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Last active August 25, 2015 19:38
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Unicode concealment symbols
This is a list of manually selected unicode symbols that might be usable as concealment symbols.
For example, they can be used with vim-haskellConcealPlus.
I have tested these with the font Terminus.
-- Int:
U+01B5 'Ƶ' latin capital letter z with stroke latin capital letter z bar
U+0224 'Ȥ' latin capital letter z with hook
U+0240 'ɀ' latin small letter z with swash tail
U+0290 'ʐ' latin small letter z with retroflex hook latin small letter z retroflex hook
U+0291 'ʑ' latin small letter z with curl latin small letter z curl
U+1D22 'ᴢ' latin letter small capital z
U+2116 '№' numero sign numero
U+2124 'ℤ' double-struck capital z double-struck z
U+2C7F 'Ɀ' latin capital letter z with swash tail
U+1D56B '𝕫' mathematical double-struck small
-- String:
U+00A7 '§' section sign
-- Text:
U+00B6 '¶' pilcrow sign paragraph sign
-- Either:
U+236D '⍭' apl functional symbol stile tilde
U+1D07 'ᴇ' latin letter small capital e
U+16E0 'ᛠ' runic letter ear
U+1EB8 'Ẹ' latin capital letter e with dot below
U+2107 'ℇ' euler constant eulers
U+2108 '℈' scruple
U+25B2 '▲' black up-pointing triangle black up pointing triangle
U+25B3 '△' white up-pointing triangle white up pointing triangle
U+25B4 '▴' black up-pointing small triangle black up pointing small triangle
U+25B5 '▵' white up-pointing small triangle white up pointing small triangle
-- Left:
U+2345 '⍅' apl functional symbol leftwards vane
U+03FE 'Ͼ' greek capital dotted lunate sigma symbol
U+1D0C 'ᴌ' latin letter small capital l with stroke
U+16E9 'ᛩ' runic letter q
U+1E36 'Ḷ' latin capital letter l with dot below
U+1E3A 'Ḻ' latin capital letter l with line below
U+25C0 '◀' black left-pointing triangle black left pointing triangle
U+25C1 '◁' white left-pointing triangle white left pointing triangle
U+25C2 '◂' black left-pointing small triangle black left pointing small triangle
U+25C3 '◃' white left-pointing small triangle white left pointing small triangle
U+25C4 '◄' black left-pointing pointer black left pointing pointer
U+25C5 '◅' white left-pointing pointer white left pointing pointer
-- Right:
U+2346 '⍆' apl functional symbol rightwards vane
U+03FF 'Ͽ' greek capital reversed dotted lunate sigma symbol
U+16B1 'ᚱ' runic letter raido rad reid r
U+1E5A 'Ṛ' latin capital letter r with dot below
U+1E5E 'Ṟ' latin capital letter r with line below
U+25B6 '▶' black right-pointing triangle black right pointing triangle
U+25B7 '▷' white right-pointing triangle white right pointing triangle
U+25B8 '▸' black right-pointing small triangle black right pointing small triangle
U+25B9 '▹' white right-pointing small triangle white right pointing small triangle
U+25BA '►' black right-pointing pointer black right pointing pointer
U+25BB '▻' white right-pointing pointer white right pointing pointer
-- Maybe:
-- Just:
-- Nothing:
-- True:
-- False:
-- bind right:
U+169B '᚛' ogham feather mark
-- bind left:
U+169C '᚜' ogham reversed feather mark
U+00AC '¬' not sign
U+16A0 'ᚠ' runic letter fehu feoh fe f
U+16A1 'ᚡ' runic letter v
U+16A2 'ᚢ' runic letter uruz ur u
U+16A3 'ᚣ' runic letter yr
U+16A4 'ᚤ' runic letter y
U+16A5 'ᚥ' runic letter w
U+16A6 'ᚦ' runic letter thurisaz thurs thorn
U+16A7 'ᚧ' runic letter eth
U+16A8 'ᚨ' runic letter ansuz a
U+16A9 'ᚩ' runic letter os o
U+16AA 'ᚪ' runic letter ac a
U+16AB 'ᚫ' runic letter aesc
U+16AC 'ᚬ' runic letter long-branch-oss o
U+16AD 'ᚭ' runic letter short-twig-oss o
U+16AE 'ᚮ' runic letter o
U+16AF 'ᚯ' runic letter oe
U+16B0 'ᚰ' runic letter on
U+16B1 'ᚱ' runic letter raido rad reid r
U+16B2 'ᚲ' runic letter kauna
U+16B3 'ᚳ' runic letter cen
U+16B4 'ᚴ' runic letter kaun k
U+16B5 'ᚵ' runic letter g
U+16B6 'ᚶ' runic letter eng
U+16B7 'ᚷ' runic letter gebo gyfu g
U+16B8 'ᚸ' runic letter gar
U+16B9 'ᚹ' runic letter wunjo wynn w
U+16BA 'ᚺ' runic letter haglaz h
U+16BB 'ᚻ' runic letter haegl h
U+16BC 'ᚼ' runic letter long-branch-hagall h
U+16BD 'ᚽ' runic letter short-twig-hagall h
U+16BE 'ᚾ' runic letter naudiz nyd naud n
U+16BF 'ᚿ' runic letter short-twig-naud n
U+16C0 'ᛀ' runic letter dotted-n
U+16C1 'ᛁ' runic letter isaz is iss i
U+16C2 'ᛂ' runic letter e
U+16C3 'ᛃ' runic letter jeran j
U+16C4 'ᛄ' runic letter ger
U+16C5 'ᛅ' runic letter long-branch-ar ae
U+16C6 'ᛆ' runic letter short-twig-ar a
U+16C7 'ᛇ' runic letter iwaz eoh
U+16C8 'ᛈ' runic letter pertho peorth p
U+16C9 'ᛉ' runic letter algiz eolhx
U+16CA 'ᛊ' runic letter sowilo s
U+16CB 'ᛋ' runic letter sigel long-branch-sol s
U+16CC 'ᛌ' runic letter short-twig-sol s
U+16CD 'ᛍ' runic letter c
U+16CE 'ᛎ' runic letter z
U+16CF 'ᛏ' runic letter tiwaz tir tyr t
U+16D0 'ᛐ' runic letter short-twig-tyr t
U+16D1 'ᛑ' runic letter d
U+16D2 'ᛒ' runic letter berkanan beorc bjarkan b
U+16D3 'ᛓ' runic letter short-twig-bjarkan b
U+16D4 'ᛔ' runic letter dotted-p
U+16D5 'ᛕ' runic letter open-p
U+16D6 'ᛖ' runic letter ehwaz eh e
U+16D7 'ᛗ' runic letter mannaz man m
U+16D8 'ᛘ' runic letter long-branch-madr m
U+16D9 'ᛙ' runic letter short-twig-madr m
U+16DA 'ᛚ' runic letter laukaz lagu logr l
U+16DB 'ᛛ' runic letter dotted-l
U+16DC 'ᛜ' runic letter ingwaz
U+16DD 'ᛝ' runic letter ing
U+16DE 'ᛞ' runic letter dagaz daeg d
U+16DF 'ᛟ' runic letter othalan ethel o
U+16E0 'ᛠ' runic letter ear
U+16E1 'ᛡ' runic letter ior
U+16E2 'ᛢ' runic letter cweorth
U+16E3 'ᛣ' runic letter calc
U+16E4 'ᛤ' runic letter cealc
U+16E5 'ᛥ' runic letter stan
U+16E6 'ᛦ' runic letter long-branch-yr
U+16E7 'ᛧ' runic letter short-twig-yr
U+16E8 'ᛨ' runic letter icelandic-yr
U+16E9 'ᛩ' runic letter q
U+16EA 'ᛪ' runic letter x
U+16EB '᛫' runic single punctuation
U+16EC '᛬' runic multiple punctuation
U+16ED '᛭' runic cross punctuation
U+16EE 'ᛮ' runic arlaug symbol
U+16EF 'ᛯ' runic tvimadur symbol
U+16F0 'ᛰ' runic belgthor symbol
U+210E 'ℎ' planck constant
U+210F 'ℏ' planck constant over two pi planck constant over 2 pi
U+2110 'ℐ' script capital i script i
U+2111 'ℑ' black-letter capital i black-letter i
U+2112 'ℒ' script capital l script l
U+2113 'ℓ' script small l
U+2114 '℔' l b bar symbol
U+2115 'ℕ' double-struck capital n double-struck n
U+2116 '№' numero sign numero
U+2119 'ℙ' double-struck capital p double-struck p
U+211A 'ℚ' double-struck capital q double-struck q
U+211C 'ℜ' black-letter capital r black-letter r
U+211D 'ℝ' double-struck capital r double-struck r
U+2124 'ℤ' double-struck capital z double-struck z
U+2125 '℥' ounce sign ounce
U+2126 'Ω' ohm sign ohm
U+2127 '℧' inverted ohm sign mho
U+2128 'ℨ' black-letter capital z black-letter z
U+2129 '℩' turned greek small letter iota
U+212A 'K' kelvin sign degrees kelvin
U+212B 'Å' angstrom sign angstrom unit
U+212D 'ℭ' black-letter capital c black-letter c
U+212E '℮' estimated symbol
U+212F 'ℯ' script small e
U+2130 'ℰ' script capital e script e
U+2132 'Ⅎ' turned capital f turned f
U+2134 'ℴ' script small o
U+2135 'ℵ' alef symbol first transfinite cardinal
U+2136 'ℶ' bet symbol second transfinite cardinal
U+2137 'ℷ' gimel symbol third transfinite cardinal
U+2138 'ℸ' dalet symbol fourth transfinite cardinal
U+2139 'ℹ' information source
U+213A '℺' rotated capital q
U+213C 'ℼ' double-struck small pi
U+213D 'ℽ' double-struck small gamma
U+213E 'ℾ' double-struck capital gamma
U+213F 'ℿ' double-struck capital pi
U+2140 '⅀' double-struck n-ary summation
U+2141 '⅁' turned sans-serif capital g
U+2142 '⅂' turned sans-serif capital l
U+2143 '⅃' reversed sans-serif capital l
U+2144 '⅄' turned sans-serif capital y
U+2145 'ⅅ' double-struck italic capital d
U+2146 'ⅆ' double-struck italic small d
U+2147 'ⅇ' double-struck italic small e
U+2148 'ⅈ' double-struck italic small i
U+2149 'ⅉ' double-struck italic small j
U+214B '⅋' turned ampersand
U+214D '⅍' aktieselskab
U+214E 'ⅎ' turned small f
U+2190 -- U+21FF
U+2200 '∀' for all
U+2201 '∁' complement
U+2202 '∂' partial differential
U+2203 '∃' there exists
U+2204 '∄' there does not exist
U+2205 '∅' empty set
U+2206 '∆' increment
U+2207 '∇' nabla
U+2208 '∈' element of
U+2209 '∉' not an element of
U+220A '∊' small element of
U+220B '∋' contains as member
U+220C '∌' does not contain as member
U+220D '∍' small contains as member
U+220E '∎' end of proof
U+220F '∏' n-ary product
U+2210 '∐' n-ary coproduct
U+2211 '∑' n-ary summation
U+2212 '−' minus sign
U+2213 '∓' minus-or-plus sign
U+2214 '∔' dot plus
U+2215 '∕' division slash
U+2216 '∖' set minus
U+2217 '∗' asterisk operator
U+2218 '∘' ring operator
U+2219 '∙' bullet operator
U+221A '√' square root
U+221B '∛' cube root
U+221C '∜' fourth root
U+221D '∝' proportional to
U+221E '∞' infinity
U+221F '∟' right angle
U+2220 '∠' angle
U+2221 '∡' measured angle
U+2222 '∢' spherical angle
U+2223 '∣' divides
U+2224 '∤' does not divide
U+2225 '∥' parallel to
U+2226 '∦' not parallel to
U+2227 '∧' logical and
U+2228 '∨' logical or
U+2229 '∩' intersection
U+222A '∪' union
U+222B '∫' integral
U+222C '∬' double integral
U+222D '∭' triple integral
U+222E '∮' contour integral
U+222F '∯' surface integral
U+2230 '∰' volume integral
U+2231 '∱' clockwise integral
U+2232 '∲' clockwise contour integral
U+2233 '∳' anticlockwise contour integral
U+2234 '∴' therefore
U+2235 '∵' because
U+2236 '∶' ratio
U+2237 '∷' proportion
U+2238 '∸' dot minus
U+2239 '∹' excess
U+223A '∺' geometric proportion
U+223B '∻' homothetic
U+223C '∼' tilde operator
U+223D '∽' reversed tilde
U+223E '∾' inverted lazy s
U+223F '∿' sine wave
U+2240 '≀' wreath product
U+2241 '≁' not tilde
U+2242 '≂' minus tilde
U+2243 '≃' asymptotically equal to
U+2244 '≄' not asymptotically equal to
U+2245 '≅' approximately equal to
U+2246 '≆' approximately but not actually equal to
U+2247 '≇' neither approximately nor actually equal to
U+2248 '≈' almost equal to
U+2249 '≉' not almost equal to
U+224A '≊' almost equal or equal to
U+224B '≋' triple tilde
U+224C '≌' all equal to
U+224D '≍' equivalent to
U+224E '≎' geometrically equivalent to
U+224F '≏' difference between
U+2250 '≐' approaches the limit
U+2251 '≑' geometrically equal to
U+2252 '≒' approximately equal to or the image of
U+2253 '≓' image of or approximately equal to
U+2254 '≔' colon equals colon equal
U+2255 '≕' equals colon equal colon
U+2256 '≖' ring in equal to
U+2257 '≗' ring equal to
U+2258 '≘' corresponds to
U+2259 '≙' estimates
U+225A '≚' equiangular to
U+225B '≛' star equals
U+225C '≜' delta equal to
U+225D '≝' equal to by definition
U+225E '≞' measured by
U+225F '≟' questioned equal to
U+2260 '≠' not equal to
U+2261 '≡' identical to
U+2262 '≢' not identical to
U+2263 '≣' strictly equivalent to
U+2264 '≤' less-than or equal to less than or equal to
U+2265 '≥' greater-than or equal to greater than or equal to
U+2266 '≦' less-than over equal to less than over equal to
U+2267 '≧' greater-than over equal to greater than over equal to
U+2268 '≨' less-than but not equal to less than but not equal to
U+2269 '≩' greater-than but not equal to greater than but not equal to
U+226A '≪' much less-than much less than
U+226B '≫' much greater-than much greater than
U+226C '≬' between
U+226D '≭' not equivalent to
U+226E '≮' not less-than not less than
U+226F '≯' not greater-than not greater than
U+2270 '≰' neither less-than nor equal to neither less than nor equal to
U+2271 '≱' neither greater-than nor equal to neither greater than nor equal to
U+2272 '≲' less-than or equivalent to less than or equivalent to
U+2273 '≳' greater-than or equivalent to greater than or equivalent to
U+2274 '≴' neither less-than nor equivalent to neither less than nor equivalent to
U+2275 '≵' neither greater-than nor equivalent to neither greater than nor equivalent to
U+2276 '≶' less-than or greater-than less than or greater than
U+2277 '≷' greater-than or less-than greater than or less than
U+2278 '≸' neither less-than nor greater-than neither less than nor greater than
U+2279 '≹' neither greater-than nor less-than neither greater than nor less than
U+227A '≺' precedes
U+227B '≻' succeeds
U+227C '≼' precedes or equal to
U+227D '≽' succeeds or equal to
U+227E '≾' precedes or equivalent to
U+227F '≿' succeeds or equivalent to
U+2280 '⊀' does not precede
U+2281 '⊁' does not succeed
U+2282 '⊂' subset of
U+2283 '⊃' superset of
U+2284 '⊄' not a subset of
U+2285 '⊅' not a superset of
U+2286 '⊆' subset of or equal to
U+2287 '⊇' superset of or equal to
U+2288 '⊈' neither a subset of nor equal to
U+2289 '⊉' neither a superset of nor equal to
U+228A '⊊' subset of with not equal to subset of or not equal to
U+228B '⊋' superset of with not equal to superset of or not equal to
U+228C '⊌' multiset
U+228D '⊍' multiset multiplication
U+228E '⊎' multiset union
U+228F '⊏' square image of
U+2290 '⊐' square original of
U+2291 '⊑' square image of or equal to
U+2292 '⊒' square original of or equal to
U+2293 '⊓' square cap
U+2294 '⊔' square cup
U+2295 '⊕' circled plus
U+2296 '⊖' circled minus
U+2297 '⊗' circled times
U+2298 '⊘' circled division slash
U+2299 '⊙' circled dot operator
U+229A '⊚' circled ring operator
U+229B '⊛' circled asterisk operator
U+229C '⊜' circled equals
U+229D '⊝' circled dash
U+229E '⊞' squared plus
U+229F '⊟' squared minus
U+22A0 '⊠' squared times
U+22A1 '⊡' squared dot operator
U+22A2 '⊢' right tack
U+22A3 '⊣' left tack
U+22A4 '⊤' down tack
U+22A5 '⊥' up tack
U+22A6 '⊦' assertion
U+22A7 '⊧' models
U+22A8 '⊨' true
U+22A9 '⊩' forces
U+22AA '⊪' triple vertical bar right turnstile
U+22AB '⊫' double vertical bar double right turnstile
U+22AC '⊬' does not prove
U+22AD '⊭' not true
U+22AE '⊮' does not force
U+22AF '⊯' negated double vertical bar double right turnstile
U+22B0 '⊰' precedes under relation
U+22B1 '⊱' succeeds under relation
U+22B2 '⊲' normal subgroup of
U+22B3 '⊳' contains as normal subgroup
U+22B4 '⊴' normal subgroup of or equal to
U+22B5 '⊵' contains as normal subgroup or equal to
U+22B6 '⊶' original of
U+22B7 '⊷' image of
U+22B8 '⊸' multimap
U+22B9 '⊹' hermitian conjugate matrix
U+22BA '⊺' intercalate
U+22BB '⊻' xor
U+22BC '⊼' nand
U+22BD '⊽' nor
U+22BE '⊾' right angle with arc
U+22BF '⊿' right triangle
U+22C0 '⋀' n-ary logical and
U+22C1 '⋁' n-ary logical or
U+22C2 '⋂' n-ary intersection
U+22C3 '⋃' n-ary union
U+22C4 '⋄' diamond operator
U+22C5 '⋅' dot operator
U+22C6 '⋆' star operator
U+22C7 '⋇' division times
U+22C8 '⋈' bowtie
U+22C9 '⋉' left normal factor semidirect product
U+22CA '⋊' right normal factor semidirect product
U+22CB '⋋' left semidirect product
U+22CC '⋌' right semidirect product
U+22CD '⋍' reversed tilde equals
U+22CE '⋎' curly logical or
U+22CF '⋏' curly logical and
U+22D0 '⋐' double subset
U+22D1 '⋑' double superset
U+22D2 '⋒' double intersection
U+22D3 '⋓' double union
U+22D4 '⋔' pitchfork
U+22D5 '⋕' equal and parallel to
U+22D6 '⋖' less-than with dot less than with dot
U+22D7 '⋗' greater-than with dot greater than with dot
U+22D8 '⋘' very much less-than very much less than
U+22D9 '⋙' very much greater-than very much greater than
U+22DA '⋚' less-than equal to or greater-than less than equal to or greater than
U+22DB '⋛' greater-than equal to or less-than greater than equal to or less than
U+22DC '⋜' equal to or less-than equal to or less than
U+22DD '⋝' equal to or greater-than equal to or greater than
U+22DE '⋞' equal to or precedes
U+22DF '⋟' equal to or succeeds
U+22E0 '⋠' does not precede or equal
U+22E1 '⋡' does not succeed or equal
U+22E2 '⋢' not square image of or equal to
U+22E3 '⋣' not square original of or equal to
U+22E4 '⋤' square image of or not equal to
U+22E5 '⋥' square original of or not equal to
U+22E6 '⋦' less-than but not equivalent to less than but not equivalent to
U+22E7 '⋧' greater-than but not equivalent to greater than but not equivalent to
U+22E8 '⋨' precedes but not equivalent to
U+22E9 '⋩' succeeds but not equivalent to
U+22EA '⋪' not normal subgroup of
U+22EB '⋫' does not contain as normal subgroup
U+22EC '⋬' not normal subgroup of or equal to
U+22ED '⋭' does not contain as normal subgroup or equal
U+22EE '⋮' vertical ellipsis
U+22EF '⋯' midline horizontal ellipsis
U+22F0 '⋰' up right diagonal ellipsis
U+22F1 '⋱' down right diagonal ellipsis
U+22F4 '⋴' small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
U+22F7 '⋷' small element of with overbar
U+22FC '⋼' small contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
U+22FE '⋾' small contains with overbar
U+2300 '⌀' diameter sign
U+2301 '⌁' electric arrow
U+2302 '⌂' house
U+2303 '⌃' up arrowhead
U+2304 '⌄' down arrowhead
U+2305 '⌅' projective
U+2306 '⌆' perspective
U+2307 '⌇' wavy line
U+2308 '⌈' left ceiling
U+2309 '⌉' right ceiling
U+230A '⌊' left floor
U+230B '⌋' right floor
U+230C '⌌' bottom right crop
U+230D '⌍' bottom left crop
U+230E '⌎' top right crop
U+230F '⌏' top left crop
U+2310 '⌐' reversed not sign
U+2311 '⌑' square lozenge
U+2312 '⌒' arc
U+2313 '⌓' segment
U+2314 '⌔' sector
U+2315 '⌕' telephone recorder
U+2318 '⌘' place of interest sign command key
U+2319 '⌙' turned not sign
U+231C '⌜' top left corner
U+231D '⌝' top right corner
U+231E '⌞' bottom left corner
U+231F '⌟' bottom right corner
U+2320 '⌠' top half integral
U+2321 '⌡' bottom half integral
U+2322 '⌢' frown
U+2323 '⌣' smile
U+2324 '⌤' up arrowhead between two horizontal bars enter key
U+2325 '⌥' option key
U+2326 '⌦' erase to the right delete to the right key
U+2327 '⌧' x in a rectangle box clear key
U+2328 '⌨' keyboard
U+2329 '〈' left-pointing angle bracket bra
U+232A '〉' right-pointing angle bracket ket
U+232B '⌫' erase to the left delete to the left key
U+232C '⌬' benzene ring
U+2335 '⌵' countersink
U+2336 '⌶' apl functional symbol i-beam
U+2337 '⌷' apl functional symbol squish quad
U+2338 '⌸' apl functional symbol quad equal
U+2339 '⌹' apl functional symbol quad divide
U+233A '⌺' apl functional symbol quad diamond
U+233B '⌻' apl functional symbol quad jot
U+233C '⌼' apl functional symbol quad circle
U+233D '⌽' apl functional symbol circle stile
U+233E '⌾' apl functional symbol circle jot
U+233F '⌿' apl functional symbol slash bar
U+2340 '⍀' apl functional symbol backslash bar
U+2341 '⍁' apl functional symbol quad slash
U+2342 '⍂' apl functional symbol quad backslash
U+2343 '⍃' apl functional symbol quad less-than
U+2344 '⍄' apl functional symbol quad greater-than
U+2345 '⍅' apl functional symbol leftwards vane
U+2346 '⍆' apl functional symbol rightwards vane
U+2347 '⍇' apl functional symbol quad leftwards arrow
U+2348 '⍈' apl functional symbol quad rightwards arrow
U+2349 '⍉' apl functional symbol circle backslash
U+234A '⍊' apl functional symbol down tack underbar
U+234B '⍋' apl functional symbol delta stile
U+234C '⍌' apl functional symbol quad down caret
U+234D '⍍' apl functional symbol quad delta
U+234E '⍎' apl functional symbol down tack jot
U+234F '⍏' apl functional symbol upwards vane
U+2350 '⍐' apl functional symbol quad upwards arrow
U+2351 '⍑' apl functional symbol up tack overbar
U+2352 '⍒' apl functional symbol del stile
U+2353 '⍓' apl functional symbol quad up caret
U+2354 '⍔' apl functional symbol quad del
U+2355 '⍕' apl functional symbol up tack jot
U+2356 '⍖' apl functional symbol downwards vane
U+2357 '⍗' apl functional symbol quad downwards arrow
U+2358 '⍘' apl functional symbol quote underbar
U+2359 '⍙' apl functional symbol delta underbar
U+235A '⍚' apl functional symbol diamond underbar
U+235B '⍛' apl functional symbol jot underbar
U+235C '⍜' apl functional symbol circle underbar
U+235D '⍝' apl functional symbol up shoe jot
U+235E '⍞' apl functional symbol quote quad
U+235F '⍟' apl functional symbol circle star
U+2360 '⍠' apl functional symbol quad colon
U+2361 '⍡' apl functional symbol up tack diaeresis
U+2362 '⍢' apl functional symbol del diaeresis
U+2363 '⍣' apl functional symbol star diaeresis
U+2364 '⍤' apl functional symbol jot diaeresis
U+2365 '⍥' apl functional symbol circle diaeresis
U+2366 '⍦' apl functional symbol down shoe stile
U+2367 '⍧' apl functional symbol left shoe stile
U+2368 '⍨' apl functional symbol tilde diaeresis
U+2369 '⍩' apl functional symbol greater-than diaeresis
U+236A '⍪' apl functional symbol comma bar
U+236B '⍫' apl functional symbol del tilde
U+236C '⍬' apl functional symbol zilde
U+236D '⍭' apl functional symbol stile tilde
U+236E '⍮' apl functional symbol semicolon underbar
U+236F '⍯' apl functional symbol quad not equal
U+2370 '⍰' apl functional symbol quad question
U+2371 '⍱' apl functional symbol down caret tilde
U+2372 '⍲' apl functional symbol up caret tilde
U+2373 '⍳' apl functional symbol iota
U+2374 '⍴' apl functional symbol rho
U+2375 '⍵' apl functional symbol omega
U+2376 '⍶' apl functional symbol alpha underbar
U+2377 '⍷' apl functional symbol epsilon underbar
U+2378 '⍸' apl functional symbol iota underbar
U+2379 '⍹' apl functional symbol omega underbar
U+237A '⍺' apl functional symbol alpha
U+237C '⍼' right angle with downwards zigzag arrow
U+237D '⍽' shouldered open box
U+237E '⍾' bell symbol
U+237F '⍿' vertical line with middle dot
U+2380 '⎀' insertion symbol
U+2381 '⎁' continuous underline symbol
U+2382 '⎂' discontinuous underline symbol
U+2383 '⎃' emphasis symbol
U+2384 '⎄' composition symbol
U+2385 '⎅' white square with centre vertical line
U+2386 '⎆' enter symbol
U+2387 '⎇' alternative key symbol
U+2388 '⎈' helm symbol
U+2389 '⎉' circled horizontal bar with notch
U+238A '⎊' circled triangle down
U+238B '⎋' broken circle with northwest arrow
U+238C '⎌' undo symbol
U+238D '⎍' monostable symbol
U+238E '⎎' hysteresis symbol
U+238F '⎏' open-circuit-output h-type symbol
U+2390 '⎐' open-circuit-output l-type symbol
U+2391 '⎑' passive-pull-down-output symbol
U+2392 '⎒' passive-pull-up-output symbol
U+2393 '⎓' direct current symbol form two
U+2394 '⎔' software-function symbol
U+2395 '⎕' apl functional symbol quad
U+2396 '⎖' decimal separator key symbol
U+2397 '⎗' previous page
U+2398 '⎘' next page
U+2399 '⎙' print screen symbol
U+239A '⎚' clear screen symbol
U+23CE '⏎' return symbol
U+23DA '⏚' earth ground
U+2600 '☀' black sun with rays
U+2601 '☁' cloud
U+2602 '☂' umbrella
U+2603 '☃' snowman
U+2604 '☄' comet
U+2605 '★' black star
U+2606 '☆' white star
U+2607 '☇' lightning
U+2608 '☈' thunderstorm
U+2609 '☉' sun
U+260A '☊' ascending node
U+260B '☋' descending node
U+260C '☌' conjunction
U+260D '☍' opposition
U+260E '☎' black telephone
U+260F '☏' white telephone
U+2610 '☐' ballot box
U+2611 '☑' ballot box with check
U+2612 '☒' ballot box with x
U+2613 '☓' saltire
U+2614 '☔' umbrella with rain drops
U+2615 '☕' hot beverage
U+2616 '☖' white shogi piece
U+2617 '☗' black shogi piece
U+2618 '☘' shamrock
U+2619 '☙' reversed rotated floral heart bullet
U+261A '☚' black left pointing index
U+261B '☛' black right pointing index
U+261C '☜' white left pointing index
U+261D '☝' white up pointing index
U+261E '☞' white right pointing index
U+261F '☟' white down pointing index
U+2620 '☠' skull and crossbones
U+2621 '☡' caution sign
U+2622 '☢' radioactive sign
U+2623 '☣' biohazard sign
U+2624 '☤' caduceus
U+2625 '☥' ankh
U+2626 '☦' orthodox cross
U+2627 '☧' chi rho
U+2628 '☨' cross of lorraine
U+2629 '☩' cross of jerusalem
U+262A '☪' star and crescent
U+262B '☫' farsi symbol symbol of iran
U+262C '☬' adi shakti
U+262D '☭' hammer and sickle
U+262E '☮' peace symbol
U+262F '☯' yin yang
U+2630 '☰' trigram for heaven
U+2631 '☱' trigram for lake
U+2632 '☲' trigram for fire
U+2633 '☳' trigram for thunder
U+2634 '☴' trigram for wind
U+2635 '☵' trigram for water
U+2636 '☶' trigram for mountain
U+2637 '☷' trigram for earth
U+2638 '☸' wheel of dharma
U+2639 '☹' white frowning face
U+263A '☺' white smiling face
U+263B '☻' black smiling face
U+263C '☼' white sun with rays
U+263D '☽' first quarter moon
U+263E '☾' last quarter moon
U+263F '☿' mercury
U+2640 '♀' female sign
U+2641 '♁' earth
U+2642 '♂' male sign
U+2643 '♃' jupiter
U+2644 '♄' saturn
U+2645 '♅' uranus
U+2646 '♆' neptune
U+2647 '♇' pluto
U+2648 '♈' aries
U+2649 '♉' taurus
U+264A '♊' gemini
U+264B '♋' cancer
U+264C '♌' leo
U+264D '♍' virgo
U+264E '♎' libra
U+264F '♏' scorpius
U+2650 '♐' sagittarius
U+2651 '♑' capricorn
U+2652 '♒' aquarius
U+2653 '♓' pisces
U+2654 '♔' white chess king
U+2655 '♕' white chess queen
U+2656 '♖' white chess rook
U+2657 '♗' white chess bishop
U+2658 '♘' white chess knight
U+2659 '♙' white chess pawn
U+265A '♚' black chess king
U+265B '♛' black chess queen
U+265C '♜' black chess rook
U+265D '♝' black chess bishop
U+265E '♞' black chess knight
U+265F '♟' black chess pawn
U+2660 '♠' black spade suit
U+2661 '♡' white heart suit
U+2662 '♢' white diamond suit
U+2663 '♣' black club suit
U+2664 '♤' white spade suit
U+2665 '♥' black heart suit
U+2666 '♦' black diamond suit
U+2667 '♧' white club suit
U+2668 '♨' hot springs
U+2669 '♩' quarter note
U+266A '♪' eighth note
U+266B '♫' beamed eighth notes barred eighth notes
U+266C '♬' beamed sixteenth notes barred sixteenth notes
U+266D '♭' music flat sign flat
U+266E '♮' music natural sign natural
U+266F '♯' music sharp sign sharp
U+2670 '♰' west syriac cross
U+2671 '♱' east syriac cross
U+2672 '♲' universal recycling symbol
U+2673 '♳' recycling symbol for type-1 plastics
U+2674 '♴' recycling symbol for type-2 plastics
U+2675 '♵' recycling symbol for type-3 plastics
U+2676 '♶' recycling symbol for type-4 plastics
U+2677 '♷' recycling symbol for type-5 plastics
U+2678 '♸' recycling symbol for type-6 plastics
U+2679 '♹' recycling symbol for type-7 plastics
U+267A '♺' recycling symbol for generic materials
U+267B '♻' black universal recycling symbol
U+267C '♼' recycled paper symbol
U+267D '♽' partially-recycled paper symbol
U+267E '♾' permanent paper sign
U+267F '♿' wheelchair symbol
U+2680 '⚀' die face-1
U+2681 '⚁' die face-2
U+2682 '⚂' die face-3
U+2683 '⚃' die face-4
U+2684 '⚄' die face-5
U+2685 '⚅' die face-6
U+2686 '⚆' white circle with dot right
U+2687 '⚇' white circle with two dots
U+2688 '⚈' black circle with white dot right
U+2689 '⚉' black circle with two white dots
U+268A '⚊' monogram for yang
U+268B '⚋' monogram for yin
U+2690 '⚐' white flag
U+2691 '⚑' black flag
U+2692 '⚒' hammer and pick
U+2693 '⚓' anchor
U+2694 '⚔' crossed swords
U+2695 '⚕' staff of aesculapius
U+2696 '⚖' scales
U+2697 '⚗' alembic
U+2698 '⚘' flower
U+2699 '⚙' gear
U+269A '⚚' staff of hermes
U+269B '⚛' atom symbol
U+269C '⚜' fleur-de-lis
U+269E '⚞' three lines converging right
U+269F '⚟' three lines converging left
U+26A0 '⚠' warning sign
U+26A1 '⚡' high voltage sign
U+26A8 '⚨' vertical male with stroke sign
U+26AA '⚪' medium white circle
U+26AB '⚫' medium black circle
U+26AC '⚬' medium small white circle
U+26B0 '⚰' coffin
U+26B1 '⚱' funeral urn
U+26B2 '⚲' neuter
U+26B3 '⚳' ceres
U+26B4 '⚴' pallas
U+26B5 '⚵' juno
U+26B6 '⚶' vesta
U+26B7 '⚷' chiron
U+26B8 '⚸' black moon lilith
U+26B9 '⚹' sextile
U+26E2 '⛢' astronomical symbol for uranus
U+2700 black safety scissors
U+2701 '✁' upper blade scissors
U+2702 '✂' black scissors
U+2703 '✃' lower blade scissors
U+2704 '✄' white scissors
U+2706 '✆' telephone location sign
U+2707 '✇' tape drive
U+2708 '✈' airplane
U+2709 '✉' envelope
U+270C '✌' victory hand
U+270D '✍' writing hand
U+270E '✎' lower right pencil
U+270F '✏' pencil
U+2710 '✐' upper right pencil
U+2711 '✑' white nib
U+2712 '✒' black nib
U+2713 '✓' check mark
U+2714 '✔' heavy check mark
U+2715 '✕' multiplication x
U+2716 '✖' heavy multiplication x
U+2717 '✗' ballot x
U+2718 '✘' heavy ballot x
U+2719 '✙' outlined greek cross
U+271A '✚' heavy greek cross
U+271B '✛' open centre cross open center cross
U+271C '✜' heavy open centre cross heavy open center cross
U+271D '✝' latin cross
U+271E '✞' shadowed white latin cross
U+271F '✟' outlined latin cross
U+2720 '✠' maltese cross
U+2721 '✡' star of david
U+2722 '✢' four teardrop-spoked asterisk
U+2723 '✣' four balloon-spoked asterisk
U+2724 '✤' heavy four balloon-spoked asterisk
U+2725 '✥' four club-spoked asterisk
U+2726 '✦' black four pointed star
U+2727 '✧' white four pointed star
U+2729 '✩' stress outlined white star
U+272A '✪' circled white star
U+272B '✫' open centre black star open center black star
U+272C '✬' black centre white star black center white star
U+272D '✭' outlined black star
U+272E '✮' heavy outlined black star
U+272F '✯' pinwheel star
U+2730 '✰' shadowed white star
U+2731 '✱' heavy asterisk
U+2732 '✲' open centre asterisk open center asterisk
U+2733 '✳' eight spoked asterisk
U+2734 '✴' eight pointed black star
U+2735 '✵' eight pointed pinwheel star
U+2736 '✶' six pointed black star
U+2737 '✷' eight pointed rectilinear black star
U+2738 '✸' heavy eight pointed rectilinear black star
U+2739 '✹' twelve pointed black star
U+273A '✺' sixteen pointed asterisk
U+273B '✻' teardrop-spoked asterisk
U+273C '✼' open centre teardrop-spoked asterisk open center teardrop-spoked asterisk
U+273D '✽' heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk
U+273E '✾' six petalled black and white florette
U+273F '✿' black florette
U+2740 '❀' white florette
U+2741 '❁' eight petalled outlined black florette
U+2742 '❂' circled open centre eight pointed star circled open center eight pointed star
U+2743 '❃' heavy teardrop-spoked pinwheel asterisk
U+2744 '❄' snowflake
U+2745 '❅' tight trifoliate snowflake
U+2746 '❆' heavy chevron snowflake
U+2747 '❇' sparkle
U+2748 '❈' heavy sparkle
U+2749 '❉' balloon-spoked asterisk
U+274A '❊' eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk
U+274B '❋' heavy eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk
U+274D '❍' shadowed white circle
U+274F '❏' lower right drop-shadowed white square
U+2750 '❐' upper right drop-shadowed white square
U+2751 '❑' lower right shadowed white square
U+2752 '❒' upper right shadowed white square
U+2756 '❖' black diamond minus white x
U+2758 '❘' light vertical bar
U+2759 '❙' medium vertical bar
U+275A '❚' heavy vertical bar
U+275B '❛' heavy single turned comma quotation mark ornament
U+275C '❜' heavy single comma quotation mark ornament
U+275D '❝' heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament
U+275E '❞' heavy double comma quotation mark ornament
U+2761 '❡' curved stem paragraph sign ornament
U+2762 '❢' heavy exclamation mark ornament
U+2763 '❣' heavy heart exclamation mark ornament
U+2764 '❤' heavy black heart
U+2765 '❥' rotated heavy black heart bullet
U+2766 '❦' floral heart
U+2767 '❧' rotated floral heart bullet
U+2768 '❨' medium left parenthesis ornament
U+2769 '❩' medium right parenthesis ornament
U+276A '❪' medium flattened left parenthesis ornament
U+276B '❫' medium flattened right parenthesis ornament
U+276C '❬' medium left-pointing angle bracket ornament
U+276D '❭' medium right-pointing angle bracket ornament
U+276E '❮' heavy left-pointing angle quotation mark ornament
U+276F '❯' heavy right-pointing angle quotation mark ornament
U+2770 '❰' heavy left-pointing angle bracket ornament
U+2771 '❱' heavy right-pointing angle bracket ornament
U+2772 '❲' light left tortoise shell bracket ornament
U+2773 '❳' light right tortoise shell bracket ornament
U+2774 '❴' medium left curly bracket ornament
U+2775 '❵' medium right curly bracket ornament
U+2794 '➔' heavy wide-headed rightwards arrow heavy wide-headed right arrow
U+2798 '➘' heavy south east arrow heavy lower right arrow
U+2799 '➙' heavy rightwards arrow heavy right arrow
U+279A '➚' heavy north east arrow heavy upper right arrow
U+279B '➛' drafting point rightwards arrow drafting point right arrow
U+279C '➜' heavy round-tipped rightwards arrow heavy round-tipped right arrow
U+279D '➝' triangle-headed rightwards arrow triangle-headed right arrow
U+279E '➞' heavy triangle-headed rightwards arrow heavy triangle-headed right arrow
U+279F '➟' dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow dashed triangle-headed right arrow
U+27A0 '➠' heavy dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow heavy dashed triangle-headed right arrow
U+27A1 '➡' black rightwards arrow black right arrow
U+27A2 '➢' three-d top-lighted rightwards arrowhead three-d top-lighted right arrowhead
U+27A3 '➣' three-d bottom-lighted rightwards arrowhead three-d bottom-lighted right arrowhead
U+27A4 '➤' black rightwards arrowhead black right arrowhead
U+27A5 '➥' heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow heavy black curved down and right arrow
U+27A6 '➦' heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow heavy black curved up and right arrow
U+27A7 '➧' squat black rightwards arrow squat black right arrow
U+27A8 '➨' heavy concave-pointed black rightwards arrow heavy concave-pointed black right arrow
U+27A9 '➩' right-shaded white rightwards arrow right-shaded white right arrow
U+27AA '➪' left-shaded white rightwards arrow left-shaded white right arrow
U+27AB '➫' back-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow back-tilted shadowed white right arrow
U+27AC '➬' front-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow front-tilted shadowed white right arrow
U+27AD '➭' heavy lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow heavy lower right-shadowed white right arrow
U+27AE '➮' heavy upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow heavy upper right-shadowed white right arrow
U+27AF '➯' notched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow notched lower right-shadowed white right arrow
U+27B1 '➱' notched upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow notched upper right-shadowed white right arrow
U+27B2 '➲' circled heavy white rightwards arrow circled heavy white right arrow
U+27B3 '➳' white-feathered rightwards arrow white-feathered right arrow
U+27B4 '➴' black-feathered south east arrow black-feathered lower right arrow
U+27B5 '➵' black-feathered rightwards arrow black-feathered right arrow
U+27B6 '➶' black-feathered north east arrow black-feathered upper right arrow
U+27B7 '➷' heavy black-feathered south east arrow heavy black-feathered lower right arrow
U+27B8 '➸' heavy black-feathered rightwards arrow heavy black-feathered right arrow
U+27B9 '➹' heavy black-feathered north east arrow heavy black-feathered upper right arrow
U+27BA '➺' teardrop-barbed rightwards arrow teardrop-barbed right arrow
U+27BB '➻' heavy teardrop-shanked rightwards arrow heavy teardrop-shanked right arrow
U+27BC '➼' wedge-tailed rightwards arrow wedge-tailed right arrow
U+27BD '➽' heavy wedge-tailed rightwards arrow heavy wedge-tailed right arrow
U+27BE '➾' open-outlined rightwards arrow open-outlined right arrow
U+27C0 '⟀' three dimensional angle
U+27C1 '⟁' white triangle containing small white triangle
U+27C2 '⟂' perpendicular
U+27C3 '⟃' open subset
U+27C4 '⟄' open superset
U+27C5 '⟅' left s-shaped bag delimiter
U+27C6 '⟆' right s-shaped bag delimiter
U+27C7 '⟇' or with dot inside
U+27C8 '⟈' reverse solidus preceding subset
U+27C9 '⟉' superset preceding solidus
U+27CA '⟊' vertical bar with horizontal stroke
U+27CC '⟌' long division
U+27D0 '⟐' white diamond with centred dot
U+27D1 '⟑' and with dot
U+27D2 '⟒' element of opening upwards
U+27D3 '⟓' lower right corner with dot
U+27D4 '⟔' upper left corner with dot
U+27D5 '⟕' left outer join
U+27D6 '⟖' right outer join
U+27D7 '⟗' full outer join
U+27E0 '⟠' lozenge divided by horizontal rule
U+27E4 '⟤' white square with leftwards tick
U+27E5 '⟥' white square with rightwards tick
U+27E6 '⟦' mathematical left white square bracket
U+27E7 '⟧' mathematical right white square bracket
U+27E8 '⟨' mathematical left angle bracket
U+27E9 '⟩' mathematical right angle bracket
U+27EA '⟪' mathematical left double angle bracket
U+27EB '⟫' mathematical right double angle bracket
U+27F2 '⟲' anticlockwise gapped circle arrow
U+27F3 '⟳' clockwise gapped circle arrow
U+27F5 '⟵' long leftwards arrow
U+27F6 '⟶' long rightwards arrow
U+27F7 '⟷' long left right arrow
U+27F8 '⟸' long leftwards double arrow
U+27F9 '⟹' long rightwards double arrow
U+27FA '⟺' long left right double arrow
U+27FB '⟻' long leftwards arrow from bar
U+27FC '⟼' long rightwards arrow from bar
U+2983 '⦃' left white curly bracket
U+2984 '⦄' right white curly bracket
U+29EB '⧫' black lozenge
U+29FA '⧺' double plus
U+29FB '⧻' triple plus
U+2A00 '⨀' n-ary circled dot operator
U+2A01 '⨁' n-ary circled plus operator
U+2A02 '⨂' n-ary circled times operator
U+2A03 '⨃' n-ary union operator with dot
U+2A04 '⨄' n-ary union operator with plus
U+2A05 '⨅' n-ary square intersection operator
U+2A06 '⨆' n-ary square union operator
U+2A07 '⨇' two logical and operator
U+2A08 '⨈' two logical or operator
U+2A09 '⨉' n-ary times operator
U+2A0A '⨊' modulo two sum
U+2A0B '⨋' summation with integral
U+2A0C '⨌' quadruple integral operator
U+2A0D '⨍' finite part integral
U+2A0E '⨎' integral with double stroke
U+2A0F '⨏' integral average with slash
U+2A10 '⨐' circulation function
U+2A11 '⨑' anticlockwise integration
U+2A12 '⨒' line integration with rectangular path around pole
U+2A13 '⨓' line integration with semicircular path around pole
U+2A14 '⨔' line integration not including the pole
U+2A15 '⨕' integral around a point operator
U+2A16 '⨖' quaternion integral operator
U+2A17 '⨗' integral with leftwards arrow with hook
U+2A18 '⨘' integral with times sign
U+2A19 '⨙' integral with intersection
U+2A1A '⨚' integral with union
U+2A1B '⨛' integral with overbar
U+2A1C '⨜' integral with underbar
U+2A1D '⨝' join
U+2A2F '⨯' vector or cross product
U+2A3F '⨿' amalgamation or coproduct
U+2B00 '⬀' north east white arrow
U+2B01 '⬁' north west white arrow
U+2B02 '⬂' south east white arrow
U+2B03 '⬃' south west white arrow
U+2B04 '⬄' left right white arrow
U+2B05 '⬅' leftwards black arrow
U+2B06 '⬆' upwards black arrow
U+2B07 '⬇' downwards black arrow
U+2B08 '⬈' north east black arrow
U+2B09 '⬉' north west black arrow
U+2B0A '⬊' south east black arrow
U+2B0B '⬋' south west black arrow
U+2B0C '⬌' left right black arrow
U+2B0D '⬍' up down black arrow
U+2B12 '⬒' square with top half black
U+2B13 '⬓' square with bottom half black
U+2B14 '⬔' square with upper right diagonal half black
U+2B15 '⬕' square with lower left diagonal half black
U+2B16 '⬖' diamond with left half black
U+2B17 '⬗' diamond with right half black
U+2B18 '⬘' diamond with top half black
U+2B19 '⬙' diamond with bottom half black
U+2B1A '⬚' dotted square
U+2B1B '⬛' black large square
U+2B1C '⬜' white large square
U+2B1D '⬝' black very small square
U+2B1E '⬞' white very small square
U+2B1F '⬟' black pentagon
U+2B20 '⬠' white pentagon
U+2B21 '⬡' white hexagon
U+2B22 '⬢' black hexagon
U+2B23 '⬣' horizontal black hexagon
U+2B24 '⬤' black large circle
U+2B25 '⬥' black medium diamond
U+2B26 '⬦' white medium diamond
U+2B27 '⬧' black medium lozenge
U+2B28 '⬨' white medium lozenge
U+2B29 '⬩' black small diamond
U+2B2A '⬪' black small lozenge
U+2B2B '⬫' white small lozenge
U+2C60 'Ⱡ' latin capital letter l with double bar
U+2C61 'ⱡ' latin small letter l with double bar
U+2C62 'Ɫ' latin capital letter l with middle tilde
U+2C63 'Ᵽ' latin capital letter p with stroke
U+2C64 'Ɽ' latin capital letter r with tail
U+2C65 'ⱥ' latin small letter a with stroke
U+2C66 'ⱦ' latin small letter t with diagonal stroke
U+2C67 'Ⱨ' latin capital letter h with descender
U+2C68 'ⱨ' latin small letter h with descender
U+2C69 'Ⱪ' latin capital letter k with descender
U+2C6A 'ⱪ' latin small letter k with descender
U+2C6B 'Ⱬ' latin capital letter z with descender
U+2C6C 'ⱬ' latin small letter z with descender
U+2C6D 'Ɑ' latin capital letter alpha
U+2C6E 'Ɱ' latin capital letter m with hook
U+2C6F 'Ɐ' latin capital letter turned a
U+2C70 'Ɒ' latin capital letter turned alpha
U+2C71 'ⱱ' latin small letter v with right hook
U+2C72 'Ⱳ' latin capital letter w with hook
U+2C73 'ⱳ' latin small letter w with hook
U+2C74 'ⱴ' latin small letter v with curl
U+2C75 'Ⱶ' latin capital letter half h
U+2C76 'ⱶ' latin small letter half h
U+2C77 'ⱷ' latin small letter tailless phi
U+2C79 'ⱹ' latin small letter turned r with tail
U+2C7A 'ⱺ' latin small letter o with low ring inside
U+2C7B 'ⱻ' latin letter small capital turned e
U+2C7C 'ⱼ' latin subscript small letter j
U+2C7D 'ⱽ' modifier letter capital v
U+2C7E 'Ȿ' latin capital letter s with swash tail
U+2C7F 'Ɀ' latin capital letter z with swash tail
U+2D30 - U+2D7F tifinagh letters
U+2E16 '⸖' dotted right-pointing angle
U+2E17 '⸗' double oblique hyphen
U+2E18 '⸘' inverted interrobang
U+2E1A '⸚' hyphen with diaeresis
U+2E1B '⸛' tilde with ring above
U+2E1E '⸞' tilde with dot above
U+2E1F '⸟' tilde with dot below
U+2E28 '⸨' left double parenthesis
U+2E29 '⸩' right double parenthesis
U+2E2A '⸪' two dots over one dot punctuation
U+2E2B '⸫' one dot over two dots punctuation
U+2E2C '⸬' squared four dot punctuation
U+2E2D '⸭' five dot mark
U+2E2E '⸮' reversed question mark
U+2E30 '⸰' ring point
U+3371 - U+33DF units
U+A4D0 'ꓐ' lisu letter ba
U+A4D1 'ꓑ' lisu letter pa
U+A4D2 'ꓒ' lisu letter pha
U+A4D3 'ꓓ' lisu letter da
U+A4D4 'ꓔ' lisu letter ta
U+A4D5 'ꓕ' lisu letter tha
U+A4D7 'ꓗ' lisu letter ka
U+A4D8 'ꓘ' lisu letter kha
U+A4D9 'ꓙ' lisu letter ja
U+A4DA 'ꓚ' lisu letter ca
U+A4DB 'ꓛ' lisu letter cha
U+A4DC 'ꓜ' lisu letter dza
U+A4DD 'ꓝ' lisu letter tsa
U+A4DE 'ꓞ' lisu letter tsha
U+A4E0 'ꓠ' lisu letter na
U+A4E1 'ꓡ' lisu letter la
U+A4E2 'ꓢ' lisu letter sa
U+A4E3 'ꓣ' lisu letter zha
U+A4E4 'ꓤ' lisu letter za
U+A4E5 'ꓥ' lisu letter nga
U+A4E6 'ꓦ' lisu letter ha
U+A4E7 'ꓧ' lisu letter xa
U+A4E9 'ꓩ' lisu letter fa
U+A4EB 'ꓫ' lisu letter sha
U+A4EC 'ꓬ' lisu letter ya
U+A4ED 'ꓭ' lisu letter gha
U+A4EE 'ꓮ' lisu letter a
U+A4EF 'ꓯ' lisu letter ae
U+A4F0 'ꓰ' lisu letter e
U+A4F1 'ꓱ' lisu letter eu
U+A4F2 'ꓲ' lisu letter i
U+A4F4 'ꓴ' lisu letter u
U+A4F5 'ꓵ' lisu letter ue
U+A4F6 'ꓶ' lisu letter uh
U+A4F7 'ꓷ' lisu letter oe
U+A4F8 'ꓸ' lisu letter tone mya ti
U+A4F9 'ꓹ' lisu letter tone na po
U+A4FA 'ꓺ' lisu letter tone mya cya
U+A4FB 'ꓻ' lisu letter tone mya bo
U+A4FC 'ꓼ' lisu letter tone mya na
U+A4FD 'ꓽ' lisu letter tone mya jeu
U+A4FE '꓾' lisu punctuation comma
U+A4FF '꓿' lisu punctuation full stop
U+A726 'Ꜧ' latin capital letter heng
U+A727 'ꜧ' latin small letter heng
U+A729 'ꜩ' latin small letter tz
U+A72A 'Ꜫ' latin capital letter tresillo
U+A72B 'ꜫ' latin small letter tresillo
U+A730 'ꜰ' latin letter small capital f
U+A731 'ꜱ' latin letter small capital s
U+A73E 'Ꜿ' latin capital letter reversed c with dot
U+A73F 'ꜿ' latin small letter reversed c with dot
U+A740 'Ꝁ' latin capital letter k with stroke
U+A741 'ꝁ' latin small letter k with stroke
U+A746 'Ꝇ' latin capital letter broken l
U+A747 'ꝇ' latin small letter broken l
U+A748 'Ꝉ' latin capital letter l with high stroke
U+A749 'ꝉ' latin small letter l with high stroke
U+A74B 'ꝋ' latin small letter o with long stroke overlay
U+A7A8 'Ꞩ' latin capital letter s with oblique stroke
U+A7A9 'ꞩ' latin small letter s with oblique stroke
U+1D538 '𝔸' mathematical double-struck capital a
U+1D539 '𝔹' mathematical double-struck capital b
U+1D53C '𝔼' mathematical double-struck capital e
U+1D53D '𝔽' mathematical double-struck capital f
U+1D540 '𝕀' mathematical double-struck capital i
U+1D541 '𝕁' mathematical double-struck capital j
U+1D542 '𝕂' mathematical double-struck capital k
U+1D543 '𝕃' mathematical double-struck capital l
U+1D54A '𝕊' mathematical double-struck capital s
U+1D54B '𝕋' mathematical double-struck capital t
U+1D54D '𝕍' mathematical double-struck capital v
U+1D550 '𝕐' mathematical double-struck capital y
U+1D552 '𝕒' mathematical double-struck small a
U+1D553 '𝕓' mathematical double-struck small b
U+1D554 '𝕔' mathematical double-struck small c
U+1D555 '𝕕' mathematical double-struck small d
U+1D556 '𝕖' mathematical double-struck small e
U+1D557 '𝕗' mathematical double-struck small f
U+1D558 '𝕘' mathematical double-struck small g
U+1D559 '𝕙' mathematical double-struck small h
U+1D55A '𝕚' mathematical double-struck small i
U+1D55B '𝕛' mathematical double-struck small j
U+1D55C '𝕜' mathematical double-struck small k
U+1D55D '𝕝' mathematical double-struck small l
U+1D55F '𝕟' mathematical double-struck small n
U+1D560 '𝕠' mathematical double-struck small o
U+1D561 '𝕡' mathematical double-struck small p
U+1D562 '𝕢' mathematical double-struck small q
U+1D563 '𝕣' mathematical double-struck small r
U+1D564 '𝕤' mathematical double-struck small s
U+1D565 '𝕥' mathematical double-struck small t
U+1D566 '𝕦' mathematical double-struck small u
U+1D567 '𝕧' mathematical double-struck small v
U+1D569 '𝕩' mathematical double-struck small x
U+1D56A '𝕪' mathematical double-struck small y
U+1D56B '𝕫' mathematical double-struck small z
U+1D7D8 '𝟘' mathematical double-struck digit zero
U+1D7D9 '𝟙' mathematical double-struck digit one
U+1D7DA '𝟚' mathematical double-struck digit two
U+1D7DB '𝟛' mathematical double-struck digit three
U+1D7DC '𝟜' mathematical double-struck digit four
U+1D7DD '𝟝' mathematical double-struck digit five
U+1D7DE '𝟞' mathematical double-struck digit six
U+1D7DF '𝟟' mathematical double-struck digit seven
U+1D7E0 '𝟠' mathematical double-struck digit eight
U+1D7E1 '𝟡' mathematical double-struck digit nine
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