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Created June 22, 2012 11:35
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optimized atan2 approximation
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
float atan2_approximation1(float y, float x);
float atan2_approximation2(float y, float x);
int main()
float x = 1;
float y = 0;
for( y = 0; y < 2*M_PI; y+= 0.1 )
for(x = 0; x < 2*M_PI; x+= 0.1)
printf("atan2 for %f,%f: %f \n", y, x, atan2(y, x));
printf("approx1 for %f,%f: %f \n", y, x, atan2_approximation1(y, x));
printf("approx2 for %f,%f: %f \n \n", y, x, atan2_approximation2(y, x));
return 0;
float atan2_approximation1(float y, float x)
//Volkan SALMA
const float ONEQTR_PI = M_PI / 4.0;
const float THRQTR_PI = 3.0 * M_PI / 4.0;
float r, angle;
float abs_y = fabs(y) + 1e-10f; // kludge to prevent 0/0 condition
if ( x < 0.0f )
r = (x + abs_y) / (abs_y - x);
angle = THRQTR_PI;
r = (x - abs_y) / (x + abs_y);
angle = ONEQTR_PI;
angle += (0.1963f * r * r - 0.9817f) * r;
if ( y < 0.0f )
return( -angle ); // negate if in quad III or IV
return( angle );
#define PI_FLOAT 3.14159265f
#define PIBY2_FLOAT 1.5707963f
// |error| < 0.005
float atan2_approximation2( float y, float x )
if ( x == 0.0f )
if ( y > 0.0f ) return PIBY2_FLOAT;
if ( y == 0.0f ) return 0.0f;
return -PIBY2_FLOAT;
float atan;
float z = y/x;
if ( fabs( z ) < 1.0f )
atan = z/(1.0f + 0.28f*z*z);
if ( x < 0.0f )
if ( y < 0.0f ) return atan - PI_FLOAT;
return atan + PI_FLOAT;
atan = PIBY2_FLOAT - z/(z*z + 0.28f);
if ( y < 0.0f ) return atan - PI_FLOAT;
return atan;
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pswiatki commented Aug 16, 2021

if ( x == 0.0f )  // line 62
if ( y == 0.0f ) return 0.0f;  // line 65

Do these lines ever get executed (in cases where 0.0f is not explicitly used as the argument, but rather is a result of some calculation that evaluates "sufficiently close" to 0.0f)?

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approximation1 can be made branchless using std::copysign and std::fabs - which boil down to simple bitwise logic.

float atan2_approx(float y, float x) {
	float abs_y = std::fabs(y) + 1e-10f;      // kludge to prevent 0/0 condition
	float r = (x - std::copysign(abs_y, x)) / (abs_y + std::fabs(x));
	float angle = M_PI/2.f - std::copysign(M_PI/4.f, x);

	angle += (0.1963f * r * r - 0.9817f) * r;
	return std::copysign(angle, y);

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pswiatki commented Sep 7, 2021

I was pointing out the fact they used a compare operation to 0.0 float. That will be true very seldom (to put it mildly) and - according to my knowledge - shall be avoided. Let me think about your code snippet above (interesting kludge of 1e-10f ;)

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Pflugshaupt commented Sep 7, 2021

the kludge line comes from approximation1, you were pointing out the comparisons in approximation2. Sorry, I didn't mean to answer your question, but wanted to comment on the original code because it inspired me to get to a branchless version.
The beauty of a branchless atan2 is that it can easily be performed using SIMD instructions.

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pswiatki commented Sep 7, 2021

very nice, indeed.

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