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Created April 10, 2021 11:36
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function plot_price_vol_data(index::Int64, duration::Int64, window::Int64)
# Retrieve data from various helper functions
Price_df, Candle_df, Vol_df = get_price_data_single(currencies[index])
# Make sure that duration does not exceed the number of rows - max(windows) in the DataFrame
# This allows calculation of MA for the longest duration
if duration > size(Price_df)[1]-maximum(windows)
duration = size(Price_df)[1]-maximum(windows)
################# Daily average data #################
trace1 = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x = Price_df[1:duration,:Date], y = Price_df[1:duration,2], mode="markers+lines", name = "$(currencies[index]) price")
################# Daily volume data #################
trace2 =;x = Vol_df[1:duration,:Date], y = Vol_df[1:duration,2], name = "$(currencies[index]) volume")
################# Daily candlestick data #################
open_col = Array{Float64}(undef,0)
high_col = Array{Float64}(undef,0)
low_col = Array{Float64}(undef,0)
close_col = Array{Float64}(undef,0)
for i = 1:duration
push!(open_col, Candle_df[!,2][i][1])
push!(high_col, Candle_df[!,2][i][2])
push!(low_col, Candle_df[!,2][i][3])
push!(close_col, Candle_df[!,2][i][4])
trace3 = PlotlyJS.candlestick(; x = Candle_df[1:duration,:Date], open = open_col, high = high_col, low = low_col,
close = close_col, name = "$(currencies[index])")
################# Moving averages data #################
Price_df_rev, Price_SMA, Price_WMA, Price_EMA = moving_averages(Price_df, duration, window, currencies[index])
trace4 = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x = Price_df_rev[!,:Date][end-length(Price_SMA)+1:end], y = Price_SMA, mode="lines", name = "$(names(Price_df)[2]) SMA over $(window) days")
trace5 = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x = Price_df_rev[!,:Date][end-length(Price_WMA)+1:end], y = Price_WMA, mode="lines", name = "$(names(Price_df)[2]) WMA over $(window) days")
trace6 = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x = Price_df_rev[!,:Date][end-length(Price_EMA)+1:end], y = Price_EMA, mode="lines", name = "$(names(Price_df)[2]) EMA over $(window) days")
return trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4, trace5, trace6
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