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Created November 23, 2017 16:30
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> webdriver@1.0.0 test /home/cervik/Documents/dev/projectOrigin
> wdio wdio.conf.js
[chrome #0-0] Session ID: de8fc731c6bbab6314142afbbb7be813
[chrome #0-0] Spec: /home/cervik/Documents/dev/projectOrigin/test/login/LoginForm.js
[chrome #0-0] Running: chrome
[chrome #0-0]
[chrome #0-0] LoginForm
[chrome #0-0] 1) is visible
[chrome #0-0]
[chrome #0-0] Inputs
[chrome #0-0]
[chrome #0-0] Email
[chrome #0-0] 2) default value is
[chrome #0-0] ✓ is editable
[chrome #0-0]
[chrome #0-0] Password
[chrome #0-0] 3) default value is
[chrome #0-0] ✓ is editable
[chrome #0-0]
[chrome #0-0]
[chrome #0-0] 2 passing (4s)
[chrome #0-0] 3 failing
[chrome #0-0]
[chrome #0-0] 1) LoginFormsuite1 is visible:
[chrome #0-0] Failed: Cannot read property 'ELEMENT' of null
[chrome #0-0] TypeError: Cannot read property 'ELEMENT' of null
[chrome #0-0] at element("#signinmodal") - index.js:316:3
[chrome #0-0]
[chrome #0-0] 2) Emailsuite3 default value is
[chrome #0-0] Expected Object({ defer: defer({ promise: [object Promise], resolve: Function, fulfill: Function, reject: Function, notify: Function }), promise: [object Promise], lastPromise: [object Promise], desiredCapabilities: Object({ javascriptEnabled: true, locationContextEnabled: true, handlesAlerts: true, rotatable: true, browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5, loggingPrefs: Object({ browser: 'ALL', driver: 'ALL' }) }), requestHandler: RequestHandler({ sessionID: 'de8fc731c6bbab6314142afbbb7be813', startPath: '/wd/hub', gridApiStartPath: '/grid/api', eventHandler: EventEmitter({ domain: null, _events: null({ command: [ Function, Function ], info: Function, result: [ Function, Function ], error: [ Function, Function ], init: Function, screenshot: Function, log: Function }), _eventsCount: 7, _maxListeners: undefined }), logger: Logger({ logLevel: 'silent' }), defaultOptions: Object({ port: 4444, protocol: 'http', waitforTimeout: 10000, waitforInterval: 500, coloredLogs: true, deprecationWarnings: true, logLevel: 'silent', baseUrl: '', onError: [ ], connectionRetryTimeout: 90000, connectionRetryCount: 3, sync: true, specs: [ './test/login/*.js' ], suites: Object({ }), exclude: [ ], bail: 0, framework: 'jasmine', reporters: [ 'spec' ], reporterOptions: Object({ }), maxInstances: 10, maxInstancesPerCapability: 100, debug: false, execArgv: null, mochaOpts: Object({ timeout: 10000 }), jasmineNodeOpts: Object({ defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000, expectationResultHandler: Function }), onPrepare: Function, before: [ Function ], beforeSession: [ ], beforeSuite: [ ], beforeHook: [ ], beforeTest: [ ], beforeCommand: [ Function ], afterCommand: [ Function ], afterTest: [ ], afterHook: [ ], afterSuite: [ ], afterSession:[ ], after: [ ], onComplete: Function, onReload: [ ], beforeFeature: [ ], beforeScenario: [ ], beforeStep: [ ], afterFeature: [ ], afterScenario: [ ], afterStep: [ ], screenshotPath: './errorShots/', services: [ 'selenium-standalone' ], watch: false, desiredCapabilities: Object({ browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5 }),hostname: '', isWDIO: true }) }), logger: Logger({ logLevel: 'silent' }), options: Object({ port: 4444, protocol: 'http', waitforTimeout: 10000, waitforInterval: 500, coloredLogs: true, deprecationWarnings: true,logLevel: 'silent', baseUrl: '', onError: [ ], connectionRetryTimeout: 90000, connectionRetryCount: 3, sync: true, specs: [ './test/login/*.js' ], suites: Object({ }), exclude: [ ], bail: 0, framework: 'jasmine', reporters: [ 'spec' ], reporterOptions: Object({ }), maxInstances: 10, maxInstancesPerCapability: 100, debug: false, execArgv: null, mochaOpts: Object({ timeout: 10000 }), jasmineNodeOpts: Object({ defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000, expectationResultHandler: Function }), onPrepare: Function, before: [ Function ], beforeSession: [ ], beforeSuite: [ ], beforeHook: [ ], beforeTest: [ ], beforeCommand: [ Function ], afterCommand: [ Function ], afterTest: [ ], afterHook: [ ], afterSuite: [ ], afterSession: [ ], after: [ ], onComplete: Function, onReload: [ ], beforeFeature: [ ], beforeScenario: [ ], beforeStep: [ ], afterFeature: [ ], afterScenario: [ ], afterStep: [ ], screenshotPath: './errorShots/', services: [ 'selenium-standalone' ], watch: false, desiredCapabilities: Object({ browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5 }), hostname: '', isWDIO: true }), commandList: [ Object({ name: 'init', args: [ ], timestamp: 1511454080733, result: Object({ status: 0, sessionId: 'de8fc731c6bbab6314142afbbb7be813', value: Object({ applicationCacheEnabled: false, rotatable: false, mobileEmulationEnabled: false, networkConnectionEnabled: false, chrome: Object({ chromedriverVersion: '2.33.506092 (733a02544d189eeb751fe0d7ddca79a0ee28cce4)', userDataDir: '/tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.g1MVro' }), takesHeapSnapshot: true, pageLoadStrategy: 'normal', databaseEnabled: false, handlesAlerts: true, hasTouchScreen: false, version: '62.0.3202.62', platform: 'Linux', browserConnectionEnabled: false, nativeEvents: true, acceptSslCerts: true, locationContextEnabled: true, webStorageEnabled: true, browserName: 'chrome', takesScreenshot: true, javascriptEnabled: true, cssSelectorsEnabled: true, setWindowRect: true, unexpectedAlertBehaviour: '' }) }) }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ 'input#_com_project_login_web_portlet_LoginPortlet_login' ], timestamp: 1511454083032 }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ 'input#_com_project_login_web_portlet_LoginPortlet_password' ], timestamp: 1511454083034 }), Object({ name: 'url', args: [ '' ], timestamp: 1511454083034, result: undefined }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ '#signinmodal' ], timestamp: 1511454083946, result: undefined }) ], isMobile: false, isIOS: false, isAndroid: false, next: Function, finally: Function, call: Function, then: Function, catch: Function, inspect: Function, unify: Function, addCommand: Function, getPrototype: Function, transferPromiseness: Function, depth: 0, name: 'getValue', lastResult: undefined }) to be ''.
[chrome #0-0] Error: Expected Object({ defer: defer({ promise: [object Promise], resolve: Function, fulfill: Function, reject: Function, notify: Function }), promise: [object Promise], lastPromise: [object Promise], desiredCapabilities: Object({ javascriptEnabled: true, locationContextEnabled: true, handlesAlerts: true, rotatable:true, browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5, loggingPrefs: Object({ browser: 'ALL', driver: 'ALL' }) }), requestHandler: RequestHandler({ sessionID: 'de8fc731c6bbab6314142afbbb7be813', startPath: '/wd/hub', gridApiStartPath: '/grid/api', eventHandler: EventEmitter({ domain: null, _events: null({ command: [ Function, Function ], info: Function, result: [ Function, Function ], error: [ Function, Function ], init: Function, screenshot: Function, log: Function }), _eventsCount: 7, _maxListeners: undefined }), logger: Logger({ logLevel: 'silent' }), defaultOptions: Object({ port: 4444, protocol: 'http', waitforTimeout: 10000, waitforInterval: 500, coloredLogs: true, deprecationWarnings: true, logLevel: 'silent', baseUrl: '', onError: [ ], connectionRetryTimeout: 90000, connectionRetryCount: 3, sync: true, specs: [ './test/login/*.js' ], suites: Object({ }), exclude: [ ], bail: 0, framework: 'jasmine', reporters: [ 'spec' ], reporterOptions: Object({ }), maxInstances: 10, maxInstancesPerCapability: 100, debug: false, execArgv: null, mochaOpts: Object({ timeout: 10000 }), jasmineNodeOpts: Object({ defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000, expectationResultHandler: Function }), onPrepare: Function, before: [ Function ], beforeSession: [ ], beforeSuite: [ ], beforeHook: [ ], beforeTest: [ ], beforeCommand: [ Function ], afterCommand: [ Function ], afterTest: [ ], afterHook: [ ], afterSuite: [ ], afterSession: [ ], after: [ ], onComplete: Function, onReload: [ ], beforeFeature: [ ], beforeScenario: [ ], beforeStep: [ ], afterFeature: [ ], afterScenario: [ ], afterStep: [ ], screenshotPath: './errorShots/', services: [ 'selenium-standalone' ], watch: false, desiredCapabilities: Object({ browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5 }), hostname: '', isWDIO: true }) }), logger: Logger({ logLevel: 'silent' }), options: Object({ port: 4444, protocol: 'http', waitforTimeout: 10000, waitforInterval: 500, coloredLogs: true, deprecationWarnings: true, logLevel: 'silent', baseUrl: '', onError: [ ], connectionRetryTimeout: 90000,connectionRetryCount: 3, sync: true, specs: [ './test/login/*.js' ], suites: Object({ }), exclude: [ ], bail: 0, framework: 'jasmine', reporters: [ 'spec' ], reporterOptions: Object({ }), maxInstances: 10, maxInstancesPerCapability: 100, debug: false, execArgv: null, mochaOpts: Object({ timeout: 10000 }), jasmineNodeOpts: Object({ defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000, expectationResultHandler: Function }), onPrepare: Function, before: [ Function ], beforeSession: [ ], beforeSuite: [ ], beforeHook: [ ], beforeTest: [ ], beforeCommand: [ Function ], afterCommand: [ Function ], afterTest: [ ], afterHook: [ ], afterSuite: [ ], afterSession: [ ], after: [ ], onComplete: Function, onReload: [ ], beforeFeature: [ ], beforeScenario: [ ], beforeStep: [ ], afterFeature: [ ], afterScenario: [ ], afterStep: [ ], screenshotPath: './errorShots/', services: [ 'selenium-standalone' ], watch: false, desiredCapabilities: Object({ browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5 }), hostname: '', isWDIO: true }), commandList: [ Object({ name: 'init', args: [ ], timestamp: 1511454080733, result: Object({ status: 0, sessionId: 'de8fc731c6bbab6314142afbbb7be813', value: Object({ applicationCacheEnabled: false, rotatable: false, mobileEmulationEnabled: false, networkConnectionEnabled: false, chrome: Object({ chromedriverVersion: '2.33.506092 (733a02544d189eeb751fe0d7ddca79a0ee28cce4)', userDataDir: '/tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.g1MVro' }), takesHeapSnapshot: true, pageLoadStrategy: 'normal', databaseEnabled: false, handlesAlerts: true, hasTouchScreen: false, version: '62.0.3202.62', platform: 'Linux', browserConnectionEnabled: false, nativeEvents: true, acceptSslCerts: true, locationContextEnabled: true, webStorageEnabled: true, browserName: 'chrome', takesScreenshot: true, javascriptEnabled: true, cssSelectorsEnabled: true, setWindowRect: true, unexpectedAlertBehaviour: '' }) }) }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ 'input#_com_project_login_web_portlet_LoginPortlet_login' ], timestamp: 1511454083032 }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ 'input#_com_project_login_web_portlet_LoginPortlet_password' ], timestamp: 1511454083034 }), Object({ name: 'url', args: [ '' ], timestamp: 1511454083034, result: undefined }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ '#signinmodal' ], timestamp: 1511454083946, result: undefined }) ], isMobile: false, isIOS: false, isAndroid: false, next: Function, finally: Function, call: Function, then: Function, catch: Function, inspect: Function, unify: Function, addCommand: Function, getPrototype: Function, transferPromiseness: Function, depth: 0, name: 'getValue', lastResult: undefined }) to be ''.
[chrome #0-0] at (/home/cervik/Documents/dev/projectOrigin/test/login/LoginForm.js:102:46)
[chrome #0-0] at new Promise (<anonymous>)
[chrome #0-0]
[chrome #0-0] 3) Passwordsuite4 default value is
[chrome #0-0] Expected Object({ defer: defer({ promise: [object Promise], resolve: Function, fulfill: Function, reject: Function, notify: Function }), promise: [object Promise], lastPromise: [object Promise], desiredCapabilities: Object({ javascriptEnabled: true, locationContextEnabled: true, handlesAlerts: true, rotatable: true, browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5, loggingPrefs: Object({ browser: 'ALL', driver: 'ALL' }) }), requestHandler: RequestHandler({ sessionID: 'de8fc731c6bbab6314142afbbb7be813', startPath: '/wd/hub', gridApiStartPath: '/grid/api', eventHandler: EventEmitter({ domain: null, _events: null({ command: [ Function, Function ], info: Function, result: [ Function, Function ], error: [ Function, Function ], init: Function, screenshot: Function, log: Function }), _eventsCount: 7, _maxListeners: undefined }), logger: Logger({ logLevel: 'silent' }), defaultOptions: Object({ port: 4444, protocol: 'http', waitforTimeout: 10000, waitforInterval: 500, coloredLogs: true, deprecationWarnings: true, logLevel: 'silent', baseUrl: '', onError: [ ], connectionRetryTimeout: 90000, connectionRetryCount: 3, sync: true, specs: [ './test/login/*.js' ], suites: Object({ }), exclude: [ ], bail: 0, framework: 'jasmine', reporters: [ 'spec' ], reporterOptions: Object({ }), maxInstances: 10, maxInstancesPerCapability: 100, debug: false, execArgv: null, mochaOpts: Object({ timeout: 10000 }), jasmineNodeOpts: Object({ defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000, expectationResultHandler: Function }), onPrepare: Function, before: [ Function ], beforeSession: [ ], beforeSuite: [ ], beforeHook: [ ], beforeTest: [ ], beforeCommand: [ Function ], afterCommand: [ Function ], afterTest: [ ], afterHook: [ ], afterSuite: [ ], afterSession:[ ], after: [ ], onComplete: Function, onReload: [ ], beforeFeature: [ ], beforeScenario: [ ], beforeStep: [ ], afterFeature: [ ], afterScenario: [ ], afterStep: [ ], screenshotPath: './errorShots/', services: [ 'selenium-standalone' ], watch: false, desiredCapabilities: Object({ browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5 }),hostname: '', isWDIO: true }) }), logger: Logger({ logLevel: 'silent' }), options: Object({ port: 4444, protocol: 'http', waitforTimeout: 10000, waitforInterval: 500, coloredLogs: true, deprecationWarnings: true,logLevel: 'silent', baseUrl: '', onError: [ ], connectionRetryTimeout: 90000, connectionRetryCount: 3, sync: true, specs: [ './test/login/*.js' ], suites: Object({ }), exclude: [ ], bail: 0, framework: 'jasmine', reporters: [ 'spec' ], reporterOptions: Object({ }), maxInstances: 10, maxInstancesPerCapability: 100, debug: false, execArgv: null, mochaOpts: Object({ timeout: 10000 }), jasmineNodeOpts: Object({ defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000, expectationResultHandler: Function }), onPrepare: Function, before: [ Function ], beforeSession: [ ], beforeSuite: [ ], beforeHook: [ ], beforeTest: [ ], beforeCommand: [ Function ], afterCommand: [ Function ], afterTest: [ ], afterHook: [ ], afterSuite: [ ], afterSession: [ ], after: [ ], onComplete: Function, onReload: [ ], beforeFeature: [ ], beforeScenario: [ ], beforeStep: [ ], afterFeature: [ ], afterScenario: [ ], afterStep: [ ], screenshotPath: './errorShots/', services: [ 'selenium-standalone' ], watch: false, desiredCapabilities: Object({ browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5 }), hostname: '', isWDIO: true }), commandList: [ Object({ name: 'init', args: [ ], timestamp: 1511454080733, result: Object({ status: 0, sessionId: 'de8fc731c6bbab6314142afbbb7be813', value: Object({ applicationCacheEnabled: false, rotatable: false, mobileEmulationEnabled: false, networkConnectionEnabled: false, chrome: Object({ chromedriverVersion: '2.33.506092 (733a02544d189eeb751fe0d7ddca79a0ee28cce4)', userDataDir: '/tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.g1MVro' }), takesHeapSnapshot: true, pageLoadStrategy: 'normal', databaseEnabled: false, handlesAlerts: true, hasTouchScreen: false, version: '62.0.3202.62', platform: 'Linux', browserConnectionEnabled: false, nativeEvents: true, acceptSslCerts: true, locationContextEnabled: true, webStorageEnabled: true, browserName: 'chrome', takesScreenshot: true, javascriptEnabled: true, cssSelectorsEnabled: true, setWindowRect: true, unexpectedAlertBehaviour: '' }) }) }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ 'input#_com_project_login_web_portlet_LoginPortlet_login' ], timestamp: 1511454083032 }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ 'input#_com_project_login_web_portlet_LoginPortlet_password' ], timestamp: 1511454083034 }), Object({ name: 'url', args: [ '' ], timestamp: 1511454083034, result: undefined }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ '#signinmodal' ], timestamp: 1511454083946, result: undefined }), Object({ name: 'getValue', args: [ ], timestamp: 1511454084214 }), Object({ name: 'elements', args: [ undefined ], timestamp: 1511454084214 }), Object({ name: 'clearElement', args: [ ], timestamp: 1511454084217 }), Object({ name: 'setValue', args: [ '' ], timestamp: 1511454084218 }), Object({ name: 'getValue', args: [ ], timestamp: 1511454084218 }), Object({ name: 'elements', args: [ undefined ], timestamp: 1511454084218 }), Object({ name: 'elements', args: [ undefined ], timestamp: 1511454084219 }) ], isMobile: false, isIOS: false, isAndroid: false, next: Function, finally: Function, call: Function, then: Function, catch: Function, inspect: Function, unify: Function, addCommand: Function, getPrototype: Function, transferPromiseness: Function, depth: 0, name: 'getValue', lastResult: undefined }) to be ''.
[chrome #0-0] Error: Expected Object({ defer: defer({ promise: [object Promise], resolve: Function, fulfill: Function, reject: Function, notify: Function }), promise: [object Promise], lastPromise: [object Promise], desiredCapabilities: Object({ javascriptEnabled: true, locationContextEnabled: true, handlesAlerts: true, rotatable:true, browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5, loggingPrefs: Object({ browser: 'ALL', driver: 'ALL' }) }), requestHandler: RequestHandler({ sessionID: 'de8fc731c6bbab6314142afbbb7be813', startPath: '/wd/hub', gridApiStartPath: '/grid/api', eventHandler: EventEmitter({ domain: null, _events: null({ command: [ Function, Function ], info: Function, result: [ Function, Function ], error: [ Function, Function ], init: Function, screenshot: Function, log: Function }), _eventsCount: 7, _maxListeners: undefined }), logger: Logger({ logLevel: 'silent' }), defaultOptions: Object({ port: 4444, protocol: 'http', waitforTimeout: 10000, waitforInterval: 500, coloredLogs: true, deprecationWarnings: true, logLevel: 'silent', baseUrl: '', onError: [ ], connectionRetryTimeout: 90000, connectionRetryCount: 3, sync: true, specs: [ './test/login/*.js' ], suites: Object({ }), exclude: [ ], bail: 0, framework: 'jasmine', reporters: [ 'spec' ], reporterOptions: Object({ }), maxInstances: 10, maxInstancesPerCapability: 100, debug: false, execArgv: null, mochaOpts: Object({ timeout: 10000 }), jasmineNodeOpts: Object({ defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000, expectationResultHandler: Function }), onPrepare: Function, before: [ Function ], beforeSession: [ ], beforeSuite: [ ], beforeHook: [ ], beforeTest: [ ], beforeCommand: [ Function ], afterCommand: [ Function ], afterTest: [ ], afterHook: [ ], afterSuite: [ ], afterSession: [ ], after: [ ], onComplete: Function, onReload: [ ], beforeFeature: [ ], beforeScenario: [ ], beforeStep: [ ], afterFeature: [ ], afterScenario: [ ], afterStep: [ ], screenshotPath: './errorShots/', services: [ 'selenium-standalone' ], watch: false, desiredCapabilities: Object({ browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5 }), hostname: '', isWDIO: true }) }), logger: Logger({ logLevel: 'silent' }), options: Object({ port: 4444, protocol: 'http', waitforTimeout: 10000, waitforInterval: 500, coloredLogs: true, deprecationWarnings: true, logLevel: 'silent', baseUrl: '', onError: [ ], connectionRetryTimeout: 90000,connectionRetryCount: 3, sync: true, specs: [ './test/login/*.js' ], suites: Object({ }), exclude: [ ], bail: 0, framework: 'jasmine', reporters: [ 'spec' ], reporterOptions: Object({ }), maxInstances: 10, maxInstancesPerCapability: 100, debug: false, execArgv: null, mochaOpts: Object({ timeout: 10000 }), jasmineNodeOpts: Object({ defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000, expectationResultHandler: Function }), onPrepare: Function, before: [ Function ], beforeSession: [ ], beforeSuite: [ ], beforeHook: [ ], beforeTest: [ ], beforeCommand: [ Function ], afterCommand: [ Function ], afterTest: [ ], afterHook: [ ], afterSuite: [ ], afterSession: [ ], after: [ ], onComplete: Function, onReload: [ ], beforeFeature: [ ], beforeScenario: [ ], beforeStep: [ ], afterFeature: [ ], afterScenario: [ ], afterStep: [ ], screenshotPath: './errorShots/', services: [ 'selenium-standalone' ], watch: false, desiredCapabilities: Object({ browserName: 'chrome', maxInstances: 5 }), hostname: '', isWDIO: true }), commandList: [ Object({ name: 'init', args: [ ], timestamp: 1511454080733, result: Object({ status: 0, sessionId: 'de8fc731c6bbab6314142afbbb7be813', value: Object({ applicationCacheEnabled: false, rotatable: false, mobileEmulationEnabled: false, networkConnectionEnabled: false, chrome: Object({ chromedriverVersion: '2.33.506092 (733a02544d189eeb751fe0d7ddca79a0ee28cce4)', userDataDir: '/tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.g1MVro' }), takesHeapSnapshot: true, pageLoadStrategy: 'normal', databaseEnabled: false, handlesAlerts: true, hasTouchScreen: false, version: '62.0.3202.62', platform: 'Linux', browserConnectionEnabled: false, nativeEvents: true, acceptSslCerts: true, locationContextEnabled: true, webStorageEnabled: true, browserName: 'chrome', takesScreenshot: true, javascriptEnabled: true, cssSelectorsEnabled: true, setWindowRect: true, unexpectedAlertBehaviour: '' }) }) }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ 'input#_com_project_login_web_portlet_LoginPortlet_login' ], timestamp: 1511454083032 }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ 'input#_com_project_login_web_portlet_LoginPortlet_password' ], timestamp: 1511454083034 }), Object({ name: 'url', args: [ '' ], timestamp: 1511454083034, result: undefined }), Object({ name: 'element', args: [ '#signinmodal' ], timestamp: 1511454083946, result: undefined }), Object({ name: 'getValue', args: [ ], timestamp: 1511454084214 }), Object({name: 'elements', args: [ undefined ], timestamp: 1511454084214 }), Object({ name: 'clearElement', args: [ ],timestamp: 1511454084217 }), Object({ name: 'setValue', args: [ '' ], timestamp: 1511454084218 }), Object({ name: 'getValue', args: [ ], timestamp: 1511454084218 }), Object({ name: 'elements', args: [ undefined ], timestamp: 1511454084218 }), Object({ name: 'elements', args: [ undefined ], timestamp: 1511454084219 })], isMobile: false, isIOS: false, isAndroid: false, next: Function, finally: Function, call: Function, then: Function, catch: Function, inspect: Function, unify: Function, addCommand: Function, getPrototype: Function, transferPromiseness: Function, depth: 0, name: 'getValue', lastResult: undefined }) to be ''.
[chrome #0-0] at (/home/cervik/Documents/dev/projectOrigin/test/login/LoginForm.js:102:46)
[chrome #0-0] at new Promise (<anonymous>)
[chrome #0-0]
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