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Created May 20, 2015 07:25
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package stackotalk
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import org.joda.time._
object Dates {
def generateDates(sd: DateTime, ed: DateTime): List[DateTime] = {
if (sd isBefore ed)
sd :: generateDates(sd.plusDays(1), ed)
def generateDatesSafe(sd: DateTime, ed: DateTime): List[DateTime] = {
def rec(s: DateTime, l: List[DateTime]): List[DateTime] =
if (s isBefore ed)
rec(s.plusDays(1), s :: l)
rec(sd, List())
object FileSystemStuff {
sealed trait FS
case class File(s: String) extends FS
case class Directory(s: String, l: List[FS]) extends FS {
override def toString(): String =
s + " children size = " + l.size
def generateFakeFiles(h: Int, w: Int): FS = {
def rec(h: Int): FS = h match {
case 0 => Directory(h.toString, (0 to w).map(i => File(i.toString)).toList) //we're done
case 1 => Directory(h.toString, (0 to w).map(_ => rec(h-1)).toList)
case _ => Directory(h.toString, List(rec(h-1)))
import scalaz.Free._
def generateDeepFakeFilesTrampolined(h: Int, w: Int): FS = {
def rec(h: Int): Trampoline[FS] = h match {
case 0 => Trampoline.done(Directory(h.toString, (0 to w).map(i => File("filefile")).toList))
case 1 => (0 to w)
.map(_ => rec(h -1))
.sequence //sequence goes from F[G[A]] to G[F[A]], so in this case a List[Trampoline[FS]] to Trampoline[List[FS]]
.map(l => Directory(h.toString, l)) //map on the Trampoline to get access to the thunked recursive call
case _ => rec(h-1).map(n => Directory(h.toString, List(n)))
def findDepth(f: FS): Int = {
def rec(files: List[(Int,FS)], s: Set[Int]): Int = files match {
case (ctr, Directory(n, subfiles)) :: tail => rec( => (ctr+1,f)) ::: tail, s + ctr)
case (ctr, File(n)) :: tail => rec(tail, s + ctr)
case _ => s.max
rec(List((0,f)), Set())
def countEntries(f: FS): Int = {
def rec(ctr: Int, files: List[FS]): Int = files match {
case Directory(n, subfiles) :: tail => rec(ctr+1, subfiles ::: tail)
case File(n) :: tail => rec(ctr, tail)
case _ => ctr
object MonadTransformerProblems {
def handleFiles(): Unit = {
val a = (0 to 10000).map(ii => State[Int,Int](i => (i,ii)) ).foldLeft( State[Int,Int](i => (i,0)) )( (s,a) => s.flatMap(i => => (ii+i) )))
val b = (0 to 10000).map(ii => StateT[Free.Trampoline,Int,Int](i => Trampoline.done((i,ii))) ).foldLeft( StateT[Free.Trampoline, Int,Int](i => Trampoline.done((i,0))) )( (s,a) => s.flatMap(i => => (ii+i) )))
val c = (0 to 10000).map(ii => JDState[Free.Trampoline,Int,Int](Trampoline.done((i:Int) => Trampoline.done((i,ii)))) ).foldLeft( JDState[Free.Trampoline, Int,Int](Trampoline.done(i => Trampoline.done((i,0)))) )( (s,a) => s.flatMap(i => a))
//a and b will fail. c won't
val res = => i(0)) //(0).run //weird to pull out a bit
val d = (0 to 10000).map(ii => State[Int,Int](i => (i,ii)).liftF ).foldLeft( State[Int,Int](i => (i,0)).liftF )( (s,a) => s.flatMap(i => => (ii+i) )))
val otherResult = d.foldRun(0)( (a,b) => b(a))
//Ok John Degoes had brilliant idea, if F[] is stack safe and we do all our binding in THAT, we're OK
case class JDState[F[_], S, A](sf: F[S => F[(S,A)]]) {
def flatMap[B](f: A => JDState[F, S, B])(implicit M: Monad[F]): JDState[F, S, B] =
JDState[F, S, B](((s1: S) => {
sf.flatMap(sfa => sfa(s1).flatMap(t =>
f(t._2).sf.flatMap(z => z(s1))
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