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Created December 1, 2021 17:44
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CREATE TABLE "output"."Extract"."Extract" AS
SELECT * FROM "input0"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input1"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input2"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input3"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input4"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input5"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input6"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input7"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input8"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input9"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input10"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input11"."Extract"."Extract" UNION ALL
SELECT * FROM "input12"."Extract"."Extract"
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