Mancini", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "The same criticism of Thrallmar Farseer applies to Windfury Harpy: Windfury is only good if your minion lives to use it.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 2523640, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_032": {"image_golden": "g-Sunwalker", "ac": 1700657, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_032", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 74307, \"3\": 136536, \"2\": 207060, \"5\": 70323, \"4\": 287560, \"7\": 49503, \"6\": 256211, \"9\": 131198, \"8\": 483892}", "id": 211, "extra_cn": "她不是真的能够在太阳上行走。这只是个名称,别担心!", "arena_win": 5867864, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "烈日行者", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "烈日行者", "id_178": "180683", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "出色的技能!能换对面的变羊妖术也是不亏;话说,黄渤怎么跟你长得这么像!", "CardID": "EX1_032", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "1", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽,圣盾。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Sunwalker", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Andrea Uderzo", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Sunwalker is everything you want in a Taunt minion. She is fat enough to stick around and has enough Attack to take down whatever attacks. Sure six mana is a lot, and you don't want many six drops, but Sunwalker is good enough to compete for these spots if you can't get an Argent Commander; she may even be better in some decks. It could be said that Sunwalker has a downside of not immediately affecting the game, but I disagree with this for two reasons. First of all, we want an immediate impact out of our high cost minions because that way they have some effect even if they are instantly removed. However, soaking up removal and minion attacks is exactly what we want from Sunwalker with the high health/Divine Shield/Taunt combination. Secondly, Sunwalker does impact the board when she lands simply by being so large on the field ? she has an invisible Battlecry of changing the opponent's entire plan. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 10370076, "Secret": ""}, "NAX8_05": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX8_05", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": null, "Combo": "", "arena_hero": null, "id": 1161, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": "", "score": "0", "CardName": "冷酷骑兵", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冷酷骑兵", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX8_05", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>亡语:</b>为你的对手召唤一个鬼灵骑兵。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": "", "atkline": null, "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": "", "Faction": null, "durline": "", "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": "", "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_583": {"image_golden": "g-Priestess+of+Elune", "ac": 316636, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_583", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 13118, \"3\": 26252, \"2\": 43348, \"5\": 9808, \"4\": 55059, \"7\": 16787, \"6\": 48970, \"9\": 19709, \"8\": 83082}", "id": 181, "extra_cn": "她是艾泽拉斯最早的“月光族”。", "arena_win": 1038900, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "2", "CardName": "艾露恩的女祭司", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "艾露恩的女祭司", "id_178": "6096235", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "出色的战吼效果掩盖不了自身身材太过孱弱的硬伤", "CardID": "EX1_583", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:为你的英雄恢复4点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Priestess of Elune", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Scott", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Priestess of Elune is marginal at best. She is too small for her cost and her non-board effecting Battlecry doesn't make up for the cost. There may be times when you are forced to pick her and she saves you, but most cards have more to offer in more circumstances since simply healing your hero usually just delays the inevitable.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1948169, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_005": {"image_golden": "g-Kidnapper", "ac": 35713, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_005", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "3", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "1", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 35651}", "id": 224, "extra_cn": "他只是希望有人能看看他在假期里拍摄的照片而已。", "arena_win": 129770, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "劫持者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "劫持者", "id_178": "1929032", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "单从此卡牌而言,我实在说不上来是史诗的理由", "CardID": "NEW1_005", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "连击:将一个随从移回其拥有者的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Kidnapper", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "将一个随从移回手牌。", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dave Allsop", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "3", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 231135, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_028": {"image_golden": "g-Blizzard", "ac": 853892, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_028", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 851843}", "id": 260, "extra_cn": "这张牌象征了很多强大而美好的东西。尤其是它的名字。", "arena_win": 2989360, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "暴风雪", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暴风雪", "id_178": "9295064", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "虽然被削后增加了一费,但出色的效果依然让人欲罢不能", "CardID": "CS2_028", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对所有敌方随从造成$2点伤害,并使其冻结。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Blizzard", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Chris Seaman", "Freeze": "1", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Blizzard is another card with a bonus Freeze stapled to it. In most cases, paying two extra for a Consecration is acceptable and stalling their board for an extra mana without costing yourself a card is great. Blizzard shines most brightly in a control deck where it can sweep away all the early game threats and give you some extra breathing room before handing the larger ones.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 5082865, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_002": {"image_golden": "g-The+Black+Knight", "ac": 100004, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_002", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 4069, \"3\": 9177, \"2\": 13959, \"5\": 4995, \"4\": 15931, \"7\": 3062, \"6\": 15336, \"9\": 7903, \"8\": 25317}", "id": 204, "extra_cn": "巫妖王派他来阻止银色锦标赛的进行。可以说那是个失败。", "arena_win": 382421, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "8", "CardName": "黑骑士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "黑骑士", "id_178": "1077107", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不错的身材,优质的战吼,橙卡中实用度较高", "CardID": "EX1_002", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:消灭一个具有嘲讽的随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "The Black Knight", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "消灭一个具有嘲讽的随从。", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "We've been talking a lot about how the Arena is very minion dependant on this list, and Taunt is pretty good where lots of minions are involved. So naturally, The Black Knight is also a good fit in Arena because he loves to see Taunts. Straight up killing a minion as a Battlecry is an amazing effect, even though it is conditional in this case. The conditional nature of The Black Knight is not as much of a drawback as on other cards because if you have to cast him for no value, a 4/5 body is still respectable in turns 6-8.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 675260, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_200": {"image_golden": "g-Boulderfist+Ogre", "ac": 2582315, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_200", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 108790, \"3\": 222497, \"2\": 336129, \"5\": 98186, \"4\": 449323, \"7\": 72273, \"6\": 392609, \"9\": 196628, \"8\": 700653}", "id": 127, "extra_cn": "“我非常厉害,绝对值这个价格!”", "arena_win": 8453221, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "石拳食人魔", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "石拳食人魔", "id_178": "4918752", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "拥有众多外号——大表哥、PDD;身材无可挑剔,但是要注意曲线", "CardID": "CS2_200", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "6", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Boulderfist Ogre", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "6", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Brian Despain", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Boulderfist Ogre's text box may appear blank, but he has the invisible key word Big. Much like Chillwind Yeti, Big is not an ability that should be overlooked. Unlike the yeti, however, Boulderfist Ogre at six mana is not guaranteed to be cast every game and has to do work if you are behind. That said, Boulderfist Ogre crushes the Vanilla Test even at six where we expect big things and almost guarantees a 2-for-1 if you can cast him. Beyond the mana cost, Boulderfist Ogre also ranks slightly lower than Chillwind Yeti because he is more vulnerable to hard removal such as Shadow Word: Death. ", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 14970067, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_040": {"image_golden": "g-Hogger", "ac": 89421, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_040", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "4", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 3391, \"3\": 7520, \"2\": 13091, \"5\": 4595, \"4\": 14380, \"7\": 3176, \"6\": 13933, \"9\": 7110, \"8\": 21981}", "id": 122, "extra_cn": "霍格可是超级厉害的。如果你杀了他,只是因为他让你这么做的。", "arena_win": 330956, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "霍格", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "霍格", "id_178": "4570684", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "若对手不能解决霍格,那他肯定会提前进入更年期狂暴烦躁状态", "CardID": "NEW1_040", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在你的回合结束时,召唤一个2/2并具有嘲讽的豺狼人。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Hogger", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Laurel \"LD\" Austin", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "4", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Hogger is interesting because he looks like a 6/6 for six. By all means, a six mana 6/6 is certainly good value; however, given that part of that is a 2/2 on turn six the overall quality of this card drops. By turn six, a 2/2 will not be hard to deal with and a 4/4 is not exceptionally threatening. Hogger is similar to Gruul, however, in that he can quickly close out games if left alone. That said, many of the other Legendary options can also do this and are better in scenarios where you aren't already winning. ", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 589904, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_091": {"image_golden": "g-Cabal+Shadow+Priest", "ac": 129251, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_091", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 129158}", "id": 35, "extra_cn": "你绝不知道谁在为这个秘密组织效劳...", "arena_win": 410278, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "秘教暗影祭司", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "秘教暗影祭司", "id_178": "5796224", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "指定获得,但费用太过高昂", "CardID": "EX1_091", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:获得一个攻击力小于或等于2的敌方随从的控制权。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Cabal Shadow Priest", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "偷取一个攻击力小于或等于2的敌方随从。", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Brian 'Chippy' Dugan", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Cabal Shadow Priest is sweet. Not only are we getting a Yeti sized body, the additional cost is more than make up for by the great Battlecry. While Cabal Shadow Priest's ability may look conditional, it is still a 2-for-1 when it hits -- more on this when we hit Mind Control -- and when it misses, a 4/5 is still a good consolation prize. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 755162, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_064": {"image_golden": "g-Dread+Infernal", "ac": 119584, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "CS2_064", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 119136}", "id": 364, "extra_cn": "“地狱火!”——加拉克苏斯,燃烧军团的艾瑞达之王", "arena_win": 263360, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "恐惧地狱火", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "恐惧地狱火", "id_178": "6324793", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "得取决于你是否有了血小鬼,有还是慎选吧", "CardID": "CS2_064", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "6", "DevState": "2", "Race": "15", "description_cn": "战吼:对所有其他角色造成1点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Dread Infernal", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "6", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Zoltan & Gabor", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "6", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 541682, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_283": {"image_golden": "g-Frost+Elemental", "ac": 1278142, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "4", "image": "EX1_283", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 49823, \"3\": 101222, \"2\": 167664, \"5\": 41698, \"4\": 222926, \"7\": 31914, \"6\": 197071, \"9\": 94688, \"8\": 370115}", "id": 29, "extra_cn": "当水元素和冰元素相爱到一定程度的时候...", "arena_win": 4542479, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "冰霜元素", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "冰霜元素", "id_178": "9217295", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "战吼能拖延对方的进攻步伐以便自己更好解场", "CardID": "EX1_283", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:冻结一个角色。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Frost Elemental", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "冻结一个角色。", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dan Scott", "Freeze": "1", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Frost Elemental is a shade small at 5/5 for six mana and for it to be worth its cost, its ability has to be amazing. Compared to a Boulderfirst Ogre at 6/7, you have to ask yourself, is the instant freeze ability worth the 3 extra stats? Usually that answer is no. You can't guarantee that your opponent will have big creatures that you can get Value freezes on and even if you could, you still have to find a way to deal with that creature on your next turn. Note that you can also target heroes, that is freeze Druids or heroes with weapons to prevent them from attacking next turn.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 8044722, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_110": {"image_golden": "g-Cairne+Bloodhoof", "ac": 132394, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_110", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 5400, \"3\": 11795, \"2\": 18643, \"5\": 5877, \"4\": 20834, \"7\": 4178, \"6\": 20622, \"9\": 10368, \"8\": 34447}", "id": 210, "extra_cn": "凯恩被加尔鲁什杀害了,所以...别把这张牌放在战士的套牌里,这完全说不通。", "arena_win": 510653, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "凯恩·血蹄", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "凯恩·血蹄", "id_178": "9738263", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "凯恩血蹄要六费而雪人要四费的原因是……第二只半价!", "CardID": "EX1_110", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "亡语:召唤一个4/5的贝恩·血蹄。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Cairne Bloodhoof", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Wayne Reynolds", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Cairne Bloodhoof is a house, almost effectively a 4/10 for six! A Chillwind Yeti during a buy one get one half-off sale! A minion with a five Health Divine Shield! Since we rated Chillwind Yeti as the best neutral common, it makes sense that two Yetis wrapped up into one card would be the best legendary. Against decks decks that don't try to rush you down, Cairne is amazingMinions with this Deathrattle trigger have been approached by the community in many ways, but the crux of the matter is that this is an unbelievably efficient card and is the best pick for any deck.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 895373, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_112": {"image_golden": "g-Gelbin+Mekkatorque", "ac": 0, "CardSet": "11", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_112", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{}", "id": 366, "extra_cn": "他是侏儒的领袖,无与伦比的发明家。而且他变得越来越像个领袖了;相比他只是个发明家的时候,他已经不那么经常把人变成小鸡了。", "arena_win": 34, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "3", "CardName": "格尔宾·梅卡托克", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "格尔宾·梅卡托克", "id_178": "7481525", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "娱乐至上,实用靠边的橙卡", "CardID": "EX1_112", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "6", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:进行一次惊人的发明。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Gelbin Mekkatorque", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "6", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ludo Lullabi", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "6", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 73, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_004": {"image_golden": "g-Vanish", "ac": 14895, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_004", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 14915}", "id": 255, "extra_cn": "", "arena_win": 39267, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "消失", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "消失", "id_178": "1337587", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "与向来以快节奏著称的盗贼节奏不搭", "CardID": "NEW1_004", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "将所有随从移回其拥有者的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Vanish", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Sean O’Daniels", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "6", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 82157, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_623": {"image_golden": "g-Temple+Enforcer", "ac": 473312, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_623", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 472035}", "id": 71, "extra_cn": "他在每周四的夜晚都会悄然出现在猪和哨声旅店担当保镖。", "arena_win": 1037775, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "圣殿执行者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "圣殿执行者", "id_178": "6663497", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不错的身材配上出色的技能,没有不抓的理由", "CardID": "EX1_623", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "6", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个友方随从获得+3生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Temple Enforcer", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "6", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "获得+3生命值。", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Daren Bader", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "6", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "In the intro we discussed how high Health is more valuable to a Priest and Temple Enforcer delivers that in a big way. On turn six, making a big minion and healing/buffing one of your other minions is a huge stabilizing move. Even without the Priest synergies, Temple Enforcer is great just for his efficient body and mana cost. Finally, even if you don't have anything to buff with Temple Enforcer, a 6/6 is a good step to getting out of that board control hole.It is also worth noting that Temple Enforcer is an Arena all-star despite being unplayed in Constructed for two reasons: firstly, Arena decks will have many more minions for him to buff; secondly, there is far less competition for the six drop slot in your Arena decks.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 2019498, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_624": {"image_golden": "g-Holy+Fire", "ac": 193124, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_624", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 192513}", "id": 197, "extra_cn": "紧接着你就会看到“神圣之烟”!", "arena_win": 510642, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "神圣之火", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "神圣之火", "id_178": "809994", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "费用高昂,但是灵活性高", "CardID": "EX1_624", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$5点伤害。为你的英雄恢复#5点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Holy Fire", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Karl Richardson", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Holy Fire is a good removal spell in a class that desperately needs them. Holy Fire may not be as flashy as some Mage spells, and we'd all rather it didn't heal and costed less, but sometimes you need to kill something and Holy Fire will get the job done. The healing ability is not the so bad since Priests can often find themselves behind after the early/mid game and a boost in Health can grant the breathing room needed to turn the game around. Finally, Holy Fire is one of the few tools which Priests have to remove four Attack minions outside of combat.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 1007827, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_309": {"image_golden": "g-Siphon+Soul", "ac": 104244, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_309", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 103422}", "id": 276, "extra_cn": "你最好避免虹吸自己的灵魂,这样会造成一些很奇怪的死循环。", "arena_win": 242783, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "灵魂虹吸", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "灵魂虹吸", "id_178": "5222934", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "直截了当,暴力有效", "CardID": "EX1_309", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "消灭一个随从,为你的英雄恢复#3点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Siphon Soul", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "6", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Tyler Walpole", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "6", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 498721, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_016": {"image_golden": "g-Sylvanas+Windrunner", "ac": 116258, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_016", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 4645, \"3\": 10260, \"2\": 16214, \"5\": 5349, \"4\": 17918, \"7\": 3691, \"6\": 17647, \"9\": 9435, \"8\": 30719}", "id": 221, "extra_cn": "阿尔萨斯把希尔瓦娜斯变成了女妖之王,他或许应该索性杀了她的,因为她真的对此很生气。", "arena_win": 445019, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "希尔瓦娜斯·风行者", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "希尔瓦娜斯·风行者", "id_178": "6021866", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "着实地打乱对手的计划,游戏身材与配图一样,优美如画,坚挺丰满", "CardID": "EX1_016", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "亡语:控制一个随机敌方随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Sylvanas Windrunner", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "5", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Glenn Rane", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "6", "description_en": "Sylvanas Windrunner is obviously powerful, so much so that she was recently nerfed for Constructed. If your opponent has minions out, which is very common in Arena, it will be hard not to at least score a 2-for-1 off of Sylvanas. The Deathrattle is powerful not only in the fact that it can steal a minion, but also in that it changes how your opponent has to play the game. Sylvanas' Deathrattle can be back breaking if it hits the wrong minion, so players will often try and weaken or trade off their minions in order to minimize the damage they take from it. The incidental value in this is that, unless you are astronomically far behind, forcing your opponent to make awkward attacks will often put you ahead or stabilize you if you are behind. Sylvanas falls behind some of the other Legendaries because she is susceptible to Siliences and she is easier to play around; but that said, even a silienced 5/5 is a decent threat.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 782270, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_186": {"image_golden": "g-War+Golem", "ac": 653092, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_186", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 26668, \"3\": 48964, \"2\": 92843, \"5\": 19833, \"4\": 116350, \"7\": 17476, \"6\": 95480, \"9\": 54967, \"8\": 178876}", "id": 198, "extra_cn": "傀儡们从来不会胆怯,但是出于某种原因,当你对它们施放“恐惧”的时候,它们依然会逃跑。也许这就是天性?或是想要融入这个世界的渴望?", "arena_win": 2242005, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "作战傀儡", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "作战傀儡", "id_178": "3020676", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不错的身材,相比大表哥而言逊色不少", "CardID": "CS2_186", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "7", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "War Golem", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "7", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dave Kendall", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "A seven mana creature that does nothing? War Golem is big but that's all he is. If your opponent can remove him with a spell you are going to be very sad: if he trades for two smaller minions you probably won't be much happier. In the second scenario he technically 2-for-1s but those two were probably cast awhile ago and you just spent seven mana getting ride of them.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4081082, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_350": {"image_golden": "g-Prophet+Velen", "ac": 18756, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_350", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 18721}", "id": 53, "extra_cn": "他被逐出他的家园。他兄弟们都变成了邪恶的主宰......但是除此之外,他好像也没有什么别的可以抱怨的了。", "arena_win": 53901, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "先知维伦", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "先知维伦", "id_178": "6027842", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "上了这个,除非能硬解,不然会让牧师非常舒心", "CardID": "EX1_350", "Elite": "1", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "7", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "使你的法术牌和英雄技能的伤害和治疗效果翻倍。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Prophet Velen", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "7", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Wei Wang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "Prophet Velen looks good on the Vanilla Test and has a decent ability. What ends up holding Velen back is the fact that he takes awhile to get going and is pitted against other extremely powerful legendaries. Assuming he lives through your opponent's turn, a 7/7 and healing for four will dig you out of many holes. Prophet Velen does still score pretty highly because of this comeback potential and game ending capabilities but is up against fierce competition.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 108282, "Secret": ""}, "DS1_188": {"image_golden": "g-Gladiator's+Longbow", "ac": 68222, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "8", "image": "DS1_188", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 68164}", "id": 107, "extra_cn": "弓弦很长,这使得射手能够射得更远,对付那些难闻的目标尤其有效。", "arena_win": 220909, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "2", "CardName": "角斗士的长弓", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "角斗士的长弓", "id_178": "9035970", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "7费5攻2耐用实在弱的可以!即使效果多么牛X", "CardID": "DS1_188", "Elite": "", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你的英雄在攻击时具有免疫。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Gladiator's Longbow", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "2", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "2", "ArtistName": "Peter C. Lee", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "7", "Cost": "7", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 408900, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_222": {"image_golden": "g-Stormwind+Champion", "ac": 1924576, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_222", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 70080, \"3\": 142390, \"2\": 322988, \"5\": 64800, \"4\": 397120, \"7\": 60836, \"6\": 261742, \"9\": 139293, \"8\": 460832}", "id": 58, "extra_cn": "在死亡之翼攻击主城的时候,这个士兵是小队中唯一活下来的一个。现在,他已经变得忍辱负重,镇定自若了。", "arena_win": 6748812, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "暴风城勇士", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暴风城勇士", "id_178": "8412603", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "配合小伙伴流的利器,有他在场就必须是他先被解", "CardID": "CS2_222", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 1, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 1, \"7\": 1, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "6", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你的其他随从获得+1/+1。", "Aura": "1", "name_en": "Stormwind Champion", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "6", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Doug Alexander", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "6", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "Speaking of having an immediate impact, Stormwind Champion delivers in exactly this regard. There is of course a risk involved in having such an expensive minion in your deck -- drawing him early is no good -- but the buff that all your minions get instantly is well worth it. The immediate effect of the buff means that even if he is killed on your opponent's turn, the mana spent was not a waste. Coming in at 6/6, however, means that your opponent will most likely have to trade 1-for-2 to get ride of Stormwind Champion and his large buff: this contrasts with Raid Leader who comes in lower on the list. Furthermore! With your newly buffed army, you can often create a scenario where your Stormwind Champion is safe from the back swing.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 11939437, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_161": {"image_golden": "g-Ravenholdt+Assassin", "ac": 666902, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_161", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 35176, \"3\": 67243, \"2\": 75579, \"5\": 34520, \"4\": 113307, \"7\": 17802, \"6\": 86874, \"9\": 37949, \"8\": 196151}", "id": 64, "extra_cn": "把姓名和10000金币打包邮寄给他。剩下的他会帮你搞定。", "arena_win": 2289931, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "拉文霍德刺客", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "拉文霍德刺客", "id_178": "2661457", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "主要用于打脸,潜行效果加上还算过得去的血量使得老刺客不容易被解", "CardID": "CS2_161", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "7", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "潜行", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ravenholdt Assassin", "Rarity": "3", "Silence": "", "atkline": "7", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "1", "Faction": "2", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ralph Horsley", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "Ravenholdt Assassin is expensive but Stealth and seven Attack means he'll always kill what you're looking to get out of the way. He may not be the most exciting late game minion, but Stealth makes up for his cost by ensuring that you won't get blown out after spending your whole turn on Ravenholdt Assassin.", "faction_info": "阵营: 联盟", "arena_cout": 4177014, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_032": {"image_golden": "g-Flamestrike", "ac": 2018448, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_032", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 2014333}", "id": 228, "extra_cn": "当地板着火的时候,无论你在地上怎么打滚,都是没用的。", "arena_win": 5599660, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "烈焰风暴", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "烈焰风暴", "id_178": "6896011", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "最强AOE,没有之一;但是不推荐哪怕3张,会卡手", "CardID": "CS2_032", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "对所有敌方随从造成$4点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Flamestrike", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Romain De Santi", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "Flamestrike is one of those cards that is often featured in the things were going great until... stories. What is there even to say about Flamestrike? It is simply an incredibly powerful effect that is near impossible to effectively play around. If you suspect your Mage opponent may have a Flamestrike -- and they probably do given its rarity -- you just have a very small selection of options: you can either concede board control, or open yourself up to getting 2+-for-1ed and hope that you can pull out a miraculous recovery. When you pick Mage, what you are really picking is a chance to cast Flamestrikes. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 9422763, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_559": {"image_golden": "g-Archmage+Antonidas", "ac": 70138, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "EX1_559", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 69994}", "id": 352, "extra_cn": "肯瑞托的首席法师,达拉然最伟大的子民,安东尼达斯在被巫妖王阿尔萨斯杀死之前,曾是吉安娜的导师。", "arena_win": 289601, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "大法师安东尼达斯", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "大法师安东尼达斯", "id_178": "2593171", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "效果很强力,尤其是后期,但还得看你选择了多少张法术牌", "CardID": "EX1_559", "Elite": "1", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "每当你施放一个法术时,将一张“火球术”法术牌置入你的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Archmage Antonidas", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Wayne Reynolds", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "Right off the bat, seven mana for a 5/7 is a little steep. The next question, therefore, is what are we getting for the added cost? Well, we are getting free copies of one of the game's best spells. This is a tempting offer and great when it happens, but we need to look realistically at how often you will be triggering this effect. On the one hand, Mage is the class most likely to have a high number of quality spells: so this is a plus for Archmage Antonidus. On the other hand, you will rarely be able to play another spell at the same time as your seven drop. This is what ultimately holds Archmage Antonidus back as a Legendary minion. As discussed in the Legendary specific article, we are really looking for an immediate impact from our legends in case they get Poly'd right away.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 492996, "Secret": ""}, "NAX1_05": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX1_05", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 991, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "虫群风暴", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "虫群风暴", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX1_05", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "对所有敌方随从造成3点伤害。为你的英雄恢复3点生命值。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "5", "Cost": "7", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_178": {"image_golden": "g-Ancient+of+War", "ac": 247190, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_178", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 246175}", "id": 163, "extra_cn": "年轻的暗夜精灵们喜欢一种叫做“谁能让战争古树站起来”的游戏。如果在它起身的时候你被踩死了,你还是输了。", "arena_win": 859366, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "战争古树", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "战争古树", "id_178": "466839", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "在竞技场10血嘲讽的战争古树,宛如一道难以逾越的墙", "CardID": "EX1_178", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抉择:+5生命值并具有嘲讽;或者+5攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ancient of War", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Sean O’Daniels", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "Ancient of War is a big dumb minion. There are times, however, when that is exactly what you need. Unlike the two previous minions, Ancient of War presents two options with a fairly obvious victor: choosing to make a 5/10 Taunt. Five attack is more than good enough where five health is rather fragile. That you have the option of a 10/5 if you have a use for it -- or are miles ahead on board -- is pure upside. You may want to consider making a 10/5 if you are playing a Priest or a Sylvanas to make him easier to kill should he get stolen. Even without the choice, if Ancient of War was just a 5/10 Taunt he'd still rank in the Best tier.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1516219, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_008": {"image_golden": "g-Ancient+of+Lore", "ac": 210233, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_008", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 209804}", "id": 40, "extra_cn": "去吧,把你的名字刻在树皮上。", "arena_win": 745214, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "6", "CardName": "知识古树", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "知识古树", "id_178": "2452878", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "效果优良,费用高昂,应该如何面对......", "CardID": "NEW1_008", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抉择:抽两张牌;或者恢复5点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ancient of Lore", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Patrik Hjelm", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "Speaking of getting two good choices, Ancient of Lore is another premium minion that supplies just that. Before we even get into the choices offered, however, the floor for Ancient of Lore is pretty good. A 5/5 is big enough to always impact the board and the abilities he has more than make up for the fact that he is too expensive for a vanilla 5/5. In terms of the abilities themselves, Ancient of Lore does a good job at covering all three bases. Drawing cards is the option you would like to take; this option puts you ahead at parity and buries your opponent if you're winning already. Healing is less desirable but still good to have as an option. While this doesn't feel quite as good as drawing cards, gaining life and making a 5/5 will go a long way to stabilizing your board and mounting a comeback.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 1317275, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_077": {"image_golden": "g-Sprint", "ac": 276085, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "CS2_077", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"3\": 275019}", "id": 357, "extra_cn": "潜行者们通常都不擅长慢跑。", "arena_win": 999622, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "疾跑", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "疾跑", "id_178": "7901402", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "有了这会让你安心地在前面的回合无脑压制,不过最多拿一张", "CardID": "CS2_077", "Elite": "", "Class": "7", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抽四张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Sprint", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Tom Fleming", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "7", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1774995, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_088": {"image_golden": "g-Guardian+of+Kings", "ac": 906343, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "5", "image": "CS2_088", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 904424}", "id": 142, "extra_cn": "神圣的造物从天而降...真是老掉牙的剧情!", "arena_win": 2464565, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "5", "CardName": "列王守卫", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "列王守卫", "id_178": "4087580", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "有时候会有救场效果", "CardID": "CS2_088", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战吼:为你的英雄恢复6点生命值。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Guardian of Kings", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "E.M. Gist", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "6", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "That Guardian of Kings heals you is not the most relevant Battlecry to see on a seven drop. The effect which a 5/6 can have on the board, however, is not to be underestimated and Guardian of Kings goes a long way towards stabilizing if you are behind.It should also be noted that healing means less in Arena where highly efficient aggro decks and burn decks generally don't exist. Thus, for comparison, Boulderfist Ogre, a 6 drop with better stats but no Battlecry is generally preferred.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4396978, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_201": {"image_golden": "g-Core+Hound", "ac": 96703, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "CS2_201", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 4065, \"3\": 5830, \"2\": 13208, \"5\": 14230, \"4\": 14030, \"7\": 3402, \"6\": 12089, \"9\": 8196, \"8\": 21510}", "id": 193, "extra_cn": "你无法驯服一头熔火恶犬。你只能通过训练让它在吃掉你之前先吃掉其他人。", "arena_win": 285266, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "1", "CardName": "熔火恶犬", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "熔火恶犬", "id_178": "5765322", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "不推荐血量低而费用高的大家伙,即使它的攻击力有多高", "CardID": "CS2_201", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "9", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Core Hound", "Rarity": "1", "Silence": "", "atkline": "9", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "E.M. Gist", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "Core Hound may seem tempting with his huge Attack score, but he is just too fragile for the cost. If you are going to commit to putting an expensive minion in your deck, he should be able to stick around and not trade for your opponent's two smaller minions: minions that were probably irrelevant by this point in the game.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 565080, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_411": {"image_golden": "g-Gorehowl", "ac": 72259, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_411", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 72241}", "id": 375, "extra_cn": "格罗玛什·地狱咆哮的著名战斧。然而它却在玛克扎尔王子的手中。这是怎么回事!", "arena_win": 232337, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "血吼", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "血吼", "id_178": "4025998", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "来!战个痛快!这才是战士应该有的态度!", "CardID": "EX1_411", "Elite": "", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "7", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "攻击随从不会消耗耐久度,改为降低1点攻击力。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Gorehowl", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "7", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "1", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "1", "ArtistName": "Zoltan & Gabor", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "7", "Cost": "7", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 432470, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_249": {"image_golden": "g-Baron+Geddon", "ac": 40121, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "EX1_249", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 2373, \"3\": 3064, \"2\": 3641, \"5\": 2042, \"4\": 6643, \"7\": 920, \"6\": 6411, \"9\": 4759, \"8\": 10204}", "id": 150, "extra_cn": "迦顿男爵曾经是拉格纳罗斯的首席副官,因为他实在太“火”了。", "arena_win": 159832, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "迦顿男爵", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "迦顿男爵", "id_178": "7542192", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "相当于每回合稳定一张无差别AOE,但小心玩火自焚", "CardID": "EX1_249", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "7", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在你的回合结束时,对所有其他角色造成2点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Baron Geddon", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "7", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "7", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Ian Ameling", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "7", "description_en": "The power of Baron Geddon varies greatly. If you are a playing against a swarming style deck he is amazing; in a draft where you are making the aggro deck, he is much worse. On average though Baron Geddon is powerful and with a turn or two heads up you can most likely craft a board state to maximize his end of turn trigger. A readily apparent downside to Baron Geddon is that he has a low Health score for a seven mana minion; that said, he will probably clear out the smaller minions forcing your opponent to trade something worthwhile for him. Finally, Baron Geddon can also get the job done if you desperately need a Consecration and are willing to pay extra for it.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 277170, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_013": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_013", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "8", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1020, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "9", "CardName": "克尔苏加德", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "克尔苏加德", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "强!就是不死!而且还不怕被王牌!", "CardID": "FP1_013", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0, \"5\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "6", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "在每个回合结束时,召唤所有在本回合中死亡的友方随从。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "5", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "8", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_354": {"image_golden": "g-Lay+on+Hands", "ac": 155367, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_354", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 154510}", "id": 233, "extra_cn": "抓住最后一根救命稻草。", "arena_win": 570465, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "圣疗术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "圣疗术", "id_178": "2702259", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "费用实在很高,但是用途对得起如此高的费用,强烈推荐", "CardID": "EX1_354", "Elite": "", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "恢复#8点生命值,抽三张牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Lay on Hands", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "8", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "8", "description_en": "Lay on Hands should win the game when you resolve it. While it may not be as flashy as a giant minion, Lay on Hands provides raw card advantage and the healing to stabilize. That said, it should only be a one of in your deck since it is a dead draw in the early game.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1011624, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_038": {"image_golden": "g-Gruul", "ac": 61645, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_038", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "7", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 2590, \"3\": 4896, \"2\": 8938, \"5\": 2586, \"4\": 10006, \"7\": 1941, \"6\": 9412, \"9\": 5574, \"8\": 15584}", "id": 263, "extra_cn": "人们叫他“屠龙者”格鲁尔。其实他只是想抱抱它们...他不是故意要...", "arena_win": 219153, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "格鲁尔", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "格鲁尔", "id_178": "6694260", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "To be or not to be,上它然后把这恼人的问题丢给对方想去吧!", "CardID": "NEW1_038", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "7", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "在每个回合结束时,获得+1/+1。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Gruul", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "7", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "8", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Kev Walker", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "7", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "8", "description_en": "Gruul is a good example of why Legendaries like Ragnaros and Ysera are so coveted. Gruul may be huge, but he does very little for you if your opponent is able to deal with him on their next turn: you are taking a large risk spending your mana on this minion if your opponent can kill it with a Hex or Polymorph. That said, there is something in having a massive minion to top your curve and Gruul demands an answer very quickly.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 398491, "Secret": ""}, "NAX15_04": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX15_04", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1009, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "锁链", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "锁链", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX15_04", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n随机获得一个敌方随从的控制权,直到回合结束。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "8", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_312": {"image_golden": "g-Twisting+Nether", "ac": 15551, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_312", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 15417}", "id": 242, "extra_cn": "扭曲虚空浩渺无际,充满着魔法、幻象和被放逐的生命体。", "arena_win": 36861, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "扭曲虚空", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "扭曲虚空", "id_178": "1548872", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "术士本来就是快攻压场,需要用到他的时候,基本也挂了", "CardID": "EX1_312", "Elite": "", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "消灭所有随从。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Twisting Nether", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "8", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dave Allsop", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "8", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 81099, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_298": {"image_golden": "g-Ragnaros+the+Flrelord", "ac": 172722, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "EX1_298", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 7081, \"3\": 14653, \"2\": 24269, \"5\": 7949, \"4\": 26677, \"7\": 5185, \"6\": 26384, \"9\": 13647, \"8\": 46605}", "id": 250, "extra_cn": "拉格纳罗斯是由黑铁矮人召唤出来的,而这些矮人最终也成为了火焰领主的奴隶。所以召唤拉格纳罗斯往往得不到你想要的结果。", "arena_win": 705720, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "炎魔之王拉格纳罗斯", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "炎魔之王拉格纳罗斯", "id_178": "4598221", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "我暂时还想不到大螺丝有什么值得拿出来讲的缺点", "CardID": "EX1_298", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "8", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "无法攻击,在你的回合结束时,对一个随机敌人造成8点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ragnaros the Firelord", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "8", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "8", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Greg Staples", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "8", "description_en": "Ragnaros the Firelord covers all of the bases you want from a curve topping minion. He has an immediate impact as soon as he lands; he is resilient to Silences; and he trades for more than one minion if your opponent needs to kill him. His randomness may be seen as a downside, but this is easily mitigated. The trigger happening at the end of your turn means that you can attack first and minimize potential targets for Rag to hit; furthermore, you can make inefficient trades in order to help Rag's targeting because you will be ahead on board given your huge Legendary minion. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1207909, "Secret": ""}, "CS2_232": {"image_golden": "g-Ironbark+Protector", "ac": 974524, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "CS2_232", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 971003}", "id": 101, "extra_cn": "我打赌你一定不敢进攻达纳苏斯。", "arena_win": 2434846, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "埃隆巴克保护者", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "埃隆巴克保护者", "id_178": "2489763", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "没有一个大boss怎么向别人证明你是小德?", "CardID": "CS2_232", "Elite": "", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "8", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ironbark Protector", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "8", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "8", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dave Allsop", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "8", "description_en": "Ironbark Protector is another big body. At face value, an 8/8 Taunt seems great and will be a good top end to your curve. One point which makes Ironbark Protector a more reliable card in Arena than in Constructed is that there will be fewer Black Knights and Big Game Hunters running around to blow you out. It should be noted, however, that if you have any of the Epic ancients this card will go down in your evaluation because these cards all fill similar roles: they are the most expensive minions in your deck and will bring the game home.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4428338, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_414": {"image_golden": "g-Grommash+Hellscream", "ac": 11620, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_414", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "9", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 11588}", "id": 322, "extra_cn": "格罗玛什饮下玛诺洛斯之血,让因此受到诅咒的兽人们皮肤变绿、双眼变红!真是不明智的选择。", "arena_win": 39252, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "格罗玛什·地狱咆哮", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "格罗玛什·地狱咆哮", "id_178": "595531", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "对方不会让你那么舒舒服服地留在场上很长时间,不管是否已经被激怒了", "CardID": "EX1_414", "Elite": "1", "Class": "10", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "冲锋,激怒:+6攻击力", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Grommash Hellscream", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "1", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "8", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Glenn Rane", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "9", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "8", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 73078, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_383": {"image_golden": "g-Tirion+Fordring", "ac": 55994, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_383", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "6", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"4\": 55821}", "id": 207, "extra_cn": "如果你还没听过《提里奥·弗丁主题曲》,那是因为它还没被谱写出来。", "arena_win": 239369, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "提里奥·弗丁", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "提里奥·弗丁", "id_178": "6615262", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "职业传说中数一数二好用而且实用的随从", "CardID": "EX1_383", "Elite": "1", "Class": "5", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "1", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "6", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "圣盾,嘲讽,亡语:装备一把5/3的灰烬使者。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Tirion Fordring", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "6", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "1", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "8", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Brom", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "6", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "8", "description_en": "We are starting off with a doozy in Tirion Fordring. You may have already noted this, but Tirion jumps Cairne to take the spot of number one Legendary over all. Tirion Fordring is obviously amazing, but let's go over him piece by piece. Divine Shield -- backed up by six Attack -- alone is good for a card from most classes or a Hero Power at worst. Taunt is going to protect your Health points regardless of how big of a mess you are in. Being a 6/6 means that he will require at least two minions to kill him after his bubble has been popped. If that wasn't enough, and even if he is assassinated on your opponent's turn, you still get a 5/3 weapon for your eight mana. When you compare eight mana for a 5/3 to Arcanite Reaper, you really are still doing quite well.Sure, Tirion is weak to Polymorph and Hex; but at the same time, so is everything else. Tirion Fordring is the best and most efficient minion out there and you should always pick him.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 399995, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_010": {"image_golden": "g-Al'Akir+the+Windlord", "ac": 23238, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_010", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "5", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"2\": 23220}", "id": 76, "extra_cn": "他是四大元素领主中最弱的一个。而另外三个总是会提醒他这一点。", "arena_win": 92818, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "3", "CardName": "风领主奥拉基尔", "Taunt": "1", "name_cn": "风领主奥拉基尔", "id_178": "8813978", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "搭配石化武器还是可以的,但终究还是身材太不堪", "CardID": "NEW1_010", "Elite": "1", "Class": "8", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "1", "Windfury": "1", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "风怒,冲锋,圣盾,嘲讽", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Al'Akir the Windlord", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "8", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "5", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "8", "description_en": "Al'Akir the Windlord is a pretty good Legendary. The problem, as always, comes in terms of how he stacks up against the other legends. On the plus side, Charge gives Al'Akir the immediate impact which we look for in an expensive minion. Al'Akir will also 2-for-1 more likely than not when you play him as you should expect from an eight drop. Al'Akir also synergizes well with some of Shaman's Attack buffs. If you wait for turn nine or later, Al'Akir carries a Rockbiter Weapon very well; furthermore, a preexisting Flametongue Totem is a good friend for this legend. In terms of drawbacks, Al'Akir's statline is rather unimpressive after the Divine Shield pops: especially considering he will probably take damage on his second attack the turn you play him. Another minor drawback worth noting is that you are much less likely to combo you Al'Akir the Windlord with a Rockbiter Weapon or Flametongue Totem in Arena compared to Constructed.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 160390, "Secret": ""}, "NAX15_04H": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "NAX15_04H", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1109, "extra_cn": null, "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "锁链", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "锁链", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "NAX15_04H", "Elite": null, "Class": "-1", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "<b>英雄技能</b>\n随机获得一个敌方随从的控制权。", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "10", "Cost": "8", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "EX1_573": {"image_golden": "g-Cenarius", "ac": 37643, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "7", "image": "EX1_573", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"6\": 37589}", "id": 52, "extra_cn": "没错,他是个半神。不,他没必要穿衬衫。", "arena_win": 141734, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "塞纳留斯", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "塞纳留斯", "id_178": "1969406", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "均势的时候,抉择一能够确立胜势;抉择二能够减缓对方节奏。打法丰富,只是三维有点坑", "CardID": "EX1_573", "Elite": "1", "Class": "2", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "5", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "抉择:使你的所有其他随从获得+2/+2;或者召唤两个2/2并具有嘲讽的树人。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Cenarius", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "5", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "9", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "9", "description_en": "If Cenarius had been covered last week with the other Legendaries, he would have been near the top. Cenarius embodies a key point for last week, that of being good at every stage of the game. Let's break this down. When you are ahead, Cenarius will hit the board and give your whole team an immediate benefit of +2/+2 per minion. This instant buff will help close the game out quickly and reduce the amount of time your opponent has to recover. When you are behind, Cenarius can bring along two Taunt minions to buy you time and protect future minions as you play them. Finally, if you play Cenarius into an even board it won't be even for long. It would be disingenuous to look at Cenarius as simply a 9/12 for nine. He is far better than any combination of stats because you get to choose how you want those stats distributed.Rightfully so, Cenarius, and the flexibility he affords you, embodies the nature of the Druid class. This is why Cenarius is so good: he lets you always pick the better of two amazing options.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 251357, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_543": {"image_golden": "g-King+Krush", "ac": 12499, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_543", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "1", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"5\": 12431}", "id": 51, "extra_cn": "对付暴龙王克鲁什最好的办法就是让某个你讨厌的人站在你前面。", "arena_win": 43957, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "暴龙王克鲁什", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "暴龙王克鲁什", "id_178": "3972338", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "它往往会给玩家带来意想不到的效果!", "CardID": "EX1_543", "Elite": "1", "Class": "3", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "8", "DevState": "", "Race": "20", "description_cn": "冲锋", "Aura": "", "name_en": "King Krush", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "8", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "9", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "9", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 80188, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_323": {"image_golden": "g-Lord+Jaraxxus", "ac": 11114, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "1", "image": "EX1_323", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "15", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"7\": 11054}", "id": 314, "extra_cn": "“渺小的侏儒!你们的傲慢将会招致灭亡!”", "arena_win": 29384, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "10", "CardName": "加拉克苏斯大王", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "加拉克苏斯大王", "id_178": "2490493", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "大王给你重新做人的机会,噢,是做“恶魔”的机会", "CardID": "EX1_323", "Elite": "1", "Class": "9", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "3", "DevState": "", "Race": "15", "description_cn": "战吼:消灭你的英雄,并用加拉克苏斯大王替换他。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Lord Jaraxxus", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "3", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "9", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Alex Horley Orlandelli", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "15", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "9", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 61742, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_561": {"image_golden": "g-Alexstrasza", "ac": 82373, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "EX1_561", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 3693, \"3\": 6489, \"2\": 10979, \"5\": 3499, \"4\": 12364, \"7\": 3145, \"6\": 12097, \"9\": 6713, \"8\": 23276}", "id": 155, "extra_cn": "生命的缚誓者阿莱克丝塔萨给所有人带来生命和希望。除了死亡之翼。除了玛里苟斯。除了耐克鲁斯。", "arena_win": 298208, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "阿莱克丝塔萨", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "阿莱克丝塔萨", "id_178": "730203", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "给残血的自己,或者给满血的对手,都是可以逆转的趋势", "CardID": "EX1_561", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "8", "DevState": "", "Race": "24", "description_cn": "战吼:使一个英雄的剩余生命值成为15。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Alexstrasza", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "8", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "使生命值成为15点。", "costline": "9", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Raymond Swanland", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "9", "description_en": "Alexstrasza is -- or was -- good in some Constructed decks from patches past because they dealt very little damage before killing all at once. Those style of decks are near impossible to draft in Arena; therefore, Alexstrasza's has its scope dramatically lessened. By this late point in the game, both you and your opponent will likely have taken damage so the Battlecry effect can either heal you slightly or deal some damage. In either scenario, Alexstrasza's Battlecry will not impact the board and can possibly even be detrimental if you are above fifteen and your opponent is below it: although to be fair, if this is the case you may not need Alexstrasza to win.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 538224, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_560": {"image_golden": "g-Nozdormu", "ac": 7528, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "EX1_560", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 316, \"3\": 464, \"2\": 1029, \"5\": 321, \"4\": 1175, \"7\": 221, \"6\": 1298, \"9\": 705, \"8\": 1952}", "id": 346, "extra_cn": "没时间写什么背景描述了。", "arena_win": 25638, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "诺兹多姆", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "诺兹多姆", "id_178": "9293755", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "假如对方是个快棋手,或者你想去尿尿?", "CardID": "EX1_560", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "8", "DevState": "", "Race": "24", "description_cn": "所有玩家只有15秒的时间来进行他们的回合。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Nozdormu", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "8", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "9", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "James Ryman", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "9", "description_en": "We have higher expectations for our rare Legendary picks than a vanilla 8/8 for nine. ", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 47641, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_572": {"image_golden": "g-Ysera", "ac": 146549, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "7", "image": "EX1_572", "TriggerVisual": "1", "Charge": "", "Health": "12", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 5995, \"3\": 10822, \"2\": 20947, \"5\": 5445, \"4\": 23124, \"7\": 3752, \"6\": 23564, \"9\": 13198, \"8\": 39459}", "id": 311, "extra_cn": "伊瑟拉统治翡翠梦境。所谓翡翠梦境,究竟只是现实世界的绿色朦胧倒影,还是其它别的什么地方?", "arena_win": 556077, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "伊瑟拉", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "伊瑟拉", "id_178": "8175387", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "只要你撑到后期,伊瑟拉绝对是拉卡差拉到对方投降的神卡!", "CardID": "EX1_572", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "24", "description_cn": "在你的回合结束时,获得一张梦境牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Ysera", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "9", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Gabor Szikszai", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "12", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "9", "description_en": "Ysera is a card advantage machine. What makes Ysera even better is that the card quality she generates is better than just drawing a card out of your deck. Even beyond the fact that she draws you an extra card each turn, her 4/12 body is a force to be reckoned with all on it's own. Granted, four Attack isn't the most threatening stat for a Legendary minion, but it will be enough to trade with most of the minions your opponent plays. The twelve Health is the more important stat, however, because it will keep Ysera on the board to draw you many cards. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, Ysera meets all the same requirements as Ragnaros for a high cost minion: she will have an immediate impact, will require multiple attacks to kill, and remains strong if Silienced.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 983119, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_563": {"image_golden": "g-Malygos", "ac": 39589, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "2", "image": "EX1_563", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "12", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 391, \"3\": 3230, \"2\": 4737, \"5\": 652, \"4\": 3124, \"7\": 1132, \"6\": 5221, \"9\": 2714, \"8\": 18252}", "id": 41, "extra_cn": "玛里苟斯憎恨凡人使用魔法。那会让他气急败坏!", "arena_win": 144077, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "玛里苟斯", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "玛里苟斯", "id_178": "8208355", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "拿不拿蓝龙取决于你已有的法伤牌有多少", "CardID": "EX1_563", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "1", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 1, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 1, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "4", "DevState": "", "Race": "24", "description_cn": "法术伤害+5", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Malygos", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "4", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "9", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Michael Komarck", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "12", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "9", "description_en": "Malygos has a huge back side. This is, however, one of the few things going for it because -- with the exception of a top decked damage spell -- plus Spell Power is not likely to be relevant as you will have cast most of your spells by turn nine. You can probably get a 2-for-1 out of this dragon but there are certainly better picks.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 259557, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_562": {"image_golden": "g-Onyxia", "ac": 84163, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "EX1_562", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 3002, \"3\": 6691, \"2\": 14162, \"5\": 3564, \"4\": 12888, \"7\": 2213, \"6\": 14409, \"9\": 6416, \"8\": 20634}", "id": 180, "extra_cn": "伪装成女伯爵卡特拉娜·普瑞斯托,奥妮克希亚长期控制着暴风城议会。你可能会想,一定是她的大翅膀和鳞片让她漏出了马脚。", "arena_win": 340722, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "9", "CardName": "奥妮克希亚", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "奥妮克希亚", "id_178": "8003450", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "JJC中的大利器之一!", "CardID": "EX1_562", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "8", "DevState": "", "Race": "24", "description_cn": "战吼:召唤数个1/1的雏龙,直到你的随从数量达到上限。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Onyxia", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "8", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "9", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Dany Orizio", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "9", "description_en": "Onyxia has a very powerful ability that is easy to discount. There are a couple oft overlooked aspects of her ability which really push her into this top tier of cards. The first trap in thinking about Onyxia is that her ability fills your board: thus preventing you from casting other minions. The problem with this criticism is that those 1/1s are easy to get rid of and you probably weren't going to cast another minion on the same turn as your nine mana minion. The other secret upside to this ability is the very fact that it fills your board, those slots weren't being used anyways or if they were, you are probably ahead in the game regardless. Another sneaky benefit of Onyxia is in how difficult she is to fully deal with. In order to completely undo the casting of your one card, your opponent will need a hard removal spell -- think Hex or Polymorph -- and a board clear spell: assuming they have even saved any for this late point in the game. The last note on Onyxia is that she's big. Even without her whelps, there are few minions in the game that can fight an 8/8 efficiently.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 584354, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_279": {"image_golden": "g-Pyroblast", "ac": 486324, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "3", "image": "EX1_279", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"8\": 485250}", "id": 12, "extra_cn": "抽到这张牌的时候,发出一阵邪恶的狂笑吧。", "arena_win": 1920438, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "9", "CardName": "炎爆术", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "炎爆术", "id_178": "8551033", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "10费10点,其实是亏的,仅限一张就好了", "CardID": "EX1_279", "Elite": "", "Class": "4", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "造成$10点伤害。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Pyroblast", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "8", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Luca Zontini", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "10", "description_en": "Pyroblast was nerfed somewhat recently, but is still one heck of a removal spell. Come ten mana, Pyroblast will outright kill most things up to and including your opponent. Despite being a card you should mulligan 100% of the time, there is no bad time to cast Pyroblast once you get there: it kills the biggest problem if you're behind; and if you're ahead or at parity, it can swing the board in your favor or win outright.Note: Having one Pyroblast is respectable but after the first a second one goes way down in potential value.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 3251165, "Secret": ""}, "FP1_014t": {"image_golden": null, "ac": 0, "CardSet": "12", "AttackVisualType": null, "image": "FP1_014t", "TriggerVisual": null, "Charge": null, "Health": "11", "Summoned": null, "Combo": null, "arena_hero": null, "id": 1164, "extra_cn": "None", "arena_win": 0, "Collectible": null, "Battlecry": null, "score": "0", "CardName": "塔迪乌斯", "Taunt": null, "name_cn": "塔迪乌斯", "id_178": null, "HealTarget": null, "recommend": "", "CardID": "FP1_014t", "Elite": null, "Class": "0", "Spellpower": null, "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": null, "ImmuneToSpellpower": null, "Divine Shield": null, "Windfury": null, "Atk": "11", "DevState": null, "Race": null, "description_cn": "", "Aura": null, "name_en": null, "Rarity": "5", "Silence": null, "atkline": null, "Enrage": null, "Deathrattle": null, "TargetingArrowText": null, "costline": null, "Durability": null, "Stealth": null, "Faction": null, "durline": null, "ArtistName": null, "Freeze": null, "hpline": null, "CardType": "4", "Cost": "10", "description_en": null, "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 0, "Secret": null}, "CS1_113": {"image_golden": "g-Mind+Control", "ac": 416475, "CardSet": "2", "AttackVisualType": "5", "image": "CS1_113", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"9\": 415487}", "id": 20, "extra_cn": "被称为“最有可能让你的对手捶地撞墙的法术。”", "arena_win": 1065203, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "10", "CardName": "精神控制", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "精神控制", "id_178": "2437585", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "虽然已经是10费了,但依然强力,记得别拿多了", "CardID": "CS1_113", "Elite": "", "Class": "6", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 0, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "", "DevState": "2", "Race": "", "description_cn": "获得一个敌方随从的控制权。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mind Control", "Rarity": "2", "Silence": "", "atkline": "", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "10", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Sean O’Daniels", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "", "CardType": "5", "Cost": "10", "description_en": "Mind Control is a 2-for-1 every time. I teased this explanation earlier so here it is: Mind Control effectively reads kill a minion and play a copy for yourself. It is a straight up 2-for-1 because it Faceless Manipulators and then Assassinates. The obvious downside here is that Mind Control costs ten so you can only run one of them. That said, if it hasn't been stranded in your hand too long, casting one is usually all it takes to steal a game.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 2086623, "Secret": ""}, "NEW1_030": {"image_golden": "g-Deathwing", "ac": 119807, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "NEW1_030", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "12", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 5120, \"3\": 10276, \"2\": 16616, \"5\": 5427, \"4\": 19054, \"7\": 3709, \"6\": 17702, \"9\": 9908, \"8\": 31692}", "id": 117, "extra_cn": "死亡之翼原本是高贵的巨龙奈萨里奥,他发疯之后制造了艾泽拉斯的大灾变,但最终被击败。子不教,父之过?", "arena_win": 502363, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "1", "score": "10", "CardName": "死亡之翼", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "死亡之翼", "id_178": "1876776", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "想要体验一回合由守转攻?上一个死亡之翼教对面做人!", "CardID": "NEW1_030", "Elite": "1", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "12", "DevState": "", "Race": "24", "description_cn": "战吼:消灭所有其他随从,并弃掉你的手牌。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Deathwing", "Rarity": "5", "Silence": "", "atkline": "12", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "10", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Bernie Kang", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "12", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "10", "description_en": "Deathwing is the most powerful card in the game. In addition to being massive, Deathwing has the ability of an eight mana spell in Twisting Nether. The problem with Deathwing is that he is costed appropriately for his power level: which is to say he costs too much. The fact of the matter is that most games are essentially -- if not literally -- over by turn ten and even having Deathwing in your deck is a substantial risk in case you draw him before then. It also bears mentioning that unless Deathwing is the last card in your hand, he does have an even greater cost beyond the 10 mana. There are more consistant choices on this list.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 850057, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_586": {"image_golden": "g-Sea+Giant", "ac": 740901, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_586", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 23086, \"3\": 80890, \"2\": 120224, \"5\": 42689, \"4\": 114538, \"7\": 32540, \"6\": 68659, \"9\": 54663, \"8\": 201760}", "id": 361, "extra_cn": "嗨,巨人!", "arena_win": 2715408, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "8", "CardName": "海巨人", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "海巨人", "id_178": "4504188", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "骑士萨满最适合,其他随从流可以考虑", "CardID": "EX1_586", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 1, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 1, \"7\": 1, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "8", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "战场上每有一个其他随从,该牌的法力值消耗便减少(1)点。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Sea Giant", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "8", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "10", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Svetlin Velinov", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "10", "description_en": "Sea Giant is big. Plain and simple, this is his most important characteristic. What puts him above the other giants is that he is by far the most castable in Arena. Sea Giant is more easily cast in Arena because his condition is more in line with what you and your opponent want to be doing regardless. The other giants may be preferable in Constructed, but that is because you can more easily build a deck around them for certain classes. Sea Giant stands out from the others because he asks the least of you in Arena. You can easily pick a Sea Giant at any point in the draft because any standard Arena deck will be mostly minions. Sea Giant tops the list because where most Epics are conditional, his condition is best suited for the average Arena deck.Beyond his versatility, Sea Giant is a good minion because he helps you when you are behind. If you are out numbered on minions, getting a cheap 8/8 is exactly what you need to begin digging yourself out of this hole.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 4784850, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_105": {"image_golden": "g-Mountain+Giant", "ac": 191505, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "6", "image": "EX1_105", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 6132, \"3\": 19440, \"2\": 26299, \"5\": 9523, \"4\": 21450, \"7\": 14286, \"6\": 20935, \"9\": 20516, \"8\": 52544}", "id": 253, "extra_cn": "他的妈妈说,他只是骨架比较大而已。", "arena_win": 589606, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "4", "CardName": "山岭巨人", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "山岭巨人", "id_178": "2740897", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "实用度明显不如其他巨人。选它就得准确计算每回合应该要出多少张手牌,后期拿到非常卡手", "CardID": "EX1_105", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 0, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 2, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 0}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "8", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你每有一张其他手牌,该牌的法力值消耗便减少(1)点。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Mountain Giant", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "8", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "12", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "3", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Samwise Didier", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "12", "description_en": "Molten Giant is not very good because he forces you to lose health: which you don't want to do. Mountain Giant also makes you do something detrimental. The reason why Mountain Giant falls behind his Molten cousin is because damage will happen incidentally. Keeping cards in your hand, however, will never be good and will become less likely as the game goes on. Mountain Giant almost demands that you build a deck around him, something you won't be able to do in arena.", "faction_info": "阵营: 中立", "arena_cout": 1140010, "Secret": ""}, "EX1_620": {"image_golden": "g-Molten+Giant", "ac": 427142, "CardSet": "3", "AttackVisualType": "", "image": "EX1_620", "TriggerVisual": "", "Charge": "", "Health": "8", "Summoned": "", "Combo": "", "arena_hero": "{\"1\": 24251, \"3\": 61913, \"2\": 48676, \"5\": 20825, \"4\": 41964, \"7\": 35877, \"6\": 39580, \"9\": 27681, \"8\": 125124}", "id": 61, "extra_cn": "无数初次来到熔火之心的冒险者倒在他滚烫的脚掌之下。", "arena_win": 1443578, "Collectible": "1", "Battlecry": "", "score": "7", "CardName": "熔核巨人", "Taunt": "", "name_cn": "熔核巨人", "id_178": "5063603", "HealTarget": "", "recommend": "要注意,等到你可以低费出场熔核之后,对方有可能完全不理会下回合直接冲脸", "CardID": "EX1_620", "Elite": "", "Class": "0", "Spellpower": "", "hero_score": "{\"1\": 2, \"3\": 0, \"2\": 0, \"5\": 0, \"4\": 0, \"7\": 1, \"6\": 0, \"9\": 0, \"8\": 1}", "Recall": "", "ImmuneToSpellpower": "", "Divine Shield": "", "Windfury": "", "Atk": "8", "DevState": "", "Race": "", "description_cn": "你的英雄每受到1点伤害,这张牌的法力值消耗便减少(1)点。", "Aura": "", "name_en": "Molten Giant", "Rarity": "4", "Silence": "", "atkline": "8", "Enrage": "", "Deathrattle": "", "TargetingArrowText": "", "costline": "20", "Durability": "", "Stealth": "", "Faction": "", "durline": "", "ArtistName": "Glenn Rane", "Freeze": "", "hpline": "8", "CardType": "4", "Cost": "20", "description_en": "Molten Giant falls behind in the area where Sea Giant excelled. Where having minions on the board is something that you are aiming to do in any game, losing health is not generally seen as a positive. Sea Giant scores highly because having minions is good and getting an 8/8 is good. Molten Giant is not as high because his condition is inherently detrimental. The question then becomes, will an 8/8 make up for me being behind in health? Unless you have a way to give Molten Giant Taunt, which is hard to rely on in Arena, the answer will be no since your opponent can still probably race you.", "faction_info": "", "arena_cout": 2647686, "Secret": ""}};
console.log("end init var....");
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