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Created October 12, 2023 16:53
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AWS services
Steps to run from within an EC2 instance in the free tier.
# Create EC2 instance (I chose t2.micro with Ubuntu 22.04)
# Add custom TCP inbound rule for port 8280 (or whatever port you prefer to use)
# (If created new RSA key) Make the private key read-only
chmod 400 <key_name.pem>
# Once EC2 is running, ssh into it
ssh -i "<key_name>.pem" ubuntu@<instance_public_ip>
# Change password of ubuntu user
sudo su -
passwd ubuntu
# Install docker
(Follow instructions from
## Add `ubuntu` user to `docker` user group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# Get ttrss-docker
git clone ttrss-docker
cd ttrss-docker
# Update ttrss config
## Make a copy of environment file
cp .env-dist .env
## Edit `TTRSS_SELF_URL_PATH` in .env to replace `localhost` with the public IP of your EC2 instance
## Comment `HTTP_PORT=` and uncomment `HTTP_PORT=8280`
# Install docker-compose
sudo apt install -y docker-compose
# Change mode for docker.sock (prevents Docker: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied)
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
(you probably need to run the above command every time the EC2 instance is restarted)
# Pull docker images
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
# Log into http://<public_IP_of_EC2>:8280/tt-rss
# Go to preferences and enable API
# Create new user(s) and login with it
# Import your .opml file in the Feed tab of Preferences
# From Feed-me or any other RSS reader, you can now point at your tt-rss server, with your username and password
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