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Created December 7, 2014 08:03
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Trie in Swift
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
extension String {
subscript (i: Int) -> String {
return String(Array(self)[i])
func count() -> Int {
return countElements(self)
subscript (r: Range<Int>) -> String {
var start = advance(startIndex, r.startIndex)
var end = advance(startIndex, r.endIndex)
return substringWithRange(Range(start: start, end: end))
extension Array {
func each(doThis: (element: T) -> Void) {
for e in self {
doThis(element: e)
extension Int {
func times(closure:(Int)->Void) {
for i in 0..<self {
class TrieNode {
var letter:String?
var children:[TrieNode] = []
var level:Int = 0
var isWord:Bool = false
var fullWord:String?
func setupTrie(var input:String, inout rootNode:TrieNode?, var currentIndex:Int = 0, var level:Int = 0) {
if (rootNode == nil) {
rootNode = TrieNode()
rootNode?.letter = input[0]
var foundChild = false
if let children = rootNode?.children {
children.count.times({ i in
var child:TrieNode? = children[i]
if (input[currentIndex] == child!.letter) {
foundChild = true
if (input.count() > currentIndex) {
setupTrie(input, &child, currentIndex: ++currentIndex)
if (!foundChild) {
var child:TrieNode? = TrieNode()
child?.letter = input[currentIndex]
child?.level = level
child?.fullWord = input[0...currentIndex]
if (input.count() - 1 == currentIndex) {
child?.isWord = true
if (input.count() > currentIndex) {
setupTrie(input, &child, level: level, currentIndex: currentIndex)
var rootNode:TrieNode? = TrieNode()
var words:[String] = ["Base", "Bass", "Baseball", "Basely"]
words.each { (word:String) -> Void in
setupTrie(word, &rootNode)
func searchForWords(rootNode:TrieNode?, var queue:[TrieNode] = [], var foundWords:[TrieNode] = []) -> [TrieNode] {
if (rootNode?.children.count == 0) {
return foundWords
rootNode?.children.each({ (element:TrieNode) in
if (element.isWord) {
var item = queue.removeAtIndex(queue.count - 1)
foundWords = searchForWords(item, queue: queue, foundWords: foundWords)
return foundWords
func searchTrie(rootNode:TrieNode?, var targetWord:String, var currentIndex:Int = 0, var foundNode:TrieNode? = nil) -> TrieNode? {
if let children = rootNode?.children {
if (currentIndex == targetWord.count()) {
return rootNode!
} else {
children.count.times({ i in
var child:TrieNode? = children[i]
if (currentIndex >= targetWord.count() || targetWord[currentIndex] == child!.letter) {
var node:TrieNode? = searchTrie(child, targetWord, currentIndex: ++currentIndex)
if (node != nil) {
foundNode = node
return foundNode
var node:TrieNode? = searchTrie(rootNode, "Base")
searchForWords(node).sorted { (a:TrieNode, b:TrieNode) -> Bool in
a.level < b.level
}.each { (element) -> Void in
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