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Created March 16, 2018 13:47
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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
class Node<T: Comparable> {
var next: Node<T>?
let value: T
init(value: T) {
self.value = value
extension Node: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "\(self.value)"
class LinkedList<T: Comparable> {
private var head: Node<T>?
private var tail: Node<T>?
var isEmpty: Bool {
return self.head == nil
func append(value: T) -> Node<T> {
let node = Node<T>(value: value)
if self.head == nil {
self.head = node
if let tail = self.tail { = node
self.tail = node
return node
private func walk(start1: Node<T>, start2: Node<T>, walkFaster: Bool = false) -> Node<T>? {
var n1 =
var n2 = walkFaster ? :
while n1 != nil && n2 != nil && n1!.value != n2!.value {
n1 = n1!.next
n2 = walkFaster ? n2!.next?.next : n2!.next
return n2
func findLoopStart() -> Node<T>? {
guard self.containsLoop else {
return nil
// The two pointers met themselves k nodes from the loop start
if let lap = self.walk(start1: self.head!, start2: self.head!, walkFaster: true) {
// We reset one of the pointers to the list head,
// and make them both walk at the same speed.
if let start = self.walk(start1: self.head!, start2: lap, walkFaster: false) {
// They will meet at the loop start.
return start
return nil
var containsLoop: Bool {
guard let head = self.head else {
return false
return self.walk(start1: head, start2: head, walkFaster: true) != nil
extension LinkedList: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
var description = ""
var node = self.head
while node != nil {
description += "\(node!.value)"
node = node!.next
return description
let ll = LinkedList<Int>()
ll.append(value: 0)
ll.append(value: 1)
ll.append(value: 2)
let n = ll.append(value: 3)
ll.append(value: 4)
ll.append(value: 5)
ll.append(value: 7)
ll.append(value: 8)
let k = ll.append(value: 9) = n
let start = ll.findLoopStart()
assert(start?.value == 3)
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