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Last active February 5, 2024 10:12
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* Name: SigScanSharp
* Author: Striekcarl/GENESIS @ Unknowncheats
* Date: 14/05/2017
* Purpose: Find memory patterns, both individually or simultaneously, as fast as possible
* Example:
* Init:
* Process TargetProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName("TslGame")[0];
* SigScanSharp Sigscan = new SigScanSharp(TargetProcess.Handle);
* Sigscan.SelectModule(procBattlegrounds.MainModule);
* Find Patterns (Simultaneously):
* Sigscan.AddPattern("Pattern1", "48 8D 0D ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 48 8B D6");
* Sigscan.AddPattern("Pattern2", "E8 0A EC ? ? FF");
* long lTime;
* var result = Sigscan.FindPatterns(out lTime);
* var offset = result["Pattern1"];
* Find Patterns (Individual):
* long lTime;
* var offset = Sigscan.FindPattern("48 8D 0D ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 48 8B D6", out lTime);
public class SigScanSharp
private IntPtr g_hProcess { get; set; }
private byte[] g_arrModuleBuffer { get; set; }
private ulong g_lpModuleBase { get; set; }
private Dictionary<string, string> g_dictStringPatterns { get; }
public SigScanSharp(IntPtr hProc)
g_hProcess = hProc;
g_dictStringPatterns = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public bool SelectModule(ProcessModule targetModule)
g_lpModuleBase = (ulong)targetModule.BaseAddress;
g_arrModuleBuffer = new byte[targetModule.ModuleMemorySize];
return Win32.ReadProcessMemory(g_hProcess, g_lpModuleBase, g_arrModuleBuffer, targetModule.ModuleMemorySize);
public void AddPattern(string szPatternName, string szPattern)
g_dictStringPatterns.Add(szPatternName, szPattern);
private bool PatternCheck(int nOffset, byte[] arrPattern)
for (int i = 0; i < arrPattern.Length; i++)
if (arrPattern[i] == 0x0)
if (arrPattern[i] != this.g_arrModuleBuffer[nOffset + i])
return false;
return true;
public ulong FindPattern(string szPattern, out long lTime)
if (g_arrModuleBuffer == null || g_lpModuleBase == 0)
throw new Exception("Selected module is null");
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
byte[] arrPattern = ParsePatternString(szPattern);
for (int nModuleIndex = 0; nModuleIndex < g_arrModuleBuffer.Length; nModuleIndex++)
if (this.g_arrModuleBuffer[nModuleIndex] != arrPattern[0])
if (PatternCheck(nModuleIndex, arrPattern))
lTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
return g_lpModuleBase + (ulong)nModuleIndex;
lTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
return 0;
public Dictionary<string, ulong> FindPatterns(out long lTime)
if (g_arrModuleBuffer == null || g_lpModuleBase == 0)
throw new Exception("Selected module is null");
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
byte[][] arrBytePatterns = new byte[g_dictStringPatterns.Count][];
ulong[] arrResult = new ulong[g_dictStringPatterns.Count];
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < g_dictStringPatterns.Count; nIndex++)
arrBytePatterns[nIndex] = ParsePatternString(g_dictStringPatterns.ElementAt(nIndex).Value);
for (int nModuleIndex = 0; nModuleIndex < g_arrModuleBuffer.Length; nModuleIndex++)
for (int nPatternIndex = 0; nPatternIndex < arrBytePatterns.Length; nPatternIndex++)
if (arrResult[nPatternIndex] != 0)
if (this.PatternCheck(nModuleIndex, arrBytePatterns[nPatternIndex]))
arrResult[nPatternIndex] = g_lpModuleBase + (ulong)nModuleIndex;
Dictionary<string, ulong> dictResultFormatted = new Dictionary<string, ulong>();
for (int nPatternIndex = 0; nPatternIndex < arrBytePatterns.Length; nPatternIndex++)
dictResultFormatted[g_dictStringPatterns.ElementAt(nPatternIndex).Key] = arrResult[nPatternIndex];
lTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
return dictResultFormatted;
private byte[] ParsePatternString(string szPattern)
List<byte> patternbytes = new List<byte>();
foreach (var szByte in szPattern.Split(' '))
patternbytes.Add(szByte == "?" ? (byte)0x0 : Convert.ToByte(szByte, 16));
return patternbytes.ToArray();
private static class Win32
public static extern bool ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, ulong lpBaseAddress, byte[] lpBuffer, int dwSize, int lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0);
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Process TargetProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName("TslGame")[0];
SigScanSharp Sigscan = new SigScanSharp(TargetProcess.Handle);
Sigscan.SelectModule(procBattlegrounds.MainModule); //< ------

Excuse me, but I can not understand what is procBattlegrounds in the example?

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keoy7am commented Apr 29, 2018

I think It shoule be like this:

            Process RPG_RT= Process.GetProcessesByName("RPG_RT")[0];
            SigScanSharp Sigscan = new SigScanSharp(RPG_RT.Handle);

In SelectModule Method,You can see how it works.

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