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Last active January 7, 2024 16:26
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Tampermonkey: Instagram: enable sound in stories
// ==UserScript==
// @name Instagram: unmute stories
// @namespace
// @downloadURL
// @version 0.8
// @description Clicks the button to enable sound in stories. I want to have sound by default, but there's no option. Clicking it manually everytime is annoying and you can't even click it before you reach a story with sound.
// @author Ralf Vogler
// @match*
// only needed for*, but that would only execute it on reload, not if clicked on a story from the start page (router just changes the URL)
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const f = el => {
//console.log(el, el.querySelector);
if (!el.querySelector) return; // could only search the added element, but we search the whole document
// we identify the unmute button via its label, which is dependent on the set language (and also potentially the region/country, see en-DE vs. en-GB):
let btn = document.querySelector('svg[aria-label="Audio is muted"]')?.closest('[role="button"]') // [en-DE] - was "Audo is muted." before but seems to be fixed now.
|| document.querySelector('svg[aria-label="Ton stummgeschaltet"]')?.closest('[role="button"]') // [de-DE]
|| document.querySelector('svg[aria-label="Audio is muted"]')?.closest('[type="button"]'); // [en-GB]
let strategy = 1;
// alternative/fallback for other langauges would be to select button via structure (which may change) and check the used svg icon via its viewBox (both icons in one svg with changed offset)
// btn = null; // uncomment to always use this strategy
if (!btn) {
strategy = 2;
const svgs = document.querySelectorAll('header svg[aria-label][height="16"]'); // [height="16"] is only required to filter out the svg for verified users which has an (empty) aria-label and [height="12"]
const svg = svgs[1];
if (svg && svg.viewBox.baseVal.width == 48) {
btn = svg.parentElement.parentElement;
if (btn) {
console.log('unmute!', strategy, btn);;
// handle dynamically loaded items
(new MutationObserver((ms, ob) => ms.forEach(m => m.addedNodes.forEach(f)))).observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// {subtree: false}: 2 calls for initial load, 1 for after; {subtree: true}: 4 calls for initial load, 3 for after
// can't use {subtree: false} since it only works when first opened story has muted sound
// to reduce the number of calls, we could only call f on (soft) navigation, however, then it wouldn't be called when directly opening a story or reloading one:
// navigation.addEventListener("navigate", console.log);
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Very nice, thank you very much for patching it for the rest of us 😄

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vogler commented Jan 7, 2024

They changed the labels. I updated the script. Works again for me.

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