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# README: A more updated version is on the comments by (ashmna)[]
# See at:
# this is for tools required
brew update
brew install ninja
brew install cmake
# crete the default root directory
cd $HOME/Developer
mkdir Aseprite
cd Aseprite
# download skia m81
curl -O -L ""
unzip -d skia-m81
# this is the project itselft
git clone --recursive
# compiling aseprite
cd aseprite
mkdir build
cd build
cmake \
-DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=/Applications/ \
-DSKIA_DIR=../../skia-m81 \
-DSKIA_LIBRARY_DIR=../../skia-m81/out/Release-x64 \
-G Ninja \
ninja aseprite
cd ../..
# bundle app from trial
mkdir bundle
cd bundle
curl -O -J ""
mkdir mount
yes qy | hdiutil attach -quiet -nobrowse -noverify -noautoopen -mountpoint mount Aseprite-v1.2.27-trial-macOS.dmg
cp -rf mount/ .
hdiutil detach mount
rm -rf
cp -rf ../aseprite/build/bin/aseprite
rm -rf
cp -rf ../aseprite/build/bin/data
cd ..
# Install on /Applications
sudo cp bundle/ /Applications/
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