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Created September 26, 2020 04:38
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Pooky Cookies
module.exports = class PookyCookies {
* PookyCookies, used to generate a unique
* set of cookies for the Supreme checkout
* process.
constructor(region, aesKey, encKey, decKey) {
this.region = region
this.pookyConstants = {
'pooky_telemetry': 45,
'pooky_recaptcha': 87,
'pooky_recaptcha_coherence': 40,
'pooky_data': 195,
'pooky_settings': 200
this.deadbeef = new Uint8Array([239, 7, 16, 222, 173, 190]);
this.key = aesKey;
this.encKey = encKey;
this.decKey = decKey;
* Random 16 bytes used as an initialization
* vector for encryption
genIV() {
return cryptoGetRandom(new Uint8Array(16))
* Encrypts the data using a slightly modified
* CBC. The round keys are dynamically grabbed
* by the pooky-key-extractor microservice
* @param {array} bytes - The plaintext to be encrypted as bytes.
* @param {array} iv - The initialization vector to be used as bytes
encrypt(bytes, iv) {
const aesCbc = new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.cbc(this.key, iv, this.encKey, this.decKey);
const encryptedBytes = aesCbc.encrypt(aesjs.padding.pkcs7.pad(bytes));
return aesjs.utils.hex.fromBytes(iv) + aesjs.utils.hex.fromBytes(encryptedBytes)
* Generates the 'pooky' cookie. Also used
* for the pooky_performance cookie.
* @returns {string} Newly generated UUIDv4
genPookyCookie() {
this.pooky_cookie = require('uuid/v4')()
return this.pooky_cookie
getPookyCookie() {
return this.pooky_cookie;
replaceUUIDIndicies(indicies, replacement){
this.pooky_cookie = this.pooky_cookie.replace(/-/g, "").split("").map((e, i) => indicies.includes(i) ? replacement : e);
this.pooky_cookie.splice(8, 0, '-');
this.pooky_cookie.splice(13, 0, '-');
this.pooky_cookie.splice(18, 0, '-');
this.pooky_cookie.splice(23, 0, '-');
this.pooky_cookie = this.pooky_cookie.join("");
genPOwlCookie() {
return this.encrypt([113, 101, 135, 114, 37, 81, 55, 73, 2, 16, 21, 99, 67], this.genIV())
* Generates the pooky_performance cookie, this
* cookie is simply the 'pooky' cookie, reversed
* with dashes removed and encrypted.
genPookyPerformance() {
const reversedPooky = [...this.pooky_cookie].reverse()
.filter(c => c !== '-')
const pookyPerformanceBytes = aesjs.utils.hex.toBytes(reversedPooky);
const newPookyBytes = [];
for(const byte of pookyPerformanceBytes) {
return this.encrypt(newPookyBytes, this.genIV())
* Generates the pooky_mouse cookie, this
* cookie utilizes the Date#now and
* performs arithmetic on each digit
genPookyMouse() {
const pookyMouseBytes = [];
const timeString = String(;
[...timeString].forEach(char => {
pookyMouseBytes.push(parseInt(Math.floor(9 * Math.random()) + char, 16))
return this.encrypt(pookyMouseBytes, this.genIV());
* Generates the pooky_order_allow cookie
* {"tohru_ok": true,"enabled": true,"all_releases":true,"splay_env":"prod", "mouse_score":100,"bypass":true}
* @return {string} Hardcoded JSON base64 encoded
genPookyOrderAllow() {
return "eyJ0b2hydV9vayI6IHRydWUsImVuYWJsZWQiOiB0cnVlLCJhbGxfcmVsZWFzZXMiOnRydWUsInNwbGF5X2VudiI6InByb2QiLCAibW91c2Vfc2NvcmUiOjEwMCwiYnlwYXNzIjp0cnVlfQ=="
genElectricBytes() {
return new Uint8Array(16).map(byte => Math.floor(200 * Math.random()))
* Generates the 'pooky_electric' cookie
* along with 5 separate cookies stored in
* pookyConstants. A cookie is selected at
* random and filled with DEADBEEF bytes,
* the rest of the cookies are filled with
* random.
* @returns {string} The randomly selected
* cookie's magic value nested in an array
genPookyElectric() {
const randomCookie = Object.keys(this.pookyConstants).sample()
const pookyElectric = new Uint8Array(Array.of(this.pookyConstants[randomCookie]))
Object.keys(this.pookyConstants).forEach(key => {
const data = key === randomCookie ? this.deadbeef : this.genElectricBytes()
this[key] = this.encrypt(data, this.genIV())
return this.encrypt(pookyElectric, this.genIV())
* These set of keys are generated by genPookyElectric
* They are seemingly random
genPookyTelemetry() {
return this.pooky_telemetry
genPookyRecaptcha() {
return this.pooky_recaptcha
genPookyRecaptchaCoherence() {
return this.pooky_recaptcha_coherence
genPookyData() {
return this.pooky_data
genPookySettings() {
return this.pooky_settings
* Generates the 'updated_pooky_coherence' cookie
* this cookie is a garbage "padding" string
* encrypted
genUpdatedPookyCoherence() {
const updated_pooky_coherence = aesjs.utils.utf8.toBytes("pad_PPPPPPPPPP");
return this.encrypt(updated_pooky_coherence, this.genIV());
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