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Last active November 28, 2021 19:34
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An AccuWeather Consumer contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.4;
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/ChainlinkClient.sol";
* **** Data Conversions ****
* countryCode (bytes2)
* --------------------
* ISO 3166 alpha-2 codes encoded as bytes2
* See:
* precipitationType (uint8)
* --------------------------
* Value Type
* --------------------------
* 0 No precipitation
* 1 Rain
* 2 Snow
* 3 Ice
* 4 Mixed
* weatherIcon (uint8)
* -------------------
* Each icon number is related with an image and a text
* See:
* Decimals to integers (both metric & imperial units)
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Condition Conversion
* ---------------------------------------------------
* precipitationPast12Hours multiplied by 100
* precipitationPast24Hours multiplied by 100
* precipitationPastHour multiplied by 100
* pressure multiplied by 100
* temperature multiplied by 10
* windSpeed multiplied by 10
* Current weather conditions units per system
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Condition metric imperial
* ---------------------------------------------------
* precipitationPast12Hours mm in
* precipitationPast24Hours mm in
* precipitationPastHour mm in
* pressure mb inHg
* temperature C F
* windSpeed km/h mi/h
* Other resources
* ---------------
* AccuWeather API docs:
* Locations API Response Parameters:
* Current Conditions API Response Parameters:
* @title A consumer contract for AccuWeather EA 'location-current-conditions' endpoint.
* @author LinkPool
* @notice Request the current weather conditions for the given location coordinates (i.e. latitude and longitude).
contract AccuweatherConsumer is ChainlinkClient {
using Chainlink for Chainlink.Request;
/* ========== CONSUMER STATE VARIABLES ========== */
struct RequestParams {
uint256 locationKey;
string endpoint;
string lat;
string lon;
string units;
struct LocationResult {
uint256 locationKey;
string name;
bytes2 countryCode;
struct CurrentConditionsResult {
uint256 timestamp;
uint24 precipitationPast12Hours;
uint24 precipitationPast24Hours;
uint24 precipitationPastHour;
uint24 pressure;
int16 temperature;
uint16 windDirectionDegrees;
uint16 windSpeed;
uint8 precipitationType;
uint8 relativeHumidity;
uint8 uvIndex;
uint8 weatherIcon;
// Maps
mapping(bytes32 => CurrentConditionsResult) public requestIdCurrentConditionsResult;
mapping(bytes32 => LocationResult) public requestIdLocationResult;
mapping(bytes32 => RequestParams) public requestIdRequestParams;
/* ========== CONSTRUCTOR ========== */
* @param _link the LINK token address.
* @param _oracle the Operator.sol contract address.
constructor(address _link, address _oracle) {
/* ========== CONSUMER REQUEST FUNCTIONS ========== */
* @notice Returns the location information for the given coordinates.
* @param _specId the jobID.
* @param _payment the LINK amount in Juels (i.e. 10^18 aka 1 LINK).
* @param _lat the latitude (WGS84 standard, from -90 to 90).
* @param _lon the longitude (WGS84 standard, from -180 to 180).
function requestLocation(
bytes32 _specId,
uint256 _payment,
string calldata _lat,
string calldata _lon
) public {
Chainlink.Request memory req = buildChainlinkRequest(_specId, address(this), this.fulfillLocation.selector);
req.add("endpoint", "location"); // NB: not required if it has been hardcoded in the job spec
req.add("lat", _lat);
req.add("lon", _lon);
bytes32 requestId = requestOracleData(req, _payment);
// Below this line is just an example of usage
storeRequestParams(requestId, 0, "location", _lat, _lon, "");
* @notice Returns the current weather conditions of a location by ID.
* @param _specId the jobID.
* @param _payment the LINK amount in Juels (i.e. 10^18 aka 1 LINK).
* @param _locationKey the location ID.
* @param _units the measurement system ("metric" or "imperial").
function requestCurrentConditions(
bytes32 _specId,
uint256 _payment,
uint256 _locationKey,
string calldata _units
) public {
Chainlink.Request memory req = buildChainlinkRequest(
req.add("endpoint", "current-conditions"); // NB: not required if it has been hardcoded in the job spec
req.addUint("locationKey", _locationKey);
req.add("units", _units);
bytes32 requestId = requestOracleData(req, _payment);
// Below this line is just an example of usage
storeRequestParams(requestId, _locationKey, "current-conditions", "0", "0", _units);
* @notice Returns the current weather conditions of a location for the given coordinates.
* @param _specId the jobID.
* @param _payment the LINK amount in Juels (i.e. 10^18 aka 1 LINK).
* @param _lat the latitude (WGS84 standard, from -90 to 90).
* @param _lon the longitude (WGS84 standard, from -180 to 180).
* @param _units the measurement system ("metric" or "imperial").
function requestLocationCurrentConditions(
bytes32 _specId,
uint256 _payment,
string calldata _lat,
string calldata _lon,
string calldata _units
) public {
Chainlink.Request memory req = buildChainlinkRequest(
req.add("endpoint", "location-current-conditions"); // NB: not required if it has been hardcoded in the job spec
req.add("lat", _lat);
req.add("lon", _lon);
req.add("units", _units);
bytes32 requestId = requestOracleData(req, _payment);
// Below this line is just an example of usage
storeRequestParams(requestId, 0, "location-current-conditions", _lat, _lon, _units);
/* ========== CONSUMER FULFILL FUNCTIONS ========== */
* @notice Consumes the data returned by the node job on a particular request.
* @dev Only when `_locationFound` is true, both `_locationFound` will contain meaningful data (as bytes). This
* function body is just an example of usage.
* @param _requestId the request ID for fulfillment.
* @param _locationFound true if a location was found for the given coordinates, otherwise false.
* @param _locationResult the location information (encoded as LocationResult).
function fulfillLocation(
bytes32 _requestId,
bool _locationFound,
bytes memory _locationResult
) public recordChainlinkFulfillment(_requestId) {
if (_locationFound) {
storeLocationResult(_requestId, _locationResult);
* @notice Consumes the data returned by the node job on a particular request.
* @param _requestId the request ID for fulfillment.
* @param _currentConditionsResult the current weather conditions (encoded as CurrentConditionsResult).
function fulfillCurrentConditions(bytes32 _requestId, bytes memory _currentConditionsResult)
storeCurrentConditionsResult(_requestId, _currentConditionsResult);
* @notice Consumes the data returned by the node job on a particular request.
* @dev Only when `_locationFound` is true, both `_locationFound` and `_currentConditionsResult` will contain
* meaningful data (as bytes). This function body is just an example of usage.
* @param _requestId the request ID for fulfillment.
* @param _locationFound true if a location was found for the given coordinates, otherwise false.
* @param _locationResult the location information (encoded as LocationResult).
* @param _currentConditionsResult the current weather conditions (encoded as CurrentConditionsResult).
function fulfillLocationCurrentConditions(
bytes32 _requestId,
bool _locationFound,
bytes memory _locationResult,
bytes memory _currentConditionsResult
) public recordChainlinkFulfillment(_requestId) {
if (_locationFound) {
storeLocationResult(_requestId, _locationResult);
storeCurrentConditionsResult(_requestId, _currentConditionsResult);
/* ========== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ========== */
function storeRequestParams(
bytes32 _requestId,
uint256 _locationKey,
string memory _endpoint,
string memory _lat,
string memory _lon,
string memory _units
) private {
RequestParams memory requestParams;
requestParams.locationKey = _locationKey;
requestParams.endpoint = _endpoint; = _lat;
requestParams.lon = _lon;
requestParams.units = _units;
requestIdRequestParams[_requestId] = requestParams;
function storeLocationResult(bytes32 _requestId, bytes memory _locationResult) private {
LocationResult memory result = abi.decode(_locationResult, (LocationResult));
requestIdLocationResult[_requestId] = result;
function storeCurrentConditionsResult(bytes32 _requestId, bytes memory _currentConditionsResult) private {
CurrentConditionsResult memory result = abi.decode(_currentConditionsResult, (CurrentConditionsResult));
requestIdCurrentConditionsResult[_requestId] = result;
/* ========== OTHER FUNCTIONS ========== */
function getOracleAddress() external view returns (address) {
return chainlinkOracleAddress();
function setOracle(address _oracle) external {
function withdrawLink() public {
LinkTokenInterface linkToken = LinkTokenInterface(chainlinkTokenAddress());
require(linkToken.transfer(msg.sender, linkToken.balanceOf(address(this))), "Unable to transfer");
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