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Last active July 31, 2020 04:20
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Generate random password types of different complexity using pure python.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Simple function to create random generated password types.
See examples at the end of gist.
import os, string, random
def genpass(digits=False, length=13, special_char_set='!@#$%',
Generate different password types.
:param digits: Returns only random digits.
:param length: Max length of password generated.
:param special_char_set: Use the supplied chars as special chars.
:param repeat_chars: True allows repeating of a char.
:param require_special_char: If set to False, no special characters are generated.
:param require_numbers: If set to False, no numbers are generated.
:param require_uppercase:
:param require_lowercase:
random.seed = (os.urandom(1024))
if digits:
# Used for pin numbers
chars = string.digits
password = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(length))
return password
# Generate individual lists of strings.
letters_lower = string.ascii_lowercase
letters_upper = string.ascii_uppercase
numbers = string.digits
if not special_char_set:
special_char_set = string.punctuation
# Generate normal string of options
chars = letters_lower + letters_upper
# if required_* set, generate at least 1 required char from lists and concat
# results to req_chars
req_chars = ''
if require_lowercase:
req_chars += ''.join((random.choice(letters_lower) for i in range(1)))
if require_uppercase:
req_chars += ''.join((random.choice(letters_upper) for i in range(1)))
if require_numbers:
chars += numbers
req_chars += ''.join((random.choice(numbers) for i in range(1)))
if require_special_char:
chars += special_char_set
req_chars += ''.join((random.choice(special_char_set) for i in range(1)))
if not repeat_chars:
limited_chars = ''.join(random.sample(chars, len(chars)))
password = ''.join(random.choice(limited_chars) for i in range(length))
password = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(length))
# if there is a req_char set, then concat the generated password with the req_char and shuffle
if req_chars:
# shorten the passsword by the number of req_chars, and concat the req_chars to the password.
password = password[:-len(req_chars)]
password += req_chars
# Convert password to list and shuffle results.
char_list = list(password)
password = ''.join(char_list)
return password
# Examples:
genpass(digits=True, length=50)
genpass(length=50, require_special_char=False)
genpass(length=50, require_numbers=False)
genpass(length=50, require_numbers=False, require_special_char=False)
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