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Last active September 8, 2020 12:04
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datatype 'a msort = Seg "'a × 'a" | Empty | Fail
instantiation msort :: (ord) monoid
definition neutral_msort: "neutral_msort ≡ Empty"
fun mult_msort where
"mult_msort _ Fail = Fail" |
"mult_msort Fail _ = Fail" |
"mult_msort a Empty = a" |
"mult_msort Empty a = a" |
"mult_msort (Seg (a, b)) (Seg (c, d)) =
(if b ≤ c then Seg (a, d) else Fail)"
instance proof
fix a b c :: "'a msort"
show "(a ⊗ b) ⊗ c = a ⊗ (b ⊗ c)"
by (case_tac a; case_tac b; case_tac c; auto)
show "𝟭 ⊗ a = a"
unfolding neutral_msort by (case_tac a; auto)
show "a ⊗ 𝟭 = a"
unfolding neutral_msort by (case_tac a; auto)
fun sorted :: "('a::preorder) list ⇒ bool" where
"sorted (a # b # l) = (a ≤ b ∧ sorted (b # l))" |
"sorted _ = True"
definition msort_fold :: "('a::ord) list ⇒ 'a msort" where
"msort_fold l ≡ foldr (⊗) (map (λa. Seg (a, a)) l) 𝟭"
lemma sorted_imp_seg:
fixes a :: "'a::preorder" and l :: "'a list"
shows "sorted (a # l) ⟹ ∃b. msort_fold (a # l) = Seg (a, b)"
proof (induction "a # l" arbitrary: a l rule: sorted.induct)
case (1 a b l)
thus ?case unfolding msort_fold_def by auto
case "2_1"
case ("2_2" a)
show ?case unfolding msort_fold_def using neutr by auto
lemma fold_empty_nil:
fixes l :: "('a::preorder) list"
shows "msort_fold l = Empty ⟹ l = []"
proof (induction l rule: sorted.induct)
case (1 a b l)
show ?case
proof (cases "msort_fold (b # l)")
case (Seg s)
thus ?thesis
using "1.prems"
unfolding msort_fold_def
by (case_tac s; simp split: if_split_asm)
case Empty
thus ?thesis using "1.IH" by blast
case Fail
thus ?thesis using "1.prems" unfolding msort_fold_def by auto
case "2_1" show ?case by blast
case ("2_2" a)
thus ?case
using neutr [of "Seg (a, a)"]
unfolding msort_fold_def by auto
lemma seg_imp_sorted:
fixes a b c :: "'a::preorder" and l :: "'a list"
shows "msort_fold (a # l) = Seg (b, c) ⟹
sorted (a # l)"
proof (induction "a # l" arbitrary: a b c l rule: sorted.induct)
case (1 a b l c d)
let ?m = "msort_fold (b # l)"
have A: "?m ≠ Empty" using fold_empty_nil by blast
have B: "?m ≠ Fail"
using "1.prems"
unfolding msort_fold_def
by auto
from A B have C: "sorted (b # l)"
using "1.hyps"
by (case_tac ?m; auto)
have "¬ a ≤ b ⟹ Seg (a, a) ⊗ Seg (b, b) = Fail"
by auto
hence "⋀m. ¬ a ≤ b ⟹ Seg (a, a) ⊗ (Seg (b, b) ⊗ m) = Fail"
using assoc [of "Seg (a, a)" "Seg (b, b)"]
by (case_tac m; auto)
thus ?case
using "1.prems" C
unfolding msort_fold_def
by (case_tac "a ≤ b"; auto)
case "2_1"
case ("2_2" a) thus ?case by auto
theorem sorted_not_fail_iff:
fixes l :: "('a::preorder) list"
shows "sorted l = (msort_fold l ≠ Fail)"
proof (cases l)
case Nil
thus ?thesis
unfolding neutral_msort msort_fold_def
by auto
case (Cons a l)
thus ?thesis
using sorted_imp_seg [of a l] seg_imp_sorted [of a l]
using fold_empty_nil [of "a # l"]
by (case_tac "msort_fold (a # l)"; auto)
Require Import OrderedType.
Require Import Recdef.
Module Sorted (A : OrderedType).
Import A.
Function sorted (l : list t) {measure length l} : Prop :=
match l with
| a :: b :: l' => (lt a b \/ eq a b) /\ sorted (b :: l')
| _ => True
Proof. eauto. Qed.
End Sorted.
Class MonoidDot (A : Type) := monoid_dot : A -> A -> A.
Class MonoidOne (A : Type) := monoid_one : A.
Declare Scope M_scope.
Infix "*" := monoid_dot: M_scope.
Notation "1" := monoid_one: M_scope.
Open Scope M_scope.
Class Semigroup {A : Type} (dot : MonoidDot A) : Prop :=
{ dot_assoc : forall a b c : A, a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c }.
Class Monoid `(M : Semigroup) (one : MonoidOne A) : Prop :=
{ one_left : forall a : A, 1 * a = a;
one_right : forall a : A, a * 1 = a }.
Inductive msort {A : Type} : Type :=
| seg : A * A -> msort
| empty : msort
| fail : msort.
Module MSort (A : OrderedType).
Import A.
Module M := OrderedTypeFacts A.
Instance MSortDot : MonoidDot msort :=
fun x y =>
match x, y with
| _, fail => fail
| fail, _ => fail
| _, empty => x
| empty, _ => y
| seg (a, b), seg (c, d) =>
match compare b c with GT _ => fail | _ => seg (a, d) end
Instance MSortOne : MonoidOne (@msort t) := empty.
Ltac msort_assoc_auto :=
unfold monoid_dot, MSortDot;
repeat match goal with
| |- context [ let (_, _) := ?p in _ ] => destruct p
repeat match goal with
| |- context [ match (compare ?a ?b) with _ => _ end ] =>
let H := fresh in
let H0 := fresh in
case_eq (compare a b); intros H H0; clear H0
match goal with
| H : lt ?a ?b, H0 : lt ?b ?a |- _ => contradict (M.lt_le H H0)
| H : eq ?a ?b, H0 : lt ?b ?a |- _ => contradict (M.eq_not_gt H H0)
Instance MSortSemigroup : Semigroup MSortDot.
split. intros a b c.
induction a; induction b; induction c; msort_assoc_auto.
Instance MSortMonoid : Monoid MSortSemigroup MSortOne.
split; intro a; unfold monoid_dot, monoid_one, MSortDot, MSortOne;
destruct a as [p| | ]; try destruct p; reflexivity.
Definition msort_fold (l : list t) : msort :=
fold_right (fun a r => seg (a, a) * r) 1 l.
Module S := Sorted A. Import S.
Lemma sorted_imp_seg : forall (a : t) (l : list t),
sorted (a :: l) -> (exists b : t, msort_fold (a :: l) = seg (a, b)).
intros a l. remember (a :: l) as l'. revert a l Heql'.
functional induction (sorted l'); intros.
- destruct H. assert (b :: l' = b :: l'). 1:reflexivity.
specialize (IHP b l' H1 H0). inversion Heql'. rewrite <- H3.
clear a0 H0 H1 H3 Heql'. destruct IHP as [c]. exists c.
unfold msort_fold in *. simpl in *. rewrite H0.
unfold monoid_dot, MSortDot. destruct H.
+ pose proof (M.elim_compare_lt H). destruct H1. rewrite H1. reflexivity.
+ pose proof (M.elim_compare_eq H). destruct H1. rewrite H1. reflexivity.
- destruct l; try destruct l; try inversion y; inversion Heql'.
unfold msort_fold. simpl. exists a. apply one_right.
Lemma fold_empty_nil : forall (l : list t), msort_fold l = empty -> l = nil.
intro l. destruct l; intros. 1:reflexivity.
case_eq (msort_fold l); intros; unfold msort_fold in H, H0; simpl in H, H0;
rewrite H0 in H; unfold monoid_dot, MSortDot in H.
+ destruct p. destruct (compare t0 t1); inversion H.
+ inversion H.
+ inversion H.
Lemma seg_imp_sorted : forall (a : t) (l : list t),
(exists b c : t, msort_fold (a :: l) = seg (b, c)) -> sorted (a :: l).
intros a l. remember (a :: l) as l'. revert a l Heql'.
functional induction (sorted l'); intros.
- assert (b :: l' = b :: l'). 1:reflexivity. specialize (IHP b l' H0).
clear a0 l H0 Heql'. destruct H as [c H]. destruct H as [d H].
assert (exists c d : t, msort_fold (b :: l') = seg (c, d)).
+ case_eq (msort_fold (b :: l')); intros.
* destruct p. exists t0, t1. reflexivity.
* apply fold_empty_nil in H0. inversion H0.
* unfold msort_fold in H, H0. simpl in H, H0. rewrite H0 in H.
unfold monoid_dot, MSortDot in H. inversion H.
+ specialize (IHP H0). clear H0. split. 2:assumption.
unfold msort_fold in H. simpl in H. rewrite dot_assoc in H.
assert (seg (a, a) * seg (b, b) = seg (a, b)).
* case_eq (seg (a, a) * seg (b, b)); intros; rewrite H0 in H;
unfold monoid_dot, MSortDot in H0; destruct (compare a b);
inversion H0; try reflexivity.
remember (msort_fold l') as m. unfold msort_fold in Heqm.
rewrite <- Heqm in H. unfold monoid_dot, MSortDot in H.
destruct m; inversion H.
* clear l' c d H IHP. unfold monoid_dot, MSortDot in H0.
case_eq (compare a b); intros; rewrite H in H0; inversion H0;
[left | right]; assumption.
- destruct l; try inversion Heql'. trivial.
Theorem sorted_not_fail_iff :
forall l : list t, sorted l <-> (msort_fold l <> fail).
intro l. destruct l as [|a l].
- remember nil as l. functional induction (sorted l). 1:inversion Heql.
unfold msort_fold, monoid_one, MSortOne, not. simpl.
split; intros; [inversion H0 | trivial].
- split; unfold not; intros.
+ pose proof (sorted_imp_seg a l H). destruct H1. rewrite H1 in H0.
inversion H0.
+ case_eq (msort_fold (a :: l)); intros.
* destruct p. assert (exists b c : t, msort_fold (a :: l) = seg (b, c)).
1:exists t0, t1; assumption. apply (seg_imp_sorted a l H1).
* apply fold_empty_nil in H0. inversion H0.
* specialize (H H0). inversion H.
End MSort.
datatype 'a msort = Seg "'a \<times> 'a" | Empty | Fail
instantiation msort :: (ord) monoid
definition neutral_msort: "neutral_msort \<equiv> Empty"
fun mult_msort where
"mult_msort _ Fail = Fail" |
"mult_msort Fail _ = Fail" |
"mult_msort a Empty = a" |
"mult_msort Empty a = a" |
"mult_msort (Seg (a, b)) (Seg (c, d)) =
(if b \<le> c then Seg (a, d) else Fail)"
instance proof
fix a b c :: "'a msort"
show "(a \<otimes> b) \<otimes> c = a \<otimes> (b \<otimes> c)"
by (case_tac a; case_tac b; case_tac c; auto)
show "\<one> \<otimes> a = a"
unfolding neutral_msort by (case_tac a; auto)
show "a \<otimes> \<one> = a"
unfolding neutral_msort by (case_tac a; auto)
fun sorted :: "('a::preorder) list \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"sorted (a # b # l) = (a \<le> b \<and> sorted (b # l))" |
"sorted _ = True"
definition msort_fold :: "('a::ord) list \<Rightarrow> 'a msort" where
"msort_fold l \<equiv> foldr (\<otimes>) (map (\<lambda>a. Seg (a, a)) l) \<one>"
lemma sorted_imp_seg:
fixes a :: "'a::preorder" and l :: "'a list"
shows "sorted (a # l) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>b. msort_fold (a # l) = Seg (a, b)"
proof (induction "a # l" arbitrary: a l rule: sorted.induct)
case (1 a b l)
thus ?case unfolding msort_fold_def by auto
case "2_1"
case ("2_2" a)
show ?case unfolding msort_fold_def using neutr by auto
lemma fold_empty_nil:
fixes l :: "('a::preorder) list"
shows "msort_fold l = Empty \<Longrightarrow> l = []"
proof (induction l rule: sorted.induct)
case (1 a b l)
show ?case
proof (cases "msort_fold (b # l)")
case (Seg s)
thus ?thesis
using "1.prems"
unfolding msort_fold_def
by (case_tac s; simp split: if_split_asm)
case Empty
thus ?thesis using "1.IH" by blast
case Fail
thus ?thesis using "1.prems" unfolding msort_fold_def by auto
case "2_1" show ?case by blast
case ("2_2" a)
thus ?case
using neutr [of "Seg (a, a)"]
unfolding msort_fold_def by auto
lemma seg_imp_sorted:
fixes a b c :: "'a::preorder" and l :: "'a list"
shows "msort_fold (a # l) = Seg (b, c) \<Longrightarrow>
sorted (a # l)"
proof (induction "a # l" arbitrary: a b c l rule: sorted.induct)
case (1 a b l c d)
let ?m = "msort_fold (b # l)"
have A: "?m \<noteq> Empty" using fold_empty_nil by blast
have B: "?m \<noteq> Fail"
using "1.prems"
unfolding msort_fold_def
by auto
from A B have C: "sorted (b # l)"
using "1.hyps"
by (case_tac ?m; auto)
have "\<not> a \<le> b \<Longrightarrow> Seg (a, a) \<otimes> Seg (b, b) = Fail"
by auto
hence "\<And>m. \<not> a \<le> b \<Longrightarrow> Seg (a, a) \<otimes> (Seg (b, b) \<otimes> m) = Fail"
using assoc [of "Seg (a, a)" "Seg (b, b)"]
by (case_tac m; auto)
thus ?case
using "1.prems" C
unfolding msort_fold_def
by (case_tac "a \<le> b"; auto)
case "2_1"
case ("2_2" a) thus ?case by auto
theorem sorted_not_fail_iff:
fixes l :: "('a::preorder) list"
shows "sorted l = (msort_fold l \<noteq> Fail)"
proof (cases l)
case Nil
thus ?thesis
unfolding neutral_msort msort_fold_def
by auto
case (Cons a l)
thus ?thesis
using sorted_imp_seg [of a l] seg_imp_sorted [of a l]
using fold_empty_nil [of "a # l"]
by (case_tac "msort_fold (a # l)"; auto)
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