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Created July 3, 2019 22:03
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Water Jugs puzzle with QuickCheck/PropEr
1> c("jug_statem.erl").
2> jug_statem:test(100).
OK: Passed 100 test(s).
18% {jug_statem,fill_big,0}
17% {jug_statem,big_to_small,0}
16% {jug_statem,empty_small,0}
16% {jug_statem,fill_small,0}
15% {jug_statem,small_to_big,0}
15% {jug_statem,empty_big,0}
3> jug_statem:test(1000).
Failed: After 646 test(s).
Shrinking .....(5 time(s))
History: [{{state,0,0},ok},{{state,0,5},ok},{{state,3,2},ok},{{state,0,2},ok},{{state,2,0},ok},{{state,2,5},ok},{{state,3,4},ok}]
State: {state,3,4}
Result: {postcondition,false}
-export([big_to_small/0, empty_big/0, empty_small/0,
fill_big/0, fill_small/0, small_to_big/0]).
-export([command/1, initial_state/0, next_state/3,
postcondition/3, precondition/2]).
{small :: pos_integer(), big :: pos_integer()}).
%%% Statem callbacks
test(N) ->
prop_never_four_litres() ->
?FORALL(Cmds, (commands(?MODULE)),
{History, State, Result} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
?WHENFAIL((io:format("History: ~w~nState: ~w\nResult: ~w~n",
[History, State, Result])),
Result =:= ok)))
initial_state() -> #state{small = 0, big = 0}.
command(_S) ->
frequency([{1, {call, ?MODULE, fill_small, []}},
{1, {call, ?MODULE, fill_big, []}}]
[{1, {call, ?MODULE, empty_small, []}}] ++
[{1, {call, ?MODULE, empty_big, []}}] ++
[{1, {call, ?MODULE, big_to_small, []}}] ++
[{1, {call, ?MODULE, small_to_big, []}}]).
%% Mock commands
fill_small() -> ok.
fill_big() -> ok.
empty_small() -> ok.
empty_big() -> ok.
small_to_big() -> ok.
big_to_small() -> ok.
%% Preconditions
precondition(_, _) -> true.
%% Transitions
next_state(S, _V, {call, _, fill_small, []}) ->
S#state{small = 3};
next_state(S, _V, {call, _, fill_big, []}) ->
S#state{big = 5};
next_state(S, _V, {call, _, empty_small, []}) ->
S#state{small = 0};
next_state(S, _V, {call, _, empty_big, []}) ->
S#state{big = 0};
next_state(#state{small = Small, big = Big}, _V,
{call, _, small_to_big, []})
when Small + Big =< 5 ->
#state{small = 0, big = Small + Big};
next_state(#state{small = Small, big = Big}, _V,
{call, _, small_to_big, []}) ->
#state{small = Small + Big - 5, big = 5};
next_state(#state{small = Small, big = Big}, _V,
{call, _, big_to_small, []})
when Small + Big =< 3 ->
#state{small = Small + Big, big = 0};
next_state(#state{small = Small, big = Big}, _V,
{call, _, big_to_small, []}) ->
#state{small = 3, big = Small + Big - 3}.
%% Postconditions
postcondition(S, {call, _, small_to_big, []},
_Result) ->
S#state.big =/= 4;
postcondition(S, {call, _, big_to_small, []},
_Result) ->
S#state.big =/= 4;
postcondition(_, _, _) -> true.
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