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Created July 3, 2019 21:59
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Water Jugs puzzle in Z3
(declare-const n Int)
(declare-datatypes () ((Jug Big Small)))
(declare-datatypes () ((Act FillBig FillSmall EmptyBig EmptySmall BigToSmall SmallToBig)))
(declare-fun vol (Jug Int) Int)
(declare-fun act (Int) Act)
(assert (= n 6))
(assert (= (act 0) EmptyBig))
(assert (= (vol Big 0) 0))
(assert (= (vol Small 0) 0))
(assert (forall ((t Int))
(implies (and (>= t 0) (<= t n))
(or (= (act t) FillBig)
(= (act t) FillSmall)
(= (act t) EmptyBig)
(= (act t) EmptySmall)
(= (act t) BigToSmall)
(= (act t) SmallToBig)
(assert (forall ((t Int))
(implies (and (> t 0) (<= t n))
;; Fill Big
(= (act t) FillBig)
(= (vol Big t) 5)
(= (vol Small t) (vol Small (- t 1)))
;; Empty Big
(= (act t) EmptyBig)
(= (vol Big t) 0)
(= (vol Small t) (vol Small (- t 1)))
;; Fill Small
(= (act t) FillSmall)
(= (vol Small t) 3)
(= (vol Big t) (vol Big (- t 1)))
;; Empty Small
(= (act t) EmptySmall)
(= (vol Small t) 0)
(= (vol Big t) (vol Big (- t 1)))
;; Big to Small
(= (act t) BigToSmall)
(let ((sum (+ (vol Big (- t 1))
(vol Small (- t 1)))))
(ite (> sum 3)
(= (vol Small t) 3)
(let ((small-diff (- 3 (vol Small (- t 1)))))
(= (vol Big t) (- (vol Big (- t 1)) small-diff)))
(= (vol Big t) 0)
(= (vol Small t) sum)
;; Small to Big
(= (act t) SmallToBig)
(let ((sum (+ (vol Big (- t 1))
(vol Small (- t 1)))))
(ite (> sum 5)
(= (vol Big t) 5)
(let ((big-diff (- 5 (vol Big (- t 1)))))
(= (vol Small t) (- (vol Small (- t 1)) big-diff)))
(= (vol Small t) 0)
(= (vol Big t) sum)
(assert (exists ((t Int))
(and (> t 0) (<= t n) (= (vol Big t) 4))))
(eval (act 0))
(eval (vol Big 0 ))
(eval (vol Small 0 ))
(eval (act 1))
(eval (vol Big 1 ))
(eval (vol Small 1 ))
(eval (act 2))
(eval (vol Big 2 ))
(eval (vol Small 2 ))
(eval (act 3))
(eval (vol Big 3 ))
(eval (vol Small 3 ))
(eval (act 4))
(eval (vol Big 4 ))
(eval (vol Small 4 ))
(eval (act 5))
(eval (vol Big 5 ))
(eval (vol Small 5 ))
(eval (act 6))
(eval (vol Big 6 ))
(eval (vol Small 6 ))
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