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Last active February 14, 2020 05:32
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  • Save voidet/1e0333c573c3277e1dee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save voidet/1e0333c573c3277e1dee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MixCloud RSS
config stuff up here
$feeds = ["medschoolmusic", "evil_concussion", "respectdnb", "lifestylemusic", "Cyantific"];
foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
nothing to configure below this line
function getFeed($my_podcast) {
$my_feed_url = $my_podcast.".rss";
$language = "en-us";
$user_info = json_decode(curlGet(''.$my_podcast .'/'));
$itunes_image = $user_info->pictures->large;
$my_description = stripslashes($user_info->biog);
$updated = date(DATE_RSS,strtotime($user_info->updated_time));
$my_title = $user_info->name;
$my_link = $user_info->url;
/* write out the outer shell, channel, globals */
$updated= date("D, d M Y H:i:s T",strtotime("now"));
$output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:itunes=\"\"
<atom:link href=\"$my_feed_url\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />
$nextURL = null;
$x = 0;
do {
if (++$x > 10) {
/* First get the info page for this playlist */
$url = $nextURL ? $nextURL : $my_podcast;
$my_podcast_page = file_get_contents(''.$url);
$my_podcast_page = mb_convert_encoding($my_podcast_page, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
$doc = new DOMDocument();
/* hide warnings - html docs likely won't parse correctly */
$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
if ($xpath->query('//div[@class="infinitescroll-end"]')->length == 0) {
$nextURL = $xpath->query('//div[@class="infinitescroll-end"]')->item(0)->getAttribute("m-next-page-url");
$episodes = $xpath->query('//div[@class="card-elements-container cf"]');
//echo '<p>episodes has '. $episodes->length .'</p>';
if($episodes->length > 0) {
//echo '<p>List of episodes:</p><ol>';
foreach ($episodes as $container) {
$episode_image = $xpath->query('.//div[@class="card-cloudcast-image"]/a/img',$container);
$large_photo = 'http:' . $episode_image->item(0)->getAttribute("src");
$episode_info = $xpath->query('.//div[@class="card-cloudcast-image"]/span',$container);
if ($episode_info->length == 0) { //episodes that are disabled have no title
$e_title = $episode_info->item(0)->getAttribute("m-title");
$e_url = ''. $episode_info->item(0)->getAttribute("m-url");
$e_description = json_decode(curlGet(''.$episode_info->item(0)->getAttribute("m-url")))->description;
$e_preview = $episode_info->item(0)->getAttribute("m-preview");
$length = strpos($e_preview, "preview");
$e_server = substr($e_preview,0,$length - 1);
$e_server = str_replace("audiocdn", "stream", $e_server);
// todo - should not just be 39 magic number, but where 'preview/' is in url
$e_identifier = substr($e_preview,$length + 9);
$e_identifier = rtrim($e_identifier,".mp3");
$e_download = $e_server . '/c/m4a/64/'. $e_identifier .'.m4a';
$e_original = $e_server . '/c/originals/' . $e_identifier . '.mp3';
$item_size = get_Size($e_download);
/* if $item_size is 168 this means not found */
if($item_size > 200) {
$episode_update = $xpath->query('.//div[@class="card-stats cf"]/span[@class="card-date"]/time',$container);
if($episode_update) {
$pubDate = strtotime($episode_update->item(0)->nodeValue);
} else {
$pubDate = "false";
$output .= "<item>
<pubDate>". date(DATE_RSS,$pubDate) ."</pubDate>
<itunes:image href=\"$large_photo\" />
<enclosure url=\"$e_download\" length=\"$item_size\" type=\"audio/mp4\" />
<guid isPermaLink=\"true\">$e_url</guid>
} while ($nextURL);
/* seems like we're getting the closing footer too early */
/* and output the closing footer */
$output .= "
header("Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8");
file_put_contents($my_podcast.".rss", $output);
chmod($my_podcast.".rss", 0755);
header("Location:". $my_podcast.".rss");
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Thanks Viodet. This is working fine for me now.

Copper-Dale, you probably don't have the whole file. The portion above isn't the complete file. I would download it again.

Do you know a way around the user agent issues? I tried to set the user agent in the curl.php but that didn't work. It looks like iTunes makes a direct call from the feed file generated. Do you think it's possible to set the user agent in the generated file to spoof the user agent?

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Apparently all right, spotify approved the link but processing is slow, has anyone gone through it?

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