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Created February 3, 2015 11:32
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function _mp_cart_shipping($editable = false, $echo = false)
global $mp, $current_user;
$meta = wp_parse_args(get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'mp_shipping_info', true), array(
'address1' => '',
'address2' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => '',
'zip' => '',
'country' => '',
'phone' => '',
//get address
$email = (!empty($_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['email'])) ? $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['email'] : (isset($meta['email']) ? $meta['email'] : $current_user->user_email);
$name = (!empty($_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['name'])) ? $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['name'] : (isset($meta['name']) ? $meta['name'] : $current_user->user_firstname . ' ' . $current_user->user_lastname);
$address1 = (!empty($_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['address1'])) ? $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['address1'] : $meta['address1'];
$address2 = (!empty($_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['address2'])) ? $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['address2'] : $meta['address2'];
$city = (!empty($_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['city'])) ? $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['city'] : $meta['city'];
$state = (!empty($_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['state'])) ? $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['state'] : $meta['state'];
$zip = (!empty($_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['zip'])) ? $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['zip'] : $meta['zip'];
$country = (!empty($_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['country'])) ? $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['country'] : $meta['country'];
if (!$country)
$country = $mp->get_setting('base_country', 'US');
$phone = (!empty($_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['phone'])) ? $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['phone'] : $meta['phone'];
$special_instructions = (!empty($_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['special_instructions'])) ? $_SESSION['mp_shipping_info']['special_instructions'] : '';
$content = '';
//don't show if logged in
if (!is_user_logged_in() && MP_HIDE_LOGIN_OPTION !== true && $editable) {
$content .= '<p class="mp_cart_login_msg">';
$content .= __('Made a purchase here before?', 'mp') . ' <a class="mp_cart_login_link" href="' . wp_login_url(mp_checkout_step_url('shipping')) . '">' . __('Login now to retrieve your saved info &raquo;', 'mp') . '</a>';
$content .= '</p>';
if ($editable) {
$content .= '<form id="mp_shipping_form" method="post" action="">';
//Flag used by ajax to alert a submit of any errors that may have occured on the fornt end.
//Set to "1" when the ajax starts so that if the ajax fails the failure will autonmatically be flagged.
//Left as "1" is ajax returns an error
$content .= '<input type="hidden" id="mp_no_shipping_options" name="no_shipping_options" value="0" />';
$content .= apply_filters('mp_checkout_before_shipping', '');
$content .= '<table class="mp_cart_shipping">';
$content .= '<thead><tr>';
$content .= '<th colspan="2">' . ((($mp->download_only_cart($mp->get_cart_contents()) && !$mp->global_cart) || $mp->get_setting('shipping->method') != 'none') ? __('Enter Your Checkout Information:', 'mp') : __('Enter Your Shipping Information:', 'mp')) . '</th>';
$content .= '</tr></thead>';
$content .= '<tbody>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Email:', 'mp') . '*</td><td>';
$content .= apply_filters('mp_checkout_error_email', '');
$content .= '<input size="35" name="email" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($email) . '" /></td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
if ((!$mp->download_only_cart($mp->get_cart_contents()) || $mp->global_cart || $mp->get_setting('tax->downloadable_address')) && $mp->get_setting('shipping->method') != 'none') {
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Full Name:', 'mp') . '*</td><td>';
$content .= apply_filters('mp_checkout_error_name', '');
$content .= '<input size="35" name="name" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($name) . '" /> </td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Country:', 'mp') . '*</td><td>';
$content .= apply_filters('mp_checkout_error_country', '');
$content .= '<select id="mp_country" name="country" class="mp_shipping_field">';
foreach ($mp->get_setting('shipping->allowed_countries', array()) as $code) {
$content .= '<option value="' . $code . '"' . selected($country, $code, false) . '>' . esc_attr($mp->countries[$code]) . '</option>';
$content .= '</select>';
$content .= '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Address:', 'mp') . '*</td><td>';
$content .= apply_filters('mp_checkout_error_address1', '');
$content .= '<input size="45" name="address1" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($address1) . '" /><br />';
$content .= '<small><em>' . __('Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o', 'mp') . '</em></small>';
$content .= '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Address 2:', 'mp') . '&nbsp;</td><td>';
$content .= '<input size="45" name="address2" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($address2) . '" /><br />';
$content .= '<small><em>' . __('Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.', 'mp') . '</em></small>';
$content .= '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('City:', 'mp') . '*</td><td>';
$content .= apply_filters('mp_checkout_error_city', '');
$content .= '<input size="25" id="mp_city" class="mp_shipping_field" name="city" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($city) . '" /></td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<input size="15" id="mp_state" name="state" type="hidden" value="N/A">';
$content .= '<tr' . ((array_key_exists($country, $mp->countries_no_postcode)) ? ' style="display:none"' : '') . '>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Postal/Zip Code:', 'mp') . '*</td><td>';
$content .= apply_filters('mp_checkout_error_zip', '');
$content .= '<input size="10" class="mp_shipping_field" id="mp_zip" name="zip" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($zip) . '" /></td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Phone Number:', 'mp') . '</td><td>';
$content .= '<input size="20" name="phone" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($phone) . '" /></td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
if ($mp->get_setting('special_instructions')) {
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Special Instructions:', 'mp') . '</td><td>';
$content .= '<textarea name="special_instructions" rows="2" style="width: 100%;">' . esc_textarea($special_instructions) . '</textarea></td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
if (!$mp->download_only_cart($mp->get_cart_contents())) {
$content .= apply_filters('mp_checkout_shipping_field', '');
$content .= '</tbody>';
$content .= '</table>';
$content .= apply_filters('mp_checkout_after_shipping', '');
$content .= '<p class="mp_cart_direct_checkout">';
$content .= '<input type="submit" name="mp_shipping_submit" id="mp_shipping_submit" value="' . __('Continue Checkout &raquo;', 'mp') . '" />';
$content .= '</p>';
$content .= '</form>';
} else if (!$mp->download_only_cart($mp->get_cart_contents())) { //is not editable and not download only
$content .= '<table class="mp_cart_shipping">';
$content .= '<thead><tr>';
$content .= '<th>' . __('Shipping Information:', 'mp') . '</th>';
$content .= '<th align="right"><a href="' . mp_checkout_step_url('shipping') . '">' . __('Edit', 'mp') . '</a></th>';
$content .= '</tr></thead>';
$content .= '<tbody>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Email:', 'mp') . '</td><td>';
$content .= esc_attr($email) . ' </td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Full Name:', 'mp') . '</td><td>';
$content .= esc_attr($name) . '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Address:', 'mp') . '</td>';
$content .= '<td>' . esc_attr($address1) . '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
if ($address2) {
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Address 2:', 'mp') . '</td>';
$content .= '<td>' . esc_attr($address2) . '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('City:', 'mp') . '</td>';
$content .= '<td>' . esc_attr($city) . '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
if ($state) {
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('State/Province/Region:', 'mp') . '</td>';
$content .= '<td>' . esc_attr($state) . '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Postal/Zip Code:', 'mp') . '</td>';
$content .= '<td>' . esc_attr($zip) . '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Country:', 'mp') . '</td>';
$content .= '<td>' . $mp->countries[$country] . '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
if ($phone) {
$content .= '<tr>';
$content .= '<td align="right">' . __('Phone Number:', 'mp') . '</td>';
$content .= '<td>' . esc_attr($phone) . '</td>';
$content .= '</tr>';
if (!$mp->download_only_cart($mp->get_cart_contents())) {
$content .= apply_filters('mp_checkout_shipping_field_readonly', '');
$content .= '</tbody>';
$content .= '</table>';
$content = apply_filters('_mp_cart_shipping', $content, $editable);
if ($echo) {
echo $content;
} else {
return $content;
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