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Created September 25, 2022 03:34
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EDDI "Dave" personality
"name": "Dave",
"description": "less verbose",
"scripts": {
"AFMU repairs": {
"name": "AFMU repairs",
"description": "Triggered when repairing modules using the Auto Field Maintenance Unit (AFMU)",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{event.item} \r\n{if event.repairedfully:\r\n fully repaired\r\n|else:\r\n partially repaired \r\n {Occasionally(2, cat(\r\n OneOf(\"to \", \"at \"),\r\n Humanise( * 100),\r\n \" percent functionality\"\r\n ))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(2, \r\n cat(OneOf(\", \", \"and is\"), \" ready for re-activation\")\r\n)}.\r\n\r\n{if event.item =\r\n\t{if event.repairedfully:\r\n\t\t{SetState('eddi_boost_budget', 0)}\r\n\t\tBoost budget reset.\r\n\t|else:\r\n\t\t{SetState('eddi_boost_budget', round(100-100*}\r\n\t\tBoost budget set to {state.eddi_boost_budget}.\r\n\t}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{event.item} \r\n{if event.repairedfully:\r\n fully repaired\r\n|else:\r\n partially repaired \r\n {Occasionally(2, cat(\r\n OneOf(\"to \", \"at \"),\r\n Humanise( * 100),\r\n \" percent functionality\"\r\n ))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(2, \r\n cat(OneOf(\", \", \"and is\"), \" ready for re-activation\")\r\n)}.",
"default": false
"Asteroid cracked": {
"name": "Asteroid cracked",
"description": "Triggered when you break up a 'Motherlode' asteroid for mining",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Asteroid prospected": {
"name": "Asteroid prospected",
"description": "Triggered when using a prospecting drone",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{set minimumPercent to 10} {_ The minimum percentage surface mineral concentration to report _}\r\n{set spokenCores to [\r\n \"Alexandrite\": false,\r\n \"Benitoite\": false,\r\n \"Grandidierite\": false,\r\n \"Low Temperature Diamonds\": true,\r\n \"Monazite\": false,\r\n \"Musgravite\": false,\r\n \"Rhodplumsite\": false,\r\n \"Serendibite\": false,\r\n \"Void Opals\": true,\r\n]}\r\n{set spokenMinerals to [\r\n \"Bauxite\": false,\r\n \"Bertrandite\": false,\r\n \"Bromellite\": false,\r\n \"Cobalt\": false,\r\n \"Coltan\": false,\r\n \"Cryolite\": false,\r\n \"Gallite\": false,\r\n \"Gold\": false,\r\n \"Goslarite\": false,\r\n \"Hydrogen Peroxide\": false,\r\n \"Indite\": false,\r\n \"Jadeite\": false,\r\n \"Lepidolite\": false,\r\n \"Lithium Hydroxide\": false,\r\n \"Liquid oxygen\": false,\r\n \"Low Temperature Diamonds\": true,\r\n \"Methane Clathrate\": false,\r\n \"Methanol Monohydrate\": false,\r\n \"Moissanite\": false,\r\n \"Osmium\": false,\r\n \"Painite\": true,\r\n \"Platinum\": false,\r\n \"Palladium\": false,\r\n \"Praseodymium\": false,\r\n \"Pyrophyllite\": false,\r\n \"Rutile\": false,\r\n \"Samarium\": false,\r\n \"Silver\": false,\r\n \"Taaffeite\": false,\r\n \"Thorium\": false,\r\n \"Tritium\": true,\r\n \"Uraninite\": false,\r\n \"Water\": false,\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{if len(event.motherlode) > 0 && spokenCores[event.motherlode]:\r\n Motherlode detected: {event.motherlode}.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set minerals to []}\r\n{for mineral in event.commodities:\r\n {if mineral.percentage > minimumPercent && spokenMinerals[mineral.commodity]:\r\n {set mineral_desc to: \r\n {round(mineral.percentage)} percent {mineral.commodity}\r\n }\r\n {set minerals to cat(minerals, [mineral_desc])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{if len(minerals) > 0:\r\n Asteroid contains {List(minerals)}\r\n {if event.materialcontent = \"High\":\r\n and a high concentration of engineering materials\r\n }.\r\n {if event.remaining < 100:\r\n It is {100 - event.remaining} percent depleted.\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{set minimumPercent to 10} {_ The minimum percentage surface mineral concentration to report _}\r\n{set spokenCores to [\r\n \"Alexandrite\": false,\r\n \"Benitoite\": false,\r\n \"Grandidierite\": false,\r\n \"Low Temperature Diamonds\": true,\r\n \"Monazite\": false,\r\n \"Musgravite\": false,\r\n \"Rhodplumsite\": false,\r\n \"Serendibite\": false,\r\n \"Void Opals\": true,\r\n]}\r\n{set spokenMinerals to [\r\n \"Bauxite\": false,\r\n \"Bertrandite\": false,\r\n \"Bromellite\": false,\r\n \"Cobalt\": false,\r\n \"Coltan\": false,\r\n \"Cryolite\": false,\r\n \"Gallite\": false,\r\n \"Gold\": false,\r\n \"Goslarite\": false,\r\n \"Hydrogen Peroxide\": false,\r\n \"Indite\": false,\r\n \"Jadeite\": false,\r\n \"Lepidolite\": false,\r\n \"Lithium Hydroxide\": false,\r\n \"Liquid oxygen\": false,\r\n \"Low Temperature Diamonds\": true,\r\n \"Methane Clathrate\": false,\r\n \"Methanol Monohydrate\": false,\r\n \"Moissanite\": false,\r\n \"Osmium\": false,\r\n \"Painite\": true,\r\n \"Platinum\": false,\r\n \"Palladium\": false,\r\n \"Praseodymium\": false,\r\n \"Pyrophyllite\": false,\r\n \"Rutile\": false,\r\n \"Samarium\": false,\r\n \"Silver\": false,\r\n \"Taaffeite\": false,\r\n \"Thorium\": false,\r\n \"Tritium\": true,\r\n \"Uraninite\": false,\r\n \"Water\": false,\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{if len(event.motherlode) > 0 && spokenCores[event.motherlode]:\r\n Motherlode detected: {event.motherlode}.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set minerals to []}\r\n{for mineral in event.commodities:\r\n {if mineral.percentage > minimumPercent && spokenMinerals[mineral.commodity]:\r\n {set mineral_desc to: \r\n {round(mineral.percentage)} percent {mineral.commodity}\r\n }\r\n {set minerals to cat(minerals, [mineral_desc])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{if len(minerals) > 0:\r\n Asteroid contains {List(minerals)}\r\n {if event.materialcontent = \"High\":\r\n and a high concentration of engineering materials\r\n }.\r\n {if event.remaining < 100:\r\n It is {100 - event.remaining} percent depleted.\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Backpack": {
"name": "Backpack",
"description": "Lists the contents of your backpack when you disembark",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Backpack changed": {
"name": "Backpack changed",
"description": "Triggered when there is any change to the contents of the suit backpack",
"enabled": false,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Blueprint make report": {
"name": "Blueprint make report",
"description": "Report on how many of a particular blueprint we can make",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch from context / state _}\r\n{set blueprintname to state.blueprint}\r\n{set blueprintgrade to state.blueprintgrade}\r\n\r\n{if blueprintname && blueprintgrade:\r\n {_ Fetch full blueprint details }\r\n {set blueprint to BlueprintDetails(blueprintname, blueprintgrade)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'blueprint')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_name', blueprintname)}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_grade', blueprintgrade)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !blueprint:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set blueprint to BlueprintDetails(state.eddi_context_blueprint_name, state.eddi_context_blueprint_grade)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Function to obtain current inventory of a material}\r\n{set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set canbemade to 999}\r\n\r\n{if blueprint:\r\n {_ Find the smallest number of this blueprint that can be made }\r\n \r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(blueprint.materials):\r\n {set inventory to _inventory(blueprint.materials[cur].material)}\r\n {if !inventory:\r\n {set canbemade to 0}\r\n |else:\r\n {if inventory.amount < canbemade:\r\n {set canbemade to inventory.amount}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if canbemade = 0:\r\n You cannot make any {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade}\r\n |elif canbemade = 1:\r\n You can make one {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade}\r\n |else:\r\n You can make {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade} {Humanise(canbemade)} times.\r\n }\r\n \r\n|else:\r\n No information available on materials required for {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade}\r\n}.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch from context / state _}\r\n{set blueprintname to state.blueprint}\r\n{set blueprintgrade to state.blueprintgrade}\r\n\r\n{if blueprintname && blueprintgrade:\r\n {_ Fetch full blueprint details }\r\n {set blueprint to BlueprintDetails(blueprintname, blueprintgrade)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'blueprint')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_name', blueprintname)}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_grade', blueprintgrade)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !blueprint:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set blueprint to BlueprintDetails(state.eddi_context_blueprint_name, state.eddi_context_blueprint_grade)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Function to obtain current inventory of a material}\r\n{set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set canbemade to 999}\r\n\r\n{if blueprint:\r\n {_ Find the smallest number of this blueprint that can be made }\r\n \r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(blueprint.materials):\r\n {set inventory to _inventory(blueprint.materials[cur].material)}\r\n {if !inventory:\r\n {set canbemade to 0}\r\n |else:\r\n {if inventory.amount < canbemade:\r\n {set canbemade to inventory.amount}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if canbemade = 0:\r\n You cannot make any {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade}\r\n |elif canbemade = 1:\r\n You can make one {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade}\r\n |else:\r\n You can make {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade} {Humanise(canbemade)} times.\r\n }\r\n \r\n|else:\r\n No information available on materials required for {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade}\r\n}.\r\n",
"default": true
"Blueprint material report": {
"name": "Blueprint material report",
"description": "Report on the material requirements for a blueprint",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch from context / state _}\r\n{set blueprintname to state.blueprint}\r\n{set blueprintgrade to state.blueprintgrade}\r\n\r\n{if blueprintname && blueprintgrade:\r\n {_ Fetch full blueprint details }\r\n {set blueprint to BlueprintDetails(blueprintname, blueprintgrade)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'blueprint')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_name', blueprintname)}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_grade', blueprintgrade)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if blueprintname:\r\n {_ Fetch full blueprint details }\r\n {set blueprint to BlueprintDetails(blueprintname, blueprintgrade)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'blueprint')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_name', blueprintname)}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_grade', blueprintgrade)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !blueprint || !blueprintgrade:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set blueprint to BlueprintDetails(state.eddi_context_blueprint_name, state.eddi_context_blueprint_grade)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if blueprint && blueprintgrade:\r\n {set materials to len(blueprint.materials)}\r\n {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade} requires \r\n {if materials = 1:\r\n {blueprint.materials[0].material}\r\n |elif materials = 2:\r\n {blueprint.materials[0].material} and {blueprint.materials[1].material}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(blueprint.materials):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {blueprint.materials[cur].material}\r\n |elif cur < len(blueprint.materials) - 1:\r\n , {blueprint.materials[cur].material}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {blueprint.materials[cur].material}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n No information available on materials required for {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade}\r\n}.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch from context / state _}\r\n{set blueprintname to state.blueprint}\r\n{set blueprintgrade to state.blueprintgrade}\r\n\r\n{if blueprintname && blueprintgrade:\r\n {_ Fetch full blueprint details }\r\n {set blueprint to BlueprintDetails(blueprintname, blueprintgrade)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'blueprint')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_name', blueprintname)}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_grade', blueprintgrade)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if blueprintname:\r\n {_ Fetch full blueprint details }\r\n {set blueprint to BlueprintDetails(blueprintname, blueprintgrade)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'blueprint')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_name', blueprintname)}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_blueprint_grade', blueprintgrade)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !blueprint || !blueprintgrade:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set blueprint to BlueprintDetails(state.eddi_context_blueprint_name, state.eddi_context_blueprint_grade)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if blueprint && blueprintgrade:\r\n {set materials to len(blueprint.materials)}\r\n {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade} requires \r\n {if materials = 1:\r\n {blueprint.materials[0].material}\r\n |elif materials = 2:\r\n {blueprint.materials[0].material} and {blueprint.materials[1].material}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(blueprint.materials):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {blueprint.materials[cur].material}\r\n |elif cur < len(blueprint.materials) - 1:\r\n , {blueprint.materials[cur].material}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {blueprint.materials[cur].material}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n No information available on materials required for {blueprintname} grade {blueprintgrade}\r\n}.\r\n",
"default": true
"Bodies mapped": {
"name": "Bodies mapped",
"description": "Reports all the bodies mapped in this system so far",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(system.systemname)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Build a list of scanned bodies _}\r\n\r\n{set mappedList to []}\r\n{for body in reportSystem.bodies:\r\n {if body.mapped:\r\n {set mappedList to cat(mappedList, [P(body.shortname, \"body\")])} \r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Begin speaking _}\r\n\r\n{if len(mappedList) > 0:\r\n {if len(mappedList) = 1: Body |else: Bodies}\r\n {List(mappedList)}\r\n {if len(mappedList) = 1: has |else: have }\r\n {set already to Occasionally(2, \"already\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"{already} been mapped\", \"been mapped {already}\")}.\r\n|else:\r\n You have yet to map any bodies in this system.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(system.systemname)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Build a list of scanned bodies _}\r\n\r\n{set mappedList to []}\r\n{for body in reportSystem.bodies:\r\n {if body.mapped:\r\n {set mappedList to cat(mappedList, [P(body.shortname, \"body\")])} \r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Begin speaking _}\r\n\r\n{if len(mappedList) > 0:\r\n {if len(mappedList) = 1: Body |else: Bodies}\r\n {List(mappedList)}\r\n {if len(mappedList) = 1: has |else: have }\r\n {set already to Occasionally(2, \"already\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"{already} been mapped\", \"been mapped {already}\")}.\r\n|else:\r\n You have yet to map any bodies in this system.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Bodies to map": {
"name": "Bodies to map",
"description": "Reports all the unmapped bodies in the system that are worth mapping",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Preferences: _}\r\n\r\n{set reportTerraformables to true} {_ Reports all terraformable and terraformed bodies _}\r\n{set highValueThreshold to 80000} {_ The minimum threshold for estimated exploration value worth mapping _}\r\n{set reportPlanetTypes to [\r\n \"Ammonia world\": true,\r\n \"Earth-like world\": true,\r\n \"Gas giant with ammonia based life\": false,\r\n \"Gas giant with water based life\": false,\r\n \"Helium gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Helium-rich gas giant\": false,\r\n \"High metal content world\": false,\r\n \"Icy body\": false,\r\n \"Metal-rich body\": false,\r\n \"Rocky body\": false,\r\n \"Rocky ice world\": false,\r\n \"Class I gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Class II gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Class III gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Class IV gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Class V gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Water giant\": false,\r\n \"Water giant with life\": false,\r\n \"Water world\": true,\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(system.systemname)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Identify bodies worth mapping _}\r\n\r\n{set toMapList to []}\r\n{set mappedBodies to 0}\r\n{set totalBodies to 0}\r\n\r\n{for body in reportSystem.bodies:\r\n {set totalBodies to totalBodies + 1}\r\n {if body.mapped:\r\n {set mappedBodies to mappedBodies + 1}\r\n |else:\r\n {if body.bodyType.invariantName != \"Star\":\r\n {if body.terraformState.invariantName = \"Candidate for terraforming\" \r\n || body.terraformState.invariantName = \"Terraformed\":\r\n {if reportTerraformables:\r\n {if !toMapList[body.shortname]: \r\n {set toMapList to cat(toMapList, [body.shortname])}\r\n } \r\n }\r\n |elif reportPlanetTypes[body.planetClass.invariantName]:\r\n {if !toMapList[body.shortname]: \r\n {set toMapList to cat(toMapList, [body.shortname])}\r\n }\r\n |elif body.estimatedvalue > highValueThreshold:\r\n {if !toMapList[body.shortname]: \r\n {set toMapList to cat(toMapList, [body.shortname])}\r\n } \r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{set toMapCount to len(toMapList)}\r\n\r\n{_ Begin speaking _}\r\n\r\n{if toMapCount > 0:\r\n\r\n {if toMapCount = 1: Body |else: Bodies}\r\n\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < toMapCount:\r\n {P(toMapList[cur], \"body\")}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n {if cur = toMapCount - 1: and\r\n |elif cur < toMapCount - 1:,\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if toMapCount = 1: is |else: are }\r\n {if event.type = \"Body mapped\": \"also\" }\r\n {if toMapCount = 1: a }\r\n {OneOf(\"recommended\", \"good\")}\r\n {set candidates to when(toMapCount = 1, \"candidate\", \"candidates\")}\r\n {OneOf('{candidates} for mapping', '{candidates} to map', 'mapping {candidates}')}.\r\n\r\n|elif mappedBodies > 0:\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\r\n \"You have mapped all {if mappedBodies < totalBodies: {OneOf(\\\"worthwhile\\\", \\\"interesting\\\")}} bodies.\",\r\n \"All {OneOf( \\\"{if mappedBodies < totalBodies: worthwhile} bodies\\\", \\\"bodies of interest\\\" )} {OneOf( \\\"have been mapped.\\\", \\\"are now mapped.\\\" )}\"\r\n )}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Preferences: _}\r\n\r\n{set reportTerraformables to true} {_ Reports all terraformable and terraformed bodies _}\r\n{set highValueThreshold to 80000} {_ The minimum threshold for estimated exploration value worth mapping _}\r\n{set reportPlanetTypes to [\r\n \"Ammonia world\": true,\r\n \"Earth-like world\": true,\r\n \"Gas giant with ammonia based life\": false,\r\n \"Gas giant with water based life\": false,\r\n \"Helium gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Helium-rich gas giant\": false,\r\n \"High metal content world\": false,\r\n \"Icy body\": false,\r\n \"Metal-rich body\": false,\r\n \"Rocky body\": false,\r\n \"Rocky ice world\": false,\r\n \"Class I gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Class II gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Class III gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Class IV gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Class V gas giant\": false,\r\n \"Water giant\": false,\r\n \"Water giant with life\": false,\r\n \"Water world\": true,\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(system.systemname)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Identify bodies worth mapping _}\r\n\r\n{set toMapList to []}\r\n{set mappedBodies to 0}\r\n{set totalBodies to 0}\r\n\r\n{for body in reportSystem.bodies:\r\n {set totalBodies to totalBodies + 1}\r\n {if body.mapped:\r\n {set mappedBodies to mappedBodies + 1}\r\n |else:\r\n {if body.bodyType.invariantName != \"Star\":\r\n {if body.terraformState.invariantName = \"Candidate for terraforming\" \r\n || body.terraformState.invariantName = \"Terraformed\":\r\n {if reportTerraformables:\r\n {if !toMapList[body.shortname]: \r\n {set toMapList to cat(toMapList, [body.shortname])}\r\n } \r\n }\r\n |elif reportPlanetTypes[body.planetClass.invariantName]:\r\n {if !toMapList[body.shortname]: \r\n {set toMapList to cat(toMapList, [body.shortname])}\r\n }\r\n |elif body.estimatedvalue > highValueThreshold:\r\n {if !toMapList[body.shortname]: \r\n {set toMapList to cat(toMapList, [body.shortname])}\r\n } \r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{set toMapCount to len(toMapList)}\r\n\r\n{_ Begin speaking _}\r\n\r\n{if toMapCount > 0:\r\n\r\n {if toMapCount = 1: Body |else: Bodies}\r\n\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < toMapCount:\r\n {P(toMapList[cur], \"body\")}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n {if cur = toMapCount - 1: and\r\n |elif cur < toMapCount - 1:,\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if toMapCount = 1: is |else: are }\r\n {if event.type = \"Body mapped\": \"also\" }\r\n {if toMapCount = 1: a }\r\n {OneOf(\"recommended\", \"good\")}\r\n {set candidates to when(toMapCount = 1, \"candidate\", \"candidates\")}\r\n {OneOf('{candidates} for mapping', '{candidates} to map', 'mapping {candidates}')}.\r\n\r\n|elif mappedBodies > 0:\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\r\n \"You have mapped all {if mappedBodies < totalBodies: {OneOf(\\\"worthwhile\\\", \\\"interesting\\\")}} bodies.\",\r\n \"All {OneOf( \\\"{if mappedBodies < totalBodies: worthwhile} bodies\\\", \\\"bodies of interest\\\" )} {OneOf( \\\"have been mapped.\\\", \\\"are now mapped.\\\" )}\"\r\n )}\r\n}",
"default": true
"Body atmosphere report": {
"name": "Body atmosphere report",
"description": "Report on the atmosphere of the contextual body",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n{set reportAtmoPressure to 0} {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about the atmospheric pressure. _}\r\n{set reportAtmoTempScale to 0} {_ Set to 0 if you want to hear about temperatures in Kelvin _}\r\n {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about temperatures in Celsius _}\r\n {_ Set to 2 if you want to hear about temperatures in Fahrenheit _}\r\n {_ Set to 3 if you don't want to hear about the temperature of the body _}\r\n\r\n{_ Define functions for converting temperature scales _}\r\n{set ToCelsius(kelvin) to: {round(kelvin - 273)}}\r\n{set ToFahrenheit(kelvin) to: {round((kelvin-273)*9/5 + 32)}}\r\n{set TempCalc(kelvin) to: \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale = 0: {round(kelvin)}}\r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale = 1: {ToCelsius(kelvin)}}\r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale = 2: {ToFahrenheit(kelvin)}}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Name our temperature scale _}\r\n{if reportAtmoTempScale = 0: {set tempscale to: Kelvin}}\r\n{if reportAtmoTempScale = 1: {set tempscale to: degrees Celsius}}\r\n{if reportAtmoTempScale = 2: {set tempscale to: degrees Fahrenheit}}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from context _}\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: \r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which body you are asking about.\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {if find(reportbody.planettype, \"giant\") >= 0:\r\n {if find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class\") >= 0: \r\n {set sudarsky to Occasionally(3, \"Sud-dar-ski\")}\r\n }\r\n {set planetdesc to OneOf(\"{sudarsky} Gas giants like this one have\", \"This {sudarsky} gas giant has\")}\r\n {if find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class V\") >= 0:\r\n {planetdesc} \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale < 3: \r\n {set tempmin to: {TempCalc(1373)}}\r\n temperatures above {Humanise(tempmin)} {tempscale}, {OneOf(\"and\", \"with\", \"forming\")}\r\n }\r\n a dense cloud layer of {OneOf(\"vaporized silicates and iron\", \"silicate and iron vapors\")}.\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class IV\") >= 0:\r\n {planetdesc} \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale < 3: \r\n {set tempmin to: {TempCalc(354)}}\r\n {set tempmax to: {TempCalc(903)}}\r\n temperatures {OneOf(\"of\", \"ranging\")} between {Humanise(tempmin)} and {Humanise(tempmax)} {tempscale}, {OneOf(\"and\", \"with\", \"forming\")}\r\n }\r\n a dense cloud layer of {OneOf(\"alkali metals vapors\", \"vaporized alkali metals\")}. \r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class III\") >= 0:\r\n {planetdesc} \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale < 3: \r\n {set tempmin to: {TempCalc(251)}}\r\n {set tempmax to: {TempCalc(353)}}\r\n surface temperatures {OneOf(\"of\", \"ranging\")} between {Humanise(tempmin)} and {Humanise(tempmax)} {tempscale},\r\n }\r\n a temperature at which {OneOf(\"no gaseous elements will form any clouds\", \"suitable chemicals are not present in the atmosphere to form a sustained cloud layer\", \"the atmosphere cannot sustain a persistent cloud layer\")}.\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class II\") >= 0:\r\n {planetdesc} \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale < 3: \r\n {set tempmin to: {TempCalc(154)}}\r\n {set tempmax to: {TempCalc(250)}}\r\n surface temperatures {OneOf(\"of\", \"ranging\")} between {Humanise(tempmin)} and {Humanise(tempmax)} {tempscale}, {OneOf(\"and\", \"with\", \"forming\")}\r\n }\r\n a dense cloud layer of water vapors. \r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class I\") >= 0:\r\n {planetdesc} \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale < 3: \r\n {set tempmin to: {TempCalc(153)}}\r\n {set tempmax to: {TempCalc(83)}}\r\n surface temperatures of {Humanise(tempmax)} {tempscale} {Occasionally(2, OneOf(\", or less,\", \", at most,\"))} {OneOf(\"and\", \"with\", \"forming\")}\r\n }\r\n a dense cloud layer of ammonia vapor. \r\n }\r\n\r\n |elif reportbody.atmosphere = \"No atmosphere\" || !reportbody.atmosphere:\r\n {Occasionally(4, OneOf(\"There is no atmosphere.\", \"It is devoid of any atmosphere.\", \"The years have scoured it clean of any atmosphere.\"))}\r\n {if reportbody.temperature && reportAtmoTempScale < 3:\r\n The surface temperature averages\r\n {TempCalc(reportbody.temperature)} {tempscale}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure: \r\n {if reportbody.pressure < 0.1:\r\n {set pressdesc to OneOf(\"trace gas\", \"super thin\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 0.25:\r\n {set pressdesc to \"very thin\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 0.5:\r\n {set pressdesc to \"thin\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 2:\r\n {set pressdesc to \"\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 10:\r\n {set pressdesc to \"thick\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 50:\r\n {set pressdesc to OneOf(\"dense\", \"very thick\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 100:\r\n {set pressdesc to OneOf(\"very dense\", \"super thick\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure >= 100:\r\n {set pressdesc to OneOf(\"crushing\", \"super dense\")}\r\n }\r\n {if find(reportbody.atmosphere, \"-rich\") >= 0:\r\n {set element to token(reportbody.atmosphere, \"-rich\", \"\")}\r\n {set desc to OneOf(\"I detect a \", \"There is a \", \"Sensors detect a\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"{desc} {pressdesc} {reportbody.atmosphere} atmosphere\", \"The {pressdesc} atmosphere is {reportbody.atmosphere}\", \"The {pressdesc} atmosphere is rich in {element}\")}\r\n |elif find(reportbody.atmosphere, \"vapour\") >= 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"The {pressdesc} atmosphere is composed of {reportbody.atmosphere}s\", \"The {pressdesc} atmosphere is rich in {reportbody.atmosphere}s\", \"The {pressdesc} atmosphere contains high levels of {reportbody.atmosphere}s\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.planetClass.invariantName = \"Earth-like world\":\r\n The atmosphere is similar to Earth's, \r\n |else:\r\n {set mostly to OneOf(\"primarily\", \"mainly\", \"mostly\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"The {pressdesc} atmosphere is composed {mostly} of\", \"Most prevalent in the {pressdesc} atmosphere is\")}\r\n {reportbody.atmosphere}\r\n }\r\n { if reportAtmoPressure > 0:\r\n with a surface pressure of {Humanise(reportbody.pressure)} Earth atmospheres\r\n }\r\n {if reportbody.temperature && reportAtmoTempScale < 3:\r\n {set temp to: {TempCalc(reportbody.temperature)}}\r\n {if find(temp, \"-\") >= 0: \r\n {set temp to cat(temp*-1, tempscale, \"below zero\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {set temp to cat(temp, tempscale)}\r\n }\r\n with an average surface temperature of {temp}\r\n }.\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n{set reportAtmoPressure to 0} {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about the atmospheric pressure. _}\r\n{set reportAtmoTempScale to 0} {_ Set to 0 if you want to hear about temperatures in Kelvin _}\r\n {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about temperatures in Celsius _}\r\n {_ Set to 2 if you want to hear about temperatures in Fahrenheit _}\r\n {_ Set to 3 if you don't want to hear about the temperature of the body _}\r\n\r\n{_ Define functions for converting temperature scales _}\r\n{set ToCelsius(kelvin) to: {round(kelvin - 273)}}\r\n{set ToFahrenheit(kelvin) to: {round((kelvin-273)*9/5 + 32)}}\r\n{set TempCalc(kelvin) to: \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale = 0: {round(kelvin)}}\r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale = 1: {ToCelsius(kelvin)}}\r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale = 2: {ToFahrenheit(kelvin)}}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Name our temperature scale _}\r\n{if reportAtmoTempScale = 0: {set tempscale to: Kelvin}}\r\n{if reportAtmoTempScale = 1: {set tempscale to: degrees Celsius}}\r\n{if reportAtmoTempScale = 2: {set tempscale to: degrees Fahrenheit}}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from context _}\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: \r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which body you are asking about.\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {if find(reportbody.planettype, \"giant\") >= 0:\r\n {if find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class\") >= 0: \r\n {set sudarsky to Occasionally(3, \"Sud-dar-ski\")}\r\n }\r\n {set planetdesc to OneOf(\"{sudarsky} Gas giants like this one have\", \"This {sudarsky} gas giant has\")}\r\n {if find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class V\") >= 0:\r\n {planetdesc} \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale < 3: \r\n {set tempmin to: {TempCalc(1373)}}\r\n temperatures above {Humanise(tempmin)} {tempscale}, {OneOf(\"and\", \"with\", \"forming\")}\r\n }\r\n a dense cloud layer of {OneOf(\"vaporized silicates and iron\", \"silicate and iron vapors\")}.\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class IV\") >= 0:\r\n {planetdesc} \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale < 3: \r\n {set tempmin to: {TempCalc(354)}}\r\n {set tempmax to: {TempCalc(903)}}\r\n temperatures {OneOf(\"of\", \"ranging\")} between {Humanise(tempmin)} and {Humanise(tempmax)} {tempscale}, {OneOf(\"and\", \"with\", \"forming\")}\r\n }\r\n a dense cloud layer of {OneOf(\"alkali metals vapors\", \"vaporized alkali metals\")}. \r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class III\") >= 0:\r\n {planetdesc} \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale < 3: \r\n {set tempmin to: {TempCalc(251)}}\r\n {set tempmax to: {TempCalc(353)}}\r\n surface temperatures {OneOf(\"of\", \"ranging\")} between {Humanise(tempmin)} and {Humanise(tempmax)} {tempscale},\r\n }\r\n a temperature at which {OneOf(\"no gaseous elements will form any clouds\", \"suitable chemicals are not present in the atmosphere to form a sustained cloud layer\", \"the atmosphere cannot sustain a persistent cloud layer\")}.\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class II\") >= 0:\r\n {planetdesc} \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale < 3: \r\n {set tempmin to: {TempCalc(154)}}\r\n {set tempmax to: {TempCalc(250)}}\r\n surface temperatures {OneOf(\"of\", \"ranging\")} between {Humanise(tempmin)} and {Humanise(tempmax)} {tempscale}, {OneOf(\"and\", \"with\", \"forming\")}\r\n }\r\n a dense cloud layer of water vapors. \r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class I\") >= 0:\r\n {planetdesc} \r\n {if reportAtmoTempScale < 3: \r\n {set tempmin to: {TempCalc(153)}}\r\n {set tempmax to: {TempCalc(83)}}\r\n surface temperatures of {Humanise(tempmax)} {tempscale} {Occasionally(2, OneOf(\", or less,\", \", at most,\"))} {OneOf(\"and\", \"with\", \"forming\")}\r\n }\r\n a dense cloud layer of ammonia vapor. \r\n }\r\n\r\n |elif reportbody.atmosphere = \"No atmosphere\" || !reportbody.atmosphere:\r\n {Occasionally(4, OneOf(\"There is no atmosphere.\", \"It is devoid of any atmosphere.\", \"The years have scoured it clean of any atmosphere.\"))}\r\n {if reportbody.temperature && reportAtmoTempScale < 3:\r\n The surface temperature averages\r\n {TempCalc(reportbody.temperature)} {tempscale}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure: \r\n {if reportbody.pressure < 0.1:\r\n {set pressdesc to OneOf(\"trace gas\", \"super thin\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 0.25:\r\n {set pressdesc to \"very thin\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 0.5:\r\n {set pressdesc to \"thin\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 2:\r\n {set pressdesc to \"\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 10:\r\n {set pressdesc to \"thick\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 50:\r\n {set pressdesc to OneOf(\"dense\", \"very thick\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure < 100:\r\n {set pressdesc to OneOf(\"very dense\", \"super thick\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.pressure >= 100:\r\n {set pressdesc to OneOf(\"crushing\", \"super dense\")}\r\n }\r\n {if find(reportbody.atmosphere, \"-rich\") >= 0:\r\n {set element to token(reportbody.atmosphere, \"-rich\", \"\")}\r\n {set desc to OneOf(\"I detect a \", \"There is a \", \"Sensors detect a\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"{desc} {pressdesc} {reportbody.atmosphere} atmosphere\", \"The {pressdesc} atmosphere is {reportbody.atmosphere}\", \"The {pressdesc} atmosphere is rich in {element}\")}\r\n |elif find(reportbody.atmosphere, \"vapour\") >= 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"The {pressdesc} atmosphere is composed of {reportbody.atmosphere}s\", \"The {pressdesc} atmosphere is rich in {reportbody.atmosphere}s\", \"The {pressdesc} atmosphere contains high levels of {reportbody.atmosphere}s\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.planetClass.invariantName = \"Earth-like world\":\r\n The atmosphere is similar to Earth's, \r\n |else:\r\n {set mostly to OneOf(\"primarily\", \"mainly\", \"mostly\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"The {pressdesc} atmosphere is composed {mostly} of\", \"Most prevalent in the {pressdesc} atmosphere is\")}\r\n {reportbody.atmosphere}\r\n }\r\n { if reportAtmoPressure > 0:\r\n with a surface pressure of {Humanise(reportbody.pressure)} Earth atmospheres\r\n }\r\n {if reportbody.temperature && reportAtmoTempScale < 3:\r\n {set temp to: {TempCalc(reportbody.temperature)}}\r\n {if find(temp, \"-\") >= 0: \r\n {set temp to cat(temp*-1, tempscale, \"below zero\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {set temp to cat(temp, tempscale)}\r\n }\r\n with an average surface temperature of {temp}\r\n }.\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Body mapped": {
"name": "Body mapped",
"description": "Triggered after mapping a body with the Surface Area Analysis scanner",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n\r\n{set bodyReport to 2} {_ 0 = No body report, 1 = Summary body report, 2 = Body report _}\r\n{set recommendOtherMapping to 1} {_ 0 or 1. If 1, recommends other bodies from the `Bodies to map` script _}\r\n{set report_value to 750000}\r\n{_ Context}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'body')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_scan_estimated_value', event.estimatedvalue)}\r\n\r\n{_ Process the event _}\r\n\r\n{if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n\r\n {Pause(3000)}\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\"Mapping\", \"{Occasionally(2, \\\"Surface\\\")} Map\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"is\", \"is now\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"complete\", \"finished\")}.\r\n\r\n {if event.probesused <= event.efficiencytarget:\r\n Efficiency bonus {OneOf(\"awarded\", \"granted\")}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {if bodyReport = 2:\r\n {F(\"Body report\")}\r\n |elif bodyReport = 1:\r\n {F(\"Body report summary\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if recommendOtherMapping: \r\n {Pause(1500)}\r\n {F(\"Bodies to map\")}\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n\r\n{set bodyReport to 2} {_ 0 = No body report, 1 = Summary body report, 2 = Body report _}\r\n{set recommendOtherMapping to 1} {_ 0 or 1. If 1, recommends other bodies from the `Bodies to map` script _}\r\n\r\n{_ Context}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'body')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_scan_estimated_value', event.estimatedvalue)}\r\n\r\n{_ Process the event _}\r\n\r\n{if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n\r\n {Pause(3000)}\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\"Mapping\", \"{Occasionally(2, \\\"Surface\\\")} Map\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"is\", \"is now\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"complete\", \"finished\")}.\r\n\r\n {if event.probesused <= event.efficiencytarget:\r\n Efficiency bonus {OneOf(\"awarded\", \"granted\")}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {if bodyReport = 2:\r\n {F(\"Body report\")}\r\n |elif bodyReport = 1:\r\n {F(\"Body report summary\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if recommendOtherMapping: \r\n {Pause(1500)}\r\n {F(\"Bodies to map\")}\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": false
"Body materials report": {
"name": "Body materials report",
"description": "Report on the materials available from the contextual body",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n{set reportMats to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you want to hear about materials below your minimum inventory level _}\r\n {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about materials below your desired inventory level _}\r\n {_ Set to 2 if you want to hear about all materials irrespective of inventory levels _}\r\n\r\n{set reportMatsDesired to 0} {_ Set to 0 if you only want to hear about great material concentrations _}\r\n {_ Set to 1 if you also want good concentrations _}\r\n {_ Set to 2 if you want all concentrations _}\r\n\r\n{set reportMatsMinimum to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you only want to hear about great material concentrations _}\r\n {_ Set to 1 if you alwo want good concentrations _}\r\n {_ Set to 2 if you want all concentrations _}\r\n\r\n{set reportMatConc to 0} {_ Set to 0 if you only want to hear about great material concentrations _}\r\n {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about good and great material concentrations _}\r\n {_ Set to 2 if you want to hear about all material concentrations _}\r\n\r\n{set reportMatPercent to 2} {_ Set to 0 if you do not want to hear about material percentages _}\r\n {_ Set to 1 if you only want to hear about great material percentages _}\r\n {_ Set to 2 if you want to hear about good and great material percentages _}\r\n {_ Set to 3 if you want to hear about all material percentages _}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from context _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_report_body != \"\":\r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_report_body)}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_report_body', \"\")}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}\r\n {if !reportbody: \r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n {_ If it's still not possible to get the body name... _}\r\n Which body are you\r\n {OneOf(\"asking about\",\"referring to\")}?\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {_ Define a function to obtain a material from inventory}\r\n {set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.landable:\r\n\r\n {set minmaterials to []}\r\n {set desmaterials to []}\r\n\r\n {for material in reportbody.materials:\r\n {set inventoryMat to _inventory(material.material)}\r\n {set materialLevel to 2}\r\n {if material.percentage >= material.definition.greatpctbody: {set materialLevel to 0}\r\n |elif material.percentage >= material.definition.goodpctbody: {set materialLevel to 1}\r\n }\r\n {if (inventoryMat.amount < inventoryMat.minimum && reportMatsMinimum >= materialLevel):\r\n \t{set minmaterials to cat(minmaterials, [material])}\r\n |elif (inventoryMat.amount < inventoryMat.desired && reportMatsDesired >= materialLevel):\r\n {set desmaterials to cat(desmaterials, [material])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Start speaking _}\r\n\r\n {if len(cat(minmaterials, desmaterials)) > 0:\r\n {if = reportbody.shortname:\r\n {P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {cat(\"Body \", P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\"))} \r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"contains\", \"has\")}\r\n }\r\n {for cur in [\"min\",\"des\"]:\r\n {if cur = \"min\": {set list to minmaterials}\r\n |else: {set list to desmaterials}\r\n }\r\n {for material in list:\r\n {set reportPercent to 0}\r\n {if material.percentage >= material.definition.greatpctbody:\r\n {OneOf(\"very high levels\", \"very large deposits\", \"huge tracts\", \"shit tons\")} of\r\n {if reportMatPercent >= 1: {set reportPercent to 1}}\r\n |elif material.percentage >= material.definition.goodpctbody:\r\n {OneOf(\"high levels of\", \"large deposits of\", \"hella\")}\r\n {if reportMatPercent >= 2: {set reportPercent to 1}}\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"moderate levels\", \"modest deposits\") of}\r\n {if reportMatPercent >= 3: {set reportPercent to 1}}\r\n }\r\n {}\r\n {if reportPercent > 0: at {round(material.percentage, 1)}% }\r\n {if cur = \"min\": {OneOf(\", which is below your minimum.\",\"and you need it.\")}\r\n |else: {OneOf(\", which is below your desired.\",\"and you want it.\")}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n{set reportMats to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you want to hear about materials below your minimum inventory level _}\r\n {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about materials below your desired inventory level _}\r\n {_ Set to 2 if you want to hear about all materials irrespective of inventory levels _}\r\n\r\n{set reportMatConc to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you only want to hear about great material concentrations _}\r\n {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about good and great material concentrations _}\r\n {_ Set to 2 if you want to hear about all material concentrations _}\r\n\r\n{set reportMatPercent to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you do not want to hear about material percentages _}\r\n {_ Set to 1 if you only want to hear about great material percentages _}\r\n {_ Set to 2 if you want to hear about good and great material percentages _}\r\n {_ Set to 3 if you want to hear about all material percentages _}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from context _}\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: \r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n {_ If it's still not possible to get the body name... _}\r\n Which body are you\r\n {OneOf(\"asking about\",\"referring to\")}?\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {_ Define a function to obtain a material from inventory}\r\n {set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.landable:\r\n\r\n {set goodmaterials to []}\r\n {set greatmaterials to []}\r\n {set othermaterials to []}\r\n\r\n {for material in reportbody.materials:\r\n {set inventoryMat to _inventory(material.material)}\r\n {if (reportMats >= 0 && inventoryMat.amount < inventoryMat.minimum && inventoryMat.minimum > 0)\r\n || (reportMats >= 1 && inventoryMat.amount < inventoryMat.desired && inventoryMat.desired > 0)\r\n || (reportMats >= 2):\r\n {if material.percentage >= material.definition.greatpctbody && reportMatConc > -1:\r\n {set greatmaterials to cat(greatmaterials, [material])}\r\n |elif material.percentage >= material.definition.goodpctbody && reportMatConc > 0:\r\n {set goodmaterials to cat(goodmaterials, [material])}\r\n |elif reportMatConc > 1:\r\n {set othermaterials to cat(othermaterials, [material])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Start speaking _}\r\n\r\n {if len(goodmaterials) > 0 || len(greatmaterials) > 0 || len(othermaterials) > 0:\r\n {if = reportbody.shortname:\r\n {P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"This body\", cat(\"Body \", P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")))} \r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"contains\", \"has\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(greatmaterials) > 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"very high levels\", \"very large deposits\")} of\r\n {set cur to 0}\n {set length to len(greatmaterials) - 1}\n {while cur < len(greatmaterials):\n {greatmaterials[cur]}\n {if reportMatPercent > 0: at {round(greatmaterials[cur].percentage, 1)}% }\n {set cur to cur + 1}\n {if cur = length: and\n |elif cur < length:,\n }\n }\r\n \r\n {if len(goodmaterials) > 0 && len(othermaterials) = 0:\r\n and\r\n |elif len(goodmaterials) > 0 || len(othermaterials) > 0:\r\n ,\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(goodmaterials) > 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"high levels\", \"large deposits\")} of\r\n {set cur to 0}\n {set length to len(goodmaterials) - 1}\n {while cur < len(goodmaterials):\n {goodmaterials[cur]}\n {if reportMatPercent > 1: at {round(goodmaterials[cur].percentage, 1)}% }\n {set cur to cur + 1}\n {if cur = length: and\n |elif cur < length:,\n }\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n {if (len(greatmaterials) > 0 || len(goodmaterials) > 0) && len(othermaterials) > 0:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n \r\n {if len(othermaterials) > 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"moderate levels\", \"modest deposits\")} of\r\n {set cur to 0}\n {set length to len(othermaterials) - 1}\n {while cur < len(othermaterials):\n {othermaterials[cur]}\n {if reportMatPercent > 2: at {round(othermaterials[cur].percentage, 0)}% }\n {set cur to cur + 1}\n {if cur = length: and\n |elif cur < length:,\n }\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n {if len(goodmaterials) > 0 || len(greatmaterials) > 0 || len(othermaterials) > 0:\r\n .\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": false
"Body report": {
"name": "Body report",
"description": "Function to report on the details of the contextual body",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n{set reportGravity to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the body's gravity. _} \r\n{set reportTerraformState to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the terraform state of the body. _}\r\n{set reportRings to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the body's rings. _}\r\n{set reportRotation to 0} {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about the body's rotation. _}\r\n{set reportVolcanism to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the body's volcanism. _}\r\n{set reportAtmosphere to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the body's atmosphere. _}\r\n{set reportMaterials to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the body's materials. _}\r\n{set reportScanValue to 1} {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about the body's estimated value. _}\r\n{set reportScanValueThreshold to 1000000}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from context _}\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: \r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which body you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n {if reportbody.shortname != \r\n {if reportbody.bodytype:\r\n {reportbody.bodytype}\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"Body\", \"Object\")} \r\n }\r\n }\r\n {P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")} is\r\n\r\n {if reportGravity > 0:\r\n {if reportbody.gravity < 0.5:\r\n a low-gravity\r\n |elif reportbody.gravity < 2:\r\n a medium-gravity\r\n |elif reportbody.gravity < 4:\r\n a high-gravity\r\n |else:\r\n an extremely high-gravity\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n a\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportTerraformState > 0:\r\n {if reportbody.terraformState.invariantName = \"Candidate for terraforming\":\r\n terraformable\r\n |elif reportbody.terraformState.invariantName = \"Terraformed\":\r\n terraformed\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class\") >= 0 && find(reportbody.planettype, \"gas giant\") >= 0:\r\n {set sudarsky to Occasionally(2, \"Sud-dar-ski\")}\r\n {if find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class V\") >= 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{Sudarsky} class five\")}\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class IV\") >= 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{Sudarsky} class four\")}\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class III\") >= 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{Sudarsky} class three\")}\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class II\") >= 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{Sudarsky} class two\")}\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class I\") >= 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{Sudarsky} class one\")}\r\n }\r\n gas giant\r\n |elif reportbody.planettype:\r\n {P(reportbody.planettype, \"planettype\")}\r\n |else: \r\n {if reportbody.bodytype:\r\n {reportbody.bodytype}\r\n |else:\r\n world\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(reportbody.rings) && reportRings > 0:\r\n with {if len(reportbody.rings) = 1: a}\r\n {if find(reportbody.reserveLevel.invariantName, \"Pristine\") >= 0:\r\n pristine\r\n |elif find(reportbody.reserveLevel.invariantName, \"Major\") >= 0:\r\n rich\r\n }\r\n {set ringname to []}\r\n {set ringcomposition to []}\r\n {for Ring in reportbody.rings:\r\n {if find(ringcomposition, Ring.composition) < 0:\r\n {set ringcomposition to cat(ringcomposition, [Ring.composition])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if len(ringcomposition) > 0:\r\n {List(ringcomposition)}\r\n }\r\n {if find(ringname[0], \"Belt\") >= 0: \r\n {set ring to \"belt\"}\r\n |else:\r\n {set ring to \"ring\"}\r\n }\r\n {ring}{if len(reportbody.rings) > 1 || len(event.rings) > 1:s}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.terraformState.invariantName = \"Terraforming\" && reportTerraformState > 0:\r\n in the process of being terraformed\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.landable:\r\n that is suitable for landing\r\n }\r\n . {_ note the full stop}\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.rotationalperiod && reportRotation > 0:\r\n {Pause(100)}\r\n It has a\r\n {if reportbody.rotationalperiod < -20.0:\r\n slow retrograde\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiod < -0.5:\r\n retrograde\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiod < 0.0:\r\n fast retrograde\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiod <= 0.5:\r\n fast\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiod > 20.0:\r\n slow\r\n }\r\n rotational period of {Humanise(round(reportbody.rotationalperiod, 1))} days\r\n {if reportbody.tidallylocked:\r\n and is tidally-locked\r\n }.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportVolcanism: {F(\"Body volcanism report\")} }\r\n\r\n {if reportAtmosphere: {F(\"Body atmosphere report\")} }\r\n\r\n {if reportMaterials: {F(\"Body materials report\")} }\r\n\r\n {if reportScanValue: {F(\"Report last scan value\")} }\r\n {if reportbody.estimatedvalue >= reportScanValueThreshold: High mapping value: {Humanise(reportbody.estimatedvalue)}}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n{set reportGravity to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the body's gravity. _} \r\n{set reportTerraformState to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the terraform state of the body. _}\r\n{set reportRings to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the body's rings. _}\r\n{set reportRotation to 0} {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about the body's rotation. _}\r\n{set reportVolcanism to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the body's volcanism. _}\r\n{set reportAtmosphere to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the body's atmosphere. _}\r\n{set reportMaterials to 1} {_ Set to 0 if you don't want to hear about the body's materials. _}\r\n{set reportScanValue to 0} {_ Set to 1 if you want to hear about the body's estimated value. _}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from context _}\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: \r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which body you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n {if reportbody.shortname != \r\n {if reportbody.bodytype:\r\n {reportbody.bodytype}\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"Body\", \"Object\")} \r\n }\r\n }\r\n {P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")} is\r\n\r\n {if reportGravity > 0:\r\n {if reportbody.gravity < 0.5:\r\n a low-gravity\r\n |elif reportbody.gravity < 2:\r\n a medium-gravity\r\n |elif reportbody.gravity < 4:\r\n a high-gravity\r\n |else:\r\n an extremely high-gravity\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n a\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportTerraformState > 0:\r\n {if reportbody.terraformState.invariantName = \"Candidate for terraforming\":\r\n terraformable\r\n |elif reportbody.terraformState.invariantName = \"Terraformed\":\r\n terraformed\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class\") >= 0 && find(reportbody.planettype, \"gas giant\") >= 0:\r\n {set sudarsky to Occasionally(2, \"Sud-dar-ski\")}\r\n {if find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class V\") >= 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{Sudarsky} class five\")}\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class IV\") >= 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{Sudarsky} class four\")}\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class III\") >= 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{Sudarsky} class three\")}\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class II\") >= 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{Sudarsky} class two\")}\r\n |elif find(reportbody.planettype, \"Class I\") >= 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{Sudarsky} class one\")}\r\n }\r\n gas giant\r\n |elif reportbody.planettype:\r\n {P(reportbody.planettype, \"planettype\")}\r\n |else: \r\n {if reportbody.bodytype:\r\n {reportbody.bodytype}\r\n |else:\r\n world\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(reportbody.rings) && reportRings > 0:\r\n with {if len(reportbody.rings) = 1: a}\r\n {if find(reportbody.reserveLevel.invariantName, \"Pristine\") >= 0:\r\n pristine\r\n |elif find(reportbody.reserveLevel.invariantName, \"Major\") >= 0:\r\n rich\r\n }\r\n {set ringname to []}\r\n {set ringcomposition to []}\r\n {for Ring in reportbody.rings:\r\n {if find(ringcomposition, Ring.composition) < 0:\r\n {set ringcomposition to cat(ringcomposition, [Ring.composition])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if len(ringcomposition) > 0:\r\n {List(ringcomposition)}\r\n }\r\n {if find(ringname[0], \"Belt\") >= 0: \r\n {set ring to \"belt\"}\r\n |else:\r\n {set ring to \"ring\"}\r\n }\r\n {ring}{if len(reportbody.rings) > 1 || len(event.rings) > 1:s}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.terraformState.invariantName = \"Terraforming\" && reportTerraformState > 0:\r\n in the process of being terraformed\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.landable:\r\n that is suitable for landing\r\n }\r\n . {_ note the full stop}\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.rotationalperiod && reportRotation > 0:\r\n {Pause(100)}\r\n It has a\r\n {if reportbody.rotationalperiod < -20.0:\r\n slow retrograde\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiod < -0.5:\r\n retrograde\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiod < 0.0:\r\n fast retrograde\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiod <= 0.5:\r\n fast\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiod > 20.0:\r\n slow\r\n }\r\n rotational period of {Humanise(round(reportbody.rotationalperiod, 1))} days\r\n {if reportbody.tidallylocked:\r\n and is tidally-locked\r\n }.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportVolcanism: {F(\"Body volcanism report\")} }\r\n\r\n {if reportAtmosphere: {F(\"Body atmosphere report\")} }\r\n\r\n {if reportMaterials: {F(\"Body materials report\")} }\r\n\r\n {if reportScanValue: {F(\"Report last scan value\")} }\r\n}",
"default": false
"Body report summary": {
"name": "Body report summary",
"description": "Function to report on summary details of the contextual body",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n\r\n{set reportTerraformables to 1} {_ Reports terraformable and terraformed bodies _}\r\n{set reportPlanetTypes to 1} {_ Reports Earth-like and water worlds _}\r\n{set reportMass to 1} {_ Reports notable masses (relative to Earth's) _}\r\n{set reportRadius to 1} {_ Reports notable radii (in kilometers) _}\r\n{set reportDensity to 0} {_ Reports notable densities (in kilograms per cubic meter) _}\r\n{set reportGravity to 1} {_ Reports notable gravity (in G's) for landable bodies _}\r\n{set reportTemperature to 1} {_ Reports notable temperatures (in Kelvin) _}\r\n{set reportMaterials to 1} {_ Reports materials per preferences in the `Body materials` script. _}\r\n{set reportLandableVolcanism to 0} {_ Reports volcanism on landable worlds _}\r\n{set reportRings to 1} {_ Reports ring details _}\r\n{set reportInterestingOrbits to 1} {_ Reports notable orbital characteristics _}\r\n{set reportRapidRotation to 1} {_ Reports very fast rotating bodies _}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from context _}\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: \r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Begin processing _}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n {_ If it's still not possible to get the body name... _}\r\n Which body are you\r\n {OneOf(\"asking about\",\"referring to\")}?\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {set notables to []}\r\n\r\n {if reportInterestingOrbits:\r\n\r\n {set orbitNotables to []}\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.eccentricityprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.eccentricityprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"incredibly \", OneOf(\"elliptical\", \"oblong\", \"elongated\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.eccentricityprobability > 99:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"extremely \", OneOf(\"elliptical\", \"oblong\", \"elongated\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.eccentricityprobability > 97:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"unusually \", OneOf(\"elliptical\", \"oblong\", \"elongated\"))])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.inclinationprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.inclinationprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"incredibly inclined\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.inclinationprobability > 99:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"extremely inclined\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.inclinationprobability > 97:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"unusually inclined\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.orbitalperiodprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.orbitalperiod < 0: {set retrograde to cat(\" \", \"retrograde\", \" \")} }\r\n {if reportbody.orbitalperiodprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"incredibly fast\", retrograde)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.orbitalperiodprobability < 1:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"extremely fast\", retrograde)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.orbitalperiodprobability < 3:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"unusually fast\", retrograde)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(orbitNotables) > 0:\r\n {if StartsWithVowel(orbitNotables[0]): {set a to \"an\"} |else: {set a to \"a\"} }\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {set length to len(orbitNotables) - 1}\r\n {while cur < len(orbitNotables):\r\n {set orbitdescription to cat(orbitdescription, orbitNotables[cur])}\n {set cur to cur + 1}\n {if cur = length: \r\n {set orbitdescription to cat(orbitdescription, \" and \")}\n |elif cur < length:\r\n {set orbitdescription to cat(orbitdescription, \", \")}\n }\n }\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(a, \" \", orbitdescription, \" \", \"orbit\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.rotationalperiod < 0: {set retrograde to cat(\" \", \"retrograde\", \" \")} }\r\n {if reportRapidRotation && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability:\r\n {if !retrograde && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n |elif !retrograde && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n |elif !retrograde && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportMass && reportbody.massprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.massprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's \")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 97:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportRadius && reportbody.radiusprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.radiusprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly large radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 97:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportTemperature && reportbody.tempprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.tempprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 97:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportGravity && reportbody.landable && reportbody.gravityprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.gravityprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.gravityprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.gravityprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.gravityprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.gravityprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.gravityprobability > 97:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportDensity && reportbody.densityprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.densityprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 97:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportVolcanism:\r\n {if reportbody.volcanism && reportbody.landable:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(OneOf(\"volcanic\", \"tectonic\"), \" activity\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportRings:\r\n {if reportbody.rings:\r\n {set ringcompositions to []}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {for ring in reportbody.rings:\r\n {if find(, \"Ring\") > -1:\r\n {if find(ringcompositions, ring.composition) = -1:\r\n {set ringcompositions to cat(ringcompositions, [cat(ring.composition)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {set length to len(ringcompositions) - 1}\r\n {while cur < len(ringcompositions):\r\n {set ringsdescription to cat(ringsdescription, ringcompositions[cur])}\n {set cur to cur + 1}\n {if cur = length: \r\n {set ringsdescription to cat(ringsdescription, \" and \")}\n |elif cur < length:\r\n {set ringsdecription to cat(ringsdescription, \", \")}\n }\n }\r\n {if ringsdescription:\r\n {if len(ringcompositions) = 1:\r\n {if StartsWithVowel(reportbody.reserves): \r\n {set a to \"an \"} \r\n |else: \r\n {set a to \"a \"}\r\n }\r\n {set rings to \"ring\"}\r\n |else:\r\n {set rings to \"rings\"} \r\n }\r\n {if reportbody.reserveLevel.invariantName != \"None\": \r\n {set reserves to reportbody.reserves}\r\n }\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(a, \" \", reserves, \" \", ringsdescription, \" \", rings)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportTerraformables:\r\n {if reportbody.terraformState.invariantName = \"Candidate for terraforming\":\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [OneOf(\"potential for terraforming\", \"terraformable conditions\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.terraformState.invariantName = \"Terraformed\":\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [\"terraformed conditions\"])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportPlanetTypes:\r\n {if reportbody.planetClass.invariantName = \"Earth-like world\":\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [\"Earth-like conditions\"])}\r\n |elif reportbody.planetClass.invariantName = \"Water world\":\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [OneOf(\"abundant liquid water\", \"abundant liquid water at the surface\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Begin speaking _}\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) > 0:\r\n {if reportbody.shortname != reportbody.bodyname:\r\n {if reportbody.bodytype:\r\n {reportbody.bodytype}\r\n |else:\r\n Body\r\n }\r\n {P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {P(reportbody.bodyname, \"body\")}\r\n }\r\n is\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) = 1:\r\n {set desc to \"notable\"}\r\n |elif len(notables) = 2:\r\n {set desc to OneOf('interesting', 'notable', 'remarkable')}\r\n |elif len(notables) = 3:\r\n {set desc to OneOf('exceptional', 'remarkable')}\r\n |elif len(notables) = 4:\r\n {set desc to OneOf('extraordinary')}\r\n |elif len(notables) >= 5:\r\n {set desc to OneOf('one of a kind', 'unique')}\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"{desc},\", \"{if StartsWithVowel(desc): an |else: a } {desc} {P(reportbody.planettype, 'planettype')}\")}\r\n\r\n with {List(notables)}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportMaterials:\r\n {F(\"Body materials report\")}\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n\r\n{set reportTerraformables to 1} {_ Reports terraformable and terraformed bodies _}\r\n{set reportPlanetTypes to 1} {_ Reports Earth-like and water worlds _}\r\n{set reportMass to 1} {_ Reports notable masses (relative to Earth's) _}\r\n{set reportRadius to 1} {_ Reports notable radii (in kilometers) _}\r\n{set reportDensity to 0} {_ Reports notable densities (in kilograms per cubic meter) _}\r\n{set reportGravity to 1} {_ Reports notable gravity (in G's) for landable bodies _}\r\n{set reportTemperature to 1} {_ Reports notable temperatures (in Kelvin) _}\r\n{set reportMaterials to 1} {_ Reports materials per preferences in the `Body materials` script. _}\r\n{set reportLandableVolcanism to 0} {_ Reports volcanism on landable worlds _}\r\n{set reportRings to 1} {_ Reports ring details _}\r\n{set reportInterestingOrbits to 1} {_ Reports notable orbital characteristics _}\r\n{set reportRapidRotation to 1} {_ Reports very fast rotating bodies _}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from context _}\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: \r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Begin processing _}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n {_ If it's still not possible to get the body name... _}\r\n Which body are you\r\n {OneOf(\"asking about\",\"referring to\")}?\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {set notables to []}\r\n\r\n {if reportInterestingOrbits:\r\n\r\n {set orbitNotables to []}\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.eccentricityprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.eccentricityprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"incredibly \", OneOf(\"elliptical\", \"oblong\", \"elongated\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.eccentricityprobability > 99:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"extremely \", OneOf(\"elliptical\", \"oblong\", \"elongated\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.eccentricityprobability > 97:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"unusually \", OneOf(\"elliptical\", \"oblong\", \"elongated\"))])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.inclinationprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.inclinationprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"incredibly inclined\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.inclinationprobability > 99:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"extremely inclined\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.inclinationprobability > 97:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"unusually inclined\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.orbitalperiodprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.orbitalperiod < 0: {set retrograde to cat(\" \", \"retrograde\", \" \")} }\r\n {if reportbody.orbitalperiodprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"incredibly fast\", retrograde)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.orbitalperiodprobability < 1:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"extremely fast\", retrograde)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.orbitalperiodprobability < 3:\r\n {set orbitNotables to cat(orbitNotables, [cat(\"unusually fast\", retrograde)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(orbitNotables) > 0:\r\n {if StartsWithVowel(orbitNotables[0]): {set a to \"an\"} |else: {set a to \"a\"} }\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {set length to len(orbitNotables) - 1}\r\n {while cur < len(orbitNotables):\r\n {set orbitdescription to cat(orbitdescription, orbitNotables[cur])}\n {set cur to cur + 1}\n {if cur = length: \r\n {set orbitdescription to cat(orbitdescription, \" and \")}\n |elif cur < length:\r\n {set orbitdescription to cat(orbitdescription, \", \")}\n }\n }\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(a, \" \", orbitdescription, \" \", \"orbit\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.rotationalperiod < 0: {set retrograde to cat(\" \", \"retrograde\", \" \")} }\r\n {if reportRapidRotation && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability:\r\n {if !retrograde && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n |elif !retrograde && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n |elif !retrograde && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportMass && reportbody.massprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.massprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's \")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 97:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high mass at \", Humanise(reportbody.earthmass), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportRadius && reportbody.radiusprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.radiusprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly large radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 97:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high radius of \", Humanise(reportbody.radius), \" kilometers\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportTemperature && reportbody.tempprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.tempprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 97:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportGravity && reportbody.landable && reportbody.gravityprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.gravityprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.gravityprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.gravityprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.gravityprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.gravityprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.gravityprobability > 97:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high gravity of \", Humanise(reportbody.gravity), \" times Earth's\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportDensity && reportbody.densityprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.densityprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 97:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportVolcanism:\r\n {if reportbody.volcanism && reportbody.landable:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(OneOf(\"volcanic\", \"tectonic\"), \" activity\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportRings:\r\n {if reportbody.rings:\r\n {set ringcompositions to []}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {for ring in reportbody.rings:\r\n {if find(, \"Ring\") > -1:\r\n {if find(ringcompositions, ring.composition) = -1:\r\n {set ringcompositions to cat(ringcompositions, [cat(ring.composition)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {set length to len(ringcompositions) - 1}\r\n {while cur < len(ringcompositions):\r\n {set ringsdescription to cat(ringsdescription, ringcompositions[cur])}\n {set cur to cur + 1}\n {if cur = length: \r\n {set ringsdescription to cat(ringsdescription, \" and \")}\n |elif cur < length:\r\n {set ringsdecription to cat(ringsdescription, \", \")}\n }\n }\r\n {if ringsdescription:\r\n {if len(ringcompositions) = 1:\r\n {if StartsWithVowel(reportbody.reserves): \r\n {set a to \"an \"} \r\n |else: \r\n {set a to \"a \"}\r\n }\r\n {set rings to \"ring\"}\r\n |else:\r\n {set rings to \"rings\"} \r\n }\r\n {if reportbody.reserveLevel.invariantName != \"None\": \r\n {set reserves to reportbody.reserves}\r\n }\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(a, \" \", reserves, \" \", ringsdescription, \" \", rings)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportTerraformables:\r\n {if reportbody.terraformState.invariantName = \"Candidate for terraforming\":\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [OneOf(\"potential for terraforming\", \"terraformable conditions\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.terraformState.invariantName = \"Terraformed\":\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [\"terraformed conditions\"])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportPlanetTypes:\r\n {if reportbody.planetClass.invariantName = \"Earth-like world\":\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [\"Earth-like conditions\"])}\r\n |elif reportbody.planetClass.invariantName = \"Water world\":\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [OneOf(\"abundant liquid water\", \"abundant liquid water at the surface\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Begin speaking _}\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) > 0:\r\n {if reportbody.shortname != reportbody.bodyname:\r\n {if reportbody.bodytype:\r\n {reportbody.bodytype}\r\n |else:\r\n Body\r\n }\r\n {P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {P(reportbody.bodyname, \"body\")}\r\n }\r\n is\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) = 1:\r\n {set desc to \"notable\"}\r\n |elif len(notables) = 2:\r\n {set desc to OneOf('interesting', 'notable', 'remarkable')}\r\n |elif len(notables) = 3:\r\n {set desc to OneOf('exceptional', 'remarkable')}\r\n |elif len(notables) = 4:\r\n {set desc to OneOf('extraordinary')}\r\n |elif len(notables) >= 5:\r\n {set desc to OneOf('one of a kind', 'unique')}\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"{desc},\", \"{if StartsWithVowel(desc): an |else: a } {desc} {P(reportbody.planettype, 'planettype')}\")}\r\n\r\n with {List(notables)}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportMaterials:\r\n {F(\"Body materials report\")}\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Body scanned": {
"name": "Body scanned",
"description": "Triggered when you complete a scan of a planetary body",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'body')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_scan_estimated_value', event.estimatedvalue)}\r\n\r\n{_ Preferences _}\r\n\r\n{set fullBodyReport to 0}\r\n\r\n{_ Process the event _}\r\n\r\n{if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {if fullBodyReport:\r\n {F(\"Body report\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {F(\"Body report summary\")}\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'body')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_scan_estimated_value', event.estimatedvalue)}\r\n\r\n{_ Preferences _}\r\n\r\n{set fullBodyReport to 0}\r\n\r\n{_ Process the event _}\r\n\r\n{if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {if fullBodyReport:\r\n {F(\"Body report\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {F(\"Body report summary\")}\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Body volcanism report": {
"name": "Body volcanism report",
"description": "Report on the volcanism of the contextual body",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch from context _}\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: \r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which body you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n {if (reportbody.volcanism || len(reportbody.volcanism) > 0) && reportVolcanism > 0:\r\n {if = reportbody.shortname:\r\n {P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")} {OneOf(\"has\", \"contains\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"I detect\", \r\n \"I am detecting\", \r\n \"Sensors detect\", \r\n \"This {reportbody.bodytype} has\", \r\n )}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.volcanism.type = \"Geysers\":\r\n {if reportbody.volcanism.invariantAmount = 'Major':\r\n high numbers of\r\n |elif reportbody.volcanism.invariantAmount = 'Minor':\r\n low numbers of\r\n }\r\n active {reportbody.volcanism.composition} geysers\r\n {Occasionally(3, \"at the surface\")}.\r\n |else:\r\n {if reportbody.volcanism.invariantAmount = 'Major':\r\n high levels of\r\n |elif reportbody.volcanism.invariantAmount = 'Minor':\r\n low levels of\r\n }\r\n active {reportbody.volcanism.composition} \r\n {OneOf(\r\n \"lava flows {Occasionally(3, \\\"at the surface\\\")}\",\r\n OneOf(\"magma flows near the surface\", \"sub-surface magma flows\")\r\n )}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch from context _}\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_body_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: \r\n {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which body you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n {if (reportbody.volcanism || len(reportbody.volcanism) > 0) && reportVolcanism > 0:\r\n {if = reportbody.shortname:\r\n {P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")} {OneOf(\"has\", \"contains\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"I detect\", \r\n \"I am detecting\", \r\n \"Sensors detect\", \r\n \"This {reportbody.bodytype} has\", \r\n )}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.volcanism.type = \"Geysers\":\r\n {if reportbody.volcanism.invariantAmount = 'Major':\r\n high numbers of\r\n |elif reportbody.volcanism.invariantAmount = 'Minor':\r\n low numbers of\r\n }\r\n active {reportbody.volcanism.composition} geysers\r\n {Occasionally(3, \"at the surface\")}.\r\n |else:\r\n {if reportbody.volcanism.invariantAmount = 'Major':\r\n high levels of\r\n |elif reportbody.volcanism.invariantAmount = 'Minor':\r\n low levels of\r\n }\r\n active {reportbody.volcanism.composition} \r\n {OneOf(\r\n \"lava flows {Occasionally(3, \\\"at the surface\\\")}\",\r\n OneOf(\"magma flows near the surface\", \"sub-surface magma flows\")\r\n )}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Bond awarded": {
"name": "Bond awarded",
"description": "Triggered when you are awarded a combat bond",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bond')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'award')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bond_amount', event.reward)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bond_faction', event.awardingfaction)}\r\n{SetState(\"eddi_context_criminal_record_change\", true)}\r\n\r\nTarget {OneOf(\"destroyed\",\"eliminated\",\"down\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bond')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'award')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bond_amount', event.reward)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bond_faction', event.awardingfaction)}\r\n{SetState(\"eddi_context_criminal_record_change\", true)}\r\n\r\nTarget {OneOf(\"destroyed\",\"eliminated\",\"down\")}.",
"default": true
"Bond redeemed": {
"name": "Bond redeemed",
"description": "Triggered when you redeem a combat bond",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bond')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'redeem')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bond_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\nCombat bonds for {Humanise(event.amount)} credits \r\n{Occasionally(2, OneOf(\"have been\", \"have now been\"))}\r\n{OneOf(\"redeemed\", \"claimed\")}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"\r\n {if len(event.rewards) = 1 && len(event.rewards[0].faction) > 0:\r\n from {P(event.rewards[0].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n |else:\r\n . \r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(event.rewards):\r\n {if len(event.rewards[cur].faction) > 0:\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n |elif cur < len(event.rewards) - 1:\r\n , \r\n |else:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n {Humanise(event.rewards[cur].amount)} credits from\r\n {P(event.rewards[cur].faction, \"faction\")} \r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\")}\r\n\r\n{if event.brokerpercentage && event.brokerpercentage > 0:\r\n after deducting\r\n {OneOf(\"payments\", \"fees\")} of\r\n {Humanise(round((event.amount / (100 - event.brokerpercentage)) * event.brokerpercentage, 0))} credits\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bond')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'redeem')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bond_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\nCombat bonds for {Humanise(event.amount)} credits \r\n{Occasionally(2, OneOf(\"have been\", \"have now been\"))}\r\n{OneOf(\"redeemed\", \"claimed\")}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"\r\n {if len(event.rewards) = 1 && len(event.rewards[0].faction) > 0:\r\n from {P(event.rewards[0].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n |else:\r\n . \r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(event.rewards):\r\n {if len(event.rewards[cur].faction) > 0:\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n |elif cur < len(event.rewards) - 1:\r\n , \r\n |else:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n {Humanise(event.rewards[cur].amount)} credits from\r\n {P(event.rewards[cur].faction, \"faction\")} \r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\")}\r\n\r\n{if event.brokerpercentage && event.brokerpercentage > 0:\r\n after deducting\r\n {OneOf(\"payments\", \"fees\")} of\r\n {Humanise(round((event.amount / (100 - event.brokerpercentage)) * event.brokerpercentage, 0))} credits\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Book transport": {
"name": "Book transport",
"description": "Triggered when booking a taxi or deployment for on foot combat",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Bounty awarded": {
"name": "Bounty awarded",
"description": "Triggered when you are awarded a bounty",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bounty')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'award')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_faction', event.faction)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_amount', event.reward)}\r\n{SetState(\"eddi_context_criminal_record_change\", true)}\r\n\r\n{Pause(500)}\r\n{if len(event.rewards) = 1:\r\n Bounty voucher \r\n|elif len(event.rewards) > 1:\r\n Bounty vouchers \r\n}\r\n{OneOf(\"received\", \"awarded\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bounty')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'award')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_faction', event.faction)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_amount', event.reward)}\r\n{SetState(\"eddi_context_criminal_record_change\", true)}\r\n\r\n{Pause(500)}\r\n{if len(event.rewards) = 1:\r\n Bounty voucher \r\n|elif len(event.rewards) > 1:\r\n Bounty vouchers \r\n}\r\n{OneOf(\"received\", \"awarded\")}.",
"default": true
"Bounty incurred": {
"name": "Bounty incurred",
"description": "Triggered when you incur a bounty",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bounty')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'incur')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_name', event.victim)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_faction', event.faction)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_amount', event.bounty)}\r\n{SetState(\"eddi_context_criminal_record_change\", true)}\r\n\r\nBounty {OneOf('received', 'incurred', 'issued against you', 'placed on your head')} for {event.crime}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bounty')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'incur')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_name', event.victim)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_faction', event.faction)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_amount', event.bounty)}\r\n{SetState(\"eddi_context_criminal_record_change\", true)}\r\n\r\nBounty {OneOf('received', 'incurred', 'issued against you', 'placed on your head')} for {event.crime}.",
"default": true
"Bounty paid": {
"name": "Bounty paid",
"description": "Triggered when you pay a bounty",
"enabled": false,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bounty')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'pay')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fine_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\n\r\nPaid bounty of {Humanise(event.amount)} credits.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bounty')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'pay')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fine_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\n\r\nPaid bounty of {Humanise(event.amount)} credits.",
"default": true
"Bounty redeemed": {
"name": "Bounty redeemed",
"description": "Triggered when you redeem a bounty voucher",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bounty')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'redeem')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\nBounty vouchers for {Humanise(event.amount)} credits \r\n{Occasionally(2, OneOf(\"have been\", \"have now been\"))}\r\n{OneOf(\"redeemed\", \"claimed\")}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"\r\n {if len(event.rewards) = 1 && len(event.rewards[0].faction) > 0:\r\n from {P(event.rewards[0].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n |else:\r\n . \r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(event.rewards):\r\n {if len(event.rewards[cur].faction) > 0:\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n |elif cur < len(event.rewards) - 1:\r\n , \r\n |else:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n {Humanise(event.rewards[cur].amount)} credits from\r\n {P(event.rewards[cur].faction, \"faction\")} \r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\")}\r\n\r\n{if event.brokerpercentage && event.brokerpercentage > 0:\r\n after deducting\r\n {OneOf(\"payments\", \"fees\")} of\r\n {Humanise(round((event.amount / (100 - event.brokerpercentage)) * event.brokerpercentage, 0))} credits\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'bounty')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'redeem')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bounty_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\nBounty vouchers for {Humanise(event.amount)} credits \r\n{Occasionally(2, OneOf(\"have been\", \"have now been\"))}\r\n{OneOf(\"redeemed\", \"claimed\")}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"\r\n {if len(event.rewards) = 1 && len(event.rewards[0].faction) > 0:\r\n from {P(event.rewards[0].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n |else:\r\n . \r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(event.rewards):\r\n {if len(event.rewards[cur].faction) > 0:\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n |elif cur < len(event.rewards) - 1:\r\n , \r\n |else:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n {Humanise(event.rewards[cur].amount)} credits from\r\n {P(event.rewards[cur].faction, \"faction\")} \r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\")}\r\n\r\n{if event.brokerpercentage && event.brokerpercentage > 0:\r\n after deducting\r\n {OneOf(\"payments\", \"fees\")} of\r\n {Humanise(round((event.amount / (100 - event.brokerpercentage)) * event.brokerpercentage, 0))} credits\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Cancel transport": {
"name": "Cancel transport",
"description": "Triggered when canceling a taxi or deployment for on foot combat",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Cargo depot": {
"name": "Cargo depot",
"description": "Triggered when engaging with a mission depot",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Cargo depot }\r\n{_ Triggered when engaging with a mission depot }\r\n\r\n\r\n{if event.updatetype = \"Collect\":\r\n You have collected {event.amount} tonne{if event.amount != 1:s} of {event.commodity} from the mission depot.\r\n|elif event.updatetype = \"Deliver\":\r\n You have delivered {event.amount} tonne{if event.amount != 1:s} of {event.commodity} to the mission depot.\r\n\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {set remaining to event.totaltodeliver - event.delivered}\r\n {set haulage to HaulageDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n {if find(, \"Wing\") > -1:\r\n Wing\r\n |elif find(, \"Rank\") > -1:\r\n Naval\r\n |else:\r\n Solo\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if remaining = 0:\r\n mission requirements are now completed.\r\n |else:\r\n mission is now {round(event.delivered / event.totaltodeliver * 100, 0)} percent complete.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Cargo depot }\r\n{_ Triggered when engaging with a mission depot }\r\n\r\n\r\n{if event.updatetype = \"Collect\":\r\n You have collected {event.amount} tonne{if event.amount != 1:s} of {event.commodity} from the mission depot.\r\n|elif event.updatetype = \"Deliver\":\r\n You have delivered {event.amount} tonne{if event.amount != 1:s} of {event.commodity} to the mission depot.\r\n\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {set remaining to event.totaltodeliver - event.delivered}\r\n {set haulage to HaulageDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n {if find(, \"Wing\") > -1:\r\n Wing\r\n |elif find(, \"Rank\") > -1:\r\n Naval\r\n |else:\r\n Solo\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if remaining = 0:\r\n mission requirements are now completed.\r\n |else:\r\n mission is now {round(event.delivered / event.totaltodeliver * 100, 0)} percent complete.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"default": true
"Cargo report": {
"name": "Cargo report",
"description": "Report current cargo manifest",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Cargo report }\r\n{_ Report current cargo manifest }\r\n\r\n{set cargocarried to 0}\r\n{set haulage to 0}\r\n{set illegal to false}\r\n{set stolen to false}\r\n\r\n{if len(inventory) > 0:\r\n {for cargo in inventory:\r\n {set cargocarried to cargocarried +}\r\n {set haulage to haulage + cargo.haulage}\r\n {if cargo.stolen > 0: {set stolen to true}}\r\n {if status.docked:\r\n {for prohibited in station.prohibited:\r\n {if = {set illegal to true}}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if cargocarried > 0:\r\n {if cargocarried = ship.cargocapacity:\r\n Your cargo {OneOf(\"bay\", \"hold\")} is full\r\n |else:\r\n You are carrying {cargocarried} tonne{if cargocarried != 1:s}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(inventory) = 1:\r\n {if inventory[0].name = \"Limpet\":\r\n of limpets.\r\n |else:\r\n of {inventory[0].name}.\r\n {if haulage = cargocarried:\r\n Note: All cargo is mission related haulage.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {if cargocarried < ship.cargocapacity: of cargo}.\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"Cargo\")} {OneOf(\"Manifest\", \"Inventory\")} is as follows:\r\n\r\n {set c to []}\r\n {for cargo in inventory:\r\n {if > 0:\r\n {set c to cat(c, [cargo])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set position to 0}\r\n {for cargo in c:\r\n {} tonne{if != 1:s} of \r\n {if = \"Limpet\":\r\n limpets\r\n |else:\r\n {}\r\n }\r\n {set position to position + 1}\r\n {if position = len(c) - 1: and |else:,}\r\n }\r\n {if haulage > 0:\r\n Note: {haulage} tonne{if haulage != 1:s} of your manifest is mission related haulage.\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n\r\n {if cargocarried < ship.cargocapacity:\r\n {set free to ship.cargocapacity - cargocarried}\r\n You {OneOf(\"have {free} tonne{if free != 1:s} free\",\r\n \"have {free} tonne{if free != 1:s} of free space\",\r\n \"can carry an additional {free} tonne{if free != 1:s}\")}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if stolen || illegal:\r\n Warning: You are carrying\r\n {if stolen: stolen goods}\r\n {if illegal:\r\n {if stolen:, and }\r\n goods that are illegal in this jurisdiction\r\n }.\r\n }\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n {OneOf(\"Your cargo bay is empty.\",\"You have no cargo.\",\"You are carrying no cargo.\")}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Cargo report }\r\n{_ Report current cargo manifest }\r\n\r\n{set cargocarried to 0}\r\n{set haulage to 0}\r\n{set illegal to false}\r\n{set stolen to false}\r\n\r\n{if len(inventory) > 0:\r\n {for cargo in inventory:\r\n {set cargocarried to cargocarried +}\r\n {set haulage to haulage + cargo.haulage}\r\n {if cargo.stolen > 0: {set stolen to true}}\r\n {if status.docked:\r\n {for prohibited in station.prohibited:\r\n {if = {set illegal to true}}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if cargocarried > 0:\r\n {if cargocarried = ship.cargocapacity:\r\n Your cargo {OneOf(\"bay\", \"hold\")} is full\r\n |else:\r\n You are carrying {cargocarried} tonne{if cargocarried != 1:s}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(inventory) = 1:\r\n {if inventory[0].name = \"Limpet\":\r\n of limpets.\r\n |else:\r\n of {inventory[0].name}.\r\n {if haulage = cargocarried:\r\n Note: All cargo is mission related haulage.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {if cargocarried < ship.cargocapacity: of cargo}.\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"Cargo\")} {OneOf(\"Manifest\", \"Inventory\")} is as follows:\r\n\r\n {set c to []}\r\n {for cargo in inventory:\r\n {if > 0:\r\n {set c to cat(c, [cargo])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set position to 0}\r\n {for cargo in c:\r\n {} tonne{if != 1:s} of \r\n {if = \"Limpet\":\r\n limpets\r\n |else:\r\n {}\r\n }\r\n {set position to position + 1}\r\n {if position = len(c) - 1: and |else:,}\r\n }\r\n {if haulage > 0:\r\n Note: {haulage} tonne{if haulage != 1:s} of your manifest is mission related haulage.\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n\r\n {if cargocarried < ship.cargocapacity:\r\n {set free to ship.cargocapacity - cargocarried}\r\n You {OneOf(\"have {free} tonne{if free != 1:s} free\",\r\n \"have {free} tonne{if free != 1:s} of free space\",\r\n \"can carry an additional {free} tonne{if free != 1:s}\")}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if stolen || illegal:\r\n Warning: You are carrying\r\n {if stolen: stolen goods}\r\n {if illegal:\r\n {if stolen:, and }\r\n goods that are illegal in this jurisdiction\r\n }.\r\n }\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n {OneOf(\"Your cargo bay is empty.\",\"You have no cargo.\",\"You are carrying no cargo.\")}\r\n}",
"default": true
"Cargo scoop": {
"name": "Cargo scoop",
"description": "Triggered when you deploy or retract your cargo scoop",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Cargo wingupdate": {
"name": "Cargo wingupdate",
"description": "Triggered when a wing-mate collects or delivers cargo for a wing mission",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Cargo wingupdate }\r\n{_ Triggered when a wing-mate collects or delivers cargo for a wing mission }\r\n\r\n\r\n{if event.updatetype = \"Collect\":\r\n Your wing mate has collected {event.amount} tonne{if event.amount != 1:s}\r\n {if event.commodity != \"Unknown\": of {event.commodity}} from the mission depot.\r\n|elif event.updatetype = \"Deliver\":\r\n Your wing mate has delivered {event.amount} tonne{if event.amount != 1:s} \r\n {if event.commodity != \"Unknown\": of {event.commodity}} to the mission depot.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(500)}\r\n{set remaining to event.totaltodeliver - event.delivered}\r\n{if remaining = 0:\r\n Wing mission requirements are now completed.\r\n|elif event.updatetype = \"Deliver\":\r\n Wing mission is now {round(event.delivered / event.totaltodeliver * 100, 0)} percent complete.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Cargo wingupdate }\r\n{_ Triggered when a wing-mate collects or delivers cargo for a wing mission }\r\n\r\n\r\n{if event.updatetype = \"Collect\":\r\n Your wing mate has collected {event.amount} tonne{if event.amount != 1:s}\r\n {if event.commodity != \"Unknown\": of {event.commodity}} from the mission depot.\r\n|elif event.updatetype = \"Deliver\":\r\n Your wing mate has delivered {event.amount} tonne{if event.amount != 1:s} \r\n {if event.commodity != \"Unknown\": of {event.commodity}} to the mission depot.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(500)}\r\n{set remaining to event.totaltodeliver - event.delivered}\r\n{if remaining = 0:\r\n Wing mission requirements are now completed.\r\n|elif event.updatetype = \"Deliver\":\r\n Wing mission is now {round(event.delivered / event.totaltodeliver * 100, 0)} percent complete.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Carrier cooldown": {
"name": "Carrier cooldown",
"description": "Triggered when you either were docked at a fleet carrier during a jump or are the fleet carrier owner and it completes its cooldown",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Fleet carrier cooldown completed.",
"defaultValue": "Fleet carrier cooldown completed.",
"default": true
"Carrier jump cancelled": {
"name": "Carrier jump cancelled",
"description": "Triggered when you cancel a scheduled fleet carrier jump",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Fleet carrier jump cancelled.",
"defaultValue": "Fleet carrier jump cancelled.",
"default": true
"Carrier jump engaged": {
"name": "Carrier jump engaged",
"description": "Triggered when your fleet carrier performs a jump",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'carrier jump')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'start')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_system', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_lastvisit', system.lastVisitSeconds)}\r\n\r\n{if environment = \"Docked\":\r\n\r\n {_ Zero the 'remaining jump' context to only use values following this event _}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_remaining_jumps', 0)}\r\n\r\n {set reportsystem to SystemDetails(event.systemname)}\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\"Jump in progress\",\"Entering portal\")} to the {P(reportsystem.systemname, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n {if len(event.shortname) > 0:\r\n {set reportBody to BodyDetails(event.bodyname, event.systemname)} \r\n near\r\n {if len(reportBody.bodytype) > 0: {reportBody.bodytype} |else: body}\r\n {P(event.shortname, \"body\")}\r\n }.\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.systemname = homesystem.systemname:\r\n Welcome home, {F(\"Honorific\")}\r\n |else: \r\n {if lastsystem.allegiance && lastsystem.allegiance != \"None\" && lastsystem.allegiance != \"Independent\" && (!reportsystem.allegiance || reportsystem.allegiance = \"None\" || reportsystem.allegiance = \"Independent\"):\r\n You {OneOf(\"are leaving\", \"have left\", \"are no longer in\")} {lastsystem.allegiance} space.\r\n |elif lastsystem.allegiance && lastsystem.allegiance != reportsystem.allegiance && system.allegiance && system.allegiance != \"None\":\r\n You {OneOf(\"are now in\", \"have entered\", \"are entering\")} {reportsystem.allegiance} space.\r\n {if cmdr.title != \"Commander\":\r\n Welcome back {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.visits = 0:\r\n This is your first visit to this system.\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 1:\r\n This is your second visit to this system.\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 2:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"This is your third visit to this system.\")}\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 3:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"This is your fourth visit to this system.\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {Occasionally(3, \"You have visited this system {reportsystem.visits} times.\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.population && reportsystem.population > 0:\r\n {if SecondsSince(reportsystem.lastVisitSeconds) > 3600:\r\n {F(\"System report\")}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"This system is not populated\",\"There is no human presence here\", \"Humans have yet to colonise this system\")}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.distancefromhome:\r\n {set ReportDistanceFromHome() to:\r\n {return cat(\r\n \tOneOf(\"You are\", \"Current location is\", \"You are now\"), \" \",\r\n\t Humanise(reportsystem.distancefromhome), \" lightyears from \",\r\n\t OneOf(\"home\", \"{P(, \"starsystem\")}\"), \".\"\r\n\t )}\r\n }\r\n {Occasionally(7, ReportDistanceFromHome())}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.comment:\r\n You made a {OneOf(\"note\", \"comment\", \"remark\")} {OneOf(\"about\", \"for\", \"on\")} this system. It {OneOf(\"is as follows\", \"says\", \"reads\", \"is\")} {reportsystem.comment}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n Fleet carrier arriving at the {P(event.systemname, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n {if len(event.shortname) > 0:\r\n {set reportBody to BodyDetails(event.bodyname, event.systemname)} \r\n near\r\n {if len(reportBody.bodytype) > 0: {reportBody.bodytype} |else: body}\r\n {P(event.shortname, \"body\")}\r\n }.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'carrier jump')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'start')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_system', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_lastvisit', system.lastVisitSeconds)}\r\n\r\n{if environment = \"Docked\":\r\n\r\n {_ Zero the 'remaining jump' context to only use values following this event _}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_remaining_jumps', 0)}\r\n\r\n {set reportsystem to SystemDetails(event.systemname)}\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\"Jump in progress\",\"Entering portal\")} to the {P(reportsystem.systemname, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n {if len(event.shortname) > 0:\r\n {set reportBody to BodyDetails(event.bodyname, event.systemname)} \r\n near\r\n {if len(reportBody.bodytype) > 0: {reportBody.bodytype} |else: body}\r\n {P(event.shortname, \"body\")}\r\n }.\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.systemname = homesystem.systemname:\r\n Welcome home, {F(\"Honorific\")}\r\n |else: \r\n {if lastsystem.allegiance && lastsystem.allegiance != \"None\" && lastsystem.allegiance != \"Independent\" && (!reportsystem.allegiance || reportsystem.allegiance = \"None\" || reportsystem.allegiance = \"Independent\"):\r\n You {OneOf(\"are leaving\", \"have left\", \"are no longer in\")} {lastsystem.allegiance} space.\r\n |elif lastsystem.allegiance && lastsystem.allegiance != reportsystem.allegiance && system.allegiance && system.allegiance != \"None\":\r\n You {OneOf(\"are now in\", \"have entered\", \"are entering\")} {reportsystem.allegiance} space.\r\n {if cmdr.title != \"Commander\":\r\n Welcome back {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.visits = 0:\r\n This is your first visit to this system.\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 1:\r\n This is your second visit to this system.\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 2:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"This is your third visit to this system.\")}\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 3:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"This is your fourth visit to this system.\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {Occasionally(3, \"You have visited this system {reportsystem.visits} times.\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.population && reportsystem.population > 0:\r\n {if SecondsSince(reportsystem.lastVisitSeconds) > 3600:\r\n {F(\"System report\")}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"This system is not populated\",\"There is no human presence here\", \"Humans have yet to colonise this system\")}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.distancefromhome:\r\n {set ReportDistanceFromHome() to:\r\n {return cat(\r\n \tOneOf(\"You are\", \"Current location is\", \"You are now\"), \" \",\r\n\t Humanise(reportsystem.distancefromhome), \" lightyears from \",\r\n\t OneOf(\"home\", \"{P(, \"starsystem\")}\"), \".\"\r\n\t )}\r\n }\r\n {Occasionally(7, ReportDistanceFromHome())}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.comment:\r\n You made a {OneOf(\"note\", \"comment\", \"remark\")} {OneOf(\"about\", \"for\", \"on\")} this system. It {OneOf(\"is as follows\", \"says\", \"reads\", \"is\")} {reportsystem.comment}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n Fleet carrier arriving at the {P(event.systemname, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n {if len(event.shortname) > 0:\r\n {set reportBody to BodyDetails(event.bodyname, event.systemname)} \r\n near\r\n {if len(reportBody.bodytype) > 0: {reportBody.bodytype} |else: body}\r\n {P(event.shortname, \"body\")}\r\n }.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Carrier jump request": {
"name": "Carrier jump request",
"description": "Triggered when you request that your fleet carrier performs a jump",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Fleet carrier jump scheduled. Course laid in for the {P(event.systemname, \"starsystem\")} star system\r\n{if len(event.shortname) > 0:\r\n {set reportBody to BodyDetails(event.bodyname, event.systemname)} \r\n , arriving near\r\n {if len(reportBody.bodytype) > 0: {reportBody.bodytype}: |else: body: }\r\n {P(event.shortname, \"body\")}\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "Fleet carrier jump scheduled. Course laid in for the {P(event.systemname, \"starsystem\")} star system\r\n{if len(event.shortname) > 0:\r\n {set reportBody to BodyDetails(event.bodyname, event.systemname)} \r\n , arriving near\r\n {if len(reportBody.bodytype) > 0: {reportBody.bodytype}: |else: body: }\r\n {P(event.shortname, \"body\")}\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Carrier jumped": {
"name": "Carrier jumped",
"description": "Triggered when you are docked at a fleet carrier as it completes a jump",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Carrier jumped }\r\n{_ Triggered when you are docked at a fleet carrier as it completes a jump }\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'carrier jump')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'complete')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.systemname)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_system', event.systemname)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_wanted_list', \"\")}\r\n\r\nFleet carrier {Spacialise(event.carriername)} has arrived at the {P(event.systemname, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n{if event.bodyname && len(event.bodyname) > 0:\r\n , near the {event.bodytype}: {P(event.bodyname, \"body\")}\r\n}.\r\n{Pause(1000)}\r\n\r\n{_ Update mission data if we have arrived at our mission destination. _}\r\n{if destinationsystem && != \"\":\r\n {RouteDetails(\"update\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Report faction states only if it's been more than an hour (3600 seconds) since our last visit. _}\r\n{if SecondsSince(state.eddi_context_system_lastvisit) / 3600 > 1:\r\n {set state_report to F(\"System state report\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set system_engineer to F(\"Engineer report\")}\r\n{set system_missions to F(\"Mission check system\")}\r\n{set system_crimes to F(\"Crime check system\")}\r\n\r\n{if state_report || system_engineer || system_missions || (system_crimes && find(system_crimes, \"Warning\") < 0):\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Information:\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if state_report:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {state_report}\r\n}\r\n{if system_engineer:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_engineer}\r\n}\r\n{if system_missions:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_missions}\r\n}\r\n{if system_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_crimes}\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Carrier jumped }\r\n{_ Triggered when you are docked at a fleet carrier as it completes a jump }\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'carrier jump')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'complete')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.systemname)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_system', event.systemname)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_wanted_list', \"\")}\r\n\r\nFleet carrier {Spacialise(event.carriername)} has arrived at the {P(event.systemname, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n{if event.bodyname && len(event.bodyname) > 0:\r\n , near the {event.bodytype}: {P(event.bodyname, \"body\")}\r\n}.\r\n{Pause(1000)}\r\n\r\n{_ Update mission data if we have arrived at our mission destination. _}\r\n{if destinationsystem && != \"\":\r\n {RouteDetails(\"update\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Report faction states only if it's been more than an hour (3600 seconds) since our last visit. _}\r\n{if SecondsSince(state.eddi_context_system_lastvisit) / 3600 > 1:\r\n {set state_report to F(\"System state report\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set system_engineer to F(\"Engineer report\")}\r\n{set system_missions to F(\"Mission check system\")}\r\n{set system_crimes to F(\"Crime check system\")}\r\n\r\n{if state_report || system_engineer || system_missions || (system_crimes && find(system_crimes, \"Warning\") < 0):\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Information:\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if state_report:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {state_report}\r\n}\r\n{if system_engineer:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_engineer}\r\n}\r\n{if system_missions:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_missions}\r\n}\r\n{if system_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_crimes}\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Carrier pads locked": {
"name": "Carrier pads locked",
"description": "Triggered when your fleet carrier locks landing pads prior to a jump",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Landing pads locked. Final jump preparations initiated.",
"defaultValue": "Landing pads locked. Final jump preparations initiated.",
"default": true
"Cleared save": {
"name": "Cleared save",
"description": "Triggered when you clear your save",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'save')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'clear')}\r\n\r\nGoodbye {F(\"Honorific\")}. It was a pleasure to serve you.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'save')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'clear')}\r\n\r\nGoodbye {F(\"Honorific\")}. It was a pleasure to serve you.",
"default": true
"Cockpit breached": {
"name": "Cockpit breached",
"description": "Triggered when your ship's cockpit is broken",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'cockpit')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'breach')}\r\n\r\nIs it me, or is it cold in here?",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'cockpit')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'breach')}\r\n\r\nIs it me, or is it cold in here?",
"default": true
"Commander continued": {
"name": "Commander continued",
"description": "Triggered when you continue an existing game",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Commander continued }\r\n{_ Triggered when you continue an existing game }\r\n\r\n\r\nWelcome back {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'load_game')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_station_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_lastdocked',}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Commander continued }\r\n{_ Triggered when you continue an existing game }\r\n\r\n\r\nWelcome back {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'load_game')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_station_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_lastdocked',}",
"default": true
"Commander loading": {
"name": "Commander loading",
"description": "Triggered at the very beginning of loading a game",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Commander progress": {
"name": "Commander progress",
"description": "Triggered when your progress is reported",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Commander promotion": {
"name": "Commander promotion",
"description": "Triggered when one of your commander ranks increases",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'rank')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'promotion')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_rank_name', lower(event.rank_type))}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_rank_amount', event.rating)}\r\n\r\n{if event.rank_type = \"Combat\":\r\n You have been recognised for your valor as a combat pilot, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"CQC\":\r\n You have been recognised for your valor as a close quarters combat pilot, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Trade\":\r\n You have been recognised for your trading acumen, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Exploration\":\r\n You have been recognised for your work as an explorer, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Federation\":\r\n {set plainHonorific to when(cmdr.gender = 'Female', 'Madam', 'Sir')}\r\n Congratulations {OneOf('Commander {CommanderName()}', plainHonorific)}! You have\r\n {OneOf('achieved', 'been promoted to', 'been granted')}\r\n the rank of {event.rank}\r\n {Occasionally(2, OneOf('within the Federal Navy', 'for your service to the Federation'))}.\r\n {if event.rating = 3:\r\n You now qualify to purchase the Federal Dropship.\r\n |elif event.rating = 4:\r\n This grants you access to the {P('Sol', 'starsystem')} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 5:\r\n You now qualify to purchase the Federal Assault Ship, and have access to the {P('Vega', 'starsystem')} and {P('Beta Hydri', 'starsystem')} systems.\r\n |elif event.rating = 6:\r\n This grants you access to the {P('PLX 695', 'starsystem')} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 7:\r\n You now qualify to purchase the Federal Gunship, and have access to the {P('Ross 128', 'starsystem')} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 8:\r\n This grants you access to the {P('Exbeur', 'starsystem')} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 10:\r\n This grants you access to the {P('Hors', 'starsystem')} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 12:\r\n You now qualify to purchase the Federal Corvette.\r\n |elif event.rating = 14:\r\n This is the highest rank available to a member of the Federal Naval Reserve.\r\n } \r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Empire\":\r\n Congratulations {F(\"Empire honorific\")},\r\n the Imperial Navy has \r\n {OneOf(\"granted you a promotion\", \"promoted you\", \"advanced you\", \"named you\")}\r\n to the rank of {event.rank}\r\n {Occasionally(2, OneOf(\"within the Imperial Navy\", \"for your service to the Empire\"))}.\r\n {if event.rating = 1:\r\n You may now purchase the Imperial Eagle.\r\n |elif event.rating = 3:\r\n You may now purchase the Imperial Courier.\r\n |elif event.rating = 4:\r\n This grants you the honour of entering the {P(\"Achenar\", \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 7:\r\n This allows you to purchase the Imperial Clipper, and the honour of entering the {P(\"Summerland\", \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 10:\r\n This grants you the honour of entering the {P(\"Facece\", \"starsystem\")} system\r\n |elif event.rating = 12:\r\n You may now purchase the Imperial Cutter.\r\n |elif event.rating = 14:\r\n This is the highest {OneOf(\"rank\", \"honor\")} available to a member of the Imperial Naval Reserve.\r\n }\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Mercenary\":\r\n You have been recognised for your skills as a mercenary, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Exobiologist\":\r\n You have been recognised for your work as an exobiologist, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'rank')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'promotion')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_rank_name', lower(event.rank_type))}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_rank_amount', event.rating)}\r\n\r\n{if event.rank_type = \"Combat\":\r\n You have been recognised for your valor as a combat pilot, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"CQC\":\r\n You have been recognised for your valor as a close quarters combat pilot, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Trade\":\r\n You have been recognised for your trading acumen, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Exploration\":\r\n You have been recognised for your work as an explorer, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Federation\":\r\n {set plainHonorific to when(cmdr.gender = 'Female', 'Madam', 'Sir')}\r\n Congratulations {OneOf('Commander {CommanderName()}', plainHonorific)}! You have\r\n {OneOf('achieved', 'been promoted to', 'been granted')}\r\n the rank of {event.rank}\r\n {Occasionally(2, OneOf('within the Federal Navy', 'for your service to the Federation'))}.\r\n {if event.rating = 3:\r\n You now qualify to purchase the Federal Dropship.\r\n |elif event.rating = 4:\r\n This grants you access to the {P('Sol', 'starsystem')} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 5:\r\n You now qualify to purchase the Federal Assault Ship, and have access to the {P('Vega', 'starsystem')} and {P('Beta Hydri', 'starsystem')} systems.\r\n |elif event.rating = 6:\r\n This grants you access to the {P('PLX 695', 'starsystem')} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 7:\r\n You now qualify to purchase the Federal Gunship, and have access to the {P('Ross 128', 'starsystem')} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 8:\r\n This grants you access to the {P('Exbeur', 'starsystem')} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 10:\r\n This grants you access to the {P('Hors', 'starsystem')} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 12:\r\n You now qualify to purchase the Federal Corvette.\r\n |elif event.rating = 14:\r\n This is the highest rank available to a member of the Federal Naval Reserve.\r\n } \r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Empire\":\r\n Congratulations {F(\"Empire honorific\")},\r\n the Imperial Navy has \r\n {OneOf(\"granted you a promotion\", \"promoted you\", \"advanced you\", \"named you\")}\r\n to the rank of {event.rank}\r\n {Occasionally(2, OneOf(\"within the Imperial Navy\", \"for your service to the Empire\"))}.\r\n {if event.rating = 1:\r\n You may now purchase the Imperial Eagle.\r\n |elif event.rating = 3:\r\n You may now purchase the Imperial Courier.\r\n |elif event.rating = 4:\r\n This grants you the honour of entering the {P(\"Achenar\", \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 7:\r\n This allows you to purchase the Imperial Clipper, and the honour of entering the {P(\"Summerland\", \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n |elif event.rating = 10:\r\n This grants you the honour of entering the {P(\"Facece\", \"starsystem\")} system\r\n |elif event.rating = 12:\r\n You may now purchase the Imperial Cutter.\r\n |elif event.rating = 14:\r\n This is the highest {OneOf(\"rank\", \"honor\")} available to a member of the Imperial Naval Reserve.\r\n }\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Mercenary\":\r\n You have been recognised for your skills as a mercenary, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n|elif event.rank_type = \"Exobiologist\":\r\n You have been recognised for your work as an exobiologist, {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Commander ratings": {
"name": "Commander ratings",
"description": "Triggered when your ratings are reported",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Commander reputation": {
"name": "Commander reputation",
"description": "Triggered when your reputation is reported",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ A note on thresholds... _}\r\n{_ -100.. -90: hostile _}\r\n{_ -90.. -35: unfriendly _}\r\n{_ -35..+ 4: neutral _}\r\n{_ +4..+35: cordial _}\r\n{_ +35..+90: friendly _}\r\n{_ +90..+100: allied _}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ A note on thresholds... _}\r\n{_ -100.. -90: hostile _}\r\n{_ -90.. -35: unfriendly _}\r\n{_ -35..+ 4: neutral _}\r\n{_ +4..+35: cordial _}\r\n{_ +35..+90: friendly _}\r\n{_ +90..+100: allied _}\r\n",
"default": true
"Commander started": {
"name": "Commander started",
"description": "Triggered when you start a new game",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Welcome, Commander.",
"defaultValue": "Welcome, Commander.",
"default": true
"Commodity collected": {
"name": "Commodity collected",
"description": "Triggered when you pick up a commodity in your ship or SRV",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'commodity')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'collect')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_cargo_name', event.commodity)}\r\n\r\n{event.commodity} now on board.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'commodity')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'collect')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_cargo_name', event.commodity)}\r\n\r\n{event.commodity} now on board.",
"default": true
"Commodity ejected": {
"name": "Commodity ejected",
"description": "Triggered when you eject a commodity from your ship or SRV",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'commodity')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'eject')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_name', event.commodity)}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'commodity')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'eject')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_name', event.commodity)}\r\n",
"default": true
"Commodity purchase check": {
"name": "Commodity purchase check",
"description": "Check to see which commodities are the best to purchase",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{for commodity in station.commodities:\r\n {if commodity.stock > 0 && commodity.buyprice < commodity.avgprice:\r\n {set discount to commodity.avgprice - commodity.buyprice}\r\n {if discount > best.avgprice - best.buyprice:\r\n {set thirdbest to secondbest}\r\n {set secondbest to best}\r\n {set best to commodity}\r\n |elif discount > secondbest.avgprice - secondbest.buyprice:\r\n {set thirdbest to secondbest}\r\n {set secondbest to commodity}\r\n |elif discount > thirdbest.avgprice - thirdbest.buyprice:\r\n {set thirdbest to commodity}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if best:\r\n The local market is selling {} at a good price\r\n {if secondbest:\r\n , as well as {}\r\n {if thirdbest:\r\n and {}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n.}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{for commodity in station.commodities:\r\n {if commodity.stock > 0 && commodity.buyprice < commodity.avgprice:\r\n {set discount to commodity.avgprice - commodity.buyprice}\r\n {if discount > best.avgprice - best.buyprice:\r\n {set thirdbest to secondbest}\r\n {set secondbest to best}\r\n {set best to commodity}\r\n |elif discount > secondbest.avgprice - secondbest.buyprice:\r\n {set thirdbest to secondbest}\r\n {set secondbest to commodity}\r\n |elif discount > thirdbest.avgprice - thirdbest.buyprice:\r\n {set thirdbest to commodity}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if best:\r\n The local market is selling {} at a good price\r\n {if secondbest:\r\n , as well as {}\r\n {if thirdbest:\r\n and {}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n.}\r\n",
"default": true
"Commodity purchased": {
"name": "Commodity purchased",
"description": "Triggered when you buy a commodity from the markets",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'commodity')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'purchase')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_name', event.commodity)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\n{if event.amount = 1:\r\n You have just purchased one tonne of {event.commodity} for {Humanise(event.price)} credits.\r\n|elif event.amount > 1:\r\n You have just purchased {event.amount} tonnes of {event.commodity} at {Humanise(event.price)} credits per tonne. Total cost is {Humanise(event.amount * event.price)} credits.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'commodity')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'purchase')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_name', event.commodity)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\n{if event.amount = 1:\r\n You have just purchased one tonne of {event.commodity} for {Humanise(event.price)} credits.\r\n|elif event.amount > 1:\r\n You have just purchased {event.amount} tonnes of {event.commodity} at {Humanise(event.price)} credits per tonne. Total cost is {Humanise(event.amount * event.price)} credits.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Commodity refined": {
"name": "Commodity refined",
"description": "Triggered when you refine a commodity from the refinery",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'commodity')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'refine')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_name', event.commodity)}\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'commodity')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'refine')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_name', event.commodity)}\r\n\r\n",
"default": true
"Commodity sale check": {
"name": "Commodity sale check",
"description": "Check to see which commodities can be sold here",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Commodity sale check}\r\n{_ Check to see which commodities can be sold here}\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Function to find a given commodity in market}\r\n{set market(commodity) to:\r\n {for marketcommodity in station.commodities:\r\n {if =\r\n {return marketcommodity}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Function to find an illegal mission related to the commodity}\r\n{set illegalmission(haulageData) to:\r\n {for haulage in haulageData:\r\n {if haulage.illegal:\r\n {return true}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {return false}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set totalprofit to 0}\r\n{set missioncommodities to []}\r\n{set profitablecommodities to []}\r\n{set stolencommodities to []}\r\n{set unknowncommodities to []}\r\n\r\n{for cargo in inventory:\r\n {if != 'Limpet':\r\n {set marketcommodity to market(cargo.commodity)}\r\n {set illegal to illegalmission(cargo.haulageData)}\r\n {set profit to (marketcommodity.sellprice - cargo.price) * cargo.owned}\r\n\r\n {if cargo.stolen > 0 && !illegal:\r\n {set stolencommodities to cat(stolencommodities, [cargo.commodity])}\r\n |elif cargo.haulage > 0:\r\n {set missioncommodities to cat(missioncommodities, [cargo.commodity])}\r\n |elif !marketcommodity && lcase(cargo.category) != \"powerplay\" && > 0:\r\n {set unknowncommodities to cat(unknowncommodities, [cargo.commodity])}\r\n |elif marketcommodity && profit > 0:\r\n {set profitablecommodities to cat(profitablecommodities, [cargo.commodity])}\r\n {set totalprofit to totalprofit + profit}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Let the user know about any commodities they can sell here for a profit}\r\n{if len(profitablecommodities) > 0:\r\n You can sell your\r\n {if len(profitablecommodities) = 1:\r\n {profitablecommodities[0].name}\r\n |elif len(profitablecommodities) = 2:\r\n {profitablecommodities[0].name} and {profitablecommodities[1].name}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(profitablecommodities):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {profitablecommodities[cur].name}\r\n |elif cur < len(profitablecommodities) - 1:\r\n , {profitablecommodities[cur].name}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {profitablecommodities[cur].name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n for a profit of {Humanise(totalprofit)} credits.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Let the user know about any commodities about which we are unsure if they can sell for a profit}\r\n{if len(unknowncommodities) > 0:\r\n You could {if len(profitablecommodities) > 0: also } sell your\r\n {if len(unknowncommodities) = 1:\r\n {unknowncommodities[0].name}\r\n |elif len(unknowncommodities) = 2:\r\n {unknowncommodities[0].name} and {unknowncommodities[1].name}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(unknowncommodities):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {unknowncommodities[cur].name}\r\n |elif cur < len(unknowncommodities) - 1:\r\n , {unknowncommodities[cur].name}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {unknowncommodities[cur].name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n , although check potential profits for {if len(unknowncommodities) > 1: these |else: this} before confirming the transaction.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Let the user know about any stolen commodities they can sell on the black market}\r\n{if len(stolencommodities) > 0:\r\n {if station.hasblackmarket:\r\n You can fence your stolen\r\n {if len(stolencommodities) = 1:\r\n {stolencommodities[0].name}\r\n |elif len(stolencommodities) = 2:\r\n {stolencommodities[0].name} and {stolencommodities[1].name}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(stolencommodities):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {stolencommodities[cur].name}\r\n |elif cur < len(stolencommodities) - 1:\r\n , {stolencommodities[cur].name}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {stolencommodities[cur].name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n here.\r\n |else:\r\n Reminder: you {OneOf(\"have stolen cargo on-board\", \"have stolen goods on-board\", \"are carrying stolen goods\", \"are carrying stolen cargo\")}.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Let the user know about any mission related commodities they can sell on the black market}\r\n{if len(missioncommodities) > 0 && station.hasblackmarket:\r\n\r\n You can {if len(stolencommodities) > 0: also} {OneOf('offload', 'dump')} your mission related\r\n {if len(missioncommodities) = 1:\r\n {missioncommodities[0].name}\r\n |elif len(missioncommodities) = 2:\r\n {missioncommodities[0].name} and {missioncommodities[1].name}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(missioncommodities):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {missioncommodities[cur].name}\r\n |elif cur < len(missioncommodities) - 1:\r\n , {missioncommodities[cur].name}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {missioncommodities[cur].name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n here.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Commodity sale check}\r\n{_ Check to see which commodities can be sold here}\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Function to find a given commodity in market}\r\n{set market(commodity) to:\r\n {for marketcommodity in station.commodities:\r\n {if =\r\n {return marketcommodity}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Function to find an illegal mission related to the commodity}\r\n{set illegalmission(haulageData) to:\r\n {for haulage in haulageData:\r\n {if haulage.illegal:\r\n {return true}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {return false}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set totalprofit to 0}\r\n{set missioncommodities to []}\r\n{set profitablecommodities to []}\r\n{set stolencommodities to []}\r\n{set unknowncommodities to []}\r\n\r\n{for cargo in inventory:\r\n {if != 'Limpet':\r\n {set marketcommodity to market(cargo.commodity)}\r\n {set illegal to illegalmission(cargo.haulageData)}\r\n {set profit to (marketcommodity.sellprice - cargo.price) * cargo.owned}\r\n\r\n {if cargo.stolen > 0 && !illegal:\r\n {set stolencommodities to cat(stolencommodities, [cargo.commodity])}\r\n |elif cargo.haulage > 0:\r\n {set missioncommodities to cat(missioncommodities, [cargo.commodity])}\r\n |elif !marketcommodity && lcase(cargo.category) != \"powerplay\" && > 0:\r\n {set unknowncommodities to cat(unknowncommodities, [cargo.commodity])}\r\n |elif marketcommodity && profit > 0:\r\n {set profitablecommodities to cat(profitablecommodities, [cargo.commodity])}\r\n {set totalprofit to totalprofit + profit}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Let the user know about any commodities they can sell here for a profit}\r\n{if len(profitablecommodities) > 0:\r\n You can sell your\r\n {if len(profitablecommodities) = 1:\r\n {profitablecommodities[0].name}\r\n |elif len(profitablecommodities) = 2:\r\n {profitablecommodities[0].name} and {profitablecommodities[1].name}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(profitablecommodities):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {profitablecommodities[cur].name}\r\n |elif cur < len(profitablecommodities) - 1:\r\n , {profitablecommodities[cur].name}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {profitablecommodities[cur].name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n for a profit of {Humanise(totalprofit)} credits.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Let the user know about any commodities about which we are unsure if they can sell for a profit}\r\n{if len(unknowncommodities) > 0:\r\n You could {if len(profitablecommodities) > 0: also } sell your\r\n {if len(unknowncommodities) = 1:\r\n {unknowncommodities[0].name}\r\n |elif len(unknowncommodities) = 2:\r\n {unknowncommodities[0].name} and {unknowncommodities[1].name}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(unknowncommodities):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {unknowncommodities[cur].name}\r\n |elif cur < len(unknowncommodities) - 1:\r\n , {unknowncommodities[cur].name}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {unknowncommodities[cur].name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n , although check potential profits for {if len(unknowncommodities) > 1: these |else: this} before confirming the transaction.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Let the user know about any stolen commodities they can sell on the black market}\r\n{if len(stolencommodities) > 0:\r\n {if station.hasblackmarket:\r\n You can fence your stolen\r\n {if len(stolencommodities) = 1:\r\n {stolencommodities[0].name}\r\n |elif len(stolencommodities) = 2:\r\n {stolencommodities[0].name} and {stolencommodities[1].name}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(stolencommodities):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {stolencommodities[cur].name}\r\n |elif cur < len(stolencommodities) - 1:\r\n , {stolencommodities[cur].name}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {stolencommodities[cur].name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n here.\r\n |else:\r\n Reminder: you {OneOf(\"have stolen cargo on-board\", \"have stolen goods on-board\", \"are carrying stolen goods\", \"are carrying stolen cargo\")}.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Let the user know about any mission related commodities they can sell on the black market}\r\n{if len(missioncommodities) > 0 && station.hasblackmarket:\r\n\r\n You can {if len(stolencommodities) > 0: also} {OneOf('offload', 'dump')} your mission related\r\n {if len(missioncommodities) = 1:\r\n {missioncommodities[0].name}\r\n |elif len(missioncommodities) = 2:\r\n {missioncommodities[0].name} and {missioncommodities[1].name}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(missioncommodities):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {missioncommodities[cur].name}\r\n |elif cur < len(missioncommodities) - 1:\r\n , {missioncommodities[cur].name}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {missioncommodities[cur].name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n here.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Commodity sold": {
"name": "Commodity sold",
"description": "Triggered when you sell a commodity to the markets",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'commodity')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'sell')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_name', event.commodity)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\n{if event.amount = 1:\r\n You have just sold one tonne of {event.commodity} for {Humanise(event.price)} credits\r\n|elif event.amount > 1:\r\n You have just sold {event.amount} tonnes of {event.commodity} at {Humanise(event.price)} credits per tonne for a total of {Humanise(event.amount * event.price)} credits\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.price != event.profit:\r\n {if event.profit < 0:\r\n with a loss of {Humanise(-1 * event.profit * event.amount)} credits.\r\n |elif event.profit = 0:\r\n and broke even on the trade.\r\n |else:\r\n with a profit of {Humanise(event.profit * event.amount)} credits.\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'commodity')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'sell')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_name', event.commodity)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_commodity_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\n{if event.amount = 1:\r\n You have just sold one tonne of {event.commodity} for {Humanise(event.price)} credits\r\n|elif event.amount > 1:\r\n You have just sold {event.amount} tonnes of {event.commodity} at {Humanise(event.price)} credits per tonne for a total of {Humanise(event.amount * event.price)} credits\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.price != event.profit:\r\n {if event.profit < 0:\r\n with a loss of {Humanise(-1 * event.profit * event.amount)} credits.\r\n |elif event.profit = 0:\r\n and broke even on the trade.\r\n |else:\r\n with a profit of {Humanise(event.profit * event.amount)} credits.\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Community goal": {
"name": "Community goal",
"description": "Triggered when the status of a community goal changes",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Set Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'community goal')}\r\n\r\n{_ Localize percentile bands }\r\n{set ordinalPercentile(percentile) to:\r\n {if percentile = 10:\r\n tenth\r\n |elif percentile = 25:\r\n twenty-fifth\r\n |elif percentile = 50:\r\n fiftieth\r\n |elif percentile = 75:\r\n seventy-fifth\r\n |else:\r\n one hundredth\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{F(\"Honorific\")}, we have received an update to the community goal \"{}\".\r\n\r\n{for update in event.updates:\r\n {if update.type = \"Tier\":\r\n The goal has reached tier {event.tier}.\r\n |elif update.type = \"Percentile\":\r\n {if event.toprank:\r\n Congratulations! You are now one of the top {event.topranksize} contributors. \r\n |else:\r\n {if update.direction = \"Increase\":\r\n You have reached \r\n |else:\r\n You have fallen to\r\n }\r\n the {Occasionally(2, \"top\")}\r\n {ordinalPercentile(event.percentileband)} percentile band.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.contribution > 0:\r\n Your expected reward is \r\n {Occasionally(2, \"currently\")}\r\n {Humanise(event.tierreward)} credits.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Set Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'community goal')}\r\n\r\n{_ Localize percentile bands }\r\n{set ordinalPercentile(percentile) to:\r\n {if percentile = 10:\r\n tenth\r\n |elif percentile = 25:\r\n twenty-fifth\r\n |elif percentile = 50:\r\n fiftieth\r\n |elif percentile = 75:\r\n seventy-fifth\r\n |else:\r\n one hundredth\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{F(\"Honorific\")}, we have received an update to the community goal \"{}\".\r\n\r\n{for update in event.updates:\r\n {if update.type = \"Tier\":\r\n The goal has reached tier {event.tier}.\r\n |elif update.type = \"Percentile\":\r\n {if event.toprank:\r\n Congratulations! You are now one of the top {event.topranksize} contributors. \r\n |else:\r\n {if update.direction = \"Increase\":\r\n You have reached \r\n |else:\r\n You have fallen to\r\n }\r\n the {Occasionally(2, \"top\")}\r\n {ordinalPercentile(event.percentileband)} percentile band.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.contribution > 0:\r\n Your expected reward is \r\n {Occasionally(2, \"currently\")}\r\n {Humanise(event.tierreward)} credits.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Community goals": {
"name": "Community goals",
"description": "Triggered when checking the status of community goals",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Controlling fighter": {
"name": "Controlling fighter",
"description": "Triggered when you switch control from your ship to your fighter",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{OneOf(\"Neural link\", \"Link\", \"Uplink\")} {Occasionally(2, \"to fighter\")} {OneOf(\"initiated\", \"established\", \"engaged\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{OneOf(\"Neural link\", \"Link\", \"Uplink\")} {Occasionally(2, \"to fighter\")} {OneOf(\"initiated\", \"established\", \"engaged\")}.",
"default": true
"Controlling ship": {
"name": "Controlling ship",
"description": "Triggered when you switch control from your fighter to your ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{OneOf(\"Neural link\", \"Link\", \"Uplink\")} {OneOf(\"terminated\", \"disengaged\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{OneOf(\"Neural link\", \"Link\", \"Uplink\")} {OneOf(\"terminated\", \"disengaged\")}.",
"default": true
"Crew assigned": {
"name": "Crew assigned",
"description": "Triggered when you assign crew",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if event.role = \"Active\":\r\n {} is now on active duty.\r\n|else:\r\n {} standing down from active duty.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if event.role = \"Active\":\r\n {} is now on active duty.\r\n|else:\r\n {} standing down from active duty.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Crew fired": {
"name": "Crew fired",
"description": "Triggered when you fire crew",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'fire')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name',}\r\n\r\n{} has been fired.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'fire')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name',}\r\n\r\n{} has been fired.",
"default": true
"Crew hired": {
"name": "Crew hired",
"description": "Triggered when you hire crew",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'hire')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name',}\r\n\r\n{} has been hired.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'hire')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name',}\r\n\r\n{} has been hired.",
"default": true
"Crew joined": {
"name": "Crew joined",
"description": "Triggered when you join a crew",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'join')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.captain)}\r\n\r\nYou have joined {event.captain}'s crew.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'join')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.captain)}\r\n\r\nYou have joined {event.captain}'s crew.",
"default": true
"Crew left": {
"name": "Crew left",
"description": "Triggered when you leave a crew",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'leave')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.captain)}\r\n\r\nYou have left {event.captain}'s crew.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'leave')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.captain)}\r\n\r\nYou have left {event.captain}'s crew.",
"default": true
"Crew member joined": {
"name": "Crew member joined",
"description": "Triggered when a commander joins your crew",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'join')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.crew)}\r\n\r\n{event.crew} has joined your crew.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'join')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.crew)}\r\n\r\n{event.crew} has joined your crew.",
"default": true
"Crew member launched": {
"name": "Crew member launched",
"description": "Triggered when a crew member launches the fighter",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'launch')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.crew)}\r\n\r\n{event.crew} has launched their fighter.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'launch')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.crew)}\r\n\r\n{event.crew} has launched their fighter.",
"default": true
"Crew member left": {
"name": "Crew member left",
"description": "Triggered when a commander leaves your crew",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'leave')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.crew)}\r\n\r\n{event.crew} has left your crew.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'leave')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.crew)}\r\n\r\n{event.crew} has left your crew.",
"default": true
"Crew member removed": {
"name": "Crew member removed",
"description": "Triggered when you remove a commander from your crew",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'remove')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.crew)}\r\n\r\nYou have removed {event.crew} from your crew.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'remove')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.crew)}\r\n\r\nYou have removed {event.crew} from your crew.",
"default": true
"Crew member role changed": {
"name": "Crew member role changed",
"description": "Triggered when a crew member changes their role",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'role')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.crew)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_role', event.role)}\r\n\r\n{if event.role = 'Idle':\r\n {event.crew} is no longer manning a position\r\n|elif event.role = 'Fighter':\r\n {event.crew} is now manning the fighter\r\n|elif event.role = 'Gunner':\r\n {event.crew} is now manning the guns\r\n}.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'crew')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'role')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_name', event.crew)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_crew_role', event.role)}\r\n\r\n{if event.role = 'Idle':\r\n {event.crew} is no longer manning a position\r\n|elif event.role = 'Fighter':\r\n {event.crew} is now manning the fighter\r\n|elif event.role = 'Gunner':\r\n {event.crew} is now manning the guns\r\n}.\r\n",
"default": true
"Crew paid wage": {
"name": "Crew paid wage",
"description": "Triggered when npc crew receives a profit share",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Crew paid wage }\r\n{_ Triggered when npc crew receives a profit share }\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Crew paid wage }\r\n{_ Triggered when npc crew receives a profit share }\r\n\r\n",
"default": true
"Crew promotion": {
"name": "Crew promotion",
"description": "Triggered when crewmember combat rank increases",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Crew promotion }\r\n{_ Triggered when crewmember combat rank increases }\r\n\r\n\r\nCrew member {} has been promoted to the combat rank of {event.combatrating}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Crew promotion }\r\n{_ Triggered when crewmember combat rank increases }\r\n\r\n\r\nCrew member {} has been promoted to the combat rank of {event.combatrating}.",
"default": true
"Crew role changed": {
"name": "Crew role changed",
"description": "Triggered when your role in the crew changes",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if event.role = 'Gunner':\r\n You are now this crew's gunner.\r\n|elif event.role = 'Fighter':\r\n You are now this crew's fighter pilot.\r\n|elif event.role = 'Idle':\r\n You have been unassigned from active duty.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if event.role = 'Gunner':\r\n You are now this crew's gunner.\r\n|elif event.role = 'Fighter':\r\n You are now this crew's fighter pilot.\r\n|elif event.role = 'Idle':\r\n You have been unassigned from active duty.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Crime check station": {
"name": "Crime check station",
"description": "Check claims, fines & bounties related to the current station",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Preferences }\r\n{set suggestSurrender to 0} {_ set to 1 if you'd like suggestions to turn yourself in to authorities when there is a bounty on your head }\r\n\r\n{set CheckPad(current_station) to:\r\n {set largest_pad to lcase(current_station.largestpad)}\r\n {if largest_pad != \"none\":\r\n {if largest_pad = \"large\":\r\n {return true}\r\n |elif largest_pad = \"medium\":\r\n {if lcase(ship.size) = \"large\":\r\n {return false}\r\n |else:\r\n {return true}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if lcase(ship.size) = \"small\":\r\n {return true}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {return false}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set HasService(service) to:\r\n {if CheckPad(current_station):\r\n {if find(current_station.stationservices, service) > -1:\r\n {return true}\r\n |else:\r\n {return false}\r\n }\r\n |else: {return false}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if state.eddi_context_body_type = 'Station' && && != \"\":\r\n {set current_station to StationDetails(}\r\n {set system_claim_records to []}\r\n {set system_claims to 0}\r\n {set system_fine_records to []}\r\n {set system_fines to 0}\r\n {set system_bounty_records to []}\r\n {set system_bounties to 0}\r\n {set interstellar_fine_records to []}\r\n {set interstellar_fines to 0}\r\n {set interstellar_bounty_records to []}\r\n {set interstellar_bounties to 0} \r\n\r\n {for record in criminalrecord:\r\n {set factionMatched to false}\r\n {for faction in system.factions:\r\n {if record.faction =\r\n\r\n {_ This record can be connected to a local faction }\r\n {set factionMatched to true}\r\n\r\n {if > 0:\r\n {set system_claim_records to cat(system_claim_records, [record.faction])}\r\n {set system_claims to system_claims +}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set reports to record.finesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {if report.shipId = ship.LocalId:\r\n {set system_fines to system_fines + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_fine_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set system_fine_records to cat(system_fine_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set reports to record.bountiesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {if report.shipId = ship.LocalId:\r\n {set system_bounties to system_bounties + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_bounty_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set system_bounty_records to cat(system_bounty_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if !factionMatched:\r\n \r\n {_ This record requires interstellar factors }\r\n \r\n {set reports to record.finesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {if report.shipId = ship.LocalId:\r\n {set interstellar_fines to interstellar_fines + report.amount}\r\n {if find(interstellar_fine_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set interstellar_fine_records to cat(interstellar_fine_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set reports to record.bountiesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {if report.shipId = ship.LocalId:\r\n {set interstellar_bounties to interstellar_bounties + report.amount}\r\n {if find(interstellar_bounty_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set interstellar_bounty_records to cat(interstellar_bounty_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set canPaySystemBounties to system_bounties > 0 && suggestSurrender && HasService(\"Contacts\")}\r\n {set canPaySystemFines to system_fines > 0 && HasService(\"Contacts\")}\r\n {set canPayInterstellarBounties to interstellar_bounties > 0 && HasService(\"Interstellar Factors Contact\")}\r\n {set canPayInterstellarFines to interstellar_fines > 0 && HasService(\"Interstellar Factors Contact\")}\r\n {set canRedeemClaims to system_claims > 0 && HasService(\"Contacts\")}\r\n \r\n {if canPaySystemBounties || canPaySystemFines || canRedeemClaims || canPayInterstellarBounties || canPayInterstellarFines:\r\n {set actions to []}\r\n {if canPaySystemBounties || canPayInterstellarBounties:\r\n {set action to:\r\n clear your pending\r\n {if canPaySystemBounties: local }\r\n {if canPaySystemBounties && canPayInterstellarBounties: and}\r\n {if canPayInterstellarBounties: interstellar } \r\n {if len(system_bounty_records) + len(interstellar_bounty_records) = 1: bounty |else: bounties }\r\n }\r\n {set actions to cat(actions, [action])} \r\n }\r\n {if canPaySystemFines || canPayInterstellarFines: \r\n {set action to:\r\n clear your pending\r\n {if canPaySystemFines: local }\r\n {if canPaySystemFines && canPayInterstellarFines: and}\r\n {if canPayInterstellarFines: interstellar } \r\n {if len(system_fine_records) + len(interstellar_fine_records) = 1: fine |else: fines }\r\n }\r\n {set actions to cat(actions, [action])} \r\n }\r\n {if canRedeemClaims:\r\n {set action to:\r\n claim your pending\r\n {if len(system_claim_records) = 1: reward |else: rewards }\r\n for hunting services rendered\r\n }\r\n {set actions to cat(actions, [action])}\r\n }\r\n There are facilities at this station to {List(actions)}.\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Preferences }\r\n{set suggestSurrender to 0} {_ set to 1 if you'd like suggestions to turn yourself in to authorities when there is a bounty on your head }\r\n\r\n{set CheckPad(current_station) to:\r\n {set largest_pad to lcase(current_station.largestpad)}\r\n {if largest_pad != \"none\":\r\n {if largest_pad = \"large\":\r\n {return true}\r\n |elif largest_pad = \"medium\":\r\n {if lcase(ship.size) = \"large\":\r\n {return false}\r\n |else:\r\n {return true}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if lcase(ship.size) = \"small\":\r\n {return true}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {return false}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set HasService(service) to:\r\n {if CheckPad(current_station):\r\n {if find(current_station.stationservices, service) > -1:\r\n {return true}\r\n |else:\r\n {return false}\r\n }\r\n |else: {return false}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if state.eddi_context_body_type = 'Station' && && != \"\":\r\n {set current_station to StationDetails(}\r\n {set system_claim_records to []}\r\n {set system_claims to 0}\r\n {set system_fine_records to []}\r\n {set system_fines to 0}\r\n {set system_bounty_records to []}\r\n {set system_bounties to 0}\r\n {set interstellar_fine_records to []}\r\n {set interstellar_fines to 0}\r\n {set interstellar_bounty_records to []}\r\n {set interstellar_bounties to 0} \r\n\r\n {for record in criminalrecord:\r\n {set factionMatched to false}\r\n {for faction in system.factions:\r\n {if record.faction =\r\n\r\n {_ This record can be connected to a local faction }\r\n {set factionMatched to true}\r\n\r\n {if > 0:\r\n {set system_claim_records to cat(system_claim_records, [record.faction])}\r\n {set system_claims to system_claims +}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set reports to record.finesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {if report.shipId = ship.LocalId:\r\n {set system_fines to system_fines + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_fine_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set system_fine_records to cat(system_fine_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set reports to record.bountiesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {if report.shipId = ship.LocalId:\r\n {set system_bounties to system_bounties + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_bounty_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set system_bounty_records to cat(system_bounty_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if !factionMatched:\r\n \r\n {_ This record requires interstellar factors }\r\n \r\n {set reports to record.finesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {if report.shipId = ship.LocalId:\r\n {set interstellar_fines to interstellar_fines + report.amount}\r\n {if find(interstellar_fine_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set interstellar_fine_records to cat(interstellar_fine_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set reports to record.bountiesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {if report.shipId = ship.LocalId:\r\n {set interstellar_bounties to interstellar_bounties + report.amount}\r\n {if find(interstellar_bounty_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set interstellar_bounty_records to cat(interstellar_bounty_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set canPaySystemBounties to system_bounties > 0 && suggestSurrender && HasService(\"Contacts\")}\r\n {set canPaySystemFines to system_fines > 0 && HasService(\"Contacts\")}\r\n {set canPayInterstellarBounties to interstellar_bounties > 0 && HasService(\"Interstellar Factors Contact\")}\r\n {set canPayInterstellarFines to interstellar_fines > 0 && HasService(\"Interstellar Factors Contact\")}\r\n {set canRedeemClaims to system_claims > 0 && HasService(\"Contacts\")}\r\n \r\n {if canPaySystemBounties || canPaySystemFines || canRedeemClaims || canPayInterstellarBounties || canPayInterstellarFines:\r\n {set actions to []}\r\n {if canPaySystemBounties || canPayInterstellarBounties:\r\n {set action to:\r\n clear your pending\r\n {if canPaySystemBounties: local }\r\n {if canPaySystemBounties && canPayInterstellarBounties: and}\r\n {if canPayInterstellarBounties: interstellar } \r\n {if len(system_bounty_records) + len(interstellar_bounty_records) = 1: bounty |else: bounties }\r\n }\r\n {set actions to cat(actions, [action])} \r\n }\r\n {if canPaySystemFines || canPayInterstellarFines: \r\n {set action to:\r\n clear your pending\r\n {if canPaySystemFines: local }\r\n {if canPaySystemFines && canPayInterstellarFines: and}\r\n {if canPayInterstellarFines: interstellar } \r\n {if len(system_fine_records) + len(interstellar_fine_records) = 1: fine |else: fines }\r\n }\r\n {set actions to cat(actions, [action])} \r\n }\r\n {if canRedeemClaims:\r\n {set action to:\r\n claim your pending\r\n {if len(system_claim_records) = 1: reward |else: rewards }\r\n for hunting services rendered\r\n }\r\n {set actions to cat(actions, [action])}\r\n }\r\n There are facilities at this station to {List(actions)}.\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Crime check system": {
"name": "Crime check system",
"description": "Check claims, fines & bounties related to the current system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{set system_claim_records to []}\r\n{set system_claims to 0}\r\n{set system_fine_records to []}\r\n{set system_fines to 0}\r\n{set system_bounty_records to []}\r\n{set system_bounties to 0}\r\n{set interstellar_fine_records to []}\r\n{set interstellar_fines to 0}\r\n{set interstellar_bounty_records to []}\r\n{set interstellar_bounties to 0}\r\n{set wanted_faction_count to 0}\r\n\r\n{for record in criminalrecord:\r\n {set factionMatched to false}\r\n {for faction in system.factions:\r\n {if record.faction =\r\n\r\n {_ This record pertains to a faction which is present in the system }\r\n {set factionMatched to true}\r\n \r\n {if > 0:\r\n {set system_claim_records to cat(system_claim_records, [record.faction])}\r\n {set system_claims to system_claims +}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set reports to record.finesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {set system_fines to system_fines + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_fine_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set system_fine_records to cat(system_fine_records, [record.faction])}\r\n {if find(system_bounty_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set wanted_faction_count to wanted_faction_count + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set reports to record.bountiesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {set system_bounties to system_bounties + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_bounty_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set system_bounty_records to cat(system_bounty_records, [record.faction])}\r\n {if find(system_fine_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set wanted_faction_count to wanted_faction_count + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n {if !factionMatched:\r\n\r\n {_ This record pertains to a faction not present in the system }\r\n {set reports to record.finesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {set interstellar_fines to interstellar_fines + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_fine_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set interstellar_fine_records to cat(interstellar_fine_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set reports to record.bountiesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {set interstellar_bounties to interstellar_bounties + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_bounty_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set interstellar_bounty_records to cat(interstellar_bounty_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } \r\n}\r\n\r\n{if wanted_faction_count > 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"Warning\", \"Caution\", \"Alert\")}:\r\n You are wanted in this system by {wanted_faction_count}\r\n {if wanted_faction_count = 1: faction |else: factions},\r\n for total\r\n {if system_fines > 0 && system_bounties > 0:\r\n fines and bounties\r\n |elif system_fines > 0:\r\n fines\r\n |else:\r\n bounties\r\n }\r\n of {Humanise(system_fines + system_bounties)} credits\r\n}\r\n{if len(system_claim_records) > 0:\r\n {if wanted_faction_count > 0: and |else: You}\r\n have earned {if len(system_claim_records) = 1: a reward |else: rewards} \r\n of {Humanise(system_claims)} credits\r\n for local hunting services rendered\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{set system_claim_records to []}\r\n{set system_claims to 0}\r\n{set system_fine_records to []}\r\n{set system_fines to 0}\r\n{set system_bounty_records to []}\r\n{set system_bounties to 0}\r\n{set interstellar_fine_records to []}\r\n{set interstellar_fines to 0}\r\n{set interstellar_bounty_records to []}\r\n{set interstellar_bounties to 0}\r\n{set wanted_faction_count to 0}\r\n\r\n{for record in criminalrecord:\r\n {set factionMatched to false}\r\n {for faction in system.factions:\r\n {if record.faction =\r\n\r\n {_ This record pertains to a faction which is present in the system }\r\n {set factionMatched to true}\r\n \r\n {if > 0:\r\n {set system_claim_records to cat(system_claim_records, [record.faction])}\r\n {set system_claims to system_claims +}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set reports to record.finesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {set system_fines to system_fines + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_fine_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set system_fine_records to cat(system_fine_records, [record.faction])}\r\n {if find(system_bounty_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set wanted_faction_count to wanted_faction_count + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set reports to record.bountiesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {set system_bounties to system_bounties + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_bounty_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set system_bounty_records to cat(system_bounty_records, [record.faction])}\r\n {if find(system_fine_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set wanted_faction_count to wanted_faction_count + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n {if !factionMatched:\r\n\r\n {_ This record pertains to a faction not present in the system }\r\n {set reports to record.finesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {set interstellar_fines to interstellar_fines + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_fine_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set interstellar_fine_records to cat(interstellar_fine_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set reports to record.bountiesIncurred}\r\n {if len(reports) > 0:\r\n {for report in reports:\r\n {set interstellar_bounties to interstellar_bounties + report.amount}\r\n {if find(system_bounty_records, record.faction) < 0:\r\n {set interstellar_bounty_records to cat(interstellar_bounty_records, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } \r\n}\r\n\r\n{if wanted_faction_count > 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"Warning\", \"Caution\", \"Alert\")}:\r\n You are wanted in this system by {wanted_faction_count}\r\n {if wanted_faction_count = 1: faction |else: factions},\r\n for total\r\n {if system_fines > 0 && system_bounties > 0:\r\n fines and bounties\r\n |elif system_fines > 0:\r\n fines\r\n |else:\r\n bounties\r\n }\r\n of {Humanise(system_fines + system_bounties)} credits\r\n}\r\n{if len(system_claim_records) > 0:\r\n {if wanted_faction_count > 0: and |else: You}\r\n have earned {if len(system_claim_records) = 1: a reward |else: rewards} \r\n of {Humanise(system_claims)} credits\r\n for local hunting services rendered\r\n}",
"default": true
"Crime report": {
"name": "Crime report",
"description": "Report on all pending claims, fines, and bounties",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Crime report}\r\n{_ Report on all pending claims, fines, and bounties }\r\n\r\n\r\n{set factions_claims to []}\r\n{set claims_count to 0}\r\n{set factions_fines to []}\r\n{set fines_count to 0}\r\n{set factions_bounties to []}\r\n{set systems_bounties to []}\r\n\r\n{for record in criminalrecord:\r\n {set faction to FactionDetails(record.faction)}\r\n {if faction:\r\n {if record.bounties > 0:\r\n {set factions_bounties to cat(factions_bounties, [record.faction])}\r\n {for presence in faction.presences:\r\n {if find(systems_bounties, presence.systemName) = -1:\r\n {set systems_bounties to cat(systems_bounties, [presence.systemName])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if record.fines > 0:\r\n {set factions_fines to cat(factions_fines, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n {if > 0:\r\n {set factions_claims to cat(factions_claims, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {for report in record.factionReports:\r\n {if !report.bounty && report.crimeEDName != \"none\":\r\n {set fines_count to fines_count + 1}\r\n }\r\n {if report.crimeEDName = \"none\":\r\n {set claims_count to claims_count + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set factions_count to len(factions_bounties)}\r\n{set systems_count to len(systems_bounties)}\r\n\r\n{if factions_count > 0:\r\n You are wanted by {factions_count} {if factions_count = 1: faction |else: factions}\r\n in {systems_count} {if systems_count = 1: system |else: systems} for a total of\r\n {Humanise(bounties)} credits.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set factions_count to len(factions_fines)}\r\n{if factions_count > 0:\r\n You have {fines_count} pending {if fines_count = 1: fine |else: fines} from\r\n {factions_count} {if factions_count = 1: faction |else: factions},\r\n for a total of {Humanise(fines)} credits.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set factions_count to len(factions_claims)}\r\n{if factions_count > 0:\r\n You have {claims_count} uncollected {if claims_count = 1: claim |else: claims} from\r\n {factions_count} {if factions_count = 1: faction |else: factions},\r\n for a total of {Humanise(claims)} credits.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Crime report}\r\n{_ Report on all pending claims, fines, and bounties }\r\n\r\n\r\n{set factions_claims to []}\r\n{set claims_count to 0}\r\n{set factions_fines to []}\r\n{set fines_count to 0}\r\n{set factions_bounties to []}\r\n{set systems_bounties to []}\r\n\r\n{for record in criminalrecord:\r\n {set faction to FactionDetails(record.faction)}\r\n {if faction:\r\n {if record.bounties > 0:\r\n {set factions_bounties to cat(factions_bounties, [record.faction])}\r\n {for presence in faction.presences:\r\n {if find(systems_bounties, presence.systemName) = -1:\r\n {set systems_bounties to cat(systems_bounties, [presence.systemName])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if record.fines > 0:\r\n {set factions_fines to cat(factions_fines, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n {if > 0:\r\n {set factions_claims to cat(factions_claims, [record.faction])}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {for report in record.factionReports:\r\n {if !report.bounty && report.crimeEDName != \"none\":\r\n {set fines_count to fines_count + 1}\r\n }\r\n {if report.crimeEDName = \"none\":\r\n {set claims_count to claims_count + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set factions_count to len(factions_bounties)}\r\n{set systems_count to len(systems_bounties)}\r\n\r\n{if factions_count > 0:\r\n You are wanted by {factions_count} {if factions_count = 1: faction |else: factions}\r\n in {systems_count} {if systems_count = 1: system |else: systems} for a total of\r\n {Humanise(bounties)} credits.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set factions_count to len(factions_fines)}\r\n{if factions_count > 0:\r\n You have {fines_count} pending {if fines_count = 1: fine |else: fines} from\r\n {factions_count} {if factions_count = 1: faction |else: factions},\r\n for a total of {Humanise(fines)} credits.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set factions_count to len(factions_claims)}\r\n{if factions_count > 0:\r\n You have {claims_count} uncollected {if claims_count = 1: claim |else: claims} from\r\n {factions_count} {if factions_count = 1: faction |else: factions},\r\n for a total of {Humanise(claims)} credits.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Damage check": {
"name": "Damage check",
"description": "Check on the levels of damage to your ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{set minor_th to 95}\r\n{set moderate_th to 90}\r\n{set major_th to 80}\r\n{set severe_th to 60}\r\n\r\n{set minor_occ to 10}\r\n{set moderate_occ to 5}\r\n{set major_occ to 0}\r\n{set severe_occ to 0}\r\n\r\n{_ Track if there is any damage}\r\n{set damaged to 0}\r\n\r\n{_ Announce hull health}\r\n{if < 100:\r\n Hull at {Humanise(}%.\r\n {set damaged to 1}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Announce critical module health}\r\n\r\n{set minordamage to []}\r\n{set moderatedamage to []}\r\n{set majordamage to []}\r\n{set severedamage to []}\r\n{set core to [ship.powerplant,\r\n ship.thrusters,\r\n ship.frameshiftdrive,\r\n ship.powerdistributor,\r\n ship.lifesupport,\r\n ship.sensors]}\r\n\r\n{for module in core:\r\n {if < severe_th: {set severedamage to cat(severedamage, [module])}\r\n |elif < major_th: {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [module])}\r\n |elif < moderate_th: {set moderatedamage to cat(moderatedamage, [module])}\r\n |elif < minor_th: {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [module])}\r\n |elif < 100: {set damaged to 1}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(cat(severedamage, majordamage, moderatedamage, minordamage)) > 0: {set damaged to 1}}\r\n\r\n{set damagereport(msg, modlist) to:\r\n\t{if len(modlist) > 0:\r\n\t\t{msg}\r\n \t{if len(modlist) = 1: {modlist[0].name}\r\n \t|elif len(modlist) = 2: {modlist[0].name} and {modlist[1].name}\r\n \t|else:\r\n \t\t{for module in modlist:\r\n \t\t\t{if module = modlist[0]:\r\n \t\t\t\t{}\r\n \t\t\t|elif cur = modlist[len(modlist)-1]:\r\n \t\t\t\t, and {}\r\n \t\t\t|else:\r\n \t\t\t\t, {}\r\n \t\t\t}\r\n \t\t}\r\n \t}\r\n \t.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if Occasionally(severe_occ, \"report\") = \"report\":\r\n\t{damagereport(\"Warning: Severe damage to\", severedamage)}\r\n}\r\n{if Occasionally(major_occ, \"report\") = \"report\":\r\n\t{damagereport(\"Major damage to\", majordamage)}\r\n}\r\n{if Occasionally(moderate_occ, \"report\") = \"report\":\r\n\t{damagereport(\"Moderate damage to\", moderatedamage)}\r\n}\r\n{if Occasionally(minor_occ, \"report\") = \"report\":\r\n\t{damagereport(\"Minor damage to\", minordamage)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Announce other module health}\r\n\r\n{set minordamage to []}\r\n{set majordamage to []}\r\n\r\n{for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if < 60:\r\n {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [])}\r\n |elif < 100:\r\n {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{for hardpoint in ship.hardpoints:\r\n {if < 60:\r\n {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [])}\r\n |elif < 100:\r\n {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(majordamage) > 0:\r\n {set damaged to 1}\r\n {if len(majordamage) = 1:\r\n One other ship component with major damage\r\n |elif len(majordamage) > 1:\r\n {len(majordamage)} other ship components with major damage\r\n }\r\n {if len(minordamage) = 1:\r\n and one other ship component with minor damage\r\n |elif len(minordamage) > 1:\r\n and {len(minordamage)} other ship components with minor damage\r\n }.\r\n|elif len(minordamage) = 1:\r\n {set damaged to 1}\r\n One other ship component with minor damage.\r\n|elif len(minordamage) > 1:\r\n {set damaged to 1}\r\n {len(minordamage)} other ship components with minor damage.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if damaged = 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"All systems fully operational.\", \"{ShipName()} is fully operational.\", \"{ShipName()} is undamaged.\")}\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Track if there is any damage}\r\n{set damaged to 0}\r\n\r\n{_ Announce hull health}\r\n{if < 100:\r\n Hull at {Humanise(}%.\r\n {set damaged to 1}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Announce critical module health}\r\n\r\n{set minordamage to []}\r\n{set majordamage to []}\r\n\r\n{if < 60:\r\n {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [ship.powerplant])}\r\n|elif < 100:\r\n {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [ship.powerplant])}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if < 60:\r\n {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [ship.thrusters])}\r\n|elif < 100:\r\n {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [ship.thrusters])}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if < 60:\r\n {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [ship.frameshiftdrive])}\r\n|elif < 100:\r\n {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [ship.frameshiftdrive])}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if < 60:\r\n {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [ship.powerdistributor])}\r\n|elif < 100:\r\n {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [ship.powerdistributor])}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if < 60:\r\n {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [ship.lifesupport])}\r\n|elif < 100:\r\n {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [ship.lifesupport])}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if < 60:\r\n {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [ship.sensors])}\r\n|elif < 100:\r\n {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [ship.sensors])}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(majordamage) > 0:\r\n {set damaged to 1}\r\n Major damage to\r\n {if len(majordamage) = 1:\r\n {majordamage[0].name}\r\n |elif len(majordamage) = 2:\r\n {majordamage[0].name} and {majordamage[1].name}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(majordamage):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {majordamage[cur].name}\r\n |elif cur < len(majordamage) - 1:\r\n , {majordamage[cur].name}\r\n |else:\r\n ,and {majordamage[cur].name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(minordamage) > 0:\r\n {set damaged to 1}\r\n Minor damage to\r\n {if len(minordamage) = 1:\r\n {minordamage[0].name}\r\n |elif len(minordamage) = 2:\r\n {minordamage[0].name} and {minordamage[1].name}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(minordamage):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {minordamage[cur].name}\r\n |elif cur < len(minordamage) - 1:\r\n , {minordamage[cur].name}\r\n |else:\r\n ,and {minordamage[cur].name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Announce other module health}\r\n\r\n{set minordamage to []}\r\n{set majordamage to []}\r\n\r\n{for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if < 60:\r\n {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [])}\r\n |elif < 100:\r\n {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{for hardpoint in ship.hardpoints:\r\n {if < 60:\r\n {set majordamage to cat(majordamage, [])}\r\n |elif < 100:\r\n {set minordamage to cat(minordamage, [])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(majordamage) > 0:\r\n {set damaged to 1}\r\n {if len(majordamage) = 1:\r\n One other ship component with major damage\r\n |elif len(majordamage) > 1:\r\n {len(majordamage)} other ship components with major damage\r\n }\r\n {if len(minordamage) = 1:\r\n and one other ship component with minor damage\r\n |elif len(minordamage) > 1:\r\n and {len(minordamage)} other ship components with minor damage\r\n }.\r\n|elif len(minordamage) = 1:\r\n {set damaged to 1}\r\n One other ship component with minor damage.\r\n|elif len(minordamage) > 1:\r\n {set damaged to 1}\r\n {len(minordamage)} other ship components with minor damage.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if damaged = 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"All systems fully operational.\", \"{ShipName()} is fully operational.\", \"{ShipName()} is undamaged.\")}\r\n}\r\n",
"default": false
"Data scanned": {
"name": "Data scanned",
"description": "Triggered when scanning some types of data links",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Data scanned }\r\n{_ Triggered when scanning some types of data links }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'data')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_data_scan_type', event.datalinktype)}\r\n\r\nData scan of {event.datalinktype} completed.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Data scanned }\r\n{_ Triggered when scanning some types of data links }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'data')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_data_scan_type', event.datalinktype)}\r\n\r\nData scan of {event.datalinktype} completed.",
"default": true
"Data voucher awarded": {
"name": "Data voucher awarded",
"description": "Triggered when you are awarded a data voucher",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Data voucher awarded }\r\n{_ Triggered when you are awarded a data voucher }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'data_voucher')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'award')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bond_amount', event.reward)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bond_faction', event.payeefaction)}\r\n\r\nData voucher awarded from {P(event.payeefaction, \"faction\")} for {Humanise(event.reward)} credits.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Data voucher awarded }\r\n{_ Triggered when you are awarded a data voucher }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'data_voucher')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'award')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bond_amount', event.reward)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_bond_faction', event.payeefaction)}\r\n\r\nData voucher awarded from {P(event.payeefaction, \"faction\")} for {Humanise(event.reward)} credits.\r\n",
"default": true
"Data voucher redeemed": {
"name": "Data voucher redeemed",
"description": "Triggered when you redeem a data voucher",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'data_voucher')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'redeem')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_data_voucher_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\n{set singular to len(event.rewards) = 1}\r\nData \r\n{if singular: voucher |else: vouchers}\r\nfor {Humanise(event.amount)} credits\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"{if singular: has |else: have} {Occasionally(2, 'now')} been\"))}\r\n{OneOf(\"redeemed\", \"claimed\")}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"\r\n {if singular && len(event.rewards[0].faction) > 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"by\", \"courtesy of\")}\r\n {P(event.rewards[0].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {if len(event.rewards[0].faction) > 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"by\", \"courtesy of\")}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(event.rewards):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n |elif cur < len(event.rewards) - 1:\r\n , \r\n |else:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n {P(event.rewards[cur].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'data_voucher')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'redeem')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_data_voucher_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\n{set singular to len(event.rewards) = 1}\r\nData \r\n{if singular: voucher |else: vouchers}\r\nfor {Humanise(event.amount)} credits\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"{if singular: has |else: have} {Occasionally(2, 'now')} been\"))}\r\n{OneOf(\"redeemed\", \"claimed\")}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"\r\n {if singular && len(event.rewards[0].faction) > 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"by\", \"courtesy of\")}\r\n {P(event.rewards[0].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {if len(event.rewards[0].faction) > 0:\r\n {OneOf(\"by\", \"courtesy of\")}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(event.rewards):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n |elif cur < len(event.rewards) - 1:\r\n , \r\n |else:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n {P(event.rewards[cur].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\")}.",
"default": true
"Datalink message": {
"name": "Datalink message",
"description": "Triggered upon completion of Datalink scan",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Died": {
"name": "Died",
"description": "Triggered when you have died",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if vehicle = \"Ship\":\r\n {ShipName()} was {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"destroyed\", \"demolished\")}\r\n|elif vehicle = \"Fighter\":\r\n Your fighter was {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"destroyed\", \"demolished\")}\r\n|elif vehicle = \"SRV\":\r\n Your {Spacialise(\"SRV\")} was {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"destroyed\", \"demolished\")}\r\n|elif vehicle = \"Taxi\":\r\n Your taxi was {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"destroyed\", \"demolished\")}\r\n|elif vehicle = \"Multicrew\": \r\n The ship was {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"destroyed\", \"demolished\")}\r\n|elif vehicle = \"On Foot\":\r\n You were {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"critically injured\", \"incapacitated\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(event.killers) > 0:\r\n {set killerDescriptions to []}\r\n {for killer in event.killers:\r\n {set killerDescription to:\r\n by\r\n {if StartsWithVowel(killer.rating): an |else: a }\r\n {if find(, \"Cmdr \") >= 0:\r\n {_ Commander }\r\n {killer.rating}-ranked\r\n {token(, \" \", 0, \"Commander \")}\r\n in \r\n {if StartsWithVowel( an |else: a }\r\n {} \r\n |else:\r\n {_ Generic NPC }\r\n {killer.rating}-ranked\r\n {} \r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set killerDescriptions to cat(killerDescriptions, [killerDescription])} \r\n }\r\n {List(killerDescriptions)}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if vehicle = \"Ship\":\r\n {ShipName()} was {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"destroyed\", \"demolished\")}\r\n|elif vehicle = \"Fighter\":\r\n Your fighter was {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"destroyed\", \"demolished\")}\r\n|elif vehicle = \"SRV\":\r\n Your {Spacialise(\"SRV\")} was {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"destroyed\", \"demolished\")}\r\n|elif vehicle = \"Taxi\":\r\n Your taxi was {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"destroyed\", \"demolished\")}\r\n|elif vehicle = \"Multicrew\": \r\n The ship was {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"destroyed\", \"demolished\")}\r\n|elif vehicle = \"On Foot\":\r\n You were {Occasionally(2, \"just\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"critically injured\", \"incapacitated\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(event.killers) > 0:\r\n {set killerDescriptions to []}\r\n {for killer in event.killers:\r\n {set killerDescription to:\r\n by\r\n {if StartsWithVowel(killer.rating): an |else: a }\r\n {if find(, \"Cmdr \") >= 0:\r\n {_ Commander }\r\n {killer.rating}-ranked\r\n {token(, \" \", 0, \"Commander \")}\r\n in \r\n {if StartsWithVowel( an |else: a }\r\n {} \r\n |else:\r\n {_ Generic NPC }\r\n {killer.rating}-ranked\r\n {} \r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set killerDescriptions to cat(killerDescriptions, [killerDescription])} \r\n }\r\n {List(killerDescriptions)}\r\n}",
"default": true
"Discovery scan": {
"name": "Discovery scan",
"description": "Triggered when performing a full system scan (honk)",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(system.systemname)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which system you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n {if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || \r\n (ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\" && len(reportSystem.factions) = 0):\r\n\r\n {if reportSystem:\r\n \t{set reportedBodies to len(reportSystem.bodies)}\r\n {if 0 < reportedBodies && reportedBodies < event.totalbodies:\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n\r\n {set scannedBodies to 0}\r\n {for body in reportSystem.bodies:\r\n {if body.scanned:\r\n {set scannedBodies to scannedBodies + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set bodiesToScan to (event.totalbodies- scannedBodies)}\r\n\r\n {if bodiesToScan = 1:\r\n \tOne body remains to be scanned\r\n |elif scannedBodies < event.totalbodies:\r\n {OneOf(\r\n \"{scannedBodies} out of {event.totalbodies} bodies {if scannedBodies != 1: have been scanned |else: has been scanned}\", \r\n \"{bodiesToScan} bodies remain to be scanned\"\r\n )}\r\n {Occasionally(3, OneOf(\"here\", \"in this system\"))}.\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {set bodiesToMap to F(\"Bodies to map\")}\r\n {if bodiesToMap:\r\n {bodiesToMap}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {F(\"System scan complete\")}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(system.systemname)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which system you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n {if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || \r\n (ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\" && len(reportSystem.factions) = 0):\r\n\r\n {if reportSystem:\r\n \t{set reportedBodies to len(reportSystem.bodies)}\r\n {if 0 < reportedBodies && reportedBodies < event.totalbodies:\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n\r\n {set scannedBodies to 0}\r\n {for body in reportSystem.bodies:\r\n {if body.scanned:\r\n {set scannedBodies to scannedBodies + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set bodiesToScan to (event.totalbodies- scannedBodies)}\r\n\r\n {if bodiesToScan = 1:\r\n \tOne body remains to be scanned\r\n |elif scannedBodies < event.totalbodies:\r\n {OneOf(\r\n \"{scannedBodies} out of {event.totalbodies} bodies {if scannedBodies != 1: have been scanned |else: has been scanned}\", \r\n \"{bodiesToScan} bodies remain to be scanned\"\r\n )}\r\n {Occasionally(3, OneOf(\"here\", \"in this system\"))}.\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {set bodiesToMap to F(\"Bodies to map\")}\r\n {if bodiesToMap:\r\n {bodiesToMap}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": false
"Disembark": {
"name": "Disembark",
"description": "Triggered when you transition from a ship or SRV to on foot",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Docked": {
"name": "Docked",
"description": "Triggered when your ship docks at a station or outpost",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if event.state = \"Damaged\": Emergency}\r\nDocking complete.\r\n\r\n{if event.activefine || event.wanted:\r\n Anonymous protocols are in effect.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.cockpitbreached:\r\n Canopy repair highly recommended.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if event.state = \"Damaged\": Emergency}\r\nDocking complete.\r\n\r\n{if event.activefine || event.wanted:\r\n Anonymous protocols are in effect.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.cockpitbreached:\r\n Canopy repair highly recommended.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Docking cancelled": {
"name": "Docking cancelled",
"description": "Triggered when your ship cancels a docking request at a station or outpost",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Docking request cancelled.",
"defaultValue": "Docking request cancelled.",
"default": true
"Docking denied": {
"name": "Docking denied",
"description": "Triggered when your ship is denied docking at a station or outpost",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{Pause(2000)}\r\n\r\nWe have been denied docking\r\n\r\n{if event.reason = \"ActiveFighter\":\r\n because our fighter is deployed\r\n|elif event.reason = \"Distance\":\r\n because we are too far from the station\r\n|elif event.reason = \"Hostile\":\r\n because the station's controlling faction doesn't like us\r\n|elif event.reason = \"NoSpace\":\r\n because there is no space available\r\n|elif event.reason = \"Offences\":\r\n because we have recently committed an offence against them\r\n|elif event.reason = \"TooLarge\":\r\n because there are no landing pads that can accomodate the size of our ship\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "{Pause(2000)}\r\n\r\nWe have been denied docking\r\n\r\n{if event.reason = \"ActiveFighter\":\r\n because our fighter is deployed\r\n|elif event.reason = \"Distance\":\r\n because we are too far from the station\r\n|elif event.reason = \"Hostile\":\r\n because the station's controlling faction doesn't like us\r\n|elif event.reason = \"NoSpace\":\r\n because there is no space available\r\n|elif event.reason = \"Offences\":\r\n because we have recently committed an offence against them\r\n|elif event.reason = \"TooLarge\":\r\n because there are no landing pads that can accomodate the size of our ship\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Docking granted": {
"name": "Docking granted",
"description": "Triggered when your ship is granted docking permission at a station or outpost",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'landing pad')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_station', event.station)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_station_model', event.stationtype)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_pad', event.landingpad)}\r\n\r\n{if event.stationDefinition.basename = \"Coriolis\" || \r\n event.stationDefinition.basename = \"Orbis\" || \r\n event.stationDefinition.basename = \"Bernal\" || \r\n event.stationDefinition.basename = \"Ocellus\" || \r\n event.stationDefinition.basename = \"AsteroidBase\":\r\n {Pause(8000)}\r\n {F(\"Landing pad report\")}\r\n|else:\r\n {Pause(8000)}\r\n Landing pad {event.landingpad}\r\n {OneOf('ready', 'assigned', 'allocated')}\r\n {Occasionally(4, cat(', ', F('Honorific') ))}.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'landing pad')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_station', event.station)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_station_model', event.stationtype)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_pad', event.landingpad)}\r\n\r\n{if event.stationDefinition.basename = \"Coriolis\" || \r\n event.stationDefinition.basename = \"Orbis\" || \r\n event.stationDefinition.basename = \"Bernal\" || \r\n event.stationDefinition.basename = \"Ocellus\" || \r\n event.stationDefinition.basename = \"AsteroidBase\":\r\n {Pause(8000)}\r\n {F(\"Landing pad report\")}\r\n|else:\r\n {Pause(8000)}\r\n Landing pad {event.landingpad}\r\n {OneOf('ready', 'assigned', 'allocated')}\r\n {Occasionally(4, cat(', ', F('Honorific') ))}.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Docking requested": {
"name": "Docking requested",
"description": "Triggered when your ship requests docking at a station or outpost",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Docking timed out": {
"name": "Docking timed out",
"description": "Triggered when your docking request times out",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "No response to our docking request.",
"defaultValue": "No response to our docking request.",
"default": true
"Dropship deployment": {
"name": "Dropship deployment",
"description": "Triggered when exiting a military dropship at an on-foot conflict zone",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Embark": {
"name": "Embark",
"description": "Triggered when you transition from on foot to a ship or SRV",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if !event.tosrv && state.eddi_context_srv_deployed_id:\r\n Your {Spacialise(\"SRV\")} is still deployed, {F('Honorific')}, and will be destroyed if abandoned.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if !event.tosrv && state.eddi_context_srv_deployed_id:\r\n Your {Spacialise(\"SRV\")} is still deployed, {F('Honorific')}, and will be destroyed if abandoned.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Empire honorific": {
"name": "Empire honorific",
"description": "Function to provide a suitable honorific for your commander when in the empire",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Forms of address taken from <>}\r\n{if cmdr.empirerating.rank <= 4: {_ Commoner }\r\n commander\r\n|elif cmdr.empirerating.rank = 5: {_ Knight / Dame }\r\n {if cmdr.gender = \"Male\": \r\n sir \r\n |elif cmdr.gender = \"Female\": \r\n madam\r\n |else: \r\n commander\r\n }\r\n|elif cmdr.empirerating.rank <= 11: {_ Peer / Peeress }\r\n {if cmdr.gender = \"Male\": \r\n {OneOf(\"my lord\", \"your lordship\")}\r\n |elif cmdr.gender = \"Female\": \r\n {OneOf(\"my lady\", \"your ladyship\")}\r\n |else: \r\n commander\r\n }\r\n|elif cmdr.empirerating.rank = 12:\r\n your grace\r\n|elif cmdr.empirerating.rank = 13:\r\n your royal highness\r\n|elif cmdr.empirerating.rank = 14:\r\n your majesty\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Forms of address taken from <>}\r\n{if cmdr.empirerating.rank <= 4: {_ Commoner }\r\n commander\r\n|elif cmdr.empirerating.rank = 5: {_ Knight / Dame }\r\n {if cmdr.gender = \"Male\": \r\n sir \r\n |elif cmdr.gender = \"Female\": \r\n madam\r\n |else: \r\n commander\r\n }\r\n|elif cmdr.empirerating.rank <= 11: {_ Peer / Peeress }\r\n {if cmdr.gender = \"Male\": \r\n {OneOf(\"my lord\", \"your lordship\")}\r\n |elif cmdr.gender = \"Female\": \r\n {OneOf(\"my lady\", \"your ladyship\")}\r\n |else: \r\n commander\r\n }\r\n|elif cmdr.empirerating.rank = 12:\r\n your grace\r\n|elif cmdr.empirerating.rank = 13:\r\n your royal highness\r\n|elif cmdr.empirerating.rank = 14:\r\n your majesty\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Engineer contributed": {
"name": "Engineer contributed",
"description": "Triggered when contributing resources to an engineer in exchange for access",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{} \r\nthanks you for contributing\r\n{if event.contributiontype = \"Commodity\":\r\n {event.amount} tonne{if event.amount != 1:s} \r\n|elif event.contributiontype = \"Material\":\r\n {if material.category = 'Data':\r\n {event.amount} {OneOf(\"unit\", \"sample\", \"record\")}{if event.amount != 1:s}\r\n |else:\r\n {event.amount} {OneOf(\"unit\", \"sample\", \"fragment\")}{if event.amount != 1:s}\r\n }\r\n}\r\nof {event.contribution}.",
"defaultValue": "{} \r\nthanks you for contributing\r\n{if event.contributiontype = \"Commodity\":\r\n {event.amount} tonne{if event.amount != 1:s} \r\n|elif event.contributiontype = \"Material\":\r\n {if material.category = 'Data':\r\n {event.amount} {OneOf(\"unit\", \"sample\", \"record\")}{if event.amount != 1:s}\r\n |else:\r\n {event.amount} {OneOf(\"unit\", \"sample\", \"fragment\")}{if event.amount != 1:s}\r\n }\r\n}\r\nof {event.contribution}.",
"default": true
"Engineer progressed": {
"name": "Engineer progressed",
"description": "Triggered when you reach a new rank with an engineer",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if event.progresstype = \"Stage\":\r\n\r\n {if event.stage = \"Known\":\r\n The Engineer {} has sent you a message.\r\n |elif event.stage = \"Invited\":\r\n Workshop invitation received from {}.\r\n |elif event.stage = \"Unlocked\":\r\n {} has granted you access to workshop facilities.\r\n |elif event.stage = \"Barred\":\r\n {} has {OneOf(\"barred\", \"restricted\")} your access to workshop facilities.\r\n }\r\n\r\n|elif\r\n\r\n {} has\r\n {OneOf(\"given\", \"granted\")}\r\n you access to grade {event.rank} blueprints.\r\n\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if event.progresstype = \"Stage\":\r\n\r\n {if event.stage = \"Known\":\r\n The Engineer {} has sent you a message.\r\n |elif event.stage = \"Invited\":\r\n Workshop invitation received from {}.\r\n |elif event.stage = \"Unlocked\":\r\n {} has granted you access to workshop facilities.\r\n |elif event.stage = \"Barred\":\r\n {} has {OneOf(\"barred\", \"restricted\")} your access to workshop facilities.\r\n }\r\n\r\n|elif\r\n\r\n {} has\r\n {OneOf(\"given\", \"granted\")}\r\n you access to grade {event.rank} blueprints.\r\n\r\n}",
"default": true
"Engineer report": {
"name": "Engineer report",
"description": "Report on the engineer in a contextual system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set systemname to state.eddi_context_system_name}\r\n|else:\r\n {set systemname to system.systemname}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !systemname || systemname = \"\":\r\n\r\n I'm not sure which system you are asking about.\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {set reportEngineer to EngineerDetails(systemname)}\r\n {if reportEngineer:\r\n This system is home to {}\r\n {if len(reportEngineer.majorspecialties) + len(reportEngineer.minorspecialties) > 0 :, who}\r\n {if len(reportEngineer.majorspecialties) > 0:\r\n specializes in {OneOf(\"improving\", \"upgrading\")}\r\n {List(reportEngineer.majorspecialties)}.\r\n }\r\n {if len(reportEngineer.minorspecialties) > 0:\r\n {if len(reportEngineer.majorspecialties) > 0: \r\n They also {Occasionally(2, \"can\")} \r\n {OneOf(\"improve\", \"upgrade\")}\r\n |else: \r\n {OneOf(\"improves\", \"upgrades\")}\r\n }\r\n {List(reportEngineer.minorspecialties)}\r\n }.\r\n You can find {} at {P(reportEngineer.stationname, \"station\")}.\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set systemname to state.eddi_context_system_name}\r\n|else:\r\n {set systemname to system.systemname}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !systemname || systemname = \"\":\r\n\r\n I'm not sure which system you are asking about.\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {set reportEngineer to EngineerDetails(systemname)}\r\n {if reportEngineer:\r\n This system is home to {}\r\n {if len(reportEngineer.majorspecialties) + len(reportEngineer.minorspecialties) > 0 :, who}\r\n {if len(reportEngineer.majorspecialties) > 0:\r\n specializes in {OneOf(\"improving\", \"upgrading\")}\r\n {List(reportEngineer.majorspecialties)}.\r\n }\r\n {if len(reportEngineer.minorspecialties) > 0:\r\n {if len(reportEngineer.majorspecialties) > 0: \r\n They also {Occasionally(2, \"can\")} \r\n {OneOf(\"improve\", \"upgrade\")}\r\n |else: \r\n {OneOf(\"improves\", \"upgrades\")}\r\n }\r\n {List(reportEngineer.minorspecialties)}\r\n }.\r\n You can find {} at {P(reportEngineer.stationname, \"station\")}.\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Entered CQC": {
"name": "Entered CQC",
"description": "Triggered when you enter CQC",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Entering close-quarters combat.",
"defaultValue": "Entering close-quarters combat.",
"default": true
"Entered normal space": {
"name": "Entered normal space",
"description": "Triggered when your ship enters normal space",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Entered normal space }\r\n{_ Triggered when your ship enters normal space }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fsd')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'disengage')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name', event.body)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_type', event.bodytype)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system', event.system)}\r\n\r\n{set station_notifications to:\r\n {set station_missions to F(\"Mission check station\")}\r\n {set station_crimes to F(\"Crime check station\")}\r\n {if station_missions || station_crimes:\r\n {_ Pause for station ATC before speaking again _}\r\n {Pause(5000)}\r\n Information:\r\n {if station_missions:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {station_missions}\r\n }\r\n {if station_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {station_crimes}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(500)}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"{ShipName()} has\", \"\")} \r\n{OneOf(\"left supercruise\", \"{OneOf(\\\"entered\\\", \\\"returned to\\\", \\\"dropped to\\\")} normal space\")}\r\n\r\n{if event.bodytype_invariant = 'Planet':\r\n {OneOf(\"near\", \"close to\", \"in the vicinity of\")}\r\n {set time to SecondsSince(0) - state.eddi_context_approach_time}\r\n {if time < 60:\r\n {set settlement to state.eddi_context_last_settlement}\r\n {set reportStation to StationDetails(settlement, event.system)}\r\n {if reportStation:\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_body_name', settlement)}\r\n {if reportStation.Model.invariantName != \"Unknown Station\":\r\n {P(reportStation.model, \"station\")},\r\n } \r\n {P(settlement, \"station\")}\r\n {station_notifications}\r\n |else:\r\n {P(settlement, \"station\")}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {set reportBody to BodyDetails(event.body, event.system)}\r\n {reportBody.bodytype)} {P(, \"body\")}\r\n }\r\n|elif event.bodytype_invariant = 'Star':\r\n {set reportBody to BodyDetails(event.body, event.system)}\r\n {OneOf(\"near\", \"close to\", \"in the vicinity of\")} {reportBody.bodytype)} {P(, \"body\")}\r\n|elif event.bodytype_invariant = 'Station':\r\n {set reportStation to StationDetails(event.body, event.system)}\r\n {OneOf(\"near\", \"close to\", \"in the vicinity of\")}\r\n {P(reportStation.model, \"station\")}, {P(event.body, \"body\")}\r\n {station_notifications}\r\n|elif event.bodytype_invariant = 'Planetary Ring':\r\n {event.bodytype} {P(token(event.body,\" Ring\",0), \"body\")}\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Entered normal space }\r\n{_ Triggered when your ship enters normal space }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fsd')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'disengage')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name', event.body)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_type', event.bodytype)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system', event.system)}\r\n\r\n{set station_notifications to:\r\n {set station_missions to F(\"Mission check station\")}\r\n {set station_crimes to F(\"Crime check station\")}\r\n {if station_missions || station_crimes:\r\n {_ Pause for station ATC before speaking again _}\r\n {Pause(5000)}\r\n Information:\r\n {if station_missions:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {station_missions}\r\n }\r\n {if station_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {station_crimes}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(500)}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"{ShipName()} has\", \"\")} \r\n{OneOf(\"left supercruise\", \"{OneOf(\\\"entered\\\", \\\"returned to\\\", \\\"dropped to\\\")} normal space\")}\r\n\r\n{if event.bodytype_invariant = 'Planet':\r\n {OneOf(\"near\", \"close to\", \"in the vicinity of\")}\r\n {set time to SecondsSince(0) - state.eddi_context_approach_time}\r\n {if time < 60:\r\n {set settlement to state.eddi_context_last_settlement}\r\n {set reportStation to StationDetails(settlement, event.system)}\r\n {if reportStation:\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_body_name', settlement)}\r\n {if reportStation.Model.invariantName != \"Unknown Station\":\r\n {P(reportStation.model, \"station\")},\r\n } \r\n {P(settlement, \"station\")}\r\n {station_notifications}\r\n |else:\r\n {P(settlement, \"station\")}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {set reportBody to BodyDetails(event.body, event.system)}\r\n {reportBody.bodytype)} {P(, \"body\")}\r\n }\r\n|elif event.bodytype_invariant = 'Star':\r\n {set reportBody to BodyDetails(event.body, event.system)}\r\n {OneOf(\"near\", \"close to\", \"in the vicinity of\")} {reportBody.bodytype)} {P(, \"body\")}\r\n|elif event.bodytype_invariant = 'Station':\r\n {set reportStation to StationDetails(event.body, event.system)}\r\n {OneOf(\"near\", \"close to\", \"in the vicinity of\")}\r\n {P(reportStation.model, \"station\")}, {P(event.body, \"body\")}\r\n {station_notifications}\r\n|elif event.bodytype_invariant = 'Planetary Ring':\r\n {event.bodytype} {P(token(event.body,\" Ring\",0), \"body\")}\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Entered signal source": {
"name": "Entered signal source",
"description": "Triggered when your ship enters a signal source",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{set warninglevel to:\r\n {set entered to OneOf(\"Entered\", \"Dropped into\", \"Entering\")}\r\n {if event.threat < 2:\r\n {entered}\r\n |elif event.threat = 2:\r\n Caution: {entered} medium threat\r\n |elif event.threat = 3:\r\n Warning: {entered} high-threat\r\n |elif event.threat = 4:\r\n Danger: {entered} very high-threat\r\n |elif event.threat = 5:\r\n Extreme Danger: {Occasionally(2, entered)} very high-threat\r\n |elif event.threat = 6:\r\n Extreme Danger: {Occasionally(2, entered)} extremely high-threat\r\n |elif event.threat = 7:\r\n Extreme Danger: {Occasionally(2, entered)} ultra high-threat\r\n |else:\r\n Extreme Danger: {Occasionally(2, entered)} Unprecedented level {event.threat} threat\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set source to token(event.source, \"$USS_Type_\", 1)}\r\n\r\n{if source = \"Aftermath;\":\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"combat aftermath\", \"dissipating combat\")}\r\n|elif ((source = \"Anomaly;\" || source = \"Salvage;\") && event.threat = 2):\r\n {set warninglevel to entered}\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"alien\", \"xeno\", \"non-human\", \"Thargoid probe\")}\r\n|elif (source = \"Anomaly;\" && event.threat = 4):\r\n {set warninglevel to entered}\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"alien\", \"xeno\", \"non-human\", \"Thargoid sensor\")}\r\n|elif source = \"Anomaly;\":\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"anomalous\", \"unknown\", \"mysterious\")}\r\n|elif source = \"Ceremonial;\":\r\n {set source to \"ceremonial comms\"}\r\n|elif source = \"Convoy;\":\r\n {set source to \"convoy\"}\r\n|elif source = \"DisruptedWakeEchoes;\":\r\n {set source to \"\"}\r\n|elif source = \"DistressSignal;\":\r\n {set source to \"distress\"}\r\n|elif source = \"MissionTarget;\":\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"mission\", \"mission encoded\")}\r\n|elif source = \"NonHuman;\":\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"alien\", \"xeno\", \"non-human\")}\r\n|elif source = \"Salvage;\":\r\n {set source to \"degraded emissions\"}\r\n|elif source = \"ValuableSalvage;\":\r\n {set source to \"encoded emissions\"}\r\n|elif source = \"VeryValuableSalvage;\":\r\n {set source to \"high grade emissions\"}\r\n|elif source = \"WeaponsFire;\":\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"combat\", \"weapons fire\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(2000)}\r\n{warninglevel} {source} signal source. \r\n\r\n{if system.state = \"Anarchy\" && source = \"degraded emissions\" && system.population > 0: \r\n {Occasionally(2, \"\r\n Caution:\r\n {set local to OneOf('local', 'nearby')}\r\n {set chatter to OneOf('chatter', 'gossip', 'rumor')}\r\n {set indicate to OneOf('claims', 'suggests', 'implies', 'reports')}\r\n {OneOf('{local} transmissions {indicate}', \r\n '{chatter} in {local} transmissions {indicate}')}\r\n {Occasionally(3, 'that there is')}\r\n {OneOf('increased', 'elevated', 'heightened')}\r\n {OneOf('criminal {Occasionally(2, \\\\'syndicate\\\\')}', \r\n 'pirate {Occasionally(2, OneOf(\\\\'gang\\\\', \\\\'clan\\\\'))}' )}\r\n {OneOf('activity', 'presence')}\r\n in {OneOf('the area', 'the vicinity', 'this sector', 'this system')}.\r\n {OneOf('Remain', 'Stay', 'Keep')} {OneOf('vigilant', 'alert', 'frosty', 'sharp')} \r\n {Occasionally(3,' {F(\\\\'Honorific\\\\')}' )}.\r\n \")}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{set warninglevel to:\r\n {set entered to OneOf(\"Entered\", \"Dropped into\", \"Entering\")}\r\n {if event.threat < 2:\r\n {entered}\r\n |elif event.threat = 2:\r\n Caution: {entered} medium threat\r\n |elif event.threat = 3:\r\n Warning: {entered} high-threat\r\n |elif event.threat = 4:\r\n Danger: {entered} very high-threat\r\n |elif event.threat = 5:\r\n Extreme Danger: {Occasionally(2, entered)} very high-threat\r\n |elif event.threat = 6:\r\n Extreme Danger: {Occasionally(2, entered)} extremely high-threat\r\n |elif event.threat = 7:\r\n Extreme Danger: {Occasionally(2, entered)} ultra high-threat\r\n |else:\r\n Extreme Danger: {Occasionally(2, entered)} Unprecedented level {event.threat} threat\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set source to token(event.source, \"$USS_Type_\", 1)}\r\n\r\n{if source = \"Aftermath;\":\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"combat aftermath\", \"dissipating combat\")}\r\n|elif ((source = \"Anomaly;\" || source = \"Salvage;\") && event.threat = 2):\r\n {set warninglevel to entered}\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"alien\", \"xeno\", \"non-human\", \"Thargoid probe\")}\r\n|elif (source = \"Anomaly;\" && event.threat = 4):\r\n {set warninglevel to entered}\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"alien\", \"xeno\", \"non-human\", \"Thargoid sensor\")}\r\n|elif source = \"Anomaly;\":\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"anomalous\", \"unknown\", \"mysterious\")}\r\n|elif source = \"Ceremonial;\":\r\n {set source to \"ceremonial comms\"}\r\n|elif source = \"Convoy;\":\r\n {set source to \"convoy\"}\r\n|elif source = \"DisruptedWakeEchoes;\":\r\n {set source to \"\"}\r\n|elif source = \"DistressSignal;\":\r\n {set source to \"distress\"}\r\n|elif source = \"MissionTarget;\":\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"mission\", \"mission encoded\")}\r\n|elif source = \"NonHuman;\":\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"alien\", \"xeno\", \"non-human\")}\r\n|elif source = \"Salvage;\":\r\n {set source to \"degraded emissions\"}\r\n|elif source = \"ValuableSalvage;\":\r\n {set source to \"encoded emissions\"}\r\n|elif source = \"VeryValuableSalvage;\":\r\n {set source to \"high grade emissions\"}\r\n|elif source = \"WeaponsFire;\":\r\n {set source to OneOf(\"combat\", \"weapons fire\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(2000)}\r\n{warninglevel} {source} signal source. \r\n\r\n{if system.state = \"Anarchy\" && source = \"degraded emissions\" && system.population > 0: \r\n {Occasionally(2, \"\r\n Caution:\r\n {set local to OneOf('local', 'nearby')}\r\n {set chatter to OneOf('chatter', 'gossip', 'rumor')}\r\n {set indicate to OneOf('claims', 'suggests', 'implies', 'reports')}\r\n {OneOf('{local} transmissions {indicate}', \r\n '{chatter} in {local} transmissions {indicate}')}\r\n {Occasionally(3, 'that there is')}\r\n {OneOf('increased', 'elevated', 'heightened')}\r\n {OneOf('criminal {Occasionally(2, \\\\'syndicate\\\\')}', \r\n 'pirate {Occasionally(2, OneOf(\\\\'gang\\\\', \\\\'clan\\\\'))}' )}\r\n {OneOf('activity', 'presence')}\r\n in {OneOf('the area', 'the vicinity', 'this sector', 'this system')}.\r\n {OneOf('Remain', 'Stay', 'Keep')} {OneOf('vigilant', 'alert', 'frosty', 'sharp')} \r\n {Occasionally(3,' {F(\\\\'Honorific\\\\')}' )}.\r\n \")}\r\n}",
"default": true
"Entered supercruise": {
"name": "Entered supercruise",
"description": "Triggered when your ship enters supercruise",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fsd')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'engage')}\r\n\r\n{Pause(1000)}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"{ShipName()} has\")} {OneOf(\"entered\", \"jumped to\")} supercruise.\r\n\r\n{_ Report on the state of any pending fines, bounties, or claims }\r\n{if state.eddi_context_criminal_record_change:\r\n {set crimeCheck to F(\"Crime check system\")}\r\n {if crimeCheck:\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n {crimeCheck}\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fsd')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'engage')}\r\n\r\n{Pause(1000)}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"{ShipName()} has\")} {OneOf(\"entered\", \"jumped to\")} supercruise.\r\n\r\n{_ Report on the state of any pending fines, bounties, or claims }\r\n{if state.eddi_context_criminal_record_change:\r\n {set crimeCheck to F(\"Crime check system\")}\r\n {if crimeCheck:\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n {crimeCheck}\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Exploration data purchased": {
"name": "Exploration data purchased",
"description": "Triggered when you purchase exploration data",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{OneOf(\"Purchased {OneOf('system', 'exploration')} data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')}\",\r\n \"{OneOf('system', 'exploration')} data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} now available\",\r\n \"{Occasionally(3, '{ShipName()} has')} Received {OneOf('system', 'exploration')} data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} from station services\",\r\n \"Receipt of {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} {OneOf('system', 'exploration')} data confirmed\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{OneOf(\"Purchased {OneOf('system', 'exploration')} data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')}\",\r\n \"{OneOf('system', 'exploration')} data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} now available\",\r\n \"{Occasionally(3, '{ShipName()} has')} Received {OneOf('system', 'exploration')} data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} from station services\",\r\n \"Receipt of {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} {OneOf('system', 'exploration')} data confirmed\")}.",
"default": true
"Exploration data sold": {
"name": "Exploration data sold",
"description": "Triggered when you sell exploration data",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Exploration data for {len(} \r\n{if len( = 1: system |else: systems} \r\nsold for {Humanise(} credits\r\n\r\n{if event.bonus > 0:\r\n , including a bonus of {Humanise(event.bonus)} credits for first discoveries\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "Exploration data for {len(} \r\n{if len( = 1: system |else: systems} \r\nsold for {Humanise(} credits\r\n\r\n{if event.bonus > 0:\r\n , including a bonus of {Humanise(event.bonus)} credits for first discoveries\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Fighter docked": {
"name": "Fighter docked",
"description": "Triggered when you dock a fighter with your ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Fighter {OneOf(\"docked\", \"redocked\")} {Occasionally(2, \"with ship\")}.",
"defaultValue": "Fighter {OneOf(\"docked\", \"redocked\")} {Occasionally(2, \"with ship\")}.",
"default": true
"Fighter launched": {
"name": "Fighter launched",
"description": "Triggered when you launch a fighter from your ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Fighter {OneOf(\"deploying\", \"launching\")} {Occasionally(2, \"from mothership\")}.",
"defaultValue": "Fighter {OneOf(\"deploying\", \"launching\")} {Occasionally(2, \"from mothership\")}.",
"default": true
"Fighter rebuilt": {
"name": "Fighter rebuilt",
"description": "Triggered when a ship's fighter is rebuilt in the hangar",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Fighter {OneOf(\"rebuilt\", \"reconstruction complete\")} and ready for {OneOf(\"launch\", \"deployment\")}.",
"defaultValue": "Fighter {OneOf(\"rebuilt\", \"reconstruction complete\")} and ready for {OneOf(\"launch\", \"deployment\")}.",
"default": true
"File Header": {
"name": "File Header",
"description": "Triggered when the file header is read",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Fine incurred": {
"name": "Fine incurred",
"description": "Triggered when you incur a fine",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fine')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'incur')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fine_name', event.victim)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fine_faction', event.faction)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fine_amount', event.fine)}\r\n{SetState(\"eddi_context_criminal_record_change\", true)}\r\n\r\nFine {OneOf('assigned', 'received', 'incurred', 'issued against you')} for {event.crime}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fine')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'incur')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fine_name', event.victim)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fine_faction', event.faction)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fine_amount', event.fine)}\r\n{SetState(\"eddi_context_criminal_record_change\", true)}\r\n\r\nFine {OneOf('assigned', 'received', 'incurred', 'issued against you')} for {event.crime}.",
"default": true
"Fine paid": {
"name": "Fine paid",
"description": "Triggered when you pay a fine",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fine')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'pay')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fine_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\n\r\nPaid fine of {Humanise(event.amount)} credits.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fine')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'pay')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fine_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\n\r\nPaid fine of {Humanise(event.amount)} credits.",
"default": true
"Flight assist": {
"name": "Flight assist",
"description": "Triggered when flight assist is toggled",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Friends status": {
"name": "Friends status",
"description": "Triggered when a friendly commander changes status",
"enabled": false,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Set uselist to \"white\" or \"black\", depending on which list you want to use to filter people _}\r\n{_ \"white\" will only allow notifications from people in this list (e.g. \"User1\", \"User2\", & \"User3\") _}\r\n{_ \"black\" will allow all notification EXCEPT those on this list (e.g. \"User4\", \"User5\", & \"User6\") _}\r\n{_ to allow all notifications, you may also use an empty blacklist (i.e. \"set blacklist to []\" _}\r\n\r\n{set uselist to \"black\"}\r\n\r\n{set whitelist to [\"User1\", \"User2\", \"User3\"]}\r\n{set blacklist to [\"User4\", \"User5\", \"User6\"]}\r\n\r\n{if\r\n {if uselist = \"white\":\r\n {if find(whitelist, > -1:\r\n {} is now {event.status}.\r\n }\r\n |elif uselist = \"black\":\r\n {if find(blacklist, = -1:\r\n {} is now {event.status}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n I don't know who you are talking about.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Set uselist to \"white\" or \"black\", depending on which list you want to use to filter people _}\r\n{_ \"white\" will only allow notifications from people in this list (e.g. \"User1\", \"User2\", & \"User3\") _}\r\n{_ \"black\" will allow all notification EXCEPT those on this list (e.g. \"User4\", \"User5\", & \"User6\") _}\r\n{_ to allow all notifications, you may also use an empty blacklist (i.e. \"set blacklist to []\" _}\r\n\r\n{set uselist to \"black\"}\r\n\r\n{set whitelist to [\"User1\", \"User2\", \"User3\"]}\r\n{set blacklist to [\"User4\", \"User5\", \"User6\"]}\r\n\r\n{if\r\n {if uselist = \"white\":\r\n {if find(whitelist, > -1:\r\n {} is now {event.status}.\r\n }\r\n |elif uselist = \"black\":\r\n {if find(blacklist, = -1:\r\n {} is now {event.status}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n I don't know who you are talking about.\r\n}",
"default": true
"FSD engaged": {
"name": "FSD engaged",
"description": "Triggered when your FSD has engaged",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fsd')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'engage')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_system', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fsd_target',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_lastvisit', system.lastVisitSeconds)}\r\n\r\n{_ Zero the 'remaining jump' context to only use values following this event _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_remaining_jumps', 0)}\r\n\r\n{if = 'Hyperspace':\r\n {_ Rewrite context to represent a jump }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'jump')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'start')}\r\n\r\n {set reportsystem to SystemDetails(event.system)}\r\n\r\n {_ Wait for the FSD countdown and initial jump}\r\n {Pause(5000)}\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\"Destination confirmed\",\"Jump in progress\",\"Telemetry obtained\")}.\r\n {ShipName()} is {OneOf(\"heading to\", \"on route to\", \"travelling to\", \"in transit to\")} the {P(, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n {if =\r\n Welcome home, {F(\"Honorific\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {set scoopables to [\"O\", \"B\", \"A\", \"F\", \"G\", \"K\", \"M\"]}\r\n {if slice(event.stellarclass, 0, 1) = \"D\":\r\n Caution: white dwarf detected.\r\n |elif event.stellarclass = \"N\":\r\n Caution: neutron star detected.\r\n |elif event.stellarclass = \"H\":\r\n Caution: black hole detected.\r\n |elif find(scoopables, event.stellarclass) = -1:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"Information: \")}\r\n Arrival star is not scoopable.\r\n }\r\n \r\n {if lastsystem.allegiance && lastsystem.allegiance != \"None\" && lastsystem.allegiance != \"Independent\" && (!reportsystem.allegiance || reportsystem.allegiance = \"None\" || reportsystem.allegiance = \"Independent\"):\r\n You {OneOf(\"are leaving\", \"have left\", \"are no longer in\")} {lastsystem.allegiance} space.\r\n |elif lastsystem.allegiance && lastsystem.allegiance != reportsystem.allegiance && system.allegiance && system.allegiance != \"None\":\r\n You {OneOf(\"are now in\", \"have entered\", \"are entering\")} {reportsystem.allegiance} space.\r\n {if cmdr.title != \"Commander\":\r\n Welcome back {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.visits = 0:\r\n This is your first visit to this system.\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 1:\r\n This is your second visit to this system.\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 2:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"This is your third visit to this system.\")}\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 3:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"This is your fourth visit to this system.\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {Occasionally(3, \"You have visited this system {reportsystem.visits} times.\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if !reportsystem.population && lastsystem.population:\r\n {OneOf(\"This system is not populated\",\"There is no human presence here\", \"Humans have yet to colonise this system\")}.\r\n |elif reportsystem.population:\r\n {if SecondsSince(reportsystem.lastVisitSeconds) > 3600:\r\n {F(\"System report\")}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.distancefromhome:\r\n {set ReportDistanceFromHome() to:\r\n \t{return cat(\r\n \t OneOf(\"You are\", \"Current location is\", \"You are now\"), \" \",\r\n\t Humanise(reportsystem.distancefromhome), \" lightyears from \",\r\n\t OneOf(\"home\", \"{P(, 'starsystem')}\"), \".\"\r\n\t )}\r\n } \r\n {Occasionally(7, ReportDistanceFromHome())}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.comment:\r\n You made a {OneOf(\"note\", \"comment\", \"remark\")} {OneOf(\"about\", \"for\", \"on\")} this system. It {OneOf(\"is as follows\", \"says\", \"reads\", \"is\")} {reportsystem.comment}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fsd')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'engage')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_system', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fsd_target',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_lastvisit', system.lastVisitSeconds)}\r\n\r\n{_ Zero the 'remaining jump' context to only use values following this event _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_remaining_jumps', 0)}\r\n\r\n{if = 'Hyperspace':\r\n {_ Rewrite context to represent a jump }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'jump')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'start')}\r\n\r\n {set reportsystem to SystemDetails(event.system)}\r\n\r\n {_ Wait for the FSD countdown and initial jump}\r\n {Pause(5000)}\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\"Destination confirmed\",\"Jump in progress\",\"Telemetry obtained\")}.\r\n {ShipName()} is {OneOf(\"heading to\", \"on route to\", \"travelling to\", \"in transit to\")} the {P(, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n {if =\r\n Welcome home, {F(\"Honorific\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {set scoopables to [\"O\", \"B\", \"A\", \"F\", \"G\", \"K\", \"M\"]}\r\n {if slice(event.stellarclass, 0, 1) = \"D\":\r\n Caution: white dwarf detected.\r\n |elif event.stellarclass = \"N\":\r\n Caution: neutron star detected.\r\n |elif event.stellarclass = \"H\":\r\n Caution: black hole detected.\r\n |elif find(scoopables, event.stellarclass) = -1:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"Information: \")}\r\n Arrival star is not scoopable.\r\n }\r\n \r\n {if lastsystem.allegiance && lastsystem.allegiance != \"None\" && lastsystem.allegiance != \"Independent\" && (!reportsystem.allegiance || reportsystem.allegiance = \"None\" || reportsystem.allegiance = \"Independent\"):\r\n You {OneOf(\"are leaving\", \"have left\", \"are no longer in\")} {lastsystem.allegiance} space.\r\n |elif lastsystem.allegiance && lastsystem.allegiance != reportsystem.allegiance && system.allegiance && system.allegiance != \"None\":\r\n You {OneOf(\"are now in\", \"have entered\", \"are entering\")} {reportsystem.allegiance} space.\r\n {if cmdr.title != \"Commander\":\r\n Welcome back {F(\"Honorific\")}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.visits = 0:\r\n This is your first visit to this system.\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 1:\r\n This is your second visit to this system.\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 2:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"This is your third visit to this system.\")}\r\n |elif reportsystem.visits = 3:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"This is your fourth visit to this system.\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {Occasionally(3, \"You have visited this system {reportsystem.visits} times.\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if !reportsystem.population && lastsystem.population:\r\n {OneOf(\"This system is not populated\",\"There is no human presence here\", \"Humans have yet to colonise this system\")}.\r\n |elif reportsystem.population:\r\n {if SecondsSince(reportsystem.lastVisitSeconds) > 3600:\r\n {F(\"System report\")}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.distancefromhome:\r\n {set ReportDistanceFromHome() to:\r\n \t{return cat(\r\n \t OneOf(\"You are\", \"Current location is\", \"You are now\"), \" \",\r\n\t Humanise(reportsystem.distancefromhome), \" lightyears from \",\r\n\t OneOf(\"home\", \"{P(, 'starsystem')}\"), \".\"\r\n\t )}\r\n } \r\n {Occasionally(7, ReportDistanceFromHome())}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportsystem.comment:\r\n You made a {OneOf(\"note\", \"comment\", \"remark\")} {OneOf(\"about\", \"for\", \"on\")} this system. It {OneOf(\"is as follows\", \"says\", \"reads\", \"is\")} {reportsystem.comment}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Fuel check": {
"name": "Fuel check",
"description": "Report on fuel levels",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fuel Check _}\r\n{_ Report fuel level _}\r\n\r\n{_ Might be a taxi or multicrew session. We ignore those. We only want this when we're in our own ship. }\r\n{if vehicle = \"Ship\":\r\n\r\n {for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if compartment.module.basename = \"FuelScoop\": \r\n {set scoop_present to true}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set shipsfuel to:\r\n Fuel {OneOf(\"levels\", \"tanks\", \"reserves\")}\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"are\")} {Occasionally(2, \"now\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set currentfuel to round(status.fuel_percent, 0)}\r\n {set currentpercent to:\r\n at {currentfuel} percent {Occasionally(2, \"capacity\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set title to Occasionally(3,\", {F('Honorific')}\")}\r\n\r\n {set maxjump to status.fuel/ship.maxfuel}\r\n\r\n {if state.eddi_context_last_subject = \"jump\" && state.eddi_context_last_action = \"complete\" && maxjump < 1.25:\r\n Warning: {shipsfuel} almost depleted.\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n\r\n {if scoop_present:\r\n {if system.scoopable:\r\n {set scoop_system to system.systemname}\r\n |else:\r\n {set detail to JumpDetails('total')}\r\n {set scoop_system to RouteDetails('scoop', detail.distance)}\r\n {set scoop_distance to Distance(scoop_system)}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if scoop_system && scoop_system != \"\":\r\n Your nearest scoopable \r\n {if scoop_system =\r\n {set scoopable_bodies to []}\r\n {for body in reportSystem.bodies:\r\n {if body.scoopable:\r\n {set scoopable_bodies to cat(scoopable_bodies, [P(body.shortname, \"body\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if len(scoopable_bodies) > 1:\r\n stars are: \r\n {List(scoopable_bodies)}\r\n |else:\r\n star is:\r\n {scoopable_bodies[0]}\r\n }\r\n {Pause(50)}\r\n in the current system.\r\n |else:\r\n star is in the {P(scoop_system, \"starsystem\")} system, {round(scoop_distance, 1)} lightyears away.\r\n }\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {if maxjump < 0.5:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"Fuel\")} scooping is extremely urgent {title}.\r\n |else:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"Fuel\")} scooping is strongly recommended {title}.\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n Danger: There are no scoopable stars within your current jump range.\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Shutdown of non-essential systems is advised!\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Emergency transponder standing by {title}.\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {if maxjump < 0.5:\r\n {OneOf(\"Refuel now\", \"Refuelling is extremely urgent\")} {title}.\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"Please refuel\", \"Refuelling is strongly recommended\")} {title}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n |elif currentfuel < 25:\r\n {OneOf(\"Warning:\", \"Caution:\", \"Attention:\")}\r\n {shipsfuel} {OneOf(\"below 25%\", \"{currentpercent}\" )} {title}.\r\n |elif currentfuel < 50:\r\n {shipsfuel} {OneOf(\"below 50%\", \"{currentpercent}\" )} {title}.\r\n |elif currentfuel < 75:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{shipsfuel} {currentpercent} {title}.\")}\r\n |elif currentfuel < 100:\r\n {Occasionally(3, \"{shipsfuel} {currentpercent} {title}.\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {ShipName()} {shipsfuel} {OneOf(currentpercent, \"at maximum\")} {title}.\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fuel Check _}\r\n{_ Report fuel level _}\r\n\r\n{_ Might be a taxi or multicrew session. We ignore those. We only want this when we're in our own ship. }\r\n{if vehicle = \"Ship\":\r\n\r\n {for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if compartment.module.basename = \"FuelScoop\": \r\n {set scoop_present to true}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set shipsfuel to:\r\n Fuel {OneOf(\"levels\", \"tanks\", \"reserves\")}\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"are\")} {Occasionally(2, \"now\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set currentfuel to round(status.fuel_percent, 0)}\r\n {set currentpercent to:\r\n at {currentfuel} percent {Occasionally(2, \"capacity\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {set title to Occasionally(3,\", {F('Honorific')}\")}\r\n\r\n {set maxjump to status.fuel/ship.maxfuel}\r\n\r\n {if state.eddi_context_last_subject = \"jump\" && state.eddi_context_last_action = \"complete\" && maxjump < 1.25:\r\n Warning: {shipsfuel} almost depleted.\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n\r\n {if scoop_present:\r\n {if system.scoopable:\r\n {set scoop_system to system.systemname}\r\n |else:\r\n {set detail to JumpDetails('total')}\r\n {set scoop_system to RouteDetails('scoop', detail.distance)}\r\n {set scoop_distance to Distance(scoop_system)}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if scoop_system && scoop_system != \"\":\r\n Your nearest scoopable \r\n {if scoop_system =\r\n {set scoopable_bodies to []}\r\n {for body in reportSystem.bodies:\r\n {if body.scoopable:\r\n {set scoopable_bodies to cat(scoopable_bodies, [P(body.shortname, \"body\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if len(scoopable_bodies) > 1:\r\n stars are: \r\n {List(scoopable_bodies)}\r\n |else:\r\n star is:\r\n {scoopable_bodies[0]}\r\n }\r\n {Pause(50)}\r\n in the current system.\r\n |else:\r\n star is in the {P(scoop_system, \"starsystem\")} system, {round(scoop_distance, 1)} lightyears away.\r\n }\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {if maxjump < 0.5:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"Fuel\")} scooping is extremely urgent {title}.\r\n |else:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"Fuel\")} scooping is strongly recommended {title}.\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n Danger: There are no scoopable stars within your current jump range.\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Shutdown of non-essential systems is advised!\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Emergency transponder standing by {title}.\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {if maxjump < 0.5:\r\n {OneOf(\"Refuel now\", \"Refuelling is extremely urgent\")} {title}.\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"Please refuel\", \"Refuelling is strongly recommended\")} {title}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n |elif currentfuel < 25:\r\n {OneOf(\"Warning:\", \"Caution:\", \"Attention:\")}\r\n {shipsfuel} {OneOf(\"below 25%\", \"{currentpercent}\" )} {title}.\r\n |elif currentfuel < 50:\r\n {shipsfuel} {OneOf(\"below 50%\", \"{currentpercent}\" )} {title}.\r\n |elif currentfuel < 75:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"{shipsfuel} {currentpercent} {title}.\")}\r\n |elif currentfuel < 100:\r\n {Occasionally(3, \"{shipsfuel} {currentpercent} {title}.\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {ShipName()} {shipsfuel} {OneOf(currentpercent, \"at maximum\")} {title}.\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Galnet latest news": {
"name": "Galnet latest news",
"description": "Read the latest unread news in a given category",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch category from state }\r\n{set articlecategory to state.article_category}\r\n\r\n{if articlecategory:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles(articlecategory)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles('Article')}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(articles) = 0:\r\n There is no unread news in that category\r\n|else:\r\n {set article to articles[0]}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_galnet_news_id',}\r\n {article.title}: {article.content}\r\n {GalnetNewsMarkRead(}\r\n}.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch category from state }\r\n{set articlecategory to state.article_category}\r\n\r\n{if articlecategory:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles(articlecategory)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles('Article')}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(articles) = 0:\r\n There is no unread news in that category\r\n|else:\r\n {set article to articles[0]}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_galnet_news_id',}\r\n {article.title}: {article.content}\r\n {GalnetNewsMarkRead(}\r\n}.\r\n",
"default": true
"Galnet mark read": {
"name": "Galnet mark read",
"description": "Mark news articles as read",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch category from state }\r\n{set articlecategory to state.article_category}\r\n\r\n{if articlecategory:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles(articlecategory)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles('Article')}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(articles) = 0:\r\n There is no unread news \r\n {if articlecategory: 'in that category' }\r\n|else:\r\n {set item to 0}\r\n {while item < len(articles):\r\n {GalnetNewsMarkRead(articles[item].id)}\r\n {set item to (item + 1)}\r\n }\r\n {len(articles)} news {OneOf('articles', 'items')} marked as red\r\n}.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch category from state }\r\n{set articlecategory to state.article_category}\r\n\r\n{if articlecategory:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles(articlecategory)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles('Article')}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(articles) = 0:\r\n There is no unread news \r\n {if articlecategory: 'in that category' }\r\n|else:\r\n {set item to 0}\r\n {while item < len(articles):\r\n {GalnetNewsMarkRead(articles[item].id)}\r\n {set item to (item + 1)}\r\n }\r\n {len(articles)} news {OneOf('articles', 'items')} marked as red\r\n}.\r\n",
"default": true
"Galnet news": {
"name": "Galnet news",
"description": "Read a particular news article",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch article from state }\r\n{set articleid to state.articleid}\r\n{if articleid:\r\n {set article to GalnetNews(articleid)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'news')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_galnet_news_id', articleid)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !article:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set article to GalnetNews(state.eddi_context_galnet_news_id)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if article:\r\n {article.title}: {article.content}\r\n {GalnetNewsMarkRead(}\r\n|else:\r\n I don't have any information about that article\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch article from state }\r\n{set articleid to state.articleid}\r\n{if articleid:\r\n {set article to GalnetNews(articleid)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'news')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_galnet_news_id', articleid)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !article:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set article to GalnetNews(state.eddi_context_galnet_news_id)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if article:\r\n {article.title}: {article.content}\r\n {GalnetNewsMarkRead(}\r\n|else:\r\n I don't have any information about that article\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Galnet news published": {
"name": "Galnet news published",
"description": "Triggered when news is published on Galnet",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ set to 1 if you'd like interesting articles to be read to you _}\r\n{set readArticles to 0} \r\n\r\n{_ define news categories that may be of interest to you _}\r\n{_ Valid categories: Article, Powerplay, Community Goal, Starport Status Update, Week in Review _}\r\n{set categories to [\r\n \"Article\",\r\n \"Community Goal\",\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{_ Process articles _}\r\n{set interesting_news_title to []}\r\n{set interesting_news_content to []}\r\n\r\n{set item to 0}\r\n{while item < len(event.items):\r\n {for category in categories:\r\n {if match(event.items[item].category, category):\r\n {set interesting_news_title to cat(interesting_news_title, [event.items[item].title])}\r\n {set interesting_news_content to cat(interesting_news_content, [event.items[item].content])}\r\n }\r\n {GalnetNewsMarkRead(event.items[item]}\r\n {set item to (item + 1)}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{if len(event.items) = len(interesting_news_title): \r\n {set allinteresting to 1} \r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Begin speaking _}\r\n\r\n{if len(interesting_news_title) > 0:\r\n {if len(interesting_news_title) = 1:\r\n {set remarkable to OneOf('A noteworthy', 'A remarkable', 'An interesting', 'An intriguing', 'An unusual')}\r\n {OneOf('A', '{remarkable}' )}\r\n new Galnet article has been published, entitled {interesting_news_title[0]}.\r\n |elif len(event.items) > 1:\r\n {len(event.items)} \r\n {if allinteresting: \r\n {OneOf(\"noteworthy\", \"interesting\", \"intriguing\", \"remarkable\", \"unusual\")}\r\n }\r\n new Galnet articles have been published\r\n {if !allinteresting:\r\n , including {len(interesting_news_title)} \r\n {OneOf('of interest', 'of note', 'worthy of remark')}\r\n }.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(interesting_news_title) > 0:\r\n {if len(interesting_news_title) = 1 && readArticles:\r\n It reads: {interesting_news_content[0]}.\r\n |elif len(interesting_news_title) > 1:\r\n {set item to 0}\r\n {while item < len(interesting_news_title):\r\n {if item = 0:\r\n The first \r\n is entitled {interesting_news_title[item]}\r\n {if readArticles:, and reads: {interesting_news_content[item]}}.\r\n |elif item = 1:\r\n The second\r\n is entitled {interesting_news_title[item]}\r\n {if readArticles:, and reads: {interesting_news_content[item]}}.\r\n |elif item = len(interesting_news_title) - 1:\r\n The last\r\n is entitled {interesting_news_title[item]}\r\n {if readArticles:, and reads: {interesting_news_content[item]}}.\r\n |else:\r\n The next\r\n is entitled {interesting_news_title[item]}\r\n {if readArticles:, and reads: {interesting_news_content[item]}}.\r\n }\r\n {set item to item + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if !readArticles:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n The \r\n {if len(interesting_news_title) > 1: \r\n {OneOf(\"audio recordings\", \"news reports\")} are \r\n |else: \r\n {OneOf(\"audio recording\", \"news report\")} is\r\n } \r\n ready {Occasionally(2, \"for playback\")}.\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ set to 1 if you'd like interesting articles to be read to you _}\r\n{set readArticles to 0} \r\n\r\n{_ define news categories that may be of interest to you _}\r\n{_ Valid categories: Article, Powerplay, Community Goal, Starport Status Update, Week in Review _}\r\n{set categories to [\r\n \"Article\",\r\n \"Community Goal\",\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{_ Process articles _}\r\n{set interesting_news_title to []}\r\n{set interesting_news_content to []}\r\n\r\n{set item to 0}\r\n{while item < len(event.items):\r\n {for category in categories:\r\n {if match(event.items[item].category, category):\r\n {set interesting_news_title to cat(interesting_news_title, [event.items[item].title])}\r\n {set interesting_news_content to cat(interesting_news_content, [event.items[item].content])}\r\n }\r\n {GalnetNewsMarkRead(event.items[item]}\r\n {set item to (item + 1)}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{if len(event.items) = len(interesting_news_title): \r\n {set allinteresting to 1} \r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Begin speaking _}\r\n\r\n{if len(interesting_news_title) > 0:\r\n {if len(interesting_news_title) = 1:\r\n {set remarkable to OneOf('A noteworthy', 'A remarkable', 'An interesting', 'An intriguing', 'An unusual')}\r\n {OneOf('A', '{remarkable}' )}\r\n new Galnet article has been published, entitled {interesting_news_title[0]}.\r\n |elif len(event.items) > 1:\r\n {len(event.items)} \r\n {if allinteresting: \r\n {OneOf(\"noteworthy\", \"interesting\", \"intriguing\", \"remarkable\", \"unusual\")}\r\n }\r\n new Galnet articles have been published\r\n {if !allinteresting:\r\n , including {len(interesting_news_title)} \r\n {OneOf('of interest', 'of note', 'worthy of remark')}\r\n }.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(interesting_news_title) > 0:\r\n {if len(interesting_news_title) = 1 && readArticles:\r\n It reads: {interesting_news_content[0]}.\r\n |elif len(interesting_news_title) > 1:\r\n {set item to 0}\r\n {while item < len(interesting_news_title):\r\n {if item = 0:\r\n The first \r\n is entitled {interesting_news_title[item]}\r\n {if readArticles:, and reads: {interesting_news_content[item]}}.\r\n |elif item = 1:\r\n The second\r\n is entitled {interesting_news_title[item]}\r\n {if readArticles:, and reads: {interesting_news_content[item]}}.\r\n |elif item = len(interesting_news_title) - 1:\r\n The last\r\n is entitled {interesting_news_title[item]}\r\n {if readArticles:, and reads: {interesting_news_content[item]}}.\r\n |else:\r\n The next\r\n is entitled {interesting_news_title[item]}\r\n {if readArticles:, and reads: {interesting_news_content[item]}}.\r\n }\r\n {set item to item + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if !readArticles:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n The \r\n {if len(interesting_news_title) > 1: \r\n {OneOf(\"audio recordings\", \"news reports\")} are \r\n |else: \r\n {OneOf(\"audio recording\", \"news report\")} is\r\n } \r\n ready {Occasionally(2, \"for playback\")}.\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Galnet oldest news": {
"name": "Galnet oldest news",
"description": "Read the oldest unread news in a given category",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch category from state }\r\n{set articlecategory to state.article_category}\r\n\r\n{if articlecategory:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles(articlecategory)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles('Article')}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(articles) = 0:\r\n There is no unread news in that category\r\n|else:\r\n {set article to articles[len(articles)-1]}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_galnet_news_id',}\r\n {article.title}: {article.content}\r\n {GalnetNewsMarkRead(}\r\n}.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch category from state }\r\n{set articlecategory to state.article_category}\r\n\r\n{if articlecategory:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles(articlecategory)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set articles to GalnetNewsArticles('Article')}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(articles) = 0:\r\n There is no unread news in that category\r\n|else:\r\n {set article to articles[len(articles)-1]}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_galnet_news_id',}\r\n {article.title}: {article.content}\r\n {GalnetNewsMarkRead(}\r\n}.\r\n",
"default": true
"Galnet unread report": {
"name": "Galnet unread report",
"description": "Report on unread news",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{set articles to GalnetNewsArticles(\"Article\")}\r\n\r\n{if len(articles) = 0:\r\n You have no unread news\r\n|elif len(articles) = 1:\r\n You have one unread news item\r\n|else:\r\n You have {len(articles)} unread news items\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "{set articles to GalnetNewsArticles(\"Article\")}\r\n\r\n{if len(articles) = 0:\r\n You have no unread news\r\n|elif len(articles) = 1:\r\n You have one unread news item\r\n|else:\r\n You have {len(articles)} unread news items\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Glide": {
"name": "Glide",
"description": "Triggered when your ship enters or exits glide",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fsd')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'glide')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name', event.body)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system', event.system)}\r\n\r\n{if event.gliding:\r\n Glide {Occasionally(2, \"mode\")} \r\n {OneOf(\"engaged.\", \"initiated.\")}\r\n\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n {set body to BodyDetails(event.body, event.system)}\r\n {if ! || = \"\" || !body.gravity:\r\n Planetary approach data not available.\r\n |else:\r\n {if body.landable:\r\n {set gravity to round(body.gravity,2)}\r\n {if gravity > 4:\r\n Danger! {body.bodytype} {P(body.shortname, \"body\")} is an extremely high gravity world, at {gravity} G.\r\n |elif gravity > 2:\r\n Caution! {body.bodytype} {P(body.shortname, \"body\")} is a high gravity world, at {gravity} G.\r\n |elif gravity > 0.5:\r\n Warning! {body.bodytype} {P(body.shortname, \"body\")} is a medium gravity world, at {gravity} G.\r\n |else:\r\n {body.bodytype} {P(body.shortname, \"body\")} is a low gravity world, at {gravity} G.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n Glide completed.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'fsd')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'glide')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name', event.body)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system', event.system)}\r\n\r\n{if event.gliding:\r\n Glide {Occasionally(2, \"mode\")} \r\n {OneOf(\"engaged.\", \"initiated.\")}\r\n\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n {set body to BodyDetails(event.body, event.system)}\r\n {if ! || = \"\" || !body.gravity:\r\n Planetary approach data not available.\r\n |else:\r\n {if body.landable:\r\n {set gravity to round(body.gravity,2)}\r\n {if gravity > 4:\r\n Danger! {body.bodytype} {P(body.shortname, \"body\")} is an extremely high gravity world, at {gravity} G.\r\n |elif gravity > 2:\r\n Caution! {body.bodytype} {P(body.shortname, \"body\")} is a high gravity world, at {gravity} G.\r\n |elif gravity > 0.5:\r\n Warning! {body.bodytype} {P(body.shortname, \"body\")} is a medium gravity world, at {gravity} G.\r\n |else:\r\n {body.bodytype} {P(body.shortname, \"body\")} is a low gravity world, at {gravity} G.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n Glide completed.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Hardpoints": {
"name": "Hardpoints",
"description": "Triggered when you deploy or retract your hardpoints",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Heat damage": {
"name": "Heat damage",
"description": "Triggered when your ship is taking damage from excessive heat",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{Occasionally(2, \"Danger:\")}\r\nHeat damage.",
"defaultValue": "{Occasionally(2, \"Danger:\")}\r\nHeat damage.",
"default": true
"Heat warning": {
"name": "Heat warning",
"description": "Triggered when your ship's heat exceeds 100%",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{Occasionally(2, \"Warning:\")}\r\nHeat levels beyond operating tolerance.",
"defaultValue": "{Occasionally(2, \"Warning:\")}\r\nHeat levels beyond operating tolerance.",
"default": true
"Honorific": {
"name": "Honorific",
"description": "Function to provide a suitable honorific for your commander",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{if system.allegiance = \"Empire\":\r\n {F(\"Empire honorific\")}\r\n|elif system.allegiance = \"Federation\":\r\n {if cmdr.federationrating.rank = 0:\r\n commander\r\n |else:\r\n {}\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n commander\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{if system.allegiance = \"Empire\":\r\n {F(\"Empire honorific\")}\r\n|elif system.allegiance = \"Federation\":\r\n {if cmdr.federationrating.rank = 0:\r\n commander\r\n |else:\r\n {}\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n commander\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Hull damaged": {
"name": "Hull damaged",
"description": "Triggered when your hull is damaged to a certain extent",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if event.vehicle = vehicle:\r\n {if < 40:\r\n Danger:\r\n |elif < 60:\r\n Warning:\r\n |elif < 80:\r\n Caution:\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"Hull\", \"Hull integrity\", \"Integrity\", \"Structural integrity\")} {Occasionally(3, \"is\")} at {}%.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{if event.vehicle = vehicle:\r\n {if < 40:\r\n Danger:\r\n |elif < 60:\r\n Warning:\r\n |elif < 80:\r\n Caution:\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"Hull\", \"Hull integrity\", \"Integrity\", \"Structural integrity\")} {Occasionally(3, \"is\")} at {}%.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Insurance check": {
"name": "Insurance check",
"description": "Check for enough credits to cover your insurance",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{set covereds to floor(cmdr.credits / ship.rebuy)}\r\n\r\n{if covereds = 0:\r\n Danger: you do not have enough credits to cover your insurance excess.\r\n|elif covereds = 1:\r\n Caution: you only have enough credits to cover a single insurance excess.\r\n|elif covereds < 4:\r\n Note: you only have enough credits to cover {covereds} insurance excesses.\r\n|else:\r\n {Occasionally(5, \"You have enough credits to cover {covereds} insurance excesses.\")}\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{set covereds to floor(cmdr.credits / ship.rebuy)}\r\n\r\n{if covereds = 0:\r\n Danger: you do not have enough credits to cover your insurance excess.\r\n|elif covereds = 1:\r\n Caution: you only have enough credits to cover a single insurance excess.\r\n|elif covereds < 4:\r\n Note: you only have enough credits to cover {covereds} insurance excesses.\r\n|else:\r\n {Occasionally(5, \"You have enough credits to cover {covereds} insurance excesses.\")}\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Jet cone boost": {
"name": "Jet cone boost",
"description": "Triggered when enough material has been collected from a solar jet cone (at a white dwarf or neutron star) for a jump boost",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{Pause(1000)}\r\nFrame shift drive boosted by {Humanise(event.boost * 100)} percent.\r\n{SetState('eddi_boost_budget', state.eddi_boost_budget+1)}\r\n{if state.eddi_boost_budget >= 15:\r\n\tYou have performed {state.eddi_boost_budget} neutron boosts since last fsd repair.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{Pause(1000)}\r\nFrame shift drive boosted by {Humanise(event.boost * 100)} percent.",
"default": false
"Jet cone damage": {
"name": "Jet cone damage",
"description": "Triggered in normal space when passing through the jet cone from a white dwarf or neutron star causes damage to a ship module",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Jumped": {
"name": "Jumped",
"description": "Triggered when you complete a jump to another system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Jumped }\r\n{_ Triggered when you complete a jump to another system }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'jump')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'complete')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fuel_remaining', event.fuelremaining)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fuel_used', event.fuelused)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_wanted_list', \"\")}\r\n\r\n{set jump_count to state.eddi_context_remaining_jumps}\r\n{if jump_count > 20:\r\n {set occasional to ceil(jump_count / 10)}\r\n|elif jump_count > 5:\r\n {set occasional to 2}\r\n|else:\r\n {set occasional to 1}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if destinationsystem && != \"\":\r\n {if destinationdistance = 0:\r\n {ShipName()} has arrived at the {P(, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n {set next_system to RouteDetails(\"update\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {if rand(occasional) = 0:\r\n Distance to {P(, \"starsystem\")} is {round(destinationdistance, 1)} light years\r\n {if jump_count > 0:\r\n , with {jump_count} {if jump_count = 1: jump |else: jumps}\r\n {OneOf(\"remaining\", \"left\", \"to go\")}\r\n }.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n {if jump_count > 0 && rand(occasional) = 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"You have\")} {jump_count} {if jump_count = 1: jump |else: jumps} \r\n {OneOf(\"remaining\", \"left\", \"to go\", \"until arrival\")}.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{F('Fuel check')}\r\n{if 0: {F('Damage check')} }\r\n{_ Report faction states only if it's been more than an hour (3600 seconds) since our last visit. _}\r\n{if SecondsSince(state.eddi_context_system_lastvisit) / 3600 > 1:\r\n {set state_report to F(\"System state report\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set system_engineer to F(\"Engineer report\")}\r\n{set system_missions to F(\"Mission check system\")}\r\n{set system_crimes to F(\"Crime check system\")}\r\n\r\n{if state_report || system_engineer || system_missions || (system_crimes && find(system_crimes, \"Warning\") < 0):\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Information:\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if state_report:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {state_report}\r\n}\r\n{if system_engineer:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_engineer}\r\n}\r\n{if system_missions:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_missions}\r\n}\r\n{if system_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_crimes}\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Jumped }\r\n{_ Triggered when you complete a jump to another system }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'jump')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'complete')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fuel_remaining', event.fuelremaining)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_fuel_used', event.fuelused)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_wanted_list', \"\")}\r\n\r\n{set jump_count to state.eddi_context_remaining_jumps}\r\n{if jump_count > 20:\r\n {set occasional to ceil(jump_count / 10)}\r\n|elif jump_count > 5:\r\n {set occasional to 2}\r\n|else:\r\n {set occasional to 1}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if destinationsystem && != \"\":\r\n {if destinationdistance = 0:\r\n {ShipName()} has arrived at the {P(, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n {set next_system to RouteDetails(\"update\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {if rand(occasional) = 0:\r\n Distance to {P(, \"starsystem\")} is {round(destinationdistance, 1)} light years\r\n {if jump_count > 0:\r\n , with {jump_count} {if jump_count = 1: jump |else: jumps}\r\n {OneOf(\"remaining\", \"left\", \"to go\")}\r\n }.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n {if jump_count > 0 && rand(occasional) = 0:\r\n {Occasionally(2, \"You have\")} {jump_count} {if jump_count = 1: jump |else: jumps} \r\n {OneOf(\"remaining\", \"left\", \"to go\", \"until arrival\")}.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{F('Fuel check')}\r\n\r\n{_ Report faction states only if it's been more than an hour (3600 seconds) since our last visit. _}\r\n{if SecondsSince(state.eddi_context_system_lastvisit) / 3600 > 1:\r\n {set state_report to F(\"System state report\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set system_engineer to F(\"Engineer report\")}\r\n{set system_missions to F(\"Mission check system\")}\r\n{set system_crimes to F(\"Crime check system\")}\r\n\r\n{if state_report || system_engineer || system_missions || (system_crimes && find(system_crimes, \"Warning\") < 0):\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Information:\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if state_report:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {state_report}\r\n}\r\n{if system_engineer:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_engineer}\r\n}\r\n{if system_missions:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_missions}\r\n}\r\n{if system_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_crimes}\r\n}\r\n",
"default": false
"Killed": {
"name": "Killed",
"description": "Triggered when you kill another player",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Landing gear": {
"name": "Landing gear",
"description": "Triggered when you deploy or retract your landing gear",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Landing pad report": {
"name": "Landing pad report",
"description": "Report on the location of a landing pad",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{set landingpad to state.eddi_context_landing_pad_pad}\r\nLanding pad {landingpad} is at\r\n{if landingpad = 1:\r\n six o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 2:\r\n six o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 3:\r\n six o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 4:\r\n six o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 5:\r\n seven o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 6:\r\n seven o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 7:\r\n seven o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 8:\r\n seven o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 9:\r\n eight o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 10:\r\n eight o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 11:\r\n nine o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 12:\r\n nine o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 13:\r\n nine o'clock mid\r\n|elif landingpad = 14:\r\n nine o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 15:\r\n nine o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 16:\r\n ten o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 17:\r\n ten o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 18:\r\n ten o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 19:\r\n ten o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 20:\r\n eleven o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 21:\r\n eleven o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 22:\r\n eleven o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 23:\r\n eleven o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 24:\r\n twelve o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 25:\r\n twelve o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 26:\r\n one o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 27:\r\n one o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 28:\r\n one o'clock mid\r\n|elif landingpad = 29:\r\n one o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 30:\r\n one o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 31:\r\n two o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 32:\r\n two o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 33:\r\n two o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 34:\r\n two o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 35:\r\n three o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 36:\r\n three o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 37:\r\n three o'clock mid\r\n|elif landingpad = 38:\r\n three o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 39:\r\n four o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 40:\r\n four o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 41:\r\n five o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 42:\r\n five o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 43:\r\n five o'clock mid\r\n|elif landingpad = 44:\r\n five o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 45:\r\n five o'clock far\r\n}\r\n, as you enter with the green lights on your right.\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{set landingpad to state.eddi_context_landing_pad_pad}\r\nLanding pad {landingpad} is at\r\n{if landingpad = 1:\r\n six o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 2:\r\n six o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 3:\r\n six o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 4:\r\n six o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 5:\r\n seven o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 6:\r\n seven o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 7:\r\n seven o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 8:\r\n seven o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 9:\r\n eight o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 10:\r\n eight o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 11:\r\n nine o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 12:\r\n nine o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 13:\r\n nine o'clock mid\r\n|elif landingpad = 14:\r\n nine o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 15:\r\n nine o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 16:\r\n ten o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 17:\r\n ten o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 18:\r\n ten o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 19:\r\n ten o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 20:\r\n eleven o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 21:\r\n eleven o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 22:\r\n eleven o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 23:\r\n eleven o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 24:\r\n twelve o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 25:\r\n twelve o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 26:\r\n one o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 27:\r\n one o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 28:\r\n one o'clock mid\r\n|elif landingpad = 29:\r\n one o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 30:\r\n one o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 31:\r\n two o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 32:\r\n two o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 33:\r\n two o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 34:\r\n two o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 35:\r\n three o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 36:\r\n three o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 37:\r\n three o'clock mid\r\n|elif landingpad = 38:\r\n three o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 39:\r\n four o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 40:\r\n four o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 41:\r\n five o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 42:\r\n five o'clock near\r\n|elif landingpad = 43:\r\n five o'clock mid\r\n|elif landingpad = 44:\r\n five o'clock far\r\n|elif landingpad = 45:\r\n five o'clock far\r\n}\r\n, as you enter with the green lights on your right.\r\n\r\n",
"default": true
"Launchbay report": {
"name": "Launchbay report",
"description": "Describes the contents of each launchbay in the ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{if capi_active:\r\n {if len(ship.launchbays) > 0:\r\n {set hanger_count to 0}\r\n {for launchbay in ship.launchbays:\r\n {set hangar to: \r\n size {launchbay.size} \r\n {if launchbay.type = \"SRV\": \r\n {Spacialise(launchbay.type)} hangar\r\n |else: \r\n {launchbay.type} hangar\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set hangar_count to hangar_count + 1}\r\n {set vehicles to []}\r\n {set vehicles_count to []}\r\n {if len(launchbay.vehicles) > 0:\r\n {for vehicle in launchbay.vehicles:\r\n {set variant to cat(, \"_\", vehicle.description)}\r\n {set here to find(vehicles , variant)}\r\n {if here > -1:\r\n {set count to vehicles_count[here] + 1}\r\n {set vehicles_count to union(vehicles_count, [here:count])}\r\n |else:\r\n {set vehicles to cat(vehicles , [variant])}\r\n {set vehicles_count to cat(vehicles_count, [1])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(vehicles) > 0:\r\n {if hangar_count = 1: You have |else: and} a {hangar}, holding\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(vehicles):\r\n {set count to vehicles_count[cur]}\r\n {set name to split(vehicles[cur], \"_\")[0]}\r\n {set description to split(vehicles[cur], \"_\")[1]}\r\n {count} {if count = 1: {name} |else: {name}s}, with {description}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n {if cur = len(vehicles)-1: and |elif cur < len(vehicles): ,}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {if hangar_count = 1: You have |else: and} an empty {hangar}\r\n }\r\n {if hangar_count = len(ship.launchbays): . |else: ,}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n Hangar status is not available.\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Please verify connection to the pilots federation database.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{if capi_active:\r\n {if len(ship.launchbays) > 0:\r\n {set hanger_count to 0}\r\n {for launchbay in ship.launchbays:\r\n {set hangar to: \r\n size {launchbay.size} \r\n {if launchbay.type = \"SRV\": \r\n {Spacialise(launchbay.type)} hangar\r\n |else: \r\n {launchbay.type} hangar\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set hangar_count to hangar_count + 1}\r\n {set vehicles to []}\r\n {set vehicles_count to []}\r\n {if len(launchbay.vehicles) > 0:\r\n {for vehicle in launchbay.vehicles:\r\n {set variant to cat(, \"_\", vehicle.description)}\r\n {set here to find(vehicles , variant)}\r\n {if here > -1:\r\n {set count to vehicles_count[here] + 1}\r\n {set vehicles_count to union(vehicles_count, [here:count])}\r\n |else:\r\n {set vehicles to cat(vehicles , [variant])}\r\n {set vehicles_count to cat(vehicles_count, [1])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(vehicles) > 0:\r\n {if hangar_count = 1: You have |else: and} a {hangar}, holding\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(vehicles):\r\n {set count to vehicles_count[cur]}\r\n {set name to split(vehicles[cur], \"_\")[0]}\r\n {set description to split(vehicles[cur], \"_\")[1]}\r\n {count} {if count = 1: {name} |else: {name}s}, with {description}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n {if cur = len(vehicles)-1: and |elif cur < len(vehicles): ,}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {if hangar_count = 1: You have |else: and} an empty {hangar}\r\n }\r\n {if hangar_count = len(ship.launchbays): . |else: ,}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n Hangar status is not available.\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Please verify connection to the pilots federation database.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Liftoff": {
"name": "Liftoff",
"description": "Triggered when your ship lifts off from a planet's surface",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if event.playercontrolled = true:\r\n Lift off.\r\n|else:\r\n {ShipName()} has lifted off.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if event.playercontrolled = true:\r\n Lift off.\r\n|else:\r\n {ShipName()} has lifted off.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Lights": {
"name": "Lights",
"description": "Triggered when you activate or deactivate your lights",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Limpet check": {
"name": "Limpet check",
"description": "Check for the presence/absence of limpets and limpet controllers",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{set controllers to 0}\r\n{for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if find(, \"Controller\") != -1:\r\n {set controllers to controllers + 1}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set limpets to 0}\r\n{for cargo in inventory:\r\n {if cargo.edname = \"Drones\":\r\n {set limpets to}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set tenpercent to ship.cargocapacity / 10 - 1}\r\n{if controllers > 0 && limpets = 0:\r\n Reminder: you have a limpet controller but are not carrying any limpets.\r\n|elif controllers = 0 && limpets > 0:\r\n You are carrying limpets but no limpet controller.\r\n|elif controllers > 0 && limpets < tenpercent:\r\n You only have {limpets} {if limpets = 1: limpet |else: limpets} on-board; you might want to consider re-stocking.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{set controllers to 0}\r\n{for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if find(, \"Controller\") != -1:\r\n {set controllers to controllers + 1}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set limpets to 0}\r\n{for cargo in inventory:\r\n {if cargo.edname = \"Drones\":\r\n {set limpets to}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set tenpercent to ship.cargocapacity / 10 - 1}\r\n{if controllers > 0 && limpets = 0:\r\n Reminder: you have a limpet controller but are not carrying any limpets.\r\n|elif controllers = 0 && limpets > 0:\r\n You are carrying limpets but no limpet controller.\r\n|elif controllers > 0 && limpets < tenpercent:\r\n You only have {limpets} {if limpets = 1: limpet |else: limpets} on-board; you might want to consider re-stocking.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Limpet launched": {
"name": "Limpet launched",
"description": "Triggered when a limpet is launched",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{OneOf('Drone','Limpet')} launched.",
"defaultValue": "{OneOf('Drone','Limpet')} launched.",
"default": true
"Limpet purchased": {
"name": "Limpet purchased",
"description": "Triggered when you buy limpets from a station",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{event.amount} limpet{if event.amount > 1:s}\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"{if event.amount = 1: has |else: have} been\")}\r\nadded to \r\n{OneOf(\"our\", \"{ShipName()}'s\")}\r\n{OneOf(\"cargo hold\", \"inventory\", \"hold\")}",
"defaultValue": "{event.amount} limpet{if event.amount > 1:s}\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"{if event.amount = 1: has |else: have} been\")}\r\nadded to \r\n{OneOf(\"our\", \"{ShipName()}'s\")}\r\n{OneOf(\"cargo hold\", \"inventory\", \"hold\")}",
"default": true
"Limpet sold": {
"name": "Limpet sold",
"description": "Triggered when you sell limpets to a station",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{event.amount} limpet{if event.amount > 1:s}\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"{if event.amount = 1: has |else: have} been\")} sold.",
"defaultValue": "{event.amount} limpet{if event.amount > 1:s}\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"{if event.amount = 1: has |else: have} been\")} sold.",
"default": true
"Location": {
"name": "Location",
"description": "Triggered when the commander's location is reported, usually when they reload their game.",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'location')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name', event.body)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_type', event.bodytype)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system', event.system)}\r\n\r\n\r\nYou are\r\n{if event.docked || event.station = event.body:\r\n {set station to StationDetails(event.station, event.system)}\r\n {set station_missions to F(\"Mission check station\")}\r\n {set station_crimes to F(\"Crime check station\")}\r\n\r\n {if event.docked:\r\n docked at\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"near\", \"close to\", \"in the vicinity of\")}\r\n }\r\n {P(station.model, \"station\")}, {P(event.station, \"station\")},\r\n {if event.station != event.body:\r\n on {P(event.body, \"body\")},\r\n }\r\n|elif event.body:\r\n {set system_missions to F(\"Mission check system\")}\r\n {set system_crimes to F(\"Crime check system\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"near\", \"close to\", \"in the vicinity of\")} {P(event.body, \"body\")},\r\n}\r\nin the {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n\r\n{if station_missions || station_crimes ||system_missions || system_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Information:\r\n {if station_missions:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {station_missions}\r\n }\r\n {if station_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {station_crimes}\r\n }\r\n {if system_missions:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_missions}\r\n }\r\n {if system_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_crimes}\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'location')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_name', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_name', event.body)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_type', event.bodytype)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system', event.system)}\r\n\r\n\r\nYou are\r\n{if event.docked || event.station = event.body:\r\n {set station to StationDetails(event.station, event.system)}\r\n {set station_missions to F(\"Mission check station\")}\r\n {set station_crimes to F(\"Crime check station\")}\r\n\r\n {if event.docked:\r\n docked at\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"near\", \"close to\", \"in the vicinity of\")}\r\n }\r\n {P(station.model, \"station\")}, {P(event.station, \"station\")},\r\n {if event.station != event.body:\r\n on {P(event.body, \"body\")},\r\n }\r\n|elif event.body:\r\n {set system_missions to F(\"Mission check system\")}\r\n {set system_crimes to F(\"Crime check system\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"near\", \"close to\", \"in the vicinity of\")} {P(event.body, \"body\")},\r\n}\r\nin the {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n\r\n{if station_missions || station_crimes ||system_missions || system_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n Information:\r\n {if station_missions:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {station_missions}\r\n }\r\n {if station_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {station_crimes}\r\n }\r\n {if system_missions:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_missions}\r\n }\r\n {if system_crimes:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n {system_crimes}\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Low fuel": {
"name": "Low fuel",
"description": "Triggered when your fuel level falls below 25%.",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Market information updated": {
"name": "Market information updated",
"description": "Triggered when market information for the currently docked station has been updated",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Find out in advance what we have to say }\r\n\r\n{if len(event.updates) > 1:\r\n {set type to \"Station services\"}\r\n {if ship.role = \"Multi-purpose\" || ship.role = \"Trading\":\r\n {set purchasecheck to F(\"Commodity purchase check\")}\r\n }\r\n {set salecheck to F(\"Commodity sale check\")}\r\n {set swapoutcheck to F(\"Swapout check\")}\r\n|elif event.updates[0] = \"market\":\r\n {set type to OneOf(\"Market\", \"Local market\")}\r\n {if ship.role = \"Multi-purpose\" || ship.role = \"Trading\":\r\n {set purchasecheck to F(\"Commodity purchase check\")}\r\n }\r\n {set salecheck to F(\"Commodity sale check\")}\r\n|elif event.updates[0] = \"outfitting\":\r\n {set type to \"Station outfitting\"}\r\n {set swapoutcheck to F(\"Swapout check\")}\r\n|elif event.updates[0] = \"shipyard\":\r\n {set type to \"Station shipyard\"}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(500)}\r\n{if purchasecheck || salecheck || swapoutcheck:\r\n {type}\r\n {OneOf(\"data\", \"information\", \"price\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"update\", \"refresh\", \"changes\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"received\", \"obtained\")}.\r\n\r\n {salecheck}\r\n {purchasecheck}\r\n {swapoutcheck}\r\n}\r\n{F(\"Limpet check\")}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Find out in advance what we have to say }\r\n\r\n{if len(event.updates) > 1:\r\n {set type to \"Station services\"}\r\n {if ship.role = \"Multi-purpose\" || ship.role = \"Trading\":\r\n {set purchasecheck to F(\"Commodity purchase check\")}\r\n }\r\n {set salecheck to F(\"Commodity sale check\")}\r\n {set swapoutcheck to F(\"Swapout check\")}\r\n|elif event.updates[0] = \"market\":\r\n {set type to OneOf(\"Market\", \"Local market\")}\r\n {if ship.role = \"Multi-purpose\" || ship.role = \"Trading\":\r\n {set purchasecheck to F(\"Commodity purchase check\")}\r\n }\r\n {set salecheck to F(\"Commodity sale check\")}\r\n|elif event.updates[0] = \"outfitting\":\r\n {set type to \"Station outfitting\"}\r\n {set swapoutcheck to F(\"Swapout check\")}\r\n|elif event.updates[0] = \"shipyard\":\r\n {set type to \"Station shipyard\"}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(500)}\r\n{if purchasecheck || salecheck || swapoutcheck:\r\n {type}\r\n {OneOf(\"data\", \"information\", \"price\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"update\", \"refresh\", \"changes\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"received\", \"obtained\")}.\r\n\r\n {salecheck}\r\n {purchasecheck}\r\n {swapoutcheck}\r\n}\r\n{F(\"Limpet check\")}\r\n",
"default": true
"Material collected": {
"name": "Material collected",
"description": "Triggered when you collect a material",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'collect')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(5, F(\"Material progress report\"))}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'collect')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n",
"default": false
"Material discard report": {
"name": "Material discard report",
"description": "Report on how many of a material can be discarded",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Function to obtain a material from inventory}\r\n{set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch material from state }\r\n{set material to state.material}\r\n{if material:\r\n {_ Fetch full material details }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(material)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !material:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(state.eddi_context_material_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set inventory to _inventory(}\r\n\r\n\r\n{if inventory:\r\n {if inventory.maximum && inventory.maximum < inventory.amount:\r\n {set over to inventory.amount - inventory.maximum}\r\n {if over > 1:\r\n You can discard {over} units of {inventory.material} to reach your maximum level.\r\n |elif over = 1:\r\n You can discard 1 unit of {inventory.material} to reach your maximum level.\r\n }\r\n |elif inventory.desired && inventory.desired < inventory.amount:\r\n {set over to inventory.amount - inventory.desired}\r\n {if over > 1:\r\n You can discard {over} units of {inventory.material} to reach your desired level.\r\n |elif over = 1:\r\n You can discard 1 unit of {inventory.material} to reach your desired level.\r\n }\r\n |elif inventory.desired:\r\n You are below your desired level for {inventory.material}.\r\n |elif inventory.maximum:\r\n You are below your maximum level for {inventory.material}.\r\n |else:\r\n You have not set any levels for {inventory.material}.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Function to obtain a material from inventory}\r\n{set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch material from state }\r\n{set material to state.material}\r\n{if material:\r\n {_ Fetch full material details }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(material)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !material:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(state.eddi_context_material_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set inventory to _inventory(}\r\n\r\n\r\n{if inventory:\r\n {if inventory.maximum && inventory.maximum < inventory.amount:\r\n {set over to inventory.amount - inventory.maximum}\r\n {if over > 1:\r\n You can discard {over} units of {inventory.material} to reach your maximum level.\r\n |elif over = 1:\r\n You can discard 1 unit of {inventory.material} to reach your maximum level.\r\n }\r\n |elif inventory.desired && inventory.desired < inventory.amount:\r\n {set over to inventory.amount - inventory.desired}\r\n {if over > 1:\r\n You can discard {over} units of {inventory.material} to reach your desired level.\r\n |elif over = 1:\r\n You can discard 1 unit of {inventory.material} to reach your desired level.\r\n }\r\n |elif inventory.desired:\r\n You are below your desired level for {inventory.material}.\r\n |elif inventory.maximum:\r\n You are below your maximum level for {inventory.material}.\r\n |else:\r\n You have not set any levels for {inventory.material}.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Material discarded": {
"name": "Material discarded",
"description": "Triggered when you discard a material",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'discard')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'discard')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n",
"default": true
"Material discovered": {
"name": "Material discovered",
"description": "Triggered when you discover a material",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'discover')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'discover')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n",
"default": true
"Material donated": {
"name": "Material donated",
"description": "Triggered when you donate a material",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'donate')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'donate')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n",
"default": true
"Material inventory": {
"name": "Material inventory",
"description": "Triggered when you obtain an inventory of your current materials",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Material inventory report": {
"name": "Material inventory report",
"description": "Report on how many of a material are on-board",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Function to obtain a material from inventory}\r\n{set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch material from state }\r\n{set material to state.material}\r\n{if material:\r\n {_ Fetch full material details }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(material)}\r\n \r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'inventory')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !material:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(state.eddi_context_material_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set inventory to _inventory(}\r\n\r\n{if inventory && inventory.amount > 0:\r\n {if inventory.amount = 1:\r\n You have {inventory.amount} unit of {inventory.material} on board.\r\n |else:\r\n You have {inventory.amount} units of {inventory.material} on board.\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n You have no {inventory.material} on board.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Function to obtain a material from inventory}\r\n{set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch material from state }\r\n{set material to state.material}\r\n{if material:\r\n {_ Fetch full material details }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(material)}\r\n \r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'inventory')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !material:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(state.eddi_context_material_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set inventory to _inventory(}\r\n\r\n{if inventory && inventory.amount > 0:\r\n {if inventory.amount = 1:\r\n You have {inventory.amount} unit of {inventory.material} on board.\r\n |else:\r\n You have {inventory.amount} units of {inventory.material} on board.\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n You have no {inventory.material} on board.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Material location report": {
"name": "Material location report",
"description": "Report on the where to obtain a particular material",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch material from state }\r\n{set material to state.material}\r\n{if material:\r\n {_ Fetch full material details }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(material)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !material:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(state.eddi_context_material_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if\r\n {if material.location:\r\n {} can be {material.location}\r\n |else:\r\n No information available on where to find {}\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n I don't have any information about that material\r\n}.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch material from state }\r\n{set material to state.material}\r\n{if material:\r\n {_ Fetch full material details }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(material)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !material:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(state.eddi_context_material_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if\r\n {if material.location:\r\n {} can be {material.location}\r\n |else:\r\n No information available on where to find {}\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n I don't have any information about that material\r\n}.\r\n",
"default": true
"Material progress report": {
"name": "Material progress report",
"description": null,
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{set material to state.eddi_context_material_name}\r\n\r\n{for m in materials: {if m.material = material: {set inventory to m}}}\r\n\r\n{if inventory.amount < inventory.minimum:\r\n {set percent to inventory.amount*100/inventory.minimum}\r\n You have {Humanise(percent)}% of your {material} minimum.\r\n|elif inventory.amount < inventory.desired:\r\n {set percent to inventory.amount*100/inventory.desired}\r\n You have {Humanise(percent)}% of your {material} desired.\r\n|else:\r\n {set percent to inventory.amount*100/inventory.maximum}\r\n You have {Humanise(percent)}% of the material {material} that you can carry.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": null,
"default": false
"Material required report": {
"name": "Material required report",
"description": "Report on how many of a material are required to reach 'desired' level",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Function to obtain a material from inventory}\r\n{set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch material from state }\r\n{set material to state.material}\r\n{if material:\r\n {_ Fetch full material details }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(material)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !material:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(state.eddi_context_material_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set inventory to _inventory(}\r\n\r\n\r\n{if inventory:\r\n {if inventory.minimum && inventory.minimum > inventory.amount:\r\n {set under to inventory.minimum - inventory.amount}\r\n {if under > 1:\r\n You require {under} units of {inventory.material} to reach your minimum level.\r\n |elif under = 1:\r\n You require 1 unit of {inventory.material} to reqach your minimum level.\r\n }\r\n |elif inventory.desired && inventory.desired > inventory.amount:\r\n {set under to inventory.desired - inventory.amount}\r\n {if under > 1:\r\n You require {under} units of {inventory.material} to reach your desired level.\r\n |elif under = 1:\r\n You require 1 unit of {inventory.material} to reach your desired level.\r\n }\r\n |elif inventory.desired:\r\n You are above your desired level for {inventory.material}.\r\n |elif inventory.minimum :\r\n You are above your minimum level for {inventory.material}.\r\n |else:\r\n You have not set any levels for {inventory.material}.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Function to obtain a material from inventory}\r\n{set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch material from state }\r\n{set material to state.material}\r\n{if material:\r\n {_ Fetch full material details }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(material)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !material:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(state.eddi_context_material_name)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set inventory to _inventory(}\r\n\r\n\r\n{if inventory:\r\n {if inventory.minimum && inventory.minimum > inventory.amount:\r\n {set under to inventory.minimum - inventory.amount}\r\n {if under > 1:\r\n You require {under} units of {inventory.material} to reach your minimum level.\r\n |elif under = 1:\r\n You require 1 unit of {inventory.material} to reqach your minimum level.\r\n }\r\n |elif inventory.desired && inventory.desired > inventory.amount:\r\n {set under to inventory.desired - inventory.amount}\r\n {if under > 1:\r\n You require {under} units of {inventory.material} to reach your desired level.\r\n |elif under = 1:\r\n You require 1 unit of {inventory.material} to reach your desired level.\r\n }\r\n |elif inventory.desired:\r\n You are above your desired level for {inventory.material}.\r\n |elif inventory.minimum :\r\n You are above your minimum level for {inventory.material}.\r\n |else:\r\n You have not set any levels for {inventory.material}.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"default": true
"Material threshold": {
"name": "Material threshold",
"description": "Triggered when a material reaches a threshold",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Set up a function to report our inventory level }\r\n{set reportInventory() to:\r\n {OneOf(\"Current stock is {event.amount}\",\r\n \"Currently holding {event.amount}\",\r\n \"{event.amount} on-board\")}.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Respond to various threshold events }\r\n{if event.level = 'Minimum':\r\n {_ Threshold triggered around the minimum level }\r\n {if event.change = 'Increase':\r\n {OneOf(\"Stock\", \"Inventory\", \"Supply\")} of {} has reached your minimum.\r\n {reportInventory()}\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"Stock\", \"Inventory\", \"Supply\")} of {} has fallen below your minimum. \r\n {reportInventory()}\r\n }\r\n|elif event.level = 'Desired':\r\n {_ Threshold triggered around the desired level }\r\n {if event.change = 'Increase':\r\n You have reached your desired level of {}.\r\n {reportInventory()}\r\n |else:\r\n You are below your desired level of {}.\r\n {reportInventory()}\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n {_ Threshold triggered around the maximum level }\r\n {if event.change = 'Increase':\r\n {OneOf(\"Stock\", \"Inventory\", \"Supply\")} of {} has reached your maximum.\r\n {reportInventory()}\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Set up a function to report our inventory level }\r\n{set reportInventory() to:\r\n {OneOf(\"Current stock is {event.amount}\",\r\n \"Currently holding {event.amount}\",\r\n \"{event.amount} on-board\")}.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Respond to various threshold events }\r\n{if event.level = 'Minimum':\r\n {_ Threshold triggered around the minimum level }\r\n {if event.change = 'Increase':\r\n {OneOf(\"Stock\", \"Inventory\", \"Supply\")} of {} has reached your minimum.\r\n {reportInventory()}\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"Stock\", \"Inventory\", \"Supply\")} of {} has fallen below your minimum. \r\n {reportInventory()}\r\n }\r\n|elif event.level = 'Desired':\r\n {_ Threshold triggered around the desired level }\r\n {if event.change = 'Increase':\r\n You have reached your desired level of {}.\r\n {reportInventory()}\r\n |else:\r\n You are below your desired level of {}.\r\n {reportInventory()}\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n {_ Threshold triggered around the maximum level }\r\n {if event.change = 'Increase':\r\n {OneOf(\"Stock\", \"Inventory\", \"Supply\")} of {} has reached your maximum.\r\n {reportInventory()}\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Material traded": {
"name": "Material traded",
"description": "Triggered when materials are traded at a material trader",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Material use report": {
"name": "Material use report",
"description": "Report on the use of a material",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch material from state }\r\n{set material to state.material}\r\n{if material:\r\n {_ Fetch full material details }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(material)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !material:\r\n {if len(state.eddi_context_material_name) > 0:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(state.eddi_context_material_name)}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if material &&\r\n {set uses to len(material.blueprints)}\r\n {if slice(, len( = 's':\r\n {set plural to 'are'}\r\n |else:\r\n {set plural to 'is'}\r\n }\r\n {if uses = 0:\r\n {} {plural} not required for any blueprints\r\n |elif uses = 1:\r\n {set name to cat(material.blueprints[0].name, material.blueprints[0].modulename, ' grade ', material.blueprints[0].grade)}\r\n {} {plural} used for the {name} blueprint\r\n |elif uses = 2:\r\n {set name0 to cat(material.blueprints[0].name, material.blueprints[0].modulename, ' grade ', material.blueprints[0].grade)}\r\n {set name1 to cat(material.blueprints[1].name, material.blueprints[1].modulename, ' grade ', material.blueprints[1].grade)}\r\n {} {plural} used for the {name0} and {name1} blueprints\r\n |else:\r\n {} {plural} used for {len(material.blueprints)} blueprints. These are\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(material.blueprints):\r\n {set name to cat(material.blueprints[cur].name, material.blueprints[cur].modulename, ' grade ', material.blueprints[cur].grade)}\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {name}\r\n |elif cur < len(material.blueprints) - 1:\r\n , {name}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n I don't have any information about that material\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch material from state }\r\n{set material to state.material}\r\n{if material:\r\n {_ Fetch full material details }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(material)}\r\n\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'material')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_material_name',}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !material:\r\n {if len(state.eddi_context_material_name) > 0:\r\n {_ Fetch from context }\r\n {set material to MaterialDetails(state.eddi_context_material_name)}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if material &&\r\n {set uses to len(material.blueprints)}\r\n {if slice(, len( = 's':\r\n {set plural to 'are'}\r\n |else:\r\n {set plural to 'is'}\r\n }\r\n {if uses = 0:\r\n {} {plural} not required for any blueprints\r\n |elif uses = 1:\r\n {set name to cat(material.blueprints[0].name, material.blueprints[0].modulename, ' grade ', material.blueprints[0].grade)}\r\n {} {plural} used for the {name} blueprint\r\n |elif uses = 2:\r\n {set name0 to cat(material.blueprints[0].name, material.blueprints[0].modulename, ' grade ', material.blueprints[0].grade)}\r\n {set name1 to cat(material.blueprints[1].name, material.blueprints[1].modulename, ' grade ', material.blueprints[1].grade)}\r\n {} {plural} used for the {name0} and {name1} blueprints\r\n |else:\r\n {} {plural} used for {len(material.blueprints)} blueprints. These are\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(material.blueprints):\r\n {set name to cat(material.blueprints[cur].name, material.blueprints[cur].modulename, ' grade ', material.blueprints[cur].grade)}\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {name}\r\n |elif cur < len(material.blueprints) - 1:\r\n , {name}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {name}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n I don't have any information about that material\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Materials discard report": {
"name": "Materials discard report",
"description": "Report on which materials can be discarded",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "\r\n{_ Find those that are above maximum, desired and minimum}\r\n{set shoulddiscardmaterials to []}\r\n{set coulddiscardmaterials to []}\r\n{set lastdiscardmaterials to []}\r\n\r\n{for material in materials:\r\n {if material.maximum && material.amount > material.maximum:\r\n {set shoulddiscardmaterials to cat(shoulddiscardmaterials, [material])}\r\n |elif material.desired && material.amount > material.desired:\r\n {set coulddiscardmaterials to cat(coulddiscardmaterials, [material])}\r\n |elif material.minimum && material.amount > material.minimum:\r\n {set lastdiscardmaterials to cat(lastdiscardmaterials, [material])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(shoulddiscardmaterials) > 0:\r\n You are over your maximum level for {if len(shoulddiscardmaterials) = 1: 1 material |else: {len(shoulddiscardmaterials)} materials}. You can discard\r\n {if len(shoulddiscardmaterials) = 1:\r\n {shoulddiscardmaterials[0].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[0].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[0].material}\r\n |elif len(shoulddiscardmaterials) = 2:\r\n {shoulddiscardmaterials[0].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[0].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[0].material} and {shoulddiscardmaterials[1].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[1].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[1].material}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(shoulddiscardmaterials):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |elif cur < len(shoulddiscardmaterials) - 1:\r\n , {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n|elif len(coulddiscardmaterials) > 0:\r\n You are over your desired level for {if len(coulddiscardmaterials) = 1: 1 material |else: {len(coulddiscardmaterials)} materials}. You can discard\r\n {if len(coulddiscardmaterials) = 1:\r\n {coulddiscardmaterials[0].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[0].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[0].material}\r\n |elif len(coulddiscardmaterials) = 2:\r\n {coulddiscardmaterials[0].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[0].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[0].material} and {coulddiscardmaterials[1].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[1].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[1].material}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(coulddiscardmaterials):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[cur].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |elif cur < len(coulddiscardmaterials) - 1:\r\n , {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[cur].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[cur].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n|elif len(lastdiscardmaterials) > 0:\r\n You are over your minimum level for {if len(lastdiscardmaterials) = 1: 1 material |else: {len(lastdiscardmaterials)} materials}. You can discard\r\n {if len(lastdiscardmaterials) = 1:\r\n {lastdiscardmaterials[0].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[0].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[0].material}\r\n |elif len(lastdiscardmaterials) = 2:\r\n {lastdiscardmaterials[0].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[0].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[0].material} and {lastdiscardmaterials[1].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[1].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[1].material}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(lastdiscardmaterials):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[cur].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |elif cur < len(lastdiscardmaterials) - 1:\r\n , {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[cur].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[cur].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n|else:\r\n No materials can be discarded and remain within minimum levels.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "\r\n{_ Find those that are above maximum, desired and minimum}\r\n{set shoulddiscardmaterials to []}\r\n{set coulddiscardmaterials to []}\r\n{set lastdiscardmaterials to []}\r\n\r\n{for material in materials:\r\n {if material.maximum && material.amount > material.maximum:\r\n {set shoulddiscardmaterials to cat(shoulddiscardmaterials, [material])}\r\n |elif material.desired && material.amount > material.desired:\r\n {set coulddiscardmaterials to cat(coulddiscardmaterials, [material])}\r\n |elif material.minimum && material.amount > material.minimum:\r\n {set lastdiscardmaterials to cat(lastdiscardmaterials, [material])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(shoulddiscardmaterials) > 0:\r\n You are over your maximum level for {if len(shoulddiscardmaterials) = 1: 1 material |else: {len(shoulddiscardmaterials)} materials}. You can discard\r\n {if len(shoulddiscardmaterials) = 1:\r\n {shoulddiscardmaterials[0].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[0].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[0].material}\r\n |elif len(shoulddiscardmaterials) = 2:\r\n {shoulddiscardmaterials[0].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[0].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[0].material} and {shoulddiscardmaterials[1].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[1].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[1].material}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(shoulddiscardmaterials):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |elif cur < len(shoulddiscardmaterials) - 1:\r\n , {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].maximum} {shoulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n|elif len(coulddiscardmaterials) > 0:\r\n You are over your desired level for {if len(coulddiscardmaterials) = 1: 1 material |else: {len(coulddiscardmaterials)} materials}. You can discard\r\n {if len(coulddiscardmaterials) = 1:\r\n {coulddiscardmaterials[0].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[0].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[0].material}\r\n |elif len(coulddiscardmaterials) = 2:\r\n {coulddiscardmaterials[0].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[0].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[0].material} and {coulddiscardmaterials[1].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[1].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[1].material}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(coulddiscardmaterials):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[cur].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |elif cur < len(coulddiscardmaterials) - 1:\r\n , {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[cur].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].amount - coulddiscardmaterials[cur].desired} {coulddiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n|elif len(lastdiscardmaterials) > 0:\r\n You are over your minimum level for {if len(lastdiscardmaterials) = 1: 1 material |else: {len(lastdiscardmaterials)} materials}. You can discard\r\n {if len(lastdiscardmaterials) = 1:\r\n {lastdiscardmaterials[0].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[0].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[0].material}\r\n |elif len(lastdiscardmaterials) = 2:\r\n {lastdiscardmaterials[0].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[0].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[0].material} and {lastdiscardmaterials[1].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[1].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[1].material}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(lastdiscardmaterials):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[cur].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |elif cur < len(lastdiscardmaterials) - 1:\r\n , {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[cur].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].amount - lastdiscardmaterials[cur].minimum} {lastdiscardmaterials[cur].material}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n|else:\r\n No materials can be discarded and remain within minimum levels.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Materials required report": {
"name": "Materials required report",
"description": "Report on how many of each material are required to reach 'desired' level",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{set required to []}\r\n\r\n{for material in materials:\r\n {if material.desired && material.amount < material.desired:\r\n {set required to cat(required, [material])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(required) > 0:\r\n You require\r\n {if len(required) = 1:\r\n {required[0].desired - required[0].amount} {required[0].material}\r\n |elif len(required) = 2:\r\n {required[0].desired - required[0].amount} {required[0].material} and {required[1].desired - required[1].amount} {required[1].material}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(required):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {required[cur].desired - required[cur].amount} {required[cur].material}\r\n |elif cur < len(required) - 1:\r\n , {required[cur].desired - required[cur].amount} {required[cur].material}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {required[cur].desired - required[cur].amount} {required[cur].material}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n|else:\r\n You have all the materials you desire.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{set required to []}\r\n\r\n{for material in materials:\r\n {if material.desired && material.amount < material.desired:\r\n {set required to cat(required, [material])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(required) > 0:\r\n You require\r\n {if len(required) = 1:\r\n {required[0].desired - required[0].amount} {required[0].material}\r\n |elif len(required) = 2:\r\n {required[0].desired - required[0].amount} {required[0].material} and {required[1].desired - required[1].amount} {required[1].material}\r\n |else:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(required):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n {required[cur].desired - required[cur].amount} {required[cur].material}\r\n |elif cur < len(required) - 1:\r\n , {required[cur].desired - required[cur].amount} {required[cur].material}\r\n |else:\r\n , and {required[cur].desired - required[cur].amount} {required[cur].material}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n|else:\r\n You have all the materials you desire.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Message received": {
"name": "Message received",
"description": "Triggered when you receive a message",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'message')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'receive')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_message_name', event.from)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_message_content', event.message)}\r\n\r\n{_ \"true\" means spoken and \"false\" means muted.}\r\n{_ \"npc\" controls whether NPC comms will be spoken.}\r\n{_ \"player\" controls direct messages to you will be spoken.}\r\n{_ \"starsystem\" controls whether player comms across game modes will be spoken.}\r\n{set spokenChannels to [\r\n \"friend\": true,\r\n \"local\": true,\r\n \"multicrew\": true,\r\n \"npc\": true,\r\n \"player\": true,\r\n \"squadron\": true,\r\n \"starsystem\": false,\r\n \"voicechat\": false,\r\n \"wing\": true,\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{_ \"true\" means spoken and \"false\" means muted.}\r\n{_ \"NPC\" is the default source for NPC comms.}\r\n{set spokenNpcSources to [\r\n \"Ambushed pilot\" : true,\r\n \"Bounty hunter\" : true,\r\n \"Capital ship\" : true,\r\n \"Cargo hunter\" : true,\r\n \"Civilian pilot\" : true,\r\n \"Conflict zone\" : true,\r\n \"Cruise liner\" : false,\r\n \"Escort\" : true,\r\n \"Exploration convoy\" : true,\r\n \"Hitman\" : true,\r\n \"Messenger\" : true,\r\n \"Military\" : true,\r\n \"Miner\" : true,\r\n \"NPC\" : true,\r\n \"Passenger hunter\" : true,\r\n \"Passenger liner\" : false,\r\n \"Pirate\" : true,\r\n \"Police\" : true,\r\n \"Propagandist\" : false,\r\n \"Protester\" : false,\r\n \"Refugee\" : true,\r\n \"Rival power's agent\" : true,\r\n \"Search and rescue\" : true,\r\n \"Starship One\" : true,\r\n \"Station\" : false,\r\n \"Wedding convoy\" : false,\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{if spokenChannels[event.channel_invariant] = true:\r\n {if event.player = true:\r\n {set words to split(event.message, \" \")}\r\n {set msg to []}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(words): \r\n {set o7match to match(words[cur], \"(?<!\\\\w)([o|O|0]7)(?!\\\\w)\")}\r\n {if cur = 0 && (len(words) > 1 || len(o7match) = 0):\r\n {set msg to cat(msg, [\"sends:\"])}\r\n }\r\n {if len(o7match) > 0:\r\n {set remainder to slice(words[cur], 2)}\r\n {if len(words) = 1:\r\n {if event.channel_invariant = 'player': {set you to \" you\"}}\r\n {set salute to cat(\"salutes\", you)}\r\n {set msg to cat(msg, [cat(salute, remainder)])}\r\n |else:\r\n {set msg to cat(msg, [cat(\"salute\", remainder)])}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {set msg to cat(msg, [words[cur]])}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n {set message to join(msg, \" \")}\r\n {event.source} {event.from} {message}\r\n |elif spokenNpcSources[event.source_invariant] = true:\r\n From {event.source} {event.from}: {event.message}\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'message')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'receive')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_message_name', event.from)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_message_content', event.message)}\r\n\r\n{_ \"true\" means spoken and \"false\" means muted.}\r\n{_ \"npc\" controls whether NPC comms will be spoken.}\r\n{_ \"player\" controls direct messages to you will be spoken.}\r\n{_ \"starsystem\" controls whether player comms across game modes will be spoken.}\r\n{set spokenChannels to [\r\n \"friend\": true,\r\n \"local\": true,\r\n \"multicrew\": true,\r\n \"npc\": true,\r\n \"player\": true,\r\n \"squadron\": true,\r\n \"starsystem\": false,\r\n \"voicechat\": false,\r\n \"wing\": true,\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{_ \"true\" means spoken and \"false\" means muted.}\r\n{_ \"NPC\" is the default source for NPC comms.}\r\n{set spokenNpcSources to [\r\n \"Ambushed pilot\" : true,\r\n \"Bounty hunter\" : true,\r\n \"Capital ship\" : true,\r\n \"Cargo hunter\" : true,\r\n \"Civilian pilot\" : true,\r\n \"Conflict zone\" : true,\r\n \"Cruise liner\" : false,\r\n \"Escort\" : true,\r\n \"Exploration convoy\" : true,\r\n \"Hitman\" : true,\r\n \"Messenger\" : true,\r\n \"Military\" : true,\r\n \"Miner\" : true,\r\n \"NPC\" : true,\r\n \"Passenger hunter\" : true,\r\n \"Passenger liner\" : false,\r\n \"Pirate\" : true,\r\n \"Police\" : true,\r\n \"Propagandist\" : false,\r\n \"Protester\" : false,\r\n \"Refugee\" : true,\r\n \"Rival power's agent\" : true,\r\n \"Search and rescue\" : true,\r\n \"Starship One\" : true,\r\n \"Station\" : false,\r\n \"Wedding convoy\" : false,\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{if spokenChannels[event.channel_invariant] = true:\r\n {if event.player = true:\r\n {set words to split(event.message, \" \")}\r\n {set msg to []}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(words): \r\n {set o7match to match(words[cur], \"(?<!\\\\w)([o|O|0]7)(?!\\\\w)\")}\r\n {if cur = 0 && (len(words) > 1 || len(o7match) = 0):\r\n {set msg to cat(msg, [\"sends:\"])}\r\n }\r\n {if len(o7match) > 0:\r\n {set remainder to slice(words[cur], 2)}\r\n {if len(words) = 1:\r\n {if event.channel_invariant = 'player': {set you to \" you\"}}\r\n {set salute to cat(\"salutes\", you)}\r\n {set msg to cat(msg, [cat(salute, remainder)])}\r\n |else:\r\n {set msg to cat(msg, [cat(\"salute\", remainder)])}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {set msg to cat(msg, [words[cur]])}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n {set message to join(msg, \" \")}\r\n {event.source} {event.from} {message}\r\n |elif spokenNpcSources[event.source_invariant] = true:\r\n From {event.source} {event.from}: {event.message}\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Message sent": {
"name": "Message sent",
"description": "Triggered when you send a message",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'message')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'send')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_message_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_message_content', event.message)}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"Message away\", \"Message sent\", \"Sent\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'message')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'send')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_message_name',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_message_content', event.message)}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"Message away\", \"Message sent\", \"Sent\")}.",
"default": true
"Micro resources purchased": {
"name": "Micro resources purchased",
"description": "Triggered when you buy micro resources",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Mission abandoned": {
"name": "Mission abandoned",
"description": "Triggered when you abandon a mission",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'abandon')}\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if event.communal:\r\n You have abandoned the community goal: {mission.localisedname}\r\n|else:\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n {set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\n {type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, \"faction\")}} abandoned.\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'abandon')}\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if event.communal:\r\n You have abandoned the community goal: {mission.localisedname}\r\n|else:\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n {set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\n {type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, \"faction\")}} abandoned.\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"default": true
"Mission accepted": {
"name": "Mission accepted",
"description": "Triggered when you accept a mission",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'accepted')}\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Donation\") > -1:\r\n {OneOf(\"You have chosen\",\"Mission accepted\")} to {Occasionally(2,\"generously\")} donate\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Credits\") = -1: {mission.commodity} |else: credits} to\r\n {OneOf('improve','raise','increase')} your {OneOf('reputation','standing')} with {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}\r\n|elif event.communal:\r\n You have accepted the community goal: {mission.localisedname}\r\n|else:\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n {set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"{type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}} accepted\",\r\n \"{type} accepted {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}}\",\r\n \"You have accepted a {type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}}\")\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{F(\"Mission faction state\")}.\r\n\r\n{if mission.passengerwanted:\r\n Warning! You are {OneOf(\"transporting\",\"carrying\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"{OneOf('wanted','illegal')} {OneOf('passengers','personnel')}\",\"known felons\")}!\r\n You may be attacked by {Occasionally(2,\"system\")} {OneOf(\"authority\",\"police\")}.\r\n Caution is advised. Avoid being scanned.\r\n\r\n|elif token(,\"_\",2) = \"Skimmer\":\r\n This is a surface {OneOf(\"mission\",\"operation\")}.\r\n\r\n|elif token(,\"_\",2) = \"Surface\":\r\n This is a surface {OneOf(\"mission\",\"operation\")}, you will require an SRV.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !event.communal:\r\n {if missionsCount = 20:\r\n You have now reached the maximum number of missions you can take.\r\n Please complete some, in order to accept more.\r\n |else:\r\n {set reportMissionCount to:\r\n {OneOf(\r\n \"You {Occasionally(2,'now')} have {missionsCount} \r\n {if missionsCount > 1: missions \r\n |else: mission\r\n }\",\r\n \"{OneOf('That is','This is')} your\r\n {if missionsCount = 1: 1st\r\n |elif missionsCount = 2: 2nd\r\n |elif missionsCount = 3: 3rd\r\n |else: {missionsCount}th\r\n }\r\n mission\"\r\n )}.\r\n }\r\n {Occasionally(max(cmdr.combatrating.rank - missionsCount, 1), reportMissionCount)}\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'accepted')}\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Donation\") > -1:\r\n {OneOf(\"You have chosen\",\"Mission accepted\")} to {Occasionally(2,\"generously\")} donate\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Credits\") = -1: {mission.commodity} |else: credits} to\r\n {OneOf('improve','raise','increase')} your {OneOf('reputation','standing')} with {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}\r\n|elif event.communal:\r\n You have accepted the community goal: {mission.localisedname}\r\n|else:\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n {set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"{type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}} accepted\",\r\n \"{type} accepted {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}}\",\r\n \"You have accepted a {type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}}\")\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{F(\"Mission faction state\")}.\r\n\r\n{if mission.passengerwanted:\r\n Warning! You are {OneOf(\"transporting\",\"carrying\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"{OneOf('wanted','illegal')} {OneOf('passengers','personnel')}\",\"known felons\")}!\r\n You may be attacked by {Occasionally(2,\"system\")} {OneOf(\"authority\",\"police\")}.\r\n Caution is advised. Avoid being scanned.\r\n\r\n|elif token(,\"_\",2) = \"Skimmer\":\r\n This is a surface {OneOf(\"mission\",\"operation\")}.\r\n\r\n|elif token(,\"_\",2) = \"Surface\":\r\n This is a surface {OneOf(\"mission\",\"operation\")}, you will require an SRV.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if !event.communal:\r\n {if missionsCount = 20:\r\n You have now reached the maximum number of missions you can take.\r\n Please complete some, in order to accept more.\r\n |else:\r\n {set reportMissionCount to:\r\n {OneOf(\r\n \"You {Occasionally(2,'now')} have {missionsCount} \r\n {if missionsCount > 1: missions \r\n |else: mission\r\n }\",\r\n \"{OneOf('That is','This is')} your\r\n {if missionsCount = 1: 1st\r\n |elif missionsCount = 2: 2nd\r\n |elif missionsCount = 3: 3rd\r\n |else: {missionsCount}th\r\n }\r\n mission\"\r\n )}.\r\n }\r\n {Occasionally(max(cmdr.combatrating.rank - missionsCount, 1), reportMissionCount)}\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Mission check galaxy": {
"name": "Mission check galaxy",
"description": "Check what systems you have missions in",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Mission check galaxy }\r\n{_ Check what systems you have missions in }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Setup allmissions function _}\r\n{set allmissions(system) to:\r\n {set here to find(systems, system)}\r\n {if here > -1:\r\n {if mission.statusEDName = \"Active\": \r\n {set active to systems_active[here] + 1}\r\n {set systems_active to union(systems_active, [here:active])}\r\n |elif mission.statusEDName = \"Claim\":\r\n {set claim to systems_claim[here] + 1}\r\n {set systems_claim to union(systems_claim, [here:claim])}\r\n {set active to systems_active[here] + 1}\r\n {set systems_active to union(systems_active, [here:active])}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {set systems to cat(systems, [system])}\r\n {if mission.statusEDName = \"Active\":\r\n {set systems_active to cat(systems_active, [1])}\r\n {set systems_claim to cat(systems_claim, [0])}\r\n |elif mission.statusEDName = \"Claim\":\r\n {set systems_active to cat(systems_active, [1])}\r\n {set systems_claim to cat(systems_claim, [1])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if missionsCount + goalsCount > 0:\r\n {set failed to 0}\r\n {set multi to 0}\r\n {set pending to 0}\r\n {set systems to []}\r\n {set systems_active to []}\r\n {set systems_claim to []}\r\n\r\n {for mission in missions:\r\n {if mission.statusEDName = \"Failed\":\r\n {set failed to failed + 1}\r\n |else:\r\n {set pending to pending + 1}\r\n {if mission.destinationsystems:\r\n {set multi to multi + 1}\r\n {for destination in mission.destinationsystems:\r\n {allmissions(}\r\n }\r\n |elif mission.destinationsystem && mission.destinationsystem != \"\":\r\n {allmissions(mission.destinationsystem)}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set systemsCount to len(systems)}\r\n\r\n You have\r\n {if failed > 0:\r\n {failed} failed\r\n {if pending > 0:\r\n and\r\n |elif missionsCount + goalsCount = 1:\r\n mission.\r\n |else:\r\n missions.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if pending > 0:\r\n {if mission_report && systemsCount > 0:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < systemsCount:\r\n {set active to systems_active[cur]}\r\n {set claim to systems_claim[cur]}\r\n\r\n {if active > 0 && active > claim:\r\n {active} pending {if active = 1: mission |else: missions }\r\n {if claim > 0:, including {claim} claimable {if claim = 1: mission |else: missions} }\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"at\",\"in\")} {P(systems[cur], \"starsystem\")}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n {if cur = systemsCount - 1: and |elif cur < systemsCount: , }\r\n }.\r\n |else:\r\n {pending} pending {if missionsCount + goalsCount = 1: mission |else: missions} \r\n {if systemsCount = 0:\r\n with no designated target {if missionsCount + goalsCount = 1: system |else: systems }\r\n |elif systemsCount = 1:\r\n in {if systems[0] = this |else: one } system\r\n |else:\r\n in {systemsCount} {Occasionally(2,\"star\")} systems\r\n }.\r\n {if multi > 0:\r\n {if multi = pending: All |else: {multi} } of these {if multi = 1: is a |else: are }\r\n multi-destination {if multi = 1: mission |else: missions }.\r\n } \r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n {OneOf(\"You currently have no missions.\", \"You have no missions at the moment.\",\r\n \"You have no missions at this time.\")}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Mission check galaxy }\r\n{_ Check what systems you have missions in }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Setup allmissions function _}\r\n{set allmissions(system) to:\r\n {set here to find(systems, system)}\r\n {if here > -1:\r\n {if mission.statusEDName = \"Active\": \r\n {set active to systems_active[here] + 1}\r\n {set systems_active to union(systems_active, [here:active])}\r\n |elif mission.statusEDName = \"Claim\":\r\n {set claim to systems_claim[here] + 1}\r\n {set systems_claim to union(systems_claim, [here:claim])}\r\n {set active to systems_active[here] + 1}\r\n {set systems_active to union(systems_active, [here:active])}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {set systems to cat(systems, [system])}\r\n {if mission.statusEDName = \"Active\":\r\n {set systems_active to cat(systems_active, [1])}\r\n {set systems_claim to cat(systems_claim, [0])}\r\n |elif mission.statusEDName = \"Claim\":\r\n {set systems_active to cat(systems_active, [1])}\r\n {set systems_claim to cat(systems_claim, [1])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if missionsCount + goalsCount > 0:\r\n {set failed to 0}\r\n {set multi to 0}\r\n {set pending to 0}\r\n {set systems to []}\r\n {set systems_active to []}\r\n {set systems_claim to []}\r\n\r\n {for mission in missions:\r\n {if mission.statusEDName = \"Failed\":\r\n {set failed to failed + 1}\r\n |else:\r\n {set pending to pending + 1}\r\n {if mission.destinationsystems:\r\n {set multi to multi + 1}\r\n {for destination in mission.destinationsystems:\r\n {allmissions(}\r\n }\r\n |elif mission.destinationsystem && mission.destinationsystem != \"\":\r\n {allmissions(mission.destinationsystem)}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set systemsCount to len(systems)}\r\n\r\n You have\r\n {if failed > 0:\r\n {failed} failed\r\n {if pending > 0:\r\n and\r\n |elif missionsCount + goalsCount = 1:\r\n mission.\r\n |else:\r\n missions.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if pending > 0:\r\n {if mission_report && systemsCount > 0:\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < systemsCount:\r\n {set active to systems_active[cur]}\r\n {set claim to systems_claim[cur]}\r\n\r\n {if active > 0 && active > claim:\r\n {active} pending {if active = 1: mission |else: missions }\r\n {if claim > 0:, including {claim} claimable {if claim = 1: mission |else: missions} }\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"at\",\"in\")} {P(systems[cur], \"starsystem\")}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n {if cur = systemsCount - 1: and |elif cur < systemsCount: , }\r\n }.\r\n |else:\r\n {pending} pending {if missionsCount + goalsCount = 1: mission |else: missions} \r\n {if systemsCount = 0:\r\n with no designated target {if missionsCount + goalsCount = 1: system |else: systems }\r\n |elif systemsCount = 1:\r\n in {if systems[0] = this |else: one } system\r\n |else:\r\n in {systemsCount} {Occasionally(2,\"star\")} systems\r\n }.\r\n {if multi > 0:\r\n {if multi = pending: All |else: {multi} } of these {if multi = 1: is a |else: are }\r\n multi-destination {if multi = 1: mission |else: missions }.\r\n } \r\n }\r\n }\r\n|else:\r\n {OneOf(\"You currently have no missions.\", \"You have no missions at the moment.\",\r\n \"You have no missions at this time.\")}\r\n}",
"default": true
"Mission check station": {
"name": "Mission check station",
"description": "Check what missions you have for the current station",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Mission check station }\r\n{_ Check what missions you have for the current station }\r\n{if missionsCount + goalsCount > 0:\r\n {set current_station to state.eddi_context_body_name}\r\n {set active to 0}\r\n {set claim to 0}\r\n\r\n {if current_station && current_station != \"\":\r\n {for mission in missions:\r\n {if mission.destinationstation = current_station ||\r\n (mission.originstation = current_station && find(mission.invariantTags, \"Delivery\") > -1):\r\n {if mission.status = \"Active\":\r\n {set active to active + 1}\r\n |elif mission.status = \"Claim\":\r\n {set claim to claim + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if active + claim > 0:\r\n {set description to []}\r\n {if active > 0:\r\n {set activeDescription to:\r\n {active} {OneOf(\"pending\", \"active\")}\r\n }\r\n {set description to cat(description, [activeDescription])}\r\n }\r\n {if claim > 0:\r\n {set claimDescription to:\r\n {claim} claimable\r\n }\r\n {set description to cat(description, [claimDescription])}\r\n }\r\n \r\n You have {List(description)} \r\n {if active + claim = 1: mission |else: missions}\r\n {Occasionally(3,\"located\")} at this station\r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Mission check station }\r\n{_ Check what missions you have for the current station }\r\n{if missionsCount + goalsCount > 0:\r\n {set current_station to state.eddi_context_body_name}\r\n {set active to 0}\r\n {set claim to 0}\r\n\r\n {if current_station && current_station != \"\":\r\n {for mission in missions:\r\n {if mission.destinationstation = current_station ||\r\n (mission.originstation = current_station && find(mission.invariantTags, \"Delivery\") > -1):\r\n {if mission.status = \"Active\":\r\n {set active to active + 1}\r\n |elif mission.status = \"Claim\":\r\n {set claim to claim + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if active + claim > 0:\r\n {set description to []}\r\n {if active > 0:\r\n {set activeDescription to:\r\n {active} {OneOf(\"pending\", \"active\")}\r\n }\r\n {set description to cat(description, [activeDescription])}\r\n }\r\n {if claim > 0:\r\n {set claimDescription to:\r\n {claim} claimable\r\n }\r\n {set description to cat(description, [claimDescription])}\r\n }\r\n \r\n You have {List(description)} \r\n {if active + claim = 1: mission |else: missions}\r\n {Occasionally(3,\"located\")} at this station\r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Mission check system": {
"name": "Mission check system",
"description": "Check what missions you have for the current system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Mission check system }\r\n{_ Check what missions you have for the current system }\r\n\r\n{_ Setup addstation function }\r\n{set addstation(station) to:\r\n {set missions_here to missions_here + 1}\r\n {set station_based to station_based + 1}\r\n {set here to find(stations_here, station)}\r\n {if here > -1:\r\n {if mission.statusEDName = \"Active\":\r\n {set active to stations_active[here] + 1}\r\n {set stations_active to union(stations_active, [here:active])}\r\n |elif mission.statusEDName = \"Claim\":\r\n {set claim to stations_claim[here] + 1}\r\n {set stations_claim to union(stations_claim, [here:claim])}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {set stations_here to cat(stations_here, [station])}\r\n {if mission.statusEDName = \"Active\":\r\n {set stations_active to cat(stations_active, [1])}\r\n {set stations_claim to cat(stations_claim , [0])}\r\n |elif mission.statusEDName = \"Claim\":\r\n {set stations_active to cat(stations_active, [0])}\r\n {set stations_claim to cat(stations_claim , [1])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if missionsCount + goalsCount > 0:\r\n {set missions_here to 0}\r\n {set station_based to 0}\r\n {set stations_active to []}\r\n {set stations_claim to []}\r\n {set stations_here to []}\r\n {set non_stations to []}\r\n\r\n {_ Find all missions in the current system and identify all the stations }\r\n {for mission in missions:\r\n {if mission.status != \"Failed\":\r\n {if mission.destinationsystems:\r\n {for destination in mission.destinationsystems:\r\n {if = && !destination.visited:\r\n {set missions_here to missions_here + 1}\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if find(non_stations, type) = -1:\r\n {set non_stations to cat(non_stations, [type])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n |elif mission.destinationsystem =\r\n {if mission.destinationstation && mission.destinationstation != \"\":\r\n {addstation(mission.destinationstation)}\r\n |else:\r\n {if mission.status = \"Active\":\r\n {set missions_here to missions_here + 1}\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n {if find(non_stations, type) = -1:\r\n {set non_stations to cat(non_stations, [type])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n |elif mission.originsystem = && find(mission.invariantTags, \"Delivery\") > -1:\r\n {if mission.originstation && mission.originstation != \"\":\r\n {addstation(mission.originstation)}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if missions_here > 0:\r\n {set missionSummaries to []}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {for station in stations_here:\r\n {set station to StationDetails(station)}\r\n {set active to stations_active[cur]}\r\n {set claim to stations_claim[cur]}\r\n {set depot to stations_depot[cur]}\r\n\r\n {set summaries to []}\r\n {if active > 0:\r\n {set activeSummary to: \r\n {active} {OneOf(\"active\", \"pending\")} {if active = 1: mission |else: missions}\r\n }\r\n {set summaries to cat(summaries, [activeSummary])}\r\n }\r\n {if claim > 0:\r\n {set claimSummary to: \r\n {claim} claimable {if claim = 1: mission |else: missions}\r\n }\r\n {set summaries to cat(summaries, [claimSummary])}\r\n }\r\n {if len(summaries) > 0:\r\n {set stationSummary to:\r\n {List(summaries)} at \r\n {Occasionally(2, \"the {P(station.model, 'station')}, \")}\r\n {}\r\n }\r\n {set missionSummaries to cat(missionSummaries, [stationSummary])}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n \r\n {set remaining to missions_here - station_based}\r\n {if remaining > 0:\r\n {set otherMissions to:\r\n {remaining} {if len(missionSummaries) > 0: other}\r\n {if remaining > 1: missions |else: mission}\r\n }\r\n {set missionSummaries to cat(missionSummaries, [otherMissions])}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(missionSummaries) > 0:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n You have\r\n {List(missionSummaries)}\r\n {OneOf(\"here\", \"in this system\")}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Mission check system }\r\n{_ Check what missions you have for the current system }\r\n\r\n{_ Setup addstation function }\r\n{set addstation(station) to:\r\n {set missions_here to missions_here + 1}\r\n {set station_based to station_based + 1}\r\n {set here to find(stations_here, station)}\r\n {if here > -1:\r\n {if mission.statusEDName = \"Active\":\r\n {set active to stations_active[here] + 1}\r\n {set stations_active to union(stations_active, [here:active])}\r\n |elif mission.statusEDName = \"Claim\":\r\n {set claim to stations_claim[here] + 1}\r\n {set stations_claim to union(stations_claim, [here:claim])}\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n {set stations_here to cat(stations_here, [station])}\r\n {if mission.statusEDName = \"Active\":\r\n {set stations_active to cat(stations_active, [1])}\r\n {set stations_claim to cat(stations_claim , [0])}\r\n |elif mission.statusEDName = \"Claim\":\r\n {set stations_active to cat(stations_active, [0])}\r\n {set stations_claim to cat(stations_claim , [1])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if missionsCount + goalsCount > 0:\r\n {set missions_here to 0}\r\n {set station_based to 0}\r\n {set stations_active to []}\r\n {set stations_claim to []}\r\n {set stations_here to []}\r\n {set non_stations to []}\r\n\r\n {_ Find all missions in the current system and identify all the stations }\r\n {for mission in missions:\r\n {if mission.status != \"Failed\":\r\n {if mission.destinationsystems:\r\n {for destination in mission.destinationsystems:\r\n {if = && !destination.visited:\r\n {set missions_here to missions_here + 1}\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if find(non_stations, type) = -1:\r\n {set non_stations to cat(non_stations, [type])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n |elif mission.destinationsystem =\r\n {if mission.destinationstation && mission.destinationstation != \"\":\r\n {addstation(mission.destinationstation)}\r\n |else:\r\n {if mission.status = \"Active\":\r\n {set missions_here to missions_here + 1}\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n {if find(non_stations, type) = -1:\r\n {set non_stations to cat(non_stations, [type])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n |elif mission.originsystem = && find(mission.invariantTags, \"Delivery\") > -1:\r\n {if mission.originstation && mission.originstation != \"\":\r\n {addstation(mission.originstation)}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if missions_here > 0:\r\n {set missionSummaries to []}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {for station in stations_here:\r\n {set station to StationDetails(station)}\r\n {set active to stations_active[cur]}\r\n {set claim to stations_claim[cur]}\r\n {set depot to stations_depot[cur]}\r\n\r\n {set summaries to []}\r\n {if active > 0:\r\n {set activeSummary to: \r\n {active} {OneOf(\"active\", \"pending\")} {if active = 1: mission |else: missions}\r\n }\r\n {set summaries to cat(summaries, [activeSummary])}\r\n }\r\n {if claim > 0:\r\n {set claimSummary to: \r\n {claim} claimable {if claim = 1: mission |else: missions}\r\n }\r\n {set summaries to cat(summaries, [claimSummary])}\r\n }\r\n {if len(summaries) > 0:\r\n {set stationSummary to:\r\n {List(summaries)} at \r\n {Occasionally(2, \"the {P(station.model, 'station')}, \")}\r\n {}\r\n }\r\n {set missionSummaries to cat(missionSummaries, [stationSummary])}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n \r\n {set remaining to missions_here - station_based}\r\n {if remaining > 0:\r\n {set otherMissions to:\r\n {remaining} {if len(missionSummaries) > 0: other}\r\n {if remaining > 1: missions |else: mission}\r\n }\r\n {set missionSummaries to cat(missionSummaries, [otherMissions])}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(missionSummaries) > 0:\r\n {Pause(500)}\r\n You have\r\n {List(missionSummaries)}\r\n {OneOf(\"here\", \"in this system\")}.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Mission completed": {
"name": "Mission completed",
"description": "Triggered when you complete a mission",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Mission completed }\r\n{_ Triggered when you complete a mission }\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'complete')}\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n}\r\n{set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n{set ranktype to token(,\"_\",2)}\r\n{set rewards to []}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Donation\") > -1:\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Credits\") = -1:\r\n {set donated to cat(event.amount, \" tonnes of \",event.commodity)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set donated to cat(Humanise(event.donation),\" credits\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\"Donated {Occasionally(2, '{donated}')} to {Occasionally(2, 'a grateful')} {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}\",\r\n \"{P(mission.faction, 'faction')} has received your donation {Occasionally(2, 'of {donated}')}\",\r\n \"{P(mission.faction, 'faction')} thanks you for your donation {Occasionally(2, 'of {donated}')}\")}\r\n|elif ranktype = \"RANKEMP\" || ranktype = \"RankEmp\":\r\n You have {OneOf(\"completed the Imperial {type} successfully\",\"successfully completed the Imperial {type}\")}\r\n|elif ranktype = \"RANKFED\" || ranktype = \"RankFed\":\r\n You have {OneOf(\"completed the Federal {type} successfully\",\"successfully completed the Federal {type}\")}\r\n|elif mission.communal:\r\n You have completed the community goal: {mission.localisedname}\r\n|else:\r\n {type} {Occasionally(2, \"successfully\")} completed\r\n}\r\n{F(\"Mission faction state\")}.\r\n\r\n{if len(event.permitsawarded) > 0:\r\n {for permit in event.permitsawarded:\r\n {set permitReward to:\r\n {OneOf(\"a permit\", \"clearance\")} {OneOf(\"for\", \"to visit\")} the {P(permit, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n }\r\n {set rewards to cat(rewards, [permitReward])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(event.commodityrewards) > 0:\r\n {for commodity in event.commodityrewards:\r\n {set commodityReward to:\r\n {commodity.amount}\r\n {if commodity.amount > 1: tons |else: ton} \r\n of {commodity.commodity}\r\n }\r\n {set rewards to cat(rewards, [commodityReward])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(event.materialsrewards) > 0:\r\n {for material in event.materialsrewards:\r\n {set materialReward to:\r\n {material.amount}\r\n {if material.amount > 1: units |else: unit} \r\n of {material.material}\r\n }\r\n {set rewards to cat(rewards, [materialReward])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(event.microresourcerewards) > 0:\r\n {for microresource in event.microresourcerewards:\r\n {set microresourceReward to:\r\n {microresource.amount}\r\n {if microresource.amount > 1: units |else: unit} \r\n of {}\r\n }\r\n {set rewards to cat(rewards, [microresourceReward])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.reward > 0:\r\n {set creditReward to: {Humanise(event.reward)} credits }\r\n {set rewards to cat(rewards, [creditReward])}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(rewards) > 0:\r\n You have {OneOf('received','been awarded')} {List(rewards)}\r\n {if event.faction:\r\n {Occasionally(3, 'from {P(event.faction, \"faction\")}')}\r\n }.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Update to next system in route if conditions met _}\r\n{Pause(1000)}\r\n{set next_system to RouteDetails(\"update\")}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Mission completed }\r\n{_ Triggered when you complete a mission }\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'complete')}\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n}\r\n{set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n{set ranktype to token(,\"_\",2)}\r\n{set rewards to []}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Donation\") > -1:\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Credits\") = -1:\r\n {set donated to cat(event.amount, \" tonnes of \",event.commodity)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set donated to cat(Humanise(event.donation),\" credits\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\"Donated {Occasionally(2, '{donated}')} to {Occasionally(2, 'a grateful')} {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}\",\r\n \"{P(mission.faction, 'faction')} has received your donation {Occasionally(2, 'of {donated}')}\",\r\n \"{P(mission.faction, 'faction')} thanks you for your donation {Occasionally(2, 'of {donated}')}\")}\r\n|elif ranktype = \"RANKEMP\" || ranktype = \"RankEmp\":\r\n You have {OneOf(\"completed the Imperial {type} successfully\",\"successfully completed the Imperial {type}\")}\r\n|elif ranktype = \"RANKFED\" || ranktype = \"RankFed\":\r\n You have {OneOf(\"completed the Federal {type} successfully\",\"successfully completed the Federal {type}\")}\r\n|elif mission.communal:\r\n You have completed the community goal: {mission.localisedname}\r\n|else:\r\n {type} {Occasionally(2, \"successfully\")} completed\r\n}\r\n{F(\"Mission faction state\")}.\r\n\r\n{if len(event.permitsawarded) > 0:\r\n {for permit in event.permitsawarded:\r\n {set permitReward to:\r\n {OneOf(\"a permit\", \"clearance\")} {OneOf(\"for\", \"to visit\")} the {P(permit, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n }\r\n {set rewards to cat(rewards, [permitReward])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(event.commodityrewards) > 0:\r\n {for commodity in event.commodityrewards:\r\n {set commodityReward to:\r\n {commodity.amount}\r\n {if commodity.amount > 1: tons |else: ton} \r\n of {commodity.commodity}\r\n }\r\n {set rewards to cat(rewards, [commodityReward])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(event.materialsrewards) > 0:\r\n {for material in event.materialsrewards:\r\n {set materialReward to:\r\n {material.amount}\r\n {if material.amount > 1: units |else: unit} \r\n of {material.material}\r\n }\r\n {set rewards to cat(rewards, [materialReward])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(event.microresourcerewards) > 0:\r\n {for microresource in event.microresourcerewards:\r\n {set microresourceReward to:\r\n {microresource.amount}\r\n {if microresource.amount > 1: units |else: unit} \r\n of {}\r\n }\r\n {set rewards to cat(rewards, [microresourceReward])}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.reward > 0:\r\n {set creditReward to: {Humanise(event.reward)} credits }\r\n {set rewards to cat(rewards, [creditReward])}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(rewards) > 0:\r\n You have {OneOf('received','been awarded')} {List(rewards)}\r\n {if event.faction:\r\n {Occasionally(3, 'from {P(event.faction, \"faction\")}')}\r\n }.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Update to next system in route if conditions met _}\r\n{Pause(1000)}\r\n{set next_system to RouteDetails(\"update\")}",
"default": true
"Mission expired": {
"name": "Mission expired",
"description": "Triggered when a mission has expired",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Mission expired }\r\n{_ Triggered when a mission has expired }\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'expired')}\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n}\r\n{set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\n{type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, \"faction\")}} has expired.\r\n{if mission.commodity:\r\n {for cargo in inventory:\r\n {if = mission.commodity && cargo.haulage > 0:\r\n All mission related cargo will be flagged as stolen.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Mission expired }\r\n{_ Triggered when a mission has expired }\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'expired')}\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n}\r\n{set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\n{type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, \"faction\")}} has expired.\r\n{if mission.commodity:\r\n {for cargo in inventory:\r\n {if = mission.commodity && cargo.haulage > 0:\r\n All mission related cargo will be flagged as stolen.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Mission faction state": {
"name": "Mission faction state",
"description": "Report the faction state",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Mission faction state _}\r\n{_ Report the faction state _}\r\n\r\n\r\n{set opening to cat(OneOf(\"during\",\"in\"), \" this \", OneOf(\"time\",\"period\"), \" of\")}\r\n{set state to mission.FactionState.invariantName}\r\n\r\n{if state = \"Boom\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"commercial success\",\"economic boom\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Bust\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"economic decline\",\"recession\",\"economic downturn\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"CivilLiberty\":\r\n {opening} heightened civil liberty.\r\n|elif state = \"CivilUnrest\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"civil unrest\",\"civil conflict\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"CivilWar\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"civil war\",\"civil conflict\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Election\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"choosing\",\"electing\",\"voting for\")} new {OneOf(\"leaders\",\"leadership\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Expansion\":\r\n {opening} expansion into a neighboring {OneOf(\"system\",\"territory\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Famine\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"famine\",\"food shortage\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Incursion\":\r\n {opening} alien {OneOf(\"incursion\",\"invasion\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Investment\":\r\n {opening} investment in its infrastructure.\r\n|elif state = \"Lockdown\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"martial law\",\"enhanced security\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Outbreak\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"contagion\",\"medical emergency\",\"outbreak relief\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Retreat\":\r\n {opening} retreat from a neighboring {OneOf(\"system\",\"territory\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"War\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"war\",\"conflict\")}.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Mission faction state _}\r\n{_ Report the faction state _}\r\n\r\n\r\n{set opening to cat(OneOf(\"during\",\"in\"), \" this \", OneOf(\"time\",\"period\"), \" of\")}\r\n{set state to mission.FactionState.invariantName}\r\n\r\n{if state = \"Boom\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"commercial success\",\"economic boom\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Bust\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"economic decline\",\"recession\",\"economic downturn\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"CivilLiberty\":\r\n {opening} heightened civil liberty.\r\n|elif state = \"CivilUnrest\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"civil unrest\",\"civil conflict\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"CivilWar\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"civil war\",\"civil conflict\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Election\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"choosing\",\"electing\",\"voting for\")} new {OneOf(\"leaders\",\"leadership\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Expansion\":\r\n {opening} expansion into a neighboring {OneOf(\"system\",\"territory\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Famine\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"famine\",\"food shortage\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Incursion\":\r\n {opening} alien {OneOf(\"incursion\",\"invasion\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Investment\":\r\n {opening} investment in its infrastructure.\r\n|elif state = \"Lockdown\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"martial law\",\"enhanced security\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Outbreak\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"contagion\",\"medical emergency\",\"outbreak relief\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"Retreat\":\r\n {opening} retreat from a neighboring {OneOf(\"system\",\"territory\")}.\r\n|elif state = \"War\":\r\n {opening} {OneOf(\"war\",\"conflict\")}.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Mission failed": {
"name": "Mission failed",
"description": "Triggered when you fail a mission",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'fail')}\r\n\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n}\r\n{set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"{type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}} failed\", \r\n \"You have failed the {type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}}\")}.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'fail')}\r\n\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n}\r\n{set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"{type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}} failed\", \r\n \"You have failed the {type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, 'faction')}}\")}.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n",
"default": true
"Mission redirected": {
"name": "Mission redirected",
"description": "Triggered when a mission is redirected",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Mission redirected }\r\n{_ Triggered when a mission is redirected }\r\n\r\n{set redirected_from to cat(event.olddestinationsystem,\"_\",event.olddestinationstation)}\r\n{set redirected_to to cat(event.newdestinationsystem,\"_\",event.newdestinationstation)}\r\n\r\n{if state.eddi_context_last_subject = 'mission' \r\n && state.eddi_context_last_action = 'redirected' \r\n && state.eddi_context_redirected_mission =\r\n && state.eddi_context_redirected_from = redirected_from \r\n && state.eddi_context_redirected_to = redirected_to:\r\n {_ Duplicate from stacked similar mission, do nothing }\r\n|else:\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'redirected')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_redirected_mission',}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_redirected_from', cat(event.olddestinationsystem,\"_\",event.olddestinationstation))}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_redirected_to', cat(event.newdestinationsystem,\"_\",event.newdestinationstation))}\r\n \r\n {set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n {set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\n {if mission.status = \"Claim\" && mission.destinationsystem = mission.originsystem:\r\n {type} {Occasionally(2, \"requirements\")} completed.\r\n Redirected to {Occasionally(2, \"mission\")} origin.\r\n |elif mission.destinations:\r\n Chained {type} redirected to the {P(event.newdestinationsystem, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n |else:\r\n {type} redirected to \r\n {if event.newdestinationstation:\r\n {P(event.newdestinationstation, \"station\")} in the {P(event.newdestinationsystem, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n |else:\r\n the {P(event.newdestinationsystem, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Mission redirected }\r\n{_ Triggered when a mission is redirected }\r\n\r\n{set redirected_from to cat(event.olddestinationsystem,\"_\",event.olddestinationstation)}\r\n{set redirected_to to cat(event.newdestinationsystem,\"_\",event.newdestinationstation)}\r\n\r\n{if state.eddi_context_last_subject = 'mission' \r\n && state.eddi_context_last_action = 'redirected' \r\n && state.eddi_context_redirected_mission =\r\n && state.eddi_context_redirected_from = redirected_from \r\n && state.eddi_context_redirected_to = redirected_to:\r\n {_ Duplicate from stacked similar mission, do nothing }\r\n|else:\r\n {_ Context }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'redirected')}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_redirected_mission',}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_redirected_from', cat(event.olddestinationsystem,\"_\",event.olddestinationstation))}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_redirected_to', cat(event.newdestinationsystem,\"_\",event.newdestinationstation))}\r\n \r\n {set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n {set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\n {if mission.status = \"Claim\" && mission.destinationsystem = mission.originsystem:\r\n {type} {Occasionally(2, \"requirements\")} completed.\r\n Redirected to {Occasionally(2, \"mission\")} origin.\r\n |elif mission.destinations:\r\n Chained {type} redirected to the {P(event.newdestinationsystem, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n |else:\r\n {type} redirected to \r\n {if event.newdestinationstation:\r\n {P(event.newdestinationstation, \"station\")} in the {P(event.newdestinationsystem, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n |else:\r\n the {P(event.newdestinationsystem, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Mission report": {
"name": "Mission report",
"description": "Report the current mission log",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Mission report }\r\n{_ Report the current mission log }\r\n\r\n\r\n{set mission_report to true}\r\n{F(\"Mission check galaxy\")}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Mission report }\r\n{_ Report the current mission log }\r\n\r\n\r\n{set mission_report to true}\r\n{F(\"Mission check galaxy\")}\r\n",
"default": true
"Mission warning": {
"name": "Mission warning",
"description": "Triggered when a mission is about to expire, based on a set threshold",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Mission warning }\r\n{_ Triggered when a mission is about to expire, based on a set threshold }\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'warning')}\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n}\r\n{set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\nWarning: {type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, \"faction\")}} will expire in {event.remaining} minutes.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Mission warning }\r\n{_ Triggered when a mission is about to expire, based on a set threshold }\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'mission')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'warning')}\r\n\r\n{set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionid)}\r\n\r\n{if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n}\r\n{set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\nWarning: {type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, \"faction\")}} will expire in {event.remaining} minutes.",
"default": true
"Missions": {
"name": "Missions",
"description": "Triggered at startup, with basic information of the Mission Log",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Missions }\r\n{_ Triggered at startup, with basic information of the Mission Log }\r\n\r\n{F(\"Mission check galaxy\")}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Missions }\r\n{_ Triggered at startup, with basic information of the Mission Log }\r\n\r\n{F(\"Mission check galaxy\")}",
"default": true
"Modification crafted": {
"name": "Modification crafted",
"description": "Triggered when you craft a modification to a module",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Module arrived": {
"name": "Module arrived",
"description": "Triggered when you complete a module transfer",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{Occasionally(2, '{F(\\'Honorific\\')}, ')}\r\nYour {} has\r\n\r\n{OneOf('arrived {if != event.station && event.station: at}', \r\n 'completed its transfer {if != event.station && event.station: to}')}\r\n\r\n{if != event.station && event.station:\r\n {P(event.station, \"station\")}\r\n {if != event.system && event.system:\r\n in the {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n }\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "{Occasionally(2, '{F(\\'Honorific\\')}, ')}\r\nYour {} has\r\n\r\n{OneOf('arrived {if != event.station && event.station: at}', \r\n 'completed its transfer {if != event.station && event.station: to}')}\r\n\r\n{if != event.station && event.station:\r\n {P(event.station, \"station\")}\r\n {if != event.system && event.system:\r\n in the {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n }\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Module info": {
"name": "Module info",
"description": "Triggered when a ModulesInfo.json file is generated/updated",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ This event updates `ship` module information: position, power, & priority _}",
"defaultValue": "{_ This event updates `ship` module information: position, power, & priority _}",
"default": true
"Module purchased": {
"name": "Module purchased",
"description": "Triggered when you purchase a module in outfitting",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You have purchased a\r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.buymodule.class} {ICAO(event.buymodule.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.buymodule.class, event.buymodule.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.buymodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.buymodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{} for {Humanise(event.buyprice)} credits\r\n\r\n{if type(event.sellmodule) != \"void\":\r\n , and sold a\r\n {if icao_active:\r\n {event.sellmodule.class} {ICAO(event.sellmodule.grade)}\r\n |else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.sellmodule.class, event.sellmodule.grade))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if type(event.sellmodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.sellmodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {} for {Humanise(event.sellprice)} credits\r\n\r\n|elif type(event.storedmodule) != \"void\":\r\n , and stored a\r\n {if icao_active:\r\n {event.storedmodule.class} {ICAO(event.storedmodule.grade)}\r\n |else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.storedmodule.class, event.storedmodule.grade))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if type(event.storedmodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.storedmodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {}\r\n}.\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": "You have purchased a\r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.buymodule.class} {ICAO(event.buymodule.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.buymodule.class, event.buymodule.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.buymodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.buymodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{} for {Humanise(event.buyprice)} credits\r\n\r\n{if type(event.sellmodule) != \"void\":\r\n , and sold a\r\n {if icao_active:\r\n {event.sellmodule.class} {ICAO(event.sellmodule.grade)}\r\n |else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.sellmodule.class, event.sellmodule.grade))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if type(event.sellmodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.sellmodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {} for {Humanise(event.sellprice)} credits\r\n\r\n|elif type(event.storedmodule) != \"void\":\r\n , and stored a\r\n {if icao_active:\r\n {event.storedmodule.class} {ICAO(event.storedmodule.grade)}\r\n |else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.storedmodule.class, event.storedmodule.grade))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if type(event.storedmodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.storedmodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {}\r\n}.\r\n\r\n",
"default": true
"Module retrieved": {
"name": "Module retrieved",
"description": "Triggered when you fetch a previously stored module",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You have retrieved a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.module.class} {ICAO(event.module.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.module.class, event.module.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n{if type(event.module.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{} from storage\r\n\r\n{if type(event.swapoutmodule) != \"void\":\r\n and stored a \r\n {if icao_active:\r\n {event.swapoutmodule.class} {ICAO(event.swapoutmodule.grade)}\r\n |else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.swapoutmodule.class, event.swapoutmodule.grade))}\r\n }\r\n {if type(event.swapoutmodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.swapoutmodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.cost) != \"void\": for a cost of {Humanise(event.cost)} credits}\r\n.",
"defaultValue": "You have retrieved a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.module.class} {ICAO(event.module.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.module.class, event.module.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n{if type(event.module.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{} from storage\r\n\r\n{if type(event.swapoutmodule) != \"void\":\r\n and stored a \r\n {if icao_active:\r\n {event.swapoutmodule.class} {ICAO(event.swapoutmodule.grade)}\r\n |else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.swapoutmodule.class, event.swapoutmodule.grade))}\r\n }\r\n {if type(event.swapoutmodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.swapoutmodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.cost) != \"void\": for a cost of {Humanise(event.cost)} credits}\r\n.",
"default": true
"Module sold": {
"name": "Module sold",
"description": "Triggered when selling a module to outfitting",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You have sold a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.module.class} {ICAO(event.module.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.module.class, event.module.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.module.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{} for {Humanise(event.price)} credits.",
"defaultValue": "You have sold a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.module.class} {ICAO(event.module.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.module.class, event.module.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.module.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{} for {Humanise(event.price)} credits.",
"default": true
"Module sold from storage": {
"name": "Module sold from storage",
"description": "Triggered when selling a module from storage",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You have sold a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.module.class} {ICAO(event.module.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.module.class, event.module.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.module.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{} from your stores for {Humanise(event.price)} credits.",
"defaultValue": "You have sold a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.module.class} {ICAO(event.module.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.module.class, event.module.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.module.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{} from your stores for {Humanise(event.price)} credits.",
"default": true
"Module stored": {
"name": "Module stored",
"description": "Triggered when you store a module",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You have stored a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.module.class} {ICAO(event.module.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.module.class, event.module.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.module.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.cost) != \"void\": for a cost of {Humanise(event.cost)} credits}.",
"defaultValue": "You have stored a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.module.class} {ICAO(event.module.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.module.class, event.module.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.module.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.cost) != \"void\": for a cost of {Humanise(event.cost)} credits}.",
"default": true
"Module swapped": {
"name": "Module swapped",
"description": "Triggered when modules are swapped between slots on the ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You have swapped the positions of a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.frommodule.class} {ICAO(event.frommodule.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.frommodule.class, event.frommodule.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.frommodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.frommodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{} and \r\n\r\n{if event.tomodule:\r\n a \r\n {if icao_active:\r\n {event.tomodule.class} {ICAO(event.tomodule.grade)}\r\n |else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.tomodule.class, event.tomodule.grade))}\r\n }\r\n {if type(event.tomodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.tomodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {}.\r\n|else: \r\n an empty slot.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "You have swapped the positions of a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.frommodule.class} {ICAO(event.frommodule.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.frommodule.class, event.frommodule.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.frommodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.frommodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{} and \r\n\r\n{if event.tomodule:\r\n a \r\n {if icao_active:\r\n {event.tomodule.class} {ICAO(event.tomodule.grade)}\r\n |else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.tomodule.class, event.tomodule.grade))}\r\n }\r\n {if type(event.tomodule.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in event.tomodule.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {}.\r\n|else: \r\n an empty slot.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Module transfer": {
"name": "Module transfer",
"description": "Triggered when you transfer a module from storage at another station",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You have transferred a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.module.class} {ICAO(event.module.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.module.class, event.module.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.module.mount:\r\n {for index, value in event.module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{} \r\n\r\n{if event.transfercost: for a cost of {Humanise(event.transfercost)} credits}.\r\n\r\n{set t_remaining to event.transfertime}\r\n\r\n{if t_remaining:\r\n\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n Expected arrival in:\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > (60*60*24):\r\n {set t_days to floor(t_remaining/(60*60*24))}\r\n {t_days} days,\r\n {set t_remaining to t_remaining-(t_days*(60*60*24))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > 3600:\r\n {set t_hours to floor(t_remaining/3600)}\r\n {t_hours} hours,\r\n {set t_remaining to t_remaining-(t_hours*(60*60))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > 60:\r\n {if t_days || t_hours: and}\r\n {set t_minutes to round(t_remaining/(60),0)}\r\n {t_minutes} minutes.\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "You have transferred a \r\n{if icao_active:\r\n {event.module.class} {ICAO(event.module.grade)}\r\n|else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(event.module.class, event.module.grade))}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.module.mount:\r\n {for index, value in event.module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{} \r\n\r\n{if event.transfercost: for a cost of {Humanise(event.transfercost)} credits}.\r\n\r\n{set t_remaining to event.transfertime}\r\n\r\n{if t_remaining:\r\n\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n Expected arrival in:\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > (60*60*24):\r\n {set t_days to floor(t_remaining/(60*60*24))}\r\n {t_days} days,\r\n {set t_remaining to t_remaining-(t_days*(60*60*24))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > 3600:\r\n {set t_hours to floor(t_remaining/3600)}\r\n {t_hours} hours,\r\n {set t_remaining to t_remaining-(t_hours*(60*60))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > 60:\r\n {if t_days || t_hours: and}\r\n {set t_minutes to round(t_remaining/(60),0)}\r\n {t_minutes} minutes.\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Modules stored": {
"name": "Modules stored",
"description": "Triggered when you store multiple modules",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You have stored the following modules:\r\n\r\n{for module in event.modules:\r\n {if icao_active:\r\n {module.class} {ICAO(module.grade)}\r\n |else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(module.class, module.grade))}\r\n }\r\n {if type(module.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {}.\r\n {Pause(400)}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "You have stored the following modules:\r\n\r\n{for module in event.modules:\r\n {if icao_active:\r\n {module.class} {ICAO(module.grade)}\r\n |else:\r\n {Spacialise(cat(module.class, module.grade))}\r\n }\r\n {if type(module.mount) != \"void\":\r\n {for index, value in module.mount: {set mount to value}}\r\n {if mount = 0:\r\n fixed\r\n |elif mount = 1:\r\n giimballed\r\n |elif mount = 2:\r\n turreted\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {}.\r\n {Pause(400)}\r\n}",
"default": true
"Music": {
"name": "Music",
"description": "Triggered when the game music 'mood' changes",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Nav beacon scan": {
"name": "Nav beacon scan",
"description": "Triggered when you scan a nav beacon, before the scan data for all the bodies in the system is written into the journal",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'nav beacon')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_star_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_nav_scans', event.numbodies)}\r\n\r\n{set nav to OneOf(\"nav\", \"navigation\")}\r\n{set beacon to OneOf(\"beacon\", \"buoy\")}\r\n{OneOf(\"This {nav} {beacon} has transferred details of {event.numbodies} bodies in this system.\",\r\n \"Details on {event.numbodies} bodies in this system received.\")}\r\n\r\n{Pause(500)}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'nav beacon')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_star_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_nav_scans', event.numbodies)}\r\n\r\n{set nav to OneOf(\"nav\", \"navigation\")}\r\n{set beacon to OneOf(\"beacon\", \"buoy\")}\r\n{OneOf(\"This {nav} {beacon} has transferred details of {event.numbodies} bodies in this system.\",\r\n \"Details on {event.numbodies} bodies in this system received.\")}\r\n\r\n{Pause(500)}",
"default": true
"Near surface": {
"name": "Near surface",
"description": "Triggered when you enter or depart orbit around a surface",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Next jump": {
"name": "Next jump",
"description": "Triggered when selecting a star system to jump to",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Next jump }\r\n{_ Triggered when selecting a star system to jump to }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_remaining_jumps', event.remainingjumpsinroute)}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Next jump }\r\n{_ Triggered when selecting a star system to jump to }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_remaining_jumps', event.remainingjumpsinroute)}",
"default": true
"NPC attack commenced": {
"name": "NPC attack commenced",
"description": "Triggered when an attack on your ship by an NPC is detected",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Warning: attack \r\n{if\r\n by {} \r\n}\r\ndetected.",
"defaultValue": "Warning: attack \r\n{if\r\n by {} \r\n}\r\ndetected.",
"default": true
"NPC cargo scan commenced": {
"name": "NPC cargo scan commenced",
"description": "Triggered when a cargo scan on your ship by an NPC is detected",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ See if we are carrying non-limpet cargo}\r\n{set carryingvaluablecargo to 0}\r\n{for cargo in ship.cargo:\r\n {if cargo.commodity != 'Limpet':\r\n {set carryingvaluablecargo to 1}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if carryingvaluablecargo = 1:\r\n Caution: cargo scan\r\n {if\r\n by {} \r\n }\r\n detected.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ See if we are carrying non-limpet cargo}\r\n{set carryingvaluablecargo to 0}\r\n{for cargo in ship.cargo:\r\n {if cargo.commodity != 'Limpet':\r\n {set carryingvaluablecargo to 1}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if carryingvaluablecargo = 1:\r\n Caution: cargo scan\r\n {if\r\n by {} \r\n }\r\n detected.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"NPC interdiction commenced": {
"name": "NPC interdiction commenced",
"description": "Triggered when an interdiction attempt on your ship by an NPC is detected",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Warning: interdiction attempt\r\n{if\r\n by {} \r\n}\r\ndetected.\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(3, \"Throttle down or evade.\")}",
"defaultValue": "Warning: interdiction attempt\r\n{if\r\n by {} \r\n}\r\ndetected.\r\n\r\n{Occasionally(3, \"Throttle down or evade.\")}",
"default": true
"Passengers": {
"name": "Passengers",
"description": "Triggered at session start from Passengers event",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Power commodity delivered": {
"name": "Power commodity delivered",
"description": "Triggered when a commander delivers a commodity to a power",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{event.amount} units of {event.commodity} delivered {Occasionally(2, \"for {P(event.power, 'power')}\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{event.amount} units of {event.commodity} delivered {Occasionally(2, \"for {P(event.power, 'power')}\")}.",
"default": true
"Power commodity fast tracked": {
"name": "Power commodity fast tracked",
"description": "Triggered when a commander fast tracks a commodity of a power",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{Humanise(event.amount)} credits spent fast-tracking commodities {Occasionally(2, \"for {P(event.power, 'power')}\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{Humanise(event.amount)} credits spent fast-tracking commodities {Occasionally(2, \"for {P(event.power, 'power')}\")}.",
"default": true
"Power commodity obtained": {
"name": "Power commodity obtained",
"description": "Triggered when a commander obtains a commodity from a power",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{event.amount} units of {event.commodity} obtained {Occasionally(2, \"for {P(event.power, 'power')}\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{event.amount} units of {event.commodity} obtained {Occasionally(2, \"for {P(event.power, 'power')}\")}.",
"default": true
"Power defected": {
"name": "Power defected",
"description": "Triggered when you defect from one power to another",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You have defected from {P(event.frompower, \"power\")} to {P(event.topower, \"power\")}.",
"defaultValue": "You have defected from {P(event.frompower, \"power\")} to {P(event.topower, \"power\")}.",
"default": true
"Power expansion vote cast": {
"name": "Power expansion vote cast",
"description": "Triggered when a commander votes for system expansion",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Vote\r\n{OneOf(\"cast\", \"registered\")}",
"defaultValue": "Vote\r\n{OneOf(\"cast\", \"registered\")}",
"default": true
"Power joined": {
"name": "Power joined",
"description": "Triggered when you join a power",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You have aligned yourself with {P(event.power, \"power\")}",
"defaultValue": "You have aligned yourself with {P(event.power, \"power\")}",
"default": true
"Power left": {
"name": "Power left",
"description": "Triggered when you leave a power",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You are no longer aligned with {P(event.power, \"power\")}",
"defaultValue": "You are no longer aligned with {P(event.power, \"power\")}",
"default": true
"Power preparation vote cast": {
"name": "Power preparation vote cast",
"description": "Triggered when a commander votes for system preparation",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Vote\r\n{OneOf(\"cast\", \"registered\")}",
"defaultValue": "Vote\r\n{OneOf(\"cast\", \"registered\")}",
"default": true
"Power salary claimed": {
"name": "Power salary claimed",
"description": "Triggered when a commander claims salary from a power",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Salary of {Humanise(event.amount)} credits claimed {Occasionally(2, \"from {P(event.power, 'power')}\")}.",
"defaultValue": "Salary of {Humanise(event.amount)} credits claimed {Occasionally(2, \"from {P(event.power, 'power')}\")}.",
"default": true
"Power voucher received": {
"name": "Power voucher received",
"description": "Triggered when a commander turns in combat vouchers against an opposing power",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Powerplay": {
"name": "Powerplay",
"description": "Triggered periodically when pledged to a power",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "You are pledged to {P(event.power, \"power\")}. \r\nYou have served for \r\n{if event.timepledgedweeks > 1:\r\n {Humanise(event.timepledgedweeks)} weeks \r\n|elif event.timepledgedweeks = 1:\r\n one week \r\n|elif event.timepledgeddays > 1:\r\n {Humanise(event.timepledgeddays)} days\r\n|elif event.timepledgeddays = 1:\r\n one day\r\n|else:\r\n less than one day\r\n}\r\nand are at rank {event.rank} with \r\n{if event.merits > 0:\r\n {Humanise(event.merits)}\r\n|else:\r\n no\r\n}\r\naccumulated merits.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "You are pledged to {P(event.power, \"power\")}. \r\nYou have served for \r\n{if event.timepledgedweeks > 1:\r\n {Humanise(event.timepledgedweeks)} weeks \r\n|elif event.timepledgedweeks = 1:\r\n one week \r\n|elif event.timepledgeddays > 1:\r\n {Humanise(event.timepledgeddays)} days\r\n|elif event.timepledgeddays = 1:\r\n one day\r\n|else:\r\n less than one day\r\n}\r\nand are at rank {event.rank} with \r\n{if event.merits > 0:\r\n {Humanise(event.merits)}\r\n|else:\r\n no\r\n}\r\naccumulated merits.\r\n",
"default": true
"Repair drone": {
"name": "Repair drone",
"description": "Triggered when your ship is repaired via a repair limpet controller",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{set systemsrepaired to []}\r\n\r\n{if event.hull:\r\n {set systemsrepaired to cat(systemsrepaired, [\"the hull\"])} \r\n}\r\n{if event.cockpit:\r\n {set systemsrepaired to cat(systemsrepaired, [\"the cockpit\"])} \r\n}\r\n{if event.corrosion:\r\n {set systemsrepaired to cat(systemsrepaired, [OneOf(\"corroded systems\", \"systems affected by corrosion\")])} \r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(systemsrepaired) > 0:\r\n\r\n {set remote to Occasionally(2, \"remote\")}\r\n {set sequence to OneOf(\"sequence\", \"cycle\")}\r\n {OneOf(\r\n \"The limpet has completed it's {remote} repairs to\", \r\n \"{remote} {sequence} completed, repairs made to\"\r\n )}\r\n\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(systemsrepaired):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n |elif cur < len(systemsrepaired) - 1:\r\n , \r\n |else:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n {systemsrepaired[cur]}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n}.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{set systemsrepaired to []}\r\n\r\n{if event.hull:\r\n {set systemsrepaired to cat(systemsrepaired, [\"the hull\"])} \r\n}\r\n{if event.cockpit:\r\n {set systemsrepaired to cat(systemsrepaired, [\"the cockpit\"])} \r\n}\r\n{if event.corrosion:\r\n {set systemsrepaired to cat(systemsrepaired, [OneOf(\"corroded systems\", \"systems affected by corrosion\")])} \r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(systemsrepaired) > 0:\r\n\r\n {set remote to Occasionally(2, \"remote\")}\r\n {set sequence to OneOf(\"sequence\", \"cycle\")}\r\n {OneOf(\r\n \"The limpet has completed it's {remote} repairs to\", \r\n \"{remote} {sequence} completed, repairs made to\"\r\n )}\r\n\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(systemsrepaired):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n |elif cur < len(systemsrepaired) - 1:\r\n , \r\n |else:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n {systemsrepaired[cur]}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n}.\r\n",
"default": true
"Repeat last speech": {
"name": "Repeat last speech",
"description": "Repeat the last thing said",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{state.eddi_context_last_speech}",
"defaultValue": "{state.eddi_context_last_speech}",
"default": true
"Report last scan value": {
"name": "Report last scan value",
"description": "Report the estimated value of the last body scanned",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Preferences }\r\n{set minScanValue to 500000} {_ Set the minimum credit value that should be voiced _}\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{set scanValue to state.eddi_context_last_scan_estimated_value}\r\n\r\n{if scanValue >= minScanValue:\r\n {OneOf(\"This\", \"This data\", \"This scan\")} \r\n {OneOf(\"could\", \"might\", \"can\", \"should\") } \r\n {OneOf(\"fetch\", \"be worth\", \"get you\", \"sell for\")}\r\n {Humanise(scanValue)} credits.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Preferences }\r\n{set minScanValue to 5000} {_ Set the minimum credit value that should be voiced _}\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{set scanValue to state.eddi_context_last_scan_estimated_value}\r\n\r\n{if scanValue >= minScanValue:\r\n {OneOf(\"This\", \"This data\", \"This scan\")} \r\n {OneOf(\"could\", \"might\", \"can\", \"should\") } \r\n {OneOf(\"fetch\", \"be worth\", \"get you\", \"sell for\")}\r\n {Humanise(scanValue)} credits.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": false
"Respawned": {
"name": "Respawned",
"description": "Triggered when you respawn (either after injury or after handing yourself in to local authorities)",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if state.eddi_context_srv_deployed_id:\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_srv_deployed_id', \"\")}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if state.eddi_context_srv_deployed_id:\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_srv_deployed_id', \"\")}\r\n}",
"default": true
"Ring hotspots detected": {
"name": "Ring hotspots detected",
"description": "Triggered when hotspots are detected in a ring",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if ship.Role.invariantName = \"Mining\" || ship.Role.invariantName = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n {set hotspots to []}\r\n {for hotspot in event.hotspots: \r\n {set hotspot_desc to: \r\n {hotspot.amount} of {hotspot.commodity}\r\n }\r\n {set hotspots to cat(hotspots, [hotspot_desc])}\r\n }\r\n\r\n Hotspots detected.\r\n {List(hotspots)}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if ship.Role.invariantName = \"Mining\" || ship.Role.invariantName = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n {set hotspots to []}\r\n {for hotspot in event.hotspots: \r\n {set hotspot_desc to: \r\n {hotspot.amount} of {hotspot.commodity}\r\n }\r\n {set hotspots to cat(hotspots, [hotspot_desc])}\r\n }\r\n\r\n Hotspots detected.\r\n {List(hotspots)}\r\n}",
"default": true
"Ring mapped": {
"name": "Ring mapped",
"description": "Triggered after mapping a ring with the Surface Area Analysis scanner",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'ring')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_ring_name', event.ringname)}\r\n\r\n{_ Process the event _}\r\n\r\n{if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n\r\n {Pause(3000)}\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\"mapping\", \"probing\", \"scanning\")}\r\n of {event.reserves} {event.composition} ring\r\n {OneOf(\"is\", \"is now\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"complete\", \"finished\")}.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'ring')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_body_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_ring_name', event.ringname)}\r\n\r\n{_ Process the event _}\r\n\r\n{if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n\r\n {Pause(3000)}\r\n\r\n {OneOf(\"mapping\", \"probing\", \"scanning\")}\r\n of {event.reserves} {event.composition} ring\r\n {OneOf(\"is\", \"is now\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"complete\", \"finished\")}.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Route details": {
"name": "Route details",
"description": "Triggered when a route has been generated or updated",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Route details _}\r\n{_ Triggered when a route has been generated or updated _}\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_search_system', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_search_station', event.station)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_search_distance', event.distance)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_search_count', event.count)}\r\n\r\n{set clip_notify to false}\r\n{set type to event.routetype}\r\n{if type = \"encoded\" || type = \"facilitator\" || type = \"guardian\"\r\n || type = \"human\" || type = \"manufactured\" || type = \"raw\":\r\n\r\n {if type = \"facilitator\":\r\n {set service to \"interstellar factors contact\"}\r\n |elif type = \"encoded\" || type = \"manufactured\" || type = \"raw\":\r\n {set service to cat(type, \" materials trader\")}\r\n |elif type = \"guardian\" || type = \"human\":\r\n {set service to cat(type, \" technology broker\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n The nearest {service} is at {P(event.station, \"station\")}, in the\r\n {if event.system =\r\n current system\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away\r\n }.\r\n |else:\r\n {service} not found within sensor range.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"cancel\":\r\n {if !va_active:\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Cancelled destination setting to the {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"expiring\":\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n {set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionids[0])}\r\n\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n {set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\n {type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, \"faction\")}}\r\n {if mission.destinationsystem: in the\r\n {if mission.destinationsystem =\r\n current\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {P(mission.destinationsystem, \"starsystem\")}\r\n } system\r\n } is expiring next.\r\n |else:\r\n No active missions found.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"farthest\":\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Your {if missionsCount = 1: only |else: farthest}\r\n mission target is in the\r\n {if event.system =\r\n current system\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away\r\n }.\r\n |else:\r\n Mission not found with a designated target system.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"most\":\r\n {if missionsCount = 1:\r\n Your only mission target is {Occasionally(2,\"located\")} in\r\n {if missions[0].destinationsystem = \"\":\r\n an unknown\r\n |elif missions[0].destinationsystem =\r\n the current\r\n |else:\r\n the {P(missions[0].destinationsystem, \"starsystem\")}\r\n }\r\n {Occasionally(2,\"star\")} system.\r\n |elif event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n {set systems to split(event.route, \"_\")}\r\n {set systems_count to len(systems)}\r\n\r\n {if systems_count = 1:\r\n {if event.system =\r\n {set system_most to \"The current system\"}\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {set system_most to cat(\"The \", P(event.system, 'starsystem'), \" system\")}\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"Most of your missions are {Occasionally(2,'located')} in {system_most}\",\r\n \"{system_most} has {OneOf('the most','most of your')} missions\",\r\n \"{system_most} has the most missions for you to complete\")}.\r\n |elif systems_count > 2:\r\n You have {event.count} mission target{if event.count > 1:s} each, in the\r\n\r\n {_ Don't include the home system from the route list _}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {set systems_count to systems_count - 1}\r\n {while cur < len(systems_count):\r\n {P(systems[cur], \"starsystem\")}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n {if cur = systems_count-1: and |elif cur < systems_count: ,}\r\n } systems.\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n Mission not found with a designated target system.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"nearest\":\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Your {if missionsCount = 1: only |else: nearest}\r\n mission target is in the\r\n {if event.system =\r\n current system\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away\r\n }.\r\n |else:\r\n Mission not found with a designated target system.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"route\":\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Missions route calculated for {event.count} systems.\r\n Total route distance is {round(event.routedistance, 1)} lightyears.\r\n First mission destination is {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away.\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n |else:\r\n Unable to calculate missions route.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"set\":\r\n {if !va_active:\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Destination set to the {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away.\r\n |else:\r\n Unable to set destination. \r\n }\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"source\":\r\n {if event.count > 0:\r\n {set systems to split(event.route, \"_\")}\r\n\r\n {set pos to 0}\r\n {while pos < event.count:\r\n\r\n {set source_cargo to []}\r\n {for missionid in event.missionids:\r\n {set haulage to HaulageDetails(missionid)}\r\n {if haulage.sourcesystem = systems[pos]:\r\n {set cargo to CargoDetails(missionid)}\r\n {if find(source_cargo, = -1:\r\n {set source_cargo to cat(source_cargo, [])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if pos = 0:\r\n Your {if event.count = 1: only |else: nearest}\r\n |elif pos = 1:\r\n Additionally, your\r\n |elif pos = event.count - 1:\r\n Lastly, your\r\n |else:\r\n Your\r\n }\r\n\r\n mission cargo source for\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(source_cargo):\r\n {source_cargo[cur]}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n {if cur = len(source_cargo) - 1: and |elif cur < len(source_cargo): ,}\r\n }\r\n\r\n is in the\r\n {if systems[pos] =\r\n current system\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {P(systems[pos], \"starsystem\")} system,\r\n {set distance to Distance(, systems[pos])}\r\n {round(distance, 1)} light years away\r\n }.\r\n {set pos to pos + 1}\r\n }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_cargo_source', event.route)}\r\n |else:\r\n Cargo source not found with a designated target system.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"update\":\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Next mission destination is {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away.\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if clip_notify && !va_active:\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n Clipboard set to destination system.\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Route details _}\r\n{_ Triggered when a route has been generated or updated _}\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context _}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_search_system', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_search_station', event.station)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_search_distance', event.distance)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_search_count', event.count)}\r\n\r\n{set clip_notify to false}\r\n{set type to event.routetype}\r\n{if type = \"encoded\" || type = \"facilitator\" || type = \"guardian\"\r\n || type = \"human\" || type = \"manufactured\" || type = \"raw\":\r\n\r\n {if type = \"facilitator\":\r\n {set service to \"interstellar factors contact\"}\r\n |elif type = \"encoded\" || type = \"manufactured\" || type = \"raw\":\r\n {set service to cat(type, \" materials trader\")}\r\n |elif type = \"guardian\" || type = \"human\":\r\n {set service to cat(type, \" technology broker\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n The nearest {service} is at {P(event.station, \"station\")}, in the\r\n {if event.system =\r\n current system\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away\r\n }.\r\n |else:\r\n {service} not found within sensor range.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"cancel\":\r\n {if !va_active:\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Cancelled destination setting to the {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"expiring\":\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n {set mission to MissionDetails(event.missionids[0])}\r\n\r\n {if find(mission.invariantTags, \"Transport\") > -1:\r\n {set type to \"Transport \"}\r\n {set type to cat(type, mission.passengertype)}\r\n |else:\r\n {set type to mission.tags[0]}\r\n }\r\n {set type to cat(type, \" mission\")}\r\n\r\n {type} {if mission.faction: for {P(mission.faction, \"faction\")}}\r\n {if mission.destinationsystem: in the\r\n {if mission.destinationsystem =\r\n current\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {P(mission.destinationsystem, \"starsystem\")}\r\n } system\r\n } is expiring next.\r\n |else:\r\n No active missions found.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"farthest\":\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Your {if missionsCount = 1: only |else: farthest}\r\n mission target is in the\r\n {if event.system =\r\n current system\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away\r\n }.\r\n |else:\r\n Mission not found with a designated target system.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"most\":\r\n {if missionsCount = 1:\r\n Your only mission target is {Occasionally(2,\"located\")} in\r\n {if missions[0].destinationsystem = \"\":\r\n an unknown\r\n |elif missions[0].destinationsystem =\r\n the current\r\n |else:\r\n the {P(missions[0].destinationsystem, \"starsystem\")}\r\n }\r\n {Occasionally(2,\"star\")} system.\r\n |elif event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n {set systems to split(event.route, \"_\")}\r\n {set systems_count to len(systems)}\r\n\r\n {if systems_count = 1:\r\n {if event.system =\r\n {set system_most to \"The current system\"}\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {set system_most to cat(\"The \", P(event.system, 'starsystem'), \" system\")}\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"Most of your missions are {Occasionally(2,'located')} in {system_most}\",\r\n \"{system_most} has {OneOf('the most','most of your')} missions\",\r\n \"{system_most} has the most missions for you to complete\")}.\r\n |elif systems_count > 2:\r\n You have {event.count} mission target{if event.count > 1:s} each, in the\r\n\r\n {_ Don't include the home system from the route list _}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {set systems_count to systems_count - 1}\r\n {while cur < len(systems_count):\r\n {P(systems[cur], \"starsystem\")}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n {if cur = systems_count-1: and |elif cur < systems_count: ,}\r\n } systems.\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n Mission not found with a designated target system.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"nearest\":\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Your {if missionsCount = 1: only |else: nearest}\r\n mission target is in the\r\n {if event.system =\r\n current system\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away\r\n }.\r\n |else:\r\n Mission not found with a designated target system.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"route\":\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Missions route calculated for {event.count} systems.\r\n Total route distance is {round(event.routedistance, 1)} lightyears.\r\n First mission destination is {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away.\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n |else:\r\n Unable to calculate missions route.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"set\":\r\n {if !va_active:\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Destination set to the {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away.\r\n |else:\r\n Unable to set destination. \r\n }\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"source\":\r\n {if event.count > 0:\r\n {set systems to split(event.route, \"_\")}\r\n\r\n {set pos to 0}\r\n {while pos < event.count:\r\n\r\n {set source_cargo to []}\r\n {for missionid in event.missionids:\r\n {set haulage to HaulageDetails(missionid)}\r\n {if haulage.sourcesystem = systems[pos]:\r\n {set cargo to CargoDetails(missionid)}\r\n {if find(source_cargo, = -1:\r\n {set source_cargo to cat(source_cargo, [])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if pos = 0:\r\n Your {if event.count = 1: only |else: nearest}\r\n |elif pos = 1:\r\n Additionally, your\r\n |elif pos = event.count - 1:\r\n Lastly, your\r\n |else:\r\n Your\r\n }\r\n\r\n mission cargo source for\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(source_cargo):\r\n {source_cargo[cur]}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n {if cur = len(source_cargo) - 1: and |elif cur < len(source_cargo): ,}\r\n }\r\n\r\n is in the\r\n {if systems[pos] =\r\n current system\r\n |else:\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n {P(systems[pos], \"starsystem\")} system,\r\n {set distance to Distance(, systems[pos])}\r\n {round(distance, 1)} light years away\r\n }.\r\n {set pos to pos + 1}\r\n }\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_cargo_source', event.route)}\r\n |else:\r\n Cargo source not found with a designated target system.\r\n }\r\n|elif type = \"update\":\r\n {if event.system && event.system != \"\":\r\n Next mission destination is {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}, {round(event.distance, 1)} lightyears away.\r\n {set clip_notify to true}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if clip_notify && !va_active:\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n Clipboard set to destination system.\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"default": true
"Safe": {
"name": "Safe",
"description": "Triggered when you are no longer in danger",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Screenshot": {
"name": "Screenshot",
"description": "Triggered when you take a screenshot",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Search and rescue": {
"name": "Search and rescue",
"description": "Triggered when delivering items to a Search and Rescue contact",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{event.amount} \r\n{if event.commodity.rare: rare}\r\n\r\n{if = \"Black Box\":\r\n {if event.amount > 1:\r\n {OneOf(\"flight records\", \"black boxes\")}\r\n |else: \r\n {OneOf(\"flight record\", \"black box\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n|elif = \"Damaged Escape Pod\":\r\n {OneOf(\"damaged cryo pod\", \"damaged escape pod\")}{if event.amount > 1:s}\r\n\r\n|elif = \"Occupied Escape Pod\":\r\n {OneOf(\"occupied escape pod\", \"occupied cryo pod\")}{if event.amount > 1:s}\r\n\r\n|elif = \"Personal Effects\":\r\n {OneOf(\"set\", \"collection\")}{if event.amount > 1:s} of\r\n {OneOf(\"personal effects\", \"personal belongings\")}\r\n\r\n|elif = \"Salvageable Wreckage\":\r\n {set wreckage to OneOf(\"wreckage\", \"debris\")}\r\n {set fragment to OneOf(\"fragment\", \"bit\", \"piece\", \"part\", \"remnant\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"{fragment}{if event.amount > 1:s} of {wreckage}\", \r\n \"{wreckage} {fragment}{if event.amount > 1:s}\")}\r\n\r\n|elif = \"Hostage\":\r\n {if event.amount > 1:hostages |else: hostage}\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n {}{if event.amount > 1:s}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"recovered\", \"salvaged\")}\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"in exchange\")}\r\nfor {Humanise(event.reward)} credits.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{event.amount} \r\n{if event.commodity.rare: rare}\r\n\r\n{if = \"Black Box\":\r\n {if event.amount > 1:\r\n {OneOf(\"flight records\", \"black boxes\")}\r\n |else: \r\n {OneOf(\"flight record\", \"black box\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n|elif = \"Damaged Escape Pod\":\r\n {OneOf(\"damaged cryo pod\", \"damaged escape pod\")}{if event.amount > 1:s}\r\n\r\n|elif = \"Occupied Escape Pod\":\r\n {OneOf(\"occupied escape pod\", \"occupied cryo pod\")}{if event.amount > 1:s}\r\n\r\n|elif = \"Personal Effects\":\r\n {OneOf(\"set\", \"collection\")}{if event.amount > 1:s} of\r\n {OneOf(\"personal effects\", \"personal belongings\")}\r\n\r\n|elif = \"Salvageable Wreckage\":\r\n {set wreckage to OneOf(\"wreckage\", \"debris\")}\r\n {set fragment to OneOf(\"fragment\", \"bit\", \"piece\", \"part\", \"remnant\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"{fragment}{if event.amount > 1:s} of {wreckage}\", \r\n \"{wreckage} {fragment}{if event.amount > 1:s}\")}\r\n\r\n|elif = \"Hostage\":\r\n {if event.amount > 1:hostages |else: hostage}\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n {}{if event.amount > 1:s}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"recovered\", \"salvaged\")}\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"in exchange\")}\r\nfor {Humanise(event.reward)} credits.\r\n",
"default": true
"Security presence report": {
"name": "Security presence report",
"description": "Function to report on the details of system security",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{if system.population > 0:\r\n There is\r\n {if = \"None\":\r\n no\r\n |elif = \"Low\":\r\n {OneOf(\"minimal\", \"low\", \"weak\")}\r\n |elif = \"Medium\":\r\n {OneOf(\"standard\", \"medium\", \"average\")}\r\n |elif = \"High\":\r\n {OneOf(\"high\", \"heavy\", \"strong\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {}\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"police\", \"security\", \"law enforcement\")} presence {OneOf(\"here\", \"in this system\", \"in the locality\")}.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if system.population > 0:\r\n There is\r\n {if = \"None\":\r\n no\r\n |elif = \"Low\":\r\n {OneOf(\"minimal\", \"low\", \"weak\")}\r\n |elif = \"Medium\":\r\n {OneOf(\"standard\", \"medium\", \"average\")}\r\n |elif = \"High\":\r\n {OneOf(\"high\", \"heavy\", \"strong\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {}\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"police\", \"security\", \"law enforcement\")} presence {OneOf(\"here\", \"in this system\", \"in the locality\")}.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Self destruct": {
"name": "Self destruct",
"description": "Triggered when you start the self destruct sequence",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Self-destruct sequence initiated. Closing heat vents.",
"defaultValue": "Self-destruct sequence initiated. Closing heat vents.",
"default": true
"Settlement approached": {
"name": "Settlement approached",
"description": "Triggered when you approach a settlement",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Settlement approached }\r\n{_ Triggered when you approach a settlement }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'settlement')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'approach')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_settlement',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_approach_time', SecondsSince(0))}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Settlement approached }\r\n{_ Triggered when you approach a settlement }\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'settlement')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'approach')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_settlement',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_approach_time', SecondsSince(0))}\r\n",
"default": true
"Shields down": {
"name": "Shields down",
"description": "Triggered when your ship's shields go offline",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Shields up": {
"name": "Shields up",
"description": "Triggered when your ship's shields come online",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Ship arrived": {
"name": "Ship arrived",
"description": "Triggered when you complete a ship transfer",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{Occasionally(2, '{F(\\'Honorific\\')}, ')}\r\n{ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)} has \r\n\r\n{OneOf('arrived {if != event.station && event.station: at}', \r\n 'completed its transfer {if != event.station && event.station: to}')}\r\n\r\n{if != event.station && event.station:\r\n {P(event.station, \"station\")}\r\n {if != event.system && event.system:\r\n in the {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n }\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "{Occasionally(2, '{F(\\'Honorific\\')}, ')}\r\n{ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)} has \r\n\r\n{OneOf('arrived {if != event.station && event.station: at}', \r\n 'completed its transfer {if != event.station && event.station: to}')}\r\n\r\n{if != event.station && event.station:\r\n {P(event.station, \"station\")}\r\n {if != event.system && event.system:\r\n in the {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} system\r\n }\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Ship delivered": {
"name": "Ship delivered",
"description": "Triggered when your newly-purchased ship is delivered to you",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{ShipCallsign()} handover complete.",
"defaultValue": "{ShipCallsign()} handover complete.",
"default": true
"Ship fsd": {
"name": "Ship fsd",
"description": "Triggered when there is a change to the status of your ship's fsd",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{set health_minimum to 90}\r\n{set health_report_occasion to 3}\r\n\r\n{set fsdhealth to}\r\n\r\n{if event.fsd_status = \"masslock cleared\":\r\n Mass lock cleared\r\n|elif event.fsd_status = \"cooldown complete\": {} ready\r\n|elif event.fsd_status = \"charging\" || event.fsd_status = \"cooldown\" || !event:\r\n {if health <= health_minimum:\r\n Your {}\r\n {OneOf(\"could fail any time\", \"has sufferred extensive damage\", cat(\"is below\",health_minimum,\"%\"), \"has seen better days\")}\r\n |elif 0:\r\n {Occasionally(health_report_occasion, cat(OneOf(\"The\",\"Your\",,, \"health is at\",, \"%\"))}\r\n }\r\n|else: {event.fsd_status}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": null,
"default": false
"Ship interdicted": {
"name": "Ship interdicted",
"description": "Triggered when your ship is interdicted by another ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Ship interdiction": {
"name": "Ship interdiction",
"description": "Triggered when you interdict another ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Ship loadout": {
"name": "Ship loadout",
"description": "Triggered when you obtain the loadout of your ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{SetState('eddi_boost_budget', round(}",
"defaultValue": null,
"default": false
"Ship locker": {
"name": "Ship locker",
"description": "Triggered when you obtain the contents of your ship's micro-resource materials locker",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Ship purchased": {
"name": "Ship purchased",
"description": "Triggered when you purchase a ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{P(event.ship, \"shipmodel\")} purchased.",
"defaultValue": "{P(event.ship, \"shipmodel\")} purchased.",
"default": true
"Ship rebooted": {
"name": "Ship rebooted",
"description": "Triggered when you run reboot/repair on your ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if len(event.modules) > 0:\r\n Emergency repairs have been\r\n {OneOf(\"made\", \"applied\")}\r\n to the {List(event.modules)}.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if len(event.modules) > 0:\r\n Emergency repairs have been\r\n {OneOf(\"made\", \"applied\")}\r\n to the {List(event.modules)}.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Ship refuelled": {
"name": "Ship refuelled",
"description": "Triggered when you refuel your ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if event.source = \"Scoop\":\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_fuel_remaining',}\r\n|elif event.full:\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_fuel_remaining', ship.fueltanktotalcapacity)}\r\n|else:\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_fuel_remaining', state.eddi_context_fuel_remaining + event.amount)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(2000)}\r\n{if event.full:\r\n {set refueled_desc to OneOf(\"fully refuelled\", \"at maximum fuel capacity\",\"at 100% fuel capacity\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"Refueled\", \"Fuel at maximum\", \"Maximum fuel\", \"{ShipName()} is now {refueled_desc}\" )}\r\n|else:\r\n {if event.amount <= 5.0000:\r\n {F('Fuel check')}\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if event.source = \"Scoop\":\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_fuel_remaining',}\r\n|elif event.full:\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_fuel_remaining', ship.fueltanktotalcapacity)}\r\n|else:\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_fuel_remaining', state.eddi_context_fuel_remaining + event.amount)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(2000)}\r\n{if event.full:\r\n {set refueled_desc to OneOf(\"fully refuelled\", \"at maximum fuel capacity\",\"at 100% fuel capacity\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"Refueled\", \"Fuel at maximum\", \"Maximum fuel\", \"{ShipName()} is now {refueled_desc}\" )}\r\n|else:\r\n {if event.amount <= 5.0000:\r\n {F('Fuel check')}\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Ship renamed": {
"name": "Ship renamed",
"description": "Triggered when you rename a ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{ShipName()} now registered with {P(system.faction, \"faction\")}. \r\n\r\n{set ICAO_ID to ICAO(event.ident)}\r\n{if len(ICAO_ID) > 0:\r\n Identification is {ICAO_ID}.\r\n|else:\r\n Advisory: you have chosen a ship ID that is not pronounceable in the standard radio alphabet.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{ShipName()} now registered with {P(system.faction, \"faction\")}. \r\n\r\n{set ICAO_ID to ICAO(event.ident)}\r\n{if len(ICAO_ID) > 0:\r\n Identification is {ICAO_ID}.\r\n|else:\r\n Advisory: you have chosen a ship ID that is not pronounceable in the standard radio alphabet.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Ship repaired": {
"name": "Ship repaired",
"description": "Triggered when you repair your ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{set repairedSystems to []}\r\n{if len(event.items) > 0:\r\n {for item in event.items:\r\n {if item = \"Paint\":\r\n {set systemDescription to cat(Occasionally(2, \"{ShipName()}'s\"), \" paint \", OneOf(\"restored.\", \"renewed.\")))}\r\n {set repairedSystems to cat(repairedSystems, [systemDescription])} \r\n |elif item = \"Ship Integrity\" || item = \"Wear\":\r\n {set systemDescription to cat(Occasionally(2, \"{ShipName()}'s\"), \" \", Occasionally(2, '{OneOf(\\\"regular\\\", \\\"standard\\\")}'),\" maintenance completed.\"))}\r\n {set repairedSystems to cat(repairedSystems, [systemDescription])} \r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set repairedModules to []}\r\n{if len(event.modules) > 0:\r\n {for module in event.modules:\r\n {if len(module.localizedmount) > 0:\r\n {_ This is a weapon. We'll identify the class, grade, and mount}\r\n {set weaponDescription to cat(module.class, \" \", module.grade, \" \", module.mount, \" \",}\r\n {set repairedModules to cat(repairedModules, [weaponDescription])}\r\n |elif find(module.invariantName, \"Cockpit\") > -1:\r\n {_ This isn't a weapon. We've matched it to the name of our cockpit module}\r\n {set repairedModules to cat(repairedModules, [OneOf(\"Canopy\", \"Cockpit\")])} \r\n |else:\r\n {_ This isn't a weapon. We haven't matched it to the name of any particular module}\r\n {set repairedModules to cat(repairedModules, [])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(repairedSystems) > 0:\r\n {List(repairedSystems)}.\r\n}\r\n{if len(repairedModules) > 0:\r\n {List(repairedModules)} repaired.\r\n}\r\n{if len(repairedSystems) = 0 && len(repairedModules) = 0:\r\n {ShipName()} repaired.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{set repairedSystems to []}\r\n{if len(event.items) > 0:\r\n {for item in event.items:\r\n {if item = \"Paint\":\r\n {set systemDescription to cat(Occasionally(2, \"{ShipName()}'s\"), \" paint \", OneOf(\"restored.\", \"renewed.\")))}\r\n {set repairedSystems to cat(repairedSystems, [systemDescription])} \r\n |elif item = \"Ship Integrity\" || item = \"Wear\":\r\n {set systemDescription to cat(Occasionally(2, \"{ShipName()}'s\"), \" \", Occasionally(2, '{OneOf(\\\"regular\\\", \\\"standard\\\")}'),\" maintenance completed.\"))}\r\n {set repairedSystems to cat(repairedSystems, [systemDescription])} \r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set repairedModules to []}\r\n{if len(event.modules) > 0:\r\n {for module in event.modules:\r\n {if len(module.localizedmount) > 0:\r\n {_ This is a weapon. We'll identify the class, grade, and mount}\r\n {set weaponDescription to cat(module.class, \" \", module.grade, \" \", module.mount, \" \",}\r\n {set repairedModules to cat(repairedModules, [weaponDescription])}\r\n |elif find(module.invariantName, \"Cockpit\") > -1:\r\n {_ This isn't a weapon. We've matched it to the name of our cockpit module}\r\n {set repairedModules to cat(repairedModules, [OneOf(\"Canopy\", \"Cockpit\")])} \r\n |else:\r\n {_ This isn't a weapon. We haven't matched it to the name of any particular module}\r\n {set repairedModules to cat(repairedModules, [])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if len(repairedSystems) > 0:\r\n {List(repairedSystems)}.\r\n}\r\n{if len(repairedModules) > 0:\r\n {List(repairedModules)} repaired.\r\n}\r\n{if len(repairedSystems) = 0 && len(repairedModules) = 0:\r\n {ShipName()} repaired.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Ship restocked": {
"name": "Ship restocked",
"description": "Triggered when you restock your ship's ammunition",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{ShipName()} {OneOf(\"restocked\",\"rearmed\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{ShipName()} {OneOf(\"restocked\",\"rearmed\")}.",
"default": true
"Ship shutdown": {
"name": "Ship shutdown",
"description": "Triggered when your ship's system are shutdown",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Ship sold": {
"name": "Ship sold",
"description": "Triggered when you sell a ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{OneOf(\"Retired {ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)} from active duty\",\r\n \"Decommissioned {ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)}\",\r\n \"Sold {ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)}\")}\r\n{if event.system && event.system !=\r\n in {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}\r\n}.",
"defaultValue": "{OneOf(\"Retired {ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)} from active duty\",\r\n \"Decommissioned {ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)}\",\r\n \"Sold {ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)}\")}\r\n{if event.system && event.system !=\r\n in {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}\r\n}.",
"default": true
"Ship sold on rebuy": {
"name": "Ship sold on rebuy",
"description": "Triggered when you sell a ship to raise funds on the insurance / rebuy screen",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{P(event.ship, \"shipmodel\")}, identification {event.shipid}, sold in {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} for {Humanise(event.price)} credits",
"defaultValue": "{P(event.ship, \"shipmodel\")}, identification {event.shipid}, sold in {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")} for {Humanise(event.price)} credits",
"default": true
"Ship swapped": {
"name": "Ship swapped",
"description": "Triggered when you swap a ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if event.storedship:\r\n {OneOf(\"Storing\", \"Mothballing\", \"Parking\")} {ShipName(event.storedshipid, event.storedship)} and\r\n|elif event.soldship:\r\n Selling {ShipName(event.soldshipid, event.soldship)} and\r\n}\r\n{OneOf(\"swapping\",\"moving\",\"transferring\")} to {ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)}.\r\n\r\n{F(\"Limpet check\")}\r\n{F(\"Launchbay report\")}\r\n\r\n{set fighterhangar to false}\r\n{for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if find(, \"Fighter Hangar\") != -1:\r\n {set fighterhangar to true}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{if fighterhangar = true:\r\n Reminder: you need to assign a crew member to active duty.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{if event.storedship:\r\n {OneOf(\"Storing\", \"Mothballing\", \"Parking\")} {ShipName(event.storedshipid, event.storedship)} and\r\n|elif event.soldship:\r\n Selling {ShipName(event.soldshipid, event.soldship)} and\r\n}\r\n{OneOf(\"swapping\",\"moving\",\"transferring\")} to {ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)}.\r\n\r\n{F(\"Limpet check\")}\r\n{F(\"Launchbay report\")}\r\n\r\n{set fighterhangar to false}\r\n{for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if find(, \"Fighter Hangar\") != -1:\r\n {set fighterhangar to true}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{if fighterhangar = true:\r\n Reminder: you need to assign a crew member to active duty.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Ship targeted": {
"name": "Ship targeted",
"description": "Triggered when the player selects a target",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Ship targeted }\r\n{_ Triggered when the player selects a target }\r\n\r\n{_ event Parameters: targetlocked - bool (ie false when losing target) _}\r\n{_ If target locked: name (of ship), scanstage (ie 0, 1, 2, 3) _}\r\n{_ If Scan stage >= 1: name (of pilot), rank (of pilot) _}\r\n{_ If scan stage >= 2: shieldhealth, hullhealth (both 0-100) _}\r\n{_ If scan stage >= 3: faction, power (if player is pledged to a power), _}\r\n{_ legalstatus (ie clean, wanted, etc), bounty (if applicable), _}\r\n{_ subsystem (ie FSD, power plant, etc), subsystemhealth (0-100) _}\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'ship')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'targeted')}\r\n\r\n{if event.targetlocked && event.scanstage > 2 && !event.subsystem:\r\n {set legalstatus to event.legalstatus}\r\n {if legalstatus = \"Wanted\" || legalstatus = \"Wanted Enemy\" || legalstatus = \"Warrant\":\r\n {set wanted_list to split(state.eddi_context_wanted_list, \"+=\")}\r\n {if find(wanted_list, < 0:\r\n {} {OneOf(\"has a bounty\", \"is fair game\", \"is a legitimate target\")}.\r\n {if len(wanted_list) = 0: {set sep to \"\"} |else: {set sep to \"+=\"}}\r\n {set wanted_list to cat(wanted_list, [])}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_wanted_list', join(wanted_list, sep))}\r\n } \r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Ship targeted }\r\n{_ Triggered when the player selects a target }\r\n\r\n{_ event Parameters: targetlocked - bool (ie false when losing target) _}\r\n{_ If target locked: name (of ship), scanstage (ie 0, 1, 2, 3) _}\r\n{_ If Scan stage >= 1: name (of pilot), rank (of pilot) _}\r\n{_ If scan stage >= 2: shieldhealth, hullhealth (both 0-100) _}\r\n{_ If scan stage >= 3: faction, power (if player is pledged to a power), _}\r\n{_ legalstatus (ie clean, wanted, etc), bounty (if applicable), _}\r\n{_ subsystem (ie FSD, power plant, etc), subsystemhealth (0-100) _}\r\n\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'ship')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'targeted')}\r\n\r\n{if event.targetlocked && event.scanstage > 2 && !event.subsystem:\r\n {set legalstatus to event.legalstatus}\r\n {if legalstatus = \"Wanted\" || legalstatus = \"Wanted Enemy\" || legalstatus = \"Warrant\":\r\n {set wanted_list to split(state.eddi_context_wanted_list, \"+=\")}\r\n {if find(wanted_list, < 0:\r\n {} {OneOf(\"has a bounty\", \"is fair game\", \"is a legitimate target\")}.\r\n {if len(wanted_list) = 0: {set sep to \"\"} |else: {set sep to \"+=\"}}\r\n {set wanted_list to cat(wanted_list, [])}\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_wanted_list', join(wanted_list, sep))}\r\n } \r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Ship transfer initiated": {
"name": "Ship transfer initiated",
"description": "Triggered when you initiate a ship transfer",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)} {OneOf(\"on its way\",\"being transferred\", \"transfer initiated\", \"being transported\", \"being transferred\")} from {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}\r\n\r\n{if event.transfercost: for a cost of {Humanise(event.price)} credits.}\r\n\r\n{set t_remaining to event.time}\r\n\r\n{if t_remaining:\r\n\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n Expected arrival in:\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > (60*60*24):\r\n {set t_days to floor(t_remaining/(60*60*24))}\r\n {if t_days > 1:\r\n {t_days} days,\r\n |else:\r\n 1 day,\r\n }\r\n {set t_remaining to t_remaining-(t_days*(60*60*24))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > 3600:\r\n {set t_hours to floor(t_remaining/3600)}\r\n {if t_hours > 1:\r\n {t_hours} hours,\r\n |else:\r\n 1 hour,\r\n }\r\n {set t_remaining to t_remaining-(t_hours*(60*60))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > 60:\r\n {if t_days || t_hours: and}\r\n {set t_minutes to round(t_remaining/(60),0)}\r\n {if t_minutes > 1:\r\n {t_minutes} minutes.\r\n |else:\r\n 1 minute,\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{ShipName(event.shipid, event.ship)} {OneOf(\"on its way\",\"being transferred\", \"transfer initiated\", \"being transported\", \"being transferred\")} from {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}\r\n\r\n{if event.transfercost: for a cost of {Humanise(event.price)} credits.}\r\n\r\n{set t_remaining to event.time}\r\n\r\n{if t_remaining:\r\n\r\n {Pause(1000)}\r\n Expected arrival in:\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > (60*60*24):\r\n {set t_days to floor(t_remaining/(60*60*24))}\r\n {if t_days > 1:\r\n {t_days} days,\r\n |else:\r\n 1 day,\r\n }\r\n {set t_remaining to t_remaining-(t_days*(60*60*24))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > 3600:\r\n {set t_hours to floor(t_remaining/3600)}\r\n {if t_hours > 1:\r\n {t_hours} hours,\r\n |else:\r\n 1 hour,\r\n }\r\n {set t_remaining to t_remaining-(t_hours*(60*60))}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if t_remaining > 60:\r\n {if t_days || t_hours: and}\r\n {set t_minutes to round(t_remaining/(60),0)}\r\n {if t_minutes > 1:\r\n {t_minutes} minutes.\r\n |else:\r\n 1 minute,\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Shutdown": {
"name": "Shutdown",
"description": "Triggered on a clean shutdown of the game",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Signal detected": {
"name": "Signal detected",
"description": "Triggered when a signal source is detected",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Edit the true/false values of `spokenSources` to identify signal types that should be announced whenever they are first detected within a system (otherwise, only signal sources detected while in fss or saa mode will be taken into account. _}\r\n\r\n{set spokenSources to [\r\n \"Anomaly\": true,\r\n \"AX Conflict Zone\": true,\r\n \"Capitol Ship\": false,\r\n \"Ceremonial Comms\": false,\r\n \"Combat Aftermath\": false,\r\n \"Compromised Nav Beacon\": false,\r\n \"Convoy Dispersal Pattern Detected\": false,\r\n \"Degraded Emissions\": false,\r\n \"Distress Call\": true,\r\n \"Encoded Emissions\": false,\r\n \"Hazardous Resource Extraction Site\": false,\r\n \"High Grade Emissions\": false,\r\n \"High Intensity Conflict Zone\": false,\r\n \"High Intensity Resource Extraction Site\": false,\r\n \"Listening Post\": true,\r\n \"Low Intensity Conflict Zone\": false,\r\n \"Low Intensity Resource Extraction Site\": false,\r\n \"Medium Intensity Conflict Zone\": false,\r\n \"Mission Target\": true,\r\n \"Nav Beacon\": false,\r\n \"Non-Human Signal Source\": false,\r\n \"Notable Stellar Phenomena\": true,\r\n \"Resource Extraction Site\": false,\r\n \"Trading Beacon\": false,\r\n \"Unidentified Signal Source\": false,\r\n \"Unregistered Comms Beacon\": true,\r\n \"Weapons Fire\": false,\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{if status.gui_focus = \"fss mode\" || status.gui_focus = \"saa mode\" || \r\n(spokenSources[event.source] = true && event.unique):\r\n {if event.source && !event.stationsignal:\r\n {if event.threatlevel > 0:\r\n Class {event.threatlevel} \r\n }\r\n {event.source} \r\n {if event.faction != \"None\":\r\n for {P(event.faction, \"faction\")}\r\n }\r\n detected.\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Edit the true/false values of `spokenSources` to identify signal types that should be announced whenever they are first detected within a system (otherwise, only signal sources detected while in fss or saa mode will be taken into account. _}\r\n\r\n{set spokenSources to [\r\n \"Anomaly\": true,\r\n \"AX Conflict Zone\": true,\r\n \"Capitol Ship\": false,\r\n \"Ceremonial Comms\": false,\r\n \"Combat Aftermath\": false,\r\n \"Compromised Nav Beacon\": false,\r\n \"Convoy Dispersal Pattern Detected\": false,\r\n \"Degraded Emissions\": false,\r\n \"Distress Call\": true,\r\n \"Encoded Emissions\": false,\r\n \"Hazardous Resource Extraction Site\": false,\r\n \"High Grade Emissions\": false,\r\n \"High Intensity Conflict Zone\": false,\r\n \"High Intensity Resource Extraction Site\": false,\r\n \"Listening Post\": true,\r\n \"Low Intensity Conflict Zone\": false,\r\n \"Low Intensity Resource Extraction Site\": false,\r\n \"Medium Intensity Conflict Zone\": false,\r\n \"Mission Target\": true,\r\n \"Nav Beacon\": false,\r\n \"Non-Human Signal Source\": false,\r\n \"Notable Stellar Phenomena\": true,\r\n \"Resource Extraction Site\": false,\r\n \"Trading Beacon\": false,\r\n \"Unidentified Signal Source\": false,\r\n \"Unregistered Comms Beacon\": true,\r\n \"Weapons Fire\": false,\r\n]}\r\n\r\n{if status.gui_focus = \"fss mode\" || status.gui_focus = \"saa mode\" || \r\n(spokenSources[event.source] = true && event.unique):\r\n {if event.source && !event.stationsignal:\r\n {if event.threatlevel > 0:\r\n Class {event.threatlevel} \r\n }\r\n {event.source} \r\n {if event.faction != \"None\":\r\n for {P(event.faction, \"faction\")}\r\n }\r\n detected.\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Silent running": {
"name": "Silent running",
"description": "Triggered when you activate or deactivate silent running",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Squadron rank": {
"name": "Squadron rank",
"description": "Triggered when your rank with a squadron has changed",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Squadron rank }\r\n{_ Triggered when your rank with a squadron has changed }\r\n\r\n\r\nYou have been\r\n{if event.newrank > event.oldrank:\r\n promoted \r\n|else:\r\n demoted\r\n}\r\nto {} in the {} squadron.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Squadron rank }\r\n{_ Triggered when your rank with a squadron has changed }\r\n\r\n\r\nYou have been\r\n{if event.newrank > event.oldrank:\r\n promoted \r\n|else:\r\n demoted\r\n}\r\nto {} in the {} squadron.\r\n",
"default": true
"Squadron status": {
"name": "Squadron status",
"description": "Triggered when your status with a squadron has changed",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Squadron status }\r\n{_ Triggered when your status with a squadron changes }\r\n\r\n\r\n{if event.status = \"applied\":\r\n You have applied for admission into the {} squadron.\r\n|elif event.status = \"created\":\r\n You have created the {} squadron.\r\n|elif event.status = \"disbanded\":\r\n The {} squadron has been disbanded.\r\n|elif event.status = \"invited\":\r\n You have been invited into the {} squadron.\r\n|elif event.status = \"joined\":\r\n You have joined the {} squadron.\r\n|elif event.status = \"kicked\":\r\n You have been kicked from the {} squadron.\r\n|elif event.status = \"left\":\r\n You have left the {} squadron.\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Squadron status }\r\n{_ Triggered when your status with a squadron changes }\r\n\r\n\r\n{if event.status = \"applied\":\r\n You have applied for admission into the {} squadron.\r\n|elif event.status = \"created\":\r\n You have created the {} squadron.\r\n|elif event.status = \"disbanded\":\r\n The {} squadron has been disbanded.\r\n|elif event.status = \"invited\":\r\n You have been invited into the {} squadron.\r\n|elif event.status = \"joined\":\r\n You have joined the {} squadron.\r\n|elif event.status = \"kicked\":\r\n You have been kicked from the {} squadron.\r\n|elif event.status = \"left\":\r\n You have left the {} squadron.\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"SRV docked": {
"name": "SRV docked",
"description": "Triggered when you dock an SRV with your ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if state.eddi_context_srv_deployed_id =\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_srv_deployed_id', \"\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"Buggy\", \"SRV\")} docked.",
"defaultValue": "{if state.eddi_context_srv_deployed_id =\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_srv_deployed_id', \"\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"Buggy\", \"SRV\")} docked.",
"default": true
"SRV launched": {
"name": "SRV launched",
"description": "Triggered when you launch an SRV from your ship",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{SetState('eddi_context_srv_deployed_id',}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"Buggy\", \"SRV\")} {OneOf(\"launched\", \"away\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{SetState('eddi_context_srv_deployed_id',}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"Buggy\", \"SRV\")} {OneOf(\"launched\", \"away\")}.",
"default": true
"SRV turret": {
"name": "SRV turret",
"description": "Triggered when you deploy or retract your SRV's turret",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"SRV turret deployable": {
"name": "SRV turret deployable",
"description": "Triggered when your SRV enters or leaves the restriction zone around a ship.",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if !event.deployable:\r\n {OneOf(\"Buggy\", \"SRV\")} standing by for recovery.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{if !event.deployable:\r\n {OneOf(\"Buggy\", \"SRV\")} standing by for recovery.\r\n}",
"default": true
"Star habitable zone": {
"name": "Star habitable zone",
"description": "Report on the habitable zone around a star",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch from context }\r\n{if event: {set reportbody to event} }\r\n{if !event: {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_star_star, state.eddi_context_star_system)}}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which star you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n {if (reportbody.estimatedhabzoneinner && reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter) && \r\n (reportbody.estimatedhabzoneinner > 0 && reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter> 0):\r\n Habitable zone\r\n {Occasionally(2, OneOf(\"calculated at\", \"calculated to fall from\"))}: \r\n {Humanise(reportbody.estimatedhabzoneinner)} \r\n to {Humanise(reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter)} \r\n lightseconds.\r\n |elif reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter && reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter > 0:\r\n Habitable zone\r\n {Occasionally(2, OneOf(\"calculated at\", \"calculated to fall from\"))}: \r\n {Humanise(reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter)} \r\n lightseconds maximum.\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch from context }\r\n{if event: {set reportbody to event} }\r\n{if !event: {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_star_star, state.eddi_context_star_system)}}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which star you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n {if (reportbody.estimatedhabzoneinner && reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter) && \r\n (reportbody.estimatedhabzoneinner > 0 && reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter> 0):\r\n Habitable zone\r\n {Occasionally(2, OneOf(\"calculated at\", \"calculated to fall from\"))}: \r\n {Humanise(reportbody.estimatedhabzoneinner)} \r\n to {Humanise(reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter)} \r\n lightseconds.\r\n |elif reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter && reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter > 0:\r\n Habitable zone\r\n {Occasionally(2, OneOf(\"calculated at\", \"calculated to fall from\"))}: \r\n {Humanise(reportbody.estimatedhabzoneouter)} \r\n lightseconds maximum.\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Star report": {
"name": "Star report",
"description": "Function to report on the details of the contextual body",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n{set reportAge to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report the star's age. _}\r\n{set reportRareStarClasses to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report when rare star classes are found _}\r\n{set reportMass to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report stars with abnormal mass _}\r\n{set reportRadius to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report stars with abnormal radii _}\r\n{set reportRotation to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report stars with abnormal rotational periods _}\r\n{set reportTemps to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report stars with abnormal surface temperatures _}\r\n{set reportDensity to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report notable densities (in kilograms per cubic meter) _}\r\n{set reportAbsMagnitude to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report stars with abnormal absolute magnitude (lower is brighter) _}\r\n{set reportRingedStars to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report when ringed stars are found _}\r\n{set reportChromaticity to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report the star's colour. _}\r\n{set reportClass to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report the stellar class. _}\r\n{set reportSubClass to 0} {_ Set to 1 to report the stellar sub class (if reportClass is also 1) _}\r\n{set reportScanValue to 0} {_ Set to 1 to report the scan value. _}\r\n{set reportHabZone to 0} {_ Set to 1 to report habitable zone details for the primary star. _}\r\n{set mainSequenceFrequency to 4} {_ Set to determine the frequency (1 chance in n) for describing applicable stars as \"main sequence\" _}\r\n{set reportRapidRotation to 1} {_ Reports very fast rotating bodies _}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from context }\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_star_star, state.eddi_context_star_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_star_star)}}\r\n{if !reportbody && event: {set reportbody to}}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n\r\n Which star are you {OneOf(\"asking about\", \"referencing\")}?\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {_ Set up a list of notable star characteristics _}\r\n {set notables to []}\r\n\r\n {_ Set up various groups of stars _}\r\n {set mainsequence to [\"O\", \"B\", \"A\", \"F\", \"G\", \"K\", \"M\"]}\r\n {set fastburning to [\"WC\", \"WN\", \"WO\", \"WNC\", \"W\"]}\r\n {set browndwarves to [\"L\", \"T\", \"Y\"]}\r\n\r\n {for starclass in mainsequence:\r\n {if reportbody.stellarclass = starclass:\r\n {set mainsequence to Occasionally(mainSequenceFrequency, \"main sequence\")}\r\n }\r\n } \r\n {for starclass in browndwarves:\r\n {if reportbody.stellarclass = starclass:\r\n {set browndwarf to 1}\r\n }\r\n } \r\n {for starclass in fastburning:\r\n {if reportbody.stellarclass = starclass: \r\n {set fastburning to 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Is this a rare class of star? _}\r\n {if reportRareStarClasses:\r\n {if reportbody.starClass.percentage < 0.01:\r\n {set rarity to \"Incredibly rare\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.starClass.percentage < 0.1:\r\n {set rarity to \"Very rare\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.starClass.percentage < 1.0:\r\n {set rarity to \"Rare\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.starClass.percentage < 5:\r\n {set rarity to \"Uncommon\"}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Is the star notable in some other way? _}\r\n\r\n {if reportAge:\r\n {set ageInYears to reportbody.age * 1000000}\r\n {if ageInYears <= 1000000:\r\n {set ps to \", making it one of the youngest stars in the galaxy\"}\r\n |elif ageInYears >= 13000000000:\r\n {set ps to \", making it one of the oldest stars in the galaxy\"}\r\n }\r\n {if reportbody.ageprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.ageprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly young age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.ageprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely young age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.ageprobability < 5:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually young age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.ageprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly old age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.ageprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely old age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.ageprobability > 95:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually old age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportMass && reportbody.massprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.massprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportRadius && reportbody.radiusprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.radiusprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low solar radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability < 5:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low solar radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high solar radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high solar radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 95:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high solar radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportRotation && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely \", OneOf(\"rapid\", \"high\"), \" rate of rotation at \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days \", Occasionally(2, \"per revolution\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly \", OneOf(\"rapid\", \"high\"), \" rate of rotation at \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days \", Occasionally(2, \"per revolution\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually \", OneOf(\"rapid\", \"high\"), \" rate of rotation at \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days \", Occasionally(2, \"per revolution\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability > 95:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"a high rate of rotation at \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days \", Occasionally(2, \" per revolution\"))])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportTemps && reportbody.tempprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.tempprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low surface temperature\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability < 5:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"lower than average surface temperature\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high surface temperature\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 95:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"higher than average surface temperature\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportDensity && reportbody.densityprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.densityprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low average density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low average density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low average density\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability < 5:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"lower than average density\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high average density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high average density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high average density\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 95:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"higher than average density\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportRapidRotation && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportAbsMagnitude && reportbody.absolutemagnitudeprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.absolutemagnitudeprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(OneOf(\"incredible brilliance\", \"incredible luminosity\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.absolutemagnitudeprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(OneOf(\"extreme brilliance\", \"extremely high luminousity\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.absolutemagnitudeprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(OneOf(\"unusually high brilliance\", \"unusually high luminousity\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.absolutemagnitudeprobability < 5:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(OneOf(\"high brilliance\", \"high luminousity\"))])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Is the star ringed? _}\r\n {if reportRingedStars:\r\n {if reportbody.rings:\r\n {set ringcompositions to []}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {for ring in reportbody.rings:\r\n {if find(, \"Ring\") > -1:\r\n {if find(ringcompositions, ring.composition) = -1:\r\n {set ringcompositions to cat(ringcompositions, [cat(ring.composition)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {set length to len(ringcompositions) - 1}\r\n {while cur < len(ringcompositions):\r\n {set ringsdescription to cat(ringsdescription, ringcompositions[cur])}\n {set cur to cur + 1}\n {if cur = length: \r\n {set ringsdescription to cat(ringsdescription, \" and \")}\n |elif cur < length:\r\n {set ringsdecription to cat(ringsdescription, \", \")}\n }\n }\r\n {if ringsdescription:\r\n {if len(ringcompositions) = 1:\r\n {if StartsWithVowel(reportbody.reserves): \r\n {set a to \"an \"} \r\n |else: \r\n {set a to \"a \"}\r\n }\r\n {set rings to \"ring\"}\r\n |else:\r\n {set rings to \"rings\"} \r\n }\r\n {if reportbody.reserveLevel.invariantName != \"None\": \r\n {set reserves to reportbody.reserves}\r\n }\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(a, \" \", reserves, \" \", ringsdescription, \" \", rings)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Report notable stars _}\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) > 0:\r\n\r\n {_ Setup descriptions for our star _}\r\n\r\n {if find([\"L\", \"T\", \"Y\"], reportbody.stellarclass) > -1:\r\n {set shortdescription to \"brown dwarf\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"TTS\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"T tauri star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \"in the process of gravitational contraction\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"AEBE\":\r\n {set age to \"Very young\"}\r\n {set shortdescription to \"proto-star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \"yet to enter main sequence {Occasionally(2, \\\"but on the way to becoming an A or B class star\\\")}\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"WC\":\r\n {set desc1 to \"carbon rich\"}\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Wolf-Rayet star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \", shedding considerable mass and exposing ionised carbon at its core, \")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"WN\":\r\n {set desc1 to \"helium and nitrogen rich\"}\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Wolf-Rayet star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \", shedding considerable mass and exposing ionised helium and nitrogen at its core, \")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"WO\":\r\n {set desc1 to \"oxygen rich\"}\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Wolf-Rayet star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \", shedding considerable mass and exposing ionised oxygen at its core, \")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"WNC\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Wolf-Rayet star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \", shedding considerable mass and exposing ionised nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and helium at its core, \")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"W\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Wolf-Rayet star\"} \r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \", shedding considerable mass and exposing heavier elements at its core, \")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"CS\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"carbon star\"}\r\n |elif find([\"C\", \"CN\", \"CH\", \"CHd\"], reportbody.stellarclass) > -1:\r\n {set age to Occasionally(2, \"late-sequence\")} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"carbon-rich star\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"CJ\":\r\n {set age to Occasionally(2, \"late-sequence\")} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"carbon star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \"with high levels of carbon 13 in its atmosphere\")}\r\n |elif find([\"MS\", \"S\"], reportbody.stellarclass) > -1:\r\n {set age to Occasionally(2, \"late-sequence\")} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that was once an M class star and is on the way to becoming a carbon star\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"DA\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"white dwarf\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"with a hydrogen-rich atmosphere\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"DAB\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"white dwarf\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"with an atmosphere rich in hydrogen and helium\")}\r\n |elif slice(reportbody.stellarclass, 0, 1) = \"D\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"white dwarf\"}\r\n |elif slice(reportbody.stellarclass, 0, 1) = \"N\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"neutron star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that has a dangerously high-density core\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"H\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"black hole\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"X\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Exotic stellar entity\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"SuperMassiveBlackHole\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Supermassive black hole\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"A_BlueWhiteSuperGiant\":\r\n {set class to \"{Spacialise(\\\"A\\\")}\"}\r\n {set shortdescription to \"blue-white super-giant\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that is expanding towards being a red super-giant\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"F_WhiteSuperGiant\":\r\n {set class to \"{Spacialise(\\\"F\\\")}\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"yellow-white super-giant\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that is expanding towards being a red super-giant\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"M_RedSuperGiant\":\r\n {set class to \"{Spacialise(\\\"M\\\")}\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"red super-giant\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"in its helium burning phase\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"M_RedGiant\":\r\n {set class to \"{Spacialise(\\\"M\\\")}\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"red giant\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that is expanding towards being a red super-giant\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"K_OrangeGiant\":\r\n {set class to \"{Spacialise(\\\"M\\\")}\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"orange giant\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that is expanding as it heads towards the end of its life\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"RoguePlanet\":\r\n {set class to \"\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"Rogue planet\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"Nebula\":\r\n {set class to \"\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"Nebula\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"StellarRemnantNebula\":\r\n {set class to \"\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"Nebula remnant\"}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if !shortdescription:\r\n {set shortdescription to \"star\"}\r\n }\r\n {set description to shortdescription}\r\n {if desc1: \r\n {set description to cat(desc1, \" \", description)}\r\n }\r\n {if desc2: \r\n {set description to cat(description, \" \", desc2)}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Set additional common elements _}\r\n\r\n {if !class:\r\n {set class to Spacialise(reportbody.stellarclass)}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Begin speaking _}\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) > 0:\r\n {if reportbody.shortname != reportbody.systemname:\r\n {if fastburning = 1: {Occasionally(2, \"fast burning\")}}\r\n {mainsequence}\r\n {shortdescription}\r\n {P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")} is\r\n |else:\r\n This\r\n {if fastburning = 1: {Occasionally(2, \"fast burning\")}}\r\n {mainsequence}\r\n {shortdescription} is\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if rarity:\r\n {rarity}{if reportbody.chromaticity: \", \"} and\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) = 1:\r\n notable,\r\n |elif len(notables) = 2:\r\n {OneOf('interesting,', 'notable', 'remarkable')}\r\n |elif len(notables) = 3:\r\n {OneOf('exceptional,', 'remarkable,')}\r\n |elif len(notables) = 4:\r\n {OneOf('extraordinary,')}\r\n |elif len(notables) >= 5:\r\n {OneOf('one of a kind,', 'unique,')}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportClass = 1 && len(class) > 0: \r\n {set class to cat(\"class\", \" \", class)}\r\n {if reportSubClass && reportbody.stellarsubclass:\r\n {set class to cat(class, \" \", reportbody.stellarsubclass)}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {Occasionally(3, \"relative to similar {class} {shortdescription}s,\")}\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) > 0:\r\n with {List(notables)}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.chromaticity && reportChromaticity = 1:\r\n As you can see, it emits \r\n {if StartsWithVowel(reportbody.chromaticity): an |else: a } \r\n {reportbody.chromaticity} light. \r\n }\r\n }\r\n } \r\n\r\n {if reportScanValue: {F(\"Report last scan value\")} }\r\n\r\n {if reportHabZone && event.mainstar: {F(\"Star habitable zone\")} }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n{set reportAge to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report the star's age. _}\r\n{set reportRareStarClasses to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report when rare star classes are found _}\r\n{set reportMass to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report stars with abnormal mass _}\r\n{set reportRadius to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report stars with abnormal radii _}\r\n{set reportRotation to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report stars with abnormal rotational periods _}\r\n{set reportTemps to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report stars with abnormal surface temperatures _}\r\n{set reportDensity to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report notable densities (in kilograms per cubic meter) _}\r\n{set reportAbsMagnitude to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report stars with abnormal absolute magnitude (lower is brighter) _}\r\n{set reportRingedStars to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report when ringed stars are found _}\r\n{set reportChromaticity to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report the star's colour. _}\r\n{set reportClass to 1} {_ Set to 1 to report the stellar class. _}\r\n{set reportSubClass to 0} {_ Set to 1 to report the stellar sub class (if reportClass is also 1) _}\r\n{set reportScanValue to 0} {_ Set to 1 to report the scan value. _}\r\n{set reportHabZone to 0} {_ Set to 1 to report habitable zone details for the primary star. _}\r\n{set mainSequenceFrequency to 4} {_ Set to determine the frequency (1 chance in n) for describing applicable stars as \"main sequence\" _}\r\n{set reportRapidRotation to 1} {_ Reports very fast rotating bodies _}\r\n\r\n{_ Fetch from context }\r\n{set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_star_star, state.eddi_context_star_system)}\r\n{if !reportbody: {set reportbody to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_star_star)}}\r\n{if !reportbody && event: {set reportbody to}}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n\r\n Which star are you {OneOf(\"asking about\", \"referencing\")}?\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {_ Set up a list of notable star characteristics _}\r\n {set notables to []}\r\n\r\n {_ Set up various groups of stars _}\r\n {set mainsequence to [\"O\", \"B\", \"A\", \"F\", \"G\", \"K\", \"M\"]}\r\n {set fastburning to [\"WC\", \"WN\", \"WO\", \"WNC\", \"W\"]}\r\n {set browndwarves to [\"L\", \"T\", \"Y\"]}\r\n\r\n {for starclass in mainsequence:\r\n {if reportbody.stellarclass = starclass:\r\n {set mainsequence to Occasionally(mainSequenceFrequency, \"main sequence\")}\r\n }\r\n } \r\n {for starclass in browndwarves:\r\n {if reportbody.stellarclass = starclass:\r\n {set browndwarf to 1}\r\n }\r\n } \r\n {for starclass in fastburning:\r\n {if reportbody.stellarclass = starclass: \r\n {set fastburning to 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Is this a rare class of star? _}\r\n {if reportRareStarClasses:\r\n {if reportbody.starClass.percentage < 0.01:\r\n {set rarity to \"Incredibly rare\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.starClass.percentage < 0.1:\r\n {set rarity to \"Very rare\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.starClass.percentage < 1.0:\r\n {set rarity to \"Rare\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.starClass.percentage < 5:\r\n {set rarity to \"Uncommon\"}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Is the star notable in some other way? _}\r\n\r\n {if reportAge:\r\n {set ageInYears to reportbody.age * 1000000}\r\n {if ageInYears <= 1000000:\r\n {set ps to \", making it one of the youngest stars in the galaxy\"}\r\n |elif ageInYears >= 13000000000:\r\n {set ps to \", making it one of the oldest stars in the galaxy\"}\r\n }\r\n {if reportbody.ageprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.ageprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly young age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.ageprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely young age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.ageprobability < 5:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually young age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.ageprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly old age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.ageprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely old age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n |elif reportbody.ageprobability > 95:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually old age of \", Humanise(ageInYears), \" years\", ps)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportMass && reportbody.massprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.massprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.massprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high solar mass of \", Humanise(reportbody.solarmass), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportRadius && reportbody.radiusprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.radiusprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low solar radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability < 5:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low solar radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high solar radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high solar radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.radiusprobability > 95:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high solar radius at \", Humanise(reportbody.solarradius), \" times Sol's\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportRotation && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely \", OneOf(\"rapid\", \"high\"), \" rate of rotation at \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days \", Occasionally(2, \"per revolution\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly \", OneOf(\"rapid\", \"high\"), \" rate of rotation at \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days \", Occasionally(2, \"per revolution\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually \", OneOf(\"rapid\", \"high\"), \" rate of rotation at \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days \", Occasionally(2, \"per revolution\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability > 95:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"a high rate of rotation at \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days \", Occasionally(2, \" per revolution\"))])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportTemps && reportbody.tempprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.tempprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low surface temperature\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability < 5:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"lower than average surface temperature\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high surface temperature of \", Humanise(reportbody.temperature), \" Kelvin\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high surface temperature\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.tempprobability > 95:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"higher than average surface temperature\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportDensity && reportbody.densityprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.densityprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly low average density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely low average density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually low average density\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability < 5:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"lower than average density\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 99.99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely high average density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 99.9:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly high average density of \", Humanise(reportbody.density), \" kilograms per cubic meter\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 99:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually high average density\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.densityprobability > 95:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"higher than average density\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportRapidRotation && reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an incredibly short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an extremely short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n |elif reportbody.rotationalperiodprobability < 3:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(\"an unusually short rotational period of \", Humanise(reportbody.rotationalperiod), \" days\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportAbsMagnitude && reportbody.absolutemagnitudeprobability:\r\n {if reportbody.absolutemagnitudeprobability < 0.01:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(OneOf(\"incredible brilliance\", \"incredible luminosity\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.absolutemagnitudeprobability < 0.1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(OneOf(\"extreme brilliance\", \"extremely high luminousity\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.absolutemagnitudeprobability < 1:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(OneOf(\"unusually high brilliance\", \"unusually high luminousity\"))])}\r\n |elif reportbody.absolutemagnitudeprobability < 5:\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(OneOf(\"high brilliance\", \"high luminousity\"))])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Is the star ringed? _}\r\n {if reportRingedStars:\r\n {if reportbody.rings:\r\n {set ringcompositions to []}\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {for ring in reportbody.rings:\r\n {if find(, \"Ring\") > -1:\r\n {if find(ringcompositions, ring.composition) = -1:\r\n {set ringcompositions to cat(ringcompositions, [cat(ring.composition)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {set length to len(ringcompositions) - 1}\r\n {while cur < len(ringcompositions):\r\n {set ringsdescription to cat(ringsdescription, ringcompositions[cur])}\n {set cur to cur + 1}\n {if cur = length: \r\n {set ringsdescription to cat(ringsdescription, \" and \")}\n |elif cur < length:\r\n {set ringsdecription to cat(ringsdescription, \", \")}\n }\n }\r\n {if ringsdescription:\r\n {if len(ringcompositions) = 1:\r\n {if StartsWithVowel(reportbody.reserves): \r\n {set a to \"an \"} \r\n |else: \r\n {set a to \"a \"}\r\n }\r\n {set rings to \"ring\"}\r\n |else:\r\n {set rings to \"rings\"} \r\n }\r\n {if reportbody.reserveLevel.invariantName != \"None\": \r\n {set reserves to reportbody.reserves}\r\n }\r\n {set notables to cat(notables, [cat(a, \" \", reserves, \" \", ringsdescription, \" \", rings)])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Report notable stars _}\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) > 0:\r\n\r\n {_ Setup descriptions for our star _}\r\n\r\n {if find([\"L\", \"T\", \"Y\"], reportbody.stellarclass) > -1:\r\n {set shortdescription to \"brown dwarf\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"TTS\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"T tauri star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \"in the process of gravitational contraction\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"AEBE\":\r\n {set age to \"Very young\"}\r\n {set shortdescription to \"proto-star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \"yet to enter main sequence {Occasionally(2, \\\"but on the way to becoming an A or B class star\\\")}\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"WC\":\r\n {set desc1 to \"carbon rich\"}\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Wolf-Rayet star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \", shedding considerable mass and exposing ionised carbon at its core, \")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"WN\":\r\n {set desc1 to \"helium and nitrogen rich\"}\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Wolf-Rayet star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \", shedding considerable mass and exposing ionised helium and nitrogen at its core, \")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"WO\":\r\n {set desc1 to \"oxygen rich\"}\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Wolf-Rayet star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \", shedding considerable mass and exposing ionised oxygen at its core, \")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"WNC\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Wolf-Rayet star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \", shedding considerable mass and exposing ionised nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and helium at its core, \")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"W\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Wolf-Rayet star\"} \r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \", shedding considerable mass and exposing heavier elements at its core, \")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"CS\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"carbon star\"}\r\n |elif find([\"C\", \"CN\", \"CH\", \"CHd\"], reportbody.stellarclass) > -1:\r\n {set age to Occasionally(2, \"late-sequence\")} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"carbon-rich star\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"CJ\":\r\n {set age to Occasionally(2, \"late-sequence\")} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"carbon star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(2, \"with high levels of carbon 13 in its atmosphere\")}\r\n |elif find([\"MS\", \"S\"], reportbody.stellarclass) > -1:\r\n {set age to Occasionally(2, \"late-sequence\")} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that was once an M class star and is on the way to becoming a carbon star\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"DA\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"white dwarf\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"with a hydrogen-rich atmosphere\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"DAB\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"white dwarf\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"with an atmosphere rich in hydrogen and helium\")}\r\n |elif slice(reportbody.stellarclass, 0, 1) = \"D\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"white dwarf\"}\r\n |elif slice(reportbody.stellarclass, 0, 1) = \"N\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"neutron star\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that has a dangerously high-density core\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"H\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"black hole\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"X\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Exotic stellar entity\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"SuperMassiveBlackHole\":\r\n {set shortdescription to \"Supermassive black hole\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"A_BlueWhiteSuperGiant\":\r\n {set class to \"{Spacialise(\\\"A\\\")}\"}\r\n {set shortdescription to \"blue-white super-giant\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that is expanding towards being a red super-giant\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"F_WhiteSuperGiant\":\r\n {set class to \"{Spacialise(\\\"F\\\")}\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"yellow-white super-giant\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that is expanding towards being a red super-giant\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"M_RedSuperGiant\":\r\n {set class to \"{Spacialise(\\\"M\\\")}\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"red super-giant\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"in its helium burning phase\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"M_RedGiant\":\r\n {set class to \"{Spacialise(\\\"M\\\")}\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"red giant\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that is expanding towards being a red super-giant\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"K_OrangeGiant\":\r\n {set class to \"{Spacialise(\\\"M\\\")}\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"orange giant\"}\r\n {set desc2 to Occasionally(4, \"that is expanding as it heads towards the end of its life\")}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"RoguePlanet\":\r\n {set class to \"\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"Rogue planet\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"Nebula\":\r\n {set class to \"\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"Nebula\"}\r\n |elif reportbody.stellarclass = \"StellarRemnantNebula\":\r\n {set class to \"\"} \r\n {set shortdescription to \"Nebula remnant\"}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if !shortdescription:\r\n {set shortdescription to \"star\"}\r\n }\r\n {set description to shortdescription}\r\n {if desc1: \r\n {set description to cat(desc1, \" \", description)}\r\n }\r\n {if desc2: \r\n {set description to cat(description, \" \", desc2)}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Set additional common elements _}\r\n\r\n {if !class:\r\n {set class to Spacialise(reportbody.stellarclass)}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Begin speaking _}\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) > 0:\r\n {if reportbody.shortname != reportbody.systemname:\r\n {if fastburning = 1: {Occasionally(2, \"fast burning\")}}\r\n {mainsequence}\r\n {shortdescription}\r\n {P(reportbody.shortname, \"body\")} is\r\n |else:\r\n This\r\n {if fastburning = 1: {Occasionally(2, \"fast burning\")}}\r\n {mainsequence}\r\n {shortdescription} is\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if rarity:\r\n {rarity}{if reportbody.chromaticity: \", \"} and\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) = 1:\r\n notable,\r\n |elif len(notables) = 2:\r\n {OneOf('interesting,', 'notable', 'remarkable')}\r\n |elif len(notables) = 3:\r\n {OneOf('exceptional,', 'remarkable,')}\r\n |elif len(notables) = 4:\r\n {OneOf('extraordinary,')}\r\n |elif len(notables) >= 5:\r\n {OneOf('one of a kind,', 'unique,')}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportClass = 1 && len(class) > 0: \r\n {set class to cat(\"class\", \" \", class)}\r\n {if reportSubClass && reportbody.stellarsubclass:\r\n {set class to cat(class, \" \", reportbody.stellarsubclass)}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {Occasionally(3, \"relative to similar {class} {shortdescription}s,\")}\r\n\r\n {if len(notables) > 0:\r\n with {List(notables)}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportbody.chromaticity && reportChromaticity = 1:\r\n As you can see, it emits \r\n {if StartsWithVowel(reportbody.chromaticity): an |else: a } \r\n {reportbody.chromaticity} light. \r\n }\r\n }\r\n } \r\n\r\n {if reportScanValue: {F(\"Report last scan value\")} }\r\n\r\n {if reportHabZone && event.mainstar: {F(\"Star habitable zone\")} }\r\n}",
"default": true
"Star scanned": {
"name": "Star scanned",
"description": "Triggered when you complete a scan of a stellar body",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'star')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_star_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_star_star',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_scan_estimated_value', event.estimatedvalue)}\r\n\r\n{if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n {F(\"Star report\")}\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'star')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'scan')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_star_system',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_star_star',}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_scan_estimated_value', event.estimatedvalue)}\r\n\r\n{if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n {F(\"Star report\")}\r\n}",
"default": true
"Station no fire zone entered": {
"name": "Station no fire zone entered",
"description": "Triggered when your ship enters a station's no fire zone",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Station no fire zone exited": {
"name": "Station no fire zone exited",
"description": "Triggered when your ship exits a station's no fire zone",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Station report": {
"name": "Station report",
"description": "Function to report on the details of the current station",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "Nothing of interest here.",
"defaultValue": "Nothing of interest here.",
"default": true
"Statistics": {
"name": "Statistics",
"description": "Statistics provided at the beginning of a game session",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Suit purchased": {
"name": "Suit purchased",
"description": "Triggered when you buy a space suit",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Surface signals detected": {
"name": "Surface signals detected",
"description": "Triggered when surface signal sources are detected",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{set surfacesignals to []}\r\n{for signal in event.surfacesignals: \r\n {set surfacesignals_desc to: \r\n {signal.amount} {signal.source}{if signal.amount > 1:s}\r\n }\r\n {set surfacesignals to cat(surfacesignals, [surfacesignals_desc])}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{List(surfacesignals)} detected.",
"defaultValue": "{set surfacesignals to []}\r\n{for signal in event.surfacesignals: \r\n {set surfacesignals_desc to: \r\n {signal.amount} {signal.source}{if signal.amount > 1:s}\r\n }\r\n {set surfacesignals to cat(surfacesignals, [surfacesignals_desc])}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{List(surfacesignals)} detected.",
"default": true
"Swapout check": {
"name": "Swapout check",
"description": "Check to see if any fitted modules are available more cheaply here",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Function to find a given module in outfitting}\r\n{set outfitting(module) to:\r\n {for outfittingmodule in station.outfitting:\r\n {if outfittingmodule.EDName = module.EDName:\r\n {return outfittingmodule}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Function to report if a module is cheaper in outfitting that on the ship}\r\n{set reportIfCheaper(shipmodule) to:\r\n {_ Only consider if this has no modifications}\r\n {if !shipmodule.modified:\r\n {set outfittingmodule to outfitting(shipmodule)}\r\n {if outfittingmodule:\r\n {if outfittingmodule.price > 0 && outfittingmodule.price < shipmodule.price:\r\n {set saving to shipmodule.price - outfittingmodule.price}\r\n {_ Only bother if it's a relatively good saving... more than 2% of the ship value or more than 0.1% of the commander's credit balance}\r\n {if saving / ship.value > 0.02 || (cmdr.credits > 0 && saving / cmdr.credits > 0.001):\r\n You could reduce your re-buy by {Humanise(round(saving *} credits by swapping out your {} here.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.powerplant)}\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.thrusters)}\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.frameshiftdrive)}\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.lifesupport)}\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.powerdistributor)}\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.sensors)}\r\n{for hardpoint in ship.hardpoints:\r\n {if hardpoint.module:\r\n {reportIfCheaper(hardpoint.module)}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if compartment.module:\r\n {reportIfCheaper(compartment.module)}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Function to find a given module in outfitting}\r\n{set outfitting(module) to:\r\n {for outfittingmodule in station.outfitting:\r\n {if outfittingmodule.EDName = module.EDName:\r\n {return outfittingmodule}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Function to report if a module is cheaper in outfitting that on the ship}\r\n{set reportIfCheaper(shipmodule) to:\r\n {_ Only consider if this has no modifications}\r\n {if !shipmodule.modified:\r\n {set outfittingmodule to outfitting(shipmodule)}\r\n {if outfittingmodule:\r\n {if outfittingmodule.price > 0 && outfittingmodule.price < shipmodule.price:\r\n {set saving to shipmodule.price - outfittingmodule.price}\r\n {_ Only bother if it's a relatively good saving... more than 2% of the ship value or more than 0.1% of the commander's credit balance}\r\n {if saving / ship.value > 0.02 || (cmdr.credits > 0 && saving / cmdr.credits > 0.001):\r\n You could reduce your re-buy by {Humanise(round(saving *} credits by swapping out your {} here.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.powerplant)}\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.thrusters)}\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.frameshiftdrive)}\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.lifesupport)}\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.powerdistributor)}\r\n{reportIfCheaper(ship.sensors)}\r\n{for hardpoint in ship.hardpoints:\r\n {if hardpoint.module:\r\n {reportIfCheaper(hardpoint.module)}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n{for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if compartment.module:\r\n {reportIfCheaper(compartment.module)}\r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"Synthesised": {
"name": "Synthesised",
"description": "Triggered when you synthesise something from materials",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "Synthesis complete.",
"defaultValue": "Synthesis complete.",
"default": true
"System distance report": {
"name": "System distance report",
"description": "Function to report on the distance to the contextual system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch from context }\r\n{set reportsystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_system)}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which system you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n Distance to {P(, \"starsystem\")} is {Humanise(Distance(reportsystem.x, reportsystem.y, reportsystem.z, system.x, system.y, system.z))} light years.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch from context }\r\n{set reportsystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_system)}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which system you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n Distance to {P(, \"starsystem\")} is {Humanise(Distance(reportsystem.x, reportsystem.y, reportsystem.z, system.x, system.y, system.z))} light years.\r\n}",
"default": true
"System faction changed": {
"name": "System faction changed",
"description": "Triggered when there is a change in the controlling faction of a watched system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"System materials report": {
"name": "System materials report",
"description": "Run a body materials report for each landable body in the system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{set landable to 0}\r\n{set landable_rings to 0}\r\n\r\n{set _inventory(required) to:\r\n {for material in materials:\r\n {if material.material = required:\r\n {return material}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{set score to -1}\r\n{set needfactor to 1.4}\r\n{set bestbody to \"\"}\r\n\r\n{for body in system.bodies:\r\n\t{set _score to 0}\r\n\t{if body.landable:\r\n\t\t{for material in body.materials:\r\n\t\t\t{set inventoryMat to _inventory(material.material)}\r\n\t\t\t{set needamt to inventoryMat.minimum - inventoryMat.amount}\r\n\t\t\t{set wantamt to inventoryMat.desired - inventoryMat.amount}\r\n\t\t\t{set factor to (material.percentage - material.definition.goodpctbody) / (material.definition.greatpctbody - material.goodpctbody)}\r\n\t\t\t{if factor >= 0 && needamt > 0:\r\n\t\t\t\t{set _score to _score + needamt * factor * needfactor}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t{if factor >= 0 && wantamt > 0:\r\n\t\t\t\t{set _score to _score + wantamt * factor}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t{if _score > score:\r\n\t\t\t{set score to _score}\r\n\t\t\t{set bestbody to body.shortname}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{for body in system.bodies:\r\n {if body.landable:\r\n {set landable to landable + 1}\r\n {if body.rings && len(body.rings) > 0:\r\n {set landable_rings to landable_rings + 1}\r\n {if reportbody.shortname != \r\n {if reportbody.bodytype:\r\n {reportbody.bodytype}\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf(\"Body\", \"Object\")} \r\n }\r\n }\r\n {P(body.shortname, \"body\")} is a landable body with\r\n {if len(body.rings) = 1: one ring.\r\n |else: {len(body.rings)} rings.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {SetState(\"eddi_context_report_body\",}\r\n {if body.shortname = bestbody: {P(body.shortname, \"body\")} scored {Humanise(score)}}.\r\n {if bestbody = \"\" || body.shortname = bestbody: {F(\"Body materials report\")}}\r\n .\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if landable > 0:\r\n {if landable = 1:\r\n There is one landable body {Occasionally(3, \"in this system\")}\r\n |else:\r\n There are {landable} landable bodies in this system.\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": null,
"default": false
"System report": {
"name": "System report",
"description": "Function to report on the details of the contextual star system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(system.systemname)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which system you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n {P(, \"starsystem\")} is\r\n {if reportSystem.population && reportSystem.population > 0:\r\n {if = \"High\":\r\n {OneOf(\"a highly policed\", \"a well regulated\")}\r\n |elif = \"Low\":\r\n {OneOf(\"a poorly policed\", \"a poorly secured\")}\r\n |elif = \"Anarchy\":\r\n {OneOf(\"an unpoliced\", \"an unsecured\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {if reportSystem.allegiance = \"Federation\": a |else: an }\r\n }\r\n {if reportSystem.allegiance = \"Federation\":\r\n Federal\r\n |elif reportSystem.allegiance = \"Empire\":\r\n Imperial\r\n |else:\r\n independent\r\n }\r\n {if reportSystem.government != \"None\":\r\n {reportSystem.government}\r\n |else:\r\n system\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"of\", \"with a population of\", \"home to\", \"supporting\")} {Humanise(reportSystem.population)} {OneOf(\"people\", \"souls\")}\r\n {if reportSystem.powerState.invariantName != \"None\":\r\n {if reportSystem.powerState.invariantName = \"Home System\":\r\n , and is home to {P(reportSystem.power, \"power\")}\r\n |elif reportSystem.powerState.invariantName = \"Control\":\r\n , and is {OneOf(\"allied with\", \"controlled by\")} {P(reportSystem.power, \"power\")}\r\n |elif reportSystem.powerState.invariantName = \"Exploited\":\r\n , and is {OneOf(\"aligned to\", \"within the influence of\")} {P(reportSystem.power, \"power\")}\r\n |elif reportSystem.powerState.invariantName = \"Contested\":\r\n , and is contested by multiple powers\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n\r\n {if reportSystem.faction:\r\n {P(reportSystem.faction, \"faction\")} is the {OneOf(\"controlling\", \"local\", \"immediate\")} {OneOf(\"power\", \"faction\")}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(reportSystem.stations) = 0:\r\n There are no stations present\r\n |else:\r\n {set systemStations to []}\r\n {if len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) = 1:\r\n {set orbitalStationDesc to: \r\n There is {OneOf(\"a single\", \"a lone\", \"just one\", \"one\")} orbital station\r\n }\r\n |elif len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) > 1:\r\n {set orbitalStationDesc to: \r\n There are {len(reportSystem.orbitalstations)} orbital stations\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if len(reportSystem.planetarystations) = 1:\r\n {set planetaryStationDesc to: \r\n {if len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) = 0: There is}\r\n {OneOf(\"a single\", \"a lone\", \"just one\", \"one\")} planetary station\r\n }\r\n |elif len(reportSystem.planetarystations) > 1:\r\n {set planetaryStationDesc to: \r\n {if len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) = 0: There are}\r\n {len(reportSystem.planetarystations)} planetary stations\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if len(reportSystem.carriersignalsources) = 1:\r\n {set fleetCarrierDesc to:\r\n {if len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) = 0 && len(reportSystem.planetarystations) = 0: There is}\r\n {OneOf(\"a single\", \"a lone\", \"just one\", \"one\")} fleet carrier\r\n }\r\n |elif len(reportSystem.carriersignalsources) > 1:\r\n {set fleetCarrierDesc to: \r\n {if len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) = 0 && len(reportSystem.planetarystations) = 0: There are}\r\n {len(reportSystem.carriersignalsources)} fleet carriers\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if orbitalStationDesc:\r\n {set systemStations to cat(systemStations, [orbitalStationDesc])}\r\n }\r\n {if planetaryStationDesc:\r\n {set systemStations to cat(systemStations, [planetaryStationDesc])}\r\n }\r\n {if fleetCarrierDesc:\r\n {set systemStations to cat(systemStations, [fleetCarrierDesc])}\r\n }\r\n {List(systemStations)}\r\n }\r\n in this system\r\n |else:\r\n unpopulated\r\n }.\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(system.systemname)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n I'm not sure which system you are asking about.\r\n|else:\r\n {P(, \"starsystem\")} is\r\n {if reportSystem.population && reportSystem.population > 0:\r\n {if = \"High\":\r\n {OneOf(\"a highly policed\", \"a well regulated\")}\r\n |elif = \"Low\":\r\n {OneOf(\"a poorly policed\", \"a poorly secured\")}\r\n |elif = \"Anarchy\":\r\n {OneOf(\"an unpoliced\", \"an unsecured\")}\r\n |else:\r\n {if reportSystem.allegiance = \"Federation\": a |else: an }\r\n }\r\n {if reportSystem.allegiance = \"Federation\":\r\n Federal\r\n |elif reportSystem.allegiance = \"Empire\":\r\n Imperial\r\n |else:\r\n independent\r\n }\r\n {if reportSystem.government != \"None\":\r\n {reportSystem.government}\r\n |else:\r\n system\r\n }\r\n {OneOf(\"of\", \"with a population of\", \"home to\", \"supporting\")} {Humanise(reportSystem.population)} {OneOf(\"people\", \"souls\")}\r\n {if reportSystem.powerState.invariantName != \"None\":\r\n {if reportSystem.powerState.invariantName = \"Home System\":\r\n , and is home to {P(reportSystem.power, \"power\")}\r\n |elif reportSystem.powerState.invariantName = \"Control\":\r\n , and is {OneOf(\"allied with\", \"controlled by\")} {P(reportSystem.power, \"power\")}\r\n |elif reportSystem.powerState.invariantName = \"Exploited\":\r\n , and is {OneOf(\"aligned to\", \"within the influence of\")} {P(reportSystem.power, \"power\")}\r\n |elif reportSystem.powerState.invariantName = \"Contested\":\r\n , and is contested by multiple powers\r\n }\r\n }.\r\n\r\n {if reportSystem.faction:\r\n {P(reportSystem.faction, \"faction\")} is the {OneOf(\"controlling\", \"local\", \"immediate\")} {OneOf(\"power\", \"faction\")}.\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if len(reportSystem.stations) = 0:\r\n There are no stations present\r\n |else:\r\n {set systemStations to []}\r\n {if len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) = 1:\r\n {set orbitalStationDesc to: \r\n There is {OneOf(\"a single\", \"a lone\", \"just one\", \"one\")} orbital station\r\n }\r\n |elif len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) > 1:\r\n {set orbitalStationDesc to: \r\n There are {len(reportSystem.orbitalstations)} orbital stations\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if len(reportSystem.planetarystations) = 1:\r\n {set planetaryStationDesc to: \r\n {if len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) = 0: There is}\r\n {OneOf(\"a single\", \"a lone\", \"just one\", \"one\")} planetary station\r\n }\r\n |elif len(reportSystem.planetarystations) > 1:\r\n {set planetaryStationDesc to: \r\n {if len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) = 0: There are}\r\n {len(reportSystem.planetarystations)} planetary stations\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if len(reportSystem.carriersignalsources) = 1:\r\n {set fleetCarrierDesc to:\r\n {if len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) = 0 && len(reportSystem.planetarystations) = 0: There is}\r\n {OneOf(\"a single\", \"a lone\", \"just one\", \"one\")} fleet carrier\r\n }\r\n |elif len(reportSystem.carriersignalsources) > 1:\r\n {set fleetCarrierDesc to: \r\n {if len(reportSystem.orbitalstations) = 0 && len(reportSystem.planetarystations) = 0: There are}\r\n {len(reportSystem.carriersignalsources)} fleet carriers\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if orbitalStationDesc:\r\n {set systemStations to cat(systemStations, [orbitalStationDesc])}\r\n }\r\n {if planetaryStationDesc:\r\n {set systemStations to cat(systemStations, [planetaryStationDesc])}\r\n }\r\n {if fleetCarrierDesc:\r\n {set systemStations to cat(systemStations, [fleetCarrierDesc])}\r\n }\r\n {List(systemStations)}\r\n }\r\n in this system\r\n |else:\r\n unpopulated\r\n }.\r\n}",
"default": true
"System scan complete": {
"name": "System scan complete",
"description": "Triggered after having identified all bodies in the system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n{set reportGreenSystems to true} {_ if true, reports systems containing all fsd synthesis elements. _}\r\n{set reportGoldSystems to true} {_ if true, reports systems containing all surface prospectable elements. _}\r\n{set reportBodiesToMap to true} {_ If true, recommends bodies to map using the `Bodies to map` script. _}\r\n{set reportValueThreshold to 5000000}\r\n\r\n{if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n {for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if compartment.module.invariantName = \"Planetary Vehicle Hangar\":\r\n {set hasSRV to true}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if hasSRV:\r\n {if system.isgold:\r\n {if reportGoldSystems:\r\n This {Occasionally(2, \"star\")} system \r\n {OneOf(\"contains\", \"holds\", \"has\")}\r\n every element \r\n {OneOf(\"that can be found\", \"available\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"on planetary surfaces.\", \"from surface prospecting.\")}\r\n Exploration class: Gold.\r\n }\r\n |elif system.isgreen:\r\n {if reportGreenSystems:\r\n This {Occasionally(2, \"star\")} system \r\n {OneOf(\"contains\", \"holds\", \"has\")}\r\n every element \r\n {Occasionally(2, \"that may be\")} \r\n required to \r\n {OneOf(\"augment\", \"boost\")} \r\n {OneOf(\"the {Occasionally(2, \\\"jump\\\")} range of this ship.\", \r\n \"an explorer's {Occasionally(2, \\\"jump\\\")} range.\", \r\n \"{ShipName()}'s {Occasionally(2, \\\"jump\\\")} range.\"\r\n )}\r\n Exploration class: Green.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {F(\"System materials report\")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportBodiesToMap:\r\n {set bodiesToMap to F(\"Bodies to map\")}\r\n {if bodiesToMap:\r\n {Pause(2000)}\r\n {bodiesToMap}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n {if system.estimatedvalue >= reportValueThreshold:\r\n \tSystem estimated value: {Humanise(system.estimatedvalue)}\r\n }\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Preferences _}\r\n{set reportGreenSystems to true} {_ if true, reports systems containing all fsd synthesis elements. _}\r\n{set reportGoldSystems to true} {_ if true, reports systems containing all surface prospectable elements. _}\r\n{set reportBodiesToMap to true} {_ If true, recommends bodies to map using the `Bodies to map` script. _}\r\n\r\n{if ship.Role.edname = \"Exploration\" || ship.Role.edname = \"Multipurpose\":\r\n {for compartment in ship.compartments:\r\n {if compartment.module.invariantName = \"Planetary Vehicle Hangar\":\r\n {set hasSRV to true}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {if hasSRV:\r\n {if system.isgold:\r\n {if reportGoldSystems:\r\n This {Occasionally(2, \"star\")} system \r\n {OneOf(\"contains\", \"holds\", \"has\")}\r\n every element \r\n {OneOf(\"that can be found\", \"available\")}\r\n {OneOf(\"on planetary surfaces.\", \"from surface prospecting.\")}\r\n Exploration class: Gold.\r\n }\r\n |elif system.isgreen:\r\n {if reportGreenSystems:\r\n This {Occasionally(2, \"star\")} system \r\n {OneOf(\"contains\", \"holds\", \"has\")}\r\n every element \r\n {Occasionally(2, \"that may be\")} \r\n required to \r\n {OneOf(\"augment\", \"boost\")} \r\n {OneOf(\"the {Occasionally(2, \\\"jump\\\")} range of this ship.\", \r\n \"an explorer's {Occasionally(2, \\\"jump\\\")} range.\", \r\n \"{ShipName()}'s {Occasionally(2, \\\"jump\\\")} range.\"\r\n )}\r\n Exploration class: Green.\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {if reportBodiesToMap:\r\n {set bodiesToMap to F(\"Bodies to map\")}\r\n {if bodiesToMap:\r\n {Pause(2000)}\r\n {bodiesToMap}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"default": false
"System state changed": {
"name": "System state changed",
"description": "Triggered when there is a change in the state of a watched system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'system')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'change_state')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_system', event.system)}\r\n\r\n{_ Set up our system name}\r\n{if event.system =\r\n {set system to OneOf('{P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}',\r\n 'your home system')}\r\n|elif event.system =\r\n {set system to OneOf('{P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}',\r\n 'this system')}\r\n|else:\r\n {set system to OneOf('system {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}',\r\n '{P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}')}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.newstate != 'None':\r\n {_ System has entered a new state}\r\n {OneOf('Local transmissions report that', 'Information: ', 'Transmission intercepted. Contents state that ')}\r\n {if event.newstate = 'Boom':\r\n {OneOf('{system} is experiencing a commercial boom',\r\n '{system} is entering a period of heightened commercial success')}\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Bust':\r\n {system} is experiencing economic hardship\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Civil Unrest':\r\n {OneOf('{system} is experiencing civil unrest',\r\n 'there is unrest in the {system} system')}\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Civil War':\r\n {OneOf('{system} is at war with another faction in the same system',\r\n 'civil war has broken out in {system}',\r\n '{system} has fallen in to civil war',\r\n 'hostilities have broken out in {system}')}\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Election':\r\n {system} is undergoing elections\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Expansion':\r\n {OneOf(\"a faction in {system}'s is attempting to expand in to a neighbouring system\",\r\n \"a faction in {system}'s is preparing to expand in to a neighbouring system\")}\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Famine':\r\n {system} is suffering from famine\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Investment':\r\n {system}'s controlling faction are investing heavily in their local infrastructure\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Lockdown':\r\n {system} has heightened security due to a lockdown by the controlling faction\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Outbreak':\r\n {system} is suffering from an outbreak of contagious disease\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Retreat':\r\n {system}'s controlling faction is retreating from a neighbouring system\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'War':\r\n {system} is now at war with a neighbouring system\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf('{system} has entered {event.state}',\r\n '{system} is now in a state of {event.state}')}\r\n }.\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'system')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'change_state')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system', event.system)}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_system_system', event.system)}\r\n\r\n{_ Set up our system name}\r\n{if event.system =\r\n {set system to OneOf('{P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}',\r\n 'your home system')}\r\n|elif event.system =\r\n {set system to OneOf('{P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}',\r\n 'this system')}\r\n|else:\r\n {set system to OneOf('system {P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}',\r\n '{P(event.system, \"starsystem\")}')}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if event.newstate != 'None':\r\n {_ System has entered a new state}\r\n {OneOf('Local transmissions report that', 'Information: ', 'Transmission intercepted. Contents state that ')}\r\n {if event.newstate = 'Boom':\r\n {OneOf('{system} is experiencing a commercial boom',\r\n '{system} is entering a period of heightened commercial success')}\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Bust':\r\n {system} is experiencing economic hardship\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Civil Unrest':\r\n {OneOf('{system} is experiencing civil unrest',\r\n 'there is unrest in the {system} system')}\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Civil War':\r\n {OneOf('{system} is at war with another faction in the same system',\r\n 'civil war has broken out in {system}',\r\n '{system} has fallen in to civil war',\r\n 'hostilities have broken out in {system}')}\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Election':\r\n {system} is undergoing elections\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Expansion':\r\n {OneOf(\"a faction in {system}'s is attempting to expand in to a neighbouring system\",\r\n \"a faction in {system}'s is preparing to expand in to a neighbouring system\")}\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Famine':\r\n {system} is suffering from famine\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Investment':\r\n {system}'s controlling faction are investing heavily in their local infrastructure\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Lockdown':\r\n {system} has heightened security due to a lockdown by the controlling faction\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Outbreak':\r\n {system} is suffering from an outbreak of contagious disease\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'Retreat':\r\n {system}'s controlling faction is retreating from a neighbouring system\r\n |elif event.newstate = 'War':\r\n {system} is now at war with a neighbouring system\r\n |else:\r\n {OneOf('{system} has entered {event.state}',\r\n '{system} is now in a state of {event.state}')}\r\n }.\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
"default": true
"System state report": {
"name": "System state report",
"description": "Report on the current state of the contextual system",
"enabled": true,
"priority": null,
"responder": false,
"script": "{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(system.systemname)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n\r\n I'm not sure which system you are asking about.\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {_ Report any ongoing conflicts _}\r\n {set conflictfactions to []}\r\n {if reportSystem.conflicts != null:\r\n {for conflict in reportSystem.conflicts:\r\n {P(conflict.faction1, \"faction\")}\r\n {if conflict.status = \"active\":\r\n are\r\n |elif conflict.status = \"pending\":\r\n will soon be\r\n |else:\r\n are recovering after\r\n }\r\n {if conflict.faction1dayswon > conflict.faction2dayswon:\r\n {if conflict.margin >= 3:\r\n dominating\r\n |elif conflict.margin = 2:\r\n winning\r\n |else:\r\n ahead in\r\n }\r\n |elif conflict.faction2dayswon > conflict.faction1dayswon:\r\n {if conflict.margin >= 2:\r\n losing\r\n |else:\r\n trailing in\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n tied in\r\n }\r\n {if StartsWithVowel(conflict.state): an |else: a }\r\n {conflict.state}\r\n with \r\n {P(conflict.faction2, \"faction\")}\r\n {if conflict.stake:\r\n for control of {P(conflict.stake, \"station\")}\r\n }\r\n .\r\n {set conflictfactions to cat(conflictfactions, [conflict.faction1])}\r\n {set conflictfactions to cat(conflictfactions, [conflict.faction2])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ List our non-conflict faction states _}\r\n {set otherstates to []}\r\n {for faction in reportSystem.factions:\r\n {if faction.influence > 0 && find(conflictfactions, = -1:\r\n {for presence in faction.presences:\r\n {if presence.systemName =\r\n {if presence.FactionState.invariantName != \"None\":\r\n\r\n {_ Note our controlling faction, if present in our `otherstates` list. _}\r\n {if = reportSystem.faction:\r\n {set factions to token(factions, \"\", index, \"controlling \")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Add the faction to our list _}\r\n {if has(otherstates, presence.state):\r\n {set factions to otherstates[presence.state])}\r\n {set factions to cat(factions, \",\", P(, \"faction\"))}\r\n {set otherstates to union(otherstates, [presence.state: factions])}\r\n |else:\r\n {set otherstates to union(otherstates, [presence.state: P(, \"faction\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Sort from most factions with each state to least factions with each state. _}\r\n {declare by_items(a, b) as:\r\n {return cmp(len(split(b, \",\")), len(split(a, \",\")))}\r\n }\r\n {sort(otherstates, by_items)}\r\n\r\n {_ Prepare summaries for each state _}\r\n {set statesummaries to []}\r\n {for state, factions in otherstates:\r\n\r\n {set factions to split(factions, \",\")}\r\n\r\n {set statesummary to:\r\n {if len(factions) > 1:\r\n {List(factions)} are\r\n |else:\r\n {factions[0]} are\r\n }\r\n {if state = \"Retreat\":\r\n in retreat\r\n |elif state = \"War\":\r\n at war\r\n |elif state = \"Boom\":\r\n undergoing a boom\r\n |elif state = \"Civil Liberty\":\r\n enjoying a period of heightened civil liberty\r\n |elif state = \"Civil Unrest\":\r\n experiencing civil unrest\r\n |elif state = \"Civil War\":\r\n in civil war\r\n |elif state = \"Famine\":\r\n in a state of famine\r\n |elif state = \"Lockdown\":\r\n in lockdown\r\n |elif state = \"Outbreak\":\r\n attempting to contain an outbreak of disease\r\n |elif state = \"Expansion\":\r\n gearing up to expand to another system\r\n |elif state = \"Bust\":\r\n financially bust\r\n |elif state = \"Election\":\r\n electing new leaders\r\n |elif state = \"Investment\":\r\n investing in its infrastructure\r\n |elif state = \"Incursion\":\r\n under assault by alien forces\r\n |elif state = \"Pirate Attack\":\r\n suffering from pirate attacks\r\n |elif state = \"Blight\":\r\n suffering from a crop blight\r\n |else: {_ catch-all, worded to avoid deciding between a/an}\r\n in a state of {state}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set statesummaries to cat(statesummaries, [statesummary])}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Describe our non-conflict states _}\r\n {if len(statesummaries) > 0:\r\n {Pause(100)}\r\n {List(statesummaries)}\r\n }\r\n\r\n}",
"defaultValue": "{_ Fetch from Context, if a context is set _}\r\n{if state.eddi_context_system_name:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n|else:\r\n {set reportSystem to SystemDetails(system.systemname)}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{if ! || = \"\":\r\n\r\n I'm not sure which system you are asking about.\r\n\r\n|else:\r\n\r\n {_ Report any ongoing conflicts _}\r\n {set conflictfactions to []}\r\n {if reportSystem.conflicts != null:\r\n {for conflict in reportSystem.conflicts:\r\n {P(conflict.faction1, \"faction\")}\r\n {if conflict.status = \"active\":\r\n are\r\n |elif conflict.status = \"pending\":\r\n will soon be\r\n |else:\r\n are recovering after\r\n }\r\n {if conflict.faction1dayswon > conflict.faction2dayswon:\r\n {if conflict.margin >= 3:\r\n dominating\r\n |elif conflict.margin = 2:\r\n winning\r\n |else:\r\n ahead in\r\n }\r\n |elif conflict.faction2dayswon > conflict.faction1dayswon:\r\n {if conflict.margin >= 2:\r\n losing\r\n |else:\r\n trailing in\r\n }\r\n |else:\r\n tied in\r\n }\r\n {if StartsWithVowel(conflict.state): an |else: a }\r\n {conflict.state}\r\n with \r\n {P(conflict.faction2, \"faction\")}\r\n {if conflict.stake:\r\n for control of {P(conflict.stake, \"station\")}\r\n }\r\n .\r\n {set conflictfactions to cat(conflictfactions, [conflict.faction1])}\r\n {set conflictfactions to cat(conflictfactions, [conflict.faction2])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ List our non-conflict faction states _}\r\n {set otherstates to []}\r\n {for faction in reportSystem.factions:\r\n {if faction.influence > 0 && find(conflictfactions, = -1:\r\n {for presence in faction.presences:\r\n {if presence.systemName =\r\n {if presence.FactionState.invariantName != \"None\":\r\n\r\n {_ Note our controlling faction, if present in our `otherstates` list. _}\r\n {if = reportSystem.faction:\r\n {set factions to token(factions, \"\", index, \"controlling \")}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Add the faction to our list _}\r\n {if has(otherstates, presence.state):\r\n {set factions to otherstates[presence.state])}\r\n {set factions to cat(factions, \",\", P(, \"faction\"))}\r\n {set otherstates to union(otherstates, [presence.state: factions])}\r\n |else:\r\n {set otherstates to union(otherstates, [presence.state: P(, \"faction\")])}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Sort from most factions with each state to least factions with each state. _}\r\n {declare by_items(a, b) as:\r\n {return cmp(len(split(b, \",\")), len(split(a, \",\")))}\r\n }\r\n {sort(otherstates, by_items)}\r\n\r\n {_ Prepare summaries for each state _}\r\n {set statesummaries to []}\r\n {for state, factions in otherstates:\r\n\r\n {set factions to split(factions, \",\")}\r\n\r\n {set statesummary to:\r\n {if len(factions) > 1:\r\n {List(factions)} are\r\n |else:\r\n {factions[0]} are\r\n }\r\n {if state = \"Retreat\":\r\n in retreat\r\n |elif state = \"War\":\r\n at war\r\n |elif state = \"Boom\":\r\n undergoing a boom\r\n |elif state = \"Civil Liberty\":\r\n enjoying a period of heightened civil liberty\r\n |elif state = \"Civil Unrest\":\r\n experiencing civil unrest\r\n |elif state = \"Civil War\":\r\n in civil war\r\n |elif state = \"Famine\":\r\n in a state of famine\r\n |elif state = \"Lockdown\":\r\n in lockdown\r\n |elif state = \"Outbreak\":\r\n attempting to contain an outbreak of disease\r\n |elif state = \"Expansion\":\r\n gearing up to expand to another system\r\n |elif state = \"Bust\":\r\n financially bust\r\n |elif state = \"Election\":\r\n electing new leaders\r\n |elif state = \"Investment\":\r\n investing in its infrastructure\r\n |elif state = \"Incursion\":\r\n under assault by alien forces\r\n |elif state = \"Pirate Attack\":\r\n suffering from pirate attacks\r\n |elif state = \"Blight\":\r\n suffering from a crop blight\r\n |else: {_ catch-all, worded to avoid deciding between a/an}\r\n in a state of {state}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n {set statesummaries to cat(statesummaries, [statesummary])}\r\n }\r\n\r\n {_ Describe our non-conflict states _}\r\n {if len(statesummaries) > 0:\r\n {Pause(100)}\r\n {List(statesummaries)}\r\n }\r\n\r\n}",
"default": true
"Technology broker": {
"name": "Technology broker",
"description": "Triggered when using the Technology Broker to unlock new purchasable technology",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Touchdown": {
"name": "Touchdown",
"description": "Triggered when your ship touches down on a planet's surface",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Touchdown _}\r\n{_ Triggered when your ship touches down on a planet's surface _}\r\n\r\n\r\n{set body to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n\r\n{if event.playercontrolled = true && state.eddi_context_last_subject != 'location':\r\n Touchdown \r\n {if on {P(, \"body\")} }.\r\n|else:\r\n {ShipName()} has touched down\r\n {if on {P(, \"body\")} }.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(2000)}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.latitude) != \"void\" && type(event.longitude) != \"void\" :\r\n Coordinates are {round(event.latitude, 2)} degrees latitude, {round(event.longitude, 2)} degrees longitude.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'ship')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'land')}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Touchdown _}\r\n{_ Triggered when your ship touches down on a planet's surface _}\r\n\r\n\r\n{set body to BodyDetails(state.eddi_context_body_name, state.eddi_context_system_name)}\r\n\r\n{if event.playercontrolled = true && state.eddi_context_last_subject != 'location':\r\n Touchdown \r\n {if on {P(, \"body\")} }.\r\n|else:\r\n {ShipName()} has touched down\r\n {if on {P(, \"body\")} }.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(2000)}\r\n\r\n{if type(event.latitude) != \"void\" && type(event.longitude) != \"void\" :\r\n Coordinates are {round(event.latitude, 2)} degrees latitude, {round(event.longitude, 2)} degrees longitude.\r\n}\r\n\r\n{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'ship')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'land')}\r\n",
"default": true
"Trade data purchased": {
"name": "Trade data purchased",
"description": "Triggered when you purchase trade data",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'tradedata')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'buy')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_tradedata_name', event.system)}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"Purchased trade data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')}\",\r\n \"Trade data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} now available\",\r\n \"Received trade data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} from station services\",\r\n \"Receipt of {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} trade data confirmed\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'tradedata')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'buy')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_tradedata_name', event.system)}\r\n\r\n{OneOf(\"Purchased trade data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')}\",\r\n \"Trade data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} now available\",\r\n \"Received trade data for {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} from station services\",\r\n \"Receipt of {P(event.system, 'starsystem')} trade data confirmed\")}.",
"default": true
"Trade voucher redeemed": {
"name": "Trade voucher redeemed",
"description": "Triggered when you redeem a trade voucher",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'trade_voucher')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'redeem')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_trade_voucher_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\nTrade vouchers for {Humanise(event.amount)} credits redeemed\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"\r\n {if len(event.rewards) = 1:\r\n by {P(event.rewards[0].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n |else:\r\n by\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(event.rewards):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n |elif cur < len(event.rewards) - 1:\r\n , \r\n |else:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n {P(event.rewards[cur].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\")}.\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{_ Context }\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'trade_voucher')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_last_action', 'redeem')}\r\n{SetState('eddi_context_trade_voucher_amount', event.amount)}\r\n\r\nTrade vouchers for {Humanise(event.amount)} credits redeemed\r\n{Occasionally(2, \"\r\n {if len(event.rewards) = 1:\r\n by {P(event.rewards[0].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n |else:\r\n by\r\n {set cur to 0}\r\n {while cur < len(event.rewards):\r\n {if cur = 0:\r\n |elif cur < len(event.rewards) - 1:\r\n , \r\n |else:\r\n and\r\n }\r\n {P(event.rewards[cur].faction, \"faction\")}\r\n {set cur to cur + 1}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\")}.\r\n",
"default": true
"Under attack": {
"name": "Under attack",
"description": "Triggered when under fire (same time as the Under Attack voice message)",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Undocked": {
"name": "Undocked",
"description": "Triggered when your ship undocks from a station or outpost",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{OneOf(\"Full control re-established\", \"Docking clamps free\", \"Disengaged from local networks\")}.\r\n\r\n{set limpetcheck to F(\"Limpet check\")}\r\n\r\n{if limpetcheck:\r\n {Pause(5000)}\r\n {limpetcheck}\r\n}\r\n",
"defaultValue": "{OneOf(\"Full control re-established\", \"Docking clamps free\", \"Disengaged from local networks\")}.\r\n\r\n{set limpetcheck to F(\"Limpet check\")}\r\n\r\n{if limpetcheck:\r\n {Pause(5000)}\r\n {limpetcheck}\r\n}\r\n",
"default": true
"VA initialized": {
"name": "VA initialized",
"description": "Triggered when the VoiceAttack plugin is initialized",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": null,
"defaultValue": null,
"default": true
"Vehicle destroyed": {
"name": "Vehicle destroyed",
"description": "Triggered when your vehicle is destroyed",
"enabled": true,
"priority": 3,
"responder": true,
"script": "{if state.eddi_context_srv_deployed_id =\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_srv_deployed_id', \"\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(2000)}\r\n{OneOf(\"Neural link\", \"Link\", \"Uplink\")} {OneOf(\"terminated\", \"disengaged\")}.",
"defaultValue": "{if state.eddi_context_srv_deployed_id =\r\n {SetState('eddi_context_srv_deployed_id', \"\")}\r\n}\r\n\r\n{Pause(2000)}\r\n{OneOf(\"Neural link\", \"Link\", \"Uplink\")} {OneOf(\"terminated\", \"disengaged\")}.",
"default": true
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