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Created December 19, 2013 09:53
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DerbyJS server validation
derby = require 'derby'
auth = require '../../app/auth'
creation = require '../../app/crud/creation'
schemas = require '../../app/schemas'
settings = require '../../app/settings'
validation = require './validation'
util = require '../../app/util'
module.exports =
init: (store) ->
validate = (collection, docId, parts, value, model, isDelete, next) ->
#if isDelete
# return next()
schema = schemas[collection]
if not schema
return next 'No schema for collection ' + collection
field = parts[0]
#userId = ''
#model.fetch 'employees.' + userId, 'roles', collection + '.' + docId, (err) ->
model.fetch collection + '.' + docId, (err) ->
return next err if err
#user = model.get 'employees.' + userId
#model.set '_user', user
entity = util.clone model.get collection + '.' + docId
if not entity
return next collection + ' with id ' + docId + ' not exist'
switch field
when 'isDeleted'
#if schema.access and schema.access.del and not auth.access schema.access.del, model
# return next 'No access to delete ' + collection
if value not in [true, false, undefined, null]
return next 'Not allowed value ' + value
return next()
#if schema.access and schema.access.edit and not auth.access schema.access.edit, model
# return next 'No access to edit ' + path
if not entity
return next collection + ' with id ' + docId + ' not exist'
if field in settings.readonlyFields
return next 'Field is readonly ' + field
#console.log parts
if parts.length > 1
en = null
for part, index in parts
if index is 0
en = entity[part]
else if index is parts.length - 1
en[part] = value
en = en[part]
entity[field] = value
validation.validateField collection, entity, field, entity[field], model, next
store.onChange = (callback) ->
@shareClient.use "submit", (shareRequest, next) ->
collection = shareRequest.collection
agent = shareRequest.agent
action = shareRequest.action
docName = shareRequest.docName
backend = shareRequest.backend
# opData represents the ShareJS operation
opData = shareRequest.opData
isServer =
callback collection, docName, opData, agent.connectSession, isServer, (err) ->
if err
console.log JSON.stringify opData
next err
store.onChange (collection, docId, opData, session, isServer, next) ->
#console.log JSON.stringify opData
#TODO: remove exceptions
if collection in ['catalogs', 'logs']
return next()
model = store.createModel()
if opData.create
entity =
validation.validateEntity collection, entity, model, next
else if opData.op
valids = 0
error = null
for op in opData.op
parts = op.p
value = v for v in [op.oi, op.od,] when v isnt undefined
validate collection, docId, parts, value, model, op.od, (err) ->
if err
error = err
if opData.op.length is valids
next error
### racer-access
store.allow 'all', '**', (docName, path, opData, doc) ->
console.log arguments
console.log opData.op
collection = opData.collection
#TODO: remove exceptions
if collection in ['catalogs', 'logs', 'imagetypes']
model = store.createModel()
if opData.create
entity =
validation.validateEntity collection, entity, model, next
else if opData.op
valids = 0
error = null
for op in opData.op
parts = op.p
value = op.oi
validate collection, docId, parts, value, model, (err) ->
if err
error = err
if opData.op.length is valids
next error
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