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Created January 6, 2024 21:41
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InfLisp built-in functions special forms
&optional &rest * *environment* *globalsymbollist* *speciallist*
*standard-input* *standard-output* + - / 1+ 1- :array :cons :file :float
:integer :string :symbol < <= <> = > >= ?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F ?G ?H ?I ?J ?K ?L ?M
?N ?O ?P ?Q ?R ?S ?T ?U ?V ?W ?X ?Y ?Z and append apply aref arrayp assert assoc
atom backquote boundp bubble-sort caadr caar cadar caddar cadddr caddr cadr car
cdar cdddr cddr cdr char clear-screen close closure comma comma-at cond cons
consp copy cursor-off cursor-on defmacro defmethod defun defvar dolist dos
dotimes end-of-file end-of-line eq eql equal error eval evaluated exit exp
file-pos filep flatc flatsize floatp forall funcall gc gensym get-first get-key
get-next get-variables gotoxy if integerp internal-error is-a is-variable
keypressed lambda last length let list listp ln load macro make-array
make-instance make-symbol mapcar match member method-not-found not nth nthcdr
null numberp objectp openi openo or prin1 princ print progn quick-sort quote
random randomize read read-char read-line retract reverse rplaca rplacd
screen-begin screen-end screen-pop screen-push seek send setf setq sqr sqrt
strcat string stringp substr symbol-name symbolp t terpri time type-of while
write-char write-screen
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