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Created September 12, 2012 00:05
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Simple multiplayer, concurrent 'game' written in scala trying to minimize mutability
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import akka.dispatch.Future
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions
import akka.pattern._
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.util.duration._
import akka.dispatch.ExecutionContext
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
object BombGame {
val system = ActorSystem("BombGame")
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val l = new CountDownLatch(3)
val u1 = createUser(1)
val u2 = createUser(2)
val u3 = createUser(3)
for (user <- u1.move(4);
user <- user.move(5);
user <- user.throwBomb(6);
user <- user.throwBomb(4)) {
for (user <- u2.move(9);
user <- user.move(6);
user <- user.throwBomb(7);
user <- user.throwBomb(4)) {
for (user <- u3.move(7);
user <- user.move(4);
user <- user.throwBomb(5);
user <- user.throwBomb(5)) {
//print out who is wounded the most?
GlobalState.getAll().foreach(user => println("Id:" + " Position:"+user.position + " damage:"+user.damage + " hitCount:"+ user.killCount))
def createUser(i:Int): User = {
val user = User(id=i, position=getRandom(),actor= system.actorOf(Props[UserActor], "useractor"+i))
def getRandom() = Math.abs(scala.util.Random.nextInt() % 9)
//we need a way to share state with other threads, but we are using mutabiltiy here...
//feels like there's got to be a more structured way to do this so I won't forget to update it...
//not to mention race conditions for trying to update two users at once transactionally
object GlobalState {
val userMap = new ConcurrentHashMap[Int,User]()
def getUser(id:Int) = Option(userMap(id))
def putUser(u:User): User = {
userMap.put(, u)
def getAll() = userMap.values.toList
abstract class Action
case class Move(user:User, position:Int) extends Action
case class Look(user:User, position:Int) extends Action
case class ThrowBomb(user:User, position:Int) extends Action
case class Shot(user:User, position:Int) extends Action
case class User(id:Int, position:Int, damage:Int = 0, killCount:Int = 0, actor:ActorRef) {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
def move(i:Int) = ask(actor, Move(this,i)).mapTo[User]
def look(i:Int) = ask(actor, Look(this,i)).mapTo[(User,Seq[User])]
def throwBomb(i:Int) = ask(actor, ThrowBomb(this,i)).mapTo[User]
def shot(i:Int) = ask(actor, Shot(this, i)).mapTo[(Boolean,User)]
class UserActor extends Actor {
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newCachedThreadPool) //not sure if I should be using the EC from the ActorSystem...
def updatedUser(u:User) =
def receive = {
case Move(u,pos) =>
val user = updatedUser(u).copy(position=pos)
sender ! GlobalState.putUser(user)
case Look(u, pos) =>
val user = updatedUser(u)
sender ! (user,GlobalState.getAll().filter(user => user.position == pos ))
case ThrowBomb(u,pos) =>
val users= GlobalState.getAll()
val responseFuture = Future.sequence(
val s = sender //uh, ths is weird
for (responses <- responseFuture) {
val user = updatedUser(u)
val kills = responses.filter(t => t._1).size
s ! GlobalState.putUser(user.copy(killCount = user.killCount+kills))
case Shot(u, position) =>
val user = updatedUser(u)
val t =
if (user.position == position)
sender ! t
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