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Last active May 10, 2022 03:51
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module FramerMotion = {
type animateValue
type controlStatus = [#visible | #hidden]
type controls = {start: (. controlStatus) => unit}
type animate = [#controlled(controls) | #visible | #hidden]
type transition = {
@optional duration: float,
@optional delay: float,
@optional staggeredChildren: float,
@optional delayChildren: float,
type variant = {
@optional opacity: float,
@optional scale: int,
@optional x: int,
@optional y: int,
@optional transition: transition,
type variants = {
hidden: variant,
visible: variant,
external useAnimation: unit => controls = "useAnimation"
module Components = {
module Option = Belt.Option
type motionElement
type initial = [#hidden | #visible]
type motionProps = {
@optional className: string,
@optional @as("ref") innerRef: ReactDOM.domRef,
@optional id: string,
@optional href: string,
@optional src: string,
@optional target: string,
@optional initial: initial,
@optional variants: FramerMotion.variants,
@optional animate: FramerMotion.animateValue,
external identity: 'a => FramerMotion.animateValue = "%identity"
external createElement: (
) => React.element = "createElement"
external createVoidElement: (motionElement, motionProps) => React.element =
let unwrapAnimate = v =>
switch v {
| #controlled(v) => identity(v)
| v => identity(v)
module type IMakeElement = {
let element: motionElement
module MakeElement = (M: IMakeElement) => {
let make = (
~animate: option<FramerMotion.animate>=?,
) => {
let props = motionProps(
createElement(M.element, props, children)
module MakeVoidElement = (M: IMakeElement) => {
let make = (
~animate: option<FramerMotion.animate>=?,
) => {
let props = motionProps(
createVoidElement(M.element, props)
module Div = Components.MakeElement({
@module("framer-motion") @scope("motion")
external element: Components.motionElement = "div"
module Header = Components.MakeElement({
@module("framer-motion") @scope("motion")
external element: Components.motionElement = "header"
module Section = Components.MakeElement({
@module("framer-motion") @scope("motion")
external element: Components.motionElement = "section"
module H1 = Components.MakeElement({
@module("framer-motion") @scope("motion")
external element: Components.motionElement = "h1"
module H2 = Components.MakeElement({
@module("framer-motion") @scope("motion")
external element: Components.motionElement = "h2"
module P = Components.MakeElement({
@module("framer-motion") @scope("motion")
external element: Components.motionElement = "p"
module A = Components.MakeElement({
@module("framer-motion") @scope("motion")
external element: Components.motionElement = "a"
module Li = Components.MakeElement({
@module("framer-motion") @scope("motion")
external element: Components.motionElement = "li"
module Img = Components.MakeVoidElement({
@module("framer-motion") @scope("motion")
external element: Components.motionElement = "img"
// Usage
module Usage = {
open Render
let variants = delay => {
open FramerMotion
hidden: variant(~opacity=0.0, ~y=20, ()),
visible: variant(
~transition=transition(~delay, ~duration=0.6, ()),
let make = () => {
let controls = FramerMotion.useAnimation()
let (innerRef, inView) = IntersectionObserver.useInView()
React.useEffect1(() => {
if inView {
controls.start(. #visible)
}, [inView])
<section ref=innerRef>
{"SAIBA MAIS"->str}
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