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Created June 29, 2012 08:47
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class SetDefaultCanonicalUrlsForCollects < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
Account.find_in_batches(:batch_size => 300) do |accounts|
execute "commit;"
accounts.each do |account|
execute "
UPDATE collects
SET is_canonical_url = true
WHERE id in (
SELECT DISTINCT ON (product_id) id FROM collects WHERE product_id IN (
select id as product_with_no_canonical_id from (
select id from products where id IN (
select product_id from (select * from collects where account_id = #{}) account_collections WHERE (select count(*) from collects where product_id = account_collections.product_id) > 1 GROUP by product_id)
) products_with_many_collections
where (select count(*) from collects where product_id = AND is_canonical_url is TRUE) = 0 )
ORDER BY product_id, collection_id ASC
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