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Created March 26, 2015 05:05
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Lazarus Command Line Help
lazbuild [options] <project/package filename or package name>
--help or -? this help message
-B or --build-all build all files of project/package/IDE
-r or --recursive apply build flags (-B) to dependencies too
-d or --skip-dependencies do not compile dependencies
--build-ide=<options> build IDE with packages
-v or --version show version and exit
-q or --quiet be less verbose, can be given multiple times
--verbose be more verbose, can be given multiple times
add package(s) to list of installed packages
(combine with --build-ide to rebuild IDE).
Instead of compile package create a simple Makefile.
or --pcp=<path>
primary config directory, where Lazarus stores its
config files. Default is /home/rchurch/.lazarus
or --scp=<path>
secondary config directory, where Lazarus searches
for config template files. Default is /etc/lazarus
or --os=<operating-system>
override the project operating system. e.g. win32
linux. default: linux
or --ws=<widgetset>
override the project widgetset. e.g. gtk gtk2 qt
win32 carbon. default: gtk2
override the project cpu. e.g. i386 x86_64 powerpc
powerpc_64 etc. default: i386
--build-mode=<project/ide build mode>
or --bm=<project/ide build mode>
override the project or IDE build mode.
override the default compiler. e.g. ppc386 ppcx64
ppcppc etc. default is stored in
Override language. For example --language=de. For
possible values see files in the languages directory.
--lazarusdir=<Lazarus directory>
directory, to be used as a basedirectory
Maximum number of threads for compiling in
parallel. Default is 0, which guesses the number of
cores in the system.
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