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Created November 24, 2023 12:50
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# Language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# Language UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# Language TemplateHaskell #-}
module HBS2Share.State
( module DBPipe.SQLite
, withState
, insertProcessed
, isProcessed
, updateReceived
, updateMetaData
, updateLocalDirEntry
, selectLocalDirEntries
, selectLocalHash
, updateLocalDirEntryTime
, selectLocalDirEntryTime
, listLastReceived, listLastReceivedJSON
, createReceivedTable
, createMetaDataTable
, createLocalDirTable
, createProcessedTable
, createRankTable
, updateRank
, updateTxRank
, selectRank
, selectBlockMeta
, selectManifest
, ReceivedEntry(..)
) where
import HBS2Share.Types
import HBS2Share.Dir.Types
import DBPipe.SQLite
import Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Time
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 (qc)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Maybe
import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
import Lens.Micro.Platform hiding ((.=))
import Streaming.Prelude qualified as S
data ReceivedEntry =
{ receivedTx :: HashRef
, receivedHash :: HashRef
, receivedSize :: Maybe Integer
, receivedRank :: Maybe Int
, receivedWhen :: UTCTime
, receivedMeta :: Value
deriving stock (Show,Generic)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions{fieldLabelModifier = stripLabelPrefix "received"} ''ReceivedEntry)
withState :: (MonadReader AppEnv m, MonadIO m)
=> DBPipeM m b
-> m b
withState m = do
d <- asks db
withDB d m
createProcessedTable :: MonadIO m => DBPipeM m ()
createProcessedTable = do
ddl [qc|
create table if not exists processed
( hash text not null
, primary key (hash)
createReceivedTable :: MonadIO m => DBPipeM m ()
createReceivedTable = do
ddl [qc|
create table if not exists received
( tx text not null
, ref text not null
, block text not null
, size int
, timestamp datetime default current_timestamp
, primary key (tx)
createMetaDataTable :: MonadIO m => DBPipeM m ()
createMetaDataTable = do
ddl [qc|
create table if not exists metadata
( tx text not null
, attrname text not null
, attrval text not null
, primary key (tx,attrname)
updateReceived :: (ToField a, MonadIO m)
=> a
-> HashRef
-> HashRef
-> Maybe Integer
-> DBPipeM m ()
updateReceived ref tx b s = do
update [qc|
insert into received(tx,ref,block,size) values(?,?,?,?)
on conflict (tx) do nothing
|] (tx,ref,b,s)
updateMetaData :: MonadIO m => HashRef -> PostMetaData -> DBPipeM m ()
updateMetaData tx (PostMetaData md) = do
for_ (HashMap.toList md) $ \(k,v) -> do
update [qc|
insert into metadata (tx,attrname,attrval)
values (?,?,?)
on conflict (tx, attrname) do update set attrval = excluded.attrval
|] (tx, k, LBS.unpack (Aeson.encode v))
instance FromRow ReceivedEntry where
fromRow = ReceivedEntry
<$> field
<*> field
<*> field
<*> field
<*> field
<*> (mbJson =<< field @Text)
mbJson s =
case Aeson.decode @Value . LBS.fromStrict . encodeUtf8 $ s of
Just obj -> pure obj
Nothing -> pure Null
listLastReceived :: MonadIO m => Int -> MyRefChanId -> DBPipeM m [ReceivedEntry]
listLastReceived n rc =
select [qc|
with o as (
select r.tx
, r.ref
, r.block
, r.size
, t.rank
, r.timestamp
from received r left join txrank t on r.tx = t.tx
where r.ref = ?
order by t.rank desc nulls last, timestamp desc
limit ?
select o.tx
, block
, size
, o.rank
, timestamp
, ( select json_group_object (m.attrname, json(m.attrval))
from metadata m where m.tx = o.tx
) as meta
from o;
|] (rc,n)
selectBlockMeta :: MonadIO m => HashRef -> DBPipeM m (Maybe ReceivedEntry)
selectBlockMeta href = do
select [qc|
with o as (
select r.tx
, r.block
, r.size
, t.rank
, r.timestamp
from received r left join txrank t on r.tx = t.tx
where r.tx = ?
order by timestamp desc
limit 1
select o.tx
, o.block
, o.size
, o.rank
, timestamp
, ( select json_group_object (m.attrname, json(m.attrval))
from metadata m where m.tx = o.tx
) as meta
from o;
|] (Only href) <&> listToMaybe
listLastReceivedJSON :: MonadIO m => Int -> MyRefChanId -> DBPipeM m [Value]
listLastReceivedJSON a b = do
items <- listLastReceived a b <&> sortOn receivedWhen
-- let wtf = [ fieldsOf x | x <- o ]
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
tz <- liftIO getCurrentTimeZone
for items $ \o -> do
let lt = utcToLocalTime tz (receivedWhen o)
let ago = diffUTCTime now (receivedWhen o)
let agoSeconds = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" ago & readMay @Int
let agoHMS = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%h:%M:%S" ago
let ud = utctDay (receivedWhen o)
let d = localDay lt
let agoObj = case formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%D %H %M %S" ago & L.words of
[d,h,m,s] -> object [ "days" .= readMay @Int d
, "hours" .= readMay @Int h
, "minutes" .= readMay @Int m
, "seconds" .= readMay @Int s
, "secondsTotal" .= agoSeconds
, "hms" .= agoHMS
_ -> object []
pure $ object [ "tx" .= receivedTx o
, "hash" .= receivedHash o
, "utc" .= receivedWhen o
, "utcTime" .= formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S" (receivedWhen o)
, "utcDate" .= ud
, "localTime" .= formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S" lt
, "localDate" .= d
, "ago" .= agoObj
, "meta" .= receivedMeta o
insertProcessed :: MonadIO m => HashRef -> DBPipeM m ()
insertProcessed href = do
update [qc|
insert into processed (hash)
values (?)
on conflict (hash) do nothing
|] (Only href)
isProcessed :: MonadIO m => HashRef -> DBPipeM m Bool
isProcessed href = do
select [qc|
select 1
from processed
where hash = ?
limit 1
|] (Only href) <&> not . L.null . fmap (fromOnly @Int)
createLocalDirTable :: MonadIO m => DBPipeM m ()
createLocalDirTable = do
ddl [qc|
create table if not exists localdirentry
( lcookie text not null
, cookie text not null
, key text not null
, type text not null
, timestamp datetime default current_timestamp
, primary key (lcookie,key)
ddl [qc|
create table if not exists localdirentryhash
( lcookie text not null
, key text not null
, hash text
, primary key (lcookie,key)
ddl [qc|
create table if not exists localdirentrytime
( lcookie text not null
, key text not null
, modtime datatime default current_timestamp
, primary key (lcookie,key)
deriving newtype instance ToField EntryKey
deriving newtype instance FromField EntryKey
updateLocalDirEntry :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader RunDirEnv m)
=> Text -- ^ cookie
-> EntryKey -- ^ entry key
-> Entry
-> DBPipeM m ()
updateLocalDirEntry c k e = do
lc <- lift localCookie
let tp = case e of
EntryDir -> "D"
EntryFile{} -> "F"
EntryTomb -> "T"
update [qc|
insert into localdirentry (lcookie, cookie, key, type)
values (?,?,?,?)
on conflict (lcookie,key)
do update
set type = excluded.type,
timestamp = current_timestamp
|] (lc, c, k, tp)
selectLocalDirEntries :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader RunDirEnv m)
=> Maybe EntryKey
-> DBPipeM m [(EntryKey, Entry)]
selectLocalDirEntries k = do
lc <- lift localCookie
row <- select [qc|
select key, type
from localdirentry
where lcookie = ? and key = coalesce(?, key)
|] (lc,k)
S.toList_ do
for_ row $ \(k :: EntryKey, t :: Text) -> do
case t of
"D" -> S.yield (k, EntryDir)
"F" -> S.yield (k, EntryFile (File (takeFileName (fromEntryKey k))))
"T" -> S.yield (k, EntryTomb)
_ -> pure ()
selectLocalHash :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader RunDirEnv m)
=> EntryKey
-> DBPipeM m (Maybe HashRef)
selectLocalHash k = do
lc <- lift localCookie
select [qc|
select hash
from localdirentryhash
where lcookie = ? and key = ?
|] (lc, k) <&> listToMaybe <&> fmap fromOnly
updateLocalDirEntryTime :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader RunDirEnv m)
=> EntryKey -- ^ entry key
-> UTCTime
-> DBPipeM m ()
updateLocalDirEntryTime k t = do
lc <- lift localCookie
update [qc|
insert into localdirentrytime (lcookie, key, modtime)
values (?,?,?)
on conflict (lcookie,key)
do update
set modtime = excluded.modtime
|] (lc, k, t)
selectLocalDirEntryTime :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader RunDirEnv m)
=> EntryKey -- ^ entry key
-> DBPipeM m (Maybe UTCTime)
selectLocalDirEntryTime k = do
lc <- lift localCookie
select [qc|
select modtime from localdirentrytime t
t.lcookie = ? and t.key = ?
limit 1
|] (lc,k) <&> listToMaybe <&> fmap fromOnly
createRankTable :: MonadIO m => DBPipeM m ()
createRankTable = do
ddl [qc|
create table if not exists rank
( hash text not null
, rank int not null
, primary key (hash)
ddl [qc|
create table if not exists txrank
( tx text not null
, rank int not null
, primary key (tx)
updateRank :: MonadIO m => HashRef -> Int -> DBPipeM m ()
updateRank h r = do
update [qc|
insert into rank (hash,rank)
values (?,?)
on conflict (hash)
do update
set rank = excluded.rank
|] (h, r)
updateTxRank :: MonadIO m => HashRef -> Int -> DBPipeM m ()
updateTxRank h r = do
update [qc|
insert into txrank (tx,rank)
values (?,?)
on conflict (tx)
do update
set rank = excluded.rank
|] (h,r)
selectRank :: MonadIO m => HashRef -> DBPipeM m (Maybe Int)
selectRank h = do
select [qc|
select rank from rank
where hash = ?
|] (Only h) <&> fmap fromOnly . listToMaybe
-- tombs as (
-- SELECT * from s1
-- WHERE == 'T'
-- AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM s1 WHERE tp <> 'T' AND rank > s1.rank
-- )
-- WITH s1 as (
-- s0.block,
-- coalesce(MAX(json_extract(s0.meta, '$."rank"')),0) AS rank,
-- json_extract(s0.meta, '$."dir.entry.type"') AS tp,
-- json_extract(s0.meta, '$."dir.entry.key"') AS key
-- FROM (
-- r.block,
-- json_group_object(m.attrname, json(m.attrval)) AS meta
-- received r
-- metadata m ON r.tx = m.tx
-- r.tx
-- HAVING json_extract(meta, '$."dir.cookie"') = ?
-- AND json_extract(meta, '$."rank"') > 0
-- ) AS s0
-- tp IN ('F', 'T', 'D')
-- key
-- )
-- SELECT * from s1 WHERE <> 'T'
selectManifest :: MonadIO m
=> Text -- ^ cookie
-> DBPipeM m Manifest
selectManifest cookie = do
let sql = [qc|
WITH s1 as (
coalesce(MAX(json_extract(s0.meta, '$."rank"')),0) AS rank,
json_extract(s0.meta, '$."dir.entry.type"') AS tp,
json_extract(s0.meta, '$."dir.entry.key"') AS key
json_group_object(m.attrname, json(m.attrval)) AS meta
received r
metadata m ON r.tx = m.tx
HAVING json_extract(meta, '$."dir.cookie"') = ?
AND json_extract(meta, '$."rank"') > 0
) AS s0
tp IN ('F', 'T', 'D')
rows <- select sql (Only cookie)
let rt = [ r | (_,r,t,k) <- rows
, t /= entryCode EntryTomb
] & Set.fromList
items <- S.toList_ do
for_ rows $ \(h :: HashRef, r :: Int, t :: Text, k :: EntryKey) -> do
let entry' = case t of
"T" -> Just EntryTomb
"D" -> Just EntryDir
"F" -> Just $ EntryFile (File (takeFileName (fromEntryKey k)))
_ -> Nothing
maybe1 entry' none $ \entry -> do
S.yield (k, ManifestEntry entry r (Just h))
pure $ Manifest (HashMap.fromList items)
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