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Last active September 6, 2019 17:21
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Paint a PDF file to hide parts of words
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import argparse
import random
import fitz
class Config:
def get_mark_range(self, y, mark):
rel_pos = (self.bottom - y) / (self.bottom -
if mark:
alpha = rel_pos + 2.0 * (1 - rel_pos)
mark_range = (0.5 * alpha, 1.0 * alpha)
alpha = rel_pos + 1.0 * (1 - rel_pos)
mark_range = (1.0 * alpha, 1.5 * alpha)
return mark_range
def __init__(self, debug):
if debug:
self.color = (255, 87, 51)
def get_width(top, bottom, mark):
mark_range = self.get_mark_range(top, mark)
height = bottom - top
return height * 0.5 * sum(mark_range)
self.get_width = get_width
self.color = (255, 249, 196)
def get_width(top, bottom, mark):
mark_range = self.get_mark_range(top, mark)
height = bottom - top
return height * random.uniform(*mark_range)
self.get_width = get_width
class Paint:
def __init__(self):
self.__mark = True
self.__next_w = None
self.__offset = 0
def generate(self, rect, cfg):
if self.__next_w is None:
self.__next_w = cfg.get_width(rect.y0, rect.y1, self.__mark)
extra_width = rect.width + self.__offset
while True:
if self.__mark:
mark_left = rect.x1 - extra_width
r = fitz.Rect(mark_left, rect.y0,
mark_left + self.__next_w, rect.y1)
yield r & rect
if extra_width < self.__next_w:
extra_width -= self.__next_w
self.__mark = not self.__mark
self.__next_w = cfg.get_width(rect.y0, rect.y1, self.__mark)
extra_width += rect.width
self.__offset = extra_width - rect.width
def page_paint(page, cfg):
rect = page.rect = rect.y0
cfg.bottom = rect.y1
paint = Paint()
page_dict = page.getText('dict')
for block in page_dict['blocks']:
if block['type'] != 0:
for line in block['lines']:
for r in paint.generate(fitz.Rect(line['bbox']), cfg):
# create a pixmap with RGB as colorspace and bounded by irect
pm = fitz.Pixmap(fitz.Colorspace(fitz.CS_RGB), r.round())
page.insertImage(r, pixmap=pm, overlay=True)
def pdf_paint(pdf, pages, cfg):
doc =
# Restrict pages to those presented in document
pages = pages & set(range(doc.pageCount))
page_count = len(pages)
for count, page_num in enumerate(sorted(pages)):
page = doc[page_num]
print('Processing page {} / {}...'.format(count + 1, page_count),
page_paint(page, cfg)
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(pdf) + '_paint' + ext)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('pdf', type=str, help='PDF file')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pages', required=True, type=int, nargs='+',
help='Pages to paint')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
help='Debug the script')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Pass zero-based pages to function
pages = set(map(lambda n: n - 1, args.pages))
pdf_paint(args.pdf, pages, Config(args.debug))
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Tonna commented May 8, 2019


Looks nice. Didn't tried out yet - installing PyMuPDF dependency requires non-trivial setup for Linux. Install via pip isn't working.
Will try later.

Anton Yakovchuk

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vonavi commented May 10, 2019

Hi Anton! What is the problem with pip? Can I ask you to show the output with error?

To check how the script works, I can prepare Dockerfile, build MuPDF and upload it in PAA.

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vonavi commented May 10, 2019

I have checked that the last version (1.14.13) of PyMuPDF causes segmentation fault. Use the previous one, as requirements.txt shows.

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Tonna commented May 10, 2019

Managed to make program work inside Docker (thank you for the idea).
I'm completely new to Docker and python novice, so I decided to have some training - make the program run as pipe.

Here is the private repo I created, because I cannot (don't know how) share code here.

sample usage

docker build . -t pdf_paint:1.0
cat sample.pdf | docker run --rm -i pdf_print:1.0 > sample_print.pdf

Downsides are that it requires to build full image for such simple task and processing takes significant amount of time.

P.S. Dependencies in program require python version > 3.6

I'm running on Debian 9.

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vonavi commented May 11, 2019

Ok, I see that the problem is that Debian 9 doesn't have Python 3.6. I will rewrite the script and throw away dataclasses.

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vonavi commented May 11, 2019

Now it should work. I prefer to use virtualenv to manage Python environments:

vonavi@desktop ~> mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs                              
vonavi@desktop ~> virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.5 ~/.virtualenvs/mupdf
Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/bin/python3.5
Using base prefix '/usr'
New python executable in /home/vonavi/.virtualenvs/mupdf/bin/python3.5
Also creating executable in /home/vonavi/.virtualenvs/mupdf/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
vonavi@desktop ~> source ~/.virtualenvs/mupdf/bin/activate             
(mupdf) vonavi@desktop ~> git clone       
Cloning into '1368605a4700008ba38278b0f6bc2fde'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 18, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Total 18 (delta 3), reused 11 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (18/18), done.
(mupdf) vonavi@desktop ~> cd 1368605a4700008ba38278b0f6bc2fde 
(mupdf) vonavi@desktop ~/1368605a4700008ba38278b0f6bc2fde> pip install -r requirements.txt                                                     master
Collecting PyMuPDF==1.14.12 (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
  Using cached
Installing collected packages: PyMuPDF
Successfully installed PyMuPDF-1.14.12
(mupdf) vonavi@desktop ~/1368605a4700008ba38278b0f6bc2fde> ./ ~/sample.pdf -p $(seq 1 10)                                          master
Processing page 2 / 2...
(mupdf) vonavi@desktop ~/1368605a4700008ba38278b0f6bc2fde> xdg-open ~/sample_paint.pdf

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vonavi commented May 11, 2019

I fixed PyMuPDF versions which work correctly.

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Tonna commented May 11, 2019

I followed your virtualenv guide and script worked fine.
Thank you!

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Tonna commented Sep 3, 2019

Tried to launch script today.

  1. Needed to upgrade dependency from "PyMuPDF>=1.14,<=1.14.10" to "PyMuPDF>=1.14,<=1.14.20".

  2. Also tried to replace line 13 with "mark_range = (0.3 * alpha, 0.2 * alpha)" - easier for new person, less shock :)
    Can "difficulty" be passed in script on launch time?

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vonavi commented Sep 6, 2019

Sorry for a delay. I will check item 1 soon and fix the script in accordance. As for item 2, I agree to add such a parameter as "difficulty". The problem is how to formulate the difficulty itself when we need to control four parameters. Do you have a hint?

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Tonna commented Sep 6, 2019

No worries. This script depends on the library, so issue with version will happen again and again I guess.

The problem is how to formulate the difficulty itself when we need to control four parameters. Do you have a hint?

I couldn't wrap my head around those parameters. I just tweaked them till result was acceptable. Image below generated by parameters - "mark_range = (1.0 * alpha, 0.3 * alpha)" - if I remember correctly, code was lost.
I think by experimenting one could come up to 3-4 configurations corresponding to easy-...-hard difficulty. I can do that later (by later I mean "don't know when"). No need for you to make any changes for now.

I'm not suggesting for you to make actual git repo, but it will allow making pull requests.


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