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Last active October 21, 2021 21:32
Show Gist options
  • Save voising/5789806 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save voising/5789806 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Connect Gists with Dash (Code Snippet Manager)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
if ARGV[0].nil? || ARGV[0].match(/-h/)
puts "Usage : #{$0} github_username dash_sqlite_db char_appended_to_keyword [no_comments]"
require 'net/http'
require 'open-uri'
#require 'awesome_print'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
require 'sqlite3'
# Variables
url = "{ARGV[0]}/gists"
tag_regex = /#\w+/
# Functions
def getHttpsContent(url)
uri = URI.parse(url)
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request =
# We get all the public gists
puts "\nFetching #{url}...\n"
gists = JSON.parse getHttpsContent(url)
#ap gists
# We list the gists and detect those we'll update
gists_to_update = []
puts "Gists are :\n"
gists.each do |gist|
puts "\t#{gist['description']}\n"
unless (shortcut = gist['description'].match(tag_regex).to_s).empty?
#gist['files'].each {|f| ap f}
files = []
gist['files'].each {|f| files << {:filename => f[0], :url => f[1]['raw_url']}}
gists_to_update << {
:shortcut => shortcut[1..-1],
:files => files
puts "\n\nThose Dash snippets will be updated :\n"
gists_to_update.each {|x| puts "\t#{x[:shortcut]}#{ARGV[2]}"}
# We update the database
db =[1])
#db.execute2 'SELECT * FROM snippets;' do |row|
# ap row
gists_to_update.each do |gist|
content = ""
gist[:files].each do |f|
content << "\n\n### #{f[:filename]}\n\n" if ARGV[3].nil?
open(f[:url]) {|c|
c.each_line {|line| content << line}
snippet_id = db.get_first_row( "SELECT sid FROM snippets WHERE title = ?","#{gist[:shortcut]}#{ARGV[2]}")
if snippet_id.nil?
db.execute( "INSERT INTO snippets VALUES (null, ?, ?, 'Standard', 0)",
content )
db.execute( "UPDATE snippets SET body = ? WHERE sid = ?",
snippet_id )
puts "\n#{gist[:shortcut]}#{ARGV[2]} has been updated"

How to

Create or edit a gist

In your gist description, add a keyword like : #jquery

Launch the script

Launch the script without arguments to see the usage. The script will use the keyword to fill the abbreviation field in Dash and fill the snippet with the gist content


You could run :

chmod +x gists_to_dash.rb
./gists_to_dash.rb voising Dropbox/Configs/snippets.dash "$" no_comments

More about the char_appended_to_keyword argument

When you write your snippets you may use a key at the end of the abbreviation. That's what this argument stands for.

If the keyword is #calljquery and the char_appended_to_keyword is "$", the snippet abbreviation will be : calljquery$

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bosbyj commented Mar 4, 2017

Really good idea.

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is this still the best way you've found to do this?

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