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Last active January 31, 2022 11:01
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Codewars task that Iliked

my solution (in my test case { 12657445, 89745368, 1235437 }) is about 1000x faster than most popular solution on codewars.

Given an array of positive or negative integers

I= [i1,..,in]

you have to produce a sorted array P of the form

[ [p, sum of all ij of I for which p is a prime factor (p positive) of ij] ...]

P will be sorted by increasing order of the prime numbers. The final result has to be given as a string in Java, C#, C, C++ and as an array of arrays in other languages.


I = {12, 15}; // result = "(2 12)(3 27)(5 15)"
[2, 3, 5] is the list of all prime factors of the elements of I, hence the result.


It can happen that a sum is 0 if some numbers are negative!
Example: I = [15, 30, -45] 5 divides 15, 30 and (-45) so 5 appears in the result, the sum of the numbers for which 5 is a factor is 0 so we have [5, 0] in the result amongst others.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class SumOfDivided {
public static HashSet<int> cache;
public static string sumOfDivided(int[] lst)
var d = new Dictionary<int, long>();
cache = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (var n in lst)
var primeFactors = FindPrimeFactors(Math.Abs(n));
foreach (var f in primeFactors)
if (!d.TryAdd(f, n)) d[f] += n;
var a = d.Keys.ToArray();
var s = "";
foreach (var f in a)
s+=String.Format("({0} {1})", f, d[f]);
return s;
private static HashSet<int> FindPrimeFactors(int n)
var r = new HashSet<int>();
for (int i=(int)Math.Sqrt(n); i > 1; i--)
if (n%i==0)
if (cache.Contains(i)) r.Add(i);
else r.UnionWith(FindPrimeFactors(i));
int f = n / i;
if (cache.Contains(f)) r.Add(f);
else r.UnionWith(FindPrimeFactors(f));
if (r.Count == 0) r.Add(n);
return r;
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