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Created January 25, 2013 04:15
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REPL example bot for mineflayer. Allows testing javascript over CLI to speed up development.
// REPL example bot for mineflayer
// Connects to server but doesn't have any built in logic. The terminal where
// it was started is now a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop). Anything typed will be
// interpreted as javascript printed using util.inspect. Don't forget to try
// tab completion. These variables are exposed as local:
// var mineflayer = require('mineflayer');
// var bot = mineflayer.createBot({ username: 'REPL' });
// Examples:
// Navigate to named player (requires optional mineflayer-navigate):
var fs = require('fs');
var os = require('os');
var path = require('path');
var repl = require('repl');
// create and connect the bot
var mineflayer = require('mineflayer');
var bot = mineflayer.createBot({ username: 'REPL' });
bot.on('chat', function(username, message) {
console.log(username+' says: '+message)
bot.on('login', function() {
console.log(bot.username+' logged in.');
// optional navigation support
try {
var navigatePlugin = require('mineflayer-navigate')(mineflayer);
bot.navigate.on('pathFound', function (path) {
console.log('navigate: found path. I can get there in ' + path.length + ' moves.');
bot.navigate.on('cannotFind', function () {
console.log('navigate: unable to find path');
bot.navigate.on('arrived', function () {
console.log('navigate: I have arrived');
bot.navigate.on('stop', function() {
console.log('navigate: stopping');
console.log('Info: mineflayer-navigate enabled.')
} catch(err) {
console.log('Info: Optional mineflayer-navigate module not installed, so no navigation support.')
// create repl interface
var historyFile = path.join(os.tmpDir(), 'bot_repl_history.json')
var r = repl.start('> '); = bot;
r.context.mineflayer = mineflayer;
r.on('exit', function onExitSaveHistory() {
// ensure the history are available during the next sessions again
fs.writeFile(historyFile, JSON.stringify(r.rli.history), function(err) {
// load repl history
fs.readFile(historyFile, function onLoadReadHistory(err, data) {
if (!err && data) {
r.rli.history = JSON.parse(data);
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