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Created November 11, 2012 23:26
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<h1>Help build the <br>bionic eye</h1>
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<p>More than 50,000 people in Australia are living with profound vision loss.</p>
<p>Bionic Vision Australia is developing bionic vision devices that can restore significant sight to many people around the world with profound vision loss. With great success we have recently implanted an early prototype in three patients but we now urgently need additional funds.</p>
<p>Without further financial support our project risks coming to an end. Your donation is essential to build on what has already been achieved. </p>
<p>Restoring vision. It is in your hands. </p>
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<h2>More information</h2>
<h3 class="logos clearfix"><a href="" class="bva">Bionic Vision Australia</a> <span>and</span> <a href="" class="unimelb">The University of Melbourne</a></h3>
<p>The University of Melbourne is the managing agent for the Bionic Vision Australia consortium. In this capacity, the University is handling donations to support the bionic eye project.</p>
<p>Funds raised will be used by the University of Melbourne solely to support bionic vision research with which it is associated through Bionic Vision Australia.</p>
<p>A committee has been established to ensure funding is allocated in line with University regulations. This committee is chaired by the Dean of the Melbourne School of Engineering and supported by the Chair and General Manager of Bionic Vision Australia.</p>
<p>Bionic Vision Australia is a national consortium of researchers working together to develop a bionic eye that can restore sight to people with particular forms of vision impairment. Our members include: the Bionics Institute, the Centre for Eye Research Australia, NICTA, the University of Melbourne and the University of New South Wales.</p>
<p>The National Vision Research Institute, The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital and the University of Western Sydney are project partners.</p>
<p>This research is currently funded through the Australian Research Council's Special Research Initiative in Bionic Vision Science and Technology.</p>
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<h4>An initiative of</h4>
<li><a href="" class="au-gov">Australian Research Council</a></li>
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<h4>Our members</h4>
<li><a href="" class="cera">Centre for Eye Research Australia</a></li>
<li><a href="" class="unsw">University of New South Wales</a></li>
<li><a href="" class="nicta"><abbr title="National ICT Australia">NICTA</abbr></a></li>
<li><a href="" class="unimelb">The University of Melbourne</a></li>
<li><a href="" class="bei">The Bionic Ear Institute</a></li>
<div class="partners">
<h4>Our partners</h4>
<li><a href="" class="nvri">National Vision Research Institute</a></li>
<li><a href="" class="uws">University of Western Sydney</a></li>
<li><a href="" class="rvee">The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital</a></li>
<p><small>University of Melbourne DGR number: 900283197</small></p>
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