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Created September 2, 2020 02:21
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ASCII art Animation for a night bicycle race, birds, moon, stars
//common variables
float i, t=0, w=1280, h=720;
float[] x = new float[(int)h/2];
float[] y = new float[(int)h/2];
float g=sqrt(5)/2+.5, a, r;
char[]c={'⣾', '⣽', '⣻', '⢿', '⡿', '⣟', '⣯', '⣷'};
//birds & bikes
float k=0, m, n;
String[] ascii = {"└◡v◡┘", "◞◠v◠◟", "◐", "◰", "◓", "◳", "◑", "◲", "◒", "◱"};
void setup() {
size(1280, 720);
//init stars
for (int i=0; i<(int)h/2; i++) {
//avoid moon centre
float x0 = random(w);
float y0 = random(h*.85);
while (dist(w*.75, h*.2, x0, y0)<h*.18) {
x0 = random(w);
y0 = random(h*.85);
x[i] = x0;
y[i] = y0;
void draw() {
for (int i=0; i<(int)h/2; i++) {
text('*', x[i], y[i]);
//the shining Moon
for (i=2e3; i>0; i--) {
fill(int(i*.1+t*9)%(i%7==0?h:h*atan(t*r/i)), 5*i%(i%7==0?h:h*atan(t*r/i))+16, 7*i%(i%7==0?h:h*atan(t*r/i))+64, 16);
text(c[int(t%c.length)], w*.75+r*cos(a), h*.2+r*sin(a));
String bird = ascii[int(t*10%2)];
String wheel = ascii[int(2+t*20%8)];
String bike = " ---------- __o\n -------- _ \\<,_\n------- ("+wheel+")/ ("+wheel+")";
for (i=0; i<32; i++) {
//flock of birds
fill(7*i+(32*m), 9*i+16*m+32, 4*i+64*n);
text(bird, (n*240+k*(3+5*n))%w, 120+10*i+(3+2*n)*m);
//bike race
fill(5*i+16, 7*i+64, 9*i+32*n+16);
if (i%3==0) text(bike, i*(w/32)*n+h/2*tan(-t*n), 640+64*n+128*m/500);
//our speed bike guy
text(bike, 360+h/2*sin(t)+3*m, 640+128*m/500);
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