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Forked from iafisher/
Last active March 28, 2024 16:39
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A simple implementation of a recursive-descent parser for a language of boolean expressions.
A simple implementation of a recursive-descent parser for a language of boolean expressions.
Forked from:
This fork aims to allow for strings instead of 0 and 1 symbols, and these strings themselves are then to be evaluated.
e.g: Instead of (0 or 1), you could have (is_happy or is_sad).
Additionally, allow for multiple operators within a single set of parentheses, not only boolean.
e.g: Allow for (0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 ...)
Note that only a single operator type is allowed however, as it'd be ambiguous otherwise.
e.g of not allowed: (0 or 1 and 2)
import re
"&": lambda x, y: x and y,
"|": lambda x, y: x or y,
OPS = list(FUNC_BY_OP.keys())
SYMBOLS = OPS + ["(", ")"]
def safe_pop(stack: list):
return stack.pop(0)
except IndexError:
raise SyntaxError("Unexpected end of expression")
def eval_str(expr, truthy_mapping):
"""All binary operators must be wrapped in parentheses, even when it would be unambiguous to omit them."""
tokens = tokenize(expr)
ast = parse_expr(tokens)
return eval_ast(ast, truthy_mapping)
def eval_ast(ast, truthy_mapping: dict[str, int]):
"""Evaluate an AST as returned by match_expr."""
is_terminal = not isinstance(ast, list)
if is_terminal:
val = ast
# If it's something like (0 | 0 | 1), it'll be broken down into (0 | 0) | 1
# the result of the first (0 | 0) will be either True or False, so we just return that
if isinstance(val, bool):
return val
if val not in truthy_mapping.keys():
raise SyntaxError(f"Operand '{val}' was not provided a True/False value")
return truthy_mapping[val]
lhs, op, rhs = safe_pop(ast), safe_pop(ast), safe_pop(ast)
if op not in OPS:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown operator '{op}'")
func = FUNC_BY_OP[op]
res = func(eval_ast(lhs, truthy_mapping), eval_ast(rhs, truthy_mapping))
while len(ast) > 0:
# If op is short circuitable
# e.g: if it's an OR operation and we already have truthy value, just return true
# e.g: if it's an AND operation and we already have a negative value, just return false
if (op in ["|"] and res) or (op in ["&"] and not res):
return res
op = safe_pop(ast)
rhs = safe_pop(ast)
res = func(eval_ast(res, truthy_mapping), eval_ast(rhs, truthy_mapping))
return res
def parse_expr(tokens: list[str]):
"""Given a list of tokens (as strings), return the abstract syntax tree as parsed by the grammar
OP -> &
OP -> |
VALUE -> any string
# If it's a terminal value
if isinstance(tokens, str) and tokens not in SYMBOLS:
return tokens
token: list = safe_pop(tokens)
result = []
if token not in SYMBOLS:
# It's a terminal value
return token
if token == "(":
# If there's not a lhs, op, rhs, closing parenthesis, then it's a syntax error
if len(tokens) < 4:
raise SyntaxError(
f"Expected '(', lhs, op, rhs, ')', but got '(', {",".join(tokens)}"
lhs = parse_expr(tokens)
op = safe_pop(tokens)
if op not in OPS:
raise SyntaxError(f'expected one of [ {",".join(OPS)} ], got "{op}"')
rhs = parse_expr(tokens)
result.extend([lhs, op, rhs])
# if there's more to parse
while len(tokens) > 0 and (next_token := safe_pop(tokens)):
if next_token == op:
# Keep going
rhs = parse_expr(tokens)
result.extend([op, rhs])
elif next_token in OPS and next_token != op:
raise SyntaxError(
f"Multiple operators {op} and {next_token} present on single level. Must all be the same."
elif next_token == ")":
return result
# Undo the pop
tokens.insert(0, next_token)
return result
return result
raise SyntaxError(f"Unexpected token {token}, expected '('")
def tokenize(expr):
"""Return a list of tokens from the expression."""
# Remove all whitespace
# ((( foo|bar) &baz)| bar) -> (((foo|bar)&baz)|bar)
expr = re.sub(r"\s+", "", expr)
# Pad all operators/parentheses with spaces
# (((foo|bar)&baz)|bar) -> ( ( ( foo | bar ) & baz ) | bar )
for symbol in SYMBOLS:
expr = expr.replace(symbol, f" {symbol} ")
return expr.split()
# Examples:
truthy_mapping = {"0": False, "1": True}
# False
eval_str("0", truthy_mapping)
# True
eval_str("(0|1)", truthy_mapping)
# True
eval_str("((0|1)|1)", truthy_mapping)
# False
eval_str("((0&1)|(0&1))", truthy_mapping)
# Your true/values heres
truthy_mapping.update({"COMP248": True, "COMP249": False})
while True:
expr = input(">>> ")
except EOFError:
print(eval_str(expr, truthy_mapping))
except SyntaxError as e:
print("Error:", e)
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