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Created August 13, 2018 09:29
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cf deployment log showing links updates and then fails
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.424094 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000224s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.426649 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001116s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.430141 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000407s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'consul') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.431029 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000151s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.431895 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000328s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'consul', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 1)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.433747 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001690s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.436528 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000530s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 1) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.437420 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000098s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.438572 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000372s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 1, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":"cf.internal"},"ca_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDHzCCAgegAwIBAgIQWv6Wsipf77MHrUOKSSiiqzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADA5\nMQwwCgYDVQQGEwNVU0ExFjAUBgNVBAoTDUNsb3VkIEZvdW5kcnkxETAPBgNVBAMT\nCGNvbnN1bENBMB4XDTE4MDUxMTA3MDYwNVoXDTE5MDUxMTA3MDYwNVowOTEMMAoG\nA1UEBhMDVVNBMRYwFAYDVQQKEw1DbG91ZCBGb3VuZHJ5MREwDwYDVQQDEwhjb25z\ndWxDQTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKjx+jFIVRoUSPRU\nPbPcu9XMHfsgI53UQE7EEh88ajoToc0OU1Eb9FIetM1eCJGDU0pAgwwCCz68TPew\n0RDb3keBIP1lvJpO55SuKpOcMIW9sxx9kIigK0RvASMD4PMTYpphLFAx9WWkHGRO\n2d1remF8TqIPMt3Kexb+aeGtOatCT/A65vheojezlNNwrJooGWZWEROOkwxjFyDp\n3gBNj42G4JU3MWMz+Vi7jiHrJVJa12uFNE+tawyGr+34wOYxAofye/7wINhKP90A\nHz1XZNsTSYYY2wZWncwsSU1AlhXwfKlm2vd447HNARUNLQiHRJ+XQ8k0qxHMKuzM\nOghk96kCAwEAAaMjMCEwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgEGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8w\nDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAGUcwvkOgUvoe3OXBBTHhHITHfFVAMnSYxrWDgTC\n0S4TrbsneOiIuUwLZw4WMQm+hYL3BIrfQncfmw7oNR/gTv/OqFul5BMBxe/2YTML\ng0zZ0S74ejGv3hq44uUInBK/deBaYDcLRPwYQEdfZBcJb+TGtgwHkX0ZPkdjRmzF\nDKiP4AQrI5aXkPQ8HbZOBSg2bUBULEvhs5/86Qn1vVdXBZD3X9p4T75kMp3K4XOZ\nGl98dEBH2sRXQPo/kH6FY4hUJ0je74XjBKwn5aNWnNrDgKd4tSwsqr4SQv2y+nii\n7bvv9iKXnuW7ONDnNzd9NwEeBNPmQ+/PxAtsV0lp1UHol0g=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","encrypt_keys":["Atzo3VBv+YVDzQAzlQRPRA=="]}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 1)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.440430 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001662s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.441247 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000084s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.442071 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000301s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 1, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":"cf.internal"},"ca_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n7bvv9iKXnuW7ONDnNzd9NwEeBNPmQ+/PxAtsV0lp1UHol0g=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","encrypt_keys":["Atzo3VBv+YVDzQAzlQRPRA=="]}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 1)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.443625 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001408s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.445448 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000357s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 1) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.446300 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000134s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.447332 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000514s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 1, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server_link', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nASVB3/Lie2+ZC0Vtv0tz/BiT5z5Ffp9PkhMZx7LD\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","server_key":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nDft6J2MzooIRp7/HtYlb51SafLhHqo2BKuzcgOIuvOkr8DVZjwc=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 2)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.449138 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001648s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.449995 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000145s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.450897 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000435s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 1, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server_link', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDSjCCAjKgAwIBAgIRALmSAUaZlS/mSos3e44p+WMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw\nOTEMMAoGA1UEBhMDVVNBMRYwFAYDVQQKEw1DbG91ZCBGb3VuZHJ5MREwDwYDVQQD\nEwhjb25zdWxDQTAeFw0xODA1MTEwNzA2MDVaFw0xOTA1MTEwNzA2MDVaMEcxDDAK\nBgNVBAYTA1VTQTEWMBQGA1UEChMNQ2xvdWQgRm91bmRyeTEfMB0GA1UEAxMWc2Vy\ndmVyLmRjMS5jZi5pbnRlcm5hbDCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoC\nggEBAMWGk3FOmjRh49IMVhHFtiPqaiY68LpgEh+5narNfhlfjG7frNf5Ydno4zN8\njqGm4aMcKYgZlwRdPUPE2DUsWPlwMFylyFTTiakD7xCmp4AABlNqrznU7t19Yg0w\nb4m/wCO4poyOGILzFsxPbPjoJaNZoK3IQvY2TwMYWgRWWILpc2rLt603mBbSUYss\nVJSx+yWPNB4JLvf/aAp63K9Gwaf4SX91jUBMsV0Y7cSzpXvgbKCoPDIgiZhIG1MN\nfrLXO7wuWlVsBlCusC1NIZ0iS3tb6h1TUBgoi249wrx3a6F4c4D90WYzmp86tlct\nJVTs0S+qhSDwU+qKfoHWaAg/IuUCAwEAAaM/MD0wDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgWgMB0G\nA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsGAQUFBwMCBggrBgEFBQcDATAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMA0GCSqG\nSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQCFZYfGkXzV9m171qRNEKqfEXhSUQBl1FpnanoTNizg0WrP\n6/CUnijPsbR+TMbbHAd3SwRwKV/WSUH9d/N/Id1BsjxQQJ+I9iET7SXgAjgfOAOy\nNC5wJSXtBsckYjgpiVTxeopqD1hjj26PVKvZkCoytSOuZaPurBP44qgoa5YNIGe8\nIp4xiLmwRnWDSuA06rn/nQrAiYNzxsBwzHt3Q5BeqTIufmsjToHv+7dGUqmqsUbg\nA6K3WrDpSMvxwbNZUbwOp2iU04xvj8VofnP+hDS4KlMW1+E90ce0RdMUkSR52ThW\nASVB3/Lie2+ZC0Vtv0tz/BiT5z5Ffp9PkhMZx7LD\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","server_key":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nDft6J2MzooIRp7/HtYlb51SafLhHqo2BKuzcgOIuvOkr8DVZjwc=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 2)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.452435 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001383s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.454304 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000283s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 1) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.454993 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000085s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.455891 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000424s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 1, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nC/Jimd8e1blcK0vT/Nbk+D4ZDcoZbg2GynWCZiYBGWN004Vang==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","agent_key":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nmeQ09CdU9VcZ5HCdv0EV/9ZuAFLQxqAKSPMOUjVP3GxBe+ZOsmEPl5Y=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 3)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.457910 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001863s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.458747 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000152s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.459611 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000424s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 1, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nC/Jimd8e1blcK0vT/Nbk+D4ZDcoZbg2GynWCZiYBGWN004Vang==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","agent_key":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nmeQ09CdU9VcZ5HCdv0EV/9ZuAFLQxqAKSPMOUjVP3GxBe+ZOsmEPl5Y=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 3)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.461407 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001601s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.464180 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000519s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'consul') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.465020 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000168s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.465880 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000411s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'consul', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 2)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.467823 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001642s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.470039 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000497s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 2) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.470883 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000134s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.471790 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000343s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 2)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.473478 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001550s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.474235 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000134s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.474914 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000271s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 2)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.476864 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001821s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.478367 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000255s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 2) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.479190 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000225s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.479962 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000280s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 3)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.481756 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001645s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.482382 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000085s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.483156 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000306s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 3)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.484721 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001422s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.486151 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000281s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 2) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.486845 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000088s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.487432 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000209s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 4)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.489047 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001494s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.489920 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000157s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.490591 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000257s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 4)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.492297 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001571s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.494566 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000261s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.496016 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000338s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.497068 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000474s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.499666 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000275s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'nats') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.500541 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000130s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.501202 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000234s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'nats', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 2)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.503051 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001652s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.505218 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000229s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 2) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.505987 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000068s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.506711 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000286s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 4)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.508405 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001565s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.509090 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000082s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.509750 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000263s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 4)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.511338 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001448s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.513022 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000214s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 2) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.513713 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000111s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.514386 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000225s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 5)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.515852 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001342s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.516512 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000086s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.517151 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000244s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 5)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.518694 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001366s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.520400 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000228s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 2) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.521028 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000066s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.521626 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000224s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 6)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.523179 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001418s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.523900 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000083s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.524499 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000225s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 2, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 6)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.525987 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001363s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.528683 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000301s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'nats') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.529505 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000125s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.530271 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'nats', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 3)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.531862 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001449s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.533829 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000360s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 3) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.534707 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000084s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.535473 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000262s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 3, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 5)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.537178 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001551s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.537973 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000133s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.538751 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000278s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 3, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 5)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.540245 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001382s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.541573 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000231s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 3) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.542323 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000186s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.543037 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000251s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 3, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 6)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.544604 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001430s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.545364 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000126s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.546041 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000249s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 3, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 6)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.548615 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.002443s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.550075 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000244s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 3) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.550736 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000070s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.551361 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000222s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 3, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 7)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.553140 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001588s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.553886 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000145s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.554724 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000294s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 3, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 7)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.556361 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001511s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.557684 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000265s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'nats') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.559191 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000275s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 15) AND ("version" = '24')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.560120 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000451s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 15)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.563070 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000325s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'nats') AND ("name" = 'nats') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.563868 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000127s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.564601 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000261s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 3)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.566329 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001590s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.568297 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000341s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 3) AND ("original_name" = 'nats')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.569060 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000115s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.569883 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000285s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 3, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"nats":{"user":"nats","password":"nats","port":4222}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 7)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.572386 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.002341s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.573260 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000111s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.574005 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000259s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 3, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"nats":{"user":"nats","password":"nats","port":4222}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 7)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.575663 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001533s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.578276 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000373s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'nats') AND ("name" = 'nats') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.579156 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000133s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.579927 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000286s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 4)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.581688 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001603s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.583362 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000267s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 4) AND ("original_name" = 'nats')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.584232 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000080s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.584984 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000255s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 4, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 8)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.586506 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001380s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.587291 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000092s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.588054 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000284s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 4, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 8)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.589842 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001651s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.591850 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.593048 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000193s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.594018 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000490s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.596245 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000308s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-bbs') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.598729 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000356s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-api') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.599403 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000087s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.600054 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000205s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'diego-api', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 4)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.601822 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001630s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.604087 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000252s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 4) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.604886 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000159s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.605710 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000281s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 4, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 8)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.607615 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001741s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.608425 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000120s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.609151 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000251s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 4, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 8)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.611336 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.002060s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.613120 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000255s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 4) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.613927 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000078s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.614610 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000279s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 4, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 9)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.616442 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001640s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.617218 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000143s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.617933 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000228s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 4, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 9)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.619439 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001392s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.621133 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000296s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 4) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.621850 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000137s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.622456 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000225s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 4, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 10)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.623959 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001373s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.624608 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000098s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.625237 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000231s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 4, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 10)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.626724 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001375s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.628843 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000316s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-bbs') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.630936 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000312s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-api') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.631834 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000165s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.632543 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'diego-api', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 5)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.634285 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001602s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.636257 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000295s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 5) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.637128 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000124s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.637863 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000268s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 9)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.639675 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001617s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.640472 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000150s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.641150 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 9)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.642666 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001398s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.644036 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000234s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 5) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.644622 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000065s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.645228 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000213s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 10)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.646823 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001481s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.647510 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000089s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.648153 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000218s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 10)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.649677 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001377s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.651248 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000307s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 5) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.651950 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000083s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.652638 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000271s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 11)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.654202 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001452s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.655017 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000165s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.655672 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000248s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 11)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.657535 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001738s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.658768 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000219s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'diego') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.660161 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000230s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 14) AND ("version" = '2.12.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.661549 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000826s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 14)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.664059 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000223s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-bbs') AND ("name" = 'cfdot') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.665909 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000203s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-bbs') AND ("name" = 'cfdot') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.667982 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000281s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-bbs') AND ("name" = 'bbs') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.670248 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000215s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-bbs') AND ("name" = 'bbs') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.672703 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000278s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-bbs') AND ("name" = 'locket') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.674709 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000210s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-bbs') AND ("name" = 'locket') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.676670 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000216s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.677978 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000187s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.678916 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000462s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.681155 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000214s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'uaa') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.681843 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000067s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.682507 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000208s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'uaa', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 5)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.684425 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001747s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.692256 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000303s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 5) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.693180 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000144s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.694026 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000284s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 11)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.696117 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001922s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.697019 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000136s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.697953 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000353s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 11)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.699856 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001754s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.701603 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000261s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 5) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.702492 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000091s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.703237 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000317s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.705028 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001664s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.706023 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000206s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.706719 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000277s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.708509 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001617s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.710413 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000380s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 5) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.711211 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000129s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.711969 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000297s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 13)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.713652 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001533s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.714269 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000083s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.715029 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000281s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 5, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 13)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.716744 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001578s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.719098 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000310s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'uaa') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.720008 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000196s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.720666 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000247s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'uaa', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 6)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.722422 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001621s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.724008 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 6) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.724744 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000076s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.725512 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000279s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 6, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.727230 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001525s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.727999 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000121s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.728761 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000337s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 6, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.730409 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001517s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.732006 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000330s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 6) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.732727 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000118s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.733416 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000226s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 6, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 13)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.735147 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001608s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.735917 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000127s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.736572 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000240s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 6, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 13)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.738180 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001478s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.739538 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000218s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 6) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.740101 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000069s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.740696 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000222s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 6, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 14)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.742127 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001291s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.742959 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000175s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.743614 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000246s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 6, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 14)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.745062 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001330s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.746150 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'uaa') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.747461 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000197s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 26) AND ("version" = '60')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.748980 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001015s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 26)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.753509 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000266s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'uaa') AND ("name" = 'uaa') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.754208 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000088s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.754847 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000211s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'uaa', "name" = 'uaa', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 6)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.756665 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001681s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.762189 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000313s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 6) AND ("original_name" = 'uaa_db')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.762920 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000086s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.763632 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000239s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 6, "original_name" = 'uaa_db', "type" = 'uaa_db', "name" = 'uaa_db', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"uaadb":{"address":"","databases":[{"name":"uaadb","tag":"uaa"}],"db_scheme":"postgres","port":"5524","roles":[{"name":"uaadb","password":"uaadb-secret","tag":"admin"}]},"release_level_backup":false}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 14)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.765227 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001454s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.766162 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000128s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.766875 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000277s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 6, "original_name" = 'uaa_db', "type" = 'uaa_db', "name" = 'uaa_db', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"uaadb":{"address":"","databases":[{"name":"uaadb","tag":"uaa"}],"db_scheme":"postgres","port":"5524","roles":[{"name":"uaadb","password":"uaadb-secret","tag":"admin"}]},"release_level_backup":false}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 14)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.768481 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001476s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.772115 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000255s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 6) AND ("original_name" = 'uaa_keys')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.773039 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000372s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.773835 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 6, "original_name" = 'uaa_keys', "type" = 'uaa_keys', "name" = 'uaa_keys', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"encryption":{"active_key_label":"default_key","encryption_keys":[{"label":"default_key","passphrase":"default-encryption-passphrase"}]}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 15)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.779708 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.005727s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.780494 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000077s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.781252 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000305s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 6, "original_name" = 'uaa_keys', "type" = 'uaa_keys', "name" = 'uaa_keys', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"encryption":{"active_key_label":"default_key","encryption_keys":[{"label":"default_key","passphrase":"default-encryption-passphrase"}]}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 15)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.784091 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.002696s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.788567 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000288s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'uaa') AND ("name" = 'uaa') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.789330 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000128s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.790141 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000252s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'uaa', "name" = 'uaa', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 7)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.791757 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001455s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.795584 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000358s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 7) AND ("original_name" = 'router')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.796560 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000105s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.797301 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000257s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 7, "original_name" = 'router', "type" = 'http-router', "name" = 'router', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 15)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.798884 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001430s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.799510 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000082s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.800329 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000297s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 7, "original_name" = 'router', "type" = 'http-router', "name" = 'router', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 15)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.801743 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001295s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.803101 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000296s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 7) AND ("original_name" = 'database')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.803786 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000088s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.804522 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000270s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 7, "original_name" = 'database', "type" = 'database', "name" = 'database', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 16)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.805999 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001360s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.806928 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000212s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.807696 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000373s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 7, "original_name" = 'database', "type" = 'database', "name" = 'database', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 16)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.809151 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001326s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.810665 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000287s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'routing') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.812046 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000300s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 31) AND ("version" = '0.179.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.813254 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000676s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 32)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.816151 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000246s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'uaa') AND ("name" = 'route_registrar') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.816820 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000067s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.817495 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000189s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'uaa', "name" = 'route_registrar', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 13)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.819099 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001472s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.820536 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000263s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 13) AND ("original_name" = 'nats')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.821343 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000080s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.822016 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000217s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 13, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 28)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.823427 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001268s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.824089 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000116s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.824717 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000257s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 13, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 28)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.826084 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001251s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.827235 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000197s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'statsd-injector') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.828441 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000195s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 32) AND ("version" = '1.3.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.829326 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000345s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 33)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.831788 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000210s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.833116 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000220s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.834030 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000466s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.836400 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000222s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'api') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.837980 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000080s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.838854 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000476s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'api', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.840549 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001500s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.841149 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000087s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.841971 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000275s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'api', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 7)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.843673 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001573s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.845925 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000309s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 7) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.847419 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000068s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.848316 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000515s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (7, 'consul_common', 'consul_common') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.850230 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001674s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.850918 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000084s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.851725 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000345s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 7, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 16)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.853211 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001320s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.853987 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000128s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.854780 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000335s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 7, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 16)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.856344 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001314s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.858214 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000252s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 7) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.859030 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000162s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.859906 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000490s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (7, 'consul_server', 'consul_server') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.861590 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001441s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.862326 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000160s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.863117 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000266s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 7, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 17)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.864712 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001469s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.865389 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000120s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.866202 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000284s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 7, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 17)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.867635 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001315s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.869611 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000239s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 7) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.870596 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000182s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.871371 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000404s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (7, 'consul_client', 'consul_client') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.873135 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001536s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.873741 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000129s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.874405 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000256s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 7, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 18)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.875725 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001205s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.876571 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000170s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.877301 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000303s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 7, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 18)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.878664 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001223s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.880988 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000290s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'api') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.882622 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000117s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.883503 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000465s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'api', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.885084 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001373s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.885727 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000122s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.886412 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000269s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'api', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 14)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.887913 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001343s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.889748 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000307s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 14) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.891320 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000089s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.892245 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000535s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (14, 'consul_common', 'consul_common', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.893900 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001446s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.894485 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000118s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.895250 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000246s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 14, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 29)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.896819 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001416s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.897490 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000080s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.898131 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000234s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 14, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 29)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.899494 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001243s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.900916 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000252s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 14) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.901823 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000128s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.902555 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000370s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (14, 'consul_server', 'consul_server', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.904562 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001597s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.905372 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000129s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.906121 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000280s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 14, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 30)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.907563 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001314s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.908318 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000159s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.909116 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000274s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 14, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 30)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.910567 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001333s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.911914 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000238s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 14) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.912827 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000095s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.913546 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000364s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (14, 'consul_client', 'consul_client', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.914966 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001178s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.915659 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000126s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.916326 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000245s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 14, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 31)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.917809 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001366s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.918582 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000122s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.919204 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000233s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 14, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 31)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.920495 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001186s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.921754 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000274s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'capi') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.923273 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000195s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 7) AND ("version" = '1.61.0-sap.1')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.924693 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000961s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 7)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.929237 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000260s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'api') AND ("name" = 'cloud_controller_ng') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.930114 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000152s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.930945 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000353s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'api', 'cloud_controller_ng', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.932639 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001505s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.933239 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000113s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.934165 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000422s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'api', "name" = 'cloud_controller_ng', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 8)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.935716 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001415s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.941363 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000270s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 8) AND ("original_name" = 'cloud_controller')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.942228 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000086s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.943070 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000397s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (8, 'cloud_controller', 'cloud_controller') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.944683 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001403s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.945244 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000084s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.946052 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000325s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 8, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller', "type" = 'cloud_controller', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 19)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.947450 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001242s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.948170 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000087s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.948801 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000220s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 8, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller', "type" = 'cloud_controller', "name" = 'cloud_controller', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"system_domain":"","app_domains":[""]}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 19)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.950083 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001154s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.953397 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000240s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 8) AND ("original_name" = 'cloud_controller_db')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.954240 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000142s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.954967 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000361s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (8, 'cloud_controller_db', 'cloud_controller_db') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.956487 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001316s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.957043 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000094s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.957774 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000325s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 8, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_db', "type" = 'cloud_controller_db', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 20)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.959103 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001212s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.959850 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000087s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.960487 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000255s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 8, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_db', "type" = 'cloud_controller_db', "name" = 'cloud_controller_db', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"ccdb":{"address":"","databases":[{"name":"ccdb","tag":"cc"}],"db_scheme":"postgres","port":"5524","roles":[{"name":"ccdb","password":"ccdb-secret","tag":"admin"}],"connection_validation_timeout":3600,"max_connections":25,"pool_timeout":10,"read_timeout":3600,"ssl_verify_hostname":true}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 20)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.961811 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001206s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.965176 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000219s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 8) AND ("original_name" = 'directories_to_backup')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.966024 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000070s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.966717 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000365s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (8, 'directories_to_backup', 'directories_to_backup') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.968220 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001287s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.968915 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000155s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.969579 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000244s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 8, "original_name" = 'directories_to_backup', "type" = 'directories_to_backup', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 21)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.971164 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001332s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.971898 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000119s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.972559 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000252s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 8, "original_name" = 'directories_to_backup', "type" = 'directories_to_backup', "name" = 'directories_to_backup', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"cc":{"packages":{"app_package_directory_key":"app-pkg-y6cesmy6xy4"},"droplets":{"droplet_directory_key":"droplet-q_ioaqk91dw"},"buildpacks":{"buildpack_directory_key":"buildpack-rujq_gqvi_y"}}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 21)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.974003 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001318s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.977685 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000318s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 8) AND ("original_name" = 'cloud_controller_internal')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.978566 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000148s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.979269 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000300s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (8, 'cloud_controller_internal', 'cloud_controller_internal') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.980934 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001457s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.981543 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000099s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.982276 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000245s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 8, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "type" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 22)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.983668 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001272s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.984400 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000128s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.985065 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000258s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 8, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "type" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "name" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"cc":{"logging_level":"info","logging_max_retries":1,"db_logging_level":"info","log_db_queries":true,"db_encryption_key":"db-encryption-key","database_encryption":{"keys":{},"current_key_label":""},"volume_services_enabled":false,"system_hostnames":["api","uaa","login","doppler","loggregator","hm9000","credhub"],"uaa":{"client_timeout":60}},"copilot":{"enabled":false,"host":"","client_ca_file":null,"client_key_file":null,"client_chain_file":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 22)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.986362 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001086s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.990253 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000244s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'api') AND ("name" = 'cloud_controller_ng') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.991041 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000072s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.991719 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000327s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'api', 'cloud_controller_ng', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.993233 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001312s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.993859 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000125s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.994556 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000229s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'api', "name" = 'cloud_controller_ng', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 15)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.996021 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001332s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:07.999714 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000312s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 15) AND ("original_name" = 'database')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.000673 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000141s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.001472 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000340s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (15, 'database', 'database', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.003128 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001399s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.003805 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000183s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.004619 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000278s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'database', "type" = 'database', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 32)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.005992 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001248s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.006690 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000131s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.007384 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000227s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'database', "type" = 'database', "name" = 'database', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 32)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.008757 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001258s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.010071 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000287s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 15) AND ("original_name" = 'cc_uploader')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.010772 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000066s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.011511 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000387s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (15, 'cc_uploader', 'cc_uploader', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.012944 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001194s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.013591 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000077s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.014298 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000253s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'cc_uploader', "type" = 'cc_uploader', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 33)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.015741 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001315s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.016390 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000082s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.017123 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000296s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'cc_uploader', "type" = 'cc_uploader', "name" = 'cc_uploader', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 33)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.018576 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001305s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.019898 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000261s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 15) AND ("original_name" = 'perm')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.020633 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000085s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.021285 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000304s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (15, 'perm', 'perm', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.022573 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001100s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.023091 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000089s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.023690 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000237s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'perm', "type" = 'perm', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 34)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.025054 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001214s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.025718 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000144s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.026401 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000251s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'perm', "type" = 'perm', "name" = 'perm', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 34)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.027911 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001401s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.029328 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000257s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 15) AND ("original_name" = 'credhub')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.030173 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000075s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.030840 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000342s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (15, 'credhub', 'credhub', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.032339 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001302s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.033081 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000139s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.033737 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000263s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'credhub', "type" = 'credhub', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 35)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.035218 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001363s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.035904 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000123s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.036571 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000241s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'credhub', "type" = 'credhub', "name" = 'credhub', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 35)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.037993 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001297s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.039352 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000232s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 15) AND ("original_name" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.040291 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000138s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.040941 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000264s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (15, 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.042525 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001384s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.043131 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000124s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.043833 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000241s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', "type" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 36)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.045929 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001974s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.046653 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000137s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.047293 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000231s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', "type" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', "name" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 36)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.048513 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001099s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.049784 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000266s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'binary-buildpack') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.051123 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000208s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 5) AND ("version" = '1.0.21')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.051947 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000377s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 5)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.053709 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000216s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'dotnet-core-buildpack') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.054855 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000185s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 9) AND ("version" = '2.1.3')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.055599 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000353s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 9)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.057270 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000285s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'go-buildpack') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.058557 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000224s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 10) AND ("version" = '1.8.25')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.059297 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000367s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 10)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.060738 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000168s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'java-buildpack') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.061936 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000186s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 11) AND ("version" = '4.12')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.062799 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000396s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 11)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.064291 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000190s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'nodejs-buildpack') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.065567 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000213s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 17) AND ("version" = '1.6.28')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.066429 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000375s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 17)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.067889 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000181s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'php-buildpack') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.069130 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000233s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 18) AND ("version" = '4.3.57')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.069828 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000308s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 18)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.071290 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000211s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'python-buildpack') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.072365 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000227s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 21) AND ("version" = '1.6.18')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.073066 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000290s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 21)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.074525 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000248s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'ruby-buildpack') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.075662 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000235s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 20) AND ("version" = '1.7.21')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.076409 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000335s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 20)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.077817 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000177s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'staticfile-buildpack') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.078995 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000173s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 22) AND ("version" = '1.4.29')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.079780 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000367s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 22)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.081271 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000186s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'routing') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.082618 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000277s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 31) AND ("version" = '0.179.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.083651 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000608s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 32)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.085756 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000212s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'api') AND ("name" = 'route_registrar') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.086611 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000077s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.087295 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000314s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'api', 'route_registrar', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.089146 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001656s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.089859 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000083s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.090489 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000215s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'api', "name" = 'route_registrar', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 16)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.091912 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001289s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.093493 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000247s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 16) AND ("original_name" = 'nats')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.094392 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000093s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.095081 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000273s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (16, 'nats', 'nats', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.096539 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001258s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.097238 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000187s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.098514 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000319s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 16, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 37)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.100087 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001285s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.100959 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000158s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.101761 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000265s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 16, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 37)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.103348 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001441s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.104612 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000247s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'statsd-injector') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.106085 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000323s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 32) AND ("version" = '1.3.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.107023 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000384s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 33)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.108413 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000186s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'diego') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.109683 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000248s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 14) AND ("version" = '2.12.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.111041 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000839s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 14)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.114359 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000208s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'api') AND ("name" = 'cc_uploader') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.115205 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000079s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.115899 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000321s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'api', 'cc_uploader', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.117535 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001467s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.118201 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000098s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.118871 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000302s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'api', "name" = 'cc_uploader', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 9)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.120474 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001420s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.122301 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000242s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 9) AND ("original_name" = 'cc_uploader')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.123134 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000145s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.123885 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000338s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (9, 'cc_uploader', 'cc_uploader') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.125450 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001366s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.126070 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000102s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.126732 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000270s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 9, "original_name" = 'cc_uploader', "type" = 'cc_uploader', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 23)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.128128 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001256s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.128922 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000141s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.129613 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000319s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 9, "original_name" = 'cc_uploader', "type" = 'cc_uploader', "name" = 'cc_uploader', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"internal_hostname":"","http_port":9090,"https_port":9091}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 23)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.130989 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001235s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.133213 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000213s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.134386 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000197s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.135272 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000478s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.137619 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000261s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-worker') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.138377 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000081s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.139045 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000332s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'cc-worker', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.140756 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001483s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.141306 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000100s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.141934 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000234s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'cc-worker', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 10)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.143329 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001280s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.145348 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000233s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 10) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.146207 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000094s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.146830 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000266s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (10, 'consul_common', 'consul_common') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.148408 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001322s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.149120 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000114s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.149852 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000275s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 10, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 24)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.151270 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001290s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.152089 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000112s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.152735 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000256s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 10, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 24)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.154231 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001323s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.155941 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000283s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 10) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.156818 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000093s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.157444 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000282s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (10, 'consul_server', 'consul_server') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.159124 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001480s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.159773 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000136s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.160520 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000291s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 10, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 25)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.161904 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001216s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.162760 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000073s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.163677 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000439s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 10, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 25)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.164992 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001170s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.166984 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000295s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 10) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.167840 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000110s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.168551 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000306s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (10, 'consul_client', 'consul_client') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.170160 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001411s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.170735 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000089s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.171402 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000245s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 10, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 26)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.172895 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001345s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.173716 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000144s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.174418 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000242s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 10, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 26)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.175755 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001220s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.178212 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000251s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-worker') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.179086 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000117s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.179887 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000363s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'cc-worker', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.181753 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001678s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.182434 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000097s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.183110 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000221s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'cc-worker', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 17)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.184420 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001177s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.186191 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000246s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 17) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.187080 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000076s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.187743 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000281s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (17, 'consul_common', 'consul_common', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.189413 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001463s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.190101 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000142s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.190971 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000413s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 38)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.192327 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001216s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.193219 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000133s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.194114 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000260s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 38)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.195735 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001498s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.197246 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000243s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 17) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.198264 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000125s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.198989 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000316s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (17, 'consul_server', 'consul_server', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.200611 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001405s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.201240 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000101s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.202010 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000328s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 39)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.203390 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001248s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.204160 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000157s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.204871 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000274s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 39)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.206196 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001211s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.207588 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000317s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 17) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.208351 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000102s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.208974 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000278s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (17, 'consul_client', 'consul_client', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.210567 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001414s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.211176 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000107s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.211792 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000253s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 40)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.213218 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001268s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.213935 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000148s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.214658 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000288s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 40)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.216100 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001303s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.217460 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000253s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'capi') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.218893 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000231s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 7) AND ("version" = '1.61.0-sap.1')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.220403 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001026s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 7)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.225990 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000267s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-worker') AND ("name" = 'cloud_controller_worker') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.226943 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000165s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.227731 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000379s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'cc-worker', 'cloud_controller_worker', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.229611 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001690s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.230206 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000095s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.230820 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000235s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'cc-worker', "name" = 'cloud_controller_worker', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 18)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.232294 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001354s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.234945 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000255s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 18) AND ("original_name" = 'database')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.235791 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000092s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.236412 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000281s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (18, 'database', 'database', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.238157 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001537s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.238895 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000150s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.239627 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000285s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 18, "original_name" = 'database', "type" = 'database', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 41)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.241137 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001340s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.241940 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000111s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.242636 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000279s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 18, "original_name" = 'database', "type" = 'database', "name" = 'database', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 41)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.243977 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001190s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.245427 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 18) AND ("original_name" = 'credhub')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.246308 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000131s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.246941 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000292s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (18, 'credhub', 'credhub', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.248445 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001274s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.249193 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000187s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.249881 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000272s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 18, "original_name" = 'credhub', "type" = 'credhub', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 42)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.251493 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001474s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.252170 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000100s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.252845 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000277s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 18, "original_name" = 'credhub', "type" = 'credhub', "name" = 'credhub', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 42)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.254116 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001159s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.259484 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000269s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 18) AND ("original_name" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.260416 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000304s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.261235 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000382s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (18, 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.263177 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001726s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.263746 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000102s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.264371 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 18, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', "type" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 43)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.265769 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001291s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.266385 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000103s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.267102 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000260s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 18, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', "type" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', "name" = 'cloud_controller_to_copilot_conn', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 43)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.268418 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001201s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.269669 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000272s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 18) AND ("original_name" = 'cloud_controller_internal')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.270514 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000094s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.271142 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000274s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (18, 'cloud_controller_internal', 'cloud_controller_internal', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.272656 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001310s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.273342 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000186s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.274218 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000427s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 18, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "type" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 44)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.275828 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001484s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.276539 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000133s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.277243 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000308s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 18, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "type" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "name" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 44)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.278729 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001372s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.280532 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000291s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.281931 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000245s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.283000 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000519s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.285194 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000235s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'router') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.286025 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000082s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.286723 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000360s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'router', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.288560 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001656s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.289101 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000096s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.289767 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000302s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'router', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 11)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.291544 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001641s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.293630 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000304s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 11) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.294636 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000177s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.295447 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000436s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (11, 'consul_common', 'consul_common') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.297081 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001426s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.297690 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000132s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.298359 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000260s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 11, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 27)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.300056 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001584s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.300839 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000181s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.301481 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000284s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 11, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 27)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.302931 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001323s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.304640 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000286s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 11) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.305489 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000142s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.306112 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000295s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (11, 'consul_server', 'consul_server') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.307726 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001420s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.308329 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000137s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.309069 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000270s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 11, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 28)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.310436 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001258s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.311112 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000140s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.311777 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000278s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 11, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 28)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.313176 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001266s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.314791 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000238s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 11) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.315415 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000077s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.316001 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000280s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (11, 'consul_client', 'consul_client') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.317549 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001270s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.318128 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000096s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.318739 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000253s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 11, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 29)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.320140 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001285s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.320843 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000171s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.321563 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000299s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 11, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 29)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.323071 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001356s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.325190 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000266s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'router') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.326024 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000104s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.326702 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000334s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'router', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.328505 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001620s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.329178 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000141s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.329910 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000272s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'router', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 19)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.331576 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001537s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.333468 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000342s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 19) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.334483 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000135s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.335219 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000294s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (19, 'consul_common', 'consul_common', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.336732 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001316s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.337352 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000149s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.338185 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000349s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 45)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.339702 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001374s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.340439 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000142s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.341085 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000262s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 45)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.342623 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001425s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.343838 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000236s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 19) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.344513 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000076s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.345081 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000259s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (19, 'consul_server', 'consul_server', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.346592 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001329s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.347151 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000094s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.347858 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000253s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 46)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.349238 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001271s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.349931 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000134s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.350552 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000248s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 46)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.351854 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001190s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.353184 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000244s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 19) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.353877 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000080s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.354458 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000275s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (19, 'consul_client', 'consul_client', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.355985 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001298s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.356498 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000095s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.357102 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000229s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 47)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.358477 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001260s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.359135 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000146s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.359854 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000274s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 47)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.361250 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001265s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.362301 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000216s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'routing') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.363628 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000283s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 31) AND ("version" = '0.179.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.364704 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000599s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 32)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.367607 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000222s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'router') AND ("name" = 'gorouter') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.368393 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000081s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.369082 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000351s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'router', 'gorouter', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.370805 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001465s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.371394 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000100s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.371964 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000214s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'router', "name" = 'gorouter', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.373337 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001257s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.375773 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000287s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 12) AND ("original_name" = 'gorouter')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.376656 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000118s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.377298 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000262s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (12, 'gorouter', 'http-router') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.378810 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001285s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.379426 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000104s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.380067 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000239s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 12, "original_name" = 'gorouter', "type" = 'http-router', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 30)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.381494 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001309s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.382212 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000138s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.382835 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000261s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 12, "original_name" = 'gorouter', "type" = 'http-router', "name" = 'gorouter_link', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 30)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.384405 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001444s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.386886 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000256s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'router') AND ("name" = 'gorouter') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.387716 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000145s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.388351 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000286s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'router', 'gorouter', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.389911 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001381s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.390500 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000109s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.391232 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000279s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'router', "name" = 'gorouter', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 20)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.392619 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001251s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.394553 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000252s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 20) AND ("original_name" = 'nats')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.395406 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000093s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.396051 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000271s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (20, 'nats', 'nats', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.397621 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001371s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.398476 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000178s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.399194 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000265s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 20, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 48)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.401039 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001718s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.401771 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000160s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.402475 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000274s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 20, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 48)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.403893 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001296s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.405782 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000253s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.407119 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000309s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.408199 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000509s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.410289 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.412133 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000308s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.414101 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000285s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.416230 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000263s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'scheduler') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.417160 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000139s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.417869 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000331s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'scheduler', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.419607 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001548s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.420234 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000102s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.420860 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000253s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'scheduler', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 13)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.422581 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001593s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.424497 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000235s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 13) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.425409 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000092s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.426228 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000343s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (13, 'consul_common', 'consul_common') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.427795 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001348s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.428374 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000102s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.429052 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000293s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 13, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 31)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.430748 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001583s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.431494 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000126s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.432125 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000242s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 13, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 31)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.433514 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001261s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.435083 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000234s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 13) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.435958 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000089s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.436539 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000277s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (13, 'consul_server', 'consul_server') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.437963 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001241s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.438562 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000136s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.439272 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000247s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 13, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 32)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.440586 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001198s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.441216 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000099s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.441866 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000290s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 13, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 32)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.443166 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001189s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.444885 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000247s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 13) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.445610 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000127s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.446219 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000279s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (13, 'consul_client', 'consul_client') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.447704 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001298s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.448466 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000182s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.449096 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 13, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 33)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.450467 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001251s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.451089 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000103s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.451729 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000285s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 13, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 33)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.453195 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001316s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.454971 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000257s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.456456 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000200s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.457901 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000205s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.459551 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000194s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'scheduler') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.460350 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000077s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.460964 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000289s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'scheduler', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.462813 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001654s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.463410 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000162s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.464092 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000284s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'scheduler', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 21)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.465520 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001314s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.467076 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000253s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 21) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.467803 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000079s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.468570 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000344s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (21, 'consul_common', 'consul_common', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.470087 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001311s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.470609 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000096s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.471237 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000237s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 21, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 49)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.472710 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001341s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.473331 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000095s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.474093 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000291s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 21, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 49)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.475353 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001151s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.476743 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000283s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 21) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.477682 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000183s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.478315 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000280s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (21, 'consul_server', 'consul_server', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.479762 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001261s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.480348 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000139s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.481060 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000252s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 21, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 50)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.482379 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001207s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.483025 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000163s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.483665 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000282s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 21, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 50)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.485357 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001546s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.486848 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000269s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 21) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.487504 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000087s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.488074 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000272s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (21, 'consul_client', 'consul_client', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.489749 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001407s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.490424 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000162s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.491097 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000294s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 21, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 51)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.492359 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001144s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.492958 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000107s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.493672 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000294s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 21, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 51)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.495125 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001340s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.496275 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000257s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'diego') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.497555 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000239s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 14) AND ("version" = '2.12.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.498989 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000914s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 14)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.501212 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000260s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'cfdot') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.503018 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000269s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'cfdot') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.504539 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000214s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'cfdot') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.506209 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000206s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'cfdot') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.507664 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000299s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'cfdot') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.509446 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000218s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'cfdot') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.511724 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000327s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'auctioneer') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.513672 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000240s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'auctioneer') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.515324 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000401s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'auctioneer') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.517368 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000251s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'auctioneer') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.518885 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000220s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'auctioneer') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.520373 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000269s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'auctioneer') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.521912 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000221s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'capi') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.523123 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000258s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 7) AND ("version" = '1.61.0-sap.1')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.524533 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000956s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 7)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.526784 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000217s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'cloud_controller_clock') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.528308 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000299s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'cloud_controller_clock') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.530177 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000292s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'cloud_controller_clock') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.532867 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000211s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'cloud_controller_clock') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.534296 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000182s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'cloud_controller_clock') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.535761 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000198s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'cloud_controller_clock') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.538568 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000211s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'scheduler') AND ("name" = 'cloud_controller_clock') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.539410 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000139s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.540151 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000315s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'scheduler', 'cloud_controller_clock', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.542048 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001692s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.542749 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000110s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.543386 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000226s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'scheduler', "name" = 'cloud_controller_clock', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 22)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.544895 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001382s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.547358 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 22) AND ("original_name" = 'database')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.548205 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000092s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.548906 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000295s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (22, 'database', 'database', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.550557 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001453s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.551218 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000147s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.551905 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000274s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'database', "type" = 'database', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 52)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.553233 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001202s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.553898 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000116s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.554626 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000323s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'database', "type" = 'database', "name" = 'database', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 52)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.556029 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001286s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.557259 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000260s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 22) AND ("original_name" = 'credhub')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.558134 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000125s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.558744 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000307s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (22, 'credhub', 'credhub', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.560280 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001350s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.560820 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000101s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.561490 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000325s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'credhub', "type" = 'credhub', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 53)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.563090 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001443s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.563789 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000111s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.564494 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000346s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'credhub', "type" = 'credhub', "name" = 'credhub', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 53)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.566203 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001592s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.567720 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000335s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 22) AND ("original_name" = 'cloud_controller_internal')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.568395 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000094s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.569003 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000292s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (22, 'cloud_controller_internal', 'cloud_controller_internal', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.570449 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001269s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.571294 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000189s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.572027 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000317s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "type" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 54)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.573406 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001266s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.574020 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000097s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.574641 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000259s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "type" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "name" = 'cloud_controller_internal', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 54)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.576061 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001314s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.577278 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000241s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'statsd-injector') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.578569 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 32) AND ("version" = '1.3.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.579462 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000368s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 33)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.581196 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000225s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'statsd_injector') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.582947 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000293s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'statsd_injector') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.584587 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000217s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'statsd_injector') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.586291 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000221s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'statsd_injector') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.587717 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000205s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'statsd_injector') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.589258 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000178s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'statsd_injector') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.591336 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000295s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'tps') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.593108 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000208s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'tps') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.594561 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000172s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'tps') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.596247 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000273s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'tps') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.597745 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000206s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'tps') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.599229 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000267s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'tps') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.601438 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000217s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'ssh_proxy') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.602937 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000216s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'ssh_proxy') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.604415 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000260s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'ssh_proxy') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.606333 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000312s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'scheduler') AND ("name" = 'ssh_proxy') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.607230 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000109s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.608084 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000411s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'scheduler', 'ssh_proxy', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.610088 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001774s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.610793 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000153s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.611461 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000259s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'scheduler', "name" = 'ssh_proxy', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 14)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.613055 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001458s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.614967 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000345s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 14) AND ("original_name" = 'ssh_proxy')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.615907 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000167s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.616580 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000316s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (14, 'ssh_proxy', 'ssh_proxy') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.618439 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001637s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.619130 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000131s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.620039 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000393s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 14, "original_name" = 'ssh_proxy', "type" = 'ssh_proxy', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 34)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.621631 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001424s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.622325 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000103s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.623047 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000305s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 14, "original_name" = 'ssh_proxy', "type" = 'ssh_proxy', "name" = 'ssh_proxy_link', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 34)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.624480 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001313s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.626410 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000285s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-bridge') AND ("name" = 'ssh_proxy') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.628250 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000234s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'cc-clock') AND ("name" = 'ssh_proxy') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.629860 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000220s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-brain') AND ("name" = 'ssh_proxy') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.631731 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000179s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.632927 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000191s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.633867 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000534s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.636228 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000319s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'etcd_z2') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.638422 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000251s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'etcd') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.639349 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000105s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.639973 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000287s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'etcd', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.641816 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001666s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.642467 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000110s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.643181 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000277s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'etcd', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 15)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.644832 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001501s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.646831 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000274s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 15) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.647791 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000162s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.648455 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000302s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (15, 'consul_common', 'consul_common') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.650324 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001528s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.651054 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000165s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.651813 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000317s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 35)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.653258 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001325s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.653974 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000131s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.654662 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000262s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 35)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.656107 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001325s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.657588 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000266s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 15) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.658339 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000135s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.658970 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000319s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (15, 'consul_server', 'consul_server') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.660545 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001351s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.661201 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000134s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.661931 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000311s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 36)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.663685 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001615s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.664406 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000164s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.665186 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000353s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 36)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.666599 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001282s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.668394 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000322s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 15) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.669244 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000155s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.669933 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000366s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (15, 'consul_client', 'consul_client') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.671553 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001371s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.672097 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000096s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.672712 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000248s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 37)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.674099 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001270s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.674832 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000116s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.675519 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000325s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 15, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 37)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.677100 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001462s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.679186 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000262s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'etcd_z2') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.681220 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000237s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'etcd') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.681973 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000078s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.682623 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000305s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'etcd', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.684257 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001349s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.684801 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000092s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.685425 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000225s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'etcd', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 23)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.686818 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001265s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.688494 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000259s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 23) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.689355 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000085s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.690027 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000327s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (23, 'consul_common', 'consul_common', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.691469 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001253s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.692101 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000156s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.692831 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000308s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 23, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 55)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.694180 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001210s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.694869 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000103s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.695463 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000242s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 23, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 55)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.696884 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001312s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.698314 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000339s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 23) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.699233 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000113s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.699836 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000287s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (23, 'consul_server', 'consul_server', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.701433 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001415s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.702087 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000097s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.702789 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000324s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 23, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 56)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.704315 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001368s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.704959 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000106s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.705604 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000252s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 23, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 56)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.707087 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001348s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.708521 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000252s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 23) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.709229 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000077s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.709844 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000306s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (23, 'consul_client', 'consul_client', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.711409 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001383s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.712108 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000141s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.712779 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000278s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 23, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 57)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.714249 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001349s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.714989 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000110s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.715673 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 23, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 57)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.717050 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001263s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.718302 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000283s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'etcd') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.719674 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000242s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 30) AND ("version" = '117')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.720620 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000448s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 30)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.722970 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000240s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'etcd_z2') AND ("name" = 'etcd') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.725027 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000396s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'etcd') AND ("name" = 'etcd') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.725960 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000147s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.726612 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000306s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'etcd', 'etcd', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.728563 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001706s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.729195 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000190s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.729855 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000292s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'etcd', "name" = 'etcd', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 16)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.731496 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001441s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.733614 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000281s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 16) AND ("original_name" = 'etcd')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.734456 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000126s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.735191 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000309s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (16, 'etcd', 'etcd_service') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.736778 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001390s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.737451 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000132s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.738259 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000304s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 16, "original_name" = 'etcd', "type" = 'etcd_service', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 38)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.739735 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001344s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.740654 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000104s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.741903 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000803s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 16, "original_name" = 'etcd', "type" = 'etcd_service', "name" = 'etcd', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"etcd":{"enable_network_diagnostics":true,"network_diagnostics_duration_in_seconds":300,"heartbeat_interval_in_milliseconds":50,"election_timeout_in_milliseconds":1000,"cluster":[{"instances":1,"name":"etcd"}],"require_ssl":true,"ca_cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n91eb9MrTuVcdV7M=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","server_cert":"-----BEGIN 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CERTIFICATE-----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\nNwHLoQX6kFogV1m6K6QUwBpTZIRLgJbqfqo=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","peer_key":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nB0LJM8B7EHNdQlD2QXfShNNTyFqOeypjHGhICyU8aXS2OJli5RBekQ==\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n","peer_ip":"","dns_health_check_host":"","advertise_urls_dns_suffix":""}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 38)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.743675 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001525s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.745707 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000338s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'etcd_z2') AND ("name" = 'etcd') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.748121 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000317s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'etcd') AND ("name" = 'etcd') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.749048 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000171s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.749784 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000362s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'etcd', 'etcd', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.751562 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001596s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.752279 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000150s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.752909 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000259s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'etcd', "name" = 'etcd', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 24)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.754339 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001279s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.755788 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 24) AND ("original_name" = 'etcd')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.756516 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000079s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.757099 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000271s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (24, 'etcd', 'etcd_service', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.758693 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001354s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.759256 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000100s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.759884 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000265s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 24, "original_name" = 'etcd', "type" = 'etcd_service', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 58)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.761441 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001350s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.762157 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000150s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.762890 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000354s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 24, "original_name" = 'etcd', "type" = 'etcd_service', "name" = 'etcd', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 58)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.764422 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001413s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.766854 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000311s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'etcd_z2') AND ("name" = 'etcd_metrics_server') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.768758 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000244s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'etcd_z2') AND ("name" = 'etcd_metrics_server') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.770721 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000193s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.771964 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000322s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.773107 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000525s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.775298 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000226s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'doppler') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.776096 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000091s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.776777 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000340s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'doppler', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.778592 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001595s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.779252 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000110s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.779989 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000289s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'doppler', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 17)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.781334 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001223s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.783412 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000282s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 17) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.784162 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000148s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.784845 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000307s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (17, 'consul_common', 'consul_common') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.786329 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001308s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.786990 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000198s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.787745 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000298s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 39)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.789140 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001254s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.789916 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000111s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.790539 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000269s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 39)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.792080 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001432s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.793653 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000272s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 17) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.794363 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000097s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.794940 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000279s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (17, 'consul_server', 'consul_server') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.796584 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001426s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.797165 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000137s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.797964 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000388s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 40)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.799337 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001254s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.800052 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000110s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.800705 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000284s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 40)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.802035 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001227s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.803575 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000312s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 17) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.804215 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000094s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.804817 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000271s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (17, 'consul_client', 'consul_client') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.806132 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001149s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.806791 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000135s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.807432 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000253s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 41)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.808678 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001141s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.809335 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000136s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.809975 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000242s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 17, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 41)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.811293 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001159s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.813392 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000248s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'doppler') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.814299 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000094s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.814965 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000290s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'doppler', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.816375 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001163s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.817054 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000176s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.817858 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000334s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'doppler', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 25)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.819162 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001160s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.820937 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000295s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 25) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.821700 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000096s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.822329 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000266s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (25, 'consul_common', 'consul_common', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.823840 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001287s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.824370 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000102s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.825008 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000249s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 25, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 59)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.826400 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001275s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.827078 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000110s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.827693 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000262s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 25, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 59)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.829237 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001427s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.830742 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000304s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 25) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.831667 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000255s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.832298 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000309s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (25, 'consul_server', 'consul_server', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.834016 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001518s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.834708 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000110s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.835372 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000278s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 25, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 60)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.836730 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001250s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.837500 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000175s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.838218 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000255s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 25, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 60)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.839630 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001287s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.840940 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000248s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 25) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.841762 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000094s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.842482 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000371s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (25, 'consul_client', 'consul_client', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.844029 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001343s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.844641 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000103s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.845285 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000243s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 25, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 61)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.846614 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001181s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.847210 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000093s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.847884 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000302s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 25, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 61)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.849383 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001322s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.850448 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000246s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'loggregator') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.851850 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000245s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 16) AND ("version" = '99.2')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.852986 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000689s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 16)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.856025 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000320s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'doppler') AND ("name" = 'doppler') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.856905 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000117s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.857583 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000279s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'doppler', 'doppler', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.859279 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001462s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.859989 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000160s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.860642 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000275s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'doppler', "name" = 'doppler', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 18)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.862016 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001235s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.863952 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000230s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 18) AND ("original_name" = 'doppler')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.864817 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000136s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.865499 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000331s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (18, 'doppler', 'doppler') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.867193 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001410s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.867986 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000093s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.868853 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000277s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 18, "original_name" = 'doppler', "type" = 'doppler', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 42)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.870364 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001367s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.871307 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000175s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.872153 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000326s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 18, "original_name" = 'doppler', "type" = 'doppler', "name" = 'doppler', "content" = NULL, "shared" = true, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"doppler":{"grpc_port":8082}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 42)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.873799 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001476s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.877144 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000258s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.878635 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000247s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.879618 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000527s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.882398 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-cell') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.883245 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000070s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.883944 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000269s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'diego-cell', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.885848 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001688s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.886624 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000125s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.887533 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000325s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'diego-cell', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 19)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.889285 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001552s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.891556 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000276s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 19) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.892580 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000135s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.893284 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000308s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (19, 'consul_common', 'consul_common') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.894980 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001446s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.895656 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000090s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.896433 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000304s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 43)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.898024 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001421s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.898787 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000087s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.899559 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000279s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 43)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.900955 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001267s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.902716 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000252s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 19) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.903393 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000064s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.903985 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (19, 'consul_server', 'consul_server') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.905416 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001215s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.906063 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000142s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.906766 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000238s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 44)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.908115 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001202s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.908940 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000140s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.909691 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000290s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 44)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.911097 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001240s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.912855 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000261s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 19) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.913698 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000146s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.914416 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000307s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (19, 'consul_client', 'consul_client') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.916170 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001506s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.916952 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000138s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.917811 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000349s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 45)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.919502 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001556s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.920278 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000133s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.920982 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000258s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 19, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 45)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.922417 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001302s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.924922 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000234s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-cell') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.929629 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000086s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.930294 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000271s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'diego-cell', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.931995 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001483s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.932579 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000119s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.933340 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000236s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'diego-cell', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 26)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.934692 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001214s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.936580 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000304s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 26) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.937470 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000123s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.938284 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000303s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (26, 'consul_common', 'consul_common', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.939861 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001350s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.940433 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000112s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.941187 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000284s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 26, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 62)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.942584 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001259s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.943336 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000109s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.943973 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000227s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 26, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 62)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.945542 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001447s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.946857 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 26) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.947879 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000122s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.948544 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000308s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (26, 'consul_server', 'consul_server', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.950065 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001315s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.950672 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000122s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.951375 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000237s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 26, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 63)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.952665 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001166s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.953408 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000141s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.954099 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000285s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 26, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 63)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.955428 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001209s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.956790 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000305s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 26) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.957678 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000128s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.958346 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000299s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (26, 'consul_client', 'consul_client', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.960017 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001457s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.960753 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000114s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.961456 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000289s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 26, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 64)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.962766 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001195s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.963450 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000153s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.964081 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000256s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 26, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 64)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.965443 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001242s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.966631 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000269s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'cflinuxfs2') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.967818 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000197s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 13) AND ("version" = '1.223.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.968856 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000448s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 13)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.970500 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000192s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'garden-runc') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.971826 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000230s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 19) AND ("version" = '1.15.1')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.972960 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000618s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 19)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.975635 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000238s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'diego') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.976897 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000184s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 14) AND ("version" = '2.12.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.978059 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000715s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 14)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.982934 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000277s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'diego-cell') AND ("name" = 'route_emitter') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.983850 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000135s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.984533 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000282s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'diego-cell', 'route_emitter', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.986622 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001790s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.987365 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000151s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.988091 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000268s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'diego-cell', "name" = 'route_emitter', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 27)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.989634 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001408s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.991576 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000330s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 27) AND ("original_name" = 'nats')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.992417 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000120s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.993062 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000279s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (27, 'nats', 'nats', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.994514 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001244s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.995195 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000088s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.995894 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000269s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 27, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 65)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.997318 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001299s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.997984 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000098s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:08.998633 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000246s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 27, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 65)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.000128 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001368s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.002052 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000216s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.003468 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000208s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.004445 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000526s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.007047 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000234s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'log-api') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.007967 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000114s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.008664 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000328s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'log-api', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.010445 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001591s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.011132 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000136s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.011831 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000255s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'log-api', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 20)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.013438 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001390s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.015548 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 20) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.016610 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000135s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.017351 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000321s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (20, 'consul_common', 'consul_common') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.019079 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001485s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.019701 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000092s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.020470 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000294s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 20, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 46)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.022209 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001604s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.023075 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000167s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.023830 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000282s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 20, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 46)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.026132 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.002108s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.028412 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000360s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 20) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.029425 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000201s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.030198 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000332s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (20, 'consul_server', 'consul_server') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.032048 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001620s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.032791 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000159s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.033711 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000399s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 20, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 47)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.035291 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001440s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.036105 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000105s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.036855 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000366s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 20, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 47)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.038359 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001398s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.040054 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000256s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 20) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.040689 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000078s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.041256 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000275s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (20, 'consul_client', 'consul_client') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.042835 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001337s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.043391 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000101s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.044149 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000370s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 20, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 48)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.045769 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001486s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.046384 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000096s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.047111 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000264s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 20, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 48)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.048574 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001344s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.050914 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000275s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'log-api') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.051793 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000081s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.052455 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000326s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'log-api', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.054135 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001499s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.054759 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000154s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.055397 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000266s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'log-api', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 28)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.056913 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001392s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.058680 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000274s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 28) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.059471 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000116s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.060201 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000365s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (28, 'consul_common', 'consul_common', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.061921 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001426s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.062623 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000177s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.063324 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000265s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 28, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 66)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.064756 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001302s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.065428 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000114s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.066180 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000255s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 28, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 66)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.067569 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001266s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.068760 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000239s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 28) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.069470 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000074s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.070084 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000278s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (28, 'consul_server', 'consul_server', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.071586 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001319s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.072181 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000149s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.072921 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000257s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 28, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 67)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.074307 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001264s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.075147 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000197s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.075877 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000347s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 28, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 67)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.077299 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001289s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.078686 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000280s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 28) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.079430 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000130s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.080061 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000296s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (28, 'consul_client', 'consul_client', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.081667 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001387s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.082366 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000106s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.082986 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000261s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 28, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 68)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.084671 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001568s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.085304 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000097s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.086023 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000340s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 28, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 68)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.087661 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001530s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.088794 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000272s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'loggregator') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.090076 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000226s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 16) AND ("version" = '99.2')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.091173 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000597s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 16)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.093953 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000304s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'log-api') AND ("name" = 'loggregator_trafficcontroller') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.094808 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000101s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.095460 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000284s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'log-api', 'loggregator_trafficcontroller', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.097147 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001515s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.097924 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000165s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.098603 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000297s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'log-api', "name" = 'loggregator_trafficcontroller', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 21)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.099988 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001267s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.101946 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000314s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 21) AND ("original_name" = 'trafficcontroller')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.102916 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000111s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.103553 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000296s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (21, 'trafficcontroller', 'trafficcontroller') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.105107 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001363s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.105681 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000136s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.106509 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000356s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 21, "original_name" = 'trafficcontroller', "type" = 'trafficcontroller', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 49)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.107876 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001239s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.108480 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000094s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.109069 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000236s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 21, "original_name" = 'trafficcontroller', "type" = 'trafficcontroller', "name" = 'trafficcontroller', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"loggregator":{"outgoing_dropsonde_port":8081}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 49)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.110340 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001167s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.112973 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000315s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'log-api') AND ("name" = 'loggregator_trafficcontroller') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.113891 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000151s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.114549 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000310s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'log-api', 'loggregator_trafficcontroller', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.116239 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001488s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.116874 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000125s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.117519 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000278s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'log-api', "name" = 'loggregator_trafficcontroller', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 29)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.118922 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001268s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.120635 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000264s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 29) AND ("original_name" = 'doppler')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.121453 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000109s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.122212 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000352s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (29, 'doppler', 'doppler', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.123711 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001279s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.124323 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000103s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.124996 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000260s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 29, "original_name" = 'doppler', "type" = 'doppler', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 69)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.126525 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001405s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.127210 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000103s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.127824 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000254s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 29, "original_name" = 'doppler', "type" = 'doppler', "name" = 'doppler', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 69)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.129232 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001298s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.130428 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000217s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'routing') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.131746 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000276s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 31) AND ("version" = '0.179.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.133098 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000621s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 32)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.135335 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000240s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'log-api') AND ("name" = 'route_registrar') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.136086 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000090s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.136856 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000339s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'log-api', 'route_registrar', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.138545 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001497s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.139145 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000135s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.139855 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000303s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'log-api', "name" = 'route_registrar', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 30)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.141254 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001270s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.142852 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000350s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 30) AND ("original_name" = 'nats')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.143664 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000129s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.144408 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000285s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (30, 'nats', 'nats', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.145856 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001257s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.146397 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000138s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.147064 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000295s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 30, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 70)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.148428 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001243s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.149242 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000145s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.149879 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000248s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 30, "original_name" = 'nats', "type" = 'nats', "name" = 'nats', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":false}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 70)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.151237 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001248s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.152875 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000201s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'consul') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.154006 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000204s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 12) AND ("version" = '195')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.154977 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000481s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 12)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.157200 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000268s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_providers" WHERE (("link_providers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'graphite-nozzle') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.158183 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000103s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.158899 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000365s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_providers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'graphite-nozzle', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.160597 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001523s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.161194 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000101s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.161878 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000245s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_providers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'graphite-nozzle', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 22)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.163212 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001212s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.165191 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000310s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 22) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.166045 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000103s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.166664 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000307s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (22, 'consul_common', 'consul_common') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.168251 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001400s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.168889 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000168s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.169666 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000330s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 50)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.171223 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001417s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.172089 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000164s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.172804 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000314s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent":{"servers":{"lan":[]},"log_level":"info","datacenter":"dc1","protocol_version":2,"dns_config":{"allow_stale":true,"max_stale":"30s","recursor_timeout":"5s"},"domain":null},"ca_cert":null,"encrypt_keys":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 50)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.174163 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001238s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.175895 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000328s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 22) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.176602 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000086s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.177211 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000284s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (22, 'consul_server', 'consul_server') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.178646 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001258s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.179379 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000156s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.180125 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000277s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 51)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.181504 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001266s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.182196 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000144s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.182813 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000237s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"server_cert":null,"server_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 51)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.184152 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001218s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.185931 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000261s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_provider_intents" WHERE (("link_provider_intents"."link_provider_id" = 22) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.186661 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000088s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.187260 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000292s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_provider_intents" ("link_provider_id", "original_name", "type") VALUES (22, 'consul_client', 'consul_client') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.188722 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001197s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.189284 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000096s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.189886 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000242s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = NULL, "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 52)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.191152 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001159s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.191881 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000138s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.192710 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000348s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_provider_intents" SET "link_provider_id" = 22, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client', "content" = NULL, "shared" = false, "consumable" = true, "metadata" = '{"mapped_properties":{"consul":{"agent_cert":null,"agent_key":null}}}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 52)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.194163 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001298s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.196445 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000270s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumers" WHERE (("link_consumers"."deployment_id" = 4) AND ("instance_group" = 'graphite-nozzle') AND ("name" = 'consul_agent') AND ("type" = 'job')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.197297 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000079s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.197953 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000325s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumers" ("deployment_id", "instance_group", "name", "type") VALUES (4, 'graphite-nozzle', 'consul_agent', 'job') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.199650 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001490s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.200269 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000130s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.200961 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000253s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumers" SET "deployment_id" = 4, "instance_group" = 'graphite-nozzle', "name" = 'consul_agent', "type" = 'job', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 31)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.202419 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001333s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.204283 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000259s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 31) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_common')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.205063 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000132s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.205873 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000453s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (31, 'consul_common', 'consul_common', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.207325 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001251s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.207938 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000169s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.208940 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000576s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 31, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 71)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.210562 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001489s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.211205 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000104s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.211866 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000258s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 31, "original_name" = 'consul_common', "type" = 'consul_common', "name" = 'consul_common_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 71)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.213197 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001220s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.214470 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000309s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 31) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_server')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.215342 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000129s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.216008 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000315s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (31, 'consul_server', 'consul_server', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.217578 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001363s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.218219 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000108s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.218996 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000276s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 31, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 72)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.220368 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001246s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.221084 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000133s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.221760 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000289s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 31, "original_name" = 'consul_server', "type" = 'consul_server', "name" = 'consul_server', "optional" = true, "blocked" = true, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 72)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.223282 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001370s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.224762 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000241s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "link_consumer_intents" WHERE (("link_consumer_intents"."link_consumer_id" = 31) AND ("original_name" = 'consul_client')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.225564 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000101s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.226205 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000292s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "link_consumer_intents" ("link_consumer_id", "original_name", "type", "metadata") VALUES (31, 'consul_client', 'consul_client', 'null') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.227737 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001331s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.228432 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000112s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.229063 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000246s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 31, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = NULL, "optional" = false, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = 'null', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 73)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.230562 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001363s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.231269 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000158s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.231963 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000304s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "link_consumer_intents" SET "link_consumer_id" = 31, "original_name" = 'consul_client', "type" = 'consul_client', "name" = 'consul_client_link', "optional" = true, "blocked" = false, "metadata" = '{"explicit_link":true}', "serial_id" = 12 WHERE ("id" = 73)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.233324 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001163s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.234544 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000320s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'graphite-nozzle') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.235709 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000215s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 29) AND ("version" = '24')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.236535 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000348s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 29)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.239774 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "releases" WHERE ("name" = 'loggregator-agent') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.240935 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000191s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "release_versions" WHERE (("release_versions"."release_id" = 27) AND ("version" = '1.0')) LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.241074 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: Found release 'loggregator-agent/1.0'
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.241774 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000311s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "release_versions".* FROM "release_versions" INNER JOIN "deployments_release_versions" ON ("deployments_release_versions"."release_version_id" = "release_versions"."id") WHERE ("deployments_release_versions"."deployment_id" = 4)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.241913 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: Binding release 'loggregator-agent/1.0' to deployment 'cf'
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.244089 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001014s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT pg_attribute.attname AS pk FROM pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_index, pg_namespace WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid AND pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid AND pg_index.indkey[0] = pg_attribute.attnum AND pg_index.indisprimary = 't' AND pg_class.oid = CAST(CAST('"deployments_release_versions"' AS regclass) AS oid)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.246393 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001738s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "deployments_release_versions" ("deployment_id", "release_version_id") VALUES (4, 27) RETURNING "id"
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.247843 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000489s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" INNER JOIN "release_versions_templates" ON ("release_versions_templates"."template_id" = "templates"."id") WHERE ("release_versions_templates"."release_version_id" = 27)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.248698 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000146s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.249319 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000261s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "tasks" SET "event_output" = ("event_output" || '{"time":1533802869,"stage":"Preparing deployment","tags":[],"total":1,"task":"Preparing deployment","index":1,"state":"failed","progress":100,"data":{"error":"Can''t find job ''loggregator_agent''"}}
') WHERE ("id" = 95)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.250651 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001216s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.253227 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001422s) (conn: 47181971028360) DELETE FROM "locks" WHERE (("name" = 'lock:deployment:cf') AND ("uid" = '69f27d15-6a69-4c29-9bf3-2fab9285aa7f'))
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.253318 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: Deleted lock: lock:deployment:cf uid: 69f27d15-6a69-4c29-9bf3-2fab9285aa7f
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.254419 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000150s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.255271 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000300s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "events" ("parent_id", "timestamp", "user", "action", "object_type", "object_name", "error", "task", "deployment", "instance", "context_json") VALUES (NULL, '2018-08-09 08:21:09.253474+0000', 'admin', 'release', 'lock', 'lock:deployment:cf', NULL, '95', 'cf', NULL, '{}') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.256834 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001062s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
I, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.257234 #2566] [task:95] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: sending update deployment error event
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.257322 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: SENT: hm.director.alert {"id":"70ed6206-fbd0-421d-be7d-df1d35717403","severity":3,"source":"director","title":"director - error during update deployment","summary":"Error during update deployment for 'cf' against Director 'c4a6b04d-f187-4e7a-9d1a-f12c305e6c6d': #<Bosh::Director::DeploymentUnknownTemplate: Can't find job 'loggregator_agent'>","created_at":1533802869,"deployment":"cf"}
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.258462 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000079s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.259324 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000288s) (conn: 47181971028360) INSERT INTO "events" ("parent_id", "timestamp", "user", "action", "object_type", "object_name", "error", "task", "deployment", "instance", "context_json") VALUES (411, '2018-08-09 08:21:09.257420+0000', 'admin', 'update', 'deployment', 'cf', 'Can''t find job ''loggregator_agent''', '95', 'cf', NULL, '{}') RETURNING *
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.261192 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001492s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.262690 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000397s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "deployments" WHERE ("name" = 'cf') LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.263815 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000250s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "variable_sets" WHERE ("variable_sets"."deployment_id" = 4) ORDER BY "created_at" DESC LIMIT 1
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.264567 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000061s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.265355 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000320s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "variable_sets" SET "writable" = false WHERE ("id" = 32)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.266774 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001295s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.267547 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000196s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.268261 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000285s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "tasks" SET "event_output" = ("event_output" || '{"time":1533802869,"error":{"code":190011,"message":"Can''t find job ''loggregator_agent''"}}
') WHERE ("id" = 95)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.269524 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001140s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
E, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.269734 #2566] [task:95] ERROR -- DirectorJobRunner: Can't find job 'loggregator_agent'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/deployment_plan/job.rb:45:in `bind_models'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/addon/addon.rb:78:in `block in add_addon_jobs_to_instance_groups'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/addon/addon.rb:73:in `each'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/addon/addon.rb:73:in `add_addon_jobs_to_instance_groups'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/addon/addon.rb:51:in `add_to_deployment'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/deployment_plan/planner_factory.rb:94:in `block in parse_from_manifest'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/deployment_plan/planner_factory.rb:93:in `each'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/deployment_plan/planner_factory.rb:93:in `parse_from_manifest'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/deployment_plan/planner_factory.rb:48:in `create_from_manifest'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/jobs/update_deployment.rb:83:in `block (2 levels) in perform'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/event_log.rb:105:in `advance_and_track'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/jobs/update_deployment.rb:79:in `block in perform'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/lock_helper.rb:13:in `block in with_deployment_lock'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/lock.rb:79:in `lock'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/lock_helper.rb:13:in `with_deployment_lock'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/jobs/update_deployment.rb:58:in `perform'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/job_runner.rb:99:in `perform_job'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/job_runner.rb:34:in `block in run'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh_common-0.0.0/lib/common/thread_formatter.rb:52:in `with_thread_name'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/job_runner.rb:34:in `run'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/jobs/base_job.rb:10:in `perform'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/jobs/db_job.rb:36:in `block in perform'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/jobs/db_job.rb:83:in `block (3 levels) in run'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/eventmachine-1.2.5/lib/eventmachine.rb:1076:in `block in spawn_threadpool'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/0da426eec205519486638c771b250ab994828455/gem_home/ruby/2.4.0/gems/logging-2.2.2/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:474:in `block in create_with_logging_context'
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.270669 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000311s) (conn: 47181971028360) SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE "id" = 95
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.271888 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000136s) (conn: 47181971028360) BEGIN
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.272862 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000320s) (conn: 47181971028360) UPDATE "tasks" SET "state" = 'error', "timestamp" = '2018-08-09 08:21:09.271343+0000', "description" = 'create deployment', "result" = 'Can''t find job ''loggregator_agent''', "output" = '/var/vcap/store/director/tasks/95', "checkpoint_time" = '2018-08-09 08:20:50.227184+0000', "type" = 'update_deployment', "username" = 'admin', "deployment_name" = 'cf', "started_at" = '2018-08-09 08:20:50.227099+0000', "event_output" = '{"time":1533802850,"stage":"Preparing deployment","tags":[],"total":1,"task":"Preparing deployment","index":1,"state":"started","progress":0}
{"time":1533802869,"stage":"Preparing deployment","tags":[],"total":1,"task":"Preparing deployment","index":1,"state":"failed","progress":100,"data":{"error":"Can''t find job ''loggregator_agent''"}}
{"time":1533802869,"error":{"code":190011,"message":"Can''t find job ''loggregator_agent''"}}
', "result_output" = '', "context_id" = '' WHERE ("id" = 95)
D, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.274408 #2566] [task:95] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.001389s) (conn: 47181971028360) COMMIT
I, [2018-08-09T08:21:09.274594 #2566] [] INFO -- DirectorJobRunner: Task took 19.049955305 seconds to process.
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