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Created November 5, 2017 11:00
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public class BinarySearchTree<T:Comparable>{
private(set) public var value: T
private(set) public var parent: BinarySearchTree<T>?
private(set) public var leftChield: BinarySearchTree<T>?
private(set) public var rightChield: BinarySearchTree<T>?
public init(value: T){
self.value = value
public convenience init(values: [T]){
self.init(value: values.first!)
for value in values.dropFirst(){
public var isRoot: Bool{
return parent == nil ? true : false
public var isLeaf: Bool{
return hasAnyChield ? false : true
public var isLeftChield: Bool{
return parent?.leftChield?.value == value ? true : false
public var isRightChield: Bool{
return parent?.rightChield?.value == value ? true : false
public var hasLeftChield: Bool{
return self.leftChield != nil ? true : false
public var hasRightChield: Bool{
return self.rightChield != nil ? true : false
public var hasAnyChield: Bool{
return hasLeftChield || hasRightChield
public var hasBothChieldren: Bool{
return hasLeftChield && hasRightChield
public var Count: Int{
return (leftChield?.Count ?? 0) + 1 + (rightChield?.Count ?? 0)
public func insert(_ value: T){
if value < self.value{
if leftChield != nil{
leftChield = BinarySearchTree(value: value)
leftChield?.parent = self
}else if value > self.value{
if rightChield != nil{
rightChield = BinarySearchTree(value: value)
rightChield?.parent = self
@discardableResult public func remove() -> BinarySearchTree?{
let replacement: BinarySearchTree?
if let right = rightChield{
replacement = right.minumum()
}else if let left = leftChield{
replacement = left.maximum()
replacement = nil
replacement?.rightChield = rightChield
replacement?.leftChield = leftChield
leftChield?.parent = replacement
rightChield?.parent = replacement
reconnectToParentNode(node: replacement)
// current node is no longer exist so
parent = nil
leftChield = nil
rightChield = nil
return replacement
private func reconnectToParentNode(node:BinarySearchTree?){
if let parent = parent{
if parent.isLeftChield{
parent.leftChield = node
parent.rightChield = node
node?.parent = parent
private func minumum() -> BinarySearchTree{
var node = self
while let next = node.leftChield{
node = next
return node
private func maximum() -> BinarySearchTree{
var node = self
while let next = node.rightChield{
node = next
return node
public func search(_ value: T) -> BinarySearchTree?{
if value < self.value{
return leftChield?.search(value)
}else if value > self.value{
return rightChield?.search(value)
}else {
return self
public func traverseInOrder(_ process: (T) -> ()){
public func traversePreOrder(_ process: (T) -> ()){
public func travserPostOrder(_ process: (T) -> ()){
public func map<K>(_ formula: (T) -> K) -> [K]{
var array = [K]()
if let left = leftChield {
array +=
if let right = rightChield {
array +=
return array
public func toArray() -> [T]{
return map { $0 }
public var depth: Int{
var node = self
var edges = 0
while let parent = node.parent{
edges += 1
node = parent
return edges
public var height:Int{
if isLeaf{
return 0
return 1 + max((leftChield?.height ?? 0), (rightChield?.height ?? 0))
public func isBST(_ min: T, _ max: T) -> Bool{
if min > value || max < value { return false }
let isLeftBST = leftChield?.isBST(min, value) ?? true
let isRightBST = rightChield?.isBST(value, max) ?? true
return isLeftBST && isRightBST
extension BinarySearchTree: CustomStringConvertible{
public var description: String{
var s = ""
if let left = leftChield{
s += "\(left.description) <--"
s += " \(value) "
if let right = rightChield{
s += " --> \(right.description)"
return s
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