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Created January 1, 2016 20:54
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ICFP 2006 Universal Machine
name = "icfp-2006"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Colin <>"]
byteorder = "0.4.2"
getopts = "0.2.14"
time = "0.1.34"
use std::env;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::File;
extern crate byteorder;
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt};
extern crate getopts;
use getopts::Options;
mod um;
use um::{UM, UMStatus};
fn dump_state(um: &UM) {
match um.peek_array(0, um.get_ef()) {
Some(insn) => println!("EF = 0x{:08x} (0x{:08x})", um.get_ef(), insn),
None => println!("EF = 0x{:08x} (???)", um.get_ef())
let regs = um.dump_regs();
println!("r0 = 0x{:08x} r1 = 0x{:08x} r2 = 0x{:08x} r3 = 0x{:08x}",
regs[0], regs[1], regs[2], regs[3]);
println!("r4 = 0x{:08x} r5 = 0x{:08x} r6 = 0x{:08x} r7 = 0x{:08x}",
regs[4], regs[5], regs[6], regs[7]);
fn print_usage(program: &str, opts: Options) {
let brief = format!("Usage: {} program [options]", program);
print!("{}", opts.usage(&brief));
fn main() {
let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect();
let mut opts = Options::new();
opts.optflag("", "dump", "dump state before every step");
opts.optopt("l", "limit", "execute for N instructions", "N");
if args.len() == 1 {
print_usage(&args[0], opts);
let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => { panic!(f.to_string()) }
// grab limit parameter
let limit = match matches.opt_str("limit") {
// parameter present
Some(arg) => match arg.parse::<usize>() {
// argument was an integer
Ok(n) => Some(n),
// argument wasn't an integer
Err(_) => {
println!("error: non-integral argument passed to -l/--limit");
print_usage(&args[0], opts);
// parameter not present
None => None
let mut file = match File::open(&args[1]) {
Err(why) => panic!("couldn't open {}: {}",
args[1], Error::description(&why)),
Ok(file) => file
let mut program = Vec::new();
loop {
let n = match file.read_u32::<BigEndian>() {
Ok(n) => n,
// stop reading by running off the end of the file
Err(byteorder::Error::UnexpectedEOF) => break,
Err(why) => panic!("read_u32 returned {}", why)
println!("{} loaded and running.", args[1]);
let mut machine = UM::new(&program);
let mut insns_run = 0;
loop {
if matches.opt_present("dump") {
match machine.step() {
Ok(UMStatus::Continue) => {
insns_run += 1;
match limit {
Some(n) => if insns_run >= n { break; },
None => ()
Ok(UMStatus::Halt) => {
println!("machine halted normally.");
Err(e) => {
println!("machine halted with failure: {:?}", e);
for opcode in 0..14 {
let pc = machine.get_perf_counter(opcode);
println!("opcode {}: {} executed, {} ns ({:.1} ns/insn)", opcode,
pc.n_insns, pc.ns, pc.ns as f64 / pc.n_insns as f64);
use std::char;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
use std::num::Wrapping;
extern crate time;
use self::time::precise_time_ns;
pub type Platter = u32;
pub enum UMStatus {
// the program is still running
// the program requested to halt
pub enum UMFailure {
// the execution finger points to a platter that does not encode a valid
// instruction
// the program indexed or amended an inactive array
// the program tried to index or amend an array out of range
// the program abandoned the program array
// the program abandoned an inactive array
// the program loaded a program from an inactive array
// the program output an out-of-range character
// the execution finger points out of range in array 0
pub struct PerformanceCounter {
pub n_insns: u64,
pub ns: u64
pub struct UM {
regs: [Platter; 8],
ef: Platter,
arrays: Vec<Vec<Platter>>,
free_array_ids: BTreeSet<Platter>,
n_insns: [u64; 16],
ns: [u64; 16],
impl UM {
pub fn new(program: &[Platter]) -> UM {
let mut new_um = UM {
regs: [0; 8],
ef: 0,
arrays: Vec::new(),
free_array_ids: BTreeSet::new(),
n_insns: [0; 16],
ns: [0; 16],
let program_id = new_um.allocate_array(program.len() as Platter);
if let Some(vec) = new_um.arrays.get_mut(program_id as usize) {
for i in 0..(program.len()) {
vec[i] = program[i];
} else {
return new_um;
pub fn step(&mut self) -> Result<UMStatus, UMFailure> {
// fetch insn
let ns_start = time::precise_time_ns();
let insn: Platter;
let program = match self.arrays.get_mut(0) {
Some(p) => p,
None => unreachable!()
if self.ef > (program.len() as u32) {
// EF off the end of the program array
return Err(UMFailure::InvalidEF);
insn = program[self.ef as usize];
// break out the individual fields
let opcode = (insn >> 28) & 0xF;
let imm_a = ((insn >> 25) & 0x7) as usize;
let a = ((insn >> 6) & 0x7) as usize;
let b = ((insn >> 3) & 0x7) as usize;
let c = (insn & 0x7) as usize;
let immediate = insn & 0x01FFFFFF;
let stdin = io::stdin();
match opcode {
0 => {
// conditional move
if self.regs[c] != 0 {
self.regs[a] = self.regs[b];
self.ef += 1;
1 => {
// array index
let val = self.index_array(self.regs[b], self.regs[c]);
match val {
Ok(_) => { self.regs[a] = val.unwrap(); self.ef += 1; },
Err(e) => { return Err(e); }
2 => {
// array amendment
let id = self.regs[a];
let offset = self.regs[b];
let value = self.regs[c];
match self.amend_array(id, offset, value) {
Ok(_) => { self.ef += 1; },
Err(e) => { return Err(e); }
3 => {
// addition
self.regs[a] =
(Wrapping(self.regs[b]) + Wrapping(self.regs[c])).0;
self.ef += 1;
4 => {
// multiplication
self.regs[a] =
(Wrapping(self.regs[b]) * Wrapping(self.regs[c])).0;
self.ef += 1;
5 => {
// division
self.regs[a] =
(Wrapping(self.regs[b]) / Wrapping(self.regs[c])).0;
self.ef += 1;
6 => {
// "not-and" (NAND)
self.regs[a] = !(self.regs[b] & self.regs[c]);
self.ef += 1;
7 => {
// halt
return Ok(UMStatus::Halt);
8 => {
// array allocation
let capacity = self.regs[c];
let new_id = self.allocate_array(capacity);
self.regs[b] = new_id;
self.ef += 1;
9 => {
// array abandonment
let id = self.regs[c];
match self.abandon_array(id) {
Ok(_) => { self.ef += 1; },
Err(e) => { return Err(e) }
10 => {
// output
let c_val = self.regs[c];
if c_val > 255 {
return Err(UMFailure::InvalidOutputCharacter);
} else {
print!("{}", char::from_u32(c_val).unwrap());
self.ef += 1;
11 => {
// input
match stdin.lock().bytes().next() {
Some(res) =>
match res {
Ok(ch) => {
self.regs[c] = (ch as u32) & 0xFF;
self.ef += 1;
Err(e) => panic!(e)
None => { self.regs[c] = 0xFFFFFFFF; self.ef += 1; }
12 => {
// load program
match self.load_program(b, c) {
Ok(_) => () /* EF is reset by load_program() */,
Err(e) => return Err(e)
13 => {
// "orthography": load immediate
self.regs[imm_a] = immediate;
self.ef += 1;
_ => {
// insns 14-15 are undefined
return Err(UMFailure::InvalidInstruction);
let ns_end = time::precise_time_ns();
self.n_insns[opcode as usize] += 1;
self.ns[opcode as usize] += (ns_end - ns_start);
// if we made it out here, increment EF
return Ok(UMStatus::Continue);
pub fn get_ef(&self) -> Platter {
return self.ef;
pub fn dump_regs(&self) -> [Platter; 8] {
return self.regs.clone();
pub fn get_perf_counter(&self, opcode: usize) -> PerformanceCounter {
return PerformanceCounter {
n_insns: self.n_insns[opcode], ns: self.ns[opcode]
pub fn peek_array(&self, id: Platter, offset: Platter) -> Option<Platter> {
return match self.index_array(id, offset) {
Ok(x) => Some(x),
Err(_) => None
fn allocate_array(&mut self, capacity: Platter) -> Platter {
//println!("allocating new array");
// choose an ID for the new array
let new_id = match self.free_array_ids.iter().next() {
Some(id) => {
*id as usize
None => {
let old_len = self.arrays.len();
self.arrays[new_id].resize(capacity as usize, 0);
self.free_array_ids.remove(&(new_id as Platter));
return new_id as Platter;
fn index_array(&self, id: Platter, offset: Platter)
-> Result<Platter, UMFailure> {
return match self.arrays.get(id as usize) {
Some(arr) =>
if offset as usize > arr.len() {
} else {
Ok(arr[offset as usize])
None => Err(UMFailure::InactiveArrayAccess)
fn amend_array(&mut self, id: Platter, offset: Platter, value: Platter)
-> Result<(), UMFailure> {
return match self.arrays.get_mut(id as usize) {
Some(arr) =>
if offset as usize > arr.len() {
} else {
arr[offset as usize] = value;
None => Err(UMFailure::InactiveArrayAccess)
fn abandon_array(&mut self, id: Platter) -> Result<(), UMFailure> {
// println!("abandoning array");
if id == 0 {
// abandoning the program array
return Err(UMFailure::AbandonedProgramArray);
if self.free_array_ids.contains(&id) ||
id as usize >= self.arrays.len() {
// abandoning an array not present in the list of arrays
return Err(UMFailure::AbandonedArrayNotActive);
} else {
self.arrays[id as usize].clear();
return Ok(());
fn load_program(&mut self, b: usize, c: usize) -> Result<(), UMFailure> {
// fetch args from regs
let array_id = self.regs[b];
let new_ef = self.regs[c];
match array_id {
0 => {
// fast path: don't duplicate 0-array
_ => {
// slow path: copy non-0 array to 0-array
unsafe {
// load B array and copy it
let old_program = match self.arrays.get(array_id as usize) {
Some(a) => a as *const Vec<Platter>,
// trying to load program out of an unallocated array
None => return Err(UMFailure::InactiveArrayProgramLoaded)
// reset the EF from C
self.ef = new_ef;
return Ok(());
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