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Last active October 12, 2018 20:34
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VyOS EdgeOS Automated backup and Change Notificaiton
# Description:
# Demo of how to download EdgeOS configuration and check if a change exists.
# If a change exists send a notification to a Zabbix server.
# ****************************************************************************************
# This script is provided as a demo to show how to backup configurations automatically
# You should not consider this a production script. If you are interested in a production
# script please contact me @ support[at]voice1[dot]me or feel free to modify this to your
# own needs.
# Uncomment the dated-backup line if you want to save a local file with the date.
# ****************************************************************************************
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S`
# This overrides any existing file by the same name.
ssh ubnt@$DEVICE "/opt/vyatta/sbin/" > edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup.cfg
# dated-backup;
# Uncomment to save currently backed up file with a date suffix.
#cp edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup.cfg edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup-$DATE.cfg
# Basic File rotation.
if [ ! -f edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup-new.cfg ]; then
# There is no "new" file, our current one becomes the new file.
cp edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup.cfg edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup-new.cfg
# The "new" file exists, but its now the old file because we just downloaded
# the latest config. This overrides the old config. Make sure you have it backed up!
cp edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup-new.cfg edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup-old.cfg
if [ ! -f edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup-old.cfg ]; then
# There is no "older file, so theres really nothing to compare to.
# cp edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup.cfg edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup-old.cfg
echo "No older config to compare to. Pull another copy first."
# Diff
CHANGES=$(diff -qs edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup-old.cfg edgeOS-$DEVICE-backup-new.cfg)
# change-notification;
# Check the $CHANGES for either 'identical' or 'differ'
# And notify zabbix of a change.
# You can use any form of notification you want here, this is only a sample.
if [[ $CHANGES = *differ* ]]; then
zabbix_sender -z $ZABBIX_SERVER -s $ZABBIX_HOST -k edgeOS.config -o 'differ'
# No Changes Comment out if you do not want to receive notices of the same file.
echo "No changes detected."
zabbix_sender -z $ZABBIX_SERVER -s $ZABBIX_HOST -k edgeOS.config -o 'identical'
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