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Last active July 19, 2018 00:26
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from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from flasgger import Swagger
app = Flask(__name__)
swagger = Swagger(app)
def find_contact(email, contact_list):
for item in contact_list:
if item['email'] == email:
return item
return {}
def contact_list():
Example endpoint to return a list of contacts specified by email address.
- name: email
in: query
type: string
required: false
- name: key
in: query
type: string
default: HAHA
required: true
description: A list of contacts (can be filtered by email)
$ref: '$/def'
email = request.args.get('email')
api_key = request.args.get('key')
if api_key != "HAHA":
return jsonify({"error":"Bad request"}), 400
contacts = {"contacts": [
{'nome':'Paula', 'email': ''},
{'nome':'Vinicius', 'email': ''}
if email == None:
return jsonify(contacts), 200
return jsonify({"contacts": find_contact(email, contacts["contacts"])}), 200
if __name__ == '__main__':
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