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Created January 15, 2011 00:43
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(8:53:57 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(9:08:04 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(9:08:47 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(9:11:15 PM) vmlemon_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
(9:41:59 PM) btQuark is now known as ADFTW-PDC
(9:46:11 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(9:47:23 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(9:49:30 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(9:50:17 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(9:53:38 PM) Belliash_ [nobody@Epheket/Constitutive/Belliash] entered the room.
(9:54:30 PM) Belliash left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(9:55:58 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(10:00:37 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(10:25:29 PM) Tim-7967 [~Nyx7967@unaffiliated/tim-7967] entered the room.
(10:54:23 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(10:56:46 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(10:57:04 PM) vmlemon_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(11:01:37 PM) kfm82atv_ [] entered the room.
(11:01:42 PM) kfm82macbook [] entered the room.
(11:04:11 PM) kfm82atv left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(11:05:04 PM) kfm82 left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 255 seconds).
(11:05:04 PM) kfm82macbook is now known as kfm82
(11:07:03 PM) zerotri [] entered the room.
(11:08:23 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(1/14/2011 3:06:48 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(3:11:19 PM) miltoncdsl [bd722983@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] entered the room.
(3:22:26 PM) CocoaGeek [~CocoaGeek@] entered the room.
(3:43:10 PM) vmlemon_: Hi
(3:43:34 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hello again vmlemon_
(4:02:27 PM) r1pp3r left the room (quit: Max SendQ exceeded).
(4:03:01 PM) r1pp3r [] entered the room.
(4:46:49 PM) krosk [] entered the room.
(5:52:37 PM) probono [] entered the room.
(6:47:09 PM) zerotri [] entered the room.
(6:54:29 PM) Belliash left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(6:58:20 PM) Belliash [nobody@Epheket/Constitutive/Belliash] entered the room.
(7:19:00 PM) vmlemon_: Hi probono
(7:20:01 PM) probono: hi vmlemon_
(7:20:06 PM) probono: what are the news of the week?
(7:21:03 PM) vmlemon_: Not a great deal, other than today being a fiasco as far as university-related stuff is concerned.
(7:22:00 PM) probono: a fiasco? sounds not so good
(7:22:43 PM) zerotri left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(7:23:50 PM) vmlemon_: I was supposed to have attended an exam, although I missed it thanks to being delayed on the way in by a broken-down train - so I had to spend ages filling out "mitigating circumstances" forms and talking tutors; and I should have also attended a meeting - although no-one actually knew where it should have taken place, and I ended up spending hours looking around to no avail.
(7:25:00 PM) vmlemon_: On a more positive note, it sounds as if my friend's application to Google is making headway - he's finished 8 interviews, and is awaiting a final decision.
(7:25:08 PM) probono: w00t
(7:25:16 PM) probono: 8 interviews
(7:25:26 PM) probono: 8!
(7:25:27 PM) Bart-: woot probono
(7:25:30 PM) Bart-: congratulation!
(7:25:33 PM) Bart-: hey vmlemon_
(7:25:36 PM) vmlemon_: Hi Bart-
(7:25:36 PM) probono: hi Bart-
(7:25:46 PM) Bart-: nice vmlemon_
(7:26:19 PM) Bart-: tomorrow i will be in poznan poland at this time
(7:26:37 PM) Bart-: how are you probono?
(7:26:56 PM) probono: hopefully they have internet connection there ;-)
(7:27:08 PM) probono: fine, especially since it's friday
(7:27:46 PM) probono: Bart-, perhaps this weekend i'll have another look at FreeBSD and especially their packages system
(7:27:57 PM) probono: maybe we can learn something from it
(7:28:09 PM) probono: and there's PC-BSD 9 on the way with some interesting changes
(7:28:21 PM) vmlemon_: I also published my first blog post of 2011 yesterday (although Erkan's already seen it), which seems to have created an interesting discussion around it.
(7:28:52 PM) probono: -> no longer purely tied into KDE4
(7:29:18 PM) probono: vmlemon_, did you discuss the future of symbian?
(7:29:45 PM) vmlemon_: Not quite, although there's some fairly interesting thoughts from an ex-employee.
(7:30:23 PM) vmlemon_:
(7:30:29 PM) probono: who is now e meego employee?
(7:31:04 PM) vmlemon_: I don't know what he's doing, although I know that he's recently published an Android application that seemed to have became popular over Christmas.
(7:31:58 PM) vmlemon_: From what I can gather, quite a few people are unwilling to return to Nokia, though.
(7:32:41 PM) probono: ++
(7:33:31 PM) probono: nice wording "I remain pessimistically hopeful that things improve in 2011."
(7:33:32 PM) probono: :-)
(7:34:04 PM) vmlemon_: Raw translation: "Things suck - but they could be so much worse" ;)
(7:34:07 PM) Bart-: ahh nice probono
(7:34:45 PM) ***Bart- is on the phone atm
(7:34:55 PM) Bart-: :)
(7:36:00 PM) vmlemon_: - here's hoping that changes to "Current: Some position at Google" soon. :)
(7:36:32 PM) vmlemon_: From what I've been told earlier, he intends to keep me updated on his progress - which should be interesting.
(7:36:36 PM) probono: 8 interviews *so far*
(7:36:57 PM) Bart-: lol
(7:36:59 PM) probono: word has it that one doesn't hear much from people once they're absorbed into the black box that is google
(7:37:22 PM) ***vmlemon_ wonders how many Aladin did, when he attempted to apply
(7:37:37 PM) vmlemon_: (Or at least I think that he attempted to)
(7:37:46 PM) Bart-: he did 4
(7:37:56 PM) vmlemon_: Aah. Thanks. :)
(7:40:56 PM) vmlemon_: Could be worse (Microsoft), I suppose... ;)
(7:42:43 PM) vmlemon_: Hah,
(7:46:04 PM) probono: operation linux, lol
(7:48:09 PM) zerotri [] entered the room.
(7:55:51 PM) Bart-: hehe indeed
(7:55:55 PM) Bart-: hi zerotri
(7:56:09 PM) zerotri: hey Bart
(7:56:48 PM) probono: welcome zerotri
(7:56:54 PM) g4bittin left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(7:57:12 PM) probono: so now that we have over 30 people in the channel why don't we attempt another release...
(7:57:22 PM) zerotri: :D
(7:57:34 PM) probono: or even start looking at 10.6.x
(7:57:35 PM) zerotri: that'd be nice
(7:58:16 PM) probono: some guy on the darwin-dev list recently asked for a way to run apache on darwin
(7:58:21 PM) Bart-: lol
(7:58:28 PM) probono: which is perfectly possible in PD
(7:58:33 PM) Bart-: we should start looking at 10.6.x
(7:58:43 PM) Bart-: indeed
(7:58:52 PM) Bart-: lighttpd runs also smooth in PD
(7:59:03 PM) ***Bart- is a lighty fan
(7:59:28 PM) probono: looking at the pics, i started to feel uneasy in pic 2
(7:59:51 PM) probono: but toward the end i can't really believe it ;-)
(8:00:04 PM) vmlemon_: Hah
(8:00:08 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: "<probono> what are the news of the week?" <- I can finally run PD nano on VBox (host: ubuntu)
(8:00:19 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hello Bart- vmlemon_
(8:00:23 PM) probono: wow, that's good news Erkan_Yilmaz_
(8:00:24 PM) vmlemon_: Hi Erkan_Yilmaz_
(8:00:41 PM) vmlemon_: Aww, the final truck doesn't fall in. :(
(8:00:46 PM) ***vmlemon_ is disappointed
(8:00:53 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: "good news" yes :-) now I need internet + stuff to work also, unfortunately xmas editin won't boot at all (HD is not recognized)
(8:01:03 PM) probono: so Erkan_Yilmaz_ i guess it's time for an update on
(8:01:09 PM) Bart-: yeah probono me too
(8:01:10 PM) Bart-: hi Erkan_Yilmaz_
(8:01:21 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: probono, sure, can I have an account?
(8:01:25 PM) vmlemon_: Have fun in Poland, Bart- :)
(8:01:30 PM) Bart-: thanks vmlemon_
(8:01:43 PM) Bart-: they invited me to this bassdrive party
(8:01:49 PM) Bart-:
(8:01:57 PM) probono: nice Bart-
(8:02:04 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: probono,
(8:02:07 PM) Bart-: because you know i looking for the streaming servers at bassdrive since 2001
(8:02:17 PM) Bart-: nice Erkan_Yilmaz_
(8:02:18 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: though it needs some special settings turned on/off in Vbox
(8:02:37 PM) Bart-: yeah
(8:03:29 PM) probono: Erkan_Yilmaz_, sure, just send me the info mentioned in
(8:03:42 PM) probono: that's definitely interesting
(8:03:42 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ clicks
(8:03:45 PM) Bart-: oh i need to update that
(8:03:50 PM) Bart-: hehe powermac g5
(8:03:53 PM) ***vmlemon_ ought to update his profile on that page
(8:04:04 PM) Bart-: hehe
(8:04:05 PM) Bart-: ;D
(8:04:15 PM) probono: uh, me too
(8:04:43 PM) vmlemon_: Half of the hardware mentioned in my row was sent to the Great BitBucket in the Sky(TM) a long time ago...
(8:04:50 PM) Bart-: haha
(8:08:13 PM) vmlemon_: Out of curiosity, has anyone tested PureDarwin on a system with an AMD Phenom II P820 CPU?
(8:08:49 PM) ***vmlemon_ doubts that it'd boot, but notes that he hasn't got around to testing it yet
(8:09:23 PM) Bart-: phenom would be interesting indeed
(8:09:36 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: probono, email sent
(8:09:38 PM) zerotri: Erkan_Yilmaz_: so you did get PD Nano to boot in VBox?
(8:09:40 PM) probono: vmlemon_, i don't have amd systems
(8:09:44 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: zerotri, yes
(8:10:07 PM) zerotri: I may have to spend some time on that then
(8:10:18 PM) vmlemon_: Aah. This is the second one that I've had - all of the other (non-Apple) machines that I've owned have had Intel CPUs.
(8:11:06 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: zerotri, probably it is the settings which affect this in VBOX
(8:11:15 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I'll update the PD site and you can retry also
(8:11:23 PM) zerotri: alright, cool
(8:12:10 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: AMD: I have AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3400+ [Family 15 Model 79 Stepping 2], but I need a keyboard for that pc, otherwise I have to log this pc off :-(
(8:14:03 PM) vmlemon_: That said, it'd be interesting to see how well the latest version of Fedora would run on this laptop, given that it contains a Broadcom 802.11 chipset (ugh).
(8:15:44 PM) vmlemon_: The SD Card controller sounds interesting, too.
(8:16:19 PM) probono: Erkan_Yilmaz_, sent
(8:16:27 PM) vmlemon_: (My other laptop exposes it as a USB Mass Storage device internally, and this one exposes the raw SD Card and controller to the OS).
(8:16:36 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: thx probono
(8:17:21 PM) g4bittin [] entered the room.
(8:17:35 PM) vmlemon_: There's also a HDMI port, which worked nicely when I tested it against the TV downstairs, too.
(8:18:19 PM) Bart-: woot probono
(8:18:41 PM) zerotri: huh
(8:18:52 PM) zerotri: well, messing around with VBox settings did indeed do the trick
(8:18:56 PM) zerotri: it's booting fine
(8:18:57 PM) g4bittin left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(8:19:11 PM) g4bittin [] entered the room.
(8:19:15 PM) vmlemon_: zerotri: Nice
(8:20:13 PM) probono: Bart-, 4 stories high... a bit overdone when munich has only 2
(8:20:43 PM) Bart-: ;D
(8:20:54 PM) probono: especially given the bankrupcy of the place
(8:21:19 PM) Bart-: ja
(8:24:22 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: zerotri :-) I update right now settings and please compare which you had, so we can filter out the unnecessary settings
(8:24:42 PM) zerotri: ok
(8:27:55 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: zerotri, please see
(8:28:02 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: probono, is this fine so far?
(8:28:13 PM) Bart-: moment Erkan_Yilmaz_ checking
(8:28:32 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: thx Bart-
(8:29:56 PM) zerotri: UTC time isn't mandatory
(8:30:02 PM) zerotri: it boots without
(8:30:06 PM) Bart-: indeed
(8:30:16 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: thx, I'll remove, I just mentioned what I had all
(8:30:28 PM) Bart-: ok
(8:30:33 PM) Bart-: the rest looks ok
(8:30:35 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: done
(8:31:11 PM) Bart-: ok
(8:31:19 PM) zerotri: otherwise, settings are similar
(8:31:27 PM) zerotri: I'm running Mac OS X
(8:31:34 PM) zerotri: Snow Leo
(8:31:44 PM) Bart-: on what?
(8:31:56 PM) zerotri: that's my host
(8:32:00 PM) Bart-: ah ok
(8:32:17 PM) Bart-: i though you running a hackint0sh
(8:32:18 PM) zerotri: he specified that the test system had an ubuntu host
(8:32:21 PM) Bart-: because we dont want that here
(8:32:33 PM) zerotri: trying to clarify that my host is a real mac
(8:32:37 PM) Bart-: good
(8:32:39 PM) zerotri: so it works there as well
(8:32:42 PM) zerotri: in VBox
(8:32:47 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: which MacOS version and which VBox zerotri? so I can update
(8:32:47 PM) Bart-: i understand now zerotri
(8:33:25 PM) zerotri: VBox 3.2.12 r68302
(8:33:38 PM) zerotri: Snow Leopard 10.6.6, x86_64 kernel
(8:33:44 PM) ***vmlemon_ is waiting for the latest Nano ISO to finish downloading
(8:33:51 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok, this I could add in the section below where there is "VirtualBox 3.0.2 on Mac OS X"
(8:34:03 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, latest nano = ? the 2009 one?
(8:34:07 PM) vmlemon_: Yup, so it seems
(8:34:09 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: zerotri, ok, I will update now
(8:34:19 PM) Bart-: good
(8:34:32 PM) vmlemon_: Or at least that's the latest linked to from the Downloads page.
(8:36:37 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: guys I have updated the page again, sorting after Vbox 4 +3
(8:37:05 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: sorted after OS
(8:37:25 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: what shall we do with this "old info:
(8:37:25 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: (Pure)Darwin 9 guest OS not supported or it doesn't seem to be trivial to make it works.
(8:37:25 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: No problem concerning loading the bootloader."
(8:37:27 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: delete?
(8:37:40 PM) Bart-: no
(8:37:56 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok, then I leave as it is
(8:38:08 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: just look that it fits your page styles as you have please
(8:38:09 PM) vmlemon_: Looks like the bootloader at least works under VirtualBox 4.0.0 under Windows 7 x86-64, when using the "Red Hat Linux", VT-X, Nested paging and IO APIC settings
(8:38:30 PM) vmlemon_: We have kernel modules loading!
(8:38:33 PM) Bart-: !!!
(8:38:35 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: great
(8:38:35 PM) Bart-: ;))
(8:40:06 PM) probono: Erkan_Yilmaz_, feel free to remove outdated/superceded information
(8:40:12 PM) vmlemon_: Woot!
(8:40:20 PM) vmlemon_: On "alien" hardware, too
(8:40:23 PM) Bart-: nice vmlemon_!
(8:40:27 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, :-)
(8:40:36 PM) probono: on your system, vmlemon_ ?
(8:40:37 PM) Bart-: hehe
(8:40:40 PM) vmlemon_: Indeed
(8:40:41 PM) vmlemon_: :)
(8:40:54 PM) probono: the first time you got PD to run?
(8:41:17 PM) vmlemon_: Nope. I've ran it on several laptops with Intel CPUs and chipsets, and a Dell OptiPlex desktop in the past.
(8:41:23 PM) probono: what happens when you try Xmas, Erkan_Yilmaz_ ?
(8:41:30 PM) Bart-: yeah remembers the days when vmlemon_ had his craptop
(8:41:37 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: probono, the HD is not recognized at all
(8:41:48 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: probono, it says no bootable device
(8:41:48 PM) Bart-: hm
(8:41:51 PM) vmlemon_: This is my first successful boot of any kind on an AMD machine, or with VirtualBox
(8:41:59 PM) Bart-: nice vmlemon_!
(8:42:30 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: probono, perhabs with a Vbox HD it might work, I tried converting the vmdk and such, did not help, perhaps original install in Vbox might go
(8:42:34 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ offers his help :-)
(8:42:54 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, I will add your info in the wiki
(8:43:05 PM) vmlemon_: For what it's worth, I didn't attach a HDD, and I assigned the emulated optical drive to the primary IDE controller as master
(8:43:09 PM) probono: Erkan_Yilmaz_, it doesn't run from an ISO for sure, since it needs r/w
(8:43:27 PM) probono: and maybe it's needed to reinstall the (latest chameleon?) bootloader
(8:43:38 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: perhaps
(8:44:29 PM) Bart-: that would be interesting too yeah
(8:44:45 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, updated your system also
(8:44:49 PM) probono: Erkan_Yilmaz_, good info on the page, perhaps you can even add a few screenshots
(8:44:57 PM) vmlemon_: Thanks
(8:45:10 PM) probono: and please make the "old info" clearer, or delete it altogether if it is no longer correct
(8:45:13 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: probono, of the Vbox settings or the Nano?
(8:45:16 PM) Bart-: yes screenshots ftw
(8:45:20 PM) probono: of the settigns
(8:45:22 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: probono, I will delete old info then
(8:45:23 PM) Bart-: Erkan_Yilmaz_ yes
(8:45:34 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: settings: made already screenshots, I will put them all in one pic
(8:45:52 PM) Bart-: do eet!
(8:46:08 PM) vmlemon_:
(8:46:18 PM) vmlemon_: (Basic settings)
(8:46:26 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I'd suggest: move the page as it is under new name like: Virtualbox archive
(8:46:30 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: and create new one with new info
(8:46:31 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok?
(8:46:51 PM) Bart-: feel free
(8:47:27 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok
(8:50:41 PM) g4bittin left the room (quit: Quit: g4bittin).
(8:50:42 PM) probono: Bart-, how's the search for a kvm host going?
(8:50:53 PM) Bart-: good
(8:51:16 PM) Bart-: it looks like we get a kvm host at the c-base rechenzentrum
(8:51:24 PM) probono: that sounds perfect
(8:51:26 PM) Bart-: next week tuesday we have that meeting
(8:51:30 PM) probono: cool
(8:51:35 PM) Bart-: and i will tell them about our project puredarwin
(8:51:54 PM) Bart-: so just idle here next week and i will tell you all the latest news
(8:52:04 PM) Bart-: looking forward to it
(8:52:08 PM) probono: can't wait ;-)
(8:52:16 PM) Bart-: i know
(8:52:34 PM) Bart-: 2011 will be the puredarwin year!!! thats our new motto
(8:53:06 PM) probono: c-base really exists since 2006?
(8:53:10 PM) probono: didn't know that
(8:53:18 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok, moving done, will now add pictures
(8:53:21 PM) probono: 19696 i mean
(8:53:24 PM) probono: 1996
(8:53:26 PM) zerotri: idle here for a week?
(8:53:34 PM) zerotri: why not try and get some stuff done? :P
(8:53:37 PM) ***probono has knots in his keyboard
(8:53:45 PM) probono: right zerotri
(8:53:58 PM) probono: well basically i have a ready-to-run server system ready here
(8:54:06 PM) probono: with macports and all
(8:55:31 PM) probono: Bart-, that sounds a bit like this year is the year of the linux desktop & the HURD will be ready next year....
(8:56:15 PM) vmlemon_: Just wait until the real revolution is unleashed - the PurePad! ;)
(8:56:16 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, will also upload your picture of VBox
(8:56:23 PM) vmlemon_: Thanks
(8:56:49 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: should i crop your pic? e.g. copyright reasons
(8:57:18 PM) vmlemon_: Feel free. I was in a hurry when I created it, but I'd be happy to provide a "cleaned up" version.
(8:57:54 PM) Bart-: hehe
(8:58:10 PM) Bart-: zerotri the problem is not me
(8:58:22 PM) Bart-: the problem with the kvm is the serverfarm place
(8:58:42 PM) Gregor: So, when's the reimplementations of Core* for X11 coming? X-P
(8:58:43 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, ok, thx
(9:00:40 PM) vmlemon_: Looks like VirtualBox seems to be "eating" the PrintScreen commands somehow, here.
(9:00:59 PM) Bart-: ;)
(9:01:34 PM) probono: ah: this is why it works all of a sudden
(9:01:35 PM) probono:
(9:01:45 PM) probono: "VirtualBox 3.2 supports Mac OS X guests out-of-the-box, without the hacks described here."
(9:01:55 PM) probono: so looks like they have deliberately worked on it
(9:02:26 PM) vmlemon_: Probably best to just crop the existing screenshot - you have my permission to do so.
(9:03:19 PM) vmlemon_: For what it's worth, I consider the content that I create to be free for anyone to use, providing that attribution is given where possible (although I'm not fussy about it, and I don't mind foregoing it altogether, depending upon the circumstances).
(9:03:24 PM) probono: somewhere else i read: "You?ll need to have a system with an Intel or AMD processor which supports hardware virtualization"
(9:03:32 PM) Bart-: they did yes
(9:03:34 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, ok
(9:03:54 PM) probono: so we should add that info to the page as well, if it's true for PD
(9:04:21 PM) probono: ot: is it just me or is everyone getting these annoying ads for ?
(9:05:05 PM) probono: just a "download" button with no other text on the ad
(9:05:26 PM) probono: almost as annoying as the groupon ads
(9:05:45 PM) probono: time to install an adblocker
(9:06:09 PM) Bart-: oh man
(9:06:18 PM) Bart-: i have adblocker always on
(9:06:22 PM) Bart-: ;D
(9:06:59 PM) vmlemon_: I've noticed the annoying toolbar adverts too, although I'm using Chrome at the moment.
(9:08:40 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok, updated:
(9:09:28 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I'll add also pic of the booted nano
(9:10:07 PM) probono: looks good
(9:10:16 PM) Bart-: nice Erkan_Yilmaz_ looks simple but good
(9:10:19 PM) Tim-7967 [~Nyx7967@unaffiliated/tim-7967] entered the room.
(9:10:21 PM) probono: ah, an intel e1000
(9:10:31 PM) probono: i guess we still need a kext for that
(9:10:42 PM) probono: since apple's was closed source last time i checked
(9:12:05 PM) vmlemon_: It appears that several different Ethernet NICs are supported in the latest version.
(9:12:18 PM) probono: ok, maybe we find a working realtek one
(9:12:41 PM) vmlemon_: 3 different Intel ones, and 2 different AMD PCNet ones.
(9:12:51 PM) Bart-: we need one
(9:12:54 PM) vmlemon_: The AMD NICs seem to be universally supported.
(9:13:02 PM) Bart-: it is still closed source probono
(9:13:05 PM) Bart-: hi Tim-7967
(9:13:09 PM) Tim-7967: hi
(9:14:16 PM) vmlemon_: "Just" a case of testing them all, and seeing what happens...
(9:15:25 PM) probono: vmlemon_, makes sense only after we have Xmas running there
(9:16:28 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: page updated: screenshots nano + link why it works (in see also)
(9:17:05 PM) probono: funny that microsoft virtual pc, oracle virtualbox, and parallels all can be traced back to the same small german company in baden w?rttemberg... Bart- did you know that? in
(9:17:29 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hehe
(9:17:46 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: probabyl the German company outsourced also :-)=
(9:18:36 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: so, when somene has a xmas version in Vbox for download: tell me, I can also add pics + so there
(9:21:00 PM) Bart-: no i didnt know that probono
(9:21:03 PM) Bart-: what company was it?
(9:21:14 PM) Bart-: i though parallels is from russian
(9:21:27 PM) Bart-: it was from an russian developer for what i know
(9:22:00 PM) vmlemon_: InnoTek?
(9:22:14 PM) probono: right innotek
(9:22:24 PM) Bart-: ahh ok
(9:22:29 PM) probono: and somewhere i read the story that they gave that russian the stuff
(9:22:37 PM) Bart-: ahhh ok
(9:22:38 PM) probono: many years ago, when it wasn't called parallels yet
(9:22:44 PM) Bart-: i heard about innotek some years ago
(9:22:48 PM) probono: when OS/2 was being emulated
(9:22:49 PM) Bart-: when i worked in esslingen a. n.
(9:22:55 PM) Bart-: i know right
(9:22:58 PM) Bart-: ok
(9:23:31 PM) probono: just installed privoxy. seems to work
(9:23:34 PM) ***vmlemon_ wonders how many more acquisitions and transitions VirtualBox will go through...
(9:23:58 PM) probono: vmlemon_, funny thing is that oracle now has a "branch" in that tiny... village
(9:24:03 PM) vmlemon_: (So far, there's been InnoTek, who were acquired by Sun, and in turn by Oracle)
(9:25:20 PM) probono: and now oracle has the "Sun Gesch?ftsstelle Weinstadt" (sic!)
(9:25:28 PM) probono:
(9:25:51 PM) probono: and it's probably still the same 3 gurus who code it!
(9:25:56 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: money rules everything
(9:26:52 PM) vmlemon_: I'm surprised that Parallels are still around.
(9:27:09 PM) vmlemon_: Their Linux product was obsolete crap, last time I tested it.
(9:27:15 PM) probono: true
(9:27:31 PM) probono: but plesk & co seem to be big in hosting companies
(9:27:41 PM) probono: virtuozzo etc.
(9:27:45 PM) Bart-: oh please dont remember me now on plesk
(9:28:04 PM) Bart-: was fighting the whole week for a customer with their pleask installation and the ssl certs
(9:28:06 PM) Bart-: oh gosh
(9:28:11 PM) ***Bart- cracks some beer
(9:28:23 PM) probono: never trust a company called yippie-yeah
(9:28:24 PM) Bart-: *plesk
(9:28:29 PM) Bart-: indeed
(9:28:37 PM) probono: although they renamed themselves parallels now
(9:29:12 PM) vmlemon_: "Plesk" immediately evokes visions of incorrectly configured Websites on dodgy hosting services spewing error messages...
(9:29:26 PM) Bart-: indeed
(9:29:58 PM) probono: that's because 17-yr olds run "webhosters" on their (shared) "root servers"
(9:32:24 PM) probono: off for today. Bart- have a save trip & everyone thanks for the progress
(9:32:30 PM) probono left the room (quit: Quit: Verlassend).
(9:34:45 PM) Bart-: thanks probono
(9:35:35 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: when do you go to Poland Bart- ?
(9:35:43 PM) Bart-: tomorrow Erkan_Yilmaz_
(9:35:59 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: there is still some time then :-)
(9:37:03 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ wonders how he can get a bootable xmas version
(9:37:50 PM) vmlemon_: I've been wondering that for a long time. I'd go insane if I started to ponder again...
(9:38:14 PM) vmlemon_: ;)
(9:38:40 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: but someone can boot it actually?
(9:38:44 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: e.g. with vmware?
(9:38:54 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: then that person could make a copy of that HD for Vbox
(9:39:03 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: e.g. with dd command or so
(9:39:12 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: e.g. prepare HD with Vbox
(9:39:17 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: and this HD add in Vbox
(9:39:22 PM) vmlemon_: As far as I know, probono is one of the lucky few with a working instance.
(9:39:28 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hm :-(
(9:39:34 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: he should leatn to share things
(9:39:40 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: well, at leats nano works nows
(9:41:13 PM) vmlemon_: I've tried to convert the VMDK to an ISO (and a raw image) using the tools provided with QEMU; but the VMDK is constructed in a manner that causes it to break during the conversion process.
(9:42:24 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I tried also various ways to convert the vmdk
(9:42:28 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: did not work either
(9:42:41 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I think the only way which might work is this dd command
(9:42:54 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: dd meaning copying bits and bytes to other HD
(9:42:59 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: but you say it is a cdrom version?
(9:43:04 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_ ?
(9:43:10 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: then that won't work I guess
(9:43:57 PM) vmlemon_: There was also a crude workaround that involved connecting the VMDK to be both the emulated optical drive, and the primary hard drive
(9:44:18 PM) vmlemon_: Although it doesn't work on Windows hosts, thanks to braindead handling of file locking.
(9:45:01 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: braindead :-) hehe
(9:45:07 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: zerotri,
(9:45:17 PM) zerotri: yes?
(9:45:19 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: can you run the xma edition?
(9:45:24 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: xmas edition
(9:45:26 PM) vmlemon_: It's a long time since I've done this stuff, though.
(9:45:33 PM) zerotri: I wasn't ever able to find a working download of it
(9:46:03 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: here:
(9:46:27 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_:
(9:46:54 PM) ***vmlemon_ also has a lot to say about Windows's handling of environment variables, but will leave it for another day...
(9:47:31 PM) vmlemon_: There's a reason why I ran Linux exclusively for years. :)
(9:48:05 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: windows is dying vmlemon_ :-)
(9:48:22 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: we just all have to believe it and it will happen
(9:48:26 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: promised :-)
(9:48:34 PM) vmlemon_: Time to call in the glazier to fix them!
(9:48:36 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: now that PD nano runs in VBox 1st step is done :-)
(9:48:37 PM) ***vmlemon_ hides
(9:49:39 PM) vmlemon_: In reality, I'm pretty much agnostic as far as operating systems are concerned, these days.
(9:50:18 PM) zerotri: Erkan_Yilmaz_:
(9:50:30 PM) zerotri: I've had no luck with that link
(9:50:32 PM) zerotri: all day
(9:50:42 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ tries also
(9:51:27 PM) vmlemon_: I think that the cross-referencing utility machine was retired ages ago.
(9:52:03 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: zerotri,
(9:52:15 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: and I hope you can say you can run it
(9:52:23 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: and then make us a copy for VBox
(9:52:51 PM) zerotri: I'll let you know once I've got it downloaded
(9:52:53 PM) zerotri: in a few minutes
(9:53:10 PM) zerotri: I doubt I'll have much luck if you guys haven't
(9:53:59 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: well, who knows, give your best anyways :-)
(9:54:04 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ supports you mentally
(9:54:40 PM) vmlemon_: I've just had a rather crappy thought
(9:54:43 PM) CocoaGeek left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(9:55:15 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, as long as it does not involve animals: I'd say ok
(9:55:29 PM) vmlemon_: Connect the VMDK to the virtual machine as the primary HDD, in addition to the Nano ISO - then attempt to use the bootloader to boot the version on the VMDK...
(9:55:39 PM) vmlemon_: *bootloader on the Nano ISO
(9:56:26 PM) vmlemon_: Hopefully, the HDD's primary partition should at least appear in Chameleon, even if it refuses to handle it
(9:56:39 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, could you try?
(9:56:45 PM) CocoaGeek [~CocoaGeek@] entered the room.
(9:57:00 PM) vmlemon_: Sure, once I've downloaded the XMas archive.
(9:57:12 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hehe
(9:57:37 PM) vmlemon_: "Only" 8 minutes left to download 200Meg...
(9:58:24 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: 8 mins is nothing
(9:58:30 PM) ***vmlemon_ tends not to trust estimated times :)
(9:59:44 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ gives some distraction until then
(10:02:44 PM) vmlemon_: 155MB downloaded.
(10:03:49 PM) vmlemon_: Done.
(10:04:05 PM) zerotri: got distracted by nicely designed web pages <.<
(10:04:18 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hehe
(10:05:31 PM) vmlemon_: Just waiting for WinRAR to do its thing, as far as decompression is concerned.
(10:06:50 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(10:07:41 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(10:07:41 PM) (notice) [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff:
(10:09:56 PM) vmlemon_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(10:10:51 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: so, who will give me good news?
(10:11:03 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(10:11:54 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(10:12:12 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: zerotri, ok :-)
(10:13:28 PM) vmlemon_: Aha
(10:13:56 PM) vmlemon_: It took a lot of hassle, but it appears that a new "PureDarwinXmas" volume appears if I keep hitting the F8 key within Chameleon
(10:14:22 PM) vmlemon_: The VMDK for XMas has to be the primary IDE master, and the Nano ISO has to be the primary IDE slave
(10:15:39 PM) vmlemon_: Erkan_Yilmaz_: See :)
(10:15:50 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hehe
(10:15:54 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ kisses vmlemon_
(10:16:07 PM) vmlemon_: Now to see if it actually boots
(10:16:11 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ hopes
(10:17:52 PM) vmlemon_: Looks like it gets to an advanced phase of booting and loading kernel extensions, but bails out eventually
(10:18:11 PM) zerotri: how'd you get chameleon to launch? is it built into Nano, or did you also use an iso of chameleon?
(10:18:18 PM) vmlemon_: It's part of the Nano ISO
(10:19:05 PM) vmlemon_: If I wasn't on another 802.11 network with a poor signal/noise ratio, I'd upload a video
(10:19:36 PM) zerotri: I'm just working on getting chameleon to show
(10:19:43 PM) zerotri: I get to the EFI shell
(10:19:53 PM) zerotri: by pressing F8
(10:19:57 PM) vmlemon_: I didn't enable EFI, for what it's worth.
(10:20:41 PM) zerotri: hmm
(10:21:23 PM) vmlemon_: My "hybrid" configuration looks like
(10:23:04 PM) Bart-: oh shitt the pizza burned in the ofen
(10:23:08 PM) Bart-: i forgot to take it out
(10:23:14 PM) Bart-: its black
(10:23:16 PM) Bart-: fuck
(10:23:24 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: Bart- you have all my sympathy
(10:23:29 PM) Bart-: thanks
(10:23:30 PM) vmlemon_: Oops
(10:23:33 PM) vmlemon_: Sorry to hear :(
(10:24:54 PM) zerotri: hmm
(10:24:57 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok guys, I will also try xmas
(10:25:03 PM) vmlemon_: It looks like I'm the closest to a boot, so far
(10:25:03 PM) zerotri: I get as far as cdboot....done
(10:25:06 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: or zerotri wants to tell someting?
(10:25:11 PM) zerotri: gonna play with more options
(10:25:23 PM) vmlemon_: Although I don't know why it bails out at an advanced phase yet
(10:27:03 PM) Bart-: god thanks that i have a good doner kebab turkey man at the corner
(10:27:28 PM) Bart-: zerotri nice
(10:28:00 PM) zerotri: no, not really. cdboot...done happens before I get Chameleon up, even
(10:28:56 PM) vmlemon_: Chameleon on the Nano ISO's funny
(10:29:19 PM) vmlemon_: It tricks you into thinking that it's going to jump into booting PD automatically, but dumps you off at the menu
(10:29:23 PM) vmlemon_:
(10:29:34 PM) vmlemon_: (My VirtualBox debug log, if it's useful to anyone)
(10:29:43 PM) Bart-: thx vmlemon_ checking now
(10:31:26 PM) zerotri: eh, gonna make some food and I'll give another shot after
(10:31:37 PM) Bart-: watch out if you make pizza
(10:31:40 PM) vmlemon_: The VM's configuration file looks like, here
(10:31:53 PM) vmlemon_: Although it's probably useless on other machines
(10:34:02 PM) vmlemon_: From looking at a later frame of the screen recording here, it appears that I get as far as:
(10:34:07 PM) vmlemon_: Patched DMI Table.
(10:34:19 PM) vmlemon_: No DSDT replacement found. Leaving ACPI data as is
(10:34:22 PM) vmlemon_: Starting Darwin x86
(10:34:26 PM) vmlemon_: Before it bails out.
(10:34:50 PM) Bart-: kk
(10:34:52 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hm, doesn't work yet
(10:35:03 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: the different boot options with f8 do not help
(10:35:07 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: trying some shell commands
(10:35:46 PM) vmlemon_: One of the last kernel extensions to load is MACFramework.kext
(10:36:06 PM) vmlemon_: Preceded by Libkern.kext
(10:43:31 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: guys I am in
(10:43:49 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: but t can not load screen yet
(10:43:56 PM) vmlemon_: Nice
(10:44:02 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: Fatal server error: no screen found
(10:44:07 PM) vmlemon_: XMas?
(10:44:42 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I guess so, because nano did not bring any screen errors
(10:44:45 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: let me change the GPU
(10:45:19 PM) vmlemon_: You're using 2D acceleration, out of interest?
(10:45:23 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: no
(10:45:25 PM) vmlemon_: (All acceleration's disabled here)
(10:45:26 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: but I can enable
(10:45:28 PM) vmlemon_: Aah
(10:45:35 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: should I ?
(10:45:46 PM) vmlemon_: Worth a try
(10:45:50 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok
(10:46:04 PM) vmlemon_: I'm going to disable USB to see if it helps
(10:46:13 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: nope, did not work
(10:47:33 PM) vmlemon_: Looks like it's attempting to set the display resolution here, before suddenly dying
(10:48:24 PM) vmlemon_: Retrying after disabling audio and Ethernet, now.
(10:48:26 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: 2d +3d did not help
(10:48:37 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: will try with boot parameter also
(10:50:17 PM) vmlemon_: Looks like an ACPI problem here
(10:50:34 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: it works
(10:50:36 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: WOW
(10:50:50 PM) vmlemon_: Which parameter?
(10:51:06 PM) vmlemon_: Going to try platform=X86PC here
(10:51:08 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: perhaps none, just startx
(10:51:10 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I will retry
(10:52:19 PM) vmlemon_: Sounds as if you're ahead of me
(10:52:25 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(10:53:11 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(10:53:16 PM) vmlemon_1: I don't even get a shell to launch X11 from
vmlemon_ vmlemon_1
(10:53:29 PM) vmlemon_ left the room (quit: Disconnected by services).
(10:53:32 PM) You are now known as vmlemon_
(10:53:56 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hmm, 1024x768 won't work
(10:54:00 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: will try 800x600 again
(10:55:16 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: kill me,
(10:55:20 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: works with 1024x768x16
(10:56:13 PM) vmlemon_: Hmm, if it's a colour depth, then try 800x600x16
(10:56:21 PM) vmlemon_: (Just an educated guess)
(10:56:22 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, I used my settings from the pic without efi
(10:56:26 PM) vmlemon_: Aah
(10:56:37 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: an dthen at boot give the Graphics Mode command
(10:56:45 PM) vmlemon_: Thanks
(10:56:46 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: and it works
(10:57:39 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ opened calculator :-)
(10:58:25 PM) vmlemon_: "Can't find Graphics"
(10:58:38 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: "Graphics Mode"="800x600x16"
(10:58:42 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: at boot
(10:59:06 PM) vmlemon_: Thanks. I briefly saw a quoted version whilst Googling.
(11:00:43 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: wow, what a day for PureDarwin
(11:00:45 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: all works
(11:01:41 PM) kfm82atv_ [] entered the room.
(11:01:46 PM) vmlemon_: Did I mention how much the input latency sucks, as far as the Chameleon CLI is concerned?
(11:03:02 PM) kfm82atv left the room (quit: Read error: Operation timed out).
(11:04:10 PM) vmlemon_: Still no joy here
(11:04:26 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: doe snot work?
(11:04:43 PM) vmlemon_: I'm starting to suspect either host hardware incompatibility, or some other issue
(11:04:57 PM) kfm82 left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(11:05:38 PM) vmlemon_: Tried booting with "Graphics Mode"="1024x768x16" platform=X86PC, and still get as far as loading kernel extensions and patching ACPI tables before it vomits
(11:05:58 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hmm
(11:06:07 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I will update all what I have in wiki
(11:06:49 PM) vmlemon_: sounds promising
(11:07:43 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(11:10:39 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(11:10:41 PM) vmlemon_1: No success with -x -v DropSSDT=Yes, either
(11:11:38 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: updated
(11:12:13 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_:
(11:12:15 PM) vmlemon_1: Nice
(11:12:43 PM) You are now known as vmlemon_
(11:13:17 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, indeed
(11:16:34 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: and nothing vmlemon_ ?
(11:16:53 PM) vmlemon_: Nice, I managed to get PDNano to boot using EFI
(11:17:11 PM) vmlemon_: Unsure of how I'd get XMas to work that way, though
(11:18:03 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: well, xmas I deactivated efi
(11:18:04 PM) CocoaGeek left the room (quit: Quit: CocoaGeek).
(11:18:17 PM) vmlemon_: Aah
(11:18:27 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: btw I am also posting this all life to twitter + :
(11:18:35 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: let's hope some more people get interested
(11:18:47 PM) vmlemon_: Good stuff
(11:19:35 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: yes, marketing :-)
(11:22:59 PM) vmlemon_: I'm out of ideas for tonight
(11:23:11 PM) zerotri: scratch that whole PDNano when I get back
(11:23:20 PM) zerotri: I'm being coaxed into Minecraft -.-
(11:23:21 PM) vmlemon_: Still, I'm glad that I managed to make marginal progress.
(11:25:04 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(11:25:58 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(11:26:36 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_,
(11:26:44 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_ without you, I would not have managed
(11:26:55 PM) vmlemon_: No problem
(11:26:58 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: do you have a twitter or account, so I can you some credits :-)
(11:27:17 PM) vmlemon_: I think that you already follow me on Twitter (@vmlemon)
(11:27:19 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ... give you
(11:27:24 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ looks
(11:27:30 PM) vmlemon_: I could be wrong, though
(11:27:42 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: no, following you now
(11:27:46 PM) vmlemon_: Thanks
(11:27:46 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: you do not have account?
(11:27:52 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: then I will do credits at teittwr
(11:28:09 PM) vmlemon_: I've got an account, but it's been such a long time since I last used it, that it's probably not worth bothering with :)
(11:29:10 PM) vmlemon_: (Since my contact network has pretty much coalesced around Twitter, FB, FriendFeed and LinkedIn nowadays)
(11:29:18 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: haha, i see oyu on identica
(11:29:31 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: well, my contacts are also more at twitter, BUT
(11:29:47 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: when I send over I licence by creative commons + also can send to twitter
(11:29:50 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: so I prefer
(11:29:59 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: because who knows what twitter does with my posts
(11:30:10 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: at leats at they have to tell me somehow when they use
(11:30:12 PM) vmlemon_: Now following you on Twitter, and I've added you to my PureDarwin list
(11:30:19 PM) vmlemon_: :)
(11:30:31 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok, thanks + /me follows you on :-)
(11:31:35 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hehe, already 11 people clicked on the page :-)
(11:31:42 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: can you see stats ?
(11:31:48 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: or another link wait
(11:31:49 PM) vmlemon_: I've subscribed to you on both services
(11:31:57 PM) vmlemon_: Nice
(11:32:05 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: doe steh link work for seeing stats?
(11:32:09 PM) vmlemon_: Yup
(11:32:12 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok :-)
(11:32:15 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: that is fast
(11:32:17 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: 11 peopel
(11:32:29 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: who knows, some new people helping PD :-)
(11:32:38 PM) vmlemon_: Same happens on Twitter when I post links and photos
(11:32:59 PM) vmlemon_: People seem to hammer them quickly, have a look and then forget about them
(11:33:07 PM) vmlemon_: Interesting dynamics, I guess
(11:33:14 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: oh :-(
(11:33:14 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: or it is robots?
(11:33:44 PM) vmlemon_: It seems to be real people, since I've received comments on my blog posts that way, and TwitPic views
(11:34:13 PM) vmlemon_: (When I write a post, I usually publish it, and then compose my own Tweet containing the URL by hand)
(11:34:48 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I see
(11:34:56 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: btw: is Bart or probono here?!/vmlemon/puredarwin/members so I could also subscribe them
(11:35:17 PM) vmlemon_: Bart- is @hideout, and @CocoaGeek is also worth a follow
(11:35:32 PM) vmlemon_: probono isn't present on either service, as far as I know
(11:35:38 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok, will do
(11:36:42 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: ok
(11:36:52 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: well, now we just make it work for you
(11:37:03 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: but actually it should work on windows easier than on linux
(11:37:39 PM) vmlemon_: I'd test it under Linux, but only my Windows machine contains a CPU supporting hardware virtualisation :(
(11:38:02 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: linux can't ?
(11:38:11 PM) vmlemon_: (My old Fedora laptop only has a lowly Celeron 575 CPU, which doesn't support hardware virtualisation)
(11:38:36 PM) vmlemon_: I've managed to boot PureDarwin and *cough* Mac OS X Leopard on it, though
(11:38:38 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I see
(11:38:42 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hehe
(11:38:48 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: that is better though
(11:40:09 PM) vmlemon_: For the latter, I managed to get Ethernet, audio, basic display functionality at native resolution (without acceleration) and dodgy ACPI support working. The scrollpad and the Atheros 802.11 card were useless.
(11:40:49 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(11:46:16 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(11:47:22 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hehe, seems shutdwon won't work in xmas after startx
(11:47:22 PM) Bart-: thanks a lot for the twitter commendation vmlemon_
(11:47:22 PM) Bart-: and thanks for mention me at your last tweet about that pic
(11:47:37 PM) Bart-: i will follow you too now Erkan_Yilmaz_
(11:48:06 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: Bart-, great
(11:48:17 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: Bart-, did you hear? Xmas runs in Vbox on ubuntu
(11:48:19 PM) Bart-: thanks for following me
(11:48:24 PM) Bart-: yeah Erkan_Yilmaz_ i hear it!
(11:48:25 PM) Bart-: ;D
(11:48:32 PM) Bart-: thanks to vmlemon_ and you
(11:48:33 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: Bart-, yippie
(11:48:38 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: thanks to vmlemon_
(11:48:41 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: he had the idea
(11:48:48 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: just stupid windows makes trouble again
(11:48:52 PM) Bart-: i am a bit busy because of my dj set tomorrow
(11:49:00 PM) Bart-: need to sort out all my tunes i will play
(11:49:02 PM) Bart-: at my 2 hours set
(11:49:05 PM) Bart-: @ the club
(11:49:13 PM) Bart-: yeah vmlemon_ has often good idears
(11:49:14 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ hopes all is powered by PD laptop :-)
(11:49:21 PM) Bart-: indeed
(11:49:35 PM) Bart-: not exactly pd but mac os x with virtual dj
(11:49:37 PM) Bart-: ;D
(11:49:48 PM) Bart-: but i also prefer the right vinyls and decs ;D
(11:50:00 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hehe
(11:50:45 PM) vmlemon_: Retrying with the recommendation in
(11:51:48 PM) vmlemon_: I get slightly further prior to "Starting Darwin x86", but it seems that we still fall off the rails somewhere
(11:52:17 PM) vmlemon_: I don't know what to blame now, given that Erkan managed to get things working.
(11:52:58 PM) vmlemon_: No problem, Bart-
(11:53:14 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: vmlemon_, you used my same settings as in the pic?
(11:53:18 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: except efi
(11:53:23 PM) vmlemon_: Looking now
(11:53:38 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: efi I deactivated
(11:53:56 PM) vmlemon_: My settings are pretty much identical, so it seems
(11:54:14 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: hm, then perhaps some other settings differ?
(11:54:19 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: or: get a newer VBox4 version?
(11:54:34 PM) vmlemon_: Did you set the OS to "Mac OS X"?
(11:54:47 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: where?
(11:54:50 PM) vmlemon_: Although I'm convinced that it's just a placebo option
(11:55:00 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: no, I set bsd
(11:55:01 PM) vmlemon_: In the General tab
(11:55:02 PM) vmlemon_: Aah
(11:55:21 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: cool, hope it is this
(11:57:38 PM) vmlemon_: BSD/FreeBSD/512MB RAM/ICH9/Network disabled/IO APIC/Hardware clock in UTC time/Enable VT-x/AMD-V/Enable Nested Paging/1 CPU with PAE and NX/12MB VRAM and no video acceleration/ICH6 IDE controller/USB and Audio disabled
(11:57:49 PM) Bart-: ah cool
(11:58:16 PM) vmlemon_: BSD/FreeBSD was Linux/Red Hat Linux previously
(11:58:19 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I have 1 GB ram
(11:58:45 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ looks other settings
(11:59:31 PM) kfm82atv_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
(11:59:40 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ has 21 MB video
(11:59:46 PM) vmlemon_: We still fall off the rails after ACPI
(1/15/2011 12:00:00 AM) vmlemon_: Going to increase the VRAM and RAM amounts
(12:00:00 AM) kfm82 left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
(12:00:11 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: piix4 controller
(12:00:24 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: audio + bnetwork enabled
(12:01:14 AM) vmlemon_: Waiting for it to boot
(12:02:00 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: it will work now
(12:02:03 AM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ crosses fingers
(12:02:43 AM) vmlemon_: It looks like some additional kernel extensions loaded - unless I never noticed those
(12:02:47 AM) vmlemon_: We still die, though
(12:03:15 AM) vmlemon_: If I could, I'd strip out various extensions, until I discover the culprit
(12:03:26 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: strange
(12:04:14 AM) vmlemon_: Replacing ICH9 with PIIX3
(12:04:21 AM) vmlemon_: I don't expect much, though
(12:05:59 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: never give up hop, though hope also dies
(12:06:30 AM) vmlemon_: It should work though in theory, given that Nano does
(12:06:47 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: you tried also the Graphics mode ?
(12:06:58 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: though mine booted at leats in shell
(12:06:58 AM) vmlemon_: Not with these recent changes, but I will
(12:07:11 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: though mine booted at leats in shell (without Graph mode)
(12:07:27 AM) vmlemon_: I've tried legacy mode settings and similar
(12:07:57 AM) ***vmlemon_ wonders if it's possible to forego ACPI table patching altogether
(12:09:10 AM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ updated wiki now
(12:09:16 AM) vmlemon_: Heck, I wonder if I can short-circuit ACPI altogether - just like Nano
(12:09:40 AM) vmlemon_: Although I haven't got a Mac OS X installation handy, in order to dissect and rebuild the VMDK
(12:10:10 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: other question vmlemon_
(12:10:22 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: can't I make now a real VBox HD for you?
(12:10:38 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: I mean I can boot it and make somehow here some things and copy for you?
(12:10:48 AM) vmlemon_: It's worth a try
(12:10:55 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_: what could I do?
(12:11:08 AM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz_ doesn't know much about darwin, though I know linux
(12:11:32 AM) vmlemon_: The bootloader's the dodgy bit, although there are scripts in the PureDarwin repositories to build another VMDK
(12:12:20 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__ [] entered the room.
(12:12:47 AM) vmlemon_: Copying the VMDK, and attaching it as a secondary hard disk might work
(12:12:59 AM) vmlemon_: (Then you can mount its root partition and tinker)
(12:13:32 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: what means tinker?
(12:13:40 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: you mean add some bootloader from the cd?
(12:13:41 AM) vmlemon_: Modify and experiment with
(12:13:53 AM) vmlemon_: (e.g. add, remove and replace files)
(12:14:17 AM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz__ boots it up again
(12:15:35 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
(12:15:41 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: ok, dd command available, though no help for dd there :-(
(12:16:13 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: so, I could add 2nd new HD (created by VBox) and copy with dd the vmdk
(12:16:44 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: ok, 3 GB on host HD, that should be sufficient
(12:19:55 AM) Bart-: should be yes
(12:21:10 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: someone can say me some commands? e.g. in linux with fdisk -l you see all HDs, but on PD won't work with this -l
(12:22:04 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: I think vmdk is /dev/disk1s3
(12:22:11 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: what could the new vbox hd be?
(12:22:21 AM) vmlemon_: Probably (r)disk2
(12:23:29 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: fdisk -t /dev/disk2 or fdisk -t /dev/rdisk2 do not give any output
(12:23:30 AM) Bart-: i am out pz crew
(12:23:32 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: also no error :-)
(12:23:37 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: Bart-, ok, bye
(12:23:39 AM) Bart-: tell me on sunday the news
(12:23:40 AM) Bart-: ;)
(12:23:44 AM) vmlemon_: See you later, Bart-
(12:23:47 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: definitely
(12:23:49 AM) Bart-: bye Erkan_Yilmaz__ & vmlemon_ cya later
(12:23:54 AM) vmlemon_: I ought to sleep now, too
(12:24:00 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: ok vmlemon_
(12:24:04 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: have a good sleep
(12:24:07 AM) Bart-: ja i am also tired
(12:24:07 AM) vmlemon_: Thanks
(12:25:21 AM) ***vmlemon_ thinks that @PureDarwin needs updating
(12:26:16 AM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz__ looks
(12:28:46 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: yes, someone could add the VBox news :-)
(12:32:40 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(12:34:32 AM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(12:35:52 AM) vmlemon_1: I'm about to hibernate this laptop soon, and my connection to this AP is poor, but does anyone want me to upload tonight's log somewhere for probono?
(12:36:31 AM) Bart-: would be a good idear
(12:36:53 AM) vmlemon_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(12:38:20 AM) Bart-: s/idear/idea
(12:42:06 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(12:43:22 AM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(12:43:52 AM) vmlemon_: Done. Posted at
(12:44:39 AM) kfm82 [] entered the room.
(12:47:47 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(12:51:43 AM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(12:51:45 AM) vmlemon_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 255 seconds).
(12:51:48 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: could I check, if I said something weird?
(12:51:53 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: you know racist jokes and such
(12:51:54 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: :-)
(12:53:06 AM) vmlemon_1: Sure, it's full of holes from when I lost connectivity, but everything's in the log
(12:53:32 AM) vmlemon_1: It's possible to modify it within limits, since it's technically a Git repository
(1:03:12 AM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz__ too lazy now
(1:03:21 AM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz__ can always claim I did not wnat it published :-)
(1:04:16 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: so, HDD cloned to a VBox one
(1:04:28 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: and works, X starts
(1:05:59 AM) vmlemon_1: Looked fine to me when I briefly skimmed through it, though
(1:06:14 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: np vmlemon_1 it is my fault if I make racist jokes :-)
(1:06:52 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: ok, so how do I copy now a MBR or something
(1:07:02 AM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: let's ask google :-)
(1:08:00 AM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(1:17:28 PM) The topic for #puredarwin is: Welcome to #puredarwin |
(1:25:46 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: hello vmlemon_
(1:35:12 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: btw g4bittin did you hear the news? VBox mainly works with Nano
(1:35:51 PM) g4bittin: Erkan_Yilmaz__: no :p
(1:36:19 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: are you using PureDarwin? or when did you use last time?
(1:36:32 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: we just discovered yesterday
(1:36:37 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: so, if you wanna try out :-)
(1:37:46 PM) g4bittin: ah nah, i never used it, iam just an OS X user idling here becouse it seems like a nice project
(1:37:54 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: hehe
(1:37:58 PM) ktx left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(1:38:05 PM) hansfbaier [~jack@] entered the room.
(1:38:05 PM) ***Erkan_Yilmaz__ just has linux
(1:38:18 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: never worked with mac, so therefore PD is appealing
(1:38:32 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: but there are similarities :-)
(1:38:35 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: wb hansfbaier
(1:38:49 PM) hansfbaier: wb?
(1:39:39 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: wb = welcome back
(1:40:04 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: hansfbaier, do you use PureDarwin? there is some news...
(1:40:09 PM) vmlemon_: Good afternoon
(1:40:15 PM) hansfbaier: new release?
(1:40:18 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: hansfbaier, VBox mainly works with Nano
(1:40:19 PM) hansfbaier: I use linux
(1:40:23 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: hello vmlemon_
(1:40:24 PM) hansfbaier: but played with it a bit
(1:40:34 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: hansfbaier, we added new info here:
(1:40:42 PM) hansfbaier: Hey thanks
(1:41:06 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__:
(1:43:08 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: what#s up vmlemon_ ?
(1:43:15 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: I just finished eating
(1:43:44 PM) vmlemon_: Not much. I've just had late breakfast, after waking up an hour ago.
(1:44:04 PM) vmlemon_: (It's 1:44pm here)
(1:44:40 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: here 2:44 pm
(1:44:45 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: I woke up at 12 or so
(1:44:56 PM) Erkan_Yilmaz__: tried to make the xmas boot without cdrom, but well, did not have luck so far
(1:45:51 PM) vmlemon_: The optimal situation would be to have a bootloader that works like the one on the Nano ISO as part of the VMDK
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