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Created September 11, 2012 16:27
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Ruby on Rails best practices

Ruby on Rails best practices

Code style

  • Use UTF-8. It’s 21 century, 8bit encodings dead now.
  • Use 2 space indent, not tabs
  • Use Unix-style line endings
  • Keep lines not longer than 80 chars
  • Remove trailing whitespace

Development process

  • Think
  • Describe
  • Write tests
  • Implement & go green
  • Rethink
  • Refactor


  • Follow MVC conventions
  • Do not ever mix logics: no model/view logic in controller, no view logic in model & etc.
  • Follow “Fat model, skinny controllers” methodology
  • If you have different data representation, use format aliases (e.g. different html views for same data: /users/:id.iphone)


  • Keep it simple and clean
  • Keep ApplicationController clean. Commonly it should be used only for global filters and per-request logic (e.g locale configuration and access control)
  • Keep in mind that all ApplicationController filters will be executed in each request and optimize it to be ultra-fast
  • Controllers should operate with abstract logic. Keep this logic simple and understandable without detailed review. E.g:
# Disgusting
  Account.transaction do
    transfer = => :transfer, :receiver => @receiver, :ammount)
    if @sender.assets >= amount
      @sender.assets -= amount
      @receiver.assets += amount
      flash[:error] = "Balance not enough to transfer funds"
      success = false
    if! and! and!
      flash[:info] = "You have transferred #{ammount} to #{@receiver.last_name + "" + @receiver.first_name}"
      success = true
      errors = ...
  if !success
    respond_to ...
    respond_to ...
# Much better, but not quite abstract
  Account.transaction do
    @sender.withdraw amount
    @receiver.deposit amount

  if @sender.errors? or @receiver.errors?
    respond_to ...
    respond_to ...
# Best way
  if @sender.transfer!(amount, :to => @receiver)
    respond_to ...
  • View interaction in controllers always should be placed in respond_to method or in responders (for Rails 3)
  • Do not place any logic in respond_to method
  • Prefer :except in filters. E.g.: before_filter :authorize!, :except => [:index] to be sure that new actions will be covered by filter by default
  • Follow REST convention: Commonly one controller should only operate one resource.
  • Follow REST convention naming. E.g.: UsersController should operate only users. Groups operations should be placed in GroupsController
  • Follow HTTP methods conventions in REST actions: DELETE for destructive action, PUT for update, POST to create, GET to read
  • Use nested resources when needed. E.g: map.resource :users {|user| user.resource :groups } instead of groups action in UsersController
  • Avoid deep nesting where it’s not necessary. E.g: Not /places/:place_id/events/:event_id/users but /events/:event_id/users


  • Keep it simple and clean
  • Model, method and variable names should be obvious
  • Do not use shortcuts and avoid non widely used abbreviation for model names. (e.g UsrHst or UserHist should be UserHistory)
  • Don’t repeat yourself
  • Don’t repeat rails. Zero custom code that duplicates rails built-in functionality
  • If you use find with similar condition in more than once — use named_scope
  • If you use same code in more than one model turn it into module/library
  • Prefer XML Builder over to_xml overrides


  • Views is for presentation. DO NOT EVER CHANGE STATE OF ANYTHING IN VIEW
  • Keep views simple
  • Move complex logic to helpers
  • Move HTML markup generation to helpers
  • Do not use finders in views
  • DRY. Use partials, but keep in mind that partials can be really slow
  • Keep HTML markup semantic an clean
  • Do not inline any Javascript code. It should be unobtrusive


  • Follow Test Driven Development methodology: write tests, then code
  • Keep tests simple and easy understandable
  • Test everything what should be tested. If something can be broken: try to broke it by test
  • Do not test rails built-in methods, test method usage

Comments and documentation

  • Respect other developers: use only English
  • rdoc your friend, not enemy. Let application be self-documented
  • More is better than less: it’s better to excess, than hold back
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scones commented Apr 1, 2018

Do not inline any Javascript code. It should be unobtrusive

This requirement seems obsolete, as critical path rendering requires you to inline javascript, that is essential to dom rendering above the fold (ie. custom html element definitions).
Same goes for CSS and sprites.
(i mean inline as in block of code in the head )

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