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Last active July 27, 2021 14:38
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Nette a Phinx integrace
* Spouštět pomocí ./ nebo pomocí php vendor/bin/phinx
* Obsah souboru ./
* #!/bin/bash
* php vendor/bin/phinx $@
define ('DSN_REGEX', '/^((?P<driver>\w+):\/\/)?((?P<user>\w+)?(:(?P<password>\w+))?@)?((?P<adapter>\w+):)?((host=(?P<host>[\w-\.]+))|(unix_socket=(?P<socket_file>[\w\/\.]+)))(:(?P<port>\d+))?((;dbname=|\/)(?P<database>[\w\-]+))?$/Uim');
* Očekává konfigurační soubor se strukturou:
* nette:
* database:
* dsn: 'mysql:host=mysql-server;dbname=databaze'
* user: 'uzivatel'
* password: 'heslo'
* options:
* lazy: yes
* Případně pouze:
* nette:
* database:
* dsn: 'uzivatel:heslo@mysql:host=mysql-server:3306;dbname=databaze'
$neon = new \Nette\Neon\Neon();
if (file_exists($configFile = __DIR__ . '/app/config/config.local.neon')) {
$file = file_get_contents($configFile);
} else {
throw new Nette\Neon\Exception('File \'config.local.neon\' not found in ' . $configFile . '.');
$decoded = $neon->decode($file);
$database = isset($decoded['nette']['database']) ? $decoded['nette']['database'] : ['user' => '', 'password' => '', 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database'];
preg_match(DSN_REGEX, $database['dsn'], $dsn);
return [
'paths' => [
'migrations' => 'migrations'
'environments' => [
'default_migration_table' => '_phinx_log',
'default_database' => 'production',
'production' => [
'adapter' => !empty($dsn['adapter']) ? $dsn['adapter'] : 'mysql',
'host' => $dsn['host'],
'name' => $dsn['database'],
'user' => !empty($dsn['user']) ? $dsn['user'] : $database['user'],
'pass' => !empty($dsn['password']) ? $dsn['password'] : $database['password']
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