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Created October 4, 2023 11:57
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module RPC2.Storage where
import HBS2.Actors.Peer.Types
import HBS2.Prelude.Plated
import HBS2.Data.Types.Refs (HashRef(..),RefAlias(..))
import HBS2.Storage
import HBS2.Net.Proto.Service
import RPC2.Types
import Data.Functor
import Data.ByteString.Lazy ( ByteString )
import Control.Monad.Reader
data RpcStorageHasBlock
data RpcStorageGetBlock
data RpcStorageEnqueueBlock
data RpcStoragePutBlock
data RpcStorageGetChunk
data RpcStorageGetRef
data RpcStorageUpdateRef
data RpcStorageDelRef
type StorageAPI = '[ RpcStorageHasBlock
, RpcStorageHasBlock
, RpcStorageGetBlock
, RpcStorageEnqueueBlock
, RpcStoragePutBlock
, RpcStorageGetChunk
, RpcStorageGetRef
, RpcStorageUpdateRef
, RpcStorageDelRef
instance Monad m => HasRpcContext AnyStorage (ReaderT AnyStorage m) where
getRpcContext = ask
instance (MonadIO m, HasRpcContext AnyStorage m) => HandleMethod m RpcStorageHasBlock where
type instance Input RpcStorageHasBlock = HashRef
type instance Output RpcStorageHasBlock = Maybe Integer
handleMethod href = do
sto <- getRpcContext @AnyStorage
liftIO $ hasBlock sto (fromHashRef href)
instance (MonadIO m, HasRpcContext AnyStorage m) => HandleMethod m RpcStorageGetBlock where
type instance Input RpcStorageGetBlock = HashRef
type instance Output RpcStorageGetBlock = Maybe ByteString
handleMethod href = do
sto <- getRpcContext @AnyStorage
liftIO $ getBlock sto (fromHashRef href)
instance (MonadIO m, HasRpcContext AnyStorage m) => HandleMethod m RpcStorageEnqueueBlock where
type instance Input RpcStorageEnqueueBlock = ByteString
type instance Output RpcStorageEnqueueBlock = Maybe HashRef
handleMethod lbs = do
sto <- getRpcContext @AnyStorage
liftIO $ enqueueBlock sto lbs <&> fmap HashRef
instance (MonadIO m, HasRpcContext AnyStorage m) => HandleMethod m RpcStoragePutBlock where
type instance Input RpcStoragePutBlock = ByteString
type instance Output RpcStoragePutBlock = Maybe HashRef
handleMethod lbs = do
sto <- getRpcContext @AnyStorage
liftIO $ putBlock sto lbs <&> fmap HashRef
instance (MonadIO m, HasRpcContext AnyStorage m) => HandleMethod m RpcStorageGetChunk where
type instance Input RpcStorageGetChunk = (HashRef, Offset, Size)
type instance Output RpcStorageGetChunk = Maybe ByteString
handleMethod (h,o,s) = do
sto <- getRpcContext @AnyStorage
liftIO $ getChunk sto (fromHashRef h) o s
instance (MonadIO m, HasRpcContext AnyStorage m) => HandleMethod m RpcStorageGetRef where
type instance Input RpcStorageGetRef = RefAlias
type instance Output RpcStorageGetRef = Maybe HashRef
handleMethod ref = do
sto <- getRpcContext @AnyStorage
liftIO $ getRef sto ref <&> fmap HashRef
instance (MonadIO m, HasRpcContext AnyStorage m) => HandleMethod m RpcStorageUpdateRef where
type instance Input RpcStorageUpdateRef = (RefAlias, HashRef)
type instance Output RpcStorageUpdateRef = ()
handleMethod (ref, val) = do
sto <- getRpcContext @AnyStorage
liftIO $ updateRef sto ref (fromHashRef val)
instance (MonadIO m, HasRpcContext AnyStorage m) => HandleMethod m RpcStorageDelRef where
type instance Input RpcStorageDelRef = RefAlias
type instance Output RpcStorageDelRef = ()
handleMethod ref = do
sto <- getRpcContext @AnyStorage
liftIO $ delRef sto ref
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