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Created January 21, 2024 10:42
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module Main where
import System.TimeIt
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Crypto.Random (getRandomBytes)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor
import Data.Function
import UnliftIO
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import System.FilePath
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Vector qualified as V
import Data.Vector ((!))
import Safe
import Control.Concurrent.STM (flushTQueue)
-- import Data.IORef (atomicallyModifyIORef
import Prettyprinter
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import System.Random.Stateful
-- .MWC qualified as MWC
import System.Random.MWC qualified as MWC
import StmContainers.Map qualified as StmMap
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TSkipList as TS
import Data.Trie as Trie
import DBPipe.SQLite as SQL
import Data.CritBit.Map.Lazy qualified as C
runUpdates :: Int -> Int -> Int -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runUpdates total k n fn = do
tot <- newTVarIO total
threads <- replicateM k $ async do
fix \next -> do
rest <- atomically do
n <- readTVar tot
modifyTVar tot pred
pure n
when (rest > 0) do
bs <- getRandomBytes n
fn (LBS.fromStrict bs)
mapM_ wait threads
randomRead :: (StatefulGen g IO) => Int -> g -> Double -> (ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString)) -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
randomRead n g p rfn = do
k <- getRandomBytes n <&> LBS.fromStrict
pr <- MWC.uniformRM (0, 1.0 :: Double) g
if pr > (1 - p) then do
rfn k
pure Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
let threads = 8
let total = 500_000
let keylen = 32
g <- MWC.createSystemRandom
timeItNamed "just-count" do
tm <- newIORef 0
runUpdates total threads keylen $ \_ -> do
atomicModifyIORef' tm (\x -> (succ x, ()))
readIORef tm >>= print
timeItNamed "just-tvar-map" do
tvm <- newTVarIO mempty
runUpdates total threads keylen $ \bs -> do
atomically $ modifyTVar' tvm (Map.insert bs bs)
timeItNamed "just-ioref-map" do
tvm <- newIORef mempty
runUpdates total threads keylen $ \bs -> do
atomicModifyIORef' tvm (\x -> (Map.insert bs bs x, ()))
timeItNamed "just-tvar-hashmap" do
tvm <- newTVarIO mempty
runUpdates total threads keylen $ \bs -> do
atomically $ modifyTVar' tvm (HashMap.insert bs bs)
timeItNamed "just-tvar-buck-map" do
let buc = threads * 2
tvm <- replicateM buc (newTVarIO mempty) <&> V.fromList
runUpdates total threads keylen $ \bs -> do
let i = maybe 0 fst (LBS.uncons bs) `mod` fromIntegral buc
let t = tvm ! fromIntegral i
atomically $ modifyTVar' t (HashMap.insert bs bs)
timeItNamed "just-stm-map" do
tm <- StmMap.newIO @ByteString @ByteString
runUpdates total 8 keylen $ \bs -> do
atomically $ StmMap.insert bs bs tm
timeItNamed "bs-trie" do
tm <- newTVarIO Trie.empty
runUpdates total threads keylen $ \bs -> do
let k = LBS.toStrict bs
atomically $ modifyTVar tm (Trie.insert k bs)
timeItNamed "critbit" do
tm <- newTVarIO C.empty
runUpdates total threads keylen $ \bs -> do
let k = LBS.toStrict bs
atomically $ modifyTVar tm (C.insert k bs)
env <- newDBPipeEnv dbPipeOptsDef ":memory:"
withDB env do
ddl "create table kv (k text not null, v text not null, primary key (k))"
timeItNamed "sqlite" do
runUpdates total threads keylen $ \bs -> do
withDB env $ do
SQL.insert "insert into kv (k,v) values (?,?) on conflict (k) do nothing" (bs,bs)
withDB env commitAll
pure ()
-- timeItNamed "just-tskiplist 8" do
-- tm <- TS.newIO @ByteString @ByteString
-- runUpdates total 8 keylen $ \bs -> do
-- atomically $ TS.insert bs bs tm
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