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Created December 22, 2015 06:34
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Get status ofr datastores
# Track Datastore Space script #
# #
# Variables #
$VIServer = Read-Host "Enter IP or Hostname for your VI Server"
$digits = 2
$Folder = 'C:\Scripts'
$currentFile = 'Datastores_Current.xml'
$previousFile = 'Datastores_Previous.xml'
$differenceFile = 'Datastores_Difference.txt'
# Script #
# First, if a Current file exists, rename this Current file to Previous
If (Test-Path "$Folder\$currentFile")
Remove-Item -Path "$Folder\$currentFile" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Folder\$previousFile" -Force
Rename-Item -Path "$Folder\$currentFile" -NewName $previousFile
# Next, let's measure and save current datastore sizes
# Connect to Virtual Center
$VC = Connect-VIServer $VIServer
# Get all datastores and put them in alphabetical order
$datastores = Get-Datastore | Sort-Object Name
# Create an array to hold the output
$myColCurrent = @()
# Loop through datastores
ForEach ($store in $datastores)
# Create a custom object and define its properties
$myObj = "" | Select-Object Name, CapacityGB, UsedGB, PercFree
# Set the values of each property
$myObj.Name = $
$myObj.CapacityGB = [math]::Round($store.capacityMB/1024,$digits)
$myObj.UsedGB = [math]::Round(($store.CapacityMB - $store.FreeSpaceMB)/1024,$digits)
$myObj.PercFree = [math]::Round(100*$store.FreeSpaceMB/$store.CapacityMB,$digits)
# Add the object to the output array
$myColCurrent += $myObj
# Export the output to an xml file; the new Current file
$myColCurrent | Export-Clixml -Path "$Folder\$currentFile"
# Disconnect from Virtual Center
Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False
# Finally, let's compare the Current information to that in the Previous file
# Check if a Previous file exists
If (Test-Path "$Folder\$previousFile")
# Import the Previous file
$myColPrevious = Import-Clixml "$Folder\$previousFile"
# Create an array to hold the differences
$myColDiff = @()
# Loop through the current datastores
ForEach ($myObjCurrent in $myColCurrent)
# The actual compare command
$diff = Compare-Object ($myColPrevious | Where { $_.Name -eq $myObjCurrent.Name }) $myObjCurrent -Property PercFree
# In case of any differences, try to get specifics
If ($diff)
# Again, a custom object and properties for outputting results
$myObjDiff = "" | Select-Object Name, PercentFree, Diff
# Again, setting the values of each property
$myObjDiff.Name = $myObjCurrent.Name
$myObjDiff.PercentFree = $myObjCurrent.PercFree
# The most important property is the calculated difference between the current and previous values of PercFree. You can substitute it for UsedGB if you like.
$myObjDiff.Diff = ($diff | Where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' }).PercFree - ($diff | Where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' }).PercFree
# And agin, adding it to the output array
$myColDiff += $myObjDiff
# Clearing the variable used inside the loop to prevent incorrect output in case of problems setting the variable!
Clear-Variable diff -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"
# If nothing changed, we don't want an empty file.
If ($myColDiff.Length -eq 0)
$myColDiff = "No changes since last check."
# And we conclude by outputting the results to a text file, which can be emailed or printed.
$myColDiff | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-File "$Folder\$differenceFile" -Force
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